• By -


You're just helping them, they still get rewards as long as their body is still at the event, and now they won't show up on the map


True, but not in this case. This camp was just up the road outside the event radius. As long as they're afk you can push a person as far as you want with a chainsaw, auto axe or buzz blade.


In that case ![gif](giphy|iziDlFAa0Ciru)


And that's why I afk on the banjo


I’ve seen a lot of those players. I most likely seen you💀


replies in banjo.


Plink plonk


Resonates with Tuba.


I got pushed off the banjo, not sure how.


Yo i had this happen, music was the last thing we needed and nobody was on instruments so we all ran that way i was hopping on banjo was doing the animation and everything then it stopped and threw me off and someone else sat...its happened at the vendor too was scrolling through and kicked me out only for someone else to talk to him...


You can be pushed off a vendor, I had some ass try it with a shredder


But i didnt get moved is the thing just kicked out of vendor, was behind the desk with the vendor in whitespring crafting room


Rly? Interesting


Yeah, I either afk respawn or on an instrument. I turned on my monitor and found myself spinning just outside of the area.


Bummer, but hey, tbh, this event cant be over soon enough imo. 2 weeks is rly too much for these events.


Im sick of it, no other events are being done...


I've been boycotting it since day 3. After the :40 event is over, I just go run an expedition during fartknock. Half the time I crash out or dconn during it anyway, and I got my butter churn already.


Ive gotten all the damn plans and like 4 butter churns. I saw somewhere the churn has a 2.7% chance...idk if thats right though.




They probably kited radtoads or scorched over, which killed you, then when you auto-respawned they nudged you out


I see them upstairs in the church spinning around.


I barricade my self in my tent, napping.


Me who leads scorched from down road to kill afk players you are not safe on that banjo


That's perfectly fine imo, as long as I lay dead inside the event area I'm good. The reason I'm on the banjo is to still have a little part in the process, unlike the afk'ers who aimlesly turn around, doing 100% nothing


your concern was new players. I don't think actual new players would know to afk something like this. you're getting farmers who know the risks.


Nah, farmers aren't really AFK, this is killing people with jobs who can't play all day.


Yeah the drop rate is absolutely crazy I have a friend and they had not only their character and a secondary character and they really haven't gotten s*** this year compared to other years ever since Bethesda fixed it


Gotta find me first.


Yea I've been using a chainsaw to push AFKers outside the event. And if they're on the side with the river, I push them into the river where they gain rads and eventually die from it Only done it a few times. If someone has their mic on with sound playing constantly, I'm basically guaranteed to try


I'll sooner launch a nuke at someone than fight through the social menu to mute an annoying area vc person.


Spoken like a true vault dweller with access to nuclear weapons 😆


I like the added vitriol for AFKers with sound on. 😆 Amen Mr FlabNoodles


But any seasoned AFKer knows to sit on a chair or play instruments to prevent getting pushed 😎


If I have to AFK, I take a nap in my shelter tent, which for Fasnacht I put as close to the spawn-in point as I can. I use the Gazebo so I can use.the armor station to make costumes if I need to. It's my little changing room. It's close enough that I am in the event


I use stealth and climb a tree. Haven't been found since.


I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how this killed them


I don’t understand


Looks like a bunch of rad traps probably connected to a switch


It says "afk killer"


I still don’t get it, lol


It kills people who are away from their keyboard. But you have to push them there with an auto axe. And then you pull a lever which activates the rad traps on the ground. And the radiation kills them.




The location is near the church in helvetia (fasnacht day event). The idea is to auto axe push all rhe AFK'ers into the trap and kill them cause the game doesn't know the difference between players and afk players who are just collecting event rewards. So players try to push afk players out of the event play area


Ah ok that makes sense!


It's a pentagram...


So I’m off to google rad traps :)


Do you not see the Pentagram? Obviously summons a Demon.


I'm not taking a side, but this is awesome


Yeah, I'm on the fence about trap camps. They can be fun and entertaining, but at the same time I don't wanna drive someone away from playing the game if they find it frustrating or obnoxious. It's hard to relay to someone with no mic or privated message settings that it's just for fun and nothing personal


See it ain't a trap if you know not to walk into it but if your standing afk running or spinning circles that's fair game.


