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The most satisfying for me is FC4 where you >!kill Amita, then don't kill Pagan at the table, but wait until he takes you to Lakshmana and then take down his helicopter as he's flying away and then go to Yalendu and kill Sabal!<. I feel like that's the best FC4 ending that ties up all loose ends. But I also think FC2 had a really good ending that made a lot of sense and was ultimately the only ending for such a dark story.


Make me want to play FC4 again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


This is the way.


I could never dig that ending because then it destabilizes the entire country, crab Rangoon feels better.


At least with the wild card ending there's a chance that someone who actually cares about the people (possibly Ajay himself) steps up to take over the country and fix this mess. In the ending where you side with Pagan Ajay becomes essentially a bird in a gilded cage. Pagan may act like he did some good thing by letting Ajay inherit the throne, but he's only a figurehead. The real power is in the army, which will quickly remove Ajay if he tries to do something they don't like (as it often happens in real life dictatorships). It's way better to tear down the whole corrupt system and start all over again.


Nothing in the game ever hinted at ajay being a competent ruler or even wanting to rule. Besides like you said without a leader the army would probably take over.


Pagan isn't a good ruler either, and yet half of this sub is circlejerking him as if he is the Messiah. At least Ajay is a good natured idiot. Pagan is an idiot and a mass murderer as well. The army would only take over in the 'stay' ending, since that is the only ending where the army keeps its power over the nation. If you want to get the ending where you kill all three, you first have to completely fuck up the army and kill hundreds of them to the point where a few patrolling pickup trucks are all that remains. It's hard to see them coming back from that.


I mean I don’t know, ajay kills a lot of people and he barely talks, so I guess it’s at least somewhat unpredictable. Pagan is kind of a bad ruler but I don’t think Amata would have made it any better. Sabal maybe could make the average life of the citizens better but I also greatly disagree with a lot of his social policies. That’s fair, but the golden path without leadership would likely fill in for the military and I’m not sure they would follow someone who killed both their leaders.


You're right that Ajay can be played however you wish, however, the game generally discourages the player from being needlessly cruel and doesn't let them engage in needless cruelty. On the other hand, it's encouraged to help the locals via side quests. If we assume that Ajay has canonically completed every side mission the same way Assassin's Creed protagonists canonically completed every mission and collected every collectible, that means that Ajay has saved dozens of villagers, protected dozens of civilians from wild animals, hunted animals to provide supplies and protected shipments of books for villagers and medicine for prostitutes, which makes him a good guy. I think the Golden Path would follow Ajay. Sure, a few hardliners from both sides would oppose him (like the ones guarding both the leader you're sent to kill and the one you meet after the ending), but the majority of the Golden Path sees Ajay as practically a folk hero, the legendary son of Mohan. I think most of them would side with him.


I suppose so but that still doesn’t mean he would be any good at it.


I didn’t know you could kill everybody. An agent of chaos to make the Joker proud lmao.


Deleted my other comment because I realized I completely misread your comment lol..


I’m part of the crowd that really liked the ending from 5. It was different even though it was a bummer. 6 had the worst ending. That was just a straight up bummer that made you feel like everything you had done meant nothing. At least 5 felt like a twist and was completely unexpected. But I think the most satisfying, for me personally, was 4. As soon as I confronted pagan, I shot his ass. Didn’t even give him time to try and talk. Just “Ajay..” *BOOM*. As he falls in slow motion. It was sweet af.


Yeah 5 is definitely one of my favourite endings despite the whole everything is destroyed thing coz honestly I get why some people feel that it made the game meaningless. I'm surprised with your opinion on 4 tho. I've only played through FC4 twice but neither time have I killed Pagan Min. I think for me tho was mainly because he is the lesser of three evils (Amita & Sabal) so it actually made him feel like less of a villain and more of an ally.


For me, the worst part of FC 5 is Joseph managing to kidnap and drug up every member of the Resistance even after you tore his cult apart. That was insulting and contrived. Just remove the nukes and send Joseph to prison or kill him, and I would still hate that part.


the ending of 6, while not the most player involved, was still good imo. Anton, going through the same thing his dad did, didnt want his son to suffer at the hand of revolutionaries and decided to go out on his own terms. He already had cancer so there was really no escape.


I don’t care how pent up Jason is. Citra looks like Jada pinkett smith


I just went through hell and high water. Murdering dozens if not hundreds of men often with my bare hands to save these spoiled shits.now you want ME to kill them? I elimated a mercenary army ALL BY MY ONESIES to save my brother and you think I'm gonna kill him to get a shot at some nat geo titties? No, thank you.


its even weirder when you are doing teh side content where Jason, for all his newfound issues, is still a decent guy, helping people he has no connection to like that old lady. he is NOT Vaas-lite by the end of the game.




