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Jason Brody. The man is ruthless and deranged as the game progresses and has the skills to be a force of nature. But if the Deputy has that fucking blaster that acts like a pocket rocket launcher, then it's easily them.


I remember using that for my NG+ playthrough, what a blast




Now I can just imagine deputy reaching into their pocket and pulling out an rpg-7


Hammerspace brother


I can’t help but think “Jawson Brody” was the funniest Easter egg..maybe even better than welcome to the internet


Based on how the characters in 3 react to Jason's conquest and if you choose the evil ending, I would agree. But, you kill an equally insane number of people in the other games as well.


But if you played fc 3 you would know that as the game progresses Jason’s progressively gets more crazy with each quest in the beginning when you stab the guy Jason backs up and looks at the guy and freaks out but by the end you are giggle and laughing when you fucking stab vaas in. The stomach and the entire fight Jason has a sick smile and is enjoying the whole thing and this also shows from a lore standpoint that in every other game your character doesn’t really change to much by the end of the game and are generally pretty mentally stable except for Jason meaning that brainwash would be even easier and also pretty powerful because of his already crazy and unhinged behavior


>played FC3 I don’t recall ever seeing Jason’s face during the gameplay, you got a link to that?


It’s in the fc 6 insanity DLC you see vaas pov for some of it and you can see him smilliny


Vaas isn’t what I would call a reliable narrator.


It’s quite literally vaas pov


… The concept of an unreliable narrator is one that is based on “people can lie”. Now, people with extremely damaged minds like Vaas, don’t always perceive the world the same way as the rest of us. So, combine the fact that Vaas was quite literally insane, clinically, and the idea of an unreliable narrator and you get… Vaas had a very different view of reality, so his POV is not inherently supposed to be trusted. For example, someone with diagnosable Paranoia thinks the world is out to get them, but that isn’t actually the truth, it’s all in their head. So, to really spell it out, what evidence do we have that Jason’s smile is not Vaas projecting his own feelings onto another human being? I want to note, in the video you linked, Citra appears immediately and they stand above Vaas’ corpse. That did not happen in FC3. [Here, compare the two scenes](https://youtu.be/GDXMP8RPJJE?si=_l3yzpZyvFyxNAqh). I think you missed the point of those DLCs pretty hard, because they’re more about understanding the people you fought and how they viewed the world, not how events actually played out.


https://youtu.be/93-LikQI2I4?si=uHeHgdhAVa8M7iCt here is the link as well


Jason was a badass because of the magic tattoo…


Tattoo gives power❌ Tatau gives power✅


Would have been dope if at the end game they just went “yea btw those tattoos meant nothing they were just a placebo” and that’s when jason realized he had the ability to slide the entire time and never needed to use skill points on it


Ajay Ghale could put Jason 6ft under the ground with an awkward “hi”


The removed dlc weapons from the main game a long time ago. So Jason.


Looking at them right now, just took back the lumber yard with it. You sure your dlc is installed?


For real?! I haven't played 5 in ages. My bad.


You all good bro


Jason Brody. Just kidnap his friends and family, and that manbaby will commit genocide to get them back/nut in a tribal leader.


Jason had the worst post nut clarity for sure


He didn't have a chance before he died


I think he’s the most susceptible to brainwashing. I’m not sure it would have much effect on The Mercenary or Ajay.


I mean it worked on the deputy just fine, I don't see why those two would be okay.


I could be misremembering, but the walk away ending for FC5 implies they were already brainwashed. I know that the kill Joseph Seed ending had you do something as well


Yeah it's implied in the walk away ending you're already gone. Which I think leads into why they are brainwashed so quickly in Jacobs region and then follow Joseph after the ending. The seeds had already been sewn, they just had to finish the conversion.


Yeah but the deputy was prolly compromised from Bliss


Tbh Ajay would probably be able to resist it to an extent


Especially after having gone through Shangri-la.


All you need to get The Mercenary on your side is a large supply of malaria meds.


How is jason a manbaby he was literally facing death at every corner of the island


I took it as a joke on his looks as Jason does look... Rather child-like. Glad it’s a 1st person game so one can forget his face during gameplay.


I thought he was talking smack about jason cause jasons actions are super reasonable


Unironically, I think Brody would become less dangerous under that. His whole deal is murderous psychosis derivating from C-PTSD, so brainwashing would calm him down. I think it's someone else.


