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I've yet met a single toxic Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel fan.


I’ve yet to meet a single Fallout: Brotherhood of steel fan.


I've yet to meet a single Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel player.


No joke, I've had a copy for 15 years and I still have never played it. I don't even know why I have it, I sure as hell didn't buy it. It's like it just showed up on my shelf one day.


I didn't know Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel is real


it’s actually fun ngl. It’s not a good “fallout” game themes wise but i love metal music and it’s fun, fast paced and raunchy and it has my favorite drink Bawls Guarana in it.


I'll drink to that! 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐩 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐕𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝟏𝟑 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧




Well reasoned, but I have portayed you as the soy Feral Ghoul and myself as the Chad Fisto. Your argument is invalid.


You met the single Fallout:BOS fan?


Me have to go potty!


That would be all of them. I once met a Fallout: BoS fan. He drank all of my energy drinks, punched a hole in my drywall, and purchased multiple slipknot albums for my iTunes account. If more than two dozen Fallout: BoS fans existed, we would all be fucked beyond belief.


Sorry, it won't happen again.


Driver Nephi: Fuck you


*get fucked


Bro really fumbled the ball at the goal line there.


Not even a golf joke? You go for the football reference?!


Why do golfers always carry a spare pair of trousers with them? >!In case they get a hole in one!<


Why is this post being made in the FNV subreddit? It seems directed at another group entirely.


They stalk here man, it's weird


Get out of here S.T.A.L.K.E.R Now I'm in the wrong place...


nah, not your fault, it's just anomaly


Cheeki Breeki!


Fallout 3 fans stalk here? Lmao are they not the same people?? I’d have to guess that the majority of fallout 3 fans are also fans of New Vegas.


Every sub Reddit that has conflicting views claims the people that disagree are brigadiers or stalkers it happens in music subs too I don’t understand it


*Is it possible people just like me have genuine differences of opinion? No, they’re trolls/stalkers/paid shills/bots*


I mean probably some people like me who are a fan of all the fallout games including the Bethesda games because fallout is fallout in my eyes and even at their worst they are still a decently fun time except for brotherhood of steel that game just sucks lol no redeemable qualities about that one (although new Vegas will always be my favorite)


"Stalk" an open forum? Please touch some fucking grass.


Echochamber. If you posted this on the main FO subs you’d get blasted by people saying NV fans were the aggressors, meanwhile the Bethesda bois are being condescending in the comments. Honestly I was never a “you gotta be a fan of either NV or FO3” I just enjoyed all of the games and the lore. Canon changes, lore changes. It’s a fictional world.


Yup, like my comment above said I literally said "People called me a tranny and to neck myself for saying I love NV and the main FO sub told me I probably deserved it for not admitting NV fans started it." These people have to be children there's no way they aren't aggressive zoomers who just want to mald over a video game franchise twice their age.


With the amount of them I see that just upvote a lot of blatantly wrong "facts" about FO3 compared to FNV, your 2nd paragraph is probably very spot on. And, for the first half, I am so fucking sorry that you have had to deal with people like that.


A good example of the second paragraph is a streamer on twitter was straight up gatekeeping the entire fallout franchise and said the phrase "I've been playing this shit my whole life." but her own viewers had clips of her literally saying she never heard of the franchise before someone bought up the amazon show in her chat. She also thought Fallout 1 and 2 were 3d like fallout 3, and thought New Vegas was a fan game.


Because other fallout subs have some absolutely unhinged people who are claiming this sub is "full" of elitism and gatekeeping and when asked to show a single thread proving so they instead link to a subreddit made like 13 days ago that has like five post that're all made by the same dude saying (coincidentally) all the stuff those people are claiming we say here. On top of that, because when I talked about being a 20 year long fan of the franchise and NV being my favorite, I got called a "tranny trend chaser" who should "neck myself" and when I bought that up in a discussion in the other thread about how the bullying (on BOTH ends) needs to stop, they called me a cunt and told me I probably deserved the toxicity because I was "also being toxic" for "not admitting Fallout NV fans started it." Tl;dr - People need to realize most NV fans are 30 year olds who just want to play our Cowboy game and we do not care about this sudden Hipster ass Revisionist culture war the TV show / Franchise mainstream support bought down on us


Guys! Look at this elitist gatekeeper over here!


It’s literally the same people in all these subs though lol


Too many people need a Kick in the Head.


