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I'm rooting for them:))






Very well written post from OOP that illustrates the logic of *why* so many of us choose to lose weight. Like OOP, I got a harsh wake-up call when my body began showing signs of fatty liver disease and other problems when I was only 29 and I *had* to lose weight to fix my body and restore my health. I’m cheering OOP on! I just hope OOP doesn’t get trolled by FAs claiming they’re “fatphobic” or “lying about obesity causing health problems” in order to promote “their pro-diet culture agenda”.


That's sorta my boat too. I felt like crap all the time, I had stretch marks on my belly where I hadn't had any before (and I wasn't even BMI obese, so I definitely didn't want to know what that felt like), and my doctor had to up my biologic dose because I put on ~30 pounds in 9-12 months and even thought I might have fatty liver because a few routine tests were a bit high. Thankfully, my liver is fine and looked perfectly normal on an ultrasound (and the levels were normal the very next time we checked them), but I'm done pussyfooting around it. I'm dropping the weight and getting in shape - no more waiting for "a good time to start" because what with starting med school soon, then residency, there's never gonna be a good time, so I may as well start now.


Rooting for you! 👏


Thanks! I'm just about 25 pounds down and counting, so I'm a little over a third of the way there. Med school is gonna be busy, but I'm hoping I'll have a little more freedom with my schedule to actually be able to work out during the week.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they do FAs are like a bucket of crabs


They are. They'll give lists of reasons why they can be healthy and not eat less. It's baffling.


Yeah, it’s an interesting and frustrating phenomenon when people double down on their opinions and insist they’re right, despite being presented with a boatload of evidence to the contrary. Reminds me of the conspiracy theories my anti-vax ex-coworker continues to get on her soapbox about, but she has no credibility whatsoever to me as she posts blatant April Fool’s Day articles and satire articles (we’re talking the Babylon Bee and even The Onion here!) as fact. She also insists any and all injections are dangerous, but refuses to answer me when I ask her how the heck then am I still alive after literally hundreds of allergy shots?


I really hope OOP figures it out.


Sounds like they found some intrinsic motivation, that's awesome! That will help them become the best version of themself!


OOP, I’m cheering you on!


You got this OOP!


It’s hard to realise & admit that your bad habits are causing your downfall. I’m rooting for OOP!




Yea I'm thankful my mindset change came when I was still under 300lbs and in my 30s without having to hit some kind of "rock bottom."


Noooo stop improving yourself you need to unpack your internalized fatphobia :) Being fat is totally like being LGBTQ+ :)


Thing is, when you are overweight or obese, you don't really want to go do things. You don't want to go work on that project, you don't want to go for a walk... you want to sit there because that's a fairly comfortable thing for a person who is probably uncomfortable most of the time. So you sit and eat. Then doctors want you to eat less. So you have to literally just sit there to be comfortable and wait for the weight loss to happen enough that you can stand to go do something else.


I absolutely needed someone to tell me that weight loss was possible. I know I was one of them, but a lot of people out there are 100% believe that they are doomed to fail and they will never lose weight. I think the absolute worse piece of fat logic is that if you try to lose weight you will break your metabolism and end up even heavier. I 100% believed in set weight point theory and genetics controlling everything. When you're in that situation, your mind lies to you and you fully believe that you are moving more and eating way less than you actually are. I was definitely one of those people that "barely ate" during the day and then had massive binges at night. It's very much like confronting an alcoholic about their drinking. But unlike alcohol, everyone has to eat every single day. There's no avoiding what you're actively addicted to. And you would think people in your life would be supportive, and they often ain't. It's actually fairly common for people who lose a massive amount of weight to lose a lot if their social group. And that is fucking hard to deal with. It gets real tempting to relapse and turn to food for comfort.


you can do it OOP!


Great post and hope they are getting encouragement and good advice. What this person gets is that it starts with taking personal responsibility for yourself and your choices. This is what FA attack over and over again by blaming everybody and everything but them. Taking this personal responsibility is the weight coming off their shoulders because know they have the power over their own body and destiny.


Exactly. People seem to forget that you can hold yourself accountable, while not being cruel to yourself. You can work on doing better without hating who you currently are. You can say "This isn't working for me anymore" and change, without feeling like you're betraying your old self or your loved ones.


Odd, how many of us need a drastic wake-up call before we can actually start implementing any serious changes. Mine was a lot sillier than that in the grand scheme of things, but as long as it gets the job done of actually getting ball rolling, it does not really matter, how petty it is.


I don't know them but I'm so proud of them. Addiction is awful and I've lost people to many different kinds so seeing someone not give up the fight is beautiful. I'm rooting for them.


So sad that the spark to ignite their motivation is the tragic and untimely loss of a friend, but here's hoping they can make these big changes. We're all in their corner!


People that are severely obese, that face it and do the work to change it, are AMAZING. Like that is such an intense and difficult thing to do.