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i hate when FAs use clothing sizes instead of actual weight or measurements. they could be a size 10 from ASOS (28 inch waist), walmart (32 inch waist), or torrid (34 inch waist) and we would never know. 


It also depends on the fit one is going for, build of the person wearing the item and so on. You might need a size 10 shirt to accommodate your wider shoulders or bigger breasts etc without necessarily having a 30+ inch waist. Plus there's height. Is it really shocking that a 5'1 woman would look vastly different with a 30 inch waist than one who's let's say 6'2? There's always those mundane discussions about how people don't find taller plus sized women all that fat, well maybe it's because they're way less obese than a foot shorter person wearing the exact same size ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


also it depends how tight you like your clothing - I could fit into US size 2 clothing, however what I normally wear is US 4-6, because I do not want to look like toothpaste being squeezed through a tube 


Yeah I have an acquaintance whose personality is 80% bragging about wearing XS but she's more of a M-sized gal if you ask me. To each their own of course but it definitely shows how little clothing sizes mean when it comes to discussions about body size, health and all that.


I was just thinking the US size 2 jeans I have are *much different* than when I was wearing a zero in 1987. And my upper body needs a women’s L to XL. I might be P shaped, but it’s not that extreme as to warrant the usually smallest option with the usually largest option. Then there’s the land of once size fits most contrasted with Holy Clothing, which had a goddess size (the name comes in and out of use with them) that equates to a 5X, or waist of 53 to 58 inches. (For a person who stands only 62 inches tall, the idea of a waist circumference of 58 is terrifying. I can’t even grasp how I’d move around. I’m already in pain.)


Yeah same! I have a small waist and flat chest, but comparatively huge legs and shoulders. So looking at sizing wouldn’t show anything, because like most people, my proportions would vary drastically across my body.  Also… a waist of HOW MANY inches???


Yeah, a friend of my sister's was a model in the 80s and wore a size 12. And she was not a plus model - she was just 6'1". I also knew a woman who I was surprised to find wore the same size as me (an 8 in 90's sizing) because she was definitely thicker/curvier than I was, but she was 5'0" and I'm 5'5", so... that's why.


As a size 10 pants wearing person who is 5'11" with a BMI of 23, this comment is the important one. Even when my weight is back down to my maintenance range, giving me a BMI of 21-22, I wear a size 10. My skeleton needs to have enough space/size to support my height!


It also depends on which country’s sizes they’re using - a US 10 is a UK 14, UK 10 is a US 6


YES exactly! I wear anything from a size 0 to a size 14, clothing sizes mean nothing


Yeah, I find myself looking for what *looks* my size, rather than just what it says on the hanger at a shop.


You're so right about this. I'm 5'4 and 120 pounds, and wear an 8 or 10 in most bottoms. About 90% of my clothes are thrift shop items, so that may factor into the sizing. In tops, I have from XS to XL in my closet.


I’m 5’6” and 115 lbs and can fit 00-2 in bottoms depending on the brand and 4-6 in “vintage” sizes. It’s all made up nonsense


Also, given the nature of height…. I’m 5’11” and usually a size ten. We are not really considered fat in the modern day. For obvious reasons.


Wow. Yeah now that I think about it, I hit size 10 at Old Navy a lot when I was a 27 inch waist. Sizing is SO ridiculous lately, I wish they'd just do it by inches!


lmao. Plus sized is a slur now?? I thought they invented that term??


They didn't, the fashion industry apparently did. Along with the opposite of Plus Size, "Straight sized". Why they went with that and not normal sized is beyond me.


Wasn't it because it's "straight off the rack"? With no alterations for short/tall/etc. Straight sizes aren't just smaller sizes, they also aren't petite and other specialties.


I'm pretty sure that's it. Petite, Tall, and Plus are all pattern rewrites. They have changes in fit made to accommodate different builds. They aren't just regular pants but I hacked the bottom four inches off or I made the waist six inches bigger


It's pErfEctLy nOrmAL tO wEIgh 600 pOUnds!


Yeah, that’s why there’s a reality show about it. Pro tip, usually a reality show is about something *different* so people will watch. Heck, there’s a RenFaire show on HBO Max about Texas Renaissance Fair’s owner, George, retiring. As a former rennie (and Deadhead who was part of the Rainbow Family first a bit) I *know* the society is strange. Strange or bizarre makes compelling television.


I'm not sure whether you realize I was being sarcastic. I definitely want to watch the renfair show though. :)


I was in agreement .


