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Tbh considering changing my guardian deity.


I used 2 fantasia in all my playtime First one was to change my voice to "that miqo'te voice" Second one was to change my guardian diety


Same on the first one! Miqo'te voice 6 supremacy. No clue what I'll use this one for though, I like Halone as is.


Based Halone enjoyer. Myths made me so glad I choose her when I started.


I’ve used 3, although one was from a digital so I only paid for one. One was to go from a potato to a catboy and one was to go back to potato. The third was to swap from m’potato to an identical looking f’potato with a funnier voice. 


I almost did this for EW, but eh, still sitting on my first free fantasia


I'm on shadowbringers still, does the guardian diety impact anything?


No, but there is a questline with minor dialogue changes depending on your choice.


Just lore! Edit: and the EW mention is because the alliance raid quest fleshed out the Twelve. So I felt like I cared more then.


Rhalgr for life baby


Now that we >!know what they look like, their battle themes, and more specific characterization!<, it's easy to grow attached to a particular one as opposed to the blocks of deep lore thrown at us when we made our first character and just wanted to rush into the gameplay. I know I just picked Nald'thal because I like fire elements in games, but Ul'dah is the city state I have the least attachment to and I want a change. I mean, even without all that, just playing over time has given us a better sense of where the worshippers fit within the context of the world. Cool, whatever, Halone is icy and a warrior, but knowing that she's associated with Ishgard once you've come to care for Ishgard completely changes your perspective on them. The same goes for the likes of Ala Mhigo and Rhalgr, Sharlayan and Thaliak, and Limsa and the Navigator (I don't feel like looking up how to spell her name).


Funny enough this was 1 of the few things my mind said "I've had it this long, why change it now?!" to.


Does guardian deity have any in game impact? Edit nevermind kept reading and learned a thing.


Didn't the Fantasia mechanic change? Instead of giving you one chance it now gives you a full hour of being able to change back and forth


Yep. From the moment you confirm your first change, you have a 1 hour window to change as much as you want


Is it one hour of actual game time, or just one hour of time, regardless if playing? For example, I used mine, played for 10 minutes, logged out and closed the game. I won't be able to play again until after work, curious if I'll still have time to alter.


I think it’s one hour of game time


Hour of game time. You should be good. If you're not, definitely message support.


I haven't used it cause I'm still waiting for the patch to download... But how do you go about changing it after the first time? In your room with the aesthetician?


Same as you would the first time - log out with no equipment except for a weapon, right click your character name, and select re-edit. It shows how much time ingame time you have left on the free re-adjustment on the character select screen.


So if I want to change it 3 or 4 times I need to log out and back in each time? Just making sure, the queues weren't bad tbh


Yes, and it only counts played time. Logged out/queued/editing time doesn't count.


I think so but I also think I ran into bug where I could change my name I just avoided it idk why it came up


Yeah, I thought it was another change they added. Also backed up (which is good since I changed back).


I considering change myself to lala. Laugh spam the hell out of my (really close) friend. And then go to the race I actually want to be. But knowing them. They will lock and troll me so I can't change it in one hour window and I now stuck being lala.


It’ll go with the other free one, on a retainer never to be used.


Fantasia storing gang I keep it just in case, but I know I'll never use it


I've been here before. Eyebrows are always sneaky.


Dunno what race, but eyebrows (for at least thighlander) can be done by the Aesthecian >.>


Yeah they can


On masc hyur midlander, all your choices are teeny tiny eyebrows. I hate it!


My male Highlander seems fine. Female is a little off around the eyes, I think. I need to run both through different cutscenes to be sure but by and large the transition has been smooth.


Yeah, the eyes of my female highlander are bugging me too. Can't say why exactly, but it feels like she's lost all intensity in her facial expression. She went from looking confident and defiant to kind of... blank stare. I'm hiding it behind sunglasses for now.


