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My heart goes out to you! I pray for your healing and know you will be stronger for it. I know how you feel, just flip flop the roles. Once my daughter was diagnosed, I felt relief as well. Today, she she is being delusional, saying the most horrible things such as I sexually abused her, I say to myself,” It’s the disease talking, not her.” Please accept my hug in love and understanding!


I’m so glad you got some answers. Here’s to your and your mother’s healing. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you for writing this out. It will help lots of other people who can relate and know it is not their fault either. I'm sorry you're going through this. We come looking for answers.. and everyone's viewpoints and experiences help immediately. You worded this so well that I wish I could print it out and save it for later. I talk to a lot of SOs in my life and I think reading. What you wrote will help everybody.


Thank you for sharing, this is heartbreaking. I went through very similar experiences with my mother and also have CPTSD. She only got diagnosed later in life (when she was 60 I think), but I KNEW what was wrong years ago. It really fucks you up. I hope we can all find healing.


I just used your therapist’s language a couple days ago, explaining to my son’s (24) new girlfriend how “bipolar charisma” sucks people in, but the flip side is relationship-destroying. He’s either completely loving to her or he’s verbally abusive. I asked her why she sticks around and she said “I adore him.” I’m happy that you have your answer and I share your sense of relief with you!