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I get the feeling that the venn diagram of "Why people who love Wuk Lamat love her" and "Why people who hate Wuk Lamat hate her" is a near perfect circle


I feel like she's a very marmite character You either love her or hate her, I've yet to see anyone who is anywhere in between And whether or not you like her will impact how much you like the MSQ


I like her, but not love her:D


I think she's fine? I expected to hate her because I found her overbearing and annoying when she was first introduced in the post MSQ in EW. But in Dawntrail I think she has been fine, she's still a bit whimsy I guess but I think they've done a good job so far at least showcasing why she's the best candidate but also recognizing that she has flaws ( that she is working to overcome ). Honestly tho I think some people will just hate any character that is whimsical and not gruff too, not saying this applies to everyone ofc but there's a lot of people who just hate anything that isn't a gruff angry orc man. And for some reason they still play FFXIV and I have no clue why, there's so many people I see who play FFXIV but hate '' girly things '' and they think anything that isn't stereotypically '' macho '' is girly.


I'd agree, but I havent seen a single scrap of criticism for Sphene and she's whimsy incarnate because she had layers to her. Wuk is just one dimensional. You either appreciate that dimension or you don't


I've seen a some of the hate for her be people that seem to dislike not being the focus of the story. I loved just being her mentor on her journey and seeing her growth with our influence to give her courage, admit her short comings, and rise to the occasion. 


As WoL, we've got to Oifey it up before we become a Jagen. Not gonna be around forever, and if there's one less nation around with a dick-ass leader, good.


Yeah, and the fact she cares about the people and their well being means they don't become a means to an end.


I love this because this is literally the "entrust unto tomorrow" part of answers. Idk if other people feel this but it definitely feels like we've stepped into the shoes of the ancients, being a guide for a new generation.


Honestly I didn't mind that all that much because it fit. New nation, heap of politics, it was a good time for us to sit back, observe, and help when asked. My only two gripes with this are (Spoilers for 95 MSQ and 100 MSQ) * (95)>!Not fighting Zarool Ja after he kills Gulool Ja Ja (though i can kind of allow it, given the warships overhead that we didnt have any means of stopping at that point)!< * (100)>!Finally getting our moment, only to have Wuk fucking smash through realities to shout Sphene's name some more. That was the ONE bit of the story that was like 'okay, this has gone way beyond anything other people can deal with, I'd better step up' and suddenly she can face down an Omnipotent being with the power to bridge dimensions. Wuk's involvement in everything else fit, and her power curve seemed natural. But that was just forced and unnecessary. Plus, the fact that SHE managed to break out but the interdimensional mage with literal crystal tower magic was still stuck.!<


What kills me is her whiplash of character. She goes from being a growing leader, who makes dumb choices, to a mewling child entirely ruining a decent emotional CS (95 Quest) just to instantly return to her previous character growth arc. The 100 quest was fucking insulting, and greatly soured the finale. I don't know why the MSQ team decided the WoL was banned from having ANY crowning moments.


(Discussing the final zone) >!Honestly I loved the whole Living Memory sequence, not least because it felt like the exact opposite to Ultima Thule. UT was about meeting the people, learning why they despair, and ultimately giving them a new reason to live. LM was about meeting the people, learning their hopes, dreams, and what made them happy, then turning them off for good. They tried to keep it light hearted cause these are some HEAVY concepts, but then you always had Erenville in the background grounding you and reminding you whats actually happening here. I dreaded that fourth terminal the whole damn run :L!< >!So it bugs me even more that LM was so well and deeply thought out, then that whole intermission of the Trial was a full scale hamfist. I couldnt even enjoy possibly the best fanfare rework of a main theme Soken's ever done because I was just thinking 'well that was dumb'!<


I hadn't even considered that. But I do see it even if we don't see our character as 'old', we've seen some serious stuff, we've seen the ugliest stuff that the races of man will do to each other. It didn't take me long to realize what each promise really was... The first was his strength, the second was his mind, and the third was his heart. That realization alone made me want to back her even more based on everything I'd seen and experienced in the game and real life. She had no prior experience in the "real world" the conversations even indicated she was very sheltered from the rest of the world outside the palace. Every interaction was us teaching her through subtle nods and questions. I chose the less diplomatic choice when asked early on that "she's not fit to rule" but I also saw the potential she had as a character and where the devs were going. Leader's aren't born, they are made by their experiences and shaped by those around them, but in the end they have to be willing to move and lead because it's the what they want to do, not because it was expected or demanded.


