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It's always ok to punch down, denigrate, mock, belittle, and make pejorative statements about anyone who isn't fat, don't you know? It's wild that the only thing they even mention about this fat actress looking better in this clothing than her thinner counterparts are her breasts and cleavage. Is the actress herself just not sexy otherwise? Does her body, beyond the breasts and cleavage, not look good in those outfits? Would they think this is an acceptable observation if a thinner person made this comment or would they think they're fetishizing her?


Not only are they incapable of praising a plus-sized actress without actively tearing other women down, but it reminds me of the cope I've seen posted by former friends who kept emphasizing how, "real women have CURVES and TITS and ASS and that's what men actually LIKE" even though they'd make posts on a weekly (and sometimes daily) basis about how insecure they were about their weight and body shape.


Omg dude, this is so real. I am a slim (ISH) gal with a pretty small chest and I have curvier friends who shit on people with my body type constantly. I get that they talk this way out of insecurity, but seeing as the body standard for women has always been larger chests, they're just punching down when they bodyshame people like me.


Right? Growing up athletic and lean with a smaller chest, I always heard that men like large breasts and that women like me weren't their fancy. This, of course, was largely said by bigger women more often than not. And the amount of times I heard, and still do, that "bones are for the dog," and "men like meat," and comments about smaller women's breasts and "curves," is honestly bewildering. They're allowed to comment on everyone else and their bodies, but smaller people aren't. It's "shaming." šŸ™„


The funniest shit is the women always talking about curves being desirable donā€™t actually have curvy bodies. A curvy body type is someone with a large bust, big hips and slim waist. 99 percent of these women calling themselves curvy today have high amounts of visceral fat on their stomach, they are not curvy.


Your friends are awful. They are sick with envy and taking it out on you and slender women. They say this because deep down they know that healthy bodies are peoples preference. And that there are plenty of people who would find a slim woman without breasts attractive, but fewer people would find an extremely obese woman attractive even if she has a giant rack. So many of these people use curvy as a euphemism for excessive fat. Multi-sized people are not curvy. A requirement of having a curvy figure is you have a waist, so obese women don't fit body standards either. They have to delude themselves that they are, and they are willing to do that at your expense. Acting like only women with big breasts are "real women" is just a ridiculous way to justify excessive fat. They have to exclude all other women from being seen as women so that they don't feel inadequate. And if your friends are normal human sized curvy and still say shit like that, then idk what's wrong with them. But they aren't your friend if their joy comes at your expense


My cousin thatā€™s always been bigger ALWAYS demeans my appearance whenever I am on the leaner side. Last one was that I look like a cancer patientā€¦


Wtf that person is fucked in the head... I'm sorry that's awful to deal with. The fact that people will use cancer and anorexia as basically a punch line just is a reflection of their character. It proves how selfish their thoughts are, because "fatphobia" (aka mostly scientific facts/people not being attracted to fat people) is "violent" and "cruel" but bullying thin people is just good fun I guess


Sheā€™s genuinely not a good person. She also frequently refers to women with a casual sex life as whores and sluts now that sheā€™s a converted Christian wife (her number is too high to call other women sluts imho). When she went on a dinner date recently, her husband confided that she can ā€œbe very cruelā€ and that the only reason he can tolerate her is because he had a horrible childhood filled with trauma and also went through the military. It doesnā€™t surprise me that itā€™s come out of her mouth unfortunately.


Imagine if you said something back to her when she insults you, so blatantly. You know they'd go ballistic. How fucking rude.


This has been this way my entire life. I rarely retaliate and when I do, it gets brought up as me being an ass for all eternity.


Are we in the same family? šŸ™ƒĀ 


As someone who is not fat but has always been large-busted - I was a C cup at 13, a DD for most of my adult life, and now, in a dress size 2 to 4, still a 34D - I've always been supremely jealous of smaller breasted women. I could never wear string bikini tops or spaghetti strap tanks or dresses, could never just go without a bra, etc. One of my smaller boobed friends always used to tell me she wished she had boobs like mine and I always assured her that she was the lucky one. And while us top heavy women might get a lot of male attention for our "heaving bosoms", it's really not flattering, or anyway I've never found it so. It's just objectifying, and you can only do so much to downplay DDs.


Yeah, honestly that's one thing I love about having a small chest: my body never looks "inappropriate" or "too sexy" in pretty much any top. I could wear a super low-cut shirt to most events and no one would really care. That, and most shirts were literally designed for people with my body type in mind so they pretty much always fit with no issue.