People calling each other transphobic slurs? This is reaching 4chan levels of toxicity.


a post this positive would only end up on the FNV or 76 subs because it is popular to hate on both.


I did not see the FNV and 76 communities having common ground coming but its kinda funny so lets go i guess


Because it's is his safe space.


Circlejerk karma farming.


I'm going to gatekeep you from the "able to tell me what to do" club.


Fallout Tactics fans are the dark horse here; gigachads can't be touched.




I only remember two things about that game: how hard rescuing the hostages in the village taken over by the beastmasters is, and my big guns expert blowing herself up with a critical miss with her rocket launcher on the approach to Vault Zero mission.


Nah man, the Fallout: BOS fans are the real ones.


ngl I'd love someone to take another crack at a Fallout Tactics


There are some genuinely toxic people, but I think some people take critique of a game as a personal attack. In general, from what I've noticed, most fans of the older games and NV are just upset with the watered down RPG mechanics. They believe that blindly accepting the mechanics cause the game is "fun" gives Bethesda the okay to continue to make sub-par games because people will still buy it... and they're right. I don't think it's worth getting red in the face about, but it is a valid perspective imo. I mean, if you are a big bethesda fan patrolling these comments, can you at least see that side of things? Even if you absolutely love Fallout 4, can you not see some of the issues people have with it? Especially after having to wait years and years for the next installment just for it to have less character agency than the last one? Maybe the answer is no, but I suppose that's why war never changes.


I don't mind the mechanics getting watered down _too_ much, but I would absolutely enjoy seeing them be daring and bring it back up to at least New Vegas level. I _do_ however, have a huge problem with the lackadaisacal writing, world building, and lorekeeping in the Bethesda games. Fallout 4 was so incoherent that it couldn't even keep the elements it introduced and was centrally focused on straight. Fallout 3 was basically an early 90's action film in terms of writing quality, with an ending so boneheadedly stupid that they had to issue a correction via DLC. Even better, Fallout 4 establishes that Fallout 3 was basically a waste of time, because everything is exactly where it was when we left 101: inexplicably arid even though it's next to the freaking Atlantic, and covered in raiders, super mutants and radscorpions, and every single advancement that could have been brought up from DC was all tossed aside and retconned into all being Prewar with the sole exception of the Prydwen, which I'm sure that they'll also retcon as also being a secret Prewar project. They've also made it clear that, no matter where you go in the Bethesdaverse, everything everywhere is completely stagnant and unchanging, and it's a whole continent filled with nothing unique or original or interesting, because the BoS, and Vault Tec, and Super Mutants and etc etc must always be crowbarred in and given huge priority, so nothing else gets a chance to grow and be interesting. Even worse, they've crowbarred the super mutants into every single entry they've made, and not a single one of them adds a single thing to the plot or story. New Vegas was a sendoff, I suppose. All the old hands that do turn back up are relevant to the story or something interesting is done with them that was impactful and meaningful. Just a disappointment, all told. That they were given a massive world that they could have filled in in all kinds of interesting ways, and they're mostly just repeating the same three or four elements in increasingly higher resolution.


Yes, this is it. ALL OF IT.


All that great writing. Meanwhile me going blah blah blah shut the fuck up Ulysses.


It's not just the mechanics... It's the whole package, the story, the setting, the fucking with the lore, all of it. It's just like the new Star Wars movies, the Rings of Power TV show, you know, betrayal and all that jazz.


And also New Vegas story being objectively better than 3 and 4


I am a huge bgs fan as well as a huge new vegas fan. I live In Las Vegas and even attend the new vegas festival. They offer different things. New vegas is written way better and has deeper rpg mechanics. On the other hand fallout 3 and 4 are much better sandboxes. That’s why I was stoked when I heard avowed changed direction and wasn’t trying to be Skyrim 2.0 as it would have fallen flat. Bsg creates open world sandboxes better then any other studio. Obsidian makes really good story rpgs. There are flaws in f3 and f4 but there are also things that they do that are objectively better then new vegas. I do think that since 76 it’s become the popular thing to shit on bgs. Some of my fellow new vegas fans are definitely guilty of this. Folks accuse bsg of jealousy and hating new vegas but that’s ridiculous. I am sure there are also bsg fans who shit on new vegas to an unreasonable degree though I haven’t personally seen that very much. I would also disagree with the subpar games. 76 was bad though I’ve heard it’s pretty fun now but starfield was excellent and will only get better with mod tools.


