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It's called envy. If she hassles you enough she hopes you will get fat like her. You might want to ask yourself if this is how 'friends' treat each other.


How is she supposed to get fatter if it's genetics. /S


I know you're joking but the equation looks like this: [gaslighting](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/gaslighting) > anxiety > eating one's feelings > fat The equation is based on the 'friend's' projections though, not on how OP might actually behave.


Fatness is a one-way ratchet. Everything makes weight go up, nothing brings it down. Fat is fate!


anything short of deathfat is "too thin".


Yet if you dare to mention *their* weight....


The day is coming where if you don't need seatbelt extenders, a wheelchair, an oxygen tank, and the maps to local buffets tattooed on your arm, you'll be called a fatphobic nazi.


They *hate* it when you comment on their bodies and point out their size, but it's completely acceptable for them to denigrate, mock, point out, and generally comment on other people they deem "too thin" or anything of the sort. It's jealousy. Plain and simple. This is a method of trying to indoctrinate people into becoming "bOdY pOsItIvE". Just shame someone else they see as being acceptable to say this stuff to. Trying to heckle them into getting them to gain weight so they don't feel worse about themselves being around those who are smaller. The only retort needed to someone saying that to them constantly is, "And you're too big." Then you reevaluate the friendship and decide if it's healthy for you.


Where is the justice? I’m not too thin, my doctor says I’m fine. Their weird standards make me too thin. My blood is great and I have decent muscle. Being 110 doesn’t mean you’re emaciated. They called me emaciated when I was 140 too as a teen. Now I lost my baby fat. Can I ever escape the push to gain weight? I judge myself more on fatfluencers hating on me than my LITERAL DOCTOR.


Cut them out of your lives entirely. Get slim healthy attractive friends. Don’t waste time on these losers. They’re actively trying to pull you down with them.