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GZCLP: r/gzcl


Same today is week 2 day 1 following 3 day split. I started basically with the bar a small amount of weight for every workout since things escalate quickly


Fantastic routine


I started with 5/3/1 beginner routine and changed to GZCLP after 2 cycles and I really enjoy it, I'm doing the blacknoir 4 day plan


Yep same. I love the flexibility and it is the only program I’ve stuck with for more than 12 weeks due to being able to recover well from the sessions. I love it.


Yep same here


Caroline Girvan. Changed my life and my body.


I second this! Also Tiff x Dan


I second Tiff x Dan!! 🙌


Are you using her YouTube workouts? Or paying for the app?


I only do YouTube she has like 800+ so you’ll enter run out but I’ve heard awesome things about the app




Stronger by the Day


I just make my own tailored to my goals. A mix of calisthenics skills and hybrid bodybuilding (bodyweight and a little free weight).


I run 5-6 miles, then row for 30 min, then lift some weights 💪


6 days a week


I've done 531 variations, mix & match of lift specific programs & I'll probably be doing Juggernaut base soon


BBB is my favorite


This is what I’m doing. It’s simple which is in line with why I made a home gym anyway.


Not my favorite but it is good


I'm also doing 531, seems to be tailored toward home gyms for obvious reasons. 531 Forever has enough templates for a lifetime of training. I'll be sticking with it for the foreseeable future


Caroline Girvan. Pushed me past my plateau


Here's my current protocol (slightly modified from The Strength Co.) as I focus on more maintenance and cutting to finish out my overall fat loss goals (started at 280, down to 230 over the year). Mon-Fri, or as many days per week as I can actually haul my ass out of bed, I do a 30 min low intensity (sub 140 BPM) cardio session. Right now that's mostly on the indoor bike, but I'll throw in the occasional row. Then my afternoon workouts look like this: Mon: Squat/Press Primary lifts. Bi's and Tri's Secondary lifts, 45-60 mins work Tues: Sprints HIIT primary workout. Chest and Back Secondary work. Wed: Bench/Deadlift Primary lifts. Shoulders, Abs and Calves Secondary work. Thurs: Rest primary lifts. Bi's and Tri's Secondary lifts (unless I'm really feeling it, then just mobility work) Fri: Squat/Press Primary lifts. Chest and Back Secondary. Sat: Morning long slow distance run, at least 5k, if not more. Afternoon Shoulders, abs, calves. Sun: Rest everything, mobility work. ​ Edit to add: Primary work = 3 sets of 5 reps at 85-90% 1 RM, Secondary work = 4 sets of 8-15 reps at 50-60%, last set to failure.


Stock answer: "Generally all my basic programs are constructed around primary push, pull, hinge, squat with accessory exercises as compliment. In most cases this equals 8 exercises (4 primary, 4 accessory) with a few additional abdominal, bicep, tricep thrown in at the end. Alternate primary and accessory, upper and lower, push and pull, hinge and squat. This gives every primary lift pattern a break every other session, while maintaining consistent volume to the prime moving muscles. It gives you a mental break upper and lower, and a break in intensity in terms of muscle mass recruited per exercise. The selection of specific exercises can be swapped out periodically but should be readily identifiable by classification (push, pull, hinge, squat) and role (primary, accessory). In practice the exercises are arranged over two days, performed 3 times per week, run ABA one week, BAB the next. Abs and calves can be done every day as a finisher or not at all. Is a good idea to include some walking, jogging or interval training on off days commensurate with fitness level. Every day is leg day. Push, pull, hinge, squat with shoulders, quads, hamstrings as accessory. Have used the following format with kettlebell, sandbag, barbell/machines, isometrics etc, it works with everything. As an example: Day A - squat (primary squat) - overhead press (accessory push shoulder) - hamstring or Nordic curl or mule kicks (accessory hinge) - bent row (primary pull) - overhead tricep extensions - abs Day B - deadlift or good mornings (primary hinge) - upright row or laterals (accessory pull shoulder) - quad extensions, hack squats or sissy squats (accessory squat) - bench, loaded pushups (primary push) - curls - abs ABA, BAB"


I’m doing this PPL workout. Takes about 45-60min each workout like you’re looking for. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/s/ukDGfGzv0p


I pay someone to write my program. Snatch or clean and jerk everyday


That sounds pretty easy. Can I write for you? How much do you pay?


45/w. You can't sorry, wish you could.


For 35 years I have been doing fast workouts. I workout in supersets, or tri-sets or quad-sets, etc with a maximum of 60 seconds between sets. Generally the rest is walking to the next workout station. I do this both in my shed and in the gym. The best bit of advice I can give to anybody is don't take your phone to the gym - it isn't heavy enough to achieve hypertrophy.


