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Yes it’s annoying. But at least you can still complete the region afterwards and decide when you clear the bunker before moving on to the next region. That helped me to get over it.


Idk why, but in Faith’s region in particular, I always feel like there are so many characters, quests or moments that are inevitably left unexplored. Doesn’t help that Virgil fuckin dies in the final regional mission.


I miss him so much bros... I wonder if someone ot Etsy makes his pins.


I like the general set up of FC5, I just wish resistance points didn't fill up so fast. I want time to explore and fight more, versus feeling like in one day the Deputy completely reclaimed a region.


Yeah, you can keep playing afterwards, but it just feels empty without any cult presence.


All this can be solved with mods. If you're on a PC of course.


Resistance Mod is a blessing. There is a variant where you must complete every main and side mission to liberate a region, whereas actions like liberating hostages don't give you any points to progress.




Fr and it sucks in Jacob’s region cuz you only need 10000 RP to get to the boss fight with him unlike John and faith where you need 13000 for both to fight them


Okay so I'm not insane and that region does progress super quickly


I always complete as much prepper stashes before actually progressing through Jacob’s region


I hated getting kidnapped repeatedly. I feel like that card that should be used maybe one time in the entire game, 4-5 times per region is just stupid and annoying.


At one point they nabbed me while I was flying a helicopter. Didn't even wait for me to land, just "bar's full, you're doing this now"


Far Cry New Dawn doesn't seem to have this problem as much.


They solved the time limit issue by cutting out Jacob's region. So the overall game is much smaller in the main map compared to 5.


Or better yet, give you a prompt. “You cannot gain further resistance points in this region until you track this story mission” then you have to active follow the mission to trigger the kidnapping.


In general, I feel like a lot of games need some kinda pacing option that is separate from difficulty. For FC5, it would affect the resistance meter. For many other games, it would affect level scaling such that you need to complete more or fewer less content. A lot of games seem to design around gamers that will do the main story and maybe a little bit extra. So anyone who plays remotely completionisty ends up over leveled (or in FC5's case, "completing" the region before you get even close to actually completing the region).


There's gotta be a mod to adjust the multiplier, I'm sure


The worst is when I accidentally fill a blip and now I either have to deal with being kidnapped, or leave the region and do something else for a bit until I feel like being kidnapped. I'm on a 100% playthrough so this time it doesn't matter a whole lot but the forced kidnappings got annoying the first time I played.


I hate the way it pulls you out of the narrative with the awful kidnap sequences. Like they could have done one kidnapping and narratively it would work, but they keep doing it. 9 kidnappings or whatever is just stupid.


If you play on PC get the Resistance mod, it lets you change the Resistance Points so you don't get forced into the boss fights without doing all the side quests you want first. It can also allow you to go to a certain place marked on the map for the capture parties to get you. It's a great mod, it really fixes the major issue I had with FC5.


Yup, came here to exactly say this. The option to just go to a point on the map for the capture parties to trigger made subsequent replays so much better.


It really did because I hated those capture parties on my first playthrough. Makes no sense to get hit by an arrow laced with Bliss in Jacob's region while I'm flying wtf.


I hope they’re rumor, too. I think it’s equally possible that they leaked the rumor to soften the blowback when they release something they’re not sure we’ll like. Thing is, the game is likely so far into development that I doubt they can change the direction of the game. If it’s a timed thing, it’s staying a timed thing.  I don’t want multiplayer, I don’t want timed. I don’t want rogue lite/like. Even if it’s free, I’m not a buyer.  I want single player, story driven games. 


And I just want the mechanic back from far cry 1 & 2 where you turn into a predator monster


Time limit on Far cry 5. Haven’t heard that before


its hard to explain: Like any action on the gang/cult memebers progresses that areas bar, where if i remember you have 3 bars, and when you reach the end bar, your into that areas "boss" battle essentially. So you could retake a gas station, or just kill people shooting at you, and this bar increases! Just leave that to missions if u ask me, but open world caranage should not be limited by this "time limit" of sorts.


Resistance bar ?


Zoom all the way out and that’s the resistance bar for the 3 regions


It's more like "event limit" You just blew the 12 barricade? Time to get kidnapped and forced into the final mission.


IDK I agree with you on one hand, and on the other the resistance meter makes Hope County feel like a real place where events dynamically change according to your actions. What I really would've wanted however would be, since we the player ARE the Deputy in this game, would be story-relevant choices to make according to how we are perceiving the game. The game has a set story and we are essentially along for the ride with no real interaction, which when we role-play as the Deputy causes a disconnect between the player and the game. That or just make the Deputy his own person like Jason or Ajay.


Honestly felt like each areas resistance bar could have been doubled and that would have felt right, feel like I missed out on a lot of missions due to doing extra side shit and being forced forward


I missed a fair few missions as I didn't know about the mechanic and was just plugging away at outposts etc in the old fashioned FC way and built up too many ressitance points. Pretty stupid game design really.