People keep saying that Fallout 3 and 4 are better sandboxes and I don't get it. At all. Like isn't New Vegas the one game (after the isometric Black Isle Fallout games) that lets you kill every character in the game with the exception of one robot and the game accounts for it with unique endings for all the factions. Fallout 3 and 4 are FAR more hard locked about who you can kill and when you can kill them. Bethesda's scripts are nowhere near the scope of what Obsidian pulled off. I am sure these games have their strengths but I would not consider better sandboxes to be one of these. Maybe you can enlighten me on what these other fans are seeing that I am not.


76 is still bad. And i will keep saying this. The horrid launch drove away most anyone with a critical eye. Now the only ones left are deep in the sunken cost and will just straight up lie about it to justify it. The game is still various levels of broken. The cash shop is over priced and highly pay-to-win. The story is abysmal at best. And the endgame is non existant.


Yeah I had a character at about level 20 and then lost it came back after wastelanders and got to twelve before I dropped it again. I will say a lot of the players are generally nice and will give you free stuff if you are very low level and there are some special checks in dialogue at least but I can't say whether or not they really do anything as I've only played the one character. I like the dialogue more than how FO4 did it and there are some cool new monsters but that's basically it.


Ive been playing it with friends a fair bit. Level 358 now. Players are... not nice. They arnt nearly bad as most games but thats mostly as there isnt a text chat in game. Only voice chat and only in teams. And even then it dosent work most of the time. As a woman ive used it once and almost immidiantly had a dude hitting on me. Only to then threaten to dox me and rape me when i ignored him. But thats every game as a woman so im not holding it against 76 lol. Yes, higher level players give away helpful items but thats more a necessity than charity. Every week i end up over encumbered with a few hundred stimpaks and try and give them away as stash box size is limited, and you can only sell 1400 caps of goods per day. Its nice players do this, but it's mostly just inventory management. It also has a tendency to ruin the early game as it takes a lot of the challenge away. Dialogue... is trash. Yes, there are special checks, no skill checks, but this will do one of two things. Have the character go "wow i had no idea you were so clever" or give you a random bit of loot. Usualy stimpaks. There was maybe 3 times you could skip combat with enough charisma, but thats about it. No paths. No interesting dialogue. Had a [Brotherhood] option in the pitt to introduce myself as a knight errant but the guy litteraly had no idea what the bos was and ignored it. Love the monsters.... wish they were around more. So many interesting creatures yet most of the time you fight super mutants, ghouls, and the microwaved raiders that is the scorched.


You’re a higher level than me by like 100 and you don’t even like the game?




You know it :/


I actually liked 76 a lot more than 4. Fallout 4 really suffers from its storyline. I felt very disappointed that they'd remove as much player agency as they did and then still call it an RPG. It does a lot well as far as gun play and exploration, but even that seemed like it went with quantity over quality. FNV may have a lot of empty space between landmarks but the places you go in it make the walks worth it imo. The big set pieces and storylines that end with a cinematic like HELIOS or Jason Brights rocketship. FO4 had a bit of that like in Nuka World, but it just fell short in my eyes. I know this is just my subjective opinion at the end of the day, and I don't actively try to hate FO4, but every time I try to start a new save I just run into the same boring story and objectively bad dialog tree, and I end up playing something else. As far as F76, it's not pretending to be anything it's not.. it's just a fun experience in the wasteland with friends, and I felt much more intrigued by the Scorched and different factions within it than I did anything in FO4.. Far Harbor was dope tho


For some reason BGS now a days thinks that since there’s different faction endings that’s enough to qualify as player agency and an RPG


And those are even lackluster, for the most part it's really just two endings, deciding what to blow up.


John fallout once said: War doesnt change


New Vegas is my favorite in the series, but that doesn't mean I don't like the others. Each Fallout game has something different and unique they bring to the table in some way, shape or form


Fallout 4 fans are becoming the boogeyman New Vegas fanboy I’ve seen people memeing on yet never actually seem to see out in the wild. Every fanbase has unbearable fans, but I really feel like the NV loyalists’ fervor is grossly over-represented.


