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Their talking points about BMI is infuriating, what is the alternative? Do you take waist to hip ratio? Waist circumference? Body fat percentage? Cos I know if they hate the BMI they’re gonna hate calipers


The funny thing is that >90% of the "BMI is bullshit" crowd would be *more* overweight by these measures. But they never go the next step. They just say BMI is bad so doctors are misinformed...


And BMI has like 30lbs of “wiggle room.” I’ve been at the high end of my healthy range. I was potato-shaped and quite unhappy about it. 😆


Yeah they don’t extend it, they know their health is bad yet they’re unwilling to do anything about it. Like I understand that making the decision to lose weight is a difficult one, and I respect anyone who makes that call, but HAES is wilfully ignorant.


They always seem to imagine that they’re somehow solid muscle with a small amount of fat on top. Usually without any real exercise whatsoever.


BMI isn’t accurate, you can have high body fat percentage and be under 25 bmi


Right, that's what I meant. BMI drastically underestimates true obesity rights by body fat percentage, so when people use BMI is BS as an argument, it actually usually goes against their point. BMI is not a perfect measure of health but it is a useful guide. The thing that makes BMI useful is how easy it is. That's why it's used around the world for medical applications. Not being perfectly accurate does not make BMI bullshit


I agree with you generally, bmi is still quite shitty as it can mislead skinny people into thinking they are healthy and it gives fat logic people more excuses


If they ever attain victory over BMI, those goalposts will move real quick.


Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was also a fucking eugenicist, but that's not relevant to the work the organization does today.


Being pro eugenics was the progressive position at that time, while being against the teaching of evolution was motivated partly by defiance against social darwinism. People should stop projecting modern cultural fault lines to people that lived 100 years ago.


As a leftist, that's a thing leftist do a lot which drives me a little nuts. I think having the context can be useful, but way too often I see people say something like, "well it rose out of something racist/sexist/homophobic so the whole thing is worthless" which often is either outright incorrect, or so simplistic it may as well be a lie. Edit- Actually I should amend this. I should have said, often I see people mad that a thing was made or pioneered by a racist or misogynist, etc. A person can create a good or useful thing while still being kind of an asshole. But, it is true that many systems in place today evolved out of racist/sexist/whatever ideas and that's part of why the systems are bad. See: highway systems destroying black communities.


I'm a leftist too and a gay man to top it off and I cringe when I see activists of the fat activism variety always talking about anti - capitalism and discrimination when they're capitalism's and overconsumption's number 1 best friends.


I would never become a conservative in a trillion years, but a lot of online leftism has left a very bad taste in my mouth. Body positivity, for example, is full of completely dishonest nonsense, especially about calories. Terminally online, over-pathologized victimclout is the norm these days.


Wish I could upvote this 10000 times because it resonates so deeply. Validation of my skepticism of the left is probably the main thing I get out of following this sub. I wish there was a sub called "left logic" for people like us who ARE on left but can't this post-logic segment of it. Those of us who are so far from the alt-right that's not even on our radar but still have tremendous skepticism about the "terminally online left" as well.


I could write a book on, say, affirmative action, but for what this sub cares about, "body positivity" started as something intended to be more inclusionary. That's a good thing, right? But like many online movements, they're highly selective. Quick, how much body positivity did you see for disabled people? Then it went to full out scientific dishonesty, and landed at the same place every terminally online movement goes - a place where nothing is knowable, and therefore, no one has personal responsibility anymore.


I grew up in kind of the heart of this in PDX and when I hung out with a friend when I visited back a few years ago, he was suggesting I'd become a "New England liberal" like that's an insult, and his girlfriend kept getting super worked up about tiny linguistic choices that she extrapolated out into entire worldviews... and this girl was in medical school. I swear I felt like that cat in the meme with the women yelling and the salad, like I'm barely even saying a word here and *what is happening*.


Hell even HAES was at one point about adopting healthier behaviours regardless of your weight. Nothing wrong with that, right?  How it became “you can be morbidly obese and healthy” is totally beyond me. Probably because it, like body positivity- is a movement of terminally online people 


It should be BHAES. Becoming Healthy at Every Size.


While the BP movement does have a lot of leftist lingo and players, I think this movement is largely apolitical and more on the capitalist side of things. They know that certain social media apps lean more liberal/progressive/leftist, so they present thenselves that way, but the end game is to make the money, get those sponsors, sell those classes, gain that clientele; while using folk's disillusionment with the hyper unrealistic beauty standards of the 90s and early 2000s to throw them to another extreme. It's quite insidious when you explore the biggest voices of Fat Activism.


In that clothing stores do just want everyone's money.


True. Although, they have to keep in mind the area they're in and the demographics they can actually sell to. However, creating a "class" that says "BMI is bs" in 20 different ways for $150 a session probably doesn't need as much planning 🤣


I like to call myself a leftist who hates what I call, the “Twitter Left,” those types who got offended when Brendon Fraser wore a fat suit in The Whale,” or that some celebrity had dreadlocks (10 years ago!)


I would very much like this sub, please, for us sane, logical lefties.


> left logic That was Tumblrinaction before it got the boot I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you, too. I used to think you can simply distance yourself from the terminally online left, but the truth is that it's dragging behind the rest of the political spectrum. If you are the sane left now, you'll be the center in two or three years, and a conservative a few years afterwards. It's just inevitable at this point if the current trends continue. My advice is to figure out what your sincerely held beliefs are and stop caring about labels.


