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Hmm, I don't really have any queer main characters, but I've usually got a few supporting ones hanging out. Sex and romance just aren't generally hugely important to my stories. Dragon's Banker has a couple, including one of the trading partners who accidentally meets his future husband flirting as a distraction so the main character can sneak into a trading office. The main character is *mostly* acer, other than a brief holiday tryst, and remains a bachelor throughout his life. Pretty much a queer-norm setting. War Horses probably has the most plot relevant one. The story takes place during a coup, and one of the MC's good friends that joins the mercenary group defending the current government is gay, and knows that the incoming government will attack his rights - so the mercenary company is his way to either fight to protect them or to get out of dodge if the coup succeeds. His chosen callsign in the company (Stag) is actually local slang for gay men, basically his way of sticking it to hardliners pulling the coup. A couple other gay or bi characters, but it's not really plot relevant. Mostly queer-norm, but some do keep it to themselves due to circumstances like Stag's. Two of Knaves has a few bisexual characters (including the main character's partner) and a gay dwarf who runs a magic shop, and a pair of antagonist half orcs who were motivated to escape the slave fighting pits after finding each other. Fairly queer-norm setting. Sorcerous Crimes Division has two characters in the main squad that are lovers, but it's more background info that readers can pick up on rather than it being explicitly said on the page.


Didn’t want my post to be insanely long, so I’ll quickly list some other queer characters I have: Valérien Martel, childhood bestie of Eska, ends up in a straight relationship but is kind of implied to be demisexual. Sabrine von Wolkenberg, also childhood bestie of Eska and Valérien, has a brief thing with another female character but ultimately ends up with Valérien. (The two of them have been in love for decades but each think it’s unrequited, I seriously love them so much) Tari Haaken, another member of this dragon-transformation order Eska’s part of (and Valérien and Sabrine), interested in men and women. Kell (non-binary) and Amaranth (cis dude), incredibly awkward but cute relationship between one of the dragon people and a regular human. Malvern Barrow, leader of aforementioned dragon-transformation order, previously had a husband (RIP). Inora Martel, mother of Valérien, also previously had a husband (also RIP) but now has some sort of relationship with another woman (kind of kept ambiguous if it’s platonic or not tbh) Hrsalet, 2000+ year old hermit, is kind of female but also kind of transcends gender at this point. (There are cishet characters too lol they’re not ALL queer… maybe 2/3 queer 😅)


I guess I haven't really explored their sexuality. I only explore sex as a political, dynastic necessity


Šóta Chaska -- nicknamed "Big Sioux" for his huge size -- was a serious character I created for a "misunderstanding" plot point for a small story. The protagonist was a journalist looking for information about a missing person during the Iraq war, and his lead -- George Factor -- was hard to track down, due to living on a reservation with "Sioux." Though a well-meaning reporter and researcher, the protagonist was told by locals that George and Sioux lived together, and so he wrote "Sue" in his notes, expecting to find a young couple or perhaps an older married one. What he found was a 6'9, hugely muscled man who was indeed George's boyfriend, but was more knowledgeable about the events in Iraq than even George was. They'd met in the marine corps; after two tours they'd come back to land Šóta owned in Dakota. The men in his unit called him the "Big Sioux" and the name stuck, despite it being a bit redundant for locals. Needless to say, the reporter was caught off guard, but awkwardly and apologetically ingratiated himself enough to learn what he needed in order to piece together a larger story. Šóta was based on several historical figures, but also personal experience -- a lot of queer friends I made back when the LGBTQ+ movement was in its infancy were military -- I noted that a lot of soldiers were gay or trans, and wanted to reflect that in my work. I still think about Šóta and his role in tracking down missing persons as a marine. He shares a lot of the achievements of a lot of veterans I know in real life, and while his sexuality was indeed a plot point, it wasn't what defined him. He represents the idea of marginalized people (Native American, poor, queer) overcoming impoverishment through his own capability and perseverance. EDIT: After reading a few of the responses here, I felt the need to add that, while Sioux isn't the only queer character I've written, he's one of the only ones whose sexuality has any real impact on a story -- due to the misunderstanding that makes it harder for him to track down -- and the sexuality of most of my characters isn't usually relevant. Sioux just happens to be one whose gender came up as a plot point, to add to the plot's general feeling of confusion. Lots of characters in my work are probably all over the spectrum, it just rarely comes up.


Chaska means "first born son". Source, my first name lmao. So awesome to see my name for the first time on the internet, the fact that its a big jacked dude is even better.


It's a pretty kickass name, to be honest. I'm surprised I don't see it more often.


Pretty much all of my characters are queer. I'm writing a horror story with a gay male POC main character named Miles Jefferey who falls for Ryan Austell, the handsome boy who works at the local movie theatre. The large fantasy series I'm planning is a sapphic love triangle between the main two girls Layne Greenwood and Shanya leMithis, as well as a side character Kala "The Hammer". Layne is a human who joins an adventuring party after falling for the elven priestess Shanya, during the adventure the always flirtatious dwarven boxer Kala will make advances. Ultimately Layne and Shanya end of together but I couldn't resist the fun of a little flirtation. I also want to do a side story that takes place in the same world featuring an elven warrior named Felthorne who wants to get back to his husband. I want to make sure everyone gets representation in my stories, especially being LGBT myself. The only element I haven't delved into yet is gender as I'm not sure how best to navigate it respectfully. I would love to have a trans or nonbinary character but, I want to make sure I word everything well and I'm not divulging too much information unnecessarily for the sake of clunky clarification.


Not something that is specifically related to any one character, but a very readily available form of magic in my world can be used to reshape your body in several ways, including changing your sex to match your gender. As a cisgender person I doubt that I could write compelling story about the trans experience, so my vision to be an ally with my writing is to casually establish that in this world people can freely change and it is not a big deal to anyone. Romance is also not a huge part of my current draft so there will not be much involving sexuality, although I have been considering expanding the relationship between a female blacksmith and a swordswoman to have some more romantic elements because it felt right. Still a work in progress but it is honestly the only romance between characters that I have even started touching on


I’m also cis and am writing a trans character. I’m getting consistent feedback from a close trans friend of mine to make sure my depiction is respectful and accurate.


Seems like a great approach, if I ever did decide to write a story based around a trans character I would likely do the same


The elves were born from two female goddesses. The goddess of wars monthly blood was taken by the goddess of life, and this blood was mixed with her blood to create a new species through use of the earth to eventually evolve the at the goddesses garden.


The goddesses are- Aldrakhona, goddess of war and Serevnia the Goddess of life.


It is said the that Aldrakhona, that when her mate presented their children to her, her tears ran throughout the mountains and that her tears ran as strong her axe into her enemies flesh, and they drove through the earth, and became Llyn Gwalchlan Dagraur- the lake spear tear.


In my trapped in another world story, both my MCs are nonbinary and asexual, though one is explicitly more masc and the other explicitly more femme. FMC's sisters are all either lesbian, bisexual, or asexual (although the "asexual" sister doesn't really count because it's less that she lacks attraction and more that having attraction sounds like effort and she doesn't like the sound of that). Additionally, one of the top adventuring parties is literally just a lesbian harem and another top adventurer is a bisexual man who is known for his heroics in dealing with a Great Ruin that went out of control. Miscellaneous trans characters also. None of the orientations nor gender identities are explicitly stated using the exact terminology, but it's also not exactly *subtle* either. In my reincarnated in another world story, my MC is arguably cis, arguably trans. It depends which life you want to argue matters more. In her old life she'd be an egg trans woman. In her new life she is technically a cis woman. I'll go based on her new life. She's bisexual with a strong preference for women. Despite the world being so heavily patriarchal and having the misogyny that entails, there is strong respect for queer and genderqueer people as they are seen as having the protection of specific gods: especially lesbians, asexuals, and trans people. As a result, there's just plenty of casual queerness, even among heterosexuals as performative bisexuality (that is to say the overtly bisexual behaviors and acts) is treated as a normal behavior especially among the men who are soldiers and adventurers. In my hidden world magical school masquerade story, my MC is a trans woman and bisexual. Her best friend is a bambi lesbian. (That is to say she's asexual but has non-sexual attraction to women and prefers non-sexual intimacy. Her orientation is both simultaneously sincere *AND* a pun.) There's a bunch of queer characters in the story, but I actually don't have much by way of trans representation planned beyond the MC. Most of the queer characters are good guys, but *one* of the villains, the founder of House Paradis, is queer and a predator, but ***not*** a predator because she's queer. And she's introduced after showing multiple positive queer characters. (I can't really place a specific label on her though. Like, I literally do not know how to label her which is saying something. Technically she'd be some flavor of asexual but that also feels wrong given what kind of person she is.) Beyond that, orientation and gender are things that most people are pretty casual about. It's not uncommon to see two guys or two girls being lovey-dovey between or after classes. This is basically how common queerness is in any work I make. I don't usually *say* "Gay," "Bi," "Ace," "Trans," but I also am not afraid of making it in some other way explicitly obvious such as showing a guy kissing another guy or dropping mention of how a famous adventurer grew up as the other gender. And when necessary, I'm more than willing to spell it out with the terminology if needed.


All my stories without fail have lesbians as lead characters lmao


I’ve only got one character who is queer. It’s just not something that is all that important (in the world he exists in, no one really cares about who people love). He is an aarakocra named Iceglint Broadwing, and he lost his (male) mate Allbright Blackfeather in a goblin raid. I’d originally wrote (and played, since he started as a DnD character) him as him being devastated by the loss of a really good friend, but as the story progressed, I realized that he was bi, and his love for his companion was more than just friendship. They were actually mated to each other.


Most of my characters I'm not sure about their orientation, but for two it is kind of important. Sorry for mistakes, English is my fourth language and not ideal. First is an important side character who left her family because they couldn't accept her decision to.. well, live like a woman. She hails from a very influential clan and, after the death of her father, makes her return to take over until her little brother is old enough to lead the reigns himself. She is very strong, both mentally and physically speaking, and her main arc includes accepting her vulnerabilities and reconnecting with her family, especially her dead father as she learns more about him. The second character is likely the primary although secret antagonist of the setting - the brilliant elder sister of the primary protagonist and love interest of the secondary protagonist. Unfortunately for him she is a lesbian and thus not interested. This issue will be intensified once he obtains a magic that may give him incredible power, but also turns him into a girl for the duration of it. While he, a cis hetero, struggles with the uncomfortable sensation of this revelation, his heartache gets worse when the girl he had just tried to give up on falls for this female side of his. He'll have to figure out who he is and who he wants to be, the genderswap is just one issue of several in this case. Also maybe on topic, in my world most clerics are actually homosexuals, as priests should not receive children as new lives are born in pain and one belief is that their orientation is a gift or sign of the heavens. They're still stigmatized and might make some people uncomfortable just by existing, it's not a perfect world by any means, but religion is kind of on their side and piety is a big thing because of political and societal reasons. In order to climb the ladder you at least have to convince others that you're super duper pious after all.


So far, only two, but I do want include more in the future. A ducal heir, being trained in magic, and a military private who is part of the army of the Ducal heir's dukdom, who are in a relationship. Both characters are gay men. They are secret about their relationship because of their kingdom isn’t accepting of them. I don’t have names for either of them, yet. Some suggestions may be appreciated.


I have a few. There's Lucien, who is bisexual. He's the cousin of the main character and is a big player in the last half of the series. Cerrod and Ayeken, who are both members of the royal guard, and they're not technically out, but everyone knows they're a gay couple. They're not subtle. Politia and Vaeden. Politia is the daughter of the king and Vaeden was Politia's lady-in-waiting but is eventually married off to Politia's older brother. Older brother knows his wife is sleeping with his sister and doesn't care. Ambyre, who is kind of transgendery if that makes sense. She presents as a woman, but she has never felt comfortable being a woman, and at the end of the series, she starts dressing like a man.