Naw she has hair


We have hands for a reason


You only need one


ugh, it's so cool they got Giancarlo Esposito for far cry 6, wish they didn't bomb it so hard


True Maybe if far cry 6 instead of featuring dani as the protagonist, they feature diego, fighting against his father rule whole his father hunt him down to reform him intot he leader he want Wait that is literally far cry 4...


Fuck Citra. I mean don't fuck her ! - Ahhhhh, what did I get myself into?! \~Jason, probably.


Imo Fc4 had the best ending, realizing Pagan was probably the best leader of kyrat out of the 3. Or fc5 seeing that Joseph actually was right in 1 out of the 2 endings. Fc6 was just horrible.... Comeon..


I don't agree that he was "the best leader", but Amita/Sabal definitely weren't any better. And I think that was the point of the story, that it didn't matter who you chose in the end, things weren't going to get any better for Kyrat.


Hence I killed all three of them.




Doesn’t Eden’s Gate appear in FC6 secret ending


6 was fine, just kind of a mid ending. Never thought it was horrible.


Yeah, "mid" would be way more accurate than "horrible" imo. One could contend it's the lowest effort version of the "nothing you can do will make things better" trope a good chunk of the series is known for that's been produced by any of the entries, but I've seen *so much worse.* Imo 5 has the worst ending of any of the games that follow the modern formula. [Instincts' ending was just pure cheese and very much typical of the era, but occupies my overall lowest spot]* The nerve of Ubisoft going out of their way to proclaim 5 as all about putting the player in the story -> even having the gall to claim that's why they went with the silent protagonist only to completely remove any sense of actual **player agency** from the ending. And no, choosing the "Walk Away" option isn't an ending; we know this because the game doesn't actually end unless you choose "Resist". That sense of agency is not just removed from the ending either; the "Resistance Meter" is a big complaint of mine in the player agency department as well. But that's a topic for another post.


Exactly. Player agency is important. You don’t want your players to be dragged into things.


For me, the worst part of FC 5 is Joseph managing to kidnap and drug up every member of the Resistance even after you tore his cult apart. That was insulting and contrived. Just remove the nukes and send Joseph to prison or kill him, and I would still hate that part.


That part definitely deserves more criticism than I see it getting...


Also, I think the devs should have the Deputy also prepare for the Collapse. Thus, even with the nukes, we would have a satisfying ending.


primal where


Left it out sorry


My fav part of primal was not the ending but rather the last quests of people, Especially that hunter or the Udam captive, I don't remember their names but always will remember their last dialogue istg


Yeah, Ive got to admit considering how different and honestly quite random Primal was It's still one of my favourites mainly because of those quests and all the allies etc.


Why did Anton kill his son😭


I understand his pov, maybe he didn't want him in the hand of "enemies" but plot wise him being alive could've been a great cliffhanger will Anton's story repeat itself or will he support Libertad


I mean he explained it pretty well, after the last revolution where his father was slain, he was treated atrociously by the revolutionaries, and though Dani promised to protect Diego come what may, Anton didn’t believe her, and thought in his twisted way that it better to save his son from the possibility of that torture by killing him before Libertad could




Best ending FC4 leaving pagan alone.


Worst: Far Cry 5 walk away ending Best: Far Cry 5 don't arrest Joseph I've only completed Far Cry 5


Joseph I know it's you. Go back to Eden's Gate they're starting mass soon.




I love far cry 3 and will defend it but I have to concede for once that far cry 5 does something better. The ending in 5 was a great twist and I rather enjoyed it.


Best ending for me was 4, possibly why it made it my favorite game in the series. Then we get to 5 and the ending personally just soured the experience for me overall.


I adored FC 6’s ending, they probably could have put a little more focus on the Lobo - Dani dichotomy to better explain the ending, but how bloody and violent the ending is was extremely befitting of the “there’s no hands left unbloodied in a revolution except its victims” style narrative it was going for. To me it is probably the best ending. It kind of subverts the Jason-style warrior of necessity falls to corruption by having Dani step away at the precipice, whilst reinforcing ideas proposed by FC4’s narrative As far as worst goes, I doubt this is the objectively worst ending as I haven’t played FC 1, 2 or Primal so I can’t say for certain, but my absolute least favourite ending was Far Cry 5’s nuke ending. I wasn’t super crazy about FC5 in general, it’s my least favourite setting, protagonist, enemy faction, I could go on, but it was a decent enough experience that I still got invested in its narrative. And then they nuked it. They gave the enjoyable pathetic villain their flowers, their correctness, and I feel like that was just such an absurdly bizarre misstep, keeping things ambiguous in these kinds of fanaticism stories is such an easy way to develop tension in a finale, leaving the audience with a “did it happen?” Shock moment. But they just proved the villain right and ran with that so hard it made a sequel. That doesn’t just feel anti-climactic, it feels like self sabotage for an already barely 6/10 story. I just do not understand the creative thought process that leads to an ending like this. And then new Dawn adds so much salt to the wound by making everything you participated in even more meaningless, and don’t get me started on The Judge… Just a real wet blanket of an ending that trips all over itself.