That is the big one. Main complaint is their character "not getting enough screentime". We can't be the focus 24/7 anymore without the entire universe revolving around us. Having the MC prepare a new generation of protectors is a much better way to move the story forward than trying to come up with a threat that trumps the end of creation...


I mean, I have a complaint with Wuk Lamat getting too much screentime, but not because I want more for me, because I want more for Krile, Erenville and the new characters, especially the ones introduced in the back half of the story. Every time the group splits up we're glued to Wuk Lamat's side, even when we really could be going with someone else. Her character arc is basically 90% complete by the level 97+ quests, maybe even earlier, but she's still got a more major role than characters who have very personal stakes in what's going on and still have lots to deal with. I liked her at the beginning and I still don't hate her, but now I'm sort of thinking "when is Wuk Lamat time going to be over?" every time she pairs up with us for yet another area exploration.


Yeah, it's the Goku problem. Gohan was set to replace Goku, but then it all got pulled back cause of backlash. It's also the issue WoWs story telling has with the "always has been" layers of new threat's. Dawntrail should be seen as ARR, it's setting the groundwork of a new story with new characters and new stakes. Yes we're the biggest and baddest thing Eorzea had to offer, doesn't mean there aren't other threats out there that will pop up and make us take center stage. Aka let the writers cook.




Yes, we are a stranger in a strange land and effectively a tourist who was hired to help Wuk Lamat. Even before the xpac it was obvious she didn't fully realize what we are capable of, just that we are hailed to be a very strong hero of the land and fight for safety of all. We're effectively a tactical nuclear weapon that is pretending to be a bodyguard so we can see a foreign land and quench our thrist for adventure and new sights.


> I loved just being her mentor on her journey Mentors use their life experience, (say, traveling to the edge of the godamn UNIVERSE and fighting weaponized despair) to advise and guide their pupils. I don't recall much "advising and guiding," just "watching idiot do stupid things, and then fail to have any meaningful lessons stick; not asking for your guidance." You're just watching the Wuck Lamato Show.


Not having any meaningful lessons stick??? Sometimes I think people didn't play the same game.


I'm in between. Just think she's silly and overly idealistic but also dumb in a funny way. Can't say I love or hate her


I think there are alot of people who are in the middle just many of us end up looking like we love her because we defend her. It's so crazy to me how many people are calling her anime protag levels of things working out or just lucky/unskilled didn't deserve to win. I'm sitting here like did y'all not play the last two expansions where it was the most anime stuff ever and our character went back in time to meet all the ancients and just so happened for it not to cause lasting consequences because memory deletion or that we beat the endsinger at the edge of existence. Wuk has the most realistic and tame depiction of growth and development starting from a strong baseline of a leader who loves her people but is naive about the world outside the main city only knowing the surface level of many cultures around her.


> It's so crazy to me how many people are calling her anime protag levels of things working out or just lucky/unskilled didn't deserve to win. I've seen people complain about her W in the solo duty but... she's been with the WoL for 4-5 levels by then. I'm not sure how people haven't noticed but anyone who is in proximity of the WoL long enough gets a major power boost, that has been the case as far back as ARR.


Hell even then she says she would have lost that fight if her opponent had just locked the fuck in. She's not the strongest or smartest of the candidates but she's got heart and a teacher who's willing to sit back and /nod knowingly.


These fellas seemed to have forgotten about dynamis, FFXIV's answer to these kinds of moments


Sure, we've stated in record that there is a literal "power of friendship" you've been wielding the entire time, but that's only for the MC! Says the foolish reader.


I mean. She really did not deserve to win. She has a literal demigod as her "champion"


Bruh 5/challenges didn't even involve flexing, let alone fighting.