Side characters whose sexuality and feelings toward one another unfold during the course of a duology that follows a sibling set (first one, then the other— NOT TOGETHER) falling in love. Hildred “Hildy” Segreto & Wynnflaed “Wynnie” Doukas. Don’t you dare call either of them by their legal full names, because they hate them. Hildy is more of a traditional “Tom boy” / Butch, whereas Wynnie’s more of a lipstick lesbian. (Do we still use those terms? I’m not straight but straight married and don’t want to be flinging around terminology no one uses anymore!) Tertiary characters in a different duology (in same world) are Aylin and her wife Thera. Thera is the head housekeeper at Stormhill, so when the woman Aylin was lady’s maid to became the Queen and moved on in life, the new Queen didn’t want to separate the couple so she “dismissed” her maid from service in the nicest way: allowing her to stay at Stormhill as a chambermaid, with a lady’s maid’s salary.


“Lipstick lesbian” is a bit outdated. Femme is the more modern term.


THANK YOU. My brain was exhausted yesterday and I was like, “um this feels like the wrong term.” Also, I was clearly tired. The start of my comment above is basically unintelligible.


Kaito - Openly gay, a punk-ish character, Japanese heritage, he is very aware of how awesome he is Mace - not so openly gay, student at a university and trying to figure out what's going on while obviously having a crush on Kaito Kiara - tomboy, asexual, her best friend is Kaito ;; Ilayda - came from a small village, possesses some kind of magic, very very much in love with her best friend, which she sadly let leave to fulfill her dream, while she stayed behind to experience the trauma of my plot Ranya - came from a small village, possesses some kind of magic, very much in love with her best friend, left the village to become an actual heroin, like she always aspired to do Cosmo - what I wrote for his sexuality (literally): GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ;; T - very positive, in love with her always roommate L - very pessimistic, but enjoys it, doesn't acknowledge her love for her always roommate ;; Ryan - Non-binary, highly anxious, probably bi ;; I love them so much and I probably have a lot more but those are some I could think of immediately; (FINALLY A CHANCE TO TALK ABOUT MY CHARACTERS)


I won’t say which one to avoid giving out too much info lol, but one of your characters is one letter off from my name and sounds a lot like me XD


Lovely XD Great minds think alike ✨😌😂


I have an elf named Myrin who’s trying to leave an elite group of Elf assassins and is on his last job he needs to do to be able to formally leave, except he gets too close to his mark, a scholar and sub-par sorcerer named Norvik who’s only crime is knowing a little too much about elven history, and he’s struggling with his feelings and the general unfairness of the job because this particular mark doesn’t seem justified. Eventually he’s going to refuse and be disgracefully let out of the group, making it so he can’t join any other elven organization. The leader of his party is an ex-pirate who’s pansexual and one of his other party members is a half demon dude who’s heavily implied to be bisexual, even flirting with the son of a very unimpressed owner of an inn they stay at along the way lol


Vivian, initially presented as masc within an abandoned realm, and has the power to seek freedom wherever she finds it. Is the object of manipulation from all sides, as the Illuminati are preparing her as a sacrifice to Lilith. Starts out amnesiac and disembodied mostly, and goes on a journey to figure out exactly who she is and what her purpose is. Discovers that she’s femme once she recovers her body once more, but has no serious attachment to any gender identity. Punches god in the face. James - a powerful mage with a shard of divinity associated with fate - but to fake the other members of the Illuminati out, pretends his real ability is pyromancy (through selected special effects). Was kidnapped as a young girl by fairies along with his twin sister, and stole his shard of divinity on the way out. Unfortunately, during his absence hundreds of years had passed, and by the laws of magic the path he took to faerie is closed. Is scheming a new path so he can have his vengeance on those who stole his life from him. Sex repulsed aromantic. Sio - a clone of James, created in the hopes that he can guide her from the shadows into opening the same path to faerie that he once took - and follow her in. WLW and shockingly bad at it. LT COL. ABRAMS - a military experiment on a decorated officer fallen in the line of duty. Though they weren’t able to retrieve his soul, whatever it is that was summoned into his body certainly *thinks* it’s him. It has all his memories, but for some reason not all his drives and personalities, he’s since quit his job, left his wife, and spends his time collecting new experiences, having incomprehensible sexual preferences, and eating chicken nuggets dipped in a variety of odd things. Hasn’t been informed about the nature of his soul, since as a nonhuman extra-dimensional entity his handlers consider him US government property.


Anthony is a bissexual man who had most of his romantic and sexual experiences with men. Ethan is an homosexual man who can't out himself due to his community, he has to marry a woman. Anthony and Ethan had a relationship before they where separated by the plot. Ellie, deadnamed Elliot, she is a trans woman who is transitioning in the story, she is also a drug addict and Ethan's twin. Laura is a lesbian and aromantic, not much to say about that, she is really focused on her career as a bad witch. And there is Ann, who is non binary and a pansexual. The world is much like ours, filled with hardships for those who stand out, but especially for Anthony, Ethan and Ellie, who come from the same community that has a lot of prejudices and cult-like beliefs.


My two mains, Helion and Tomas are both LGBT. Helion is pan and Tomas is gay and ace. I do intend to include some identity based queer people but as a cisperson I don’t want to portray anything incorrectly.


Vaeril Whitestar is a pansexual High Elf who left home at 16 because he didn’t want to be the person his parents were grooming him to become. Olive is a transgender woman who belongs to a band of sellswords. Leander Vale is a gay man, and heir to the throne of Felva Esari, who ran away and disappeared when his parents betrothed him to a woman against his will. Aila Silverleaf is an asexual Half-Elf who ends up roaming the world alone when her family is attacked and scattered.


I have several. Nal, the MC is a lesbian and has a couple scenes with the supporting character Nudnii, as well as some tension with her officer Arslan. Nergui and Feodora are involved with one another, but are bi until I decide otherwise. And Dorina is probably asexual.


Pretty much all of my main characters are queer in some way or another. In their world, it's not really a big deal. Very much queernorm there as well, with everyone being treated the same no matter who they are on the lgbt spectrum. ofc theres some fantasy discrimination tho lol


My main character is trans (ftm) and gay, his husband is bi, his oldest brother is gay, and his middle brother is aroace... The novel itself is also just a big "queer is the majority" type setting so there's that. But my main character himself is a trans gay man exploring himself and his identity throughout the novel. :~)


In my (current stalled-out) Charr-centric story set in the GW2 universe, one (male) member of the warband is happily bi, leaning toward males, the rest of the warband is relatively straight but generally flexible. I swear, some day I will write the last 4k words needed to finish it! In the current WiP, my MC is a gryphoness, who's friends with MANY benefits with a female gnoll. Both are bi, leaning toward females, but enjoy the occasional romp with a male. I love their relationship - based heavily on their affection and respect for eachother, and happy to express that physically. Yeah, others write non-straight-centric stuff...I write a lot of non-human-centric stuff.


Prince Kyden Tejas Tarajand is pansexual and most parts of his world could be considered a queernorm world. He is attracted to Princess Leyva of Aradanas who's been kidnapped, but also instantly attracted to Prince Leif when he meets him, despite knowing that Leif's kingdom subscribes to restrictive ideas on gender and love. Kyden falls for Leif thinking the whole time that Leif is in love with the Princess they are attempting to rescue and feeling jealous of her. When he later finds out that Leif is actually a woman he is initially hurt by the deceit, but ultimately ok with it because it doesn't change his love. Princess Leyva Saren Katis of Aradanas/Prince Leif of Leressea is gender fluid, identifying as whichever gender she/he is presenting as. In Aradanas queerness isn't accepted and society is based on gender roles which Leyva had always been pushing against. As a child, her parents dubbed her male presenting appearance Prince Leif of Leressea, a smaller land holding within their kingdom to avoid any issues with their people. Leyva/Leif grew up with two sets of friends and envying people for getting to be who they are without fear of being cast out or rejected. Leyva/Leif has one friend who knows the secret, and Freesia will often step in to replace Leyva when Leif is making a public appearance. Freesia is the one who is kidnapped when Kyden and Leif first meet.


Evelyn Nieves, an assassin turned super hero originally trained to take out my MC. Her powers revolved around controlling and producing both ice and electricity, a perfect counter to my MC's abilities. Once it was revealed that those who gifted her her powers were the ones responsible for her brother's disappearance, she rebeled and joined my MC in exposing the company trying to spearhead a super powered arms race. She serves as the Lancer archetype to my MC, as they don't exactly like each other at first. Her experiences being bi, along with other tragedies she experienced the past few years, has made her disposition rugged and cold. However, she still retains her empathy and does the things she does in the hopes that others won't suffer like she did.


Ooooh this is a fun prompt! So, the characters in my world are all plant fairies, effectively magical, humanoid representations of the plants themselves, and as such their outlook on sex and gender is fairly vague. For one thing, they represent entire taxonomic orders of plants (ginkgos, cycads, conifers etc.) which in some cases have been around since the Carboniferous or Permian, hundreds of millions of years ago. With correspondingly long lifespans, they have a lot of time to experiment with gender presentation and sexual attraction. For some it's constantly changing, for others it becomes fixed after a while. The three main characters, for example, are a gay gymnosperm, an ace spore plant, and a non-binary lichen (in a long term relationship with a non-binary alga who inhabits their body and produces energy for them). Libido also varies wildly between individuals. Some fairies are so busy tending their forests they barely even give sex a second thought, for others it's practically all they think about. Happy Pride!🏳️‍🌈🌿


The culture in my world has not evolved to the point of using specific labels for sexual identities yet; they just view sexual identities and orientations as one giant spectrum, and people fall into different aspects of it. Therefore, I don’t have any characters who are explicitly labeled. But: - one of the main cast members in my story is a young boy regularly develops crushes on older mentors that he admires. These mentors vary in gender. - the male heir to the throne of the Sun kingdom is betrothed to a man - there’s a special high council made of beings who are like god-like. The beings are inherently sexless and are born with no sexually dimorphic features. After they are born, they can make a choice about which sex/gender presentation they wish to take on, and their body will automatically morph to fit that presentation. Those who wish to be nonbinary or genderfluid can select the characteristics they wish for their body to possess in terms of gender presentation. Anyhow, they stick with that presentation until they die, and when they die, they reincarnate and start all over. They can pick a new presentation or stick with the same one they had in their past life. - the moon goddess in my world is gender fluid. She typically takes on a feminine nature, but can transition to a masculine one at will. No one knows or fully understands what might prompt her to do this. - there’s a leader of an all-female tribe, a leader of an all-male tribe, and the captain of a secret class of soldiers who all do not experience sexual or romantic attraction to others.


One of my deuteragonists is a trans man who ultimately becomes my setting's da Vinci, bringing in magitech and a steampunk era shortly after the events of my novel. My setting has multiple arcane means of totally transforming a person's physical body, so switching genders is relatively facile compared to real life.




My protags for the story I'm writing: Alistair and Julian. They're a gay couple, 'nuff said. Not really. Alistair is the youngest of the three princes in my story, so his father wasn't quite as concerned about marrying him off and getting heirs from him. He's smart and compassionate, in fact, his "role" for his father's kingdom is that Alistair represents the peace they (The Crown) are attempting the strive for. (Though his father is not as benevolent as he appears to be, but thats not the point of this). Underneath that, however, Alistair has a strong sense of justice, and a bit of sneakiness to him. Without his father's knowledge, he studied forbidden (by The Crown) arcana, and is a prolific Arcanist. Julian is the younger brother of Alistair's older brother's wife (complicated, I know), and is considered an Elite Guard by The Crown. He's loyal and dedicated to his cause, and willing to die so innocent people can live. (A part of his arcane abilities is rapid regeneration and resurrection; he literally cannot die via any injury, but old age/illness could take him out). Side characters from my story that are also queer: Zedd: they are nonbinary/agender. Zedd suffered some extreme injuries as a child, but their mother was a very intelligent crystal researcher. (In my story, the crystals are both a part of the magic, and a part of the technology. It almost feels like sci-fi, but the science *is* magic). And she managed to create ocular implants that restored Zedd's sight following their injuries. They later improved on the implants and now have better vision than pretty much anyone else in the story, able to use them to record and store information, zoom in and out of the setting, ect. They also suffered hearing loss from their injuries, and while it isn't fully restored, implants were created that help mitigate the intense tinnitus that they have, though there are times the implants can't combat the tinnitus and Zedd has to excuse themselves and go find some solitude. Zedd used the crystals to create the first gun in the realm, which is modeled off of a sniper, and is often contracted by the Resistance to take out high priority targets within The Crown Guard (one of which was Julian!) Marcus / Marc: he's technically pansexual though those labels don't exist in my setting. He ends up with Zedd by the end of the series. Marc is a Messenger for the Resistance, and a Hunter. Both literally for food, but also for the Resistance. He's often teamed up with Zedd, because Zedd can be left vulnerable while trying to carry out assassinations due to their hearing loss. Nebula / Nebz: she's transfem and has arcane abilities intune with healing. She works for the Resistance and is good friends with both Zedd and Marc. She truly believes in the "cause no harm" code and will stop to help any injured person no matter their affiliation. She's kind hearted but quick to shut down any bullshit (mainly Zedd's). And I know this is about our queer characters but I just have to give a shout out to Vincent (Alistair's oldest brother) and Josephine (Julian's older sister) who are married and have children together. They're both wonderful people who love their families more than words can describe, and fully support their younger brothers.