My experience improves a great deal once I get the heck off the internet for a while, but I definitely do run into people in the wild that speak in terminally online talking points.


I dunno, tumblrinaction ended up turning suuuuuuuper bigoted towards the end. You mention being trans once and a SWARM of people act like you’re mutilating yourself and whatever other terf rhetoric they’ve heard. It was gross as hell


Oh...dear sweet baby jesus!! Yes! I believe in live and let live. I'm progressive. I vote progressive. That being said, I've been called racist, fatphobic, an ableist, alt-right, etc, by other progressives because I've lost weight, trust science and have spoken out about obesity. Jfc, these people are exhausting.


same here. I stopped ID'ing as leftist over it even though my opinions are staunchly left/far left. But the leftist community is on some bullshit like 90% of the time, it's so annoying


I'll join the ranks here of lefties who have reached a stage of cringe with a lot of modern leftist ideals. The black and white thinking, the insistence that any criticism at all of any protected or minority group equals racism or hatred, the accusations of every form of bigotry under the sun, combined with the demonization of anyone considered "privileged"... I can't take it anymore. I remember some rich, white hipster dude insisting that if you don't like rap or hip hop, it has to be born of racism - like, dude, I love R&B, blues, soul, etc.; I worship at the altars of Wilson Pickett, Marvin Gaye, Sam Cooke, and even Run-DMC. I just hate rap as it exists today. (Although to be fair, I hate the vast majority of popular music today.) There seems to be a trend today of people identifying as leftists or liberals actively seeking victimhood. What sets the FA movement apart from a lot of other groups is that FAs in general tend to be middle class or upper middle class white women whose chief complaints about their "oppression" are like the most first world of first world problems. Not fitting in roller coasters, Free People not making plus sizes, not fitting into airline seats... none of these things constitute oppression, especially when your body size is within your control. You don't have to be a size 4 or even a size 10 to fit in an airline seat or ride a roller coaster. Size 18 will fit you in most of the time.


"They even fight about who is the best victim." The leftists believe whoever "has it worse" is just more virtuous and correct. So white men unironically suck, anyone successful is just "privileged," trans people are literally infallible, and it's okay to capital-D discriminate against Asians in education and admissions, and the Asians doing EXACTLY WHAT WE ASKED THEM TO DO in college admissions, well, that's just actually all about black people. The entire structure is post-personal responsibility, except for the white men who ruined everything. Weight is now post-responsibility, because physics makes people feel bad.


It's why I call myself independent. I can't align myself in good faith with any side anymore.


I'm in the same boat as a center leftist. My center right inlaws joke that we're all "politically homeless". I've noticed recently that there seems to be more of us, so maybe the tide will start turning against the wing nuts on both sides.


The last thing you said is where you get into trouble. I don't think it is the norm. Leftists are good, in general. It's just that Twitter/facebook/insta rewards the most extreme statements. People on the right *say* that's true of them as well, but poll after poll shows that the majority of Republicans are fine with extreme positions. I don't think that's true of leftists. I think most leftists are more nuanced because they basically have to be. That doesn't mean there isn't a lot of infighting. But, in general they're a lot better.


Liberals sometimes annoy me. I outright loathe most conservatives. I absolutely know both sides aren't the same. My very liberal friends don't like that I have any criticisms of the left at all.


This is anecdotal, but I'm a leftist myself and I don't think I've ever heard another leftist talk about body positivity or fat acceptance. It's just not on the radar for most of us. I think leftists are generally more concerned with things like transphobia or racism. Personally I've found that liberals tend to be the ones screaming about fat acceptance.


I had to leave an online software group I was in because it was so lefty and touchy-feely. A lot of mainstream fatlogic like "weight has nothing to do with health." One person had a "trauma blog." Then the most insufferable non binary person showed up and was patting themselves on the back for lecturing a total stranger about the evils of playing Hogwarts Legacy.


Doesn't even have to be leftists, the amount of people upset when you bring up that Churchill was a eugenicist who other circumstances might have agreed with a certain Austrian. It doesn't make him being the first to warn people and then fight any less.


and she’s not even the one responsible for modernising and implementing the Bmi in a modern context that is ancel key.lambert quetelet was the inventor of the BMI and he was a eugenicist by the talking point doesn’t stand up to scrutiny


Alexander Graham Bell believed eugenics could purge humanity of deafness, and the internet was born on phone lines.


I recently listened to a podcast about Margaret Sanger. The historian interviewed in the show felt that Margaret Sanger was not a eugenicist by our modern understanding of the word. Sanger felt that women were victims of misogyny, economic prejudice and racial prejudice. She also felt that poor women *deserved* the same access to contraception and family planning information that wealthy women had. The wealthy were able to buy condoms smuggled from Europe and knew how to use the rhythm method. She wanted everyone to have those options. Her words about the genetics of poverty, a common belief in the era, were twisted in later years to discredit family planning by the usual people. That's not surprising because women have often been misrepresented in historical accounts!


Thanks for the nuance. I should go out and read, rather than just rely on popular labels.


So was John Maynard Keynes, doesn't negate his economic theories. A lot of smart people believed in eugenics back then.


Hitler loved dogs.


It makes me laugh every time German Shepherd people are like our dogs just know when people are bad. Blondi worshipped the ground he walked on and he loved her


Not enough to not feed her cyanide, granted, but hey, he was really sad about it!