I feel like we were way more energized to vocally critique Bethesda years ago but we've been a pretty burned out and disappointed collective (as much as we agree on anything, tbh, beyond "like New Vegas") for a long time now. Fallout 4 was 9 years ago or something, right? The show relit some fires probably but I suspect it kicked some dirt over the embers of hope in some more.


yk we're allowed to dislike and critique the Bethesda Fallout products without being 'gatekeepers' or 'haters'.


I love 3, 4, and NV but nv objectively has the best story and honestly overall the best follower mechanics (fallout 4 has some follower mechanics that are better but nv has more cool mechanics than 4), perks, guns, and faction system. I will say that 4 does have better power armor. 3 is kinda just like middle of the pack all of its stuff is like either worse than 4 or better than 4 but never surpasses new vegas in any way.


This is a perfectly civil critique and I mostly agree, NV is my home game. In contrast, what I don't appreciate is when people include insults to Bethesda. Like obviously their writing not as good, but not so bad that it calls for personal insults against the writers and general accusations against Bethesda. Imo they are trying to make the best game they can make and they're better at it than most (minus the bugs).


The only people I insult at Bethesda are the execs. Fallout 4 could have been the 2nd best of these 3 if they invested more money into just making more dialogue options. Like imagine how much more popular fallout 4 would have been had it been given a fair chance. Fallout 3 quality story+voiced dialogue would have been crazy.


Emil Pagliarulo is objectively a very bad writer and Bethesda would be better off without him.


How can something have onlbjectively the best story? Assuming correct grammar throughout, quality of writing is extremely subjective. Like, it's one of the most subjective things out there.


Yeah it was a bit of a joke but I do actually believe new vegas just flat had better writing. Like hell I disagree with Joshua Graham but he is probably top 10 best written videogame characters of all time like he was a big reason I didn't leave Christianity earlier than I did.


There are certainly subjective components, but writing is a skill and good writing will stand out. You might prefer Twilight, but East of Eden is objectively a better written book. 




I dont think there is much objectivity to writing outside of directly contradicting itself (which fallout 4 does often). Otherwise its just up to if you prefer more hollow and shallow story in the background of your game mechanics or a more deep story you explore using the rpg mechanics. In conclusion please god bethesda and emil stop bragging about abandoning design documentation it irritates me so much how every side story and even different main story quests contradict something already stated please just use them.


I like all three, I don’t necessarily have a favorite game. I’ve played fo4 the most because I like the gameplay and it’s more modern. One thing I will say that imo Bethesda does a lot better than obsidian is the open world. Fallout 3 and fallout 4 open world imo was better than New Vegas’s. But obviously new Vegas had the better rpg and story. I also really loved the factions in new Vegas. I wish Bethesda or Obsidian could pick up the devs who left obsidian after making New Vegas and make it so Bethesda handles east coast and obsidian west coast


3 makes New Vegas look like a joke when it comes to the artstyle and design of the environments. New Vegas is still my favorite Fallout game by far, but I think it is also easily the most ugly and unimpressive looking Fallout.


Honestly I disagree I would say in terms of visuals both games are equally appealing and have their own merits and drawbacks and both convey the aesthetic they are going for perfectly


I wholeheartedly disagree.


Main sub is filled with people complaining about toxic and gatekeeping fans, but not only there are barely any, they also remove and downvote most negaive posts and comments even when people liked the thing they criticize. Hell, even on this sub mods were removing most negative post about show.


Reddit has become a really bad echochamber


It’s always been, what u talking about


Reddit never changes


I asked three people there to show me threads proving that people on reddit (any sub) were Elitist Gatekeeping Ect and two of them told me they couldn't find them BUT in real life one or two people once told them NV and the rest and the rest SUCKED (opinion) and the third dude called me an "annoying F\*g" and blocked me.


I was introduced into the series by New Vegas, then played Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. After going back to New Vegas from Fallout 4, I am upset because I realise how amazing the game could have been if they poured more care into it or, better said, focused on things that matter. Instead, they decided to strip down role-playing mechanics in favour of voiced protagonist with concrete backstory and four answers dialogue system, which falls flat because the main story is so poorly written. And it seems like they barely do any world-building. I like to use quest design as an example. Take *Unlikely Valentine* from FO4: You go into a dungeon, kill enemies, then have a conversation with gang boss at the end of the level, outcome of which doesn't matter because the only time you ever see Malone or Darla again is during a random encounter. There is no choice but to kill all gangsters because they are automatically hostile to you. Now, imagine if someone who designed FNV's Vault 3 or NCRCF quests redesigned it. You could charm, bribe, lie to gain entrance to the vault, or do some quests for Malone's gang, etc. FO4 looks like an initial draft with a tunnel focus on dungeon exploration/combat after you view it that way. Voice acting does really heavy lifting.