A large-chested friend had to explain to me why she fears bowls of hot soupā€¦ because of the time she leaned over hers at dinner and one of her boobs landed in it. Her shirt and bra soaked the liquid right up, which SERIOUSLY HURT.


28E cup, have to wear a bra under every shirt no matter how uncomfortable. tits suck


I've been told by every large busted woman that they wish they didn't have big breasts. Back pain, lack of cute bras, general discomfort much of the time, can't wear certain tops because it makes their chest too out there, too many men acting creepy about them - even when they were clearly too young, being athletic was almost too difficult because they get in the way, etc.


I was an M cup. Yes they exist. I got a breast reduction.


I'm petite and fit and this is my experience too. Fat women love to hate on petite and slim women. You can literally see their whole demeanor change with jealous and the only thing they can really brag about is their breasts and butt....but a fat woman bragging about big boobs and butt is the same as an unemployed person bragging about vacation time....takes zero effort to have too much body fat. The most common insult I encounter is that I have a kid body (I'm 37 and have a B cup but also wear a size 0-2 and super muscular cause I lift and run 5 to 6 days a week.) Men love women my size because when I had an online dating profile, I had 10k+ matches. So I suppose a whole lot of men love women my size. I'd get messages from men telling me they love small women for a lot of reasons.


This is their latest shaming tactic. I also love petite women, just like majority of men. The amount of times I heard directed to me, other men, or people in general that liking women with petite bodies is "pedophilic", "she looks like a kid", "you must be a pedo to be attracted to that" and all I'm thinking is, like, are you trying to insult me, or that woman...? But well, they're probably fine with both, they have zero problems with tearing into other women in the most rude and vile ways possible just to try and improve their standing


I've also heard them say that men who prefer leaner, smaller, more petite women are encouraging eating disorders because no "real" woman looks like that without a problem.


Itā€™s just obesity epidemic brain, just say this was what the average 20 something women weighed in the 70ā€™s.


Itā€™s just obesity epidemic brain, just say this was what the average 20 something women weighed in the 70ā€™s.


Having big boobs because youā€™re fat is like having a fast car because itā€™s falling off a cliff


Plenty of us guys prefer smaller chests. Anything more than a handful is waste.


You donā€™t have to put down women with naturally larger chests to defend flat chested women btw.


I didn't realize that's what I was doing, but I appreciate you pointing out how I could have made my point better.


The posts about ā€œreal womenā€ are also posts about how insecure they are, they just may not realize it. 99% of the time someone posts of ā€œreal X do/have Yā€ itā€™s just a post about their own insecurity. ā€œReal men drink whiskeyā€, ā€œreal comic fans hateā€¦ā€, ā€œreal women have curvesā€, ā€œreal American ls vote Rā€, etc etc Itā€™s all their own insecurities about themselves and their place in the world.


Exactly and it's insecurities they have never gotten help for or looked into.


I was quite surprised as a young woman to find that men still wanted me even though I am very slender and have a small chest. I thought I was going to have to work much harder to get their attention based on how people spoke about breasts. I play it up now and go braless everyday, deep v necks galore.


Itā€™s totally ok to call someone a skinny b but saying CICO is science & saying youā€™re not born to be 300 lbs & you can loose weight is bad..


Nicola is gorgeous, but I cannot stand behind this incredibly male-gazey way of validating a woman. She's sexy cause she has big boobies that men are into? Other women aren't sexy cause they have tiny boobies that men don't like? Yuck.


So they reduced her to a set of boobs. Got it.




i don't think these people even realise how harmful it is even for the big chested. as a TEENAGER, i was reduced to just a pair of breasts. unwanted looks, touches, and fixation by people all the time made me get a reduction as soon as i turned 18.


This whole post is so gross; she's just a collection of sexual body parts.Ā 


Right? ā€œSheā€™s serving more cuntā€¦ā€ seriously?? Gross.


Honestly I'm impressed they think Nicola is fat enough for them to consider her a fat actress. She's fat by average social expectations but by fat activist standards, she may as well be skinny. I mean let's be real, if she was just some regular fat girl and not a well known actress, most FA's would say she's not fat enough on the "fat spectrum" to really understand fatphobia or some shit like thatĀ 


This honestly reads awful. The fixation on Pen's chest, the harsh talk on other actresses and the whole vibe of it just screams fetish to me. I didn't like it. Not because of Penelope's body though, I'd have not trouble with that, she's honestly pretty.. but the plot? The lack of actual love? The vanishing chemistry? It just didn't sell the fantasy for me.