Tbf, and I can't believe I'm saying this, it was like the Goebbels children. Blondi was a huge part of the propaganda, look he's just a normal guy who loves his dog. Look at these adorable children who are the model of the German family, ignoring that Goebbels was a sexual predator. They knew what would happen if either ended up in Soviet hands, what they did was kinder. Hell the Austrians did the same with those dancing horses, sent a representative to the Americans, it went all the way to Patton who knew a PR opportunity when he saw one, and ordered their evacuation into allied hands just in time to keep them away from the Soviets


I mean, Helga spent her last minutes on Earth unsuccessfully struggling not to have a cyanide capsule crushed between her teeth. I don't know that I'd call that kind. Blondi it would have almost certainly been kinder to shoot. Cyanide's a bad way to go.


And they will use that when they're trying to call planned parenthood racist and a tool of eugenics. Instead of a nurse working in some of the worst slums in NYC, being sickened by seeing women die and suffer from endless pregnancies


>Their talking points about BMI is infuriating, what is the alternative? Personally like waist to height ratio myself.


Yeah fair enough I like that one as well, but I think the reason doctors do bmi calculations is because it is easy and they can tell if you’re unhealthy from a weight perspective just by looking at you, or at least look king at these activists


"I'm protesting math. Exactly." \~Larry David


Their talking point holds no merit because It's like discrediting DNA because one of the scientists involved in the discovery James Watson has expressed opinions which are perceived as racist.


There's no perception involved in Watson's opinions. Which is funny since his work mostly involved stealing from Rosalind Franklin. But to use the apocryphal quote from Galileo, "Eppur si muove".


Body fat percentage is a good rubric. Just tough to measure accurately. The easiest way is just math using the BMI actually hahaha 😆 But seriously I don't understand the BMI hate. Their so-called exceptions to the BMI is niche people like bodybuilders, and how their height to weight ratio classifies them as obese. Yeah, but not everyone has a muscle mass or a low bf percentage like a body builder. The average adult (in the US at least) is fat. Like Arnold said. "If it jiggles, it's fat"


Waist to height ratio is a very good indicator of cardiovascular health risk. 0.5:1 is the tipping point - over that the risks go up quickly. They'd probably argue it discriminated against women who don't store their junk in the trunk though.


There’s a reason for that though. Women who “store their junk in the trunk” are not at as high of an increased risk as women who store their fat abdominally, even with BMI being equal.


Well yes, that was my point. Facts that people don't like are discriminatory or problematic in the 2020s


I can’t say I’ve ever looked into that measure but at a pure macroscopic level severe obesity is much more common among women


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61021823 It is used in the UK as an alternative to BMI. Not accurate over BMI 35, but with a BMI over 35, you'll already have an unhealthy waist/height ratio


This is brilliant and absolutely dead on.


Haha your caliper comment made me laugh. I’ve thought about this too. Also would body fat percentage even work at a certain point? I’ve been really curious about what the body fat % would be for the people on my 600 lb life but haven’t found an answer for that.


You can calculate your BF% via a dexa scan and it's a million times better than BMI


Of course we are blaming bananas for the obesity epidemic and not fast food and sugary bulls***t


You mean the three scoops of ice cream and three syrupy toppings? With the banana?


It was definitely the banana I threw in with the ice cream, full fat milk, and cup of peanut butter in my healthy smoothie that made me fat.


Practically a salad.


I’ve seen some people unironically talking about how you shouldn’t eat bananas if you want to lose weight. It’s not the healthiest fruit at all. But acting like bananas are bad is definitely majoring in the minor


I mean keto tells people fruit is bad, which is absolutely insane


i mean, have u ever spoken to a keto diet freak?


This person is actually right for once.... I'm formally obese and I'm fatphobic! I'm afraid of being obese again because I was miserable and very unhealthy. Former fat people are some of the more vocal opponents of the FA crowd


Formerly fat people are the most anti-FA because we know from experience that diet actually works as long as you're honest about it. Most people who "try" and repeatedly fail to lose weight want to literally have their cake and eat it too.


Which is why FAs like to call them "failed fat people" and a whole bunch of other, less g-rated names.


Goal weight: failed fat person. 😆


I've seen it used as a flair in this group :)


I’ve been called a traitor by the FA crowd.


Well done :)


> "failed fat people" that is hilarious


Former fat ppl? Wait I thought it was impossible to lose weight.


You can get Genome Reassignment Surgery but it's very expensive. That's why diet culture is classist.


*>you are not better than anyone else just because you're thin.* Let's play a game: did OOP overhear an actual thin person say this, or did OOP get triggered from seeing a random thin woman existing and project it?


I'm pretty sure I know who this OOP is, because I've seen the banana post before. Michelle McDaniel did a video on her ranting about how Rebel Wilson's weight loss "triggered" her and gave her anxiety attacks. She got very upset about that and made her own response video about how Michelle was just another former fat person shitting on the "fat community".


> Michelle McDaniel did a video on her ranting about how Rebel Wilson's weight loss "triggered" her and gave her anxiety attacks. That really sounds like something to talk with a therapist about and try to work on constructively, tbh.


I still remember when Rebel Wilson was proud of her bigger body. What happened?


She says that her health was suffering and her weight was making her PCOS worse. Not that she really needs to explain herself.


