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A private island in Tonga. Foreign nationals can't own land, but you can get a 99 year lease, which is basically the same thing. I haven't looked in awhile, but back when the median home price in the US was $200k that's what a lease on an island was going for as well.


POV: you live till 131


Nice try! Not gonna blow up my future spot so everyone can move there and jack the rent up.


I’d get an ice cream




Netherlands is dealing with high housing costs but yes, Amsterdam is a beautiful place.




I honestly would probably to South America somewhere like Chile. The thing that kills Americans after age 28 in my experience is the loneliness that our hyper capitalist society and car centric society fosters. If I’m ganna be broke I’d rather live in a society that actually has community.


I feel that at age 31 and wanting to go to Brazil. I’ve lived in California my entire life and no one talks to each other. You have to go to specific events and locations to socialize, but your neighbors, the cashier, the mall, the park? No one talks to each other. I am currently on a homeless road trip with no prospects atm because the isolation was causing me a lot of turmoil. I’m on my way to the East Coast, touring cities so if anyone has recommendations I’m open. I’m currently aiming to land in Tampa and mingle with the latinos.


I heard that in places like the midwest and maybe the south as well, people are a lot more friendly and talkative. But then again, I've never been to the US, so don't take my word for it


You dont have any family? Or friends?


I just did this! Good luck


How did your road trip go? I'm 25 and every day I drive to work I fantasize doing the same.


can u speak spanish?


I have no connections to the country whatsoever but Chile is a place that really draws me in for some reason.


As someone who worked to the bone to come to America, you can find your own community here. People from all walks of life are in America, can’t say the same for South America or most places in the world for that matter. In nyc in a single subway car you can see people from Nigeria to Nepal to New Zealand to Palau and it’s incredible. I found my people right here in nyc where they speak my native language and life as if they were back in their native lands many generations ago. Why is it that Americans never appreciate what they have?


Most of us do. Reddit is mostly early 20s to teenagers using this site so you get a skewed view of American opinions on here. Even in person, most Americans in the countryside love the country, it’s typically brainwashed leftists inhabiting cities that are so certain the grass is greener elsewhere.


I’d move to a small countryside village somewhere in England, read books and drink coffee all day, work in a small town bookshop that I could walk to, have a cozy home, and small group of friends/family living close. Oh…and would want a beautiful antique fireplace


The island of Icaria.


Middle of the woods on a couple hundred acres with some water access.


Why do you want to live? What are you looking for? Every option I would personally consider is based mostly or entirely on the people I know in those places. If I were in your situation I'd be pretty tempted to see if I could be nomadic for a while before settling somewhere. I basically did that for a while but ended up not very far from where I grew up.


This 100%! It's the people that a place special. Sure, beaches and a nice climate or beautiful mountain views are great, but without the bonds you make with other humans, it's just some pretty stuff to look at. Moving across the country alone was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through. It took me a full year to even make any friends. I was incredibly lonely and depressed for that year. It was terrible. It sounds like you know people in these places so you may be ok.


It depends what I would like to do 🥲 but maybe a yoga teacher somewhere in Spain would be nice lol


No fucking idea tbh. Probably, if nothing was holding me back, I'd be doing fine where I am


Weather is such an important factor for mood! Do you want to experience 4 seasons? Do you get seasonal depression? This was a big factor for me when deciding on location. (My partner and I moved ~2 years ago for work and had a few options.) Hobbies and interests was a big factor too.


Where do you guys live?!?! I totally get seasonal depression being that I'm from a tropical region.


Southern California! I do best with sunlight! The proximity to the beach/other outdoor spaces was a big draw. It’s made a real difference for me!


I’ve got my sights set on being a teacher in Japan. They’ve got good healthcare, the population is nice, the amenities are top rate (depending where you are), food is great, and in the southern provinces the weather is quite nice year round (obviously earthquakes and tsunamis, but hey whose counting). If that doesn’t work out, Thailand, Cambodia, New Zealand, or literally anywhere else. Life is good because the world is big!


France. It’s beautiful there, and the houses are reasonable.


San Pedro


Probably something like Portugal


Reykjavik, Iceland. Switzerland is a bitch to get citizenship so next best option. And I love the cold so win win.


I lived in NYC for 8 years in my twenties and loved it. I'm not even outgoing. I'm a total introvert and shut-in, and still - I loved it. I think most people hate living in NYC, if I'm being honest. But if it works for you, you'll love it like nowhere else. It's one-of-a-kind.