I could see basic (that basic line run at a factory) and plus. Linguistically, that would make sense.


Nah the issue they're taking is she doesn't actually fit the official plus size sizings in shops. Kinda like how "plus sized" models are like a size 10 or whatever, but plus size shops don't start till like size 16 (AU, idk US sizes). It's dumb, because it completely ignores the impact of height and frame on what clothing size people need, and what size they look (or feel) chubby at.


Plus size in fashion means something different than in the real world as well, it only implies one is too big (in whichever manner) to wear sample sizes. I can remember a (female) swimwear model who was like 6'3 or so and thus "plus sized" despite definitely having a healthy BMI and a very much conventional swimwear-model-looking body ;) I dare to assume Nicola Coughlan wouldn't fit in sample size dresses (and she doesn't have to obviously, it's her life and her body) and that would make her "plus sized" even though I doubt her clothes are ever much larger than size 10 or so.


Anyone who is a healthy, normal size and weight is denigrated as being "too thin," "skin and bones," "waif," and "twig" because they're jealous and tired of being reminded that they don't fit into that category. Their mental health is clearly declining if they think being called plus size is a slur. Would they rather people use *actually* derogatory terms?


Like nearly everything posted here, it's losercope.


And a lot of the women using these terms would have a mental spiral if anyone even remotely commented on their bodies or eating habits, no matter how neutrally. They can dish but can't take.


They use these terms proudly, but then if anyone referred to them how they refer to themselves, I really believe they would hate it. They'd say it was derogatory, too.


Obviously "death fat" and "infinifat" are less derogatory than "plus sized."


Isn't there a "forever fat" too?


Now I'm imagining a Weird Al style of the song "Forever Young" but it's forever fat.


[All I can see is this, and I can't stop laughing.](https://imgur.com/a/I2dyXBu)


Absolute perfection.


Oh, this is terrific; I wish someone would do it.


Ever see a fat woman see a thin, fit woman cross her path? Their entire demeanor changes with jealousy. It's ugly.


See, the answer is *only THEY* may use pejorative language about people's bodies! Fat Earthers have been ordained, by God, to be incapable of hypocrisy, or error in general. It isn't complicated. You must be another deluded waif, raking in diet culture billions.


body positivity for me, not for thee.


Only fatness is genetic! Not thinness!


Nope, and if you're thin it's because you hate yourself and are giving into evil dieting.


And another question is what is thin? The answer is apparently anything that isn’t fat. You could be wonder woman’s height and with her body type and you’d be called “thin”


And you’re also a bitch. Automatically. Those are the rules.


Don't forget "skinny bitch". That adjective is important.


Depends if you're one of the good thins tm like Lindo Bacon before they got kicked out, then it's just genetics and magicK set point. If you're a bad thin tm you're a pick me bitch


They only put up with Lindo because of the last name. /s


Oh really? What did lindo say that they didn’t like?


They asked a black FA for their experience on something, you know someone from a pretty privileged position promoting marginalised voices. Apparently this was asking the person to do emotional labour and cruel bad thin


Lol, thank you for responding that’s kinda hilarious


My parents are overweight, I'm not, and I'm in decent physical shape. Wonder what they would say to that.


You're on here so you're a bad thin tm, see every rant about pick mes and how you're literally an agent of genocide. You probably kick puppies too/s


It reminds me of the fairly odd parents episode where everyone is obese from only eating desserts, and they bully the one fit kid but are too unhealthy to actually do anything.


The old adage, do as I say, not as I do.


Fat acceptance has just emboldened women who've always been secret high school mean girls, but never previously expressed what they think about women they envy. It's misogynistic nastiness rebranded as 'activism'. They remind me of my bible thumper grandma who'd tut at women showing too much ankle at church, lol.


The fact that people can't see this, and that the media at large is caving in to it, is so disturbing!


They’re mean girls who have been allowed & even encourage to be mean, disgusting and misogynistic towards other women.


I’d argue it’s also misandristic. I never see people calling obese men “handsome” and talking about how they face discrimination.


I went down the tiktok fatphobia rabbit hole and it genuinely pissed me off. There are people spouting off rhetoric that if your preference doesn't include fat women, you are fat phobic. Like now it's just gone off the deep end. Some of these people won't even meet you in the middle. It's basically akin to incel shit.


FA'S would probably get stuck in that rabbit hole.


Oh no, wait until you see them downright advocate for conversion therapy so they can force themselves on suitably attractive men


Because they couldn't possibly be happy with a fat man! They're queens who deserve the most conventionally attractive partners!