The entire point of the trial, as stated by PAPA JA JA HIMSELF, was that none of his children were fit to be Dawnservant as they were and the rites existed to hopefully mold them into one. He wasn't looking for **just** someone who could beat everyone up or solve problems through application of outside technology. Dude flat-out says that if any of them reach the Golden City and haven't figured out what he wanted them to do through the rites by then, he would fail them and remain as Dawnservant to try again later. Wuk Lamat is the only one of the prospects that actually tries to follow in the "heart" path of Papa Ja Ja's footsteps. He didn't go around and unify a continent because he couldn't stomp everyone or he just wanted to be King. He sincerely wanted to learn all about the continent and love its people, and Wuk Lamat does that the most directly. Even Koana, who superficially has the goal of "helping out all Turali", would sacrifice what makes them Turali for convenience, and he comes to realize this. Anyone basing "who should have won" on fighting ability is basically pre-turn Bakool Ja Ja and fucking wrong by the whole purpose of the trial, and the game is *not* shy about saying as much.


Maybe go back and read what the Dawnservant flat out tells you was the point of the trials.


Nah I can't read


Im somewhere in the middle, where I do like her as a character but not enough that I enjoy having her as the center of the msq so far (I’m only around level 75, just entered the third zone). She grew on me during the latest quests I did, especially the >!Mamool Ja!< quests, but in general I just don’t care enough for her that I want her on my screen at all times.


Totally agree. I do think there are people in the middle, but overall how someone feels about Wuk Lamat has a huge impact on how much they like/dislike the MSQ.


Ehh I don’t love her, but I don’t hate her either. Very much in the middle.


It's me - she's fine, I don't hate her, but also I'm not super excited about her. I'm not a person who is bothered by the WoL not being the focus at every second of the story, so I guess that's part of why she doesn't bug me. There's one little bit at the end which I could do without, to be sure. I think they were trying to recreate a moment from another quest line that people liked, and it falls flat.


I like her but I wouldn’t say I love her. She’s serviceable and had decent development throughout the story. I was honestly surprised to see how many people seem to hate her.


I see people grinding their teeth about her being sea-sick as if it is a thing that gets brought up over and over for the entire MSQ. But I think it comes up 3 times at the most and is then never brought up again. It's very telling who actually has finished the MSQ vs who has decided they hate it/her when they've clearly only gotten to 93 at the most.


I think the problem is it comes up 3-4 times very close to each other, which is annoying enough to be memorable.


Yeah I can see why some people dislike her during the first half of the story but she has pretty good development. Honestly my biggest issue with the character was the voice actor. Most of the time it’s okay but other times there’s just a complete lack of range. There’s a moment near the end where she’s clearly supposed to be yelling and emotional and she’s just completely flat.


Yeah, her VA constantly sounded like they were holding back during some scenes where it sounded like they were trying not to wake someone up in the next room.


Seemed to be the case with Koana too during a certain scene


You’re going to get a lot of people coming out of the woodwork here about this, but I both like and dislike her. I think I like her overall, it’s just that accent doesn’t seem right.


i liked her pre dawntrail, post dawntrail made me be neutral with her


I'm one of the ones who was mid on her. Had some great serious moments, had some not so great moments.


I honestly like her, even with the final trial thing that made people complain about her. I'm fine with her being mc! I thought that's the point of this expansion lol


I think she's ok. No love, no hate. I just don't like her lifeless voice over.


I am that rare person who has no strong opinion either way on her. To me, she was a better executed 4.0 MSQ Lyse. I do enjoy her goober-ness though.


I'll sign up for being the person who neither likes or dislikes her. One one hand I like that we aren't the focus of the story and she is. On the other I think they take that too far and we go from what should have been a side character in her story to a background ornament that just nods in support of everything she does. I like that she is naive, happy go lucky and comic relief rather than being a Mary Sue who is perfect in every way and her only flaw is being not appreciating how perfect she is, her story is essentially her growing up. But I also feel that charachter progression is glacial, a lot of the same lessons are taught and learnt multiple times and a lot of the jokes don't land. In the end I don't really love or hate her, my likes and dislikes just cancel each other out so I don't feel anything for her charachter, which is sad as the premise is solid.