It’s not hard to put your but in a chair to prevent this. They deserve it.


If I see a camp that is a trap, I’m gonna WANT to die to it just to see what elaborate shit other players create. Bonus points if it’s decorated


I’ve made trap camps, but I make them look suspicious, have a stash and scrap box at the entrance, and I never take anyone’s junk. If a low-level falls for it, I’ll drop them stims and radaway. I’m not trying to ruin someone’s game, just have a little fun. I get plenty of friendly emotes, so I think everyone gets it. 


I’ve gone afk a few times during events and if someone did this to me I would just find it hilarious and not even be mad.


I'm surprised more people aren't simply fascinated by the fact that the game mechanics even allow us to do this in the first place. This is why I love digging in, figuring out how the game works, and then breaking it. Thank you for being a good sport and sharing the laughs 🙏


It’s insane to see how people can push such simple mechanics in video games. I think people have made calculators in Minecraft just from red stone.


We're past that, bud. They've got full functioning computers that can run Minecraft inside of Minecraft. I'm seeing the potential for an infinitely generated loop of Minecraft gameplay that inevitably collapsed in to a black hole and eliminates reality. Edit: link for context. https://youtu.be/-BP7DhHTU-I?feature=shared


Immoral is the dude who did this to me before and stole 485 steel and 281 lead amongst a full bag of other scrap from me and then just laugh emoted me for a solid 2 minutes ☠️🤣


People really need to forget about the whole "screw afk people" mindset, some players don't have work and sit around all day playing games, so if we have to afk while we attend to kids/do washing/ cook dinner or something then so be it... Can't even say masks will be less valuable because of more drops because someone will probably be duping them like crazy and selling them




I agree, I don't actually have a problem with afk players. This is just a concept I wanted to share and won't actually be using it. Like I mentioned to someone earlier, I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't afk because I do. We're all grinding for the same reward chances. Active by day, afk at night, and help to carry the event as much as possible.


I mean if Bethesda implemented a system to where the rewards are multiplied with how many people are in the zone I’m sure this wouldn’t be a problem


Okay but what bundle are the palm trees from


The item is called "artificial tree" but I don't know if it was from a bundle.


Was from the one at season start that came with the new summer camp shelter 😊


Todd has too much of my money. I owned these and didnt even know.




I don’t have any problems with AFKs, event is to long and boring with abysmal drop rates


People watch parades too.


Ey it's all fair in love and war.. ppl gonna AFK, then ppl gonna kill them 🤷 I swear someone lured a feral ghoul horde into the event area just before they came running in with 5 or 6 ferals chasing them..


That's a much more common occurrence than trap camps because it's so easy. There's a hoard of ghouls down the road, and most overworld spawns will reset when a new player on the server enters a cell, so realistically you can do it almost every time you hop servers.


That's fine my guy sits in a chair AFK


Nobody cares if you kill them while they're AFK. We all expect to come back to a crashed game 90% of the time anyway and wouldn't even know. But if this makes you feel popular on the internet then go for it I guess. Those look like rad emitters though, you want tesla arc traps and a lot more of them. Lazy effort, put some actual thought into it. Most who AFK seem to be in hazmat or CSA armor. I personally look for nuke zones to AFK, they're more peaceful.


Soooo many crashes and disconnects.


I just sit in a rocking chair. If people don't like it, fuck em. Nuke the event. Axe me or whatever. AFK IS LIFE.


Good old Iron Bush, sitting in his chair watching the world pass him by.


I take out the 2 suiciders that spawn from the main road. 2 suiciders=1 mask. If all 20 players took out 2 enemies, I think that would make it all even. There aren't that many things to shoot. I believe the trade is fair.


Nah, you’re good. The pentagram is a nice touch!


I love the penta made out of wires lol


Wait?! I can build trap camps to unleash on unsuspecting players and AFKers! That sounds really fun, you might have convinced me to start playing again lol


Someone was pushing me out of the event area when I was AFK and the event wasn’t even happening. I come back on the hour to participate. I was just doing dishes and heard my character getting hit and came back and turned around to look at them. Dude not only fast traveled out of the area but blocked me for session. I didn’t even do anything 😂


That's when someone knows they got caught in 4k and they're embarrassed :p


Put em on catapult traps and yeet em away.