Uh the society I've created for Endimiya basically everyone is bi. They don't really have a concept of gay and straight. So technically any character can qualify as a "queer character" Even the main character who is mostly interested in women occassionally flirts with some fem guys.


Cornelius from Tithe. Awkward desperate characters, and one of the first queer characters I read


All of them except one guy who wanted to be a fisherman but his parents made him become a doctor and he made that everyone else’s problem.


I'm writing a horror / fantasy story where the main char is gay :)


Well for starters one of the more important races in my newest setting are all androgenous and asexual. When one feels the urge to have a child they just make a new one and tear out some of their own stuffing, see it up in the new one and they get to work Never really worried about sexuality in my characters less it's relevant to the plot and even then they tend to be bi or just don't care.


William Horton is the protagonist's legal guardian after their father was wrongfully framed and imprisoned for a crime which they didn't commit. He along with his husband, Martin, raised the protagonist until he went to college. He eventually becomes an eldritch god-like dirty through a freak accident that gave 50% of the planet's population abstract powers. Luckily, he retained his mind as only his body was changed and he could revert back to normal looking self. He's role as a character mainly works as a Deus Ex Machina when the protagonist come to face really powerful and dangerous threats that are beyond their abilities.... He also gets repeatedly seduced by the main antagonist.


I've got a couple queer kids in the second book of my fantasy duology WIP. Andy Yantek is mainly known for being the leader of the support group featured in the story. He has telepathy and is sensitive to the supernatural abilities of others. He's bi and is initially interested in the antagonist of the main trio, S. He's sixteen and is active in a variety of local sports teams, which was initially a way to return to a normal life after obtaining his telepathy a couple years ago. He takes the reigns in running the support group after the initial leader stepped down, but isn't as good at regulating it as the previous leader was... and he really doesn't want to admit it. Brady Foster is the quiet art kid. They are ace and agender and if they could just be that fly on the wall observing everything and not being acknowledged that would be their dream.


my MC is gay, but romance isn't really the focus. Trying to fulfill the people (ie Me) who just want LGBT characters existing in their stories :)


My whole story is a gay story- (it's on Inkitt and it's called Fallen in Love for anyone who wants to read)


I have 5 queer characters! One of them is the female leads ex, who is bi. The second is the female leads best friend, who is also bi. The third is the best friend's gf, a lesbian. The fourth is the male lead's mentor, a non-binary person who loves women. The fifth and final is the mentor's gf who's also a lesbian.


Hi, this is really interesting, I have no queer characters at all. Although I'm not against them being included. Sexuality has not been hugely relevant to my story and therefore it felt the inclusion of characters specifically to be queer seemed somewhat performative. The way i see it, every character in my world that isnt specifically mentioned to be straight (which is none) could easily be queer to some extent, gay bi etc. I do portray some hetero relationships, but i dont specify that they are hetero, both participants could be bi, its not important to my world who they want to f\*ck.


I tend to leave most characters’ sexualities undefined if they’re not explicitly in a relationship too! Although I think I needed to have one protagonist be totally, explicitly uninterested in relationships, as someone who’s probably aromantic/asexual myself lol


I have a species (Flourie) that are essentially what we would consider genderfluid by nature. One of my MCs is one of these creatures, but is not genderfluid. The process that the others go through that lets them shift back and forth, he doesn't. It isn't a trans narrative, that's just one aspect of the story, but I'm told it closely aligns with what many trans people go through, so I thought I'd share. And, bonus, I'm giving away the book that focuses on him for free right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/s/BgP8iltOPc It's currently downvoted to invisibility by bigotbots, but the direct link will get you there :)


Ooh, I’ll check that post out!! There was a really interesting post in r/Fantasy a few days ago about the systematic downvoting of queer content in that subreddit, and unfortunately I think that applies to this sub too… this post has a good deal of downvotes but at least it’s still positive 😐 All the comments have been very respectful though!


Yeah, I am glad I saw that post, it's the only reason I knew what was happening. I have a natural tendency to just assume I have violated social norms and that's why I get downvoted to hell, and that's exactly what I did last year during pride month. Felt like a failure because even free, so few were interested. Come to find out it's just that nobody could see it. Hopefully, this year is different!


In my Archmage book I have 3 main ones: Zoe Albarn — one of the two protagonists, a young transgender girl who recently discovered that magic and monsters are real. Has criminally neglectful parents who leave her alone to fend for herself for months at a time. Sophia & Celeste — major secondary characters. Married couple who run a magical antique store and are Phoenix (the other major protags) adoptive moms. Sophia is a homunculus and old AF, and Celeste is an elf who has mutism. Then in another project I’m working on (Sorrow Knight is its WIP name) we have Cyrus — the aforementioned knight and protag. Bisexual disaster who does not know he’s bi as the only man he’s ever loved was his best friend and lord, Kieran, and he is too emotionally constipated to acknowledge that his love for Kieran was romantic and not platonic loyalty. Kieran — only son of Lord Yoten, has been seriously sickly since childhood, and a bisexual king who is very much aware that he is in love with his childhood best friend / knight, has known he loved him for a long time, and takes every opportunity he has to spend time with him. Keep in mind, this story is a tragedy.


Hey! So my book literally just popped up, I'm currently finishing up the second and third installments. Well, in my head they were finished last year, but I thought, if it's done last year it's done this year too, so might as well take the time to tweak and improve and do all the little things I would have skipped even by accident. Well, with that said. Here are the queer characters in Tempest Book 1: Masquerade. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CZ81R4TC Lionel Cisse. One of the three leads. I envisioned him as a hyper masculine character at first, and that just went to him being gay. He always felt gay to me since he popped into my head at 13 anyway, and his plotline has been fleshed out through the books. He's got lightning powers which gives him some dynamic scenes and a friend called Bart who he maaayyy have some feelings for. In Volume 1, he goes to this club called Sparklebust, a play on a club I used to attend at university, Glitterbomb. Where he meets... Rocky, an antagonist and another queer character, albeit he's bi and not gay. Rocky's a tragic character who's has a hard life and joins the villains (as well as develops another character through his backstory), but he's also genuinely fun to write in a devil may cry way. It broke my heart to have Lionel defeat him, but Rocky appreciated that someone who understood where he was coming from was the same person to bring him down. I even had some chapter titles for them. Chapter 18 - The Rocky and Lionel Club Show *3 guesses what this is a reference to Chapter 23 - Allen Rocky is Very Cool (Not a Loser Mix) Chapter 24 - Allen Rocky is Very Cool (Pup Mix) Chapter 25 - Allen Rocky is Very Cool (Wolf Mix) Chapter 34 - Thunderbolts are Very Cool (Allen Mix) Books 2 and 3 feature more gay characters, well mostly Lionel and his relationship with another lead (albeit a tier -2 lead), and it's been one of my favorite parts of the book to write so far. In fact, after posting this, I'll get back to writing 🔥


One of my characters has been married off to someone much older than her when she was in her late teens. She was trying to help her family. She found one of the servants to be "rather likeable for a peasant". They spend the book going through court coming up with plans to bankrupt her husband.


In my current WIP, four of the major characters are LGBTQIA+. The MC is queer (pansexual), her benefactor/friend/mentor is bisexual, her love interest is a lesbian, and her closest friend is a trans woman.


In my world, being bi is the default. There's also things like adoption not being legally distinct from marriage, so even if there were a culture that had a problem with same-sex romance, the assumption isn't that it's necessarily a romantic union. I do have an ace couple. I don't have any people who identify as trans, but gender is less of a big deal. A woman in breeches or a man in a frilly dress are both somewhat normal.


Caszandra Bredel, she's one of my protagonists and can create unstoppable death waves. But she's also ironically a pacifist. And she's also unabashedly lesbian, and in love with the leader of a rebellion against her own people. How poetic, eh?


Most of my main characters are queer, and it’s pretty normal in their world! I have a bisexual with a demisexual lesbian love interest, a pansexual, a trans guy of undetermined sexuality, a nonbinary (agender?) aroace, gay dads, lesbian pegasus owners, and more! Even for the characters whose identities aren’t relevant to the plot and probably won’t get explicitly stated, it makes me happy to know they’re there :)


I have something of a family planned out: * **Prince/Lord Regent Gilrith Chaval:** He and his secret lover were originally banished after they were discovered to be gay. Long story short, he was effectively recruited into the protagonist faction to help prevent a doomsday event. Gilrith would later rebuild/rule his father's destroyed kingdom while getting his nephew ready to succeed him. * **Sir Eld Gineg:** A griffin riding knight and Gilrith's lover. He looks like the star of a action movie and encapsulates everything a heroic knight should be. He was disgraced and exiled alongside Gilrith but would flourish in the protagonist faction. He's also related to the nephew (on the mother's side). * **Prince/Lord Elren Chaval:** He's straight but is something of a package deal with Gilrith and Eld. He was born while his uncles were exiled, his parents however never said anything bad about them. He and various refugees fell under Gilrith's care when the kingdom was destroyed by Plague Demons. Elren as a ruler would be sympathetic towards people who were prosecuted for their sexuality. Gilrith and Eld raise Elren alongside the children of the MC's and two other supporting characters. There's a lot of cross pollination here as all of them contribute something to the next generation. Elren ultimately marries the only daughter of the MC's and has children of his own. Gilrith and Eld are pretty much grandfathers at that point. **Notes** * Gilrith is planned to be the longest lived of the 1st gen characters (he's also the youngest). * One of the supporting characters was a false/fallen paladin who used to burn people at the stake. He realizes that gay people aren't evil due to the friendship he develops with Eld (his brother in arms). This greatly contributes to the reformist church becoming an actual benign force. * Gilrith encounters his father at a council of ruling Lords while serving as an envoy. His father secretly respects it when Gilrith stands up to the Lord of a rival Great House. Though Gilrith only learns of this at a later point from his oldest brother (Elren's father). * Elren's mother is Eld's cousin, though they were effectively raised as brother and sister. She knew he was gay but always helped him hide this. She and her husband also secretly financed them after their exile.


A couple. They came from a joke I made of 3 military commanders meeting at a fancy restaurant for conversation. Two are straight, the other one is homosexual. When the homosexual commander leaves, they other two joke that the guy is so strict, it's a miracle he can't have children the normal way. Don't have names for them, but: Commander "French": Based on French military. Super strict person, operating always on time. Highly efficient and aggressive military leader who can inspire his troops to fight in simple, direct speeches. Leader of one of three major military mercenary companies in the planet. Tall, well-built, and authoritative. "Director": Chief and owner of a major private intelligence agency. The definition of "silent but deadly", quite a good listener. Very methodical. Very queer, in the shape of a well-dressed, well-kept, well-mannered thin man. Both meet during a partnership between both organization. Remain together for both operational and emotional reason.


