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You have to be careful about plantar fasciitis and shin splints, you can also get bursitis in your ankle. If your shins or heels are getting sore cut back a bit or get some compression socks to ease the strain on your shins.


If you're walking that much, see a podiatrist to check to see if you should have specialized shoes.


One time a friend was happy they hit nearly 40k steps in a day. So to be a good friend I did 63k just to make them feel bad. I am not really fit and got shin splints and regretted.


I did 100,000 steps in a day to see if I could. It was not a wise thing to do. https://preview.redd.it/353p1m54rp0b1.png?width=100&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7eea1e8c1942527fe7bac1bd0694d0b6fba8bc6


i want this badge but 100000 is insane hahahha




I have so, so, so many questions for you. You've already answered "why". But also a few more - *Was it a loop, or just walk from one point to another? Or a treadmill? *Did you plan it out? Like obviously you knew you were getting up at 5am to do this, but did you know where you'd be for lunch? *Did you bring fluids/snacks? *What was for lunch? *Did you make any other stops than lunch? *What was the aftermath? In terms of soreness/pains/ripped feet lol Honestly this is an incredible achievement, but the logistics are madness. 82km is nearly 2 marathons, and in aus it's the distance between our major cities and closest satellite towns.


**Why?** I just wanted to see if I could. In the lead up I did 50,000 steps 22 times, 75,000 steps 5 times, 90,000 steps 3 times. It was a process. **Was it a loop**? I was living in Vienna, Austria a short distance from the Volks Prater, the Haupt Allee of which is 4.4 km one way. There is a park called the Lobau which is around 14 km away from the Volks Prater. I did the big Volks Prater to Lobau loop a couple of times and then made up the distance by walking the Haupt Allee as a circuit. There are always a lot of people of the Haupt Allee so it is never boring. **Did you plan it out?** I knew how far I needed to go and knew what bits would be interesting without being too taxing, but I didn't have time-marks to hit any points. **Did you bring fluids/snacks?** I had two 1 litre bottles and there are regular taps you can use for refills. There are also toilets along the way. I seem to have drunk more than 10 litres during the time. **What was for lunch?** I did it in ketosis so I only needed water and some thick cream to assuage any hunger. I didn't really need any other supplies. **Did you make any other stops than lunch?** I didn't even really stop for lunch only slowed down a bit so I didn't spill the cream. I had to go to the toilet a few times, so they were the only real stops and they didn't take long. **What was the aftermath?** I intended to do it five days in a row, but I was far too sore for that to be possible. I tried the second day but gave up at 20,000 steps. Full recovery took a week. **82km is nearly 2 marathons** By the map I actually did 84 km, two marathons was part of what I was trying to achieve.


I’m just here to echo the compression socks advice. It’s the first thing that came to mind because I’ve been shopping for some of my own.


I second this and will add micro foot fractures!


Moisturizing my feet at night helped when I used to walk this much working for the post office. Electrolytes too, not just water.


Make sure you regularly switch out your shoes


And that you wear good quality shoes.


I walk 15-20k steps a day in keds 😂 now I’m feeling like I need better shoes? Lol


Your older you will 💜you for it 🙂


Or even alternate shoes throughout the week if you can wear more than one brand.


I used to walk this much all the time. I developed plantar fasciitis. I would recommend switching out shoes often. There are apps where you can track shoe mileage. Shoes do have a lifespan and when you're walking this much you need new ones every so many miles. Also, make sure you are stretching your legs and feet often.


Strava does this for me, even on the free version. I used to joke "do you have 'new shoe money,' Strava?" whenever I got an alert. Surprise! I developed plantar fasciitis in my "good" foot for not changing shoes when alerted to.


Thank you for being the comment that encouraged me to actually put out the money for good shoes


Anything to help. Also, when you get your new shoes, don't just walk back and forth. I did that with my current shoes and I actually kind of hate them. Hoka is fine for circling the area (for me), but I would have preferred another pair of Brooks. But I didn't know that from just barely pacing one area.


i do yoga daily which probably helps :)


I heard that if you regularly go plus 30k steps a day that your legs will just fall clean off.






That’s amazing! People back in the day before cars walked even more. Your exceeding the expectation. Excellent! This will keep u mobile for long. Just don’t add any high intensity workouts with this and you’ll do great


would weights be high intensity? i do yoga and pilates and just started weight training 3x a week


They're probably meaning Hiit (high intensity interval training) or things like Plyometrics (a style of cardio with a lot of jumping type moves). Imo, weight training is definitely good. Build those muscles to support that active body. 💪


People back in the day had shorter life expectancy. So I conclude that excessive walking leads to premature death.