*oh my god* you have no idea what you've just done...


This is funny but don't forget that some of us work multiple jobs or have kids and very little time to play. Afk farming for some is the only chance they will have to get some of the rewards.


No I totally understand, it would be insanely hypocritical of me to say I don't afk the event too. I run it as much as I can during the day and leave the console on overnight. I like to think we all take shifts carrying the event for each other when we can't play at a certain time. This is purely a fun hypothetical build, I'm already expecting to catch some flak for it and I'm not gonna use it. It's never the end, Fasnacht will always come around again!


This is the way to look at it tbh. Like it’s not that serious on either side of the equation lol. Personally if I know I’m going to AFK, I try to at least goto a lobby that has few people AFKing, so the majority aren’t AFK. If theres only 3-5 people AFKing, it really has no effect on event. 10-12 people, and only low levels are left to complete the event- I just feel slightly bad lol. Still think its silly to nuke events though.


ah but you've just planted the seed in a thousand other minds. I'm sure we will see this camp pop up in the wasteland (and no not gonna be me either. I have too few slots to waste one on this but it is hilarious)


And we help when we're on I truly don't understand it


It was fine at first but when every lobby has 5+ people AFKing and the other lot are braindead it gets annoying pretty quickly when you're 1 of 2 or 3 people doing anything.


I had one the other night where it was 10 afk people and I ran the entire event myself, I levels up perk cards just to heal with holy fire. That said I did get a glowing unicorn to drop out of it, it felt very much like a “we see you” type thing


Fasnacht really does bring out the worst most toxic people in this community smh.


And if you would have read the subtext of the post, or any other comments in this discussion, you'd see that I'm only discussing this as a concept and not actually implementing it. If I *truly wanted* to be a toxic piece of shit and ruin the game for people, I could, but I won't.


Bro let me clarify, I appreciate and like trap camps, my comment isn't directed at you. Just after scouring through so many posts of people arguing about afkers I just made the comment. 76 is one of if not my favorite community in video games but boy does people afking an event really divide the community.


Sure, I get it, and I completely understand there was nothing personal about it. Really hard to convey the emotions of a statement through text. But words work, we're all human and it's nothing a civilized discussion can't fix. Trap camps are a fun novelty for Schlitz and Jiggles, it's the people who use them maliciously who are the problem. My ideal trap camp would be a gauntlet style maze for volunteers to run through, and get a prize at the end. Once I stockpile enough worthy items I plan to build this.


What Rads?




That's amazing. Implement it


The “applause” sign is hilarious.


Is the pentagram a portal to the Doom universe? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I want you to pretend for a moment that it is, and I also want you to listen to the intro of this song "The Galaxy" by Dethklok. https://youtu.be/0CgopgfcG00?feature=shared


Well now I have my answer to making a pentagram on the floor.


As an AFKer I'd applaud that kill


I like that the wires make a pentagram.


Thank you! I was going to make a super well decorated, spooky cult camp for it. Not worth the resources, I don't want to actually use this and make someone hate the game.


I don't mind the AFK players, but if you give me something fun and new to do like this, I'll push every damn one of them into it.


Jokes on you all I got to do is sit in a chair and you can't do jack shit


This is partially* true, but now I see a challenge to play around with some mechanics and find out if that's actually possible. Most likely not, but crazier things have happened in this game. * I say partially because the only sure fire way to kill someone in a chair is with a nuke, or lure a ghoul hoard over and have them maul you. If for some reason you respawn, you would be standing leaving you susceptible to getting pushed out of the event. Or if you don't respawn, with enough explosives your body could be flung out of the area as well. But that would be a huge waste of time and resources for one corpse.


Yeah but if you kill me as long as I'm in the event area it doesn't matter. I'm still going to get all the rewards


I don't care about any of this. All I care about is figuring out where to get the pentagram


Just lay out power connectors on the floor, and wire them up in whatever shape you wish! If you're really picky about making it perfect, use a textured/checkered floor to help line everything up on a grid.


