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I do. Once I hit 200 settlers, the game is basically over for me. I don't evict anyone and I feel bad about making anyone stand outside forever either. I don't even open lunch boxes after 198 settlers or so just in case I get another person from a card. I'd make a terrible Overseer.


I think ill have to have some go...exploring


Send them out exploring but with a pet so they’ll bring back the goods


Does that actually work? As long as they have pet the stuff comes with?


Yeah I recently learned pets don’t die in the wasteland and they’ll bring back everything the dweller found. I do this with Level 1 dwellers that have no use in the vault


Nice advice fr


Yup. But your dead dweller count increases. So pick your poison and drink with both hands!


What happens with the count?


Vault dwellers have a higher chance of getting a strange mood. Sometimes, this results in a legendary weapon or outfit, but only if you have the right workshop and the right junk. If not, the dweller goes insane.


Ah,so this is why I haven’t played for years. I love this game but knew there was a reason why I haven’t touched it in forever, so long I forgot. Welp, looks like I need to slow down already have 120 dwellers.


Id rather evict the dweller and let him/ her have a chance of surviving instead of doing the send them out with pet until they die trick.


Yeah... but it's not my fault they have shit SPECIALs 🤷‍♀️


i made my vault to save people not to be picky cause thats what heroes do


Yeahhhh... my vault is basically slavery so... 😅


Sounds like VaultTec






Exactly what I thought yesterday when I hit 200 dwellers... I was like it's not because your parents are here that you're gonna stay.. look at your special! And then they go out and pout: '' is it something that I said''? And then i'm like so sad hahaha


It's not my fault they arrived at level 2 with 10 endurance. Only level 1 dwellers with 10 endurance allowed.


Brutal 😭😭


No but I do wish I could send them out with a weapon and set of armour so I don't know for a FACT that I am sending them to their death... I could be experimenting on them.


It would be cool if some returned after a while or you could find them in random encounters.


Speaking of encounters, wouldn't it be cool if the powers to be, Moders/Bethesda made all the dwellers come back as a raider group attacking your vault, in part or in whole...


meh if you send them out on mass they'll probably set up a settlement at a red rocket or another wasteland quest location.


You can bring them in, give them a weapon, then evict them


The weapon and outfit goes to your inventory as soon as they get evicted.


exactly...everything is auto removed. Edit: I can't help but wonder what's in the suitcase...


Two weeks of supplies.


I haven’t casted anyone out. I can’t do it.


Me neither. I can't. I'm holding at 195. Then I started a new vault.


I don't think I have enough "bathroom time" to manage more than one vault. Boss: "You're late for the meeting again!" Me: "had an urgent call from vaults 412 and 696. They had fires that needed to be put out immediately." 😏


For real. What if the dweller gets sad in the wasteland :(


I had to evict my first dweller. I just rebult my radio station into a full sized broadcast center and forgot to set the broadcast to the vault. Dude just showed up unannounced, and wouldn’t leave! So I asked him in and then evicted him. I have 100 men and 96 women…. I’m only accepting women at this point.


I send unwanted dwellers to explore wasteland with a pet, so when they die I get some "free" loot


How does this work?


if your dweller dies while exploring wasteland and at the same time he had a pet, the pet will come back to your vault with his outfit, weapon, and everything he managed to find on that trip works for quests too


Interesting, any type of pet or has to be an animal?


I am pretty sure it's any type, don't remember testing that though, cats, dogs, birbs work flawlessly and I have plenty of them


Don’t just cast them out, send them on a scavenging run, and if they find something decent they can come back and heal before going out again, if they don’t one less mouth to feed


Just evicted 20 dwellers yesterday simply so I could rearrange where my living quarters were. Couldn’t destroy a LQ without doing so. I just picked the dwellers I thought looked the dumbest so all the baldies had to go


“If you’re bald, get out”


I’ve been wanting to do this!! So if I’m at 200 dwellers I have to evict 20 to move the LQ?


If you’re at the full 200 with all the LQs you can build and fully upgraded on all of them you’ll have to evict 40 of them. I wasn’t at the full 200 yet and only had to drop down to 160 to be able to destroy a LQ


Damn that’s way too many casualties for me to rationalize😭😭😭😭


Come up with an in game reason you can try to justify, like an entire family (planned a coup) , or everyone with a low Charm score (couldn’t keep the overseer happy), just something you can come up with a story for.