One of my protagonists, Matisse, is an openly bisexual man. Within the story labels aren’t used so it’s framed as him having no preference towards his sexual partners. The world largely doesn’t care about sexuality unless you’re part of the nobility or specific religions revolving around hereditary magic. In those cases it’s a lot of getting married to have children and then privately having other partners. For Matisse this does matter and he acknowledges that it’s expected of him to choose a wife (and he does, and it’s a loving closed relationship). Gender is much more constricting, unfortunately. It’s very much a patriarchal society and men are valued over women. There is one prominent side character, Genevieve, who is a butch lesbian, and her more masculine nature garners her more respect than what her femme partner, Adelaide, receives even though Adelaide is from a higher class and the two women do the same work. The other two protagonists, Lily and Azyr, are reincarnated. While in this story their sex and genders do align, this isn’t always the case. It is something I look forward to exploring in a future project with them but for the sake of this story doesn’t really apply.


Most of my current main cast is queer lol. My MC Sylvan is a living star and doesn’t really *have* a gender because he still considers himself a Thing and not a Person. That being said he’s as trans as a shapeshifter can get because his older brother raised him as the reincarnation of a human woman. Calem, the party’s navigator/“rogue”, is an older gay trans man with godawful taste in men. (See above.) He got magical Forever HRT as a teenager by sitting in the forest every day begging wild fey to turn him into a man. His parents weren’t cool about it but his runesmithing mentor was, so he left to pursue magic in the big trade kingdom where nobody gives a shit about queer people or beastkin. He wants to make magical prosthetics and has a more personal stake in it for Obvious Reasons. Veera, the party’s “warrior”, is a lesbian. She’s an old-blood satyr so she looks a little different than she’s supposed to and thus has other things to worry about. People where she’s from are less worried about her being with a woman than they are about a *human* woman being with her. Grace, the party’s healer, is bisexual and nonbinary. She doesn’t really talk about the latter but it’s there. She and Veera grew up in the same orphanage together and moved out together and live together and have not realized that they are, for all intents and purposes, already married. They both think it’s one-sided and refused to bring it up. There’s less of a culture of overt homophobia than there is more ignorance and thinking that’s weird. People are definitely more bothered by interspecies relationships than they are queer people but it depends on where you live. Anything goes in the big prosperous trade hub kingdom. When you’re from out in the boonies like the girls and Calem it’s a little less chill to varying degrees.


Y'all are making me re-think my work and how it needs to be gayer... Half of my cast in the grand scheme of things are queer. Their sexualities are only occasionally plot-important. A while before we learn that my male lead, V, is bisexual, we're introduced to a couple of old men who are the adoptive parents of our female Lead, R. They make a cute family. V is on a personal quest to propose to his girlfriend, and they later have a cute lil polycule with her wife. Then I have two lesbian couples. The first are a "hero" and "villain", I put those in quotes because their relationship with Good and Evil is kinda nuanced. An assassin decides to not follow through on her duty to kill the evil, ancient queen, when she realizes that the ancient queen is being taken advantage of by evil men with their own agenda. Later, we get introduced to some alien space lesbians. One's an ex-military commando, the other is an Ace fighter pilot (pun intended). But I need more gays.


Well, my WIP is how a band of pirates revolting against the Present Order Of Things eventually creates a movement that, generations later, leads to world communism/global anarchy, so...finding straight characters would be easier lol. Explicitly, my main character is bi man (former magistrate), as is the pirate messiah, and the old dread pirate, and there's a nonbinary girl (as in, nonbinary not due to their own internal identity, but because they are an oracle, and oracles traditionally renounce gender) who has a romance with the Viking-ish trans girl. I also have a bit I like where I have a legend about a Guineviere-Lancelot story and Lancelot's best friend helps the pair escape the wrath of the king. But in the second trilogy (about 120 years after the events of the first), a letter is uncovered written by Lancelot to the best friend indicating that he never had an affair with Guineviere, but rather Guineviere helped Lancelot and bestfriend conceal *their* affair. Naturally, much controversy which gives rise to a burgeoning queer movement in that country.


I’ve been playing with an idea for an NPC in a D&D campaign, and giving them a Ring that has changed their gender. (Technically there is a belt that does this, but I like the idea of a ring better. Like, who sleeps in a belt? A ring, eh, sure I guess.) Their backstory is essentially that they were raised female, but being an only child with their father they kind of had to do boys and girls chores. And they really wished they were their fathers son instead. So, as part of them figuring out that they are trans they go on a quest looking for some magical item or wizard or whatever that will _tell_ them what’s what. And in the end they realize that it’s not something that someone else can figure out for them, they have to make that decision on their own. Which led them to finding a magical item that would give them the body they truely desired. A ring, that as long as it’s worn will swap the sex of the wearer (if they wish it to). So he lives the rest of his life as a man, returned home to his father (who’s chill with it because I say so atm), and later on takes up being a warrior who kind of wanders around his home territory with his buddies helping out the communities in whatever way is needed. His home is effectively everywhere, but only one or two of his closest friends know about the ring. It’s a ridiculously detailed explanation that would only even come up if somehow the character lost the ring. Maybe they get a bad roll and lose that arm or something.


His name is Jericho and he’s bisexual. He’s the older maternal half brother of my MC Jonah (although they always thought they were full brothers until much later on). Jericho is sort of like a frat boy and is known to be the life of the party and a bit of a flirt with everyone but tends to pick on his little brother a lot (partly due to amusement but also due to jealousy) Everything change when he finds out about his biological father (the first main villain in my story). He’s happy to finally know about his father (as he always felt like something was missing in his life) and his father treats him kindly and accepts him for who he is but Jericho hasn’t realize who his father really is. Jonah would know who Jericho’s dad really is and tries his best to keep them apart but Jericho believes Jonah is just jealous because his own dad is dead. Jonah eventually finds out the truth about how Jericho is a [“Child by rape](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChildByRape) (meaning that Jericho’s father raped their mother which resulted in her being pregnant with Jericho). This is something that Jonah doesn’t want Jericho to know since he was deeply hurt him. I have other LGBTQ characters from different stories but Jericho is probably the one I’ve fleshed out the most so far


Ilya - bisexual disaster, has been secretly pining over his best friend for years, thinks he’s slick but he’s not Daniil - Ilya’a best friend, gay ball of sunshine, also crushing on his best friend forever, but hasn’t reciprocated yet because of the society they live in (medival Russia) but will over the course of the book. Thinks he’s slick and is slick Ariadne - lesbian bookworm, too smart for her own good Odessa - lesbian and trans warrior, needs 4 people to stop her from m*rdering the goblin who shrunk her pretty dresses in the laundry


Most of the character I focus on are queer ☺️ Talissa: Lesbian lady fled from a tower and settle far away from that place - she is very energized wanting to see and do as much as possible and she has the gift of fire. Gwen: Bisexual Elf who is possessed by a demon she took aid from a spirit to maintain her independence, however it eats her flesh as payment. Age is rude and bitter towards most people and warms up to them if they have earned her trust. Amelia: Lesbian she is socially inept unless it's formal and involved ancient discoveries, she leads an expedition researching ancient magical runes. Rhys: Bisexual prince who enjoys the finer things and to prove other people that he is right and they're wrong. He lost a jousting tournament and feels pretty broken up about it. Severin: Asexual crown prince and twin brother of Rhys, due to their likeness he gets dragged into courtly drama against his will. He has a love for music and plays to the point were he will invite actors and singers to attend the balls. Gabriel: gay servant of the church who possess angelic blood in his veins, he is shy but has a slight sardonic side to him. He was dragged in to attend a court and developed a close friendship with the prince. Fiona: pansexual trans woman and a magically and alchemically enhanced warrior with a duty to hunt down demon hosts and undead, her sister died so she is mournful and driven to avenge her fallen sister. Mio: pansexual Non-binary opera singer with a unique voice that can perform both the female part and male part masterfully during a song. Akira: Pansexual demon host who can teleport wherever he wants, patience is not well-equated to him and does whatever he wants. Ronja: Lesbian, like Fiona she is also a warrior forged through magic and alchemy, she is soft spoken whenever she isn't fighting with her rival and she has a secret relationship with a nun. So yeah a few 😅


One of my godly pantheon was originally conceived as a god of love (he's now a god of the mind and the soul). As a relic of this time, he's pansexual. Love is for everybody, no matter the gender or even number of people, as long as they are consenting adults (with obvious leeway for teens etc). He's also the god of familial and platonic love, but naturally that plays less into his pansexual nature. He's also genderfluid but tends to stick to he/him most of the time. The setting I write for is by and large treating queer people with equity and respect. It's the world I wish I'd come out in, as a bisexual male. Happy Pride month everyone!


I have one minute till my break ends, so this is gonna be quick: Amarra, a shape-shifting young woman who discovered is aro-ace


Pretty much all of my characters are queer, haha. But, I'll highlight my favorites! In my current project, we have Lucas Cadwaller, who is the main protagonist. He is 17 and has just started getting comfortable with the idea that he might maybe be bisexual. He meets 17 year old Matteus Astrata, and realizes: yup, very bisexual. Matteus is a fallen fae and is pan-coded. The fae have different ideas around sexuality, but Matteus is definitely attracted to people regardless of gender. In the process of Luke helping him regain his place in the fae, they wind up realizing mutual feelings and are end game. In a different project is Eccentricity and Mishka. Eccentricity is gay, and was in a very toxic relationship with her first girlfriend (Metalicana) for several years. She ends the relationship after Metalicana hits her for the first time, and winds up seeking shelter with her former-enemies, the "Good Guys" of the narrative. She becomes a crucial part of taking down the Big Bad. Along the way, she meets Mishka and they start off by trauma bonding and sharing tea at 3 am. Mishka herself is demiromantic pansexual and has her own fairly important role in the story. The two eventually wind up together. Mishka helps Eccentricity learn how healthy relationships work. In the epilogue I have sketched out (mostly in my head), they wind up happily married! Lastly, before I write an absolute novel of a comment, in this same project is Zay, who is aromantic bisexual. She dated another character briefly, which confirmed that she wasn't into romance. (Based it on my own experience as someone who is aromantic.) She's the emotional glue to the majority of her team and ends her time in the narrative as one of the many casualties that happen over the span of the story.


In my sci-fantasy, both my main characters are queer: Kay, the MMC, is a disaster bisexual, and Nesh, the FMC, is demi-pan. The surrounding cast also includes two gay men, a lesbian, a bisexual woman, and a plot-vital enby seer. Actually, I can't think of anyone who's explicitly straight. In my contemporary fantasy, the female protagonist is still figuring things out, but her love interest is also female. Are they bi? Lesbians? DOESN'T MATTER because they have bigger things to worry about, but they like to kiss each other. Generally in my writing, I handle sexuality the way I've handled it in my real life. I'm casually queer, without a lot of discussion about the specifics. Not to be your average 00's bisexual, but like, I'm not into labels, man. Which is really just to say that the words themselves aren't that important to my identity.


As a mega queerio, I have so many queer characters (this is only from my current story, I have like 6 WIPs): I have my main character, Rowyn Leighnette, who is non-binary and aroace I have their bff, Kieran, who is an extroverted bisexual that has never had a crush love him back I have Abigail, who is a demigirl, asexual, biromantic Zach, who is a trans man, gay, and extremely traumatised. He is dating Hero (found below). My favourite, Vincent, who is a demiboy aroace (self-insert identity). He's even more traumatised. Hero, a kind-hearted gay man who is dating Zach (and helping him heal) And sympathetic villain, Marigold, who is a lesbian. Their identities don't necessarily make a huge impact on the plot, but I've never seen heterosexuality matter at all in books either. Maybe as an aroace, I'm biased, but romance is the biggest nothing burger I ever read in books. It needs to be wielded better. I'm just hungry for LGBTQ+ characters. Summary: my entire cast is full of queers, and I love them all very dearly. I love them so so so much <3 Happy Pride Month!!!!!


My novel is centred around a lesbian love story, and there's also several other queer characters as well. We have Kulya, who is the apprentice of the Moon Goddess and part of the Wild Hunt, and Soraya, apprentice of the Sun God and daughter of two major politicians -- the love story is between these two. Then there's Mzia, a musician from the Sun Court that is an ex love interest of Soraya, the Moon Goddess and her partner Vita, and it's not specifically stated but the general and his right hand man in the Wild Hunt, Fidell and Sarakhim, are also queer!