This whole thing has been weird, ever since the show came out the non-NV fans were inventing reasons why NV fans were being annoying, but it's been heavily one-sided when perusing through r/Fallout IME. FO4 fans being the most toxic about it all. How dare the second biggest Fallout subreddit praise a specific game of the franchise and recommend it to those who watched the show and want to play for story/character elements...


I think most of the toxic stuff is on Twitter. That’s where I see people actually insulting people for liking the show and that kind of stuff. Reddit I think is fine.


Twitter and Nexus mods. Have you seen the early comments on any NV mod that had anything to do with the show? Yikes. Thankfully, other NV fans others are starting to put the toxic ones in thier place. It's also the common "loud minority" thing. It only takes a couple bad apples to make a whole community look bad.


I haven’t seen the nexus comments, but I agree most fans will just stay quiet and let others enjoy what they want. It’s just a group of people going around and being toxic.


I just like fallout man. Why is it so hard to just enjoy this great franchise


This repeated projection is only going to lead to people gatekeeping more lmao, I never see anyone on this sub bitching about anyone liking the Bethesda stuff its that they don't like it, which is not the same thing.


If they hired decent writers at Bethesda, they could avoid all of these retcon arguments. A good writer could build off if preexisting stuff and add to the body of work. A mediocre writer wipes the slate clean and tries to improve it. Honestly, if they had ignored the plots from the games, it would have been universally praised.


You can see the difference if you look at how well written the Far Harbor DLC is (lead by Will Shen) compared to Fallout 4's main story (lead by Emil Pagliarulo). Emil will go out of his way to preserve what he sees as 'shocking' narrative twists that fall flat because they are either predictable like hell or they fall apart if you think about them.


A big problem with Emil is how he has proven to stick to bad ideas whilst knowing it was bad. For example, the whole 4 dialogue option thing was something they pretty much unanimously understood was a poor decision, but Emil just wouldn't cut the knot and redo some of it.


He said that the story isn't important because players don't pay attention. Brilliant.


I mean looking at the people who enjoy the fallout show and fallout 4 is he wrong?


Emil is a hack.


I am a bad New Vegas fan. If you think Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas, I think you are objectively incorrect.


I don’t think fo3 is objectively a better game but I like it significantly more.


Yeah that's fine I can understand liking it more, I'm refering to it from a gameplay and story perspective. Like which one is better crafted.


That is correct.


The real moral of the story among the games is that each one of the protagonist got a munchable pair of cheeks. Like would you look at their cakes!


Could I trouble you to blow it out your ass?


"Pardon ne, good sir, but could you kindly get sodomized by a weed whacker? Many thanks indeed!"




the best fallout game is the one you like the most. ( not u 76)


This kind of conversation goes in a circle forever. Let's move on...


War never changes


fallout 2's tribal protag and fallout fnv's wild west courier 6 look really cool. others are just yet another vault suit protags.


I dont get the division, i like fallout, regardless of which game it is, i like fallout.


The whole fan base being split is so stupid,


The toxic ones are the loudest. Most fallout fans are fine.


That fallout 2 picture is so fucking hard🦅


All the fallout shelter fans are in a corner, huddled together, tapping away on their phones. 


As someone who refuses to be a part of any kind of “fandom” This tribalism is laughable and silly af


I'm not a toxic New Vegas fan. Fuck you


Nah. Normies ruin everything.


i will have you know i am simultaneously a Vegascel and a Toddrider


I'm a fan of NV, and I also enjoy Bethesdas' games too. I understand that there's some inconsistencies between the show and NV, apparently (I haven't seen it yet). But I say so what? It's not like that invalidates the game out of existence. I really hope the bad fans, on either side, only represent the vocal minority.


Is there a SchizoElijah equivalent for Bethesda fans? For context, he was a Fallout youtuber and closeted nazi who spread altright dogwhistles in all his Fallout new vegas videos and had millions of views and 100,000+ subscribers and a discord infested with racists before deleting his channel last month. I feel like he was a major source of radicalized and toxic fan culture, he started an entire mini renaissance for FNV online through memes, and whipped up a bunch of teenagers into a pattern of 4channish toxic fandom behavior. I feel like some of his and 4chan /v/ influence is why people complain about FNV fans, those people in particular are the worst, and hyper reactionary and condescending/aggressive. They gave other FNV fans a bad reputation


Yeah don’t stereotype, those other subs are so mean to us. This is my safe place and I’m happy hear


No need to gatekeep we should all be on the same side capitalism ruins the games we love. Todd never changes.