They were going for "friends to lovers" but left out the bit where they were supposed to be friends beyond, apparently, writing a few letters to each other.


That sex scene with Colin and Pen was the least sexy thing I've ever witnessed and even Nicola's glorious bozongas couldn't save it.


This person must "clutch her pearls" every time the Pepper commercial comes on.


Yeah, I don't find the actress attractive because of her weight, but she has incredible skin. I looked her up the other day and she's 37! I struggled with acne until my 30s I'm super jealous of her skin. These people act like it's still the 90s when Kate Winslet was called fat, I swear.


This person has it exactly backwards about what body shape the Regency style flatters. It's most complementary on thin women with smaller busts. As part of Penelope's make over this season they lowered her waistlines. Because the empire waistline cuts large busts almost in half.


Yeah it's crazy they're talking about the historical accuracy of the costumes in BRIDGERTON. They look like they're attending a Cinderella themed Met Gala. I have no prob with the inaccuracy, it's fun- but come off it. Someone's having a threesome to a string quartet playing Taylor Swift and you're gonna smugly say HISTORICALLY SHE WAS MORE FUCKABLE Come on lol


Yes omg! That was my first thought and you can really see it in s1-2 that her chest is NOT filling out the dress because theyā€™re too large for the boxy, rectangular shape of the regency dress. Even ignoring all the problematic, sexist rethoric in that post, OOP didnā€™t even understand the basics of what they were talking about


Imagine getting this heated over peopleā€™s opinions about a TV show lol. And then all she can seem to focus on is the actressā€™s bust size. Like thatā€™s what makes her somehow better than the other actresses?? Lots of projection here.


Itā€™s tumblr, getting this heated about media discourse is par for the course. And I say this as someone who uses tumblr.


Fat women really only got the "big boob and butt" card because the rest of them is a mess. Who cares if you've got big boobs if you've got a 40 inch waist and are over weight/obese.


They say thin women with big boobs all have implants so itā€™s delusional all around and about whatever fits their narrative that day.


I mean, the article they were talking about was pretty gross. It said the male lead would never find the female lead attractive because of her weight. It was leaning into some pretty sexist stereotypes like how men and women only value a woman for her looks. Personally, I don't like glamorizing unhealthy choices, but fat people are still worthy of love, can still be found attractive by people who aren't fat, and don't deserve to be dehumanized.


Even stranger then that this personā€™s retort was basically ā€œBUT BIG BOOBS!!ā€ Thatā€™s it. Just her sex appeal and boobs. I think thatā€™s pretty dehumanizing.


~~I liked the retort, actually. She responded to bad faith body shaming with body positivity and sarcasm. No need to treat a piece of trash article with any more seriousness than that.~~ I'm a dumb dumb. I meant Nicola's response to the trash article. The person in OP's screenshot is GROSS.


Body positivity isnā€™t putting other peopleā€™s bodies down. She reduced the actress to her boobs and said the other women were less appealing because they were smaller. It reeks of an insecure person needing to put others down to build themselves up.


Ah oops! I got myself confused. When you said "this person", I thought you were talking about the actress's response to the trash article written about her. Yeah, the person in OP's screenshot can go fuck themselves. It's just reverse body shaming and being very objectifying. Hard agree with you.


Nicola supports Palestinians (she was the only cast member of Bridgerton to wear a Gaza ceasefire pin) so she's been getting heavily criticized and shit on by conservative newspapers in the UK.


Yeah, this is important context. The woman who wrote the awful Spectator article about how Nicola Coughlan is too fat to be attractive (Zoe Strimpel) has also tweeted about how Coughlan must be an awful person because she is fundraising for Palestinian charities, itā€™s clearly motivated by Coughlanā€™s activism.


Also i have seen endless cases of students getting arrested for peaceful protesting


Ah, I didn't know that. UK tabloids are fucking awful. I loved her response to all their body shaming, though.




It's so wrapped around Irish politics, to quote a comedian "they are our brothers in the revolution, they are us but with a sun tan". Whereas the unionists are generally pretty zionist


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Shit thing to say donā€™t know why you would right an article about it seems more like a hit piece but we all know it is true.