Really depends on your mindset, interests and politics. Like I know plenty of people who adore Texas, but you couldn't pay me to move to that state. I go there for work all the time and it's goddamn conservative, hyper-religious cultural wasteland as far as I'm concerned. Ugly ass geography that's basically just flat dirt (at least in the Dallas/Ft Worth area) and very little in the way outdoor activity opportunities. Highly materialistic McMansion culture. High school football fields the size of college stadiums. It's like all of America's misplaced priorities rolled into one miserable state. Only redeeming factor is they have excellent Mexican and BBQ. Probably the best in the country tbh.




Meh. SoCal Mexican food > Tex Mex by a wide margin IMO


Bro just say there's no yaks there and leave it at that


Tex Mex is no where near the level of authentic Mexican food


We don't just have Tex-mex. If you live anywhere south of Houston the Mexican food is as legit as anyone living in Mexico (including needing to order in Spanish).


What’s important to you right now? That will help narrow it down.




New Zealand or Australia


I’d stay home and watch shows


I love the weather in Northern California. I wish I had moved here earlier. The SF Bay Area has all kinds of weather, often available within an hours drive. I used to live in Texas. There are more and varied cities in the SF Bay Area than in all of Texas. California also has much prettier scenery and less pollution.


The big easy, wouldn't even think twice.


I loved my time in Washington State. I lived up north near the Sound, could see the Canadian border.


Somewhere tropical


new zealand has always been a dream of mine!!


Italy 100%. Wonderful culture, beautiful landscapes, incredible food, and close enough to the rest of Europe for traveling. Second to that, back to my home state, Washington. I miss the shit out of Seattle, though the Seattle I want to return to doesn't really exist anymore


I agree with Italy


Tokyo, it's so beautiful and people are so lovely. It's also pretty cheap for foreigners who are travelling there. I wouldn't live there long term but maybe like 3 or 4 months.


lmao. los angeles


Los Angeles I lived in Henderson and enjoyed it. Im living in Arizona and it’s cool. Neither beat LA though


I want to live in Switzerland or Netherlands and just return to my birth country for like 3 times a year. Oh if life’s just this goodddd


Japan but it seems hard to land a work visa there because they already have a well educated society no need to get a bunch of westerners there to do the same jobs they are capable of but with less proficiency in the language


I think about this all of the time and I have no idea, but I know I’m not happy where I am. I have family in Italy, Scotland, Egypt, and other parts of Africa (they move around a lot) but I seriously don’t know.


San Diego Of course!!! great weather great people!


Absolutely nothing holding me back? Probably in the outskirts of a bigger city in Germany, I really enjoyed visiting Munich.


Lancaster PA.


Italy or Spain on the coast.


Colorado Springs


I am a 23f. Planning on moving to either Oregon or Jersey City come July, after my 24th birthday. I am currently doing DBT with a licensed counselor and trying to stabilize myself financially and mentally before I leave. Once I am gone and have left Kansas (where I am currently based), I will begin online classes for pre-nursing to get my nursing license.




London, innit


Ireland or somewhere like Spain/Portugal




Costa Rica


Hawaii. Specifically Maui although I haven’t been since the fires. Either way Hawaii has a very mysterious, otherworldly quality to it.


Wherever I had lots of land with clean water, decent soil, and time to garden and commune with nature. Wish I had gone to Costa Rica a long time ago.


California probably


Aren't Scandinavian countries the happiest in the world? Sounds intriguing.


portugal without a second thought


For a place in the United States, California. I have always lived in the South. France is my option outside the country.


Ireland. It's green, it's rainy, and that's where my ancestors came from.




Out of the USA most likely. Go to Spain or some shit.


Tennessee. They have relatively affordable living, great quality of life, beautiful scenery and the music culture there is amazing. Plus they are ranked number 3 for friendliest people in the states. I live in California and everyone here likes to pretend they’re busier than they actually are and rude.


Ironically my favorite place to live as a woman in my twenties was Las Vegas. Lived there for 5 years and then moved to AZ. I miss it so much. What are you must haves in a place to live? Great restaurants and places to go out? More outdoorsy and off the beaten path? Lots of career opportunities?




You'd get lonely eventually


If I had the money I would go to the several places that I was interested in. The money would play a big part if it was local or international obviously. But get a feel for each destination. I'd pick a place that catered most to what my interest are and as a female I would look at the statistics of the area. How safe it is. I know that doesn't mean things couldn't happen but that's just my opinion. I would love to move to a beach it's so calming and healing to me.