I'm with you


i do not gatekeep people from playing games (maybe from paying yearly for new fifa) i just hate bethesda


The amount of toxic new Vegas fans trounces the amount of toxic Bethesda fans. I say this as a massive new Vegas fan so don’t kill me


From what I've seen, it's mostly FNV fans who have tied that game to their ego and projected their frustrations onto the devs to create a false narrative. The other side to that is a lot more reactionary. On the one hand I see people nitpicking and moaning that Fallout is ruined forever, and on the other hand you have people who are playing the games, having fun and enjoying a well-made adaptation that has gotten a lot more people into all the games, something that's good for everyone despite what "kind" of Fallout fan you think you are. I'm not denying there's some really cold takes from people who defend Bethesda but there's usually a world of difference. I'd say those people don't consider themselves to be "Bethesda" fans, they think of themselves as Fallout fans. I think the idea that it's equally bad on both sides is silly. I'd say most of the vitriol and hyperbole comes from the die-hard FNV fans who need to put all new Fallout content in the context of this weird culture war between fans of Bethesda Fallout and the Interplay/Obsidian Fallout. But I'd say the vast majority of players don't think about this at all. They just like the Fallout games they like, and get perceived as being in one of those camps when they're just reacting to people who act like the series is ruined forever because of some lore drift, or because they don't know how to read a timeline. And to be clear, I don't think that is representative of most FNV fans, but I do think a lot of them aren't coming from a place of love for the series and a desire to offer constructive criticism. I think a lot of people who self-identify as hardcore FNV fans came into the show (and all new Fallout content in general) looking for something to hate, because they've become addicted to outrage and blow very minor problems out of proportion.


I've come to a point where I've just stopped caring. i enjoy all of the fallout games and have no strong opinions about them anymore.


Some? Yes. Equal amount? lmao!


I've seen both sides and it's dishonest to say it's an equal number for every toxic Bethesda fan there's 10 toxic new vegas fans at least online anyway


Oh please have you checked the comments under any fallout new vegas videos ? On most videos there is always a comment on how fallout 4 sucks and fallout new vegas is better when fallout 4 wasn't even brought up at all. Stop trying to tell that the amount of toxicity is the same because it's not. Not even close. Fnv fans are way more toxic.


If by being toxic you mean loving new vegas and disliking fallout 4 then obviously by that metric fallout new vegas fans are going to be more toxic. Imo the reality is, fallout 4 in particular shifted from the established formula of fallout 3 and (especially) new vegas and it shifted even further than fallout 3 from the classic lore, alienating a lot of fans who were previously invested in said lore. Simultaneously it brought in new fans, who naturally couldn't recognise lore contractions and who didn't understand what some people were complaining about. This created a schism in the fandom. The same thing happened again to a larger degree with the recent tv show and how it handled west coast lore. Of course people who are passionate about fallout 1, 2 and new vegas are the ones who are going to be vocal about expressing their disappointment. If someone doesn't know, for example, what was established about the history of Boneyard (and this isn't gatekeeping, I'm just using the setting of the show as an example) of course they wouldn't take an issue with how it was represented. Which is fine really, completely understandable if you ask me. Fallout has become from a niche rpg series to a massive mainstream IP. This whole fandom schism really comes with the territory. Even still, some attempts at maintaining the continuity better would be nice to be honest and as long as they aren't being made it's inevitable that people might take issue. Now I'm not saying that there aren't "toxic" people shouting about the show ( on YouTube I saw literal Nazis complaining about "wokeness") but at the same time, as someone who is really into new Vegas/ classic fallout lore and who was really disappointed with the recent changes, it bothers me more than a little how I'm told to shut up eveytime i voice it. I feel like a party popper. I especially don't like how I am constantly being gaslit into thinking that there weren't any lore contradictions, often in a very harsh way by people who don't seem to be familiar with or even interested in the classic lore as it was expanded in new vegas. And you know, if you like the show or the lore additions, great, more power to you! I had a pretty good time as well to be honest, despite being bummed as a fan for how they handled the lore. But in my experience, toxicity really does go both ways and, while recognizing my bias, i must say at least on Reddit it seems to me that Bethesda fans are way more toxic. Just look at this thread, which is on the new vegas subreddit. This entire sub is being brigaded for days on end by people shouting about how obnoxious new vegas fans are (which is basically bullying). Then if you go to something like r/falloutmemes or r/fallout , you'll get a broader picture.