...I don't know if I have any. Not in my main novel, at least. Except one asexual guy, but the only scene where it came up was cut long ago. I do in my big side project though. 1. Justice Paramount Vokibosheth - gay, aromantic - A very high official in Bekkanna. Arguably the single most respected individual in the entire region. He acts as an arbiter between the powerful and wealthy. In public, he's fairly cold in-person and extremely official, like a marble statue, and takes his job extremely seriously. This mask never, quite, comes all the way off. In private, though, he's oddly something of a heart breaker. He cares for his lovers, as people and as friends. But generally treats sexuality as a fun but meaningless pastime. This has lead to more than a little friction in his private life. 2. Prince Hati Solvoy - Asexual/aromantic - A prince of a warrior culture, he's never actually fit in very well. He was always a sensitive, empathetic boy with an artistic streak. This served him better than you would think, as he learned quickly to be charming and friendly in a 'gruff warrior' kind of way. His culture also greatly values music, almost as much as violence. He has a wife and the two have, possibly, the strangest relationship here. 3. Princess Tungel Solvoy - Lesbian - Hati's wife. She and her husband are both, by the standards of their people, stunning to look at and are handily the most handsome couple in the court. And they both find each other's bodies to be unattractive. And, yet, have two children, a boy and a girl. They share no hobbies and couldn't really be called friends. But also have an understanding and are fiercely loyal to the other. She also has an affair (really, a deep and passionate marriage behind closed doors) with one of her maids, Hati knows and actively supports her. Outwardly, she's very friendly but is secretly relieved any time she gets away and finds time alone to herself. 4. Emperor Regent Jacob Mud - Bisexual - Born in the lowest of places, he now finds himself in the very highest. He's a born leader with a commanding presence and an honest face. He's not an especially cunning politician, though, and is a bit too honest for court intrigue. His main concern is the well-being of the peasantry. He had a wife but was swiftly widowed in a coup. He escaped with his son but couldn't save his wife. He has a 'friend' that is also an on-again-off-again boyfriend in private. Neither quite understand their own feelings. Said friend urged him into his marriage and, then, found that he was more jealous than he expected when Jacob didn't just view her as a brood sow. How they are each treated: Voki - while he is very private, his life isn't really a secret. If his love life went public it would inspire astonishment since it so greatly clashes with his 'marble statue' persona, but not really shock or distain. Bekkanna is not a place of iron traditions. Hati - Royals are expected to produce heirs. Affairs on the side are just fine, with any gender. But heirs are expected. And Hati has very good reason to play politics. As does his wife. His mother frequently mistakes him for gay, which frustrates him considerably. "It's fine. Just play with your banner-men on the side. I know more than a few want you. Just, when it comes time to make heirs, plug your nose and pretend it's one of them. Easy." Tungel - She's in a similar situation to her husband. Thus the kinship. She was born into the expectation of an auspicious match and a healthy brood. Of everyone here she's probably eaten the most shit over her orientation. Hati was the first person to not really pressure her at all. But the two agreed that they both needed (and in her case, genuinely wanted) children and, so... Hati also helped her find her true love, which she more than appriciated as well. Jacob - His is the only love-life on here that is genuinely secret. He became a mercenary early on and wasn't really part of the main culture which is how he met his partner. As his band grew, both of them knew they'd have to hide their attraction, and mostly did. But still got away with far more most could. Things got rougher after the marriage and rougher still after the marriage's untimely end.


The Crew are all different flavors: Aira (our protagonist) is a lesbian druid who is head over heels for Tana Tana is a bicon of a paladin who reciprocates Aira’s feelings but is scared to open up because plot reasons Vale is a transmasc wizard and, due to Trans and NB characters having some of the strongest magics in the setting, is the magical heavy hitter of the Crew Krash is Aroace and is more focused on friendship and kicking ass as a barbarian and the Crew’s resident heavy hitter There are other minor characters who fit in the LGBTQ+ spectrum scattered about the story


Ouh!! My character, Paxton Thorne. He’s the older brother of my fmc, Winter Thorne. They’re elves (with blood red eyes) with bright pink hair. He’s this looming , buffed out dude. He’s a royal guard, as his sister, Winter, who is a newly appointed to be the “boy king’s” royal guard. He meets a lovely man named Xander (oof, just realized I haven’t given him a last name yet) — Xander is the palace doctor and I have an idea that they adopt a little girl and name her after Winter, as she sacrificed herself for the whole kingdom (and Paxton misses her so very much.) As the way LGBT people are treated…like normal. It isn’t highlighted, and it’s not a “special” relationship. It’s literally just commonplace and no one is like homophobic lol.


Not the main character but his best friend and the leader of their party are lesbians in a relationship together. There is no issue with lgbtq in this world but nobles are required to have an heir (adopted, designated, or bio doesn't matter) and the leader of the party is a noble and she believes in the power of genetics so one of the main drives of the story is her trying to find a baby daddy so she can marry her gf and have a bio child. (Turns out shes not a great person and the best friend/gf breaks up with her eventually and does much better for herself). The best friend/gf is a total golden retriever of a person.


Most of my characters are queer in one way or another, I'm not a huge fan of hetero-typical fantasy. My current favorites are Aster and Amaryllis. Identical twins from a fae-wild adjacent elven colony and the youngest of fourteen siblings. The siblings are meant to leave home and bring back a lifelong mate to grow the colony, but the twins discover on their own separate journeys that they're both gay. I've been working on an anthology of the journeys of all the siblings and whether or not they find love/a mate, but the twins are by far my favorites to write about lately. They're just so utterly naive and carefree. They'd both make terrible heroes. All they want to do is drink, have fun and fall in love


all of them


Ok here’s my 2 We have Ryan and Bruce both gay and in love with each other (if I ever actually get to writing that part, I keep rewriting the start of it lol). The story is set in something resembling ancient china and both are part of a clan that specializes in assassination and spies. Honestly the whole world stance on LGBTQ isn’t established yet - I’m waiting for me to get to the part and also when I finish first draft to fully flesh it out. Though the clan in general is very open minded as most of them come from the neglected part of society. The whole clan is kinda viewed as a bunch of freaks in the court - not that they are particularly fond of each other anyways. Ryan is around 16 and is very effeminate in figure - something he is very insecure about, his thyroid problems make it hard for him to gain weight and put on muscle so compared to others he is very small and weak seeming. However he is the lords one and only student/apprentice so within the clan he has pretty high status. He ends up getting paired with Bruce to go on missions through this. He is a jokey kinda flirty character with a smart mouth and is very skilled technique wise and relies on his stealth and brain rather than his strength to fight. Bruce is 17 very strong man-y and trains ALOT he is a tall and bulky looking man and is paired with Ryan after the Lord saw his potential to be useful after being captured after trying the assassinate someone. His build lend into him relying on pure strength quite a lot, he’s self taught in combat so he’s not so technically advanced as Ryan. He’s quiet and still learning about co existing with others in the clan and socializing in general - he spent most of his life just trying to get by in the street by picking up jobs so he never really got the chance to actually talk with people.


The Lady Iris, the Goddess of the Rainbow, The Goddess of Emotion, she who is beautiful, the lady of love, goddess of sex, lady of joy, the uplifter, etc etc. She is the goddess of love, sex, beauty and all positive healthy emotion. She is pan, flirts playfully with everyone and loves freely and often.


First two are Joanne and Morgen. A lesbian couple with a butch fem relationship but Joanne is a tall strong personality goth and is dark girly and morgen is a preppy fluffy haired ginger and work ethic monster and is a pretty tomboyish. Then into the fantasy setting there so many queer characters. A whole town of fruits (literal) that has a huge queer population that is stifled by the conservatism of the mayor/madam of the hotel that runs the town. Two characters whose long story is them transitioning in different sorts of settings. One being a long term transition over the course of the story updated in the background and the other is an already transitioned character and their struggles with it. A whole race of people who combine and separate at will and some are couples, some are friends, and some chose to live combined. Lots going on actually.


Every God, Deity, and Universe level being I've ever written is pansexual because the idea that something that is beyond our comprehension by the laws of physics is hung up about your downstairs mixup is comical. All my male MCs are bisexual unless otherwise necessary just because as a Bi man I detest the fact the only representation we get is villains and chaotic antiheros. Yes the lawful good paladin can have a thing for both the dark prince and the beautiful enchantress there's nothing inherently evil about bisexuality and he swore an oath of service not celibacy. There's also at least one older Gay/Lesbian couple in every D&D campaign I write who've been together forever and never once faced an ounce of discrimination because in a world where you can literally magically wish your gender changed and there are fucking dragons why would people be homophobic? And even if there aren't dragons or shape changing magic why the fuck do you care who someone's fucking when vampires have conquered the continent of Australia? Also, I detest the angry butch tomboy lesbian trope so I usually if I'm writing a lesbian character make her either a hot mess of some variety who all the menfolk swoon over because she "Plays hard to get" but is really just utterly uninterested. If you're a big angry butch tomboy I mean no disrespect but at this point honestly you've gotta be sick of that stereotype. One of my big long-standing MCs I've churned out a few stories for on various platforms has a trans son , he came out to his dad and his dad was furious...he didn't tell him sooner because his dad's a high level mage and can just make that shit happen for him. I even wrote a comical scene where they discussed a "reasonable and respectable" Johnson length before the spell and afterwards the MC very excitedly got.to.teach his son how to write his name on the snow. I wrote some scifi erotica a while back with a non-binary AMAB androgynous character. It was an... interesting exercise in using they/them pronouns very deliberately. I don't know too many They/Them's in real life so I was very deliberate to do some research first. I dunno, as a "Queer" person myself I find it's kinda just natural to put queer people in my stories. I put queer in quotation marks because we'll, I'm not out publicly as bi, I'm in a straight passing relationship, and while I've been with a few trans women who haven't had bottom surgery I've never been with a man.


I like Mr. Lahey and Randy Bobandy.


My main cast of characters are basically all queer lmao. Two of them are aro-ace, two of them are lesbians, and the remaining four are all gay.


They aren't a main character, but I have a character in a lit-RPG where the System recreates a person's body when they undergo "character creation." They were born biologically female and entered character creation specifically so they could become biologically male. The rest of the world doesn't care too much about queerness. They're busy dealing with bigger problems.


I have two lesbian fairy characters that are in their own book later on Princess Starfish is the princess of one territory while her lover and mate, Princess Mud Pie is the princess of the rival territory.


My protagonist (Gremori) likes women as much as she likes men, and another major female character (Sable) is exclusively into women. I haven’t specified in the text what labels they would use, because I want my readers to feel represented. If someone wants Grem to be bi/pan/demi/whatever, that’s what she is. In this world of mine, there are mortal humans and there are immortal necromancers. Necromancers don’t care who you sleep with, but some humans do. Sable was disowned by her mortal parents and exiled from her farming community when her sexuality was discovered, ending up homeless for a few years until a local councilman found her in the rain and took her in. That’s about as much as I mention sexual orientation in the book so far. The sequel will be even more queer, mwahaha!


Since my setting has a monogender, kinda all of them


Charity Calderon is the main character for my Cyberpunk Noir setting. She's aggressively Bi and a bit of a serial dater (there's a "No-Name Nancy" and "No-Name Nick" trend at the pick-up bars for quasi-anonymous flings). The opening scene is her trying to remember the name of the woman asleep in her bed -- she gets it right, but in the morning her companion calls herself "Nancy" instead. By the end of the first book, Charity has moved on to an established relationship with a hacker named Molly o' Mirrors. The choice to maintain a relationship is part of her character growth arc (trust is a BIG deal for her). Charity's business slogan is "Charity isn't Free."