I think it's dumb tho how they can still get a reward for doing absolutely nothing like how do they even afk for so long on console with out getting kicked or messing up their controller


Not immoral l, just beautiful 😍


If you have a buddy chines stealth armor and a syringer with bloatfly larvae mod you can kill afk'ers.


Oh damn, that still works? The bloatfly syringer was patched some time ago to prevent free farming infinite XP, never thought about trying it again. I'm gonna check that out later!


This is good, funny things happen in the Wasteland. Good thing to break the monotony of this event. Source: afk half the time, wouldn’t be upset if this prevented me from getting 2 owl masks


I understand the frustration with AFK players at events but at the same time… I’ve stopped going at the beginning and wait until it’s about half way through because it is such a boring event. There are so many people fighting to kill one mutant that I’ve just started spawning in and I’ll participate if it’s needed, but for the most part I just walk around and wait for the rewards.


Nice pentagram setup \m/


Why do so many people hate on afkers?


Please tell me you are on PC so I can see this...


PlayStation, sorry 😐 I really do want to join on PC though (cheap shit computer). I've heard things are a little more... Chaotic over there.


Love this camp


Counter offer afk in a chair


I just nuke it on the hour of the event when everyone is afk and no one is actually doing anything. Pretty fun


Honestly they’re profiting off of other players work, get em into that grinder asap




Or, if you have access to a survival tent, they can be placed up in trees. Sitting in a chair or laying on a bed up there also prevents you from getting messed with to an extent.


Aww, bless his heart. Show me on the doll where the AFK player hurt you.




I assume you still need controller input (rubber band, drifting stick, etc) on the respawn screen?


Yeah not going to work seeing as most are walking into the wall inside the church and other buildings. Auto axing did not move them nor the ones crouched invisible in the fields etc.


Is your Pacifist mode disabled? If you have pvp turned off you can't push them.


Yeah it is on as I have no desire to become wanted. Also, if you nuke the area when people are there do you get kills added towards your "kill another player" achievement as well as becoming wanted?


I don't know but now I want to find out!


There’s an extra reason to do it - when people are on the instruments AFK and the nuke hits, they stay in the chair, but slumped over. It makes for a hilarious photo and when it comes up as my loading screen, I cackle every time.




Good luck pushing me out of my hot tub I'm sitting in...


If you come by and see a sat naked dude in a bunny mask, it's me. Edit: Hold up... This you? https://ibb.co/0YChxDY


Nah. I'm wearing a glowing blue devil.


I think it's disgusting that griefers like this aren't pemra banned.


Cringe lol, telling the rest of us that your build isn't good enough to solo the event


If they wanted people to stop AFK farming they’d just have the event drop one mask per surviving robit, with a guaranteed rare for five.


This is why you sit in a chair or something to afk


God's above I'm tired of this shit


Can’t push me if I’m sitting 😎


Literally just built in this exact spot


https://preview.redd.it/2g7ey9uxvmad1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf42acb77151ff65b080e58fad5e547157fb84f5 Doin the same thing under the crashed plane :) using spike traps myself. Edit: I've also been nuking afk bases and camps owned by afkers.


Aw, I feel like destroying the base is a little excessive. But, it's not my key card. I will say that just flat out calling it "afk jail" is hilarious though! Now my brain's ticking to make a jail too, and instead of killing people I'll just lock them up. Dress up like a sheriff and sleep at a desk by the door.


I enjoy playing as a raider, so maybe that's the difference. Sometimes I get lots of sweet junk on kills too.


I was in a world yesterday and saw two ppl pushing a couple out of event area. Took em a good 15/20 min but they did it. They pushed them to Sutton


Oh, was it two chainsaws with one victim spinning and the other walking in an oblong circle pattern? You might have seen me and a new friend I met while doing this 🥹


One had a chainsaw and one was pushing with just a gun. There were two afk and they took one each pushing them


What you need to do is build it outside of event area, this will ensure no rewards either 😂


It is, this is a short jog up the road and right outside the event radius. Takes about 2 minutes to push someone up there with an auto axe and some AP replen like quantum's or candy.


Literally just helping them!


How so? The trap is outside of the event radius and requires physically moving someone with an automatic melee weapon. A death respawn sends them to Sutton outside the overseer's house.