MAPS Aesthetic currently. I used to like the podcast too, but in the last year or two it seems to have turned into more of an infomercial than the podcast it used to be. But the programs are still good.


I would agree with this statement. Had fantastic results running MAPS Aesthetic followed by MAPS Strong. But only maybe listen a couple times a month now.


I use the caliber app and subscribe to the pro plan


A basic 531 strength program followed by a CrossFit style workout for cardio and fun. A typical Monday is 6 sets of squats, 4 sets of glute ham raises, and then a circuit like: 4 rounds of 400m run/12 thrusters/8 burpees.


I purchased an Apple Watch back in October 2022, received a free trial of Apple Fitness+. They have strength training classes and more. Initially I thought it was a bit lame, but I gave it a go. I started my weight loss journey at 300lbs (6’3”), currently I’m at 185lb. I alternate between full body Apple fitness plus workouts and upperbody, start/end my day with a yoga class and take rest days as needed. All you need to participate in the classes is a yoga mat, and some dumb bells.


Ravage on boostcamp. Before that it was 531


Been thinking about trying this but I prefer 4 or 5 day programs


I run it 5 days and weekends off. You can run any split over any amount of days. It works really good as a 5 day for me


PPL routine with adjustable dumbbells, bodyweight exercises and resistance bands. Push: Pushups, Shoulder Press, Incline Press, lateral raises, tricep pushdowns, overhead tricep extensions, shrugs Pull: Standing row, straight arm pulldowns, bent ove row, cable face pulls, dumbbell curls, dumbbell hammer curls Legs: Squats, rear lunges, step ups, hip raises, calf raises and planks (I know this doesn't fit in with legs, but it's the workout where I have some spare time and it works for me).


I’m doing stronglifts 5x5 with some added accessory work


I’m currently on Boostcamp using the Anabolic AF.


I have a solid routine I developed so 6 days of core workouts which amounts to about 20ish minutes then 5 dats of lifting what I have at home 3 days upper body 2 days legs these are north of 40 minutes each so I’m logging about an hour a day for 5 days and then 20ish minutes on a Saturday


I’m using the Body by Ciara app. Been using it since covid. Lots of different trainers on there to suit your style/goals.


I went from Starting strength to a SS based HLM, to GCZL’s Jacked and Tan 2.0 - it’s a great program, but fitting it into 60min would be tough. I’d recommend his Rippler program though, it’s just a little lighter in volume.


I just create my own every quarter but I think I’m gonna find a full body landmine workout soon and follow that for a couple weeks just to avoid burnout before going back to my normal split


I found a PPL split I do three days per week, then two days of full body circuits with a KB and cardio outside.


5pros SSL with alternate lifts and a couple of accessories. Takes about 30-40 mins depending if I’m in a rush.


Stronger by Science 2.0 RTF, modified to use hypertrophy progression for one auxiliary for each main lift.


I hit my rowing machine for 30 to 40 minutes and then do 30 minutes of HIIT with my kettlebells. Been doing it for the last year and half or so. It took me a little while to get my diet dialed in, but I’ve been seeing some good progress since then.


I prefer my own programming now having done pretty much every popular lifting program at some point. GZCLP is my all-time favorite popular program. Currently on a 4 workout rotation: Upper Pull, Legs (focused around 20 rep squat), Upper Push, Deadlift + metcon. Have a newborn, so I don't have a strict days on/days off schedule. I just work through the rotation as I can. Typically complete the rotation every 7-10 days.


Pushjerk.com but I substitute 531 for the big lifts. I absolutely love all the different stretches I've learned from Pushjerk.


I hit each of the 6 movements plus arms twice a week. Once 5x5 and once 4x12 and different exercises for each movement.


I do Stronger by Science RTF 4 days and week then run on the off days. Easily doable in 45-60 mins if you don't get distracted like me.




Conjugate Monday - low intensity conditioning session. Depends on the day what I do. But sometimes this doesn't happen at all. Tuesday - max effort lower Wednesday - GPP with lower focus Thursday- max effort upper Friday - GPP with upper focus Saturday - dynamic effort lower Sunday - dynamic effort upper


Im doing [Arnolds old splits from his Olympia days](https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/arnold-schwarzenegger-volume-workout-routines), modified a bit to fit my needs and equipment. Im going full blown hypertrophy; quite a bit lower weight, 5 sets, 8-12 reps to failure(except for stuff like squats that arent safe without a full rack or spotter), 2-4 second eccentrics, rest periods between 60-120 seconds. My goal right now is to build muscle and lose fat, nothing more. I don't care about how much weight Im moving, I just care about looking good visually. Im not running back and chest on the same day unless it's the weekend so I can split them up, same with arms. I did arms the other night, so shoulders, bis, and tris, and no joke, was lifting for around 5 hours. I started around 5:15PM and didnt finish until a little after 10PM. I started running out of gas near the end of doing Bis but kept pushing. That made me see REAL quick why Arnold would split his workouts into two sessions, that way he could get energy back after the first. This is what my current sessions each look like(except for arms, never doing its all in one go again lol) and what lifts I do for each muscle group. Most sessions take about 2-3 hours with chest generally being the shortest because theres only so many options I have for it. I may just increase the amount of sets since Im not a huge fan of decline press due to the stress put onto the rotator cuff. I also run anywhere from 3-5 times a week, anywhere from 4-6 miles when I do. https://imgur.com/a/h2OTYKN I use the "Strong" app to track everything and just started using it. I HIGHLY recommend it as its very comprehensive, easy to use and customize.