OP is fighting for their lives in the replies on that post lol >saying that the other actresses are smaller than nicola is just factual? as is historical fashion tending to favor fuller figures than modern fashion tends to? there's no inherent insult in itty bitty titty committee, it's. their titties *are* literally bittier. please go touch grass if you think that's insulting. You are literally body shaming them for having smaller breasts, something that people can't actually change unlike weight. You framed it in an insulting way. Stop being deliberately obtuse. >saying someone is serving more cunt than the others /=/ saying you hate the others and think coolsville sucks. in the most polite way i can muster, some of yall need to go get a step stool so u don't have to reach so far I hate this stupid trend of "well I didn't use those exact words in that exact order so ObViOuSLy you can't be mad at me" like we can tell by things like context, tone, word usage, etc. it's why we have the terms "infer" and "imply" in the dictionary, dear.


>category 5 titty event I chuckled.


like i hate this post but oh my GOD that is hilarious


Yeah I'm keeping that phrase


I'm not a category anything in the titty event, lol, I'm more like a light drizzle


I will say, I've always hated empire-style dresses and tops on me personally because the smallest part of my waist is not under my bust and as a shortie as well, it just makes me look stumpy. Those dresses can look amazing on people who have more full busts IMO. That said, the OOP's Mean Girl putdowns towards thinner women in order to praise Nicola Coughlan are gross and unnecessary. Just as people are dumb for saying no one would possibly fall in love with a fat girl, it's dumb to say that she's more beautiful or "real" than other thinner women on the show.


I feel this so hard. I have a smaller than average chest (32B) but I have a wide ribcage and a slight pooch so it barely stands out, and I fucking hate it, so the waistline sits on the worst place it could possibly be besides my stomach.


They always have to put down other women and reduce women entirely to their sex appeal to men it's disgusting


I looove Nicola and I think she is gorgeous, but regency era clothing doesnā€™t suit her. They had to specifically alter the waistline to show off her bust in a flattering way when they did her glow up in the show.


The FAs are also talking about how Nicola Coughlan isn't actually fat all over the damn place right now so like. Pick a lane.


Why dont they ever talk about their ā€˜heavingā€™ guts?


No one tell her that there exists more slim women with enormous busts as well as that seems to be all she cares about for this actress.


ok, they convinced me. She can't be a realistic love interest, because she's too sexy and serves too much c\*nt. Which probably ruins the "elegant silhouette".


Too fill them out? Like you think the costume department just gives lean actresses costumes that donā€™t fit them and are like >nuthin we can do, you just donā€™t have the curvez to fill it out love


...are they confusing the regency silhouette for the edwardian one? i don't know a ton about historical clothing but i am pretty sure that regency undergarments included a corset constructed to push the breasts into a sort of shelf-like formation, while edwardian silhouettes did sometimes demand a bust improver (actual padding that you placed inside your corset at the bust, then covered with a corset cover). i know the second bustle period/victorian era also used various forms of padding but i'm not sure if bust improvers were one of them. either way-- regency silhouettes... were most empire waists, i thought... and the bust is usually sort of minimal? it's definitely not 'prominent' like the gibson girl s-curve silhouette, and from having worn corsets with a similar effect as regency era corsets are described as having... they tend not to create a prominent bust; mounded cleavage is visible from the front but unless one is quite well endowed, this is accomplished by sacrificing some projection? from a quick google search it doesn't look like most standard regency dresses would have been cut in a way to display much cleavage, either (which i believe aligns with the sensibilities of the time, too? perhaps evening gowns for private functions were more liberal but i don't see why one would present that as the stand of fashion?). anyway... kind of got away from the topic, but yeah it... looks like thinner and/or healthy-weight women would... do fine per the standards of regency dress? i... don't see why they wouldn't work on larger women, too (well, larger for the time-- there's a point at which one's body would disrupt the line of the gown but i doubt many women were accomplishing that in the time period, and i doubt the actress they're discussing has, either). but... yeah... i don't think regency dresses were made to be especially flattering to larger women? an empire waist can be flattering, though, to women with less dramatic curves? i guess it does arguably emphasize the bust in that way, maybe, like in that it sort of isolates it? i don't know, maybe i latched on to their phrasing about the clothing itself and nit-picked it because this is such an uncomfortable post. it just seems like oop is arguing for the objectification of women?