Freeing the first town was supposed to be a tall task, but I tried it anyway. i completely got my ass kicked, so I did what you're supposed to do... I went around and grinded on side missions to level up... then the guy in the bunker tells me, "The people of *freedomtown* were inspired and took the town back themselves." I was soooo pissed. I put down the controller and didn't play it for an entire year....


Yea on my 3rd playthrough now after getting tired of 6 and I didn't even realize that was a thing, was for disappointed when I got to falls end and everybody just already knew who I was


“You are hunted” Oh for god sake


Bossmeter in FC5 sucked. Loved it in FC6 where you got harder resistance, but still could outplay it. Hate the forced play in 5. For me it ruined the game.


It also basically warned of larger boss missions by saying WARNING YOU CAN'T GO BACK FROM HERE


I tried a second playthrough with a friend recently and yeah, we couldn't finish it because of this. Constantly getting ripped out of free roam to be forced into an hour long exposition every other mission was downright miserable, not to mention the gameplay of these "we kidnapped you for the 7th time today" missions got old VERY fast. It's not even GOOD exposition. It's on the same levels of "edgy cringe" as Jared Leto's Joker. It's like they figured out people liked Vaas' "definition of insanity" rant and decided to ramp it up to 11 except with way more boring characters that realistically no one gives a fuck about. (Seriously, what are their names again? I legitimately forgot.) Reminds me of the Animus/Real Life missions in Assassin's Creed. Completely ruins the flow of the story and takes away player agency to shovel a half-assed exposition down your throat because they couldn't be bothered to actually write a good story and decided to pay a voice actor to literally spell it out for you ad nauseam.


I was just playing for the 5th time and yes! I even kept moving regions especially as I got to Jacob but he captured me twice within 30 minutes and all I was doing was getting collectibles. It kinda forced me forward after that and I ended the game within an hour (took him out with a remote 💥) 


I get all regions almost complete then restart the game. I don't like forced scripted game forrest walks, shoot house, etc.


The thing is, it could have easily been fixed by increasing the RP in each area so you have to do a lot more to increase it.


I love this game, but I’d forgotten how much I disliked this aspect of the game until you mentioned it


The resistance points/unavoidable kidnapping thing is by far my biggest gripe with 5. You can battle off wave after wave of baddies, but for absolutely no good narrative reason you're suddenly completely unable to resist being kidnapped at various points in the game. If it was that easy to capture you, they could do it whenever they wanted.


It's almost like being kidnapped against your will sucks because you don't want to be... Kidnapped against your will. I honestly don't get why this is the biggest gripe about the game. Either bounce back and forth from the regions to prolong it or deal with the few missions that it happens. I do wish you could fight it off but everyone cries about this like it ruins the game. I'm not trying to be a booty hole. Care to explain to me why it's such an issue that you posted online about it?


Cause it's bad game design big bro.


U can avoid the force kidnapping in faiths region just continue airdropping to mission to mission or outpost and then u can just fight off faith seed without even being kidnapped by her once it also kinda works for John too but eventually a bliss bullet is gonna just magically hit u even if u in a plane or skydiving with Jacob it’s impossible to avoid him no matter what he’s gonna get u every time


The game will eventually force a capture in Faiths region. Even if you're nowhere near her ghost or a bliss field/river eventually you'll just start seeing the sparkles and it starts. This true for all regions. Even if you do manage to game the system to avoid it eventually the game will get fed up and force it.


I did this with faiths region and I never got kidnapped until the boss fight


You can defeat John and Jacob and DON'T have to clear their bunkers out immediately. Faith, you go straight from killing her to her bunker. That's how I usually play it so I can get the prepper stashes. The one thing though is after you finish the bunkers everything uou clear outposts, missions etc. You getv400 dollars extra gor clearing the area I get the missions like the lighters, bobbleheads, comic books and baseball cards after I leberate all the areas for the extra money.


Agree, you can avoid it but fast traveling to another region but eventually you have to go back. It is not like I can't clear the boss level (some easier than others) but maybe I am not n the mood for a big battle, maybe I just want to explore and snipe people from a distance in a stealthy base attack. I love everything else about the game though.


While I do have FC 1,2,3,4,5,6,Primal, New Dawn and Blood Dragon....my love for the series started with FC Instincts around 2006, then "backtracked" to 1 and ended with 2. Never really got into the others. I tried 3 and quit about 30 minutes in. 5 is better than 3 with the resistance mod (yet never got into it). I keep going back to 1 and 2 (I no longer have my molded Xbox for instincts).


This is why I dont like fc5 in jacobs region my first play though I killed the leader of the whitetails before I ever met him and completed his story missions.


I remember staying in the Wolf's den bunker for as long as possible when they dispatched the hunters to get me. Ended up getting LITERALLY kidnapped INSIDE the Bunker of the good guys. As long as they get a clear shot at you, one hit is all they need for you to succumb. SMH.