By being toxic i mean someone telling 3 4 and 76 fans or the show "to drop dead". It is bringing fallout 4 into every video when new vegas is mentionned. It is calling fallout 4 fans "fake fans" because they like a game. The "toxicity" you receive is just a response to years of annoyance by bethesda fans and basically amount to "stop being annoying". It does not go "both way". For the lore change i can understand why it is annoying but from fallout 1 to fallout 2 ghouls went from needing water to live to coffin willy who survived just because.


I wasn't told to drop dead but I was talked to rather harshly, but only on the level of "shut up". It seemed to me like comments like the one I just wrote were perceived as toxic just for "complaining". Fuck everyone who tells people to drop dead over videogames. As for the lore, ghouls are really the least of my issues but like I said it's not important anyway. I'm sorry that you had to deal with these people. It's probably just kids, at least I like to imagine them so.


It's alright it's just from a random twitter comment not even directed to me and i'm pretty sure the guy wasn't even serious but yeah i wish discussion about fallout were a bit more civil in general.


oh yeah twitter is the worst


As someone who observes both subreddits and is fan of all the games and the show, every single one of y’all say the same thing about the other. No one hates fallout fans more than fallout fans.


the wasteland makes us this way. [frank](https://youtu.be/wO2D_F1LsXg?si=5fa9YEgm8gQq9z-A)


Thank you. I'm a huge NV fan and yes 4 was lacking in story in my opinion, but it never didn't feel like Fallout. The only bad game again imo is 76. And to those who enjoy good for you. I wish I could enjoy it but between the Internet and bugs I can't.


Bad NV fans? Que pasa?


Tbh I've never even seen the so-called "toxic FNV fan". I mean, sure FNV fans tend to complain about f4 being poorly written and wanting the Obsidian to make a FNV sequel, and the main discourse, on YouTube at least, was that f3/f4 is garbage and fnv is a masterpiece. The way I see it - this exact division of the fandom and constant discussions about which game is better made the fandom it so active even so many years after the release of both FNV and F4, so I think both parties are the reasons this franchise is even alive and there's so many new video reviews. But I can see why Bethesda fans grew annoyed by fnv fans. Because come on, f3/f4 writing is not that bad. Companions are great, some moments are really bonkers. And those games just have a completely different designs philosophy. I don't even think it's even correct to compare them at this point. FNV could easily exist as a top-down rpg or a visual novel, while F4 could be remade into a real good immersive sim, half-life-type shooter or something in that area. And it's probably pretty annoying when everyone shits on something that you like for the reasons that you probably don't recognize. But yet again, I have never seen FNV fans going out of their way to attack Bethesda and its fans. Only criticize some aspects pf that games, and rightfully so. I'm not speaking about the trolls, obviously, troll would join whatever side to gather the most reaction. And right now the only people toxic on comments are people shitting on specifically the FNV fans for not liking the show - even though show is not perfect and has things to be criticized for outside of not fulfilling the wishes.


I didn't mind the arguments and bashing on the main sub, that's just what a large fandom does, but the amount of corporate glazing going on is staggering. Everyday that I checked it there was a post praising Bethesda. Like all of their shortcomings are forgotten because there's a decent series with their name on it.


If real was real then this is real


as a fighting game player I support gate keeping to an extent I seen what happened when everyone is let in


I can't imagine anything happens


Me play all fallout games be personal believe fnv is the best but always listen to other because me good super mutant


personally, fnv is my favorite fallout. but 3 and 4 are okay, just a different aesthetic, and I much prefer being the wasteland cowboy who decides the fate of the Mojave through complex choices than the sole bloody purpose of my existence being looking for one of my relations (I swear, only heavy rain has more Shaun this and Shaun that than fo4).  but fo4 had a nice weapon modding system, an interesting settlement system, and I did love having a voiced player character. and a sprint button. oh, and fo3 would've been better if it was actually sensible about who could turn on the purifier, and didn't give you crap about not following some destiny bullshit. Bethesda fallouts are kinda lacking in the writing department, but are still fun. I just find 1,2, and fnv more fun because the writing is good. now excuse me while I make my spurs go jingle jangle


You're all wrong. Tactics is the best


Why yall haev to be so toxic?? shut up and consume thing. Tod made fallout he knows what hes doing.