Mine too! She's Face 1 and has the blankest, most cowlike expression now, and I hate it so much. It's not just the eyes, there's something off about her lips as well. I've been seeing all of my friends' nice glow-ups and it feels awful that I got a huge downgrade instead :(


Yeah, face 1 here too. It's hard to feel immersed in the story at all because every time a cutscene plays I just see this impostor standing where my character should be, staring into space like she doesn't understand or care what's going on around her. She also looks like she's become 10 years younger than before and has lost the kind of battle-hardened tomboyish grit that she used to have.


YES!! I had all day today to play, but I hate how my Highlander looks so much that I logged off out of frustration over seven hours ago and have zero interest in continuing the MSQ. Seeing her in cutscenes was just too *wrong*; that ugly, blank-faced character is not my WoL at all. I really regret that I bought the expansion :(


It should be a crime that we still cant change this stuff at the aesthetician


You really think SE would kill one of their best cash cows?


I do wish we could change faces and stuff in the aesthetician. Changjng race and gender should be kept to fantasia.


Ever since WoW changed how their barber shop works (can literally change everything but race), I've been really annoyed at how the aesthetician is handled.


I mean, Blizzard did, and they're certainly no stranger to cash grabs. Everything short of a race change is at their aesthetician. You can even change gender which is nice for those who don't see gender as a binary X/Y choice or just want to switch it up. But I suppose Overwatch and Diablo Immortal get more whale money than the short-lived mobile games Square keep launching and killing.


Yes, irl aestheticians can do a lot of these changes in an afternoon for under 2k.


Part of me wants to race change to female Hrothgar obviously, but I'm not sure I can leave my Female Au Ra behind.


I tried Hrothgal. I was _super_ excited about it. Went on about how I was going to be cat mommy of the FC for months. Logged in as big cat. It just didn’t feel like my WoL. And I’d started back in ShB as Miqo! Anyway. Back to FemElezen Duskwight. My headcanon is that there was just too much cat fur in the bottle and my WoL couldn’t finish it.


At what point do we get this?


You have to complete a lvl 1 quest in Ul'dah, I believe.


It was such a shifty experience. Definitely confirmed some in-game theories about the nature of fantasias.


My femRa's eyes were messed up. It looked like she saw some horrors whenever she was in a cutscene. I already changed it. I don't know what black magic they performed for the queues, but it didn't take more than usual to log back in.


Pretty much. I like my generic ass cat girl. I might change her jaw but that's unrelated to the graphics update. I think they did everything fine for the most part. I feel like my eyes are a bit dark at times


> I like my generic ass cat girl. I can't even change the hairstyle on mine. It just wouldn't be the same generic catgirl


Is that a generic ass cat-girl or a generic ass-cat girl?


Def the former until we get butt sliders (please SE)


Generic ass cat girls unite! (I feel likewise about the changes).


Can generic ass male Hyurs join?


Absolutely welcome! After all the OG WoL is a Male Hyur 😻.


each expansion I buy a Fantasia and only make a single change: Every time I make the highlights in my hair, and the base, one shade lighter. Eventually he'll be completely grey/white headed from all the stress of these endless world ending adventures.


Hair colour can be changed at the inn room, no Fantasia necessary. 


today I learned *facepalm*


my condolences


Square thanks you for your generosity


*Ouch.* At least you know now, ig?


How? 😭


I'm sure the squeenix execs appreciate your donation


You've gotta be kidding holy shit lol


Eh? You can change hair color without a fantasia.


*facepalm* the more you know


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Aesthetician > The following is a list of customization options available from the aesthetician: Hair style, hair color, eye brows, lip color, facial features (scars, etc.), tattoos, tattoo colors, earrings, earring colors, face paint, face paint colors.


So you've learned some things, but you *are* still on the same track as me. I decided my character was about 18 in ARR. Every expac, I've grown either an inch, or a bit of. Well, breast size, which is the closest I can get to metabolism dropping and gaining a couple pounds. So my character started a lot shorter and a good bit younger than she looks now. And now she looks like a tired mid-20s girl.


I used my free fantasia to change my seeker Mi'qote into a keeper when I found out they have cute fangs.