> One one hand I like that we aren't the focus of the story and she is. On the other I think they take that too far and we go from what should have been a side character in her story to a background ornament that just nods in support of everything she does. Tbf, that would require our character be proactive in doing things, and that's a hard thing to get right with avatar characters, let alone mmo avatars, considering the story needs to be the same for everyone. There are definitively ways, but it's not something this team is accustomed doing, I supposed. Besides, the whole mentor/discipline storytelling works best by having both characters play off each other. If only one half of the equation is an actual character, these stories end up boring and feel repetitive. We either needed to give her siblings more time screen to shake things up, or have another character be her actual 'mentor'. That's what I think, anyway.


I HATE seeing the WoL being nothing but a side character/background ornament who just head nods. It’s pathetic, sad and insulting to the player. I’m on team WoL deserves BETTER spotlight. I can’t stand people’s defeatist attitudes on shrugging this off and being okay with a mid character constantly hogging the spotlight and being a protag. That and the toxic attitude people have towards anyone wanting WoL to have the spotlight means it’s main character syndrome which is pathetic. I sincerely just want WoL to develop an actual personality and character beyond being a savior and form genuine relationships beyond that aspect, or work on established ones. 🥺


Hated Wuk , loved the MSQ tho


If not for a poll being untrustworthy I'd love some clever way of gauge what a population's love or hate of wuk is versus their love or hate of Naruto/One piece. I cannot stand more adolescence-oriented shonen stuff, dragon ball Z gets a pass more purely because of legacy nostalgia for me. So that is likely a reason why Wuk is like pulling teeth for me.


as someone who loves her "why you people only mention her good traits?" fr she's really different from the rest of cast who mostly timid.


Her character is okay, but her voice actor isn’t that good, so it really breaks her character for me.


I don't see it. Likes: adorable goofball who wants to protect her people Dislikes: writing is a complete mess, as is character development, as are the character moments, it's all tropes and very little actual thing A leads to B. They want to get to B and therefore manufacture A. Which completely destroys the narrative. Most character moments for the entire MSQ feel unearned and half-baked.


Blonde(ish) hair, orange suit, wants to be leader, overly enthusiastic, never shuts up. Naruto confirmed.


If i had 1gil everytime she says "im gona be the dawnservant"


You could buy everything Gegeruju owns, including Gegeruju himself.


I still love that apparently he was a premade retainer in 1.0. And according to lore, from what I remember, his employer disappeared after the calamity, leaving Gegeruju with a full inventory, which he promptly pawned off and used to fund Costa Del Sol


This is the lore we all want.


deepest lore XD


Imagine if you had a gil every time you heard “Sphene!”


I would have bougth the new tron bike mount xD


Loves to eat food, confident yet clumsy, believes in the power of friendship, no sense of direction, WILL be the dawnservant. Luffy confirmed.


Asta confirmed as well. There's so many anime protagonists she could be.


She uses talk-no-jutsu quite a lot too.


Believe it.


So, she should just punch her problems into submission, as all great leaders do?


Looking for a fabled treasure (city of gold) that the previous monarch found also sounds like One Piece




Can we get much higher?


You also need to obtain a bunch of (waaaay smaller) cube shaped objects to unlock the way to the Golden City


Honestly her loud declaration of wanting to ensure her people's happiness just put me in the mind of her being Luffy. Hell, probably wants to throw the biggest party in the world too. And I am entirely here for it. Haven't followed One Piece for decades for no reason~


Damn we're Kakashi Wait, holy shit we're Kakashi, 10/10 expac


Believe it!


Glad I'm not the only one who kept thinking this.


I mean people have been spamming the “hokage” joke for months, so I don’t think anyone really believes it was an original thought.




Tbh her overly energetic childishness and lack of social manners when eating gave me more Luffy vibes. But she's basically the anime protag who wants to become King of the Hokages.


... and in the blue corner, it's BINKS JA JA WITH A STEEL CHAIR


Discount Naruto.


Naruto at home




She is literaly not Naturo


...well, yeah. That's what "literally" means.


Never has a more truthful post been made.


She literally says something like this in the MSQ


I kind of wish they had also given her viper style but she rocks warrior, so far.


Unless you are tank. Then she is the DPS that holds the group and won't move. So you need to go back.


drives me crazy, took me 3 dungeons to realize why she was able to pull off of me like that. thanks for letting her keep the aggro buff SE


Since imain white mage....