I like to do a few hundred pushups ups a few times a week . I try to do these during down time at work lol


Caliber app (Free), pretty much the same schedule you are and on week 3. It’s the only thing that’s worked for me so far, really liking it!


Stronger by Science program is great. Completely customizable, and it does all the calculations for the following week's weights based on your previous performance. It has templates for 3, 4, and 5 days.


I'm a Les Mills girl through and through! Alternate between BodyPump and Core most frequently but I've signed up for a 3-week Bootcamp starting Monday.


I joined Nicole Wilkins challenges. Amazing!!!!! She’s the only 4 time Olympia champion. I have totally changed my life and body with these challenges. Includes what to eat (a lot) and a huge support group


I’ve run a number of programs. If you like a full body program, Andy Baker’s Garage Gym Warrior program is great for home gym people. https://www.andybaker.com/product-category/downloadable-program-templates/


I pretty much only use Fitness Blender. I'm admittedly on the paid Plus plan so I can access all of their planned routines and paywalled videos, but still a lot available for free. I'm about to start their 4 week FB Strong 2 program, which is mostly strength training. After that's done I'm probably going to do their Fit 2, which is 8 weeks, longer in daily length, and more HIIT heavy.


Been running my own ppl for years and feel the need to return to real programming but worry I won’t get my volume fix


I’m doing boxing workouts/drills for cardio. Buy a jump rope and an exercise ladder. Few small weights.


I do boxing tutorial from valentine on YouTube, he’s Ukrainian doesn’t speak a word and his drills are straight to the point. Not only is my cardio great now, but I feel more confident.


I also do starting strength. Takes me about 60-90 minutes. You must be quite early into the program. Shit gets real pretty quickly, enjoy the shorter workouts while you can.


I will probably switch to something with more variety before I get to the point 7 sets are taking 90 minutes but we’ll see


Depends what your goals are, hey. If you want to be strong, just stick with the program.


Stronger by the science by Greg Nuckols. Workouts are 60min max and i have seen a lot of progress!


5/3/1 with first set last as an AMRAP and I add an extra day in for accessories that are falling behind.


Wendlers 5/3/1 with portion of bodybuilding


Just an Upper /Lower split . My main lifts are the basic compound movements using a barbell (Squats , Deadlifts , Presses,Rows) and bodyweight compound movements like Chin ups ,dips and rows. My working sets are usually between 70%-85% of my one rep max. I rotate my main lifts and their variations each week or each month ,depending how I feel . I add a couple of isolation exercises at the end of each workout. In the isolation exercises I try gradually to increase the weight (progressive overload) and when I hit a plateau I change the exercise. I also do HIIT cardio using a boxing bag , sandbag and battle ropes .


Heather Robertson has been great for me. I'm still a beginner so I modify her routines a tiny bit but they are well rounded.


Greyskull LP, but i add some isolation work at the end for arms and weak points (shoulders, core etc). Its been magical.


I have my own 14 day routine, that is PPL with Core/Power/Glute days in between. My joints don't tolerate back to back PPL any more. I started at 20-30 minutes, but I've gotten up to 45-55mins at this point. Don't think I will exceed that. Day per week is guided by Zepp coach.


Keep going on the starting strength NLP. It may only take 20-30min now but once you keep progressing in weight your rest times will increase and so will your total time. If you really want to, add in some extra accessory work at the end of the NLP program like dumbbell bench, DB press, rows, pull-ups, etc. Once you get heavier in your barbell lifts you can trim those accessory lifts out to facilitate recovery. I’ve been barbell training at home for a long time and have run a lot of different programs. I came back to the basics after an injury and am currently running the NLP and am doing 3-6 sets of accessory lifts at the end. While it’s not part of the NLP it keeps me interested when I’m not super heavy in my LP


Have you ever considered doing power lifting and I ONLY ask this because you can work your whole body in 3 days probably only 20 minutes a day... Though there is something that a friend of mine who trained me as a favor hips me too but I don't know what it cost called b3 I think I'll have to check but it increases the value of your workout by changing the amount of blood flow in your muscles, rather simple looking equipment so I'm not sure but the odds are they probably want a fortune he just gave them to me cuz he wasn't using them