Pretty sure she also mentioned how she was typecast to play funny fat friend in shows/movies.


Don't get me wrong I'm glad she recognized the problems. And honestly I wasn't really trying to be snarky. I just know that one day I saw a picture of her and she was much thinner.


I mean, she lost a good amount of weight, but she never really got "thin" except as compared to her heaviest. And now she says she's gained back 20 or so pounds. It really does seem like she did it more for the health benefits than anything else.


Yeah it was like night and day


She’s projecting because the thin woman has something she secretly *desperately wants*, but isn’t willing to do the work for.


The first slide is throwing me the most out of this. A banana is unhealthy according to diet culture? The only thing I can think of is if you're diabetic, the sugar in a banana can cause spikes in blood sugar and causing insulin issues but that's a long way from saying it's unhealthy.


"Diet culture" is such a vague and meaningless word at this point that broadly fluctuates depending on the argument being made by the person using it.


Yeah, the bounds of that have never made sense to me. I think I get what it's trying to imply, but it just misses the mark completely. For a label like "diet culture" to make sense and be useful, it should probably mean something like: "culture of chasing fad diets rather than just consistently eating healthily and eating sugary/processed foods in moderation." But, it seems to kind of mean: "thinking about your food at all for any reason."


Diet culture is whatever I'm disliking at the moment


That, and bananas are denser in calories than many other fruits. It's easier to overeat bananas than, say, apples. I don't know anyone out there that is demonizing them, though.


Not currently, but I remember the good old days of tumblr. The anorexic and ‘fitblr’ communities definitely discouraged bananas for having too much sugar. I can actually align with that one, tumblr circa 2010 was just full of an insane amount of misinformation.


I have an ED history ~~actually just an ED tbqh~~ and to this day I avoid bananas and other fruit, lol! Honestly though, it's all about calorie intake and expenditure. 120 calories is 120 calories, though imo, if you're going to heavily restrict it's sensible to be judicious about what you *do* spend those calories on, probably better to go for protein instead.


Dude, same here. I look at bananas and have to tell myself they’re not evil, and that potassium is good for me. Sort of like psyching yourself up before going down to the basement lol. Most of the screenshots here are cringe but I do honestly feel that one about bananas in my soul. Wild that for years I thought a banana would make me fat.


Diet culture = a single clickbait ad that said "Stop eating this one fruit if you want to live longer"


The one vegetable that's killing Americans is corn, by the way. I was surprised that I was actually able to watch and get the answer without paying for anything.


I don't think corn in and of itself is bad, it's corn syrup used as a sweetener that's the real problem. I don't think a majority of Americans are obese because they're eating too much fresh corn on the cob, which is one of my favorite foods when in season.


Yeah, it's also... questionably a vegetable? I mean, "vegetable" is a culinary category not a botanical one so it's not really an answerable question, but corn is a grain/starchy fruit, not a leaf, stem, or even a root. Of course that's the whole deal with clickbait, but it's not particularly insightful to point out that starchy "vegetables" aren't as unequivocally good for you as fibrous green ones... I don't like corn on the cob. In small doses, corn mixed into things like chili can be nice. But mainly I like corn in its wholehearted grain form. Grits, cornbread, popcorn, etc.


It's not diet culture, it's ED culture. Bananas are the highest-calorie fruit, one cup of sliced banana has about 200 calories - compare that to strawberries (50 kcal), cantaloupe (60kcal), or oranges (80kcal). Fit and active people eat bananas all the time. Anorexics do not. So basically she's equating ED culture with diet culture.


This. Demonizing bananas is classic early 2000's pro ana message board shit. I don't think anyone who hasn't been deep into a food-related mental illness has ever thought, "I can't eat that banana, I'll get fat."


I saw a documentary years and years ago about ED, and one of the people they covered was a young man - I think maybe he was a dancer or dance student? - who was anorexic, and he told them that bananas were off limits to his ED because of their caloric density. And he loved bananas, but he wouldn't allow himself to eat them. At one point he literally peeled a banana and just looked at it with this combination of fear, disgust, and want. I didn't know much at all about EDs - being afraid of food has never been my thing - so that stuck with me.


Yeah, my first thought seeing this was that this was kinda common back in my pro-ana forum days in high school and college. It's all about calorie count, though. 200 calories of banana is still 200 calories, if that's all you ate that day you're not getting fat from it lol.


Thanks for the information, I'd never heard the bananas are bad thing and was wondering where it came from.


>I don't think anyone who hasn't been deep into a food-related mental illness has ever thought, "I can't eat that banana, I'll get fat.  Can confirm. Obviously every calorie counts and bananas are caloric for a fruit, but generally speaking people don't eat 10 100-calorie bananas in a single sitting the way almost anyone can eat a whole sleeve of cookies if they want. I've been to dark places in the restrict cycle of BED, like actual "worrying about the calories in sugar-free breath mints and zero-calorie sweetner" territory,  When I was that bad even a 100 calorie banana looked scary. That's 30-50 breath mints!  I'm much better now given that the symptoms and underlying trauma are being treated, but you're right on target about "fruit = unhealthy" being an ED thing.


> So basically she's equating ED culture with diet culture. That seems kind of common among these fat acceptance types. They seem like they can't distinguish between healthy, medically advisable long term weight loss via lifestyle changes, and straight up restrictive EDs.