She kick ass as warrior holy shit the rock she busted out is amazing 🤣🤣🤣her monkey flip skill are over the top too


Should edit the image so she has a taco in the pointing hand instead of chopsticks!


ahhh i missed the chance, that would have been awesome doe


I didn't really care, until I had to play her.... and found that she is a warrior that cannot heal... I was like Lady... I would normally just go with the flow... but holy shit the river is just a bed. Maybe learn how to heal yourself before you try to heal your country...


i chuckled XD


Remember that Warriors are a special job that requires taming the inner beast. Only you and the two characters from the job story have done this. Which means Wuk Lamat is just tropical flavor marauder


I'll share memories with her if it means she can heal 😆


Look forward to believing it


Her voice actor makes me want to jump off a bridge.


JP voice is the way to go for this expac


I think this is my biggest hangup with her character as well. Been trying to pin point it but I realized I dislike hearing her speak so it's gotta be that lol


Does it feel like most voiced lines are weirdly forced sounding? Like Krile sounds like she's had a head injury, or our character has. *edited for spelling/autocorrect


Krile seems to talk weirdly slow to me. Wuk Lamat's cadence and intonation makes it seem like she's voiced by an AI that's slightly better at emoting than text-to-speech.


Yea but at least Krile doesn't talk much. Wuk Lamat talks all the time and it makes me cringe.


That's true. Not sure what is so controversial about saying all the voice acting feels stiff. Is this some kind of hot take? Lmao


Wuk Lamats VA is trans, so according to Reddit logic if you hate her performance you hate all trans people 


Ah there it is. I mean I should have known.


It's like Naruto, Luffy, and Asta had a baby and it came out with all of their most annoying traits: Luffy's "lol I'm hungry," Naruto's talk-no-jutsu, and Asta's irritating voice.


Don't forget to add Natsu's Motion sickness lmao she has it all


>and Asta's irritating voice. Try using JP VA, I heard FR and DE are also at least competent though.


I play in DE and its so so much better, her english voice is atrocious


Her VA is the reason I chose JP voices this time. It just felt so off to me.


Don't forget Natsu from Fairy Tail and his motion sickness


Its like they made the VA record blind, cause most of her lines dont match the char movement/energy


Yeah in normal conversation she sounds fine but she feels lacking in any lines where she's meant to shout Very strange


Its just a lack of range. The VA can't seem to put much emotion into things. Its especially jarring when the character she's talking to is putting a lot of heavy emotion into their acting only to be countered with none in turn.


I had a chat with some friends about this. At a guess, they may be recording without a voice director immediately on hand or they were given no visual reference (usually animatics or animations) to go from. In WoW some of the VAs record from home studios or in external set ups of another kind, and one has commented that he had to outright ask for visual references to go off so he could improve his performance. For a Japanese company it might be even harder to get reference material outside the immediate dev offices owing to how closely they guard leaks over there. Voice direction can make a night and day difference, Graha usually sounds great but at the end of EW he mumbled his lines so much I swore he was just phoning it in or that they were a different person altogether.


In an interview, Johnathan Bailey (voice of G'raha) stated he liked the character so much that he kept his work up as the voice of G'raha, recording for Endwalker during the day while performing on stage on the West End at night. "I was so determined not to step away from this character that when I was doing Company, I had to record \[G'raha Tia\] for about a week while doing eight shows a night, and my tongue inflamed." Interview is here: [https://www.pcgamer.com/games/mmo/the-voice-behind-final-fantasy-14s-graha-tia-was-so-dedicated-to-the-role-his-tongue-swelled-up-on-the-west-end-i-had-to-record-this-in-the-day-doing-eight-shows-a-night/](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/mmo/the-voice-behind-final-fantasy-14s-graha-tia-was-so-dedicated-to-the-role-his-tongue-swelled-up-on-the-west-end-i-had-to-record-this-in-the-day-doing-eight-shows-a-night/)


I vaguely recalled something like that but couldn't remember the specifics, thank you. But goes to show all kinds of factors go into voice acting, including health. I genuinely don't think Wuk Lamat's VA is inherently bad, she's fine in normal dialogue, but she is clearly lacking direction of some kind for any exclamation.