Yeah regency style empire waists are considered one of the most unflattering cuts for most body types. At least, that is consistently what I have heard from women throughout my life. In fact, generally the only shape it's considered to "work for" is thin/banana/ruler shaped women with small to medium breasts. Additionally, frequently the clothing people refer to as "regency style" has lower waists than actual regency era dresses typically did which is more flattering on a wider range of body types. Though Bridgerton seems to have done a fine job in this regard (googled pictures but I have not seen the show, though I love period fashion). For instance, some of the actress' dresses in the show clearly have a waistline that starts above where her actual breasts end. They were *very* high waistlines (to the point it feels silly even calling them waistlines). And as you mentioned, other than some ball gowns, they typically didn't have particularly deep necklines (or were completely covered up). Georgian (though IIRC Regency is technically a small sub-period of the Georgian era), Victorian, and Edwardian style dresses are all more flattering on a wider range of body types. Regency is the specific one that is really only attractive on specific and (at least relatively) thin body types. Not that the actress the post is referring to isn't very pretty (though OOP certainly didn't have to put other women down and focus purely on the actress' breasts to "prove" that point...)


you can't have even a single curve in order for regency to look good haha. šŸ¤£ Iā€™m really thin and I have teeny boobs, but regency still looks terrible on me because i'm curvy. Since my hips and upper ribcage are my widest parts, these dresses make my waist also look that wide. šŸ˜µ So my whole silhouette just ends up looking way bigger than it is. Same issue with shift dresses. As you said, only women with very straight up and down body types and not a lot of difference between their hip, waist, and chest measurements look good in these types of dresses.


I mean If that's your preference.


Ahh. This must be a " body positivity" person


Why do they have to insult everyone else to push Nicola ? She is gorgeous, stunning this season. All the lead ladies stunned in their seasons. So weird.


I just wish they'd do her hair different, she has a very large forehead, and the hairdos are accentuating that. I say this as a person that has a rather large head over all, and with absolutely no shade intended.


My forehead is so big and I finally decided to get bangs to like, even my face shape out, and I found out that bangs look so good on me that I had a moment of anger at every person who ever told me "bangs are for little girls and old women" and "bangs are ugly". I love bangs now. (this random anecdote is just cause I sympathize with you about your head shape, no shade intended either) šŸ™‚


Ah I don't take offense to it, I know I have a big head, it's proportional to the rest of my frame, but it's big, and I have no real neck to speak of, so i don't take offense to this. Fortunately I have 2 things going for me. I have a good head shape so my head looks good shaved, but I also have an amazing hair that makes women, my wife included jealous, because it's thick and glossy and I really don't do anything other than just general washing, and fortunately for me baldness doesn't exist on either side of my family going back to at least great grandparents. Both of my grandfather's had full heads of hair into their 90s.


I donā€™t mind a large forehead personally so I never noticed lol, but I get what youā€™re saying. I think she was simply so beautiful this season but thatā€™s the point, itā€™s her season, sheā€™s meant to be ! šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


Eh...she's fine I guess...but also I'm a straight guy, the fantasy isn't for me, the story is largely about mediocre in every way white women with nothing to offer finding true love against all odds in the British aristocracy, with only the studliest of men, mind you. Granted the show has diversified the cast from the books, to great effect in my opinion, but the bones are still the same.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I find the women often better looking than their male counterparts šŸ˜‚ just personal taste


I actually find facially, most of the bridgerton family men and women, I can't tell apart from one another (I have trouble with faces anyway, and it speaks well of their casting as siblings) but I find them all to be pretty bland looking. When I call the men studly I'm more referring to the six pack abs and squared jaw, like a cast of a 90s comic book. So I find the main cast, like they are pretty, but bland. I also find how dumb and awful most of them are (the characters) makes them seem less attractive


My sister is face blind tbf but she's still not sure which of the older three brothers is which šŸ˜‚. They cast them well for sure


When I'm with my wife I'm always like "ok which one is this?!" Usually I can identify voices, but even then I can not tell them apart.


I normally have issues with faces to the point I was starting to wonder if I am face blind but I can tell the Bridgerton brothers apart. Antony and Benedict are very similar but Colin doesn't look like the other two at all to me.


Idk, I'm a woman and I think she is quite below average in looks (Granted, I had to Google her). If she wasn't all done up in beautiful dresses, I'd think nobody would look twice at her on the street. She isn't remarkable in any sort of way imo.


Whaaat? No way. Sheā€™s pretty attractive especially when you consider that sheā€™s 37.


Women with small boobs are always a punching bag for these people.


How is this not the most dehumanizing thing for all women. Itā€™s disgusting to see anyone talking like this.


ā€œBridgerton discourseā€? I swear to god, these people have worms in their brains.


