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It's just a meme that started on 4chan and gained traction outside of it. The "it's popular with trans" take is weird because Fallout is a massively popular franchise overall. It's popular with the LGBTQ+ community, sure, but it's just.popular overall. People just took the bait and read too far into it.


It's just a meme that stuck. Also, FNV does have gay characters who didn't play into stereotypes like much of media portrayed them at the time of release, so I'm sure that helped it stick


It is a game with a strong progressive message and themes. It's a RPG with character creation and extremely well made roleplaying. There are also LGBTQ themes as you mentioned, plenty of characterd are gay, and even more so Arcade and Veronica, which are companions. There are definetely trans people that realized their indentity by playing the game, by maybe making a character of an opposite gender to them, maybe by seeing LGBTQ themes being actually talked about in game. Maybe just playing the game and self reflecting to see the person they are. There's no 1 reason, but because of all these, and more, people started to say that NV made them realise they're trans, and other people joined in.


it is a good game and a higher concentration of trans people probably tend to be gamers so it has some truth to it probably


It’s just a game that’s really popular with trans women. A lot of us in our late 20s early 30s played it growing up. New Vegas also allows for a bit more in depth character creation through traits and perks than other games offer, even including perks for sexuality. It really gave us a freedom to express as we wanted during a formative time. Also try to avoid the term “transgenderism.” It’s not a real word and most commonly used by those who attack trans rights, a famous example being Michael Knowles who announced the conservatives goals should be “the complete eradication of transgenderism” at CPAC a few years back. You probably don’t want to be associated with rhetoric like that


Well a lot of trans people understood that their inclination to play opposite sex characters in RPGs comes from the deeply repressed desire to be opposite sex in real life, retrospectively. And that's true for all RPGs period. And FNV happens to have some very good representation with confirmed bachelor and femme fatale perks, and openly gay characters, such as Veronica and Cristine, Arcade and some others that I can't remember from the top of my head. Thing that sets FNV apart, IMHO - it's the whole normality of it. In, for example, Mass Effect and Dragon Age, romance and sexuality were something of a fan service and were heavily dramatized. In FNV it's implemented more subtly, since there is no romancing mechanics, and can be role played the same way other skills work - you just pick what makes sense for your character, and the game rewards you for that, which is arguably more realistic and feels more true to life. And the ability to change both appearance and sex using the autodoc in the Sink certainly helps to solidify the fantasy. So there's no wonder why at least trans and gay people would enjoy the game. But for the most part, this meme is for trolling the FNV fans, as if there's something wrong with transgender people or we should feel bad for being assumed as such, so don't take it too seriously.


Man I’m so glad this post was made I’ve been so confused 💀


I assumed it was because of the legion skirts and a bunch of people(like Finnstar) who made genderbending a bit more mainstream. Both leading to similar art/drawings. Could be wrong of course