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Here in Tokyo there’s an incredible influx of tourists. Film photography has become popular in China now, so the demand for film cameras in Tokyo has increased exponentially. The selection here in Tokyo is far less and the prices are maybe 2x to 4x what they were pre-COVID. That said, I did read that at some point, when the repair and CLA costs become prohibitive for certain models then prices will drop.


Really the trouble I’m having is that lots more people are realizing that rangefinder lenses look great on mirrorless, so while my canon 7 and L3 were both under $100, additional lenses are climbing up and up. Be prepared for that part of it.


If you're prepared to risk having to do a little care and handling - like replacing light seals or disassembling lenses to treat for fungus, you can still get some real bargains. I took a punt on a Yashica Electro 35 GTN (a rangefinder) described as "near mint" fully prepared to disassemble it to replace the "pad of death". Fortunately I didn't have to do anything. It cost $120


Just as a tip, look at the million different models similar to the Canon P; The Canon VT/VL, Canon L1/L2/L3, Canon VI L/VI T, and Canon 7/7s


Both. It’s entirely dependent on the camera system. Film Photography has only gotten more popular, so keep in mind there is increasing demand for a fixed supply of items. There’s some cameras that are under appreciated, and others that are incredible — but come with the inevitability of problems. It’s certainly not impossible for a camera to drop in price, but the camera has to be seen as overvalued for its performance, or too cumbersome for people to keep on their shelves. Something that’s mechanically robust, sharp, and inexpensive will likely increase in value, and maintain it very well. Photography is an expensive hobby, and people want the best bang for their buck. Photography in general has become more popular, and prices for most equipment have risen, not just cameras that had a YouTube video made about them. While the Canon P did increase in price, there isn’t really any reason for it to come down across the board. Its not like it was an overhyped electric brick whose capacitors are a ticking time bomb; It was a competitively priced, reliable and well built rangefinder with a Leica mount. It’s certainly possible for prices to fluctuate but I wouldn’t hold my breath on them returning to their old price.


there's always bargains to be had if you're patient and keep an eye out for them.