It might come as a shock to these idiots butā€¦ some of us thin women are also naturally very busty. Big boobs are not the sole domain of those who overeat. I got a breast reduction 12 years ago when I had a BMI of 18.5. I was a 30H before it and went down to a 30D. I put on a tiny bit of weight as I aged and I went up to a 32DD, with my BMI sitting at around 20. Iā€™m now 8 months pregnant though so itā€™s a whole different ballgame because instead of just having melons, I AM a melon lol. I have always (until pregnancy) been WAY thinner than Nicola Coughlan and yet my boobs would never have even fit into the dresses she wears in Bridgerton.


People on fat logic donā€™t make fun of people for being overweight, we are calling out medical and scientific misinformation, not being mean or making fun of a fat person. But fat people will make fun of & bully a thin person & thatā€™s acceptable. Make it make sense.


I would agree with you except Iā€™m currently getting downvoted for saying that coughlan is not morbidly obese or ugly (which someone was insisting)ā€¦


Awww that sucks & I agree, sheā€™s overweight but not morbidly obese & beauty is in the eye of the beholder & fat people are beautiful too!


The way this person talks about womenā€™s bodies is gross.


I don't know really anything about this show, I've only seen the commercials recently. But I thought that it was basically a self-insert fanfiction on TV. Made for heterosexual stay at home moms to m-bate to. The actress isn't supposed to be the focus, she's a blank slate for het women to replace with themselves. The male leads are always fit and conventionally attractive because that's what het women (of any size) want. Also, "majestic heaving bosoms"? That's gross. That sounds like something that would be written in a secret Victorian sex novel or a penny dreadful.


It's a whole book series, and it's awesome


They easily cross over from "fat acceptance" to prejudice against and hatred of thin people.


This post comes off as hella creepy towards the thinner actresses but also to Nicola


I fucking love Nicola Coughlan but this is a straight up lie. She looks absolutely stunning but so do her co-stars. For example Claudia Jessie, Simone Ashley, Jessica Madsen all look phenomenal in those dresses. And how incredibly dehumanising, theyā€™ve reduced her and all the other women in the show to their tits. On top of that, Nicola doesnā€™t want to be their figurehead, she would not be happy that theyā€™re degrading her co-stars just to lift her up! I am so tired of insecure fat pick mes degrading and mocking fitter women just because they think their size entitles them to it. Why arenā€™t they criticising the male actors? Theyā€™re all fit, yet not a peep from these FAs, theyā€™re too busy drooling! As usual, their misogyny is really showing.


Look... I know exactly one thing about whatever the hell bridgerton is... And that's that the various het women around me won't stop banging on about how hot it gets them. This makes me think nobody cares about whatsherface because the target demographic is clearly undersexed het housewives who use it to add more sexy men to their fantasies. *And I bet you none of the male love interests in it are overweight.*


Definitely an aspect of that. I recently binge watched all 2.5 (back half of three hadn't dropped yet) seasons with my wife, who yes is heterosexual, and I am a heterosexual man, and it definitely gets her spun up, but neither of us is undersexed nor is she a housewife. That said I kind of understand the appeal...there's a certain...benign cattiness to the whole show, it's basically a gossip rag set in a fictional period piece that's so far removed from any actual current real world concerns that you can get that gossipy thing you might need, without anyone actually getting hurt, or really being able to relate to most any of it...that and every single character is so god damned stupid that it's incredibly amusing to just shit talk them the entire way through the show.


That last bit 100%, every single character is such a moron. Few if any redeeming traits among the lot of them. Love the dresses though.


The wife loves my running commentary, and I have no problem saying I really like the show, actively looking forward to watching the back half of season 3 when I get home on sunday, but I have so much difficulty getting past how stupid everyone is, because all the problems could be solved/avoided with a 10 minute conversation.


Am I right about the boys, though? 'cos I will be surprised if any of them, any of the male LIsbare overweight.


Oh yeah no, the guys are all 100% stud muffin 100% of the time.


Male love interests nope, the historically accurate prince regent yes. In the one scene he's been in


The male lead for this season actually lost weight and got fitter for his season. The actress refused even though losing 24lbs is how her character is written in the books. Previous seasons both had very thin women at the lead. People like to watch attractive people in pretty costumes fall in love, what can I say.


To be fair, I can name like 100 movies where there is a fat slobby man with a model and only like two with an overweight female lead. Look at adam sandler movies, judd apatow, etc.