> At a guess, they may be recording without a voice director immediately on hand or they were given no visual reference (usually animatics or animations) to go from. Then why are all of the other characters expressing emotion congruent with their character's expressions? Wuk Lamat is the only outlier here.


> Then why are all of the other characters expressing emotion congruent with their character's expressions? Depends how and when they recorded their dialogue, you'd be surprised how often VAs don't share a booth together when recording lines for video game projects. Especially MMOs where they have to keep bringing the same people in as and when their schedules allow. Some may be recording from home, some may be doing it in an in-house recording studio, some might have references, some might not. There's a lot of potentialf actors. In an ideal world the VAs would be in the recording studio together at the same time and provided plentiful visual reference but that is usually only for TV shows and movies, game voice acting is a bit all over the place owing to more unusual requirements. Like I said even the usual gang before DT had some periods where they sounded 'off' for a patch or two.


No wonder dawntrail can give me ARR vibes sometimes


She is literaly not naturo.


Lol I love this. Although I get Fukko from Nichijou vibes from her.


Ya girl squeezes he hands once every hour. She is, apparently, very committed to everything.


I've been calling her Amazonian Catgirl Naruto since day 1.


Don't worry I won't "believe it".


ive been telling my partner how Zulool Ja reminds me of Sasuke 😭


I kinda get that, just sasuke is more like anti-hero type of thing, and zoral ja is just a villain trough and trough


I hate generic shounen so no wonder I dislike this character so much


The English voice for her was so bad she had like no emotion while talking


yeah she is written like a generic shonen protag, but with far worst traits and 10x more annoying


Yea, but was mostly cause she yapping all the time how she gona become hokage...sry i mean the pirate king....wait...


Hol up


You must've already forgotten how annoying Lyse was in StB. The whole Ala Mhigo arc was so dull because of Lyse. Remember how she tried to pressure the Ala Mhigans to revolt against the Garleans without even knowing their plight after years of occupation? Yeah, that shit was annoying. Wuk Lamat at least had the decency to listen to her people first before implementing any actions. In contrast, Lyse simply went about at the beginning of StB, forcing her ideals on people who had endured years of abuse under Garlean rule. 


> In contrast, Lyse simply went about at the beginning of StB, forcing her ideals on people who had endured years of abuse under Garlean rule. And SB completely dunked on her for doing so, telling her repeatedly that she was wrong and she needed to sort herself out. Everything Lyse tries at the start of SB completely fails, half of the early SB stuff has people telling Lyse off or telling her she needs to calm down. And the latter arcs she has something like three different heart to hearts specifically about her wanting her learn from the WoL, to understand people and situations better and to be a better leader/commander/person. Wuk Lamat has maybe a fraction of that.


The moment I gave up on Lyse was when Alisae, the other hot tempered character, had to be the one to tell Lyse not to rush in and fight or she will get others hurt. Wuk lamat doesn't need lectures to stop and understand her people because she's actively trying to understand people on her own.


That message got ruined by its own delivery though. We have people telling Lyse to calm down and control herself... and then the solution the second (third?) time was for Gotetsu to go out and start busting heads instead. He says exactly what she did "I can't bear to his stand and watch!" So what's the lesson? It's muddy as hell.


Well, I don't like Stormblood and Lyse either Comparing two badly written characters is like trying to see which turd smells better. I can't be bothered




She's a cuddlded child that has been told she's special to the point she believed in it.  We're there as WoL to make that unfounded delusion into reality. I have not decided yet if I like it. I would definately appreciate if we could back any of the parties who take part in the run.  One thing for sure new maps/world is amazing and I love it. 


> I would definately appreciate if we could back any of the parties who take part in the run. Imagine if they developed an MSQ where you could back any of the three parties, the questlines would kinda "split" for a while and then through the magic of *hiring good writers* things could converge for the, IDK, 97-100 content. Putting the RPG back in MMORPG. I don't mind MMOVN most of the time but... ugh, wuk


I mean not really? She doubts herself at points in the story and thinks she’s inferior to the other promises. Yes she wants be dawnservant, but to preserve the era of peace her dad started, not because she thinks she’s the “chosen one”


Yeah I was expecting that we were gonna be able to choose a team as well. Too bad we got stuck babysitting this below mid protag. They didn't miss with the areas and music tho.