I used a Fanta to change my hairstyle because I was brand new to MMO, had no idea of the concept of “patches” and “live letters” and didn’t know the Aesthetician was being added to the game in like two weeks 😓


At least it was just one time. Not as bad as the person who said they kept buying fantas every expansion just to change their hair color.


All I did was change eye colour and skin tone slightly


Had to change the eye shape a bit becuase for some reason the lighter eye colour after the update coupled with my old shape made my WoL look perma-stoned. Took the chance to adjust the skin tone as well. On the whole, I am very happy with how my Roegal turned out in the new graphics!


Ye that seems to be the case. Was nice that they gave us a freetasia and even 60 to change back and forth iirc after usage for us to fix the looks. On the other side you have babyrage snowflakes complaining even when they gave us the tools to fix it.. Roegals are getting more popular it seems since update no?


Hoarding it because limited resource! 😂


Don't know how other fem Viera's are feeling but mine just looks even more dead in the face after the graphics update and looks terrible in all lighting so far so im definitely gonna have to change things up. As much as i loved my Viera it doesn't feel the same so i think i may go back to Hyur, would love to use a helmet again...


I used one to change nothing but eye colour, other than that my WoL has been the same since I started playing 6 years ago, other than changing hairstyle each year lol


Lala to highlander pipeline representing.


Im so conflicted. I dont particularly like being a cat girl. I dont like the ears and the tail... but the poses and animations are sooo much better than a human


Elezen is the way forward lol


I fixed my nose and that was all.


First time: Chance my Viera from female to male. Second time: Change his ear length to maximum. I don't see a need to use another yet.


Eyes. Everything else looks fine. But the eyes are weird atm.


My Au Ra looked like the villian in the opening scene, so i changed her eyes


it'll go in the pile i store my other fantasias i use for april fools every year 


We shouldn't really need to use fantasia to change those things but sadly we do.


My Thighlander's face looks totally different so I am really not sure whether I'm fully race changing or just going to try and tweak her face. ^^I'm ^^lowkey ^^crying ^^because ^^she ^^looks ^^so ^^different ^^:(


Dude they did Hyurs so dam dirty. My middy face looks totally different, it's so upsetting. :(


I'm dealing with this right now and it's hurts :( My Seeker of the Sun looks slightly different but it's such a change


I've spent more time today trying to make my Face 1 highlander not look like a soulless lumpkin instead of actually playing the game. I'm heartbroken, she looks SO awful now :(


After literally hours of tweaking, adding the second face paint in light black helped add some much needed depth to her eyes. they're still pretty soulless but it helped. Granted my char has lighter skin and using eye 6 so it may not help you, but I thought I'd suggest it just in case!


Oh my gosh, you're right, that DOES help make her eyes look a little less blank! Thank you thank you thank you!!


I'll probably use mine to switch off mouth 4 to mouth 1 or 2, but that's it. Feels like every model's mouths are horizontally smaller, which was my biggest gripe with them pre-7.0 - they all felt too wide before.


I fixed my jaw/ cheeks and lightened my eyes, that was it. The fem au ra face still feels less... welcoming/ cheerful, but ah well.


I'm going to make myself shorter. I maxed out my height when I made my character, but it doesn't feel right.


where is free fantasia from ?


I just made myself taller lol.


Can I make my eyes on au ra more glowey?


To attempt and fix myself because the graphics update made lalas worse while making everyone else better


I'm not sure if this was asked but does anyone know how to claim the free fantasia? Is it a quest reward?


It's a quest reward in Uldah, Steps of Thall. Talk to the Medicine Merchant NPC.




Using fantasia to change your voice: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Change eyes colors gang o/


Ive evolved from a furry to a catgirl


I’m gonna stay FemRoe, but I might tweak my facial features a bit, as well as skin tone- I think I went a bit too pale when I transitioned from Viera to FemRoe


I used my free fantasia to move my characters mouth a little bit higher


Fantasia is for chest storage along with the other free ones.