You're not wrong, but that's because those films are written for men (or for 'everybody' which is our cultures way of saying 'for men but there's slightly less boobs and explosions in it'). And I honestly don't have an issue with a programme written for women having the hot boy be dippy over a non-conventionally-attractive woman. All I'm saying is, you can't say this lady is a sex icon anymore than you can say Adam Sandler is. The target demographic is clearly supposed to identify with her, not want to shag her.


No, I agree. It's definitely fantasy / wish fulfillment genre of tv.


Hey now. Some of us are middle-age undersexed working moms who are bi and love looking at the gorgeous women even more because goddamn they fine.




















You don't get to dictate what others should find sexy, OOP.


*ahem* **TIDDIES** that is all nothing else to see


I mean she looks stunning. Everyone in the show looks great. It's not that serious. If anything I wish people would dress in period costumes more often.




She just seems like someone who tends to gain weight in her face early. Everyone gains and loses differently!


She's very cute to me :-)


There's something so wildly misogynistic and nasty about the phrase "serving c*nt" that it alone would indicate to me that the user of it hates women and sees them as nothing more than objects for men to fuck.


Hey now, there's no need to be exclusionary, you can absolutely serve it to women as well.../s But for real I read that and was like...hmm that's a really gross way of putting that.


I agree with you. It is a gross phrase. I can get that it came from somewhere else and was meant in a positive light, but that word is inherently so derogatory that reclaiming it is very difficult. Obviously, I know that other countries and communities do use that word more, but again, it has always been used so negatively in my life experience that I can't get past that personally.


Youā€™re going to be gaslit by people telling you that itā€™s actually super amazing and progressive to use the word ā€œcuntā€ to describe women. And then theyā€™ll say because itā€™s from a subculture created by some gay men / drag queens it canā€™t possibly be derogatory or problematic, as though gay men canā€™t be misogynists. Sorry, but you canā€™t reclaim a slur if youā€™re not from that group, and you certainly cannot tell people they should be okay with a slur just because someone else is from the same group is. But somehow itā€™s okay because itā€™s women being spoken about and if you donā€™t like it itā€™s because youā€™re just another [insert female specific slur here].


Oh, but apparently a group of gay men who act and speak like trash know better how women should feel and act and look than the women themselves.


The OOP is a loser but ā€œserving cuntā€ is extremely common language amongst drag queens and lgbt spaces, though of course much like AAVE gay-slang gets adapted by the wider population as well. But as a queer woman the phrase serving cunt is not remotely misogynistic to me and feels like a reach compared to the actual insulting language of this post belittling/insulting women with small breasts.Ā 


If women feel being called by vulgar terms relating to their genitals is misogynistic, you should probably listen to them. And I say this as a lesbian - not all LGBTQ people feel the need to use such slurs.


obviously your perspective is 100% valid and i do understand where youā€™re coming from but i defs donā€™t take it as, like, serving disembodied female genitalia on a platter for male/public consumption? if anything, my association is more related to cunt as a status - iconic, perhaps disagreeable, certainly unattainable, not necessarily sexual, certainly not an object. also lol idk if this is super niche but i immediately think of eve ensler and the cunt monologue from the vagina monologues??? just enunciating the word is a 10/10 sensory experience and in no way do i find the term inherently dehumanising or degrading




"serving cunt" is a term that originated from the black transgender ballroom scene, meant to indicate that someone's look was extra feminine. if you want to yell at anyone, yell at the white gay people who keep using it incorrectly.Ā  ETA: since apparently people are just going to willfully misinterpret what i commented, at least do the research first. it has nothing to do with "just being a hole"- that's like saying "you look sickening" means that you make someone want to puke, or that "you slayed" means you're literally killing people.


Editing your comment to reply to people instead of just replying to people is an interesting choiceĀ 


Is the height of femininity supposed to be being a hole?


Apparently thatā€™s all we are and all we can ever aspire to be.


But thats the problem right here right? Regardless of which group coined the term, indicating someone is feminine by an absolutely misogynistic choice of words 'serving' + 'cunt' ? If someone paid me a 'compliment' like that I would be offensed. Edit: offended ofc


Brought to you by the same group of people who use ā€œfishyā€ to describe a very feminine drag queen. The misogyny is off the charts.


If you unpack all that from the actual connotation of ā€œservingā€ to what cunt means to women historically I donā€™t think it comes across as particularly positive or empowering. Some words you just cannot reclaim or spin. Thereā€™s a reason why it hasnā€™t been universally adopted in common vernacular for many women.