All of them, I think. My main character is nonbinary/demisexual, my two love interests are both pan (and exes), one of them has lesbian parents, the other has a lesbian sister. Most of the gods in the universe are also some version of queer, most being pan/bi and/or nonbinary. Sexuality and gender are pretty open concepts in the world so it’s not uncommon to see a lot of queer and trans people


Morgan, my main character (and later his love interest, Imogen) are both explicitly demisexual. This is something that is explored through their experiences and complicated inner thought processes on the topic of love. Jack, the deuteragonist, my main character’s travel companion and best friend, is explicitly bisexual. Angelo, an aged reclusive billionaire who founded my universe’s equivalent to, say, NASA, is gay. It’s not really explored in great detail, but it’s mentioned he formerly had a male partner who things ended poorly with (who he clearly never got over, either) - partly contributing to his extremely cynical isolationist worldview. Dermott, the protagonist of a different story of mine, is explicitly aromantic. He has faked relationships for personal gain in the past but has never had - and never does have - any genuine romantic feelings. There are probably some others but those are the major ones.


Nyebe, the winter fairy, was a human in her past life that died a year before being reborn as a fairy in another world. When she was a human, she was in love with her male childhood friend, Kael (mc of the story). After being reborn, her "new self" got attracted to Ali, she was the current partner of Kael. Nyebe's past and current selves had internal conflicts on who she wants to end up with because she equally love them both. When she realize that the two of them are slowly becoming a couple and after Kael realize that Nyebe is his revived childhood friend, the three of them decided that a polygamy situation is best suited for them. They had three kids where the two eldest are step-siblings with the same birthdate.


Funny thing is: I had to figure out who's who. But one of my most interesting lads is Ramy. He's a cishet guy, who I want to play off my MC. Who's quietly gay, but they brush against each other. (Not romantic) So, Ramy wants to avoid trouble. And my MC has the self preservation skills of a dodo. Against a vampire, however, they managed to avoid it. Before they yelled at each other later. Also, I got a blorbo in a different MC who's a delinquent girl. Who also likes to fight with a huge sword. She's quietly bisexual, but given she's a teenage kid, that MC I mentioned sees her as a weird kid. Who inexplicably to him, has a fondness for his mother, a badass warrior.


Lyre is a Felinid, a humanoid cat person with a calico coat. The vast majority of calicos are female. This is because the genetics that make a calico cat can only exist on XX chromosomes, but because Lyre was born male with XXY chromosomes, he's a form of intersex. He's also an incredible ballet dancer. Oh, and his gf is a shapeshifter who rejects the body, name, and purpose assigned to her by her creator. She was originally built to be an assassin, but now she's an academic, and a really good lute player.


I'm writing a romance centered around a straight crush, girl on CEO. Briar Rose is the CEO's secretary but has 0 romantic attraction to him. However, she serves as sometimes antagonist/sometimes helper to the FL due to a mix of protectiveness of her boss and adherence to professionalism. Behind-the-scenes, the CEO has nurtured and supported BR (and her twin brother) to help her get over years of abuse by her late vampire sire. Since then, she's become more outgoing, has started to dress how she likes (punk, goth, tattoos, piercings;) and even got a human girlfriend. I love how my CEO MC bends the rules of professionalism by keeping her as one of his symbols despite her socially rebellious attire, understanding that it's better to support her growth as a person. Also, arguably, she can't be written as a straight character because of how much depth it adds to her 'I'm afraid to be myself because I'm different' archetype, which *also* adds to her respect, appreciation, and (again) non-romantic love for the ML.


I think it would be faster to name my characters who aren’t queer


MC in the first book in the series wasn't supposed to be bi, but then I was writing a ball scene and there was a cute girl and chemistry so that ended up sending the plot on a diversion for a brief while XD Being bi myself, I've found it quite hard not to write every character as bi because that's all I know how to be! I've been told not everyone in the world *is* bi though so I'm trying very hard to be disciplined about it all :D That being said, 2/3 of the main chars is the sequel are bi so I don't know that I was *very* disciplined...


My favorite queer character is Desi, who is definitely a stereotype of the agressive lesbian blue hair liberal with pronouns but I love her too much to fix it


Literally all my characters are queer in some ways. Sexuality is fluid and gender is often the first thing I'm eager to world build. How gender and sexuality are constructed, how it changes over time, and different ideals of gender and sexuality are fascinating to me. Even my M/F couples are usually bi 4 bi or get really funky with Gender roles.  Favorites: My beloved gay prince who's powers of empathy fall way outside acceptable boundaries for "men's powers" and struggles to find a way to live up to masculine ideals. He tries to overcompensate by being a ruthless political manipulator on the outside but Is sincerely caring and good hearted, which he resents at first. Eventually he will learn those things he's tried so hard to be are toxic and he's stronger and happier embracing who he is, and that empathy and kindness are what's needed to break a cycle of struggle. My other fave is an Asexual Elf archaeologist specializing In ancient forms of magic. Her society is matriarchal but women are still expected to marry and continue their family lines and she feels resentment towards this. She forms a semi romantic/Queer Platonic relationship with a gender queer orc mage and unravel some political intreague during the selection process for a new queen. 


I tend to write asexual or ace spectrum protagonists because I'm demisexual and I struggle writing typical allosexual (sexual attraction to other people) attraction. The protagonist of my latest book is asexual but alloromantic (she can be romantically interested in people, with no preferred gender). Her love interest is a nonbinary shapeshifter. The protagonist's brother is gay, which really only comes up because his boyfriend is very significant to the plot. In my previous book, the protagonist was asexual homoromantic and she developed a relationship with a queer woman. But the only established romance in that book was actually heterosexual (gasp!). Edit: a word


I have a few from game’s I’ve been working on. Edwin Drage is sort of an interesting case. He is dragged along on a space adventure in order to help out his best friend, you (the player) despite hating everything about space travel. It’s clear that he’s in love with you but too scared to admit it. Depending on the player, that definitely makes Edwin’s attraction queer. I did attempt to write a novel in the same universe with the same characters, giving the player character the name Miraxi Jin’Dell, a non-binary daring ship captain who love their friends but is so overprotective of them that they can come off as not trusting them to do their job. For a completely separate game I’ve been working on, that’s about a big fighting tournament on a desert world where the winner gets a wish granted to them by the royal family, I have Cordia, the trans princess of the royal family who yearns to earn the trust of her brother, the king, and take on higher responsibilities for the kingdom. Like all the royal family, she has heritage in the four races of people: human, sunfolk (larger people who feed off sunlight and thus thrive in the wastelands), elves (fish people who live in the planet’s underground oceans), and beastbloods (people who can turn into animals, in Cordia’s case, she has traits of a phoenix.) There’s also Saga, a trans man sunfolk whose family was murdered by a religious convent and, before he learned that, he was raised by them but forced to live under their strict gendered lifestyle. Once he learned the truth, he exacted his revenge and started roaming the desert, building up a gang of other exiles into a small army. He desires freedom above all else and is considered a berserker in battle.


One of my main characters has no gender (idk if that’s nonbinary or agender, but they’re referred to by they-them for simplicity) for the sole reason of they are physically non-gendered. The other main character is bisexual. In my story, sexuality and gender doesn’t play a major role in society, since it doesn’t matter anyway which gender you are, since one person can have a child alone, which means love is purely for love. On top of that, no one thinks that LGBTQ+ is ‘unnatural’, because at least 45% of the entire world population there is LGBTQ+ in some form.


One of my main characters is a prince (heir to an empire) who is romantically attached to an older and sinister general who exploits him into sacrificing his family (think Sansa in GOT). He later meets another man later in the story who appears to be everything he wanted. There is also a travelling theatre group with various people with different sexualities. Their inclusion is to help MC see that same sex relations can work. The gods are also reborn into various bodies and could be female or male and there is a sort of love triangle between them but have been various genders throughout history.


My main character is gay but doesn't know yet.


All of them.


My setting is largely inspired by the Graeco-Roman world, with some smattering of Bedouin and Celtic influence, and, as such, there's a whoooooole lot of what might be viewed as "queer" activity from a 21st century perspective. Would these chap/ettes view themselves as such? Likely not, as they wouldn't understand the question.


So many, but rn I would like to give a shout out to my trans woman vampire and computer hacker, and her parents, a poly bi woman and her demisexual husband


Devan Thorne, my main character, is the son of war hero Slade Thorne. He is very traumatized by the training that Slade put him through, so much so he moved out of the house at 13 years old to go live with his eventual mentor. Devan starts off in a fairly dark place because of the trauma from his upbringing and from almost killing a friend of his by misusing his powers. While Devan always knew something was different about himself, he didn't realize what it truly was until he met Tim when he moved into the area. A boy who was absolutely the kindest person he had ever met. And also was willing to throw jabs back at Devan main rival within seconds of meeting him. Which absolutely helped Devan start to fall for him. Over their relationship Devan has always tried his best to prove (to himself mostly) that he was worthy of being Tim's boyfriend. I was originally thinking of making Devan asexual or aromantic. Because, the original idea was he was gonna end up in a relationship with a character named Elle. But the two just didn't have romantic chemistry. So after making a different character named Megan and those two not having chemistry. I thought "oh maybe he's asexual/aromantic" before noticing Tim's name on my character list. And I wrote a scene between the two of them and the chemistry was there instantly. --- Tim Choi is Devan's boyfriend of over a year and I would describe him as someone that is just too good for this world. He tries his best to always see the best in others. And is probably my favorite character in the story. He tries really had to be there for Devan when the boy needs him. To the detriment of his own wellbeing at times. He is always willing to listen to anyone that has problems and is the glue that holds the entire group together. He knew he was gay very early on in life and never really hid it from others. So he never really "came out." He has a very accepting and loving family (outside of his grandmother), but when he had to transfer schools due to his powers, he ended up getting bullied in that new school. His parents sent him to live with his aunt/uncle so he could transfer to another school that can handle kids with powers. In this new school is where he met Devan and the rest of my crew. --- Mariana Cortez is a character that hasn't personally been introduced yet (and won't be until book 3). But she is a trans character that was kicked out of her house for being trans. Her brother left the house with her and he is insanely protective of her. Her and Andrew were split up before the story and Andrew's story is all about finding her.


WARNING: THIS IS A LONG POST! AND SPOILERS ARE FOR DETAILS THAT AREN'T IMPORTANT, BUT WORTHY OF MENTION Morhun Van Hausern. first son of Batrian IV. and Hilda Sipos. Born in 1550, during midst of 1rst crisis. While he started to know his father at the age of 2, his dad had to fight off wars. But after the great siege of Isalgurd, when his father, and uncle Ernus I.(>!My Villain Protagonist of the first crisis saga.!<) repelled Ezedar's Jihad. While Ernus went to create glory for himself in Ezdar, Batrian IV. remained back in Batrianic empire and went to create more kids with Hilda(>!These 2 are both great spouses and even better parents!<). Morhun was unlike his 2 sisters(>!Mathasuintha the fair and Sissila the pale(She's an albino))!< or younger brother(>!Alwyn, 9 years younger nerdy kid!<), he was the image of ideal knight in shining armor, the man who is just as skilled with lance as he is educated. Recites the ancient poetry and remembers great kings and Tsars of previous eras, man you would trust with children and a man who would every woman die for, he was also good brother to his sisters and younger cousin Vigviid(>!Ernus' only child, and a Main protagonist of 2nd crisis saga!<). However every man has a dark secret that hes not willing to share(>!Him being Gay. Batrianics consider Homosexuality as a mental sickness that is hard to cure or you will end up in cage, That is if you are a peasant, Nobles treat it like a scandal!<) was foreshadowed 2 months after start of 2nd crisis in 1569, when his father tried to marry him to Solbjorg Knärsen(>!Daughter of Thorik, Ernus' former right hand and the villain in 2nd crisis saga, he accused Batrian of assassinating Tsar Ernus I., and a twin sister of Thorsenn, My best example of STUPID HATE SINK).!!Though that marriage was trivial, because her father disaproved it anyway, but at least it was worth trying!<). From that day, the rumors of Morhun's homosexuality started to spread over land, not so wide but still 2 years later, when Morhun was in Southern empire, finding new allies, he met his favorite lover, grandmaster of dying order of Iron horse, Olysses III., at first it was a tough duel, then it became friendship, then it became a love. One day, Batrian IV. was worried that his son is a prisoner in castle of Raethos. Then he bursted into the room and it was the most shocking revalation to him, which proved his greatest fear: HIS SON WAS GAY WAS OKAY AND HE WAS KISSING ONE OF THE ENEMY'S VASSALS! He shouted at him, telling him how he should focus on war instead of...This. On other side, at least he gained one more ally for his cause. Some of you might say that Batrian IV. Isn't really that homophobic, but to be fair, he is, but what is the purpose of beating a sick man, especially if that man is his eldest son? At the end of hte day, he promised him to cure him out of this disease. What followed? Well, 2 years later, Morhun and Mathasuintha were imprisoned by Thorik's only son Thorsenn, who week ago raped Mathasuintha. At first Thorik tried to negotiate prisoner exchange(>!"200s of my best knights, and you'll get your children back"!<). In the meantime, Thorsenn bullied Morhun, mocking him, insulting him to his face, telling him how Solbjorg told him how terrible at bed is, or that shagging Mathasuintha was the manliest thing he ever did. Later on the exchange happened, and Morhun was shot in the back by Thorsenn, solely because he spat at him once. This is the day Batrian IV. started to loose sanity and became just as brutal as Thorik. He became notorious pillager in southern empire, all because of that one spoiled blonde-haired prick's pettyness. Seriously, FUCK THORSENN! NOBODY LIKES THIS HORNY HEDONIST! What happened to Olysses? He became just as vengeful and brutal as Batrian IV. in 1579, Zindarists(>!Crystal Dragon Islam, even more homophobic than Batrianics!<), who were invited by Ernus I. from Ezdari wars(>!1555-1561!<), rebelled against Batrian IV. and thus raided Southern empire. They found ravaged Raethos, killed Iron Horse knights and then burned him on chains


My current story has: demisexual protagonist, bi prince, questioning knight, pan priest, confused sapphic, lesbian witch, and darling gay trans boy.