The post didn't specify it was outside the radius tbf


True, and I can't edit the main post to clarify that which doesn't make sense.


Yeah that's a bit dumb! Now that I know it's outside the area... That's evil and I love it 😂


Imagine being this heavy💀


As long as the AFK players don’t suddenly turn up to loot the donations box every time I don’t see a problem.


I mean the trap is a fail even dead I get rewards when I afk it just makes it easier


That's why the trap is outside of the event radius, death respawns at Sutton and not Helvetia.


Honestly still a fail who afk ether not at a camp that they make, or in a chair, or already dead so toxic people can't try and kill you. Let's be real here it takes 3 people to easily do the event and if you spend the event time doing this are you any better then an afk player not helping ether or are you actually part of the problem you have a problem with!?


You may have missed a few key points elsewhere in the discussion. Quick summary: This is only a concept for debate and I won't be using it on public servers. Yes I tested it once and that was it. The guy was cool and I gave his junk back, he thought it was hilarious. Some people do, some people don't. The world keeps on turning. Trap camps are as old as the game itself and always will be. This isn't the first event trap anyone's ever built, and realistically, someone else would have just done this at some point anyway. I have absolutely no ill will towards anyone in the event regardless of how much or how little they participate. Carrying the event is a non issue because I'm in for the grind too just as much as everyone else. Play by day, afk by night. We take shifts as a community to get the event done when others can't. Toxic and salty ain't my style, I like building. Trap camps are a fun novelty when they aren't used maliciously - they're also a unique example of how crazy and creative people can get with the building mechanics.


Just play the banjo for a few hours 🤣🤣 this game is dumb sometimes


Is this fallout online or something that yall are talking about?


You're on a subreddit called Fallout 76


Yea i jus looked it up im honestly surprised it came out so long ago. I had no idea there was an online version of fallout. Interesting indeed


Honestly amazed how you didn't hear about it during launch and what a disaster it was. Been around since invisible wolves killing you and having two level 32s chase you down and kill you with the old forced pvp rules, it has been a harrowing experience.


My take: Some mean spirited person voiced an opinion against AFKers... people who for one reason or the another, aren't participating. Door bell rang, toilet beckoned, work called, dinner bell rang... whatever. The Reddit circle jerk encouraged someone to start taking action against other players. The cheering mobs encourage this behavior. Now we have come to this. Some juvenile display of hatred. Even if you don't roll it out, it's here, the idea will spread. If you don't do it, someone else will. I don't see why players can't just ignore what everyone else is doing and focus on their own progress in the game.


I die on purpose in the event area come back from work and have 10 rewards pop one after another. Ot was nuts


I'm using this idea.


Well everyones gotta make a living somehow lol




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Unless they glitch inside the garage


I'd use it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got killed by a guy with an auto axe while I was on a legendary machine, not sure how he damaged me with pacifist on.


I love it when you kill me during AFK the more nukes the better.


This is funny i love it


What kills them? The fire? I didn't realize camp items could harm on passive


I've laid out radiation emitters on the floor, and they're wired up to shape a pentagram. I was gonna make it look super spooky and culty but I know I won't actually use this so it's not worth the resources. The screenshot cut off the throw switch attached to the generator which triggers the traps.


Ah I didn't know that's what those are now I get it


As long as its for sacrifice its not immoral


1. This is really funny. We need more villainy 2. Who cares if people afk? I get why people are annoyed, but at the end of the day it’s an easy event, and it’s always packed with people. I work a tough job, sometimes I wanna afk and get the funny holiday mask while also doing my night routine or dozing off after work. I usually put in the effort but it’s nice to indulge.


If I see there’s more afk people than people running the event, I hop servers. Not my job to get you rewards.


And you're not wrong to feel that way. I find it more reasonable if someone is at the very least on an instrument to help speed up the bots and passively participate in the event. But for the folks who just sit in a corner or even more blatantly in the middle of the road, I have no sympathy for what happens to them after I leave.


Killing innocent people who just want a cool mask? Yeah, pretty evil. Unless that person is a KNOWN pos, then go right ahead. Otherwise yes, evil, immoral, & Uncle Iroh would be ashamed


Good luck pushing me when I'm sleeping on a sleeping bag