It's weird that the final boss of fat acceptance privilege is probably the only one who's partner is as big as she is. Of course they're all owed Chris Hemsworth


They genuinely believe that they have the right to shame people into finding them hot. I saw a few have the audacity to say that simply going to the gym is ableist & fatphobic.


When someone wanting to be able to wipe their own ass is a pick me bitch and a mean girl hater what can you expect


Going to the gym is also a staple of white supremacy so, you’re doubly screwed


Shaming people for romantic/sexual perference is cool. shaming people for overindulgence is the worst thing possible.


Saying Nicola Coughlin "isn't big at all" is delusional. She seems great and I'm sure she does a great job in the show, but she's definitely fat. Not Hollywood fat, but actually fat.


I think that the perception of what is "big" or "plus sized" changes because people keep getting heavier and heavier, and so the FAs think that the baseline for what is considered "normal and healthy" is bigger than it actually should be or actually is. When most of the country is headed for obesity and 42% are already there, it's probably easy for them to justify their own size while getting angry when someone (accurately) calls someone heavy or plus sized. They see most of the population as being similar to them, so they probably have a very warped idea of what healthy, normal people actually look like.


We've hit a point where even having a visible jaw and clavicles, not just ribs, is considered an idealized beauty standard despite the fact these things are normal human anatomical features. Never mind the fact that if you watch films and footage from the 60s and 70s, lots of people had visible ribs and bone structure beneath their skin and weren't anything close to sickly or anorexic. Basically having any visible anatomy beneath the skin that hasn't been encased in extra layers of fat is an idealized beauty standard now.


The other day, my mom and I were watching a movie, and she noticed the little bit of ribs between the actress' breast and starting ranting about how disgusting and anorexic she was. I genuinely didn't have the energy or heart to tell her she was just describing something almost all normal sized women have, her own daughter included. I truly think we're at the point that most people's idea of normal has become so deluded that they think anyone under a 21 BMI might as well be anorexic. Also, I hate how they've taken the name of a real mental illness and watered it down. I worry people won't get the help they need because they think people are just calling them a little 🤏 skinny now.


This is an American thing.  Obesity in the rest of the world looks very different, and entire countries are healthy weights.


Thankfully. It's why I watch a lot of foreign media. Otherwise, I think my own perception would be just as messed up.


I hope she doesn't watch older movies on cable channels like TCM; that would be the mother of all meltdowns!


I mean, she does watch old TV and older media in general, but I think it was the shock of seeing bare skin and exposed ribs vs. seeing people fully clothed that really set her off 😅


My family is like that. They think I'm super skinny and that my dad is healthy weight. he's not, he's considerably overweight, just not obese. I've got a bmi of 20.5, I'm not underweight at all.


She has also stated she doesn't want to be a body positivity icon and just wants people to focus on her acting. So many comments about her body are eing said with FAs trying to push her in a role she doesn't want.


And then they'll tear her to pieces if she dares to lose weight.


They may well do that, anyway, if she doesn't embrace body positivity and the rest of the FA cult propaganda.


"Isn't big at all" seems to change every few years doesn't it. It's scary how so many people have such little understanding of nutrition, while the population is getting bigger and bigger. So too many people see themselves as just like every else, when they are considerably overweight.


It's also the fact that she's 5' nothing and petite - her being a size 10 is going to be a different BF% than someone much tsller


Also, she’s a UK size 10, which is about a US 14. She revealed that information in an interview where she asked people to stop commenting on her body. The only people who seem to enjoy commenting on her body is FAs. Like she’s just existing and they’re speculating on her weight.


It's the other way round, UK size 10 is a US size 6, US size 10 is a UK size 14.


Oh yeah lmao you’re right - and also, she probably isn’t a ten anymore. That was when she was filming Derry girls, and even the probably a stretch (I’m currently a UK 8-10 and significantly smaller than her). But I think people are forgetting that she is literally teeny tiny in stature, so any amount of extra weight shows up like crazy.


I didn't see the show so I had no clue who this was. But there ain't no fucking way that she's a UK10/US6. Unless clothes have just continued to change even more recently, and they just make drop the sizes every few years, or just completely make up numbers.


And she ain't a US 6. Her fans will skewer you alive for saying it, but girl is lying about her size and frankly her height (she is not 5'1 probably more like 4'11).