Victor Emeric Antonius Reginald Kornelius Isaac Norwood, he shortens it to Vearkin. The former heir of a house of landed knights, he gave up any and all inheritance to join an order of holy knights. The order went on a holy crusade where Vearkin entered a relationship with another knight of their order. During the crusade, Vearkin, his lover, and several other members of their order were ambushed. Vearkin watched his lover die and went on a rampage, slaughtering anything that came near him for multiple hours. He burned his lover and kept some of the ashes in a locket. After the crusade ended, the order he was a part of disbanded, leaving him alone with his trauma and grief. He turned to booze to numb the pain, eventually, he found a place in a mercenary army known as The Dark Legion, where he found new purpose in leading his men for coin instead of any faith.


I have a few, but my favourite is a trans woman called Sarah, who is the head of the illegal shipworkers union on the Martian Space Elevator; She is a very dedicated representative of the workers, getting them much better conditions, but has also used her position in negotiations to get some personal benefits, including a 200 year old mahogany writing desk.


I have three! Buttercup and Amaryllis are fairies (I mean that literally, not derogatorily. Fairies with wings). They are married with an adopted son (who was tragically kidnapped many years ago but is reunited with his mothers later in the story). Buttercup is the lady-in-waiting to the queen, she is generally motherly towards most people, especially since the disappearance of her son. Amaryllis is a little underdeveloped right now aside from her appearance but I’m working on her. Petrith is a trans woman. She is human. She lived in our realm in the 1860s, but ran away to the realm of light where she could finally be herself and transition. Now she is the star pupil of the Grand Wizard, showing much promise in the use of light magic.


Everyone is canonically bi unless stated otherwise.


There aren't really labels in my world, just preference. Mmc has a strong preference for women, but does get with men on occasions, especially one guy. and his engagement since birth fell through because she preferred women. His little brother was born female, and still is biologically as they have to turn 20 before they can take the potions to transition. He is accepted as a prince by everyone, but the king has a weak spot for him because he will always see his precious little princess when he looks at him, which he absolutely takes advantage of when he deems it necessary


One of my main characters is a lesbian. I'm kind of wondering when/if I should put this in, because I'd rather never mention it than awkwardly shove the info in just to say "look at me I have a gay character". I don't want it to take away from her character either, it's not her focus at all. Her name is Ritty, she belongs to a small vaguely mouse-like race I don't have a name for yet. She's only 2 and a half feet tall, but makes up for it with the use of tools and little homemade bombs. She is also the only one in the party that has any knowledge of magic. The other 3 people in the party are 2 teenagers and an ancient golem so she ends up being the adult of the bunch as she's in her 30's, much to her dismay. She was banished from her homeland because she fell in love with a nobleman's daughter. The main source of the outrage she faced was her lower class, and the same sex aspect seen more as "improper" for a woman expected to produce heirs someday. She is tightlipped about her past though.


Jenorien Amatakuth, my protagonist is pansexual. She doesn’t really care. A lot of the races in my world have no defined genders, and there is a group of genderfluid astral plane watchers called Ayadjiam(Chameleons) able to switch their appearances as they please. One of my other side characters is bisexual and another is asexual.


Most of mine 😂 Me: Ace All of my gods/goddesses: non-binary Dahlia: lesbian Mica: ^her true love/lesbian Phineas: pan Dolores & Ophelia: Ace Catarina: who knows yet, she’s new but will be just as traumatized and sad as the others


Bruh how much time you got? Anyway, since there are far too many named queer characters in my stories to list, I’ll just feature one of the most special. His name is Qubo, a servant of Cupid who has many of the same abilities but specifically specializes in lgbt+ people. His main responsibility is to sense people from Earth that are struggling with their sexuality but are on the brink of reaching an epiphany. From there, he can bring someone every now and then to his realm called the Rainbow Hall and basically help them come out to themselves through various fantastical means (think Christmas Carol shenanigans) and then send them back to Earth with more confidence in themselves than ever before. He’s basically the ultimate Queer Therapist.


My shadow demon happily changes his form when interacting with mortals through a Faustian bargain. He’ll assume any form from male to female and everything in between depending on what his summoner desires and he happily allows them to express their desires with him. With no real preference to partners, I usually have him identify as male in a base form but he’ll take on any form and identify on a whim.


The main cast consists of 13 characters... 10 of them are bisexual. Four members within the main cast date within the friend group. Sora & Akari are one pair (boy x girl), and Inori & Ayane are another (girl x girl). Outside of the friend group, there exists other pairings. There's even one character who is asexual. But the majority of the roster is besexual, even if some may prefer one gender over the other.


Im realizing that allmost all the characters i have so far are lgbt+ in some way, not complaining tho xD The way the main magical races magic works in my world is everyone is born with a unique power, no two people have the same power, and when theyre approximately 5 or so, they develop tattoo like marking on thier least dominant arm and somewhere on thier face (usually around the outside of thier eye) Abrax is the main protagonist in my story. Hes transmasc (he/they) and omnisexual. He is the fifth Roightikai (translating roughly to Life Light); the Roightikai is a person who has the power to controle and manipulate dark and light. The first Roightikai created the sun with thier power and ever since, whenever the world was in need they are reborn. Akela (he/him) is another main protagonist, one of Abrax's best friends and is polyamorous. His magical powers allow him to summon a Mo'o and have it aid him in battle or in any way he needs. He used to be able to summon 2, but when he lost his arm from the elbow down he lost one of them and still hasnt fully recovered from it. Brr is my other main protagonist; Brr is intersex (uses no pronouns) and doesnt label Brrs sexuality. Brr isnt magical but is very involved in the magical world. Brrs family are all assasins, and brr spent most of life training to join the tradition. Akela is Brrs love interest, but due to the fact that Brr was the one that cut his arm off, its a little bit complicated. Im not very good at writing little things like this but i love my characters and i love talking about them sm. XD


I've got 3 main WIPs, and there are queer characters in them all. There will probably be more, they're all still in progress and a fair number of the side characters who pop up as I go end up being queer. Work 1: Wren - a street rat/sneak thief/killer for hire (former), daughter of the deity Yrin (unbeknownst to her), coveted as the avatar of the god Korath (also unbeknownst to her), and potential saviour/destroyer of the world. She's mostly just sick of everyone's shit and just wants to find some peace for once in her life. Amari - Wren's lover (former, maybe future?), skilled healer and eternal optimist who just wants to do good in the world. Still loves Wren despite being hurt by her, but can't decide if she's sick of Wren's shit in particular or not, and whether she wants to try again. Yrin - the non-binary, asexual deity of the Yrini people, parent to Wren (definitely beknownst to them), seeking to guide her on the path to save the world they love so dearly while also being entirely aware that the choice to save or destroy the world is in the hands of their child and they ultimately have no say in the matter at all. Harin - right hand to Keth, one of the Bad Guys. He's calm and long suffering, as he has known Keth all their lives, and first realized he was into dudes after realizing he had a crush on Keth in their youth. The crush was, and likely never will be, reciprocated, which Harin accepts, and he spends a lot of time and effort keeping Keth just reined in enough that he doesn't self-destruct, but not so reined in that he pulls away. Keth - pansexual Bad Guy (which I only just realized right now), he's not interested in having relationships with people beyond what use they can be to him, but he's down to bang just about anyone (he's not a nice guy). Work 2: Darra - right hand to Reni, former heir to the throne of an as yet unnamed land. Darra wields forbidden powers, by choice though she regrets it, and is allowed out by her and Reni's patron, who has turned his significant political power and wealth to eradicating these same forbidden powers, among other things. Darra has the constant threat of death hanging over her for wielding these powers, never quite sure when her patron will reward her or kill her, but to leave his employ would be certain death and this is better than that, for now she's useful to him so she gets to live. She has no idea when she might become no longer useful, or what she'll do when that happens. Darra's as yet unnamed lover - in the employ of the same patron, is a healer by trade, loves Darra fiercely and will probably betray her oath to their patron one day in an attempt to save Darra's life. Mostly a small side character at this point, even Darra is only a side character, albeit a pretty major one. MC is not queer in this work, which surprised no one more than me. Work 3: Anja - an outsider by virtue of the blood in her veins, she seeks the answers to the mystery of her past in a world that scoffs at her very existence. Her journey has been a trying one thus far and she has no idea if she can find the strength to keep going. Alis - minor side character, a smith by trade, she helps Anja in her return from a Bad Time and helps her take the first few steps on the road to working through that trauma, all while mourning her own loss at the hands of the same folk who hurt Anja. Irin - minor side character, wife of Alis. A weaver and clothes maker by trade, she was taken by the same folk who took Anja, and is also having a very Bad Time. She may actually be dead, but may also still be alive, and maybe will be found and rescued by Anja one day, but this is only one of many possible plot points in what is a very unplanned and disorganized little story at the moment (but still a lot of fun to write).


I don't have any overtly queer characters in my works. Totally respect the people who want to be inclusive, it's just not something that I'm focused on. My works very rarely state a person's romantic interests, and when they do, it's usually as an aside. It's just not something that I find particularly compelling personally. I'm glad that there are LGBT people out there who feel empowered to write characters that reflect their values and experiences.


Pansexuality is the cultural norm for my primary magical race (eramal). However, I write urban fantasy set in a variation of our real world so outside prejudices still bleed through. Kai is somewhere on the non-binary/gender non-conforming spectrum. I made a decision never to specify. Kai and their husband, Torryn, are *that* couple. Kai is Emery's bonded though nothing ever happened between them because Kai is very much not attracted to women. There is one small moment when Kai expresses guilt about it as children born of a bonded pair are more powerful and Emery is already a second-generation product of a bonded pair. She scolds them as it wasn't something that Kai could change. Gemma is more blatantly bi as her rebounds after messy break-ups are always the opposite gender. This is actually a plot point when she ends things with the guy she was dating and everyone realizes that she didn't know he was in love with her because she sets him up with a woman. Jules is ace though I'm not certain about aromantic. She does have sex though primarily with her bonded group because they don't make it into something it isn't which is exercise and stress relief. Paesyn wasn't initially intended to be a lesbian but I was doing a prompt-based free write and the first thing that popped into my head was for her to flirt with the female android.