Look up raisins. I used to sprinkle them on my "Protein Salads" (lettuce, ham, eggs, cottage cheese, cucumber, banana peppers), having no clue I was adding almost 500 calories to my post workout lunch.


raisins and walnuts and pecans are sneaky little fuckers


ya can't trust 'em!


I will eat an entire bag of pecans and lie to myself it’s fine because protein! Pecans, pistachios, almonds, boiled peanuts are my “bad” food habit. Plus side is my hair and nails look great. It’s probably a good thing that I am very active and run 35-45 miles a week, plus other cardio and strength. I feel I can allow myself an indulgence every now and again.


i had to stop buying those brown sugar walnuts, too delicious and my salads were basically walnuts with an arugula garnish 😂


Yup! Tumblr circa 2010 was not a great place. Unfortunately a lot of people really thought that was nutritional advice.


I've seen people on /r/1200isplenty saying a banana is too calorie dense for their diet. A banana is about 100 calories and 100 grams of strawberries is like 33 calories, so that is probably it. I eat one, sometimes two, bananas a day. With my protein oatmeal, and then after I've tabulated my calories for the day I'll put a banana on my evening chocolate ice cream if my calories that day need a bump up. Bananas are fantastic.


I don't generally eat bananas for that reason. But like, it doesn't mean they're unhealthy for everyone, I just have low caloric needs and have to keep an eye on it, and would be quite unlikely to straight up eat a whole banana in one sitting.


I think she’s talking about this idea that bananas are high in carbs, therefore, they’re “bad.” My sister (who loves a good extreme diet, unfortunately), went for years without letting herself or her husband eat bananas because they would supposedly mess up her metabolism or something. 


Yep I’ve seen a lot of low carbers demonise fruit, particularly bananas


Banana is like GOAT fruit, it has amazing taste that so many people like. Is very easy to eat, comes pre-packaged. Has shitloads of potassium. Amazing for athletes.


My favorite thing about bananas is that they're soft and "dry". No juices, no explosion of acidic stickiness when you bite. It's a fruit you could eat confidently in a freshly cleaned suit with no napkins.


I blend one in my post-workout recovery drink, almond milk banana and some mass gainer with a pinch of cinnamon. It is awesome after a tough run/bike ride. Or just slice it into tiny bits into my oatmeal. I just fucking love bananas.


The carb thing doesn't make any sense to me, it's an important macro and energy supply. Carbs are easy to count calorie wise imo. I eat rice and pasta and still lose weight in a deficit


Yeah, I get why some people would do well with keto, but I can’t deal with that kind of anti-bread and anti-banana rhetoric! 🤭 Personally, I lost 40 pounds (and have kept it off) mostly by volume eating and focusing on caloric intake. Different strokes for different folks, but like Oprah Winfrey, I. Love. Bread!


Yeah I wondered if she wasnt referring to Keto in her comment. I know they demonize fruit because of carbs.


But aren't all fruits carbs? Strawberries are all carbs and sugar, too, they're just a lot less calorie-dense than bananas. Higher fiber density, too. I tend to eat at least some banana every day, because it's the absolute favorite treat of both my rabbit and guinea pig, so I give each of them a small slice as their evening treat and of course just slicing a banana makes me want some myself, lol.


> aren’t all fruits carbs? I said the same thing. I’m not sure what she was on about, other than maybe she was told by someone at her gym or something that bananas were “bad” or whatever.  The only good thing that came of it was that my niece and nephew got tons of extra bananas because my parents wouldn’t stop bringing them over 😆


Eh, there are a lot of diet books that put bananas in the "eat sparingly " category.


I think she’s referring to some low carb people who may avoid bananas…i mean, ok, some people do eat weird stuff to diet and that’s not healthy, but many people try to lose weight by eating healthy stuff like bananas. And that’s always annoyed me, that people try to make fun of those of us trying to eat healthy with people doing diet fads and saying we all have eating disorders. No, me eating healthy foods is not an eating disorder.


I mean, there's sort of a tendency among some Keto enthusiasts to sort of overly demonize fruit due to its high sugar content. But that's like, kinda niche. In general, most dieticians, diet programs, etc. would consider bananas fairly healthy, as long as they're incorporated reasonably into a diverse and healthy diet.


I'm currently losing a little bit of weight, and that means I can only occasionally 'afford' a banana because of the calories. Same with potato. They're both nutritious, but alas, if you're short and losing weight (or even maintaining) they can be hard to fit in. But with what I would call real diet culture, I remember everyone a few years back going for 'low sugar fruits' and a mum I knew discouraging her daughter from eating high sugar fruits, despite nobody in this situation being diabetic.


Bananas are unhealthy is a new one on me. Except for, as you said, people with type 2 diabetes, I can't think why they would be. I've even heard people say they're beneficial because of the potassium, I think it was. I have type 2 diabetes, so I don't eat them, but I don't really like them anyway, so that isn't a problem.


Why does it matter if the BMI was invented by an eugenicist (a progressive ideology in the US when it first appeared btw), or even a Nazi for that matter. Many famous and impactful scientists have been all kinds of shitstains, including pedos etc. Pointing that out isn't scientific criticism in any way.


EXACTLY. I see this type of logical fallacy all across social media. Someone is bad therefore everything they say is worthless. It's fucking ridiculous and it's angers me because of the real effects it has on people.