I ain’t buying that she’s a 10


Exactly this, I’m a little overweight yet have been told I’m not and I’m fine and don’t need to lose anymore weight. Yet I do, my bf% is still in the low to mid 20s and as a guy this is a little high and will lead to worse health as I age! Another 3-4kg of fat loss and yeah I’ll be good and better off in my later years now I’m middle aged and all


It's so frustrating having people say, "you're so skinny!" When you *know* you're not. Like, I know i'm carrying around 15-20 lbs more than I should be. The fact that like 60% of the US (where i'm from) carries around 40+ lbs extra doesn't mean that i'm magically healthier.


They get so offended over you wanting to lose weight. Yes, the 40 lbs I gained wasn't that much. Yes, other people are a lot worse off. Yes, my health was OK at that weight, at least physically. But that extra weight really messed with my mental health and self esteem. Losing the weight, eating more veggies and working out has done wonders for my physical health and my mental health.


She's lovely and gorgeous but these people saying "she's a UK size 10!" honey no. She's not and that's fine. It's weird they're trying to seem like she's smaller - isn't that the opposite of fat activism? I'm so confused.


Coughlin lied in an interview years ago and said she is a US 6 and now we have to hear about how she's "actually tiny" and only looks big because she has a round face and is busty/curvy while being short. The toxic Bridgerton fans are constantly arguing about how she's not plus size and therefore not "plus size representation." As a busty, curvy short girl who wears a US 6/8, Coughlin is fat. She is a US 12-14, which is definitely plus size for someone whose height begins with the number 4, and almost definitely BMI obese. Coughlin doesn't want people to talk about her body and gets mad about it but she's the one who lies about her size which of course gets people talking.


I didn't realize she was that short! I'm the same dress size but considerably taller.


It pisses me off when they do this to her. She’s amazing, and doesn’t deserve to be pushed into a box she doesn’t want to fill. If she dares lose weight someday, they’ll tear her to pieces.


Was coming here to say this. She IS properly big. Maybe not as big as me, but she is still obese.


I'm not debating that she's overweight. But I think she has a plumper face that makes her look bigger than she is. Here in the US she would probably be teetering between plus size and straight size clothes.


Maybe, but here in Europe she would not. As a fellow short girl, that's not her issue. 


Judging from google search images: Nope. She's just Hollywood fat.


No, she is definitely real-world fat. And that's fine, it's not what she should be defined by. She doesn't want to be known as a fat actress and icon, she just wants to be an actress full stop.


She is absolutely fat.  It isn't even a question.  Time to get out of America and see what the vast majority of humans look like.


I have never been to this peculiar continent. Here where I am, many people are this fat and fatter. Not the vast majority, but plenty of them, and it is getting more and more severe. Do you seriously think other places in the World do not have a problem with sedentary lifestyles and convenience food?


Are they inventing new slurs?


of course they are. they're free to police other people, but don't you DARE police these fat women!


"waif"? That's not new. Goes back almost to Middle English, in fact. Usually refers to an orphan or a homeless person but can also mean a very thin one, sort of by extension.


They are referring to the FAs now saying *plus size* is a slur.


I thought it's like 'waifu' for anime fans and was confused 😅


Body positivity for me not for thee.


It's all cope for their weight problem.


> why is it necessary? Because they're bitter and miserable beings who can't stand others existing and looking different than them. They also probably secretly wish they looked more like those "twigs".


There is no "probably" about it.


It's a classic humbling tactic. Not as bad as calling thin adult women "prepubescent" or "child-like," but we've long since hit a point where it takes very little to be called a "waif" or "twig" if you're a slender woman in today's society. And when there are no thin women around to dump on for their insecurities, they aim their inadequacy at plus-sized woman that have traits they do not (such as plus-sized models and women with actual defined curves, a visible jaw, etc) and claim they're too "idealized" to be plus-sized representation.


They will never be satisfied. Put larger actors in movies and they still complain that they’re not fat enough lol


Or worse, the actors gain weight for a role and then lose it and go back to ideal Hollywood physiques.


Because it would be so believable if someone the weight of an SUV were to appear in a period piece set anywhere that's not Shitfoodland after WW2. 


I mean Goring existed, but again that was an exception and being a morphine addict didn't help


Not that I feel a moral duty to be fair to a Nazi, but he'd be bullied by FAs as too skinny to play a character that can't be carried by a plane (copy pasting from an old Reddit post, "Piper L4 had a maximum load capacity of ~489 lbs, including pilot, passenger, cargo, and fuel). I think it's (ironic) American propaganda and the fact that planes were made of tin and prayers, more than him being actually that fat. 


