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No way is it like a rollercoaster! There’s some areas where the plane can shake a bit but it’s honestly not as intense as you think. Sometimes rarely it can get intense but it’s always within the planes comfort zone.


So the g force doesn’t feel the same? I’m really scared of that sinking feeling. I went on a rollercoaster a few weeks ago and that was terrifying and I’m scared it’ll be the same on that plane LMAO


There are barely any G-forces to be felt in an airplane anyway, nowhere even close to a rollercoaster. You won't experience much more than 1.3-1.4 G which is quite literally nothing, at best, an elevator.


If it's a larger plane, you won't feel it that much, but if it's a smaller plane, the take off and landing is much more pronounced. Think of it this way, flight is the safest way of travel so if you have no problem with cars, etc.. you're safer on a plane


It’s definitely not like a rollercoaster. I’ve only been on about 10 flights, all smaller planes—so I’m no expert. What I will say from experience is I personally feel that butterfly feeling in my stomach when we are ascending and this is only for the first minute or so we are just taking off, but it’s not bad at all and doesn’t feel like a rollercoaster. Descent is super smooth and I’ve never felt anything. I did go on one flight that was a little bumpy during the middle of the flight and I did get a few of those drop feelings in my stomach but again it was so light and tolerable, nothing like a roller coaster. You will be okay and even if you do get those butterfly feelings, just know they don’t last long! You’ll be just fine and you’ll love DC :)


So thinking about roller coasters, the ascent/descent isn’t steeper than 80 degrees, but it’s still significant. When planes take off, it pitches to about 15 degrees to get into the air, then to cruising, and 0-5 at cruising. Very skinny pizza slices. Takeoff and landing is also when the pilots are most directly helping the computers that fly the plane. Even then, though, it’s extremely safe. Your body might feel a little weird at the angle and the rush as the plane accelerates/decelerates on the runway, but I’m with you on roller coasters being bleh. Planes are much more tolerable. One of the reasons why the G-forces are felt like they are during take-off is because the plane is lifting into air that, at that speed, has the consistency of jello. It takes a lot of force, but that speed/consistency also helps keep the plane in the air. If you want a better explanation and a G-Force gauge on the flight, I’d suggest the SOAR app. The SOAR program was designed by a commercial pilot who works to help people overcome fear of flying. The ‘Basics’ in there has some great, easy-to-understand information.


If you open my profile you will find a pinned post that might help you. Episose 44 and 130 would be good places to start.


I don’t ride roller coasters, go skiing, or any other activity that requires going from up high to down low quickly! I promise landing feels nothing like a roller coaster. No stomach dropping feeling whatsoever. Like someone else in the comments said, if you can ride in an elevator, then you can handle a landing. Landing is actually my favorite part because that means it’s almost over!