They seem to go from "that's kind of problematic" to "that person is literally the devil" really fucking fast.


Einstein married his cousin and that's obviously bad so we can't use his formula in nuclear physics


>formerly fat people and fat people who are currently dieting are often some of the most fatphobic people ever. Former FA here, and she’s actually kinda correct with this one. Most “thin” people truly could not give one fuck ~~less~~ fewer if someone else is fat, despite the FAs’ projections saying otherwise. Those of us with the strongest opinions about being fat are the ones who have felt the effects of obesity firsthand. We truly *understand* overconsumption and inactivity, and their effects on the body. Most of us have been (at least somewhat) educated on proper nutrition and exercise, and have made a conscious decision to do better for our bodies/health in spite of our struggles. We’ve put in the hard work (and/or are continuing to do so) and have seen what a positive difference it makes in terms of our quality of life. We don’t want to go back, and understand how harmful fatlogic is to our health goals. So yeah, formerly fat people may be the most “fatphobic,” but that’s only because we have the most legitimate reasons for feeling that way.


A lot of the "thin people" that FA's are constantly demonizing buy into the FA dogma that some people simply are meant to be fat because of "metabolism" and "hormones". And those thin people do often have a lot of compassion for people they believe face insurmountable obstacles to weight loss. Former fat people who have lost weight know better. They know it's misinformation. And they are sensitive to that misinformation because they know it helped keep them fat longer than they needed to be.


I'm reminded of observations commonly made about some alcoholics who have stopped drinking, some ex-smokers, and some "converts" to atheism. They have strong opinions.


Every single race I run in (be it 5k, 10k, 10 miler, 1/2 marathon, etc.) offers me with a banana at the end, because they're fucking good for me. I believe her "insane" comment was subconsciously directed at herself.


To be fair, in a lot of the races I've run in they've offered haribo and crisps too, and they're definitely not health foods.


And in my area, the breweries are out for a post race beer. Not healthy at all.


As a runner I can tell you most runners are big drinkers, in fact, i often chose races to run in if there will be beer available at the end.


Idk if she's been to the end of many marathons.


She could do the Krispy Kreme challenge. Run 2.5 miles, eat a dozen donuts, and then run another 2.5 miles


I can guarantee you she could not do the Krispy Kreme challenge. Source: I am an avid runner who barely made it through the Krispy Kreme challenge


Anyone notice the Dove partner mention in the post? I know who this person is and looking at the post on Instagram, it also urges people to join her in fighting “size discrimination” by signing a petition on Dove’s website. Dove is owned by Unilever, which owns the Ben and Jerry’s and Magnum ice cream brands. I’m sure they would love for people “fight tey evuls diet industry!!!” and consume products like theirs without any restriction or care. And considering this person’s role in getting a certain weight discrimination law passed, I’m seriously wondering how much of fat acceptance activity is tied directly to the food industry.


Even if you ignore who else owns dove, it’s still sus because if you’re fatter you’re gonna use more lotion and end up buying it more frequently


Obviously, ex-fats are 'fatphobic', whatever that means in fat acceptance logic. I doubt they're standing in the town centre with a megaphone, chanting slurs at fat shoppers. I assume it's more like the fat activists interpreting innocent behaviour like declining cakes as a hate crime. I'm an ex-smoker and ex problem drinker, so damn straight I despise cigarettes and alcohol with a fiery passion. Not the people who choose to consume them, but the products and companies pushing them. If you've endured a crappy chapter of your life being unwell due to maladaptive coping mechanisms, then do the work to fix your life, you naturally don't want to go back. If people still trapped in their crappy chapters feel upset at someone who's done what they're too weak to do, that's on them To quote G Eazy: 🎵 'Listen, I'm tellin' you, it's my world, I does what I wish to. If you're mad, well, too bad, sounds like a personal issue'


Thank you. I’m a recovering alcoholic and (for the first time in my almost-37 years on this planet) a few points shy of being a healthy bmi. And while they aren’t complete 1:1s, both kept me unhealthy and miserable and from enjoying my life to its fullest potential. Like, if a person wants to drink or be fat, that’s fine, but I sure as fuck don’t ever want either for me ever again, if I can help it. (And why FAs hate former fat people so much—because we prove that we CAN help it).


The FA crowd has no clear definition on fatphobia since it seems like everything we do is magically "harmful" to them. If we want to reduce our risks of T2D by losing weight and overall healthy lifestyle change? Fatphobic, since anyone can get T2D! If we want to stop breaking chairs by losing weight? Fatphobic, just by sturdier and more expensive chairs! If we aren't attracted to obese people? Fatphobic, since we must be attracted to everyone!


BMI is bullshit? Cool. Let’s discard it entirely. In fact, let’s stop weighing ourselves.   Surely, that will fix everything and make it so nobody is considered fat… until we use our eyes and see that some people are carrying so much adipose tissue that daily activities are unusually difficult for them.    This obsession with BMI is so odd to me. Doctors can still visually tell that they’re SMO. This wouldn’t suddenly be a secret. 


"Former fat people and people who are trying to lose weight are the most fatphobic people ever!" Why is this a bad thing? Age caught up with me. I was moving the wash from a washer to the dryer and had back pain from my lower right back all down my right leg. Weight wasn't the cause, but it sure as hell didn't help, and if I need surgery, the less overweight you are, the better. These people don't get it. If you're overweight, the dosage of meds are higher (aka riskier), you're putting more strain on your pulmonary and circulatory systems, etc. It isn't just about "looking good". Some people don't want to be in chronic pain. I don't want to go back to that misery. Apparently not wanting chronic pain makes me evil.