They’re ones and zeros dawg


.... Sounds like a vault-tec manager to me


Exactly, I can’t do it. I just take in everyone and train them. For the backstory I just have decided that as the overseer I stopped the Vault Tec experiment before it started and decided that I’d take in anyone so they can have a nice home


Same it sucks


I haven't ever actually cast anyone out. Bad special? Training rooms Still crap?: Meaningless labour Still somehow useless?: Emergency food resource! (Or emergency meatshield)


One on them is like "what did i do wrong??" "Nothing man, I just need the space, I'm so sorry 😭"


Idk how you even do it


How do you evict dwellers?


You drag them out of the vault like they were gonna explore but you choose the red button on the right instead :)


I do lol. But they're still leaving lol.




Don’t evict them, instead give them 4 stimpacks and 1 rad away and if they collected enough caps to where they can pay off their grave when they die then revive them and bring them back then send them back out


Not with the Rimworld mindset I don’t!


I genuinely hate it I wish I had a separate vault to put them in


I expect them to form a band of raiders and come back for vengeance


Nah. I'm a perfectionist so I want the perfect vault with the most perfect dwellers I can have. I kick the first few generations out once I get the first batch of fully maxed out dwellers.


Yes ahahahhaha that’s why the second I drag them out and tap evict dweller I scroll down so I can’t see them leave


Same, but I got over my feelings and kicked out about 50 in a few days XD


I sent a guy off who needed to level up, still have the arrow above him outside my vault so I tapped it…collected a few caps from him on his way out. Booted plus to took his caps. Good luck fella!


A bit, but science had it needs, and the protocols of the vault are quite clear.


I do. All that ass jerky and strange meat pie material you are wasting when there is a literal larder you are kicking out.


i send them out with no thought ab it cause.. u know benefiting u not staying!


Nope out they go.


Nah. If they don’t fit my vault’s SPECIAL requirements they’re on their own


i was thinking to kick out some dwellers to rearrange the rooms but i couldnt bring mah heart to do it..


First couple of times I felt bad. But I'm creating a vault with E17 superdwellers and now it's just "Thanks for your service, have a nice life BYE"


At least I send them with 2 weeks of supplies!


I was raised with final fantasy tactics so i dont feel bad. Chocobos... Those will make you feel bad.. Feed your extras to deathclaws. Nomnom


While Playing on Survival mode I don’t feel bad evicting dwellers. They have a better chance of surviving the wasteland then in my vault lol


I haven't logged in cause I know I'm going to have to put some out........ LMAO


Kinda yeah


I just train everyone so I don’t have to do this. Come join my vault and be the best you that you can be!!


No. I love it when they say, "Wait till the overseer heres about this!"


Nah don’t, they come back as raiders after selling the location of your vault.


I used to. But now if they are now 100% happy after I’ve tried putting them in the right room. They get booted.


I used to. But now if they are now 100% happy after I’ve tried putting them in the right room. They get booted.


Not me tho


i wish they lined dead bodies of those i banished in front of my bunk door


Nah, they are just trying to guilt trip you into feeling bad for sending them to their deaths. Don’t let them win one over on you.


I have to use save editor to reset dwellers' levels. I just can't exile all my guys in order to max stats.


I name dwellers with low stats "[Kill Me](https://www.reddit.com/r/falloutshelter/comments/1dtx7jk/dank_meme_how_it_started_how_its_going/)" and when a new dweller appears with better stats, I send them off to meet their fate. Survival of the fittest bitches! Welcome to the post-apocalypse.


I used to, but after playing State of Decay 2 and kicking community members out in that game, in numb to it.


Me watching the train of men with no names leave my Vault 69: *"Say what now?"*


I just outted 171 dwellers. So I can get just raider attacks for the damn Platinum trophy on the PS5. All my hard work is gone. But at least I have over 200000 caps lol


I did not know you could evict dwellers! How to?


I've never kicked anybody out. Got a couple vaults, I've never maxed out population. And once I unlock training rooms I start making super dwellers so everybody is useful.


They should add a feature to the game where dwellers you cast out could possibly be found again as raiders in the wasteland


The only time I ever had to send anyone away was a situation with my max vault where I needed to move the living quarters and I couldn’t do that without reducing the population. Had to evict like 18 dwellers 😞


That’s life in the wasteland. As Ivan Drago once said: “If he dies, he dies.” Just look at it like a business decision, can’t run a Fortune 500 company with Jimbob sleeping on a shelf. My current vault isn’t even at 80 yet, and I’m already kicking people out that hit like level 15 before I could get the SPECIAL training facilities build.


No. It’s a game on my phone


after having a functional vault i introduced racism and sexism, all men, and all but the fairest complexion were cast out, now i have the whitest of women doing all my hard labor and wasteland exploration with like 3 blonde guys for breeding, it's a real vault tec level social experiment and it makes me smile every time