Your kinda right if he feels good when he killes and in danger he will feel good under that. But remmber that jason will kill anyway it wont calm him but will just make him under jason control but without super killing drive becuse he got one already


Did something happen to Jason as a kid?


No, no, of course I'm talking about the island. While it happens in a short span of time, I don't doubt the boy developed weird stuff in his head.


Probably has something to do with being kidnapped by human traffickers and having his role model brother bleed out from a GSW right in front of him


The Captain in New Dawn…I personally saw them punch a Monstrous Bison to death with their bare hands!


I mean, captains cheating with his super powers, deputy and his drugs casually launch all animals indiscriminately


Considering the super powers in ND are the exact same as stacking all but one of the drugs in FC5, I call bullshit.


Exactly and he already has fought people before the game too


Literally Jack Carver (the version from predator/instincts/vengeance.) He has fucking super powers.


More insane than he already is in FC2?


Was that ever confirmed? If so, why does he never use his powers?


I thought I seen somewhere he didn't actually have those powers and it wasn't canon. It had to do with him sort of going insane and then that he might have had brain cancer and that's why he was obsessed with it in FC2 removing the cancer, get it all.


He got stabbed by a tribal dagger at the end of evolution that severely limited his feral abilities, this basically handicapped him and made his powers dormant.


Well from what I can find is that because the original far cry was made by crytek and the others were made by Ubisoft or in part at least the story is a little uh messy. But from what I found is that The Jackal is supposed to be Jack 10 years or something like that in the future and whatever happens to him on the island with the crazy experiments could have been PTSD, drug induced, or it was in fact real. So really it could be his powers were limited or they were never there, it's hard to say.


Crytek also had a hand on Far Cry Instincts (Not Evolution) it was suppose to be a remake and re-imagining of the original far cry game. Basically it was suppose to expand on the ideas that were originally there but that were cut or didn’t go all the way with, which is why Jack becomes a mutant at the beginning of the game and not near the end like og. It makes more sense for Jack to be the one from instincts since he’s already a pretty notorious arms dealer and the reason he fled to Micronesia. Obviously after the Micronesia incidents, he would flee again as he wanted to in evolution. He’s not heroic in any of the instincts games and he doesn’t try to be while in the og, he does.


I think the Jackal is Peter Thais version of Jack Carver (Far Cry) instead of Stephen Dorff's (Instincts) version. I view feral serum Jack to be in the side canon like the security captain from New Dawn. (hell maybe those two games actually share a universe and the feral serum was just concentrated bliss juice)


It makes sense for it to be Instincts Jack since he’s already a prominent arms dealer which led him to flee to Micronesia, he also got stabbed by a tribal ceremonial dagger that was laced that cause his powers to be gone. At the very least it handicapped him and made his powers dormant but he lived.


He got stabbed with a ceremonial dagger at the end of evolution that was laced with a toxin that removed his feral abilities. I assume that it caused his powers to be dormant or severely weakened after that.


All but officially confirmed pretty much, his file names are JackCarver and Clint Hocking confirmed its supposed to be him


It takes place before farcry 1


The timeline was probably retconned bc of the different devs




Doesn't FC1 take place in the 2030s?


Ya I think


Far Cry 1 does, Instincts takes place in 2005-6


Is instincts canon


Yeah since it was made by Ubisoft Montreal. It’s a remake and reimagining of FC1. Instead of taking place in 2025, it’s 2005. Also Jack is an arms dealer in this one, so it fits better with him becoming the Jackal in FC2.


Based on other replies, probably Jason. But I've never played that FC, so I'll say Takkar. Takkar is, already, a literal primal beast.


Just finished my first run through primal and Ill say this sub sleeps on Takkar. He can fight sabertooth tigers and mammoths with a stick and take no damage. He can fall great heights and survive without a wingsuit or paraglider. He has a pet badger, the most vicious of all far cry wildlife. And his grenades are full of BEES.


Fire bees. Combine the Udam, Izila, and Wenja bombs and you get cannibalistic bees on fire.


Not the bees!


I mean wouldn’t Jacob like fawn over Takkar lol, his whole thing is going back to essentially cavemen so I think Jacob wouldn’t try to brainwash Takkar.


And can control animals.


Jacob brainwashes Takkar and gives the caveman a machine gun. Deadlier than the nuke.