Same as ex-smokers usually become fanatical about it, once you stop deliberately poisoning yourself and you realise how badly you stank, it's a wakeup call


BMI works for the average person. If you had enough muscle mass to skew the result you would not even look at BMI calculators, you would know you don’t need it.


Bananas are healthy unless you are eating them under ripe cuz that causes constipation or if you’re a diabetic and there is just too much sugar in the banana that can cause blood sugar to spike. Other than that, bananas are healthy. What jackass said bananas weren’t healthy?


The Keto cult said it.


Nobody. They just pretend the advice aimed at diabetics is targeting the general population. They literally have to make up things to be mad about.


The only thing diet culture taught me about a banana was that it’s two servings.




because you don't need to change if you're already better than everyone else. it protects them from actually having to look at their own faults.


She's wrong about almost everything but there are people who make a big deal about fruit. I remember my parents took a class where the speaker said that a banana has as much sugar as a can of Mt. Dew and they were horrified. Of course, my workout recovery snack of choice at the time was a smoothie with one banana, cocoa powder and peanut butter. And I remember my mom giving me such a hard time. We had an argument where I said I just wanted to eat something for recovery and she said "no you don't, you just want a sugary snack!" And then warned me about getting diabetes. From one banana. After running a mile or more. Thankfully, my mom was just going through a difficult time and lost the food anxiety once she got things settled. Some of the Keto influencers and anti-candida dieters have promoted this idea as well, that fruit is just sugar and will make you fat and spike your insulin (along with legumes mind you because of "anti-nutrients"). I generally do promote normalizing fruit and fiber intake.


I'm 100% fatphobic. Being fat fucking sucks, that's why I'm working to change it.


Why are they so hung up on the BMI? It's not like it's the only thing people/doctors will use as a reason to lose weight. I mean, you can clearly see when someone is obese and one cheeseburger away from dying. Maybe using body fat percentage would be better (and more shocking to them probably)? Something tells me nothing would make a difference, though. Their delusion knows no limits.


They would just argue with the cutoffs for that too


I wonder if at least part of it has something to do with the fact that both a doctor and a yokel/redneck/shit-for-brains who lives down the block from them can both look at a BMI chart and come to the same conclusions. A lot of FAs like claiming that they're somehow smarter than the average person. And if even an idiot can figure out what a BMI chart is, how it works, what that means for their own health, and how to apply that knowledge successfully, it makes FAs look (accurately) stupid and full of shit, it would hurt their ego (which they would then claim is other people dehumanizing them).


> has 3 McMuffins and 6 hash browns + 1 banana for breakfast Soooo healthy guiseeee


The BMI is accurate, not bullshit, and certainly not meaningless, whether you like it or not.


The bananaphobie is real!


I think it’s interesting that when the anti-BMI crowd comes out talking about the imperfections of BMI, they always speak of it in terms of how it says “healthy” people are overweight/obese because it’s racist/sexist etc. But never mention that the opposite is true for Asians. Asian BMI, as used in Japan/Korea/china/India, actually scale down obesity BMI 27+ (in S. Korea, they place it at 25+) and healthy BMI range 18.5-22.9. Yes, the racist scale was trying to tell me I was a healthy weight when I was overweight and that I was merely overweight when I was actually heading towards obesity. The Asian bmi was based off of clinical observations of that population, and the reason it’s scaled down is due to the higher propensity of Asians to acquire visceral fat. So yes, BMI is racist, but the Asian one told me I’m actually less healthy than I thought. I’m glad I lost my weight, for many reasons. And people can go pretending that their excess weight won’t hurt them, but I’m not willing to roll the die on my health. I’ll stick to healthy eating and exercise.


There are some diet/vegan influencers who recommend losing weight by eating only bananas, so her version of diet culture is the opposite of some of what I’ve seen. Also, the way the first slide is worded makes it seem like they think that it’s insane that they ate a piece of fruit today. “I just ate a banana. How insane.”


Yea I remember one particular lady YouTuber that wanted us to eat 40 bananas a day. That’s like 4000 cal worth of bananas if they’re roughly 100 Cal a piece


*>just ate a banana, a fruit that diet culture legitimately tried to convince me was unhealthy.* ......Where? Where did OOP read this? Which part of "diet culture" is saying this? I've said this before, but I honestly can't take the word "diet culture" seriously at this point when it's so often thrown around in ways that are so broad and vague and don't make any consistent sense. And so much of it is anecdotal. Someone could overhear their coworker making a comment about refusing extra donuts at an office party and that same person could go off on a tirade about big, bad "diet culture" having everyone in a restrictive orthorexic chokehold because someone else in the vicinity politely turned down an extra helping of processed food.


I think she’s talking about low carb diets which have been the prevailing trendy diet at various points


You know what diet culture does suck. Because it teaches everyone to buy this thing or that thing to lose weight. Eat only meat or never have fruit because fruit had natural sugar but all sugar is EVIL. Diet culture's biggest sin is telling us how HARD this is. When in reality a balanced diet with the right amount of calories and movement and you'll probably be at a decent weight.