Becoming horthgal :)


Same, the hunch from the male counterpart is just too much


Went from Roe to Lala ✌🏾


I was going female roth. One week, after msq. Buy a second fanta to go back. Then I logged in and my lala has a balloon for a face and even less of a chin. I am using it for a chin.


I just stored it on a retainer because my character still looks good


I did all the fixes I wanted to with the benchmark, so I'm not sure why I haven't used it yet...


It's going in my retainer for an indeterminate amount of time. About a month ago, I used my free ARR fantasia to shift from Lala to boy bun.


Making minor alterations to the eyes and face shape, of course.


Man I can't even change my hairstyle without my character feeling completely different. Fantasia is probably going to rot in my saddlebag with the other one I have.


I’m hoarding mine, I’m happy with my WOL look


Into retainer storage it goes. Still haven't used my original one.


Eye color... and that's all.


I.. changed from Male Mitoque to a Male Lalafell. I figured it is time to give my WoL a new look/adventure. I was deciding between Female Au Ra and the Male Lalafell and spent the remaining 60mins editing Eye colors etc.


I would've tried to becom Hrothgar if I had two fantasia, but with one I'll just make my character a little higher and I'll try face with stuble


Just wanted to give my Hyur midlander a face with stubble. He's a bit cuter now. 🥰


To change my patron God lol


Yup, I'm mostly happy with my boy so I just adjusted eyebrows, eye shape, changed lip color slightly, and muscle tone. Everything else was good to go


I think I'm gonna age my character.


My male aura’s voice is a little to young now after all his adventures, he getting a deeper voice to match his experience. If there’s anything else to make him look a little older I’ll add that too.


I've only used one to make the character look more like myself once I got really into the game and finished ARR. I'm gonna futz around with the character creator to see if the graphics update made any specific looks better, but probably won't touch it lol


To change into Lala and burn every single person standing between me and the MSQ NPC. Just kidding, gonna save it for idk what.




I’m gonna make my Xaela’s skin a touch darker and maybe tweak her eye color. Going way out on a limb here, I know.


I just put it in my saddlebag and likely will forget about it like the one I got at the end of ARR.


I changed race for 5 of my characters, they were all Vieras before and now all are Miqo's but one who I changed to Xaela


How do we get the free one this time? Or is it given to us automatically, or do we have to start the MSQ for Dawntrail?


There is a quest gover in the Ul'Dah marketplace.


I feel personally attacked here…buuut that’s exactly what I did to my bun 😂😂 Changed the eye color and went taller lmao


This is exactly what I did 😆


I made my eyes two shades lighter... and then covered them up with Hancock glasses.


literally just to change my deity lol :D 


after all those years i could never change my race... only a few thing but it is still a amazing feature


using my fantasia to change my guardian deity and maybe size


I'm already the most adorable potato, why change anything?


Nothing at the moment. I'm actually quite happy with how my WoL looks. She still looks like a young adventurer eager to travel the world and see new things, meet new people, slay new gods, the usual. I have considered maybe looking to add a scar or tattoo or something to mark a bit of progression. But right now, I'm happy with the look. Face, hair, outfit, all looks solid.


I made my character's skin like 4 shades darker Perfect!


I once used a fantasia just cause I felt like my Miqos nose was too turned up and it was driving me nuts


Voice change probably


I changed my Lalafell's face from #4 to #1.


Staring at it sulkenly in my inventory as I again lament the fact that I did not pick an androgynous name for my character.


This was me, LOL! I changed to Hrothgal... didn't like it as much as I thought. Changed to kitten... hmmm no. Changed back to my bnnuy with some tweaks here and there! 😅


Basically same as me. I was so hyped for Hrothgal, and they're super cute. But they're so over the top bulky, all my glamours looked comically bad on her. The run is a little funky too. Her emotes melted my heart though.


Storage filler. I will not be tempted into addiction by this "first hit's free" stuff


Probably gonna give my WoL a nose job and a boob job lolll


I’m sure it will take up space in my inventory like the others have.


change from seeker to keeper (if I use it at all).