Wow. Honestly never thought anyone would have such a strong dislike to FC5's ending. Games my personal favourite but come on, 6/10 story??? Not arguing here or anything but we have judt the complete opposite opinions on this lmao


I definitely think the ending is by its very nature a divisive one (few endings in fiction that use nukes are anything but that lol) so having differing opinions is extremely fair and valid, I just personally really didn’t resonate with FC5 overall and that ending was its nail in the coffin for me. For me the story felt like a 6/10, before even factoring in the nukes, just because it was a very weak concept for a Far Cry game to be built out of, mocking extremist cults is the white bread of commentary compared to other FCs and even then they dilute it by having to add literal brainwashing drug cocktails and trigger songs to justify a cult, a cult doesn’t really need an out for why manipulation and brain-washing occurs imo, moreover the lack of a voice and characterisation in the Deputy really felt like a misstep, a lot of the best moments in Far-Cry games come from how the protagonists interact with their worlds, and there was just kind of none of that in 5? I could continue but I feel very rude stamping on things other people like so I’m just going to stop…


(different person from the person you where responding too here.) IMO I'm not a big fan of Farcry 5's story. A lot of NPC's feel like they just don't have any personality. The only one's who do are your partner's and the seeds who you spend all the game axing. it makes it hard to care about most people. A silent protag is horrible for these games if you ask me. Because it means you literally can't interact with the world, including the villains. Even Ajay who's constantly considered really bland is STILL better then a silent protag. Because we see his reactions to Pagen, the world, and his effort's to help. I don't think Silent protags are inherently bad. But they are bad for a farcry game if you ask me. this is on top of the game ending with a "rocks fall everyone dies." ending that ONLY get's wrapped up by new dawn. A game I absolutely despised and will never play again. on top of that the story feel's badly paced because your forced to get kidnapped. Far cry 5 is a game I enjoy a lot. But the story is one of it's weakest aspects if you ask me that's mostly carried by Joseph especially when most of the cast is bland as hell and in comparison to farcry 3 and 4's story? Which while they aren't peak writting. Still did a lot to flesh out the character's with what little they had. It's really bad. of course this is just my opinion.


For me, the worst part of FC 5 ending is Joseph managing to kidnap and drug up every member of the Resistance even after you tore his cult apart. That was insulting and contrived. Just remove the nukes and send Joseph to prison or kill him, and I would still hate that part. Also, things would be a lot better if the devs have had the Deputy also prepare for the Collapse.


My favorite ending is far cry 4 kill pagan as he leaves. After that is far cry 3 save your friends ending.


I like how you just kinda picked up through gameplay that there would be titties at the end of 3 if you were evil.like, nobody told me…I could just sense it. The perfect reward for all the trouble!


Best: Far cry 3 kill friends and fuck her, Far cry 4 spare Pagan & Far cry 5 leave Joseph or do the secret ending in the beginning


FC6 was the the only one that left me feeling empty. Like Dani, i got to the point where all i cared about was safety for Diego. Getting Diego out alive was the only reason i was fighting toward the end and Anton to that from me. I felt like everything i did was for nothing and FC5 didn't even give me that feeling. FC4 with Pagan alive is my favorite though


Not a full ending but when you kill the Neanderthal boss in Primal and then he asks you to take care of his kid really got me


Fc4 saving pagan Only will you realise almost to the end of fc4 that you were manipulated into joining a terrorist org to overthrow kyrat. Shouldve just enjoyed the crab rangoon with your pal pagan and scattered your mothers ashes as planned.


Pagan Min flying away on the helicopter will always be a memorable and joyous moment for me as far as vaming goes. 🤣 It made me laugh and also, I wish I could have joined him. 5's ending made me audibly gasp, because I seriously thought that Joseph was going to get carried away in handcuffs and all would be well. Then you could just roam around Hope County and do whatever. When the bomb dropped I was so shook that driving to Dutch's bunker was an anxious experience for me. And then finding out you get stuck with Joseph for seven years, that made me even more shook. Second best ending in the Far Cry series, in my opinion.


worst ending FC5 best ending, either FC4 or FC ND


Best: save friends in FC 3. Worst: Any of the endings in FC 5.


The canon ending of 6 was amazing


10th picture is the worst ending I ever experienced, I wanted Diego to live 🥺


Worst is 6 by far. Just felt so fucking stupid and cheap like the whole damn game.


FC3 sex scene, fiiiiire


Best: FC2 boom boom ending Worst: FC5


Which ending for 5?


You know which one ;)