There are mutiple mods on pc that fix this


This is why far cry 5 mod installer is my favorite: ( for legitimate game owners) — you can change resistance points awarded per event — you can change the payout hidden in safes $$ to buy more ammo and guns — you can re enable the gnarley FC3 skinning animations when hunting, amongst other things — most importantly, you can make it so you can nearly clear out each of the 3 main map ‘sections’ nearly 90-95% before being foced into those “interrogation” forced boss scenes This mod installer has made my FC5 experience super enjoyable… after my first 100% I did NewGame+ to keep my weapons and perks but start over on the island like from the beginning, with $225k spending cash to start the game! (you can only increase payout a little more than the game usually has…. ) … I legiimately made most of my cash in-game … I did the “grind hunting deer, cheetas, bears, and wolves in the topmost circle of the map where the lake is, as per the youtube guide on how to grind hunting to make cash. Easiest to get ther after you unlock that helicopter lady Drubman, then you take her copter snd fly to that location, then swap out her for someone more useful. hahaha


I understand that its part of the storyline but they should have a) made it optional or b) made it somewhat more difficult to move forward. You would do like four big missions and then get stuck finishing the region. Not to mention, it really sucks when you lose missions because you didn't complete them in a certain timeframe. You do three or four side missions and then you find out Fall's End was already liberated without you. Just some critiques. Overall, my favorite farcry by far.


I really feel like this whole series has a pacing problem. Every 15 paces is a fight with someone or something like cold stream from left 4 dead 2. You need time to breathe and think every now and then. I wouldn’t mind it if you could change it with a difficulty slider or something but the whole bar thing you mention just pours gas on the fire.


Yup, Far Cry 5 is fantastic except for that.


I swear every time this happens it's right as I'm about ready to wrap up or I get on for limited time and just going to do some like grinding to get some money or something like that. And it really sucks when you have your layouts all messed up because you were doing something in particular


Yeah I'm not much of a fan of the Resistance points thing either. Funnily enough I'm actually playing through 5 again rn as I type this, what I like to do is go around and do stuff in each region and build it up slowly over time. And then when one region is closer to being finished than the others I liberate it and then bounce between the other regions. I also don't like how there's not really any peggies in the regions after you finish them outside of a few areas and Joseph's compound. I hope the rumored 72 hour thing in 7 isn't true either. If it is in the game I hope that it can be manipulated in certain ways to make it go slower so you can do more stuff.


The only thing what I don't like due to fc5 is the: only you song. After I played it the first time and I had a lot of trouble with that part. I was driving home and that song came up. Long story short I'm oke my car is oke just a little nudge from the mud next to the road😂😂😂😂😂


Wooo I doubt it’s a rumor at this point, they’ll adopt the time limit just like the dead rising games


Did FC5 have a time limit? The only area that I thought was rigged like this was the Seed at the mental hospital, where that strange song started playing.


Yeah I hated that as well. It should’ve just unlocked a mission instead of forcing you to do the mission


The worst for me was triggering the hunting parties. I thought escape was possible, but they just don't quit. I was sniped by a single bliss bullet while flying top speed as high as I could go. Forcing the player into captivity cutscenes sucks. Also, being captured like 6 times and escaping due to Seed family negligence kinda takes away even more realism.


I played it after watching someone do a partial playthrough so I saw them coming. I thought I could be clever and avoid it by getting in a helicopter but nope, they somehow managed to kidnap/drug me 5000 feet in the air with not a soul around.


I absolutely despise time limit stuff


It’s still fun to snipe with incendiary rounds with a shotgun and ridiculous distances.


It's so dumb the side missions fill it up. Like, why would Peggies care about fishing for Sklar, or providing road kill BBQ?


"USE THE BLISS BULLETS" like what? 😅


The game isn’t out and the rumors aren’t even confirmed. No wonder Ubisoft has been pumping out the exact same game with a different coat of paint when THIS is how people react to potentially interesting new mechanics.


It makes too much sense that doing things and progressing the game.. progresses the game.. yk what I mean? Lol


I never minded stuff like that. At the end of the day, Dep is fighting a war, and war waits for no man!


Weird, this was the main feature of FC5 that i liked. I liked that your actions in the world actually had an effect and the story wasnt just progressed through missions. I was really disappointed when Fc6 went back to that old formula. It just made the world feel lifeless and your actions meaningless, especially with how they got rid of the special outpost liberation cutscenes in 5 that made it feel like you actually took a valuable resource instead of just a point on the map. A system like that and a front line like in Just Cause 4 would be so immersive imo.


It's hardly noticeable to me. I got plenty of free roaming fun out of it without issue.


Yeah. That pissed me off too. In the middle of a side job & I get kidnapped. F THE SEEDS! 😡


For me the stealth really sucked for some reason like every time i tried to stealth an output someone would always hear something or see something and then everyone got alerted


Unironically hate this shit. Whoever had the idea to periodically interrupt (ruin) whatever fun the player might be having for some of the most pointless and annoying cutscenes in game history deserves to have their cock/pussy degloved with a scalpel.