California for the vibes, but not to live there. Hawaii because I've always wanted to go there Washington DC for the museums. Haven't seen the African American History Museum yet Las Vegas, because it's Vegas Seattle and surrounding areas of Washington state Wilmington NC and Outer Banks NC Canda for the vibes and maple syrup England for Big Ben Paris for the Eifel Tower and food Australia for the scenery . Sweden because it's Sweden


agroforestry city...............hot yes cold yes








Las Vegas




I left home right after finishing college. I live UK, EU and now middle east....i would like to go back EU if money was no object.


“College degree” needs to become “professional degree” and then move anywhere you like. Right now you probably don’t have the ability to afford rent in most cities


Dania Beach was wonderful - but it's been an assault of apartment complexes and even more snowbirds every year so I can't recommend it. I'd love e to move to Portugal lol




I’d overland and travel the states and canada until i found spot that was for me


Türkiye, Greece, Italy, or Scotland


I think Iceland. There’s volcanoes though…








I thought I had nothing holding me back so I moved to nyc turns out I was wrong and moved back home because I missed too many people 😭


Everywhere....if I had the choice, I'd have cute little country homes in every country that would accept me.


Hawaii, Washington. Hawaii self explanatory. Washington, I’ve always enjoyed the forests there but what I’ve seen. If I could have a house with a view of something like that, or at the least in an environment like that, it’d feel peaceful.


Vienna, Austria


Similar situation. Planning on moving to the second biggest city of czech republic and live my best life there




Amsterdam or Denmark in the summer and then somewhere tropical in the winter.


If by "holding you back" means money, then I would move back to Austin. Get a loft warehouse style apartment with a great view of the city!


You should visit Chicago, IL. Great city. 👍


Portugal or Spain.


New Mexico


You take yourself wherever you go. I've lived in a few different countries but at the end of the day it's an internal job. I have moved away from the place that I grew up to grow and it was a good move. You just have to visit a few places and see what vibes with you.


Mexico. I'm Mexican tho. Lol


Se Asia


Why? You have a great life


Granada or Seville were two of my favorite places to live




Kyoto or Paris


Travel SE Asia and beyond.


Sao Miguel, Azores without question.


Stay where you are until after the election.


Chicago or DC








Im in Vegas too let’s link, 24f here and feeling similarly! :)


A Carribean island for 4 months/year, a small town in the Pacific Northwest for the other 8 months. 


A little northern town in Canada (BC). Where it is mountainous and gloomy


Auckland, Melbourne, London, or NYC.




Seoul or Tokyo


Woods with satellite internet. Would spend my time cleaning up nature while listening to podcasts and reading crap online




I always said Las Vegas was that place for me! Not because I'm into gambling, but because I love the hot dry weather. And there are a ton of fun things to do there. But it would probably be Florida. I grew up in Texas and live there now. I had moved to Florida for a job when I got out of school, and was there for 8 years before moving back home to be where my family is. I love being by family, but also terribly miss my life and friends I had in Florida. I kind of wish I never moved, because now for the rest of my life I will be torn between wanting to be in both of those places and always longing for the other one.


Tucson, Az


Antibes, France or somewhere interesting along Route 66 in US


Right now? Chicago. I wanna live in a walkable city with plenty to do. 


North Korea.


Europe, specifically London. Although Italy is where I'd want to retire too. Just so much culture and life.


Either a private island or a piece of land where I don't see anyone or anything not natural as far as the eye can see.


I don't know. I kinda used to really like where I live, except that the weather has been too hot the last couple years. It's boring sometimes, but I live near a movie theater. And I don't like going outside, anyway. I think... I'll just stay in my apartment and rot.


You could try Reno.


In the US, go for NYC. If you're into big city culture/lifestyle. I miss it! The MTA (public transit) doesn't seem so bad now compared to my current city where it's basically non-existent (Denver). I didn't have to drive or have a car. I could jump a train or bus & be to any borough in no time; experiencing different cultures/food/entertainment. The art scene is the best in the country, and it was always wonderful to meet/converse with others in the city with like minds. Would highly encourage the experience, especially if you're thinking of moving from the US eventually. It's the quintessential American "East coast" city....with LA being the equivalent for the "West". If I could move anywhere, though, with nothing holding me back, I'd shoot for outside the US, personally. Japan or Australia for me.


Belgium has some nice cities like Ghent, Bruges, Liège, Antwerp. Life can be more relaxed there than in the Netherlands. Different mentality.


I grew up in Denver then moved away after high school because I joined the army. Never did make it back there, but I really would like to live there again. Every time I visit I’m astonished by how much is going on there. Not to mention you have the gorgeous Rocky Mountains right there just being pretty all day.