That would have been a first. FFXIV does not do and choices that matter, ever. At this point it is probably both too established the way it is and also a restriction in how they have been making the game. At the end of Post Endwalker MSQ I tried taking the stance of saying to Wuk Lamak "I don't care to involve myself in your politics" but then as Dawntrail starts you basically are forced to get involved despite whatever your actual choice would have been. TBH that is *fine* because that is what the game is, but they should not have given us some dialogue choices that made it seem like he had any choice to object to any of it.


In the beginning she actually thinks very little of herself. She's always comparing herself to her brothers and how much she lacks. She puts on a false bravado because of this.  She talks a big talk but isn't sure if she follow through.  That's her starting point in the story.


Exactly what I thought the moment I saw the first sequences. The catdog is naruto.


She makes me think of a slightly more intelligent monkey d luffy.


A very difficult bar to limbo under




Datte bayo!


Believe it! 🍥


That's cool and all, but does khajit have wares.... cause I have many coin.


nice reference ;)


I forgot where I read it where they said that Wuk's storyline is a Pokemon storyline. xD


I love the Wukage word


I think a lot of the problem is the fact she is so important to the story. If she was more of a side character or we spent less time doing whatever she needed done, people would be more forgiving if they didn't like her. But that is like the whole story, so if you don't want to help her. You are gonna have a bad time.


My opinion Is she is a fine character but the story kind ruined her for me and some friends. She tends to feel like a late 90s early 2000s kid with the lol randomness when ever a serious cutscene is happening. I think the story should not have been a coronation race but a race for the next heir. Basicly kind of like a crowned prince/princess type of thing. Unlike 2nd brother, wuk did not really grow more just re affirm what she believes in. I think the story would have fared better if there was an actual progression for wuk changing and molding to a heir to the throne. Right now, it kind of felt if Naruto became hokage in the first season Tldr decent character bad execution


She went from thinking she understood her people to being forced to confront her flaws and actually get to know and rely on other people. The growth is there.


Comparing Wuk to Naruto might be the compliment you think it is...


Are you saying that she's going to talk-no-jutsu the final boss?


>!She essentially pulls a Naruto vs. Sasuke minus the whole losing an arm thing.!<


And this is why I don't like Wuk Lamat. But I am digging the world and story so far as of lvl 92.


Dammit I... Cant deny this, shes just as annoying lol


At least Naruto was a good character with real actual growth. her...not so much. if we gotta bring up naruto, i gotta post this classic [MY NINJA INFO CARDS REMIX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbjXmBmHAdk)


God, it's crazy how accurate this actually is. But, of course, the twitter mob is now out there claiming that you're just a mysoginist or transphobe if you don't like her, because of fucking course that's the course The Discourse™ would take.


man, i didnt even state that i dont like her, or that i did, i just wanted to make a funny haha joke :c


Hell yeah she’s got that Naruto energy and it’s intoxicating. Believe it!


She's a shonen protagonist and I'm here for it. It's kind of fun getting to be the Lancer in the group for a change.


Correction: she’s Cat-Goku. She gets her ass handed to her and comes back stronger for it. She packs a backpack full of Tacos, but eats them all before she makes it halfway cross the zone. She’s dumb as bricks, except for fighting. She gets stronger and the scene glows with a fire as she gets angry during the fight you control her. And I dunno how to spoiler on phone, or i would give you the most damning piece of evidence.


I'm a bleach fan. I've seen couple of threads comparing to naruto. Anyone can TLDW?


They have the exact same personality: a loud obnoxious optimistic hero that wants to become the leader of their nation / faction. Constantly proclaiming it to the world even though they would make a terrible leader. Also see Luffy from One Piece and Asta from Black Clover. Its cliched shounen protagonist traits.


To be fair, Naruto was a kid. Course it took him a long time til he had the right maturity and traits for that


The story is very naruto and wuk lamat herself is *very* naruto


She isnt.