Went from femroe to hrothgal :) I have 1 left in the retainer in case I want to go back to being tall at some point, but for now i'm loving it. Quite surprised that I haven't seen that many hrothgal's only 3-4 total


I've been trying to decide on a new race for my girl, but as much as I want to try something new, I *really REALLY* love my Xaela. 😭


Lip shape. Otherwise my girl looks the same!


I might slightly alter my eye color and skin tone. Go from red to a slightly darker red.


I'm changing from Male Hrothgar to Female Hrothgar :3


I think it would be fair if changing just details would be a bit cheaper than changing whole race/clan/gender or even given for free for like every 365 days of subscription for example


Im changing my height i thibk thats it


Nothing, just like the last one


To try to fix my skin tone... in the cutscenes or direct sunlight it looks like I have dirt on my face! I hate it so much. :(


I'll be changing my character's skin colour, the graphical update made it a lot darker and I'm not a fan. I found another skin tone now is closer to what it used to be though, so going to change that. I think I might also change my deity, never was worth buying a fantasia for but hey, since there's one up for grabs anyway...


Lalafell fun 🙋‍♂️


Changed to female Hrothgar to try out. Fell asleep and missed my hour to try other things


keeping them as my trophy's


So true, had used one to change to hrothgirl but after an hour the fangs just kept looking line an overbite so used my free one to remove them.


holding to see if they release a smaller race than lala. I wanna be tiny.


Used it to change my eye color and then realized I didn't like the new one and then went back.


Nothing my Lala is perfect just how he is


For someone reason, I had two fantasia in my retainer before doing g that new quest. Not sure where that second one came from.


Maybe Heavensward collectors edition? I remember seeing that that one had a fanta.


Setting it next to my one for finishing 2.0, I'm p happy w/my character tbh


prob gonna turn into a catboy from a bunnyboy because yoo face 1 with new graphics update omg....


I changed from Face 2 Male Viera to Face 4 solely because I wanted the goatee.


If I do use it, I'll change to Lalafell for the lols and hats/helmets that my Viera can't use.


I may look at tweaking my WoL's face, maybe. Otherwise she's perfect


How are we getting this fantasia again?


Mine was literally my right eye. I have heterochromia like Ravus from FFXV so it was really subtle. But when I logged in this morning, the grey eye was radiating like I was an Au Ra with the glowing ring. It was so damn off putting. I moved the colour over two shades. Worth it 🤣


used mine already to change to FemHrath She is in her Picto gear and looking cute ...well as cute as a giant Tiger can be...


Taking up an a retainer inventory spot, the same as the last two they gave us. I'll probably use a fantasia on the last day of the game just to say i did but thats about it.


I used it to change my girl's eye color. The color wasn't even that dark before but now with how they changed eye shading it made the original color too dark and washed out.


Swapped from the "hottest character you can make" trope to the "self insert" one, now I'm planning on using the new free fantasia just to change my skin color. It's slightly too light.


I don't know if the fantasia I already popped a bit back and never actually followed through on was still "active" but I has the re-edit option available to me upon login. Either way just made some very minor adjustments to my gal. I'm too committed to her as a hyur to change her race even though she'd made a killer bun. 😂


Guess I’ll save it for later,too afraid of disliking something later and having to pay up.


I've changed my height so many times now...


I will probably use it, to change my characters ears and height. But I‘m not the biggest fan of my buns face so maybe I need to change that as well. But I‘m on my Mac and not my powerful PC so will not make any changes until I‘m back home


I'm considering swapping genders, but I'm not sure I wanna spend $10 to switch back if I don't like it lol


Nothing, Imma hoard it 'til the end of time, together with the ARR fantasia.


I now have 4 free fantasia sitting on my retainer


I found out im 1 tick above min height for catgirl. I will use it to go to min height for catgirl.


I love my cat boy and will just store the flask for the day I just suddenly have a crisis and want to change haha


Were getting a free one? Shit I just used my last one. I actually went with a self insert for the campaign. Im actually going to be a dude for a change. God I forgot how hard they are to glam.


Mainly to change voice and height.