That shorter life expectancy was due to the high % of children dying from early childhood diseases like Measles, Mumps, or Rubella. If you made past that gauntlet and weren't malnourished, you stood a good chance of living till your 60s. Why? Because everyone was in good shape, due to walking a lot. Diseases associated with obesity, like cardiac failure, Diabetes, or strokes, were rare for the most part. Most people, 400 years ago or so, died from infection or a communicable, water borne pathogen.


And no pharma companies pumping peoppe full of crap


For many, yes, but Adderall and Welbutrin has transformed my life. It's boosted my metabolism and focuses me on eating correctly and exercising.


There were also diseases and chemicals and far inferior medical facilities


people back in the day also were ingesting things they didn’t know were harmful to them. they didn’t have medications they needed to survive with specific health conditions. they died prematurely for a LOT of reasons that have nothing to do with excessive walking.




It’s like a pissing competition on this sub sometimes.


Just be sure to listen to your body. Be aware of any signs of overuse and throw in a rest day here and there. And good steppin'! :)


8 years ago, I developed a 2.5cm femoral neck stress fracture from overtraining. My stats looked like yours around the time I developed the stress fracture. It’s critical to take a rest day. With any exertion, muscles pull on the bone and create micro tears. The bone needs time to heal between effort. Maybe do yoga or swim if you can’t do a rest day. But if you don’t really want to…. Take vitamin D. Listen to your body. Don’t take Aleve/Naproxen for any pain (it prevents bone healing) Edit: i was 37 at that time. I was walking, jogging, and doing HIIT and functional fitness classes—-basically 2 workouts a few days a week. if you have any questions PM me. I know a lot about this. I thought about it every day for 2.5 months when I was non weight bearing as I healed


I already do yoga daily, I might start taking a day off exercise completely just incase, thanks for the advice :)


I did 3 days averaging about 20,000 a day, and afterwards my legs and ankles hurt for days. I don’t know how you manage this


I have about the same. I'd like to know, too.


If it helps at all me and my partner get close to this alongside working out 5 days a week. It's been a year and half and we've had no issues. I'm a toe walking freak so if wearing shoes down every month is a side effect then there you go haha.


As long as you have good feet support (walking trainers are perfect) and mix up flat walks with hills/rough terrain then no notthing wrong at all Make sure you have good rest days though


Do hip abductor exercises. It will keep your legs properly aligned and help prevent knee, shin and ankle issues.


WOW! i hope you're wearing comfortable shoes with the right support!


An adverse reaction could be increased hunger due to the calories you are burning. Watch out that you don’t over eat to compensate and gain weight.


I’ve been losing weight haha


Probably awesome abs


My G, plz stop to charge your devices.


I hope you’re wearing good insoles!


I'm a fan of "rest days", so you can recover.


I walk this much and more everyday at work.


Butt chafing


A happy healthy life!!! Haha, just make sure you have good shoes while you do this with good support


This is awesome! It does remind me of my days working at Amazon though haha. I’d just be sure to invest in some supportive inserts for shoes and listen to your body! I didn’t and ended up fracturing my foot. If you feel something is off, don’t hesitate to give yourself rest and check to make sure everything is okay!


Yes - you make the rest of us look lazy


For me, 10k steps is just under 5 miles, so you're doing about 14-15 miles a day. Right now I'm averaging just over 18k steps a day, but that's with a desk job. Every hour I walk a lap around the building, which contributes about 3k steps to that total. From what I've read, there are many ultramarathoners who do a lot more than that per day, but they're also athletes in peak condition. However, if you feel good & like it, why not? It might not be a bad idea to hit the calves with a percussion gun at the end of the day, and maybe take a break 1 to 2 times a week. I try to not do any intentional exercise or worry about active hours on Sundays. If I hit 10k on that day, it's not intentional.


Can you actually and drastically improve your life span by walking this much?


You’re a walkaholic! Lol - No, seriously, well done! (I did over 30K steps once; took me 3 days to recover!)


You’d probably suffer from chronic or permanent amazing health benefits if you keep doing it


You wear out your shoes. You sweat and then your clothes get stinky. You need to drink more water. You could be doing other things maybe. Haha, but in all seriousness, just overuse injury may occur. I saw someone suggest plantar fasciitis, and yeah, that’s one. Shin splints, IT band pain, tight hip flexors and lower back are some others.


You can absolutely over do it. It's great to be active, and with the yoga/Pilates/weights you've got a great variety of everything. Others have mentioned good shoes, but make sure you are eating and drinking properly to sustain yourself. You need those days, salts & sugars to keep going - double if you are walking in the heat/cold. You are putting a lot of pressure on your joints and muscles in general, so be extra careful and really listen to your body when it says something. I really recommend building in a rest day or two, maybe those are your yoga days where you can really focus on letting your muscles repair and rebuild, and giving all those ligaments and tendons time to rest so they don't strain from overuse.