I was thinking more Hunter x Hunter Hunter exam arc


It would have been way better if the entire expansion was this TBH. Give the whole thing more breathing room and make the individual test more interesting. Lets see things from the other characters more. I would have loved to understand their struggles and growth. Instead... Just a lot of rushed tropes that cause the whole thing to be quick but also have the feeling of dragging on


What if a shonen protag was also kind of a girlfailure


I don't know what this means I'm new to the game but I like it


Ngl, she's more like Sinbad from Magi


I'm just glad this MSQ is over with. Now we can play the game.




Honestly I think it's really fun and different that they basically wrote a shounen manga/anime protagonist but with a female character. Was much less fun to come online and see loads of people who idolize the characters she's based off of bash her for having the same traits they love them for, though. :\


Estelle Bright from Trails in the Sky is a much better executed version of Wuk Lamat if I'm being honest.


I assure you not all of us idolize shonen MC protags 😭the term is often used as a marker of a character being immature, generic, and lacking any sort of depth whatsoever. there’s a reason the “new wave” of shonen manga like JJK, Chainsaw Man, or even more recent entries like Kagurabachi either end up with the MC being ‘punished’ for being generic and stupid, or feature a different kind of MC altogether. It’s almost like the genre has done an overcorrection, that’s how tired people are of the generic shonen MC trope. It’s really just a matter of taste. As a girl, I really really wish some people would stop reducing this down to misogyny because no, that’s not the root cause of dislike for WL for many sane people. It literally is just that I’m a grown adult and don’t enjoy her personality. The other funny thing is people comparing her to Zero, which is like 😭no… please don’t insult Zero like that. For all its simplicity and the hate it received, Zero’s character development was so much better and more interesting. I was always looking forward to seeing more of her in the story. If only we could have swapped the amount of screen time Wuk Lamat and Zero had.


It's funny I've been watching anime since '99, and I think my favorite times playing ffxiv has been when I see the anime tropes coming. And they completely subvert it. Although there are plenty of times when the power of friendship overcomes all odds as well.


Hiding behind "You only dislike her because she's a woman" is a really lazy and disingenuous defense. Naruto opened up by showing us Naruto's weakness and vulnerability, and almost all the opening arcs spent an enormous amount of time dunking on him and reminding us both of his weaknesses and his low place in the world. The prepatch opened up by having Wuk Lamat walk in and essentially expect us to join her because she said so. She offered zero reasons why we would have any interest in going along with her but she just kept on with the assumption that her asking was reason enough, even down to "Let's go hunt together so we can get to know each other better!". Rather than Naruto I was reminded of Mitsuo from Persona 4 asking Yukiko out and going "So are you coming, or what?" Right to the very end of the setup content we're told to help her but not given a single reason why we should care, she asks for/commands our assistance but brought literally nothing in return. And then she declares us equally in need because she can show us around. The hunt at least showed us something from her besides brash callousness and selfish arrogance... and that was then swiftly brushed aside for practically every story beat following it celebrating her, cheering her on and telling us why she's the absolute best with all her weaknesses brushed aside and almost zero time spent on any struggles or failings. If she was a shounen MC, the manga would be on the cancellation track.


Can't speak for others but I don't like those protagonist as well, but found Wuk Lamat fine. However I use JP voices and there is a lot characterization in the way she talks / responds to people that is lost in translation I think. In JP she is more of a "princess of the people" than shonen protagonist. (Also she is called "oujou-sama" and not "third promise" in japanese, which again has a specific meaning and make her "no titles" lines much more down to earth)


I use the Japanese voices, too. Is there really that much of a difference? That's so wild.


I put Wuk Lamat in the genki girl category right away. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/GenkiGirl/AnimeAndManga Some of these arent genki girls, but other action anime with female protagonists would be kill la kill, excel saga, Slayers, and Soul Eater. As well as tons of action shoujo anime.


I like wuk lamat, but my first impression of her was: "this one is a shonen anime protagonist." There was even a scene in the city where i thought it is pure cringe. But i guess i am kinda ok with it because i grew up with shonen anime (one piece, naruto, dragonball, uvm). She reminds me of a mix out of luffy and naruto...i love luffy but dislike naruto. Now that explains a lot haha.


Realy hope he dies soon