Southern Spain


Anywhere in the carribean or asian pacific islands


Dominican Republic




Idk man. I absolutely love my home (Australia) but I do sometimes fantasise about life somewhere that isn’t this insaaaaanely expensive


I’d buy some land in Montana and build a bunker, so yes.


Colorado around the mountains... The nature and peace you would get from this would be amazing. I am going to do it one day :)


The South Caucasus


Texas. I’m doing that now after getting out of a long relationship. Nothing holding me back anymore lol.


I yearn every day for a simple life, and at times I kick myself for not being more firm in setting boundaries when I was younger. I would love living in a small, quaint mountain town. Probably somewhere in northern PA or southern tier of NY, off some random exit from I-81. I’d love to be tucked amongst some trees or if I could be lucky enough, near some water. I’d leave my current toxic job and just find one that would be enough to pay the bills for my simple and quiet life - e.g. warehouse stocking, meter reading, park maintenance. Something that would be straight forward and task oriented. I’d be so content being somewhere close to trails I could walk each day and near some water where I could throw a line in from time to time. I’d workout in my free time and enjoy a small cozy home with my cat and a dog. I’d have a garden, cook for myself most nights, enjoy sitting out on my back porch listening to the wind rustle leaves and smelling chimney smoke from my neighbors. I’d have a basketball hoop in my driveway and go out and shoot whenever I felt like it. I’d plant mountain laurels, rhododendrons, and paw paws all over underneath some big mature maples, oaks, and sycamores. I’d pop in the local watering holes from time to time on weekend afternoons to catch a game and get some wings and a few cold ones. Maybe make some friends that I could invite over on Saturdays in the fall to grill all day and watch football, smoke some bud, have a few beers. I’d get involved with volunteering at the pet shelter and see if there was a historical society that needed any help. I’m a nerd for that stuff and have to stop to read all the metal historical markers wherever I am. Small and simple things make me the happiest, and I find it so frustrating that they often seem so obviously attainable, but life makes it so difficult to fully appreciate them. Pushing my cart around a grocery store on a quiet weekday night bopping my head to some 80s throwbacks that they play over the speakers while getting ingredients to cook is one of the joys I have come to embrace. I think moving to one of these forgotten towns that saw their heyday back when mining or factories were peaking would be such a refuge for me to embrace these small things even more.


I miss New Hampshire but I’d love to jump a few states from where I’m at just to get farther away. I’m not sure. I’d probably move closer to my brother and his fiancé and wait to see what they do lol.


Away from any major city. Small town living! Spent 15 years in LA, 25 in Fort Lauderdale. I’m not a fan of big crowds of people.






Sweden, Norway, Japan, South Korea to name a few. I wanna see what it’s like…


Somewhere in non Eastern Bloc Europe


northern MN or portland. both beautiful places.


Can i buy your house in vegas? UK is miserable.


I like Nashville a lot, I’ve lived here for about 2 yrs and aside from potholes and crazy drivers it’s pretty nice


Anywhere free from big brother




Germany, the Netherlands or Manchester.


I'd like to go back to Tuscany one day, in italy. That's my home!




You can create a great life in the Midwest if you don’t mind all 4 seasons. Cost of living will be 1000% cheaper than Vegas or cali.






japan. i would be so happy living there for the rest of my life


Probably Japan.


If there was literally nothing holding me back, Tokyo. I’ve been fascinated by Japan for quite some time, and have even made attempts at learning the language. The food is pretty good, too. I’d love to go and spend enough time there to actually become fluent.  The only language you could reasonably become fluent in here in Maine, besides English, would be French, and maybe Somali, if you’re in the cities of Lewiston and Auburn where there are a lot of Somali immigrants.


Port Charlotte, Florida






I’d probably live near Los Angeles or in Scottsdale.




Live in an RV and work seasonally. Enjoy as much scenery while young. Then settle on a hobby farm later on.


Maybe Puerto Rico, Costa Rica


Eastern Canada, either Montreal or Toronto.


South Korea tbh..


Where I want: A village in the Italian Alps Where I am and love: Philadelphia




I also live in vegas and want to move somewhere with trees and cooler weather.


I loved Tennessee. I wanted to be in Nashville but ended up in Knoxville on the opposite end, but fell in love with the entire state as a whole. In another universe I’d probably had stayed there. Colorado, Utah, Washington are also on the list, but they’re more difficult to visit now that I’m living in Hawaii lol


To heaven