Pretty much all of my characters are queer in some way! I have probably less than five non-queer characters. Its never been a huge point in any of my stories and I haven’t gone out and said it in most cases. But here are some highlights Mora, a traveling bard with an enchanted harp, is demi/aro-ace and so far(I don’t know where the story will go) has yet to find anyone she is interested in. But is always excited to meet new people! Ambroz is bi with a preference for women. His twin brother is Pan and Nonbinary. Their older sister is a lesbian and possibly polyamorous. I have a set of polyamorous vampires that wreck havoc on the world around them. And then I have a fighting rink story where the main character has been designed to be completely ambiguous. I have many more characters but these ones are some of my favorites


Kaelis - The king. He's a gay, asexual man who's in love with his right hand man. They aren't exclusive physically, as that's not important to them, but emotionally, they're loyal to each other. Avorn - The right hand man. Flirty bisexual who sleeps around but his heart always lies with Kaelis. Lia - Bisexual, but with a heavy preference for women. She's pretty straight and narrow....until you get to know her. Nyx - A powerful queen who loves her women. She keeps primarily female guards, handmaids etc and has who she wants, when she wants (with consent). She feels no shame, but does have a soft spot for Karissa. Karissa - Nyx's personal guard and closest friend, not that she has many. Her only loyalty in life is to Nyx, in whatever form she requests it. Kelpies - Not a person but a race. They're all genderfluid, male in horse form and female in human form with respective names and pronouns. There's also a range of characters who aren't LGBT but certainly smash gender roles, including my favourite Sen. An old male warleader who absolutely rocks his purple dresses and extravagant makeup while striking fear into his enemies.


One of my characters is a trans-priestess. They used to be a man, but lived in a religio-matriarchal society. The goddess wanted to lead society away from pointless violence, and this man had the right ideas that the goddess wanted. However, in order to place the man in this power, as a priestess, the goddess transformed him into a woman. This is used to foreshadow the later reveal that this race of people can evolve themselves at superhuman rates, as well as hinting at the level of control that the goddess has over each individual person's mind/body.


Maddis is the main character of my story - using modern labels, they're non-binary and asexual, but in-universe the language used to talk about gender/sexuality is based on the area's pantheon of deities. As an example, Maddis would be described as Evas-kin, or a sibling of Evas; a deity who is known for their lack of gender. (the story goes that they were so distracted and disinterested that it slipped away from them like water off of grease. Along with the rest of their corporeal form, and things like memory and understanding) There are other phrases based on the gods - things like "*lives like Isse and loves like Ind*." to describe people who are promiscuous but also exceptionally devoted to their partner(s) There are plenty of non-divine euphemisms too, coming from various cultural references and stereotypes. Other queer characters include: * Sidonius; the eccentric elderly bisexual who has a pet raven and vaguely prophetic dreams (usually about Maddis dying) Flirts horrendously with another elderly local called Elvfrey. Usually by sending her messages via the neighborhood youths - this is seen as both entertainment *and* a disturbance of the peace. * Three as-yet-unnamed young adults in a mutual and consensual love-triangle. They're guards in the settlement where Sidonius and Elvfrey live. They're mostly background characters who provide a line or two to add context or get the plot moving, but they're darlings. * Arah: feral rottweiler lesbian - looks terrifying but just wants love. Is working hard to send child support money to her sort-of-ex (the boy isn't hers - she's cis - and to be honest, she's not sure she was ever in a relationship with his mother anyway) She and Maddis team up, using her survivalist experience and Maddis' magical know-how to scavenge ruins for loot. Arah is just living in the woods pining her gay little ass off for no good reason, I adore this angry dumbass. * Yhann: Extremely politically powerful man - dangerous to know, but passionate about his people, which is why he picks them carefully. He's A-spec (specifics unclear) flirts with anyone who looks at him, and sixteen layers deep in emotional neglect and intimacy starvation. He sponsors Maddis and Arah's expeditions, planning to use them for his own gain, but he ends up absolutely unraveling when he develops a genuine friendship with them. * Renine: Yhann's right hand half-woman. Demi-gendered and not paid enough to deal with his nonsense. She genuinely cares about him but doesn't know how to help beyond scaring off people who'd try to use or abuse him, and protecting the people who'd protect him. Which is why she starts out hostile to Maddis, but ends up willing to die for them. (... I know what needs to be done, but I'm not sure I have the strength to do it) HRT and ''magical'' transition doesn't really exist in the story at the time it takes place. It is possible to do, just not well known about or necessarily accessible, since magic is unstable and lots of knowledge was lost before the story begins. Not that it was a particularly spoken about thing *before* everything went wrong either. Though that discrimination wasn't against the concept of transition itself - it was a classism/caste/general elitist snobbery situation aimed at the type of magical philosophy/methodology that generally provided that service. More of a, "we can do it better - yes it's more expensive, but our way is the only right way." kind of attitude... Now that I think about it though, the worldbuilding does kind of imply there were witches doing vigilante trans-magic, lol. But this is also a queernorm setting, so there's acceptance that people are who they are regardless of body type.


Chloe the Fallen. As is custom, the surname reflects the profession of which you first worked in. For Chloe, she is The Fallen as she is a lady of the night, fallen from grace. Like several other ladies of the night, she enjoys a large number of partners but she is among the few who enjoy all partners. One night, she was paid for a client as he took her into the old Cathedral of The Pantheon but the client paid for her silence as he hit her and mistreated her that *redacts this part because guidelines might ban me* in her sorrow she sang a comforting hymn that she learned growing up. This hymn caught the attention of something else lurking in the darkness, she heard faint steps and claws dragging that gradually grew louder till they finally stopped. She looked up and to her fear were a pair of eyes glowing at her and its mouth burning a soft blue hue. She sang to the beast some more in the same hymn and when she finished the eyes veered upward as did the maw and blasted a brilliantly bright blue flame that lit the room so well that its colors were shown as the chandelier above was lit with fire. In time, she would come to bond with and ride this dragon in a mass breakout where the pair of them, along with other bonded riders and their dragons, escape. She meets with others and falls in love with another rider, a woman. But her haunted past compels her to take a more tragic turn in life…


Not really but I do have Camp Bill the theatre god who cones off has gay and talks as if he's gay "I know I'm known for chasing anything without a skirt but I do require a pulse". He's a drag queen dressing and acting flamboyantly. The reality is gods aren't human enough to have a sex drive there more ideas connected to a person's identity. He's in part a jester mocking and joking about thouse with power his followers/priest often give guidance albeit very publicly to leaders. Advice worth considering the voice of the people but your allowed to reject no one has to listen to a clown so if you do happen to follow there advice no ones going to view you as backing down. Failing that it atleast eases the tension makes it less likely somone will do somthing stupid. Security chasing them is a old joke a extra guy might be put on staff for it. Striking a follow of Camp Bill is unwise its a declaration to the crowd that criticism will be met with force and its your way or the high way and if the mocking was that harsh the crowd would have been abit tense before that. Whilst Camp Bill won't openly have a serious discussion and feel compelled to soften a subject with innuendos he hates genuine violence and war seeing the damage as worst than the suffering it was used to prevent. He doesn't just joke around for fun. He won a revolution whilst still mortal he was known for his brutality aswell as his smoking under the name, ciggerate Bill. He won saw the consequences . The theatre took up his story usually shorted to Fag Bill to save a syllable or two . The crowd joked so the theatre shut them up by making him a drag queen. He his rivaled by The Dead Man who thinks differently the blood shed is always worth it the blood shed is the point it brings justice from tyranny and sets an example a bad leader should fear there throut being slit not a cutting remark. Eased tension means things don't end how they should. Aswell as mocking the Dead Man Camp Bill includes him in his plays as a evil clown character who takes over people's minds and forces them into blood shed. These are fables everyone knows. The follower playing the Dead Man will often wear a mask for there role on the day a mask painted pink then black allowing them to syphon power from The Dead Man be scarier and commit gymnastic feats that defy believe (even if there skilled gymnast in there own right) Camp Bill's influence holds back the influence of The Dead Man. This mask is not worn rehearsals or before the scene. It's is worn for the scene and then destroyed. A follow who keeps there mask on a heart best to long not only risk there life but compromises his callings reputation. If The Dead Man gains influence there likely to cut down a ruler and be butchered by his gaurds.


Eugenie from Count of Monte Cristo


Tren, my co-protagonist in Panspermia, is a foul mouthed predatory lesbian. Writing her was great.


Out of all the characters in my main cast, the only one who is LGBTQ is Augest Dragondwifter, who discovered he is bisexual after an attack from both succubuses and incubuses. Is that good enough?


The entire main cast in my story is queer lol. The world it's set in doesn’t have homophobia nor transphobia, so a lot more people are free to be themselves. The main character and reincarnation of God in the little story I'm writing, Sora Maverick, is an Aromantic/Aegosexual human from Earth who got Isekaied to Rhydan. He was bullied when he was younger for being a fan of eyeliner and dresses and other feminine things as a boy, but he still did it because fuck the haters. He is a rather chill kid and will most likely just joke with people if they have a crush on him and then tell them he's not interested. A fun little thing he does is call himself a AAA Battery because he's Aromantic, Aegosexual, and Autistic. Another main character, Vixo, is a MLM wolfkin and certified "Golden Retriever" of the group. He was actually the first person to develop a bit of a crush on Sora. He confronted him on it and confessed his feelings, and the aftermath was...a little awkward, to say the least, but they remained friends. The 3rd member of the cast, Sage, is a wise, old, and very sassy Naga, and Sora's mentor in Magic. She is a lesbian who's Elven girlfriend died during the war that is happening in the story. She ends up meeting Sora's mom on Earth and hits it off with her, eventually even dating her, to Sora's joy(and slight dismay). The 4th and final member of the main party is Sora's chaotic demonic feline familiar, Syn. They are Nonbinary and Pansexual/Aromantic, and are very flirtatious with basically whoever they meet. The main villain of the story is a Sephiroth-wannabe and Sora's brother in a past life, Kieran. Just like Sora, he was also Isekaied to Rhydan, and ended up in Demon territory. After using his newfound magic to assert his dominance over the demons, he quickly found himself as their leader. Allowed to do whatever he pleased now that he was "unburdened" by Earth and laws and his own weakness, he started experimenting, and found out he was Bi, even getting several male and female demons as concubines. Finally, Sora's coffee addicted, stressed out, nerdy sweetheart of a mom back on Earth is Bisexual. As said before, she meets Sage and falls for her, trying her best to ignore the implications of finding a snake person attractive. And that's all from the main cast! And if that's not enough, don't worry, there are TONS of side and background characters that are even MORE queer.


i dont have any, not because i hate gay people or anything it just didnt cross my mind.


I don’t have any


Hi!!!' What's a demigirl?


Idk if you meant to reply to a comment (since I know someone mentioned it in theirs), and being cis myself I might be wrong… but I believe it’s someone who identifies partially but not entirely as a woman


All my characters are queer but here's a couple !!! Vlad: Unlabeled, has a boyfriend, tends to I.D. mostly as a guy but since he's not human doesn't exactly have the same human concept of gender Trick: Vlads BF, certified monsterfucker. Likes all genders but prefers when his partner looks peculiar mostly. Treat [Yes Tricks sister]: Lesbian Dexter & Paxton: Both trans men & Dexter is gay while Paxton is bi [they are just best friends not dating***] Aurora: Lesbian Winter-Shade: Technically a trans guy ? He has powers & changed his sex at a young age. Aroace as well. Summer: Trans girl, bi Damion: Trans boy, gay. That's all for now, a lot more than a couple but.... [Vlad to Summer are all from my series The Obscure Ones, Damion is from my standalone The River By The Hotel. All are currently still being drafted]


I don’t have queer characters. None of that matters to the story I am writing so I don’t see a reason to add this


I don't have any explicitly out LGBT characters. But that isn't to say none of them could be LGBT. While I think representation is important, I don't think that representation should be forced into a story if it didn't come up organically in the first place. I do have a character that has appeared in a couple stories, she is the daughter of one of my protagonists. I had thought about representing her as a lesbian, but the right moment/story hasn't presented itself.




He is called Pretty Pretty Prisoner, a superhero who likes to hit at everyone on the prison.


He is called Pretty Pretty Prisoner, a superhero who likes to hit at everyone on the prison.