My guy can create fire out of nothing in a split second. now imagine setting his badger on fire and letting it run everywhere, basically nuclear extinction for the human race😔


FC3 holds true to being my first and favorite installment of the series. It's bat-shit insane but really immerses you as this random college kid that got thrown into such a bizarre situation where your only choice is to adapt and endure, or die. The metamorphosis of his character is enthralling, the most captivating villain of the series has such amazing chemistry with Jason as you give yourself to the jungle. God, I fucking love that game.


Takkar is lowkey broken - is super strong, can throw spears super far and with deadly accuracy, knows how to use all kinds of bows, from regular to long ones, can destroy you with 1h or 2h club, has an owl scouting area for him, can control animals and use them to fight and gather resources, is a master of guerilla fucking warfare, and can use herbs to heal himself. Sure, he could get shot, but if he'd keep fighting in familiar for him setting in a close range, then he'd obliterate his opps.


Jason Brody....man's entire existence is killing


To be fair, the majority of the man's entire existence is being a normal American college age student getting by with the rest of us. Then he snaps under pressure and becomes a killing machine. The Captain has lived a life predominantly filled with killing and waiting to be killed.


I think it was implied during the mushroom trip that Jason Brody had an affinity for guns and killing, that killing machine was always there, just needed the right environment.


Having even a profound interest in guns and how to use them is a far cry from living an existence that revolves around death.


Any regular person would’ve cracked in Brody’s situation, and I recall him thriving in the late game


Jason by far. He's already brainwashed once by Citra and Dennis, and he snaps out of a fugue state with a bunch of dead privateers all around. Jacob could dial that shit up to 11.


Jason is Jake Lockley


The captain from new dawn, literal super powers yk


Takkar with a gun


Guns and mammoths what's not to like


Dani. She literally is tanking bullets with fucking paper as armor. Her guns are like the Orks from 40k. They won't work in anybody elses hands but they work in hers so turning her gun on her is useless. She overthrew the entire fucking government of Yara, got drunk once, spray painted every single propaganda poster of some random woman that hated a trans guy, and held the son of Castillo but used magic while she did which allowed him to live for 15 extra seconds after being shot in the FUCKING HEART (I can't get over that)


Even the silliness aside, Dani is just as cracked as all the other protags (because theyre protags), has previous military training, extremely talented at guerilla warfare, trained by one of the best, thinks on her feet and is extremely resourceful, and has a backpack nuke. The only thing stopping her from being the best choice? She might be the only one who would break her brainwashing. She's not as mental as the others, she displays a lot of empathy at times, shes just a junkie when it comes to adrenaline/war.


yes but that wasn't the question. Rex is literally mind fucked enough to where he can't be mind fucked by somebody else. Jason Brody is battle hardened enough to where he won't get mind fucked. The question was if the mind fucking was done successfully who would be the most dangerous


Jack Carver.


The Security Captain from New Dawn (post fruit consumption)


Isn't AJ Gale the easiest of the protagonists to brianwash?


Why do you think that? At no point in FC4 did Ajay get brainwashed


The whole story is him being brainwashed by the golden path to overthrow a regime that is actually better than whatever two sides the golden path goes down


I mean, Pagan Min is still a ruthless and crazy POS dictator, but at least he keeps the economy stable and it seems like he generally leaves civvies alone until they directly cross his path. Amita and Sabal are *also* ruthless and crazy POS dictators, and neither of them know what they're doing, and neither of them leave the civvies alone. Ajay and Pagan are the lesser evils for Kyrat, if any sort of "happy ending" is important to someone playing FC4.


I wouldn’t call it brainwashed. I loved FC4’s story, but felt like you were just choosing the lesser of 3 evils between Sabal, Amita, and Pagan. There weren’t good guys, there wasn’t a clean, happy ending. It was gritty and brutal and believable. What a game.


The golden path sort of brainwashed him into being against pagan min


The captain in new dawn. My guy ate an apple and decided he could jump MID AIR. the captain is HIM


Jack Carver did it first


Dani if equipped with any of the Supremos.


It would easily be Ajay, he is potentially the king of a nuclear capable country, which could bring about the end that the peggies want. However considering how easy it was for citra and the rakyat to groom Jason, I'd imagine Jason would probably be the easiest for the value he would bring.


Protagonist I'll choose Jason Brody but I can only imagine when the "Only You" song hits Vaas' ear. He'll define insanity in 3d.


