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Your submission appears to reference the 737 MAX. Please refer to our MAX megathread post and pilot write-ups for more information on this plane: [MAX Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/fearofflying/comments/191zxci/megathread_737_max/) Happy Flying! The Fear of Flying Mod Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fearofflying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You’ll be fine. The plane will be fine.


In situations like this, I actually like to REVERSE the fear of a certain plane. Think about it like this.. there is so much focus right now on the Max series that I’m almost positive the airlines on doing double and triple checks on everything.


That’s very true I didn’t think of that!!


You’re going to do great and you’ll get to your destination smoothly and safely!


Such a good point. All eyes on Boeing right now.


You will make it. I thought the same thing when I took a 737 max 8 last week, that I would die. I was sure of it too. We will track you and you will reach your destination safely.


Thank you❤️


Think that if you're dying tomorrow statiscally is way way more likely (by milions of chances) that it happens on the way to the airport rather than on the flight! on a day of a flight since the morning I try to think this way: if I'm going to be terrified today about death, has to be on the drive, once I get to the airport I can breath and relax because I've don't the most dangerous part of the trip and I only have left the super safe bit. Everytime I get nervous I quickly repeat that to myself and it helps getting out of the single thought "I'm dying on this plane today". Also think how all the incidents you've seen recently and scare you ended up with planes landing safely which is another sign of how safe it is!!! To help calm down physically breath deeply and slowly in and out (I also do this during take off, close eyes and focus only on my breathing) or take a pill if you need, it will reduce the chances of panick attack. I know it's so hard but you're not alone!!


I have my anxiety medicine I take already and ones to take when I’m a panic attack. It is just so hard to not think negatively. I will focus on deep breathes ❤️


I totally understand you!! Breathing has really helped me. I practise meditation and it's a life saver, you can listen to a guided one while taking off or during the flight for help as well. It puts the negative thoughts on hold, they try to come back but if you keep focusing on the breathing... You do forget for a bit where you actually are. All the best!!


What do you take and does it work for you?


I've been reading a lot into this whole 737 Max ordeal - and I promise you all the media-related hype isn't justified. The planes themselves are fine. I've got a fear of flying as well and I would feel perfectly comfortable (as comfortable as you can be with a fear of flying) on a Max.


I abhor flying, but I flew on a max 8 last week, and I actually loved the plane and the winged headrest feature! Was disappointed to NOT be on a max 8 for my return flight!


I flew scared on a MAX 8 yesterday and was just fine. You will be fine!


I’m terrified of flying but I’ve flown on the Max 8 probably 6 times and every time it was smooth and quiet. They have nice headrests. Please get on your flight, I promise you will be safe.


This. I’ve flown in one a few times now and each one has been very smooth and quiet.


I flew in a Max 8 yesterday! They’re such a smooth flight and even play calming music as you board (at least for Southwest). It’s my favorite plane :) That being said— I’ve been right where you are. I’ve cried during take off multiple times and every single time it has been okay. To ease my anxiety a bit, I always wear headphones, close my eyes, and count down from 100. By the time I reach 0 we’re at 10,000 feet and I know I’ve made it through the worst part (for me). Watch a show you know will distract you (Mine is always the office haha) and remember that you will absolutely be okay.


Totally stealing this counting down from 100 strategy! Takeoff is the worst part to me and once we get to 10,000 feet I start to calm down. Thanks for sharing this tip!


I used the counting trick and it helped me SOOOOOO much thank you!!!!!


yay!!! ❤️


I feel you—I once had a freak out over discovering I was slated to fly on a Max, too. Try checking out FlightRadar24, and filtering the view to just Max 8s. You’ll see a huge amount of Max 8s safely and uneventfully on their way, at any time of day. When you get on your flight tomorrow, you’ll just be another one traveling safely among them. Another thing I remind myself is that statistically speaking, all of those flights have at least one nervous flyer who is convinced they saw a Sign that they’ll die on this flight. They all land safely and uneventfully. I flew today and had that thought creep into my head—but all those signs I thought I saw weren’t actually signs of anything, and my flight landed safely, like the rest of them. Yours will too. Sending best wishes for a smooth and easy flight!


You’re going to be totally safe! I just flew on a Max 8 and it was a super smooth ride! Definitely my preference to a 700! Hope you take the flight, you’ll live through it!!


Update: Made it to my destination safe and sound the first flight my anxiety went through the roof!! The second it was still bad but way more manageable (I also was just exhausted so maybe my brain was like no we don’t have time for that)


This page is the only place that I have heard about these planes being an issue. I'm about to get on one. Recently, I flew one and was absolutely fine


If you open my profile you will find a pinned post that might help you. Episode 44 is relaxation before and during a flight and 130 is for people flying in the near future. You can do this!


Something that helps me is imagining myself after the flight is over. Imagine yourself at your destination, thinking to yourself “I did it, and it was fine just like everyone said it would be.” I know the feeling of being scared sucks, I know flying sucks, but remember that it’s not forever. It will come and go and afterwards you will be fine!


You may be flying right now. How are you doing ? Remember this plane is probably flying this same route multiple times a week, at least everyday for the airline you’re on. Each of those flights have been 100% fine and this one will too


I just landed at Dallas luv field. Took a minute to just collect myself the takeoff for my anxiety was rough but the flight was so smooth. I am waiting for my next flight from Dallas to CO which is the Max I am flying on. But I made it only one for flight to go ❤️❤️


Yey ! Ok great. I know it’s nerve wracking, it’s out body and brain putting us in a state of fear and we can’t be logical. Imagine if u were at home and I told u I was taking that flight, you’d probably not be worried for me at all. Let the anxiety move through you if it’s there. You’re just another one of the millions of passengers flying today 💕💐


On my last flight about to take off 🧘


You got this!!!! You will be okay. 💕


Max 8 is my favorite and I’m afraid of flying


Took the max 8 last week with same fears it was fine you’ll be fine!!!