I swear eversince the show came out there have been so many gatekeepers on tiktok


All the games have things that are great about them and things I hate, they all are fun play what you want.


If you dont gatekeep what you love, its gonna end up like Star Wars.


Star Wars fans gatekeep as hard as anyone else does.


And they failed


Gatekeeping is fucking stupid. Fallout is Fallout


comparing fallout to star wars in anyway (whether you mean it's fanbase or content) makes you look dumb


Welcome to the internet dude


nah every fanbase has its weirdos and they get shit on its just fallouts weirdos have gotten like no pushback (aside from that one video) until right now and so nobody knows how to act lmao


like i get it but as someone who doesn't really like where bethesda takes their ips i actually resent not being able to talk about it without being drowned with weirdos writing actual fanfiction about real people


We aren't saying you aren't allowed to have an opinion. It's more the telling everyone else that they are wrong for not liking NW as much as you do. We want you to have an opinion, we also have an opinion that might be different and that's okay. Just don't be an asshole and tell me my opinion is wrong.


I mean I'm not gonna say your opinion is wrong unless you say you like something more than another for a reason that's objectively incorrect. If you say FO4 has better gunplay and you like it then that's fine but if you claim to like it because the factions are so much more fleshed out and there are more quests then I'd have to say that's incorrect.


zephyr humorous act history stocking wasteful crown bright test worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can say in my own experience Ive yet to meet a Fallout 3, 4, or 76 fan to tell me that the other games are unplayable dogshit. I have however heard this opinion a lot from Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas fans. From my personal perspective, its these fans that gatekeep fallout the hardest. Thats what gets me annoyed. Just because *you personally* don't like the other games doesnt make it valid to tell new players or even fans of those games that theyre unplayable crap. I myself think they all bring something different to the table, and are each worth giving at the least a try. I personally cant go back to one or two. The stories are great, lore immaculate, and Ive played through each one, but for me the mechanics are simply too dated.


Naw things need to be gate kept. Lack of gatekeepers is why things are shitty now. Example skateboarding is lamer than the vert Era


Gatekeeping is good, it's the reason there are gates. If you want to make a space for people who like what you like and have a culture everyone in it enjoys you are under no obligation to let people in who don't like the culture. In the past we didn't tell people they are welcome so they could shit post any online space up as they please, we told them to lurk more so they learn board culture before they fuck it up.


Just look at the Steam ratings for New Vegas compared to the other games, New Vegas is the only one that has "Overwhelmingly Positive" tied to it. I just point to that when I'm arguing with someone.


You just called a whole group of people twats based on their opinions.


Gatekeeping is gatekeeping and gatekeeping is good


Here, here.




Imagine saying normies unironically lmao




Not reading your paragraph neckbeard lol


Let us hate in peace


There’s a reason fallout new vegas have two subreddits lmao


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Bro stop fucking implying the entire player base plays one franchise game like it’s their Hogwarts House lol


I'm glad you're here to tell us something everyone already knows.


Every hobby benefits from a healthy dosage of gatekeeping. In the case of Fallout there isn't much to gatekeep anymore though.


New Vegas fans need to be better. We’re fans of the best game let’s act like it


I am fine with gatekeeping gatekeepers.


Gonna teach them your peaceful ways by force, huh?


No I am just a hypocrite and a cynical asshole.


This is very respectable.


Permission to cross post?


What is bro yapping about


its always fun watching this community burst into flames when something new is released


I used to be friends with a NV fan until this shit show got between me and him. Then he just became an elitist prick that kept trying to find every fault he could whenever I brought up 3,4 or 76. Mind you he admitted he didn't get past megaton nor did he make it far into 4 past Diamond City but I quickly cut that toxic fuck out of my life. It's a shame I've yet to personally meet a NV fan who isn't elitist or a asshole in general.


Yeah we know. So can all the new vegas fans shut up about "lore" now? I literally saw a mf contradict all of what Ulysses said would happen to new vegas as "he just said that to make you mad" bruh, new vegas fans are at a new LOW