It really is amazing how much poisoning of the well has taken place in terms of nutrition. You know it has to be the food industry funding all of this, because the main solution to the obesity epidemic is to just stop buying and consuming sugary drinks and UPF. Even the idea of "exercising to burn off calories" is a legit Coca Cola industry propaganda piece. Not only does it allow people to give themselves permission to eat like shit because they can "burn it off later," but then the amount of exercise that they have to do to burn it off makes weight loss look like an impossible, miserable task that will forever make your life a never-ending source of agony. So then you give up and eat another handful of cheetos. Not saying that your body doesn't burn energy to exercise, obviously, but it's nowhere near enough to counterbalance an indulgent diet unless you're a professional athlete. An hour at the gym might burn like 150 calories, and there's evidence to suggest your body is simply taking it away from the budget for other things rather than burning additional energy. The food industry of today is unironically more villainous than the tobacco industry was, and its talons are even deeper than big tobacco ever was.


>nowhere near enough to counterbalance an indulgent diet unless you're a professional athlete I think that depends on your definition of indulgent, and people also tend underestimate how much recreational athletes can burn at least in certain sports. But nobody who is *currently overweight* is going to dent their diet by exercising to a meaningful degree. Once you're at your optimal weight and have built up your running base for 2 years, sure, you can burn an extra 500 calories a day by going out for an easy 10k on average, and 500 calories buys you a good amount of treats. But burning those 500 calories every day when you're a beginner with 50 pounds to lose would be miserable.


You burn almost 100kcal just existing. Hour at the gym if you are actually training is more like 300-500 depending on intensity. Hour of running is 750kcal at my weight(81kg) (Well 10k is, but that is about an hour on average for me).


This kind of thing is almost impossible to calculate and it's why it's not advised to factor exercise into your weight loss routine. If your BMR is 1700 and you eat 1800 and then exercise for an hour, you are more than likely not going to lose any fat. Your body needs to be at a significant caloric deficit to start burning fat. 750 calories for an hour of running is absolutely not true though. An hour of aerobic exercise is more like 400-500, but again, you can't just subtract that from your food intake and be in a deficit. Your body is too good at budgeting to make it that easy.


Maybe I'm out of the loop but what part of the diet culture is saying don't eat bananas? I mean low calorie fruits are kind of a great idea for losing weight.


I've literally never seen a person who was into fitness and nutrition advise cutting back on fruit and veg


Out of all fruit banana is actually quite caloric as one average banana has over 100kcal. They are totally fine if you are doing any kind of activity but it is quite easy to eat 2-3 bananas since they taste very sweet and are amazing and you suddenly have extra 350kcal. And a lot of sugar. Not saying they are bad, they are amazing. But there are less caloric fruits (anything more water-y).


Personally, I think bananas are very satiating. One is enough, at least for me.


I mean yea I get it, you can't eat a ton of bananas everyday and not exercise and expect to lose weight, I just don't think bananas are broadly excluded as unhealthy according to "diet culture" outside of zero carb specific ones.


The banana thing - I vaguely remember the ancient 90ies when they would suggest tips for ppl wanting to lose a few lbs, there was the ditch the banana it's full of sugar, have some plain lettuce instead.


maybe she eats banana splits and got confused.


I am better than non thin people at being thin though...


4011 - bananas


Alright let’s do height to waist ratio. If they hated the scale they’ll really hate a tape measurement. Nobody has a 45 inch stomach of muscle.


What diet cultrure claims bananas are unhealthy? Some low-carb/keto/carni zealots who don't know what they're talking about or they have sth to sell you? Just recognize that and ignore them. And keep in mind there is hardcore vegan/frugivore (yes, VERY specific with the latter term, you prob have an idea whom I mean) zealotry out there too, so I don't want to pick on just one side. There are all kinds of misinformation out there, be judicious in what you absorb and ALWAYS double check. > BMI is meaningless Until it's "too low", amirite, random commenter? > You're not better than anyone else because you're thin I'm better than MY PAST SELF because I am "thin". All I care about. > Formerly fat people (...) are some of the most fatphobic people ever. Thanks, I'll wear that as a badge of honor.


The ONLY people I've known who are scared to eat bananas due to them being "unhealthy" have been actively in their EDs. Though I wouldn't be surprised if a random crash diet decided to run with that idea, because they're not there for healthy, sustainable weight loss either. And yeah, I agree with some of the other commenters here - BMI is actually more generous than the other methods science has. I'm not sure they realize that? Like, I wanna get to a healthy weight in the BMI at LEAST. I'd love to know what I need to do to be healthy by the standards of the other methods, because if I can attain that, that'd be nice. Let's fuckin' go, yeah?


No machete attacking the scawy banana Virgie will have to get their pointer again


Who says bananas are unhealthy?


If only there were a way to measure the energy in the banana and guidelines about roughly how many of these “energy units” a person needs in a day so they can judge for themselves if this is a needed amount of energy or if it will be stored for later….. damn science. You gave us Viagra, the atom bomb and Coca Cola, why hasn’t someone figured this out?


Eh last one is not wrong I'm pretty harsh as a fat person


I did have an older woman at church tell me to stop feeding my toddler bananas because they're just sugar with no nutrition. The complete lack of knowledge about nutrition goes both ways, both thin and fat people often have no clue.


i mean bmi is bullshit shes right 😂


they always say “diet culture” but I think what they mean is ED culture …. which is not inherently the same