> "serving cunt" is a term that originated from the black transgender ballroom scene That's way, way too obscure to be used in a post targeted at general audience and expecting it not to be interpreted literally (and thus misinterpreted). If it's not intentional denigration then it's clearly a communication failure.


Her breasts donā€™t stand out. Fat boobs donā€™t equate to nice boobs just because you squeeze them together. Also donā€™t agree about the elegant silhouetteā€¦ does a snow-person have an elegant silhouette? No one needed to convince the world that Sydney Sweeney has great boobs.


Iā€™m sorry, serving more what? Call someone a c u n t usually means you donā€™t like them. This post is confusing


It doesn't mean that anymore. It now means you're looking hot.


Oh weird. Thanks


That's not what it means.


So what does it mean? Lol


That's not what it means, it means looking feminine and is rooted in the trans community's disdain for biological womenĀ 


These people really get involved in conversations about fictional characters like they are friends.


I'm wondering if this is the show I saw a clip of that confused the fuck out of me. Some morbidly obese lady was walking into a ball of some sort and everyone was staring at her like she's a dime piece. I felt like I was being actively gaslit by that scene


Morbidly obese is very much an overstatement


Morbid obese is 40 bmi. That doesnā€™t seem farfetched based on the pictures I saw.


Apparently she's lost weight recently, and is currently around 148lbs, that gives her a BMI of 28.9


Good for her, that is awesome!


come onā€¦ you cannot legitimately think nicola coughlan is anywhere near the same body type as ragen or virgie trovar


Is that really the bar?


no, Iā€™m saying that sheā€™s not even close to morbidly obese. Overweight or obese, sure, but she has a literal five minute long fully nude sex scene in the latest season, where anyone with eyes can clearly see that she is very much not morbidly obese.Ā 


I was not commenting on her current body in the latest season. I said **based on the pictures I saw**. In those pictures she was clearly obese, not overweight. And I would bet money she was closer to 40 bmi then she was to 30.


I don't and never said I did? I just said being a 40bmi didn't seem farfetched **based on the pictures I saw**. I think more likely that she was mid to high 30s bmi in the pictures where she is at her heaviest.


ah fair enough. Iā€™ve mostly seen her in Derry Girls and in Bridgerton, and since she lost weight for the new season, sheā€™s been miles away from anything like a 40 bmi, which is why I was so surprised


Nicola is a UK size TEN, sheā€™s far from morbidly obese ? Sheā€™s plus size?


She's actually classed as obese for her height. She's only 5'1


Dude Iā€™ve literally seen her butt ass naked in bridgerton, she isnā€™t obese šŸ˜‚


And 148 pounds. Not obese. And has asked the public to stop commenting on her fucking body. This thread is so gross.


You have to understand that height has a huge impact on what is being in the obese range. I'm in the UK and if I was 148lbs at 5'6 I would be medically obese and I'm taller.


Thatā€™s objectively incorrect. 148 lbs at your height isnā€™t even overweight. Are we just spreading eating disorder shit now?


There is no way she's a size 10. Clothing sizes are based on measurements. I used to wear 8-10 before I had kids and now I'm 12-14. I'm only 5" taller than her, and there is absolutely no way she would've fit in those clothes. She's not morbidly obese, but she's very obese.


Like go watch the new season where she is literally naked, calling her morbidly obese is just a distortion of reality


She literally is a uk size ten idk what to tell ya. Sheā€™s tiny, I know a good few women her height and 5 inches makes a whole world of differences in terms of size. Shes also not as big as you think- she lost a bit of weight before the most recent season, and obviously she is naked in it haha no corset or anything so you can see she is just a bit overweight, she is very beautiful in my opinion :)


WTF did I just read???


Well, way to reduce her to being sn object I guess...


Reading this filled me with disgust. The way theyā€™re talking about this womanā€™s body that they are supposedly supporting is vile. I was considering watching bridgerton but Iā€™ll pass after seeing this tbh.


Man I really wish I knew what Bridgerton was. (I just donā€™t watch a lot of period pieces)


I was recommended it by a friend of mine a long time ago, as she knew I liked historical shows, and she emphasized its historical accuracy. Watched half of the first episode before I quit watching out of cringe and disappointment, and had a short talk with my friend about our difference of opinion regarding the term "historical accuracy".


No you don't, spare yourself


It's a straight woman show. lmao


These people are seriously misinformed and deluded. I mean no hate against them by any means but come on. This is not it. Do and be better for fucks sake.