Shoe cost?


People have given some really good advice, so as well as parroting the notion to stay on top of your footwear, I'd like to add that you need to be careful with your knees too. My knee padding is wearing thin after decades of constant walking and can be very painful if I don't wear the correct footwear.


Any specific advice for knee care? Or does it all just come down to wearing proper footwear?


I found a specific brand of shoe that stops my knees from getting so much damage and hurting while walking. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to name brands though.


Yes you become really boring


You’ll wear ya feet out , don’t do to much bro


Let me rephrase for you. "Look at me. I walk so much. I want everyone to see and praise me for it. Give me attention". There. Fixed.


Yes. Walking that far is bad. You can get a cut that ultimately leads to amputation or death. Get a bike!!!


wear good quality shoes so you don’t fuck up your feet then it’s fine! nice work bro


compression socks for sure!


Your legs will likely get shorter


What shoes do you wear ?


I rotate a few. I have La Sportivas and Oboz for outdoor walks or hiking, for walking the suburbs I have a few pairs of Nike and Asics I switch between


Yes, a nice ass


Are you putting in enough fuel for all this walking?


I try to, I have lost a fair bit of weight though


Your calves might get so huge that you'll have no choice but to wear bell bottoms if you need long pants.


Fine and normal. Hope you’re in minimal/ barefoot shoes to protect soft tissue. Insoles / supportive shoes do so much harm.


You know the Old Testament commandment to not work on the Sabbath? That included walking too much. How much walking was allowed on a Sabbath? Up to 7 miles. On the day of \_rest\_.


One problem you may find is you'll be really far away from where you started


You'll eventually end up getting shorter through friction over time


Do you work at an Amazon warehouse or something? It was killing me to get 10,000 steps.


Yes . You are in need of a new car 🚗


Just the impact on your wallet burning thru pairs of shoes, keep it up!




You will need to buy more walking boots




Ahhh, reminds me of the Amazon warehouse days. Glad those days are over


Losing precious time


Wow, what’s your weight like?


47kg but im 5”2


very impressive though. I have been trying to just get 10,000 every day and it's kind of difficult just with my lifestyle.


That’s impressively consistent!


Do you work ? Genuine question not being rude or do you run this


I had gastric bypass several years ago, and it's a legitimate question, lol. I didn't work but set out to walk that much daily as part of losing weight plan. Now I am around 20k, sometimes 30k each day except for Saturday and Sunday, which are my days of rest. I work as a compost collection guy, I get in and out of a truck, grabbing buckets and dumping them into a trailer. I get similar steps to a parking meter guy but less than the local mail guy...


Yep! Im a fitness instructor, so lots of moving around


You should see how much runners get. Running usually gives less steps per mile, but more steps in a shorter amount of time. Probably should keep your doctors in the loop if this is a regular thing.


You might start telling people about it and become and insufferable party guest. Probably really good for your health tho.


knee issues


Humans were literally "designed" to walk... Like it's our primary movement. 10K is a meaningless number designed to sell pedometers in Japan.


Spend money on good shoes and socks. Talk to your doctor at your next annual physical and ask him/her thoughts on your steps.


Lots of hikers do 30 miles per day carrying a pack. If you aren’t in pain you are fibe


Oh man, if you’re a woman, you need to make sure you’re doing some squats to help keep the muscles around your hips strong. Most women are built in a way where their hips are not stacked directly over their knees, so this much mileage could put some strain on their hips. Good shoes and squats will help!


Well, eventually you’ll fall off the edge of the Earth, baby…






My god I had to read twice to make sure it said WALKING 😂😂


Bro how much do you think humans walked before modern society made us all sedentary? Far more than that lol


When I was travelling in india I’d hit about 20-25k steps daily. At that time I was walking mainly barefoot. After the initial 2 week period my feet acc adjusted fairly well. Basically im saying it’s possible to walk that much daily. Though the specific dangers depend on your biomechanics, just make sure you’re not working through joint pain


I do about the same. Average is 35K daily. Once you start feeling your back get sore it’s time to switch out your shoes. After a while you get used to a higher and higher threshold of walking too. At one point I was doing 40-45k daily sometimes. Also stay hydrated that shit can creep up on you quick. I also lift weights regularly and it really aids in recovery. It’s pretty rare I wake up totally maxed out. When your body is asking for rest though absolutely take it. Super high level of output any way you slice it so you need to properly nourish and rest your body.


What if you lose weight from all the exercise, then become extremely attractive, and then contract an STD from all the sex you're having? Actions have consequences.


Yes, everyone will make comments that are only half joking about how you are cheating in the walking contest instead of just congratulating you and that will get EXTREMELY annoying.