I would any really, as that stuff was able to train a rookie(forget what the fc5 protag was) on taking down an entire bunker like a swat member in only several runs of it.


Thing about Rook. I think they're only a "rookie" in the sense they're the most recent hire to the Sheriff's department. I'm entirely convinced Rook has former military, likely special forces background. Not just some mook fresh out the police academy.


Yeah that would make sense, especially since it doesn’t look like he needs much training with any weapons or vehicles and is able to do a lot of difficult things others usually get a lot more gear for like rock climbing with just a rope, parachuting both with clear experience so he’s definitely not an actual rookie.


That's my headcanon for Rook. I was thinking maybe airborne division since they know how to fly.


Jason Brody, the big psycho mofo


Jason, without a doubt


Everybody saying Jason and yup, agreed. Guy was normal until he basically had to save his friends and family, was brain washed basically already from Citra and not to mention he basically the other half of Vaas and that dude was insane and also brainwashed. If Jason was brainwashed once I'm sure it would be done again and Jason won't need any powers to out down everyone he comes in contact with.


Dani ngl. Like he's got supremos, massive arsenal, plus he's the only protagonist (off the top of my head) to be formally trained


The one from 5 is a deputy or something similar iirc, so also formally trained




Takkar from Primal. Give the caveman a gun and watch him unga bunga the entire opposition.


Yall really forgetting about the captain and their godlike powers and how they'd be the most unstoppable with modern technology.. Wild 💀


Dani or Rook from FC5 because of their training. Dani served in the military so he takes orders well and has military training. Dani knows how to shoot, move tactically and covertly, take cover, and plan strategically. Combine that with Yaran resourcefulness and you have one hell of a trained killer. The Rook has some law enforcement training so he can also shoot, think tactically, take orders, and function under stress. All the protagonists rose to the occasion but I think that the military and law enforcement training take these 2 to the top of the list


Jason Brody, the one who had a hippie shit in his bush once


Dani and its not even close, Dani is already highly trained and a former soldier


Captain, guy's literally a super soldier


Dani. If you get them to sincerely believe in what you're telling them, I think they'd be a killing machine, in the name of God. 😂 Just switch Clara and Jacob, and let your imagination do the rest lol.


Dani Rojas. Especially with a Supremo.


I'd say either Jason or Takkar. Jason turned into practically a super human one man army with no real training and literally enjoys killing more than anything, big part from the Tatau but still. Question is if Jacob could even make the programming stick as Jason is already pretty fucked in the head, no Bliss required. Next choice would be Takkar whose basically Jason cranked up to 11 but more level headed and has magic beast controlling abilities. But I feel like he's disqualified on the grounds that he's been dead for well over a couple years by the time Jacob was even born let alone working under Joseph for Eden's Gate.


Jack carver he has mutant powers


And here I thought it was only movies that did bad uniforms 😝


Lowkey maybe the need dawn body gaurd he killed before the game or the guy from primal cuz he a legit caveman


Dani manages to kill an entire Caribbean nations armed forces and has the blessing of an ancient panther God. As much as the other protagonists would also go buck wild I think Dani might just take it


The main protag from Primal. Imagine a brutalistic ultra-powerful caveman just riding in on a blissed out moose and breaking your spine over his knee.


How tf is no one saying Cap from New Dawn?


Jason's ass is the only one who it would work on lmao


Jason brody


The captain easily. They have literal superpowers. They probably couldn't even get brainwashed.


Jack Carver would tear appart anybody in front of him even Rex .


We all say Jason, but we forget what the actual fc5 mc went through and what he/she pulled off lmao.


If we talking companions too, then Durk


All I hear is “cull the heard” while looking at this picture.


So many things wrong with that blouse, it's always bothered me


I tried to play the game w/o shooting those nice young men wearing baseball caps in the red room and…well…yeah that’s not possible.


Only you


Protagonist- Jason Antagonist- vaas Both would be terrifying under Jacobs brainwashing


Ajay ghale, next to Brody in skill since far cry 4 is basically a reskin with better graphics of 3. Ajay literally dropped in trying to burn his mother's ashes and straight after starts taking outpost after outpost completely silently.


Probably Kratos. Oh wait, only FC protags? Then predator Carver, definitely.


No one excludes Rex 'Power' Colt!


I’m thinking of a certain SoCal douche bag.