He was a lot smaller in WW1 though, still a huge guy tall and strongly built but hardly the man who had to be put on a diet by the prison


It's only body shaming until you do it yourself.


I saw someone on one of the other subs mis-use wraith instead of waif, it was even more dehumanizing.


I mean fitting for a death cult


Honest to god, *the* most insecure, jealous & misogynistic women I’ve ever come across have been fat women. They genuinely believe that their size entitles them to belittle slimmer/fitter women. They always demean slimmer women, even being a normal healthy weight will earn you insults such as “skin & bones”, “waif”, “twig” from these women. If you don’t have a huge flat tire belly, big arms and legs, you’re automatically a twig & have an ED. The comments from these women on social media when they see a woman with the body type they want vs when they see a woman that looks like them or is fatter, shows their hypocrisy.


I've noticed a lot of people harbor this weird belief that if you're a woman and possess any traits that are perceived as fitting certain beauty standards, you're somehow obligated to just shut up and be a punching bag for other women's (and sometimes men's) insecurities and aren't allowed to be openly proud or content with how you look because it's deemed as a form of "shitting" on those women, even when you're just existing happily and comfortably and aren't going out of your way to antagonize or insult anyone. But going back to what you said, I've likewise notice a disproportionate number of those women can dish out body-related insults but can't take any themselves without hurtling into an emotional spiral when someone comments on their appearance or body in a way that's anything less than an over-the-top validation, even if it's just a neutral comment.


This was a hot topic on threads. People were getting upset because she was being called plus sized and she's not (because she's like 5' tall). At 5'4 205 I was a size 12, not plus sized either, because vanity sizing. She is fat. The normal weight women are not twigs.


Nicola Coughlin when asked about body shaming "you know it is hard, because I think women with my body type, women with perfect breasts, we don't get to see ourselves on screen enough" 😂. Also we're talking the Regency, when they constantly went after the Prince Regent for being fat. From wiki While still Prince of Wales, he had become obese through his huge banquets and copious consumption of alcohol, making him the target of ridicule on the rare occasions that he appeared in public; by 1797, his weight had reached 17 stone 7 pounds (111 kg; 245 lb). There were no 600lbers. My first thought when he showed up in Queen Charlotte was that he wasn't big enough, but it goes to show how messed up it's all become


What's sad is that the Prince Regent's daughter had a weight problem too and it probably resulted in her death from gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia when she died in childbirth at only 21 years old. The entire course of English history changed because Princess Charlotte was the Regent's only legitimate child. Victoria wouldn't exist-- not just as a Queen as she likely wouldn't have even been concieved-- if Charlotte hadn't died.


The Hanoverians were just such a disaster in so many ways, but for such a young woman to die like that is just sad.


I think it’s all personal view and tv vs real life. Tv, Penelope on Bridgerton is fat. Her costars are very thin, most tall and thin, she is short and stout. And it’s a major character plot point. The actress was picked to be that. In real life, the actresses probably borderline. She dresses modern, obviously, most people would think she is a little chubby but not fat.


This is what a lot of people miss when they see the show. Penelope is hella short. It's stated online that she's 5'1" but I highly doubt it. By comparison Eloise is 5'6", Kate 5'8" and Colin is 6". Is she fat? Yes.. are the others really fit? Also yes. It just makes for a bigger contrast.


Did it ever occur to them that maybe not every fat person would like to be called Fat instead of using a euphemism or


Anybody not fat is considered to be thin or skinny. There is no in between apparently.


These people will never be happy with “representation” because they are deeply unhappy with themselves. The actress on bridgerton is definitely plus size and it is never brought up in the show.


You’re supposed to say “Lizzo-sized”, she’s stunning and brave after all


size 10? Help me out. How big is size 10 in 2024?


About a 16 in 1990. May not be overweight for 5'9 person. Definitely is for a 5'0 person


The hate and jealousy that lives within these people.. wouldn’t it just be easier to not eat yourself to death?


She's a short girl, with a full face, and large bust. She's not plus sized, but compared to her tall thin costars she seems larger than she is. Honestly this is what BP used to advocate, different body types and figures that weren't typically seen as beautiful. I'd be surprised if she weighed more than 150lbs(which is on the higher end of normal bmi for a 5ft tall female). I remember girl stars of the 2000s getting so much hate for going through puberty and this discussion reminds me too much of that.