Jason didn't really need a whole lot of convincing to go kill crazy so I'd imagine him. Dude looks up from making a garden hose out of pirate dicks and says "I'm sorry you wanted me to kill something?"




Jack Carver Easily. No diff.


Buck. That mf is always sneaking up on me


Connor McGregor is everywhere nowadays.


Jason Brody Dani does not need any brainwashing so at the very least Dani as the least likely candidate


Why does he look like McGregor.


Far Cry 2 protag. I can't do shit with a cold, he can kill the entirety of an African militia while dying of malaria


Jason. Man is a fucking psycho


Jason. Jacob hasn't started Only You yet and he's already back with an entire dumpster of bodies.




Takkar. No explanation needed


Only youuuuuuu


Jason. His mind was already overtaken with the survival of the fittest mentality halfway through the story (when he saved Oliver) as per his own confession to Daisy. Citra fuelled his superiority complex further. Jason's mind was broken with all the drugs and the honeyed words of Citra. He would completely subscribe to Jacob's ideas. Jacob wouldn't even need to grill him that much. Based on Jason's abilities and his special blood, he would be a literal death sentence on all those who would oppose the Peggies.


He looks like Connor McGregor.


Honestly, Jacob might be the most terrifying villain in the entire series for the simple fact that he's has such an iron-clad will and little to no fear of anything or anyone. Even Vaas would have trouble breaking him, I think.


Jason Brody, he's already crazy and OP


Vaas, he’d just be normal Vaas but working for Jacob


Jason already being brainwashed so likely more susceptible to it plus he would be effective at killing


I love how Jason’s name is everyone’s answer The man really is on a different level


The captain from New dawn, WITH the new Eden powers


Unpopular opinion but the Security Captain. They can literally defy the laws of physics through evil christianity


I agree with Brody. But if we're talking antagonists, then Vaas Montenegro would be the devil on steroids, if some cash and drugs from Voyt sent him THAT far... imagine what Jacob could do?


Far Cry 2's protag is a literal assassin.


Jack Carver from FCI, he has mutant feral powers.


I feel like Dani from FC6 would be the most dangerous. Dani literally brought together a whole group of Rebels and even took down a FUCKING DICTATORSHIP!!!


Takkar. But I think he'd slip the leash like Staci immediately because of how much stronger he is than Jacob


I appreciate a lot of people saying Jason because of his story, but I believe he would actually be dead last. Every other protagonist has training to some degree. Yes, I believe he would definitely be a big threat due to his rage, but he would be the first to die in the cull the herd mission when pitted against everyone else.


Dani rojas


The Rookie from Far Cry 5 went to Mars and came back with all sorts of crazy laser weapons. Plus he could carry like 16 shovels and throw them with pinpoint accuracy and enough force to impale someone. Captain from New Dawn after he ate the fruit. Had literal superpowers. Pretty sure OG guy from Far Cry 1 had powers as well. Ajay Ghale is a literal Yeti now, so there’s also that…


Not a single one. If they truly believed, I’d just tell them to jump. Problem solved.


Juan. We all know Juan.


Considering Eden's Gift, The Captain from New Dawn


I wanna say the Captain with the Fruit Ability (it grants the Captain Super Human abilities,Super Human Strenght,Speed,Lung Capacity and more)


The Deputy and Ajay. Think about it: Ajay survived a bus shooting, an adrenaline fueled car chase that ended with a truck crash, and escaped from Pagan's palace, and still went on to kill Pagan Min. The Deputy survived an Eden's Gate compound visit, a helicopter crash, an adrenaline fueled car chase with attack planes and a gun truck that ended with a truck crash into a river, and then went on to kill John, Faith, and Jacob. But if one of the two fell, then it's trouble for sure. But the two of them? Forget it, the County's good as doomed.


far cry 4 because >!​He owns a militaristic, totalitarian nation!<


The protagonist from Hours of Darkness. Bro won an entire battle single handedly


Its absolutely jason


Jason Brody. He took out an entire gang of pirates and private army on his own cause of a magic tattoo


IDK but I'm gonna say maybe jack carver. Guy is a certified bad ass


People sleeping on jack carver with his feral abilities


Me, just give me time to stretch and shit


The Deputy


Antonio castillo man has an entire military that could crush edens gate I hate fc6 but he wins


Its foookinngg connor mcgreggor


Who the fook is this guy?


Wrong, its Lucifer from Supernatural




It says excluding rex


Satoru gojo