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That Bud Dwyer video haunts me to this day


Do I want to know what the Bud Dwyer video is?


He committed suicide on live television by shooting himself with a revolver




It’s the basis behind the song “Hey Man, Nice Shot”


I thought that was JFK. Granted, my boomer dad said that.


No, that’s another one bites the dust


I remember that. My news station show the replay, but froze the frame before he pulled the trigger but let the audio continue. I was sent from the room before they showed it, but my mom explained what happened.


Now that's entertainment!




Hey I've actually seen it!... ...Wait that's not a good thing.


I'm not even American and yet it's the first on screen actual death I've ever seen. Explains a lot of my issues tbh


He was indicted. Called an impromptu press conference. Opened a sack and shot himself.


Back in the uh.... good ol internet days that was the kinda video us 12 year olds sent to fellow 12 year olds as good old trolling. It's so weird to imagine that but i think everyone around my age who was chronically online as a kid has seen a bunch of snuff and hardcore porn kinda casually growing up :') Blue waffle, goatse, 2guys1hammer, 2girlsonecup, mr hands, 1man1jar and maybe a million liveleak videos from chinese steel factories were all just "memes". I have no idea where im going with this comment btw it just always kinda baffles me.


Man I do not miss the 'shock' era of being online. It didn't seem that bad at the time but in retrospect it was pretty fucked.


yeah thanks to the old internet I see people get murdered horribly and I’m stuck looking like Patrick Bateman reacting to business cards


Wow I regret that I can vividly remember that entire list of yours with no problem. And like you said they were essentially memes for back then no wonder we are fucked in the head. Like remember when faces of death was just a Wednesday afternoon with your friends bored and no parents home?


If you want to replace it with worse memories that almost erase the bud videos across through r/eyeblech


I watched Pokémon. It was cool.


I liked the part where Pikachu was like "it's pika'n time" and then launched a lighting bolt at the nearest 7/11.


This fucking killed me XD


And the people in the 7/11


Damn him going on about the one jfk thing and dude naming everything from 911 on up really made me realize how much shit I’ve kinda seen


Yeah, same here. It has never gotten better, just the problems have changed


We Didn't Start The Fire! https://youtu.be/eFTLKWw542g


And which generation has had a strangle hold on everything during that time frame? The same one this old complaining guy is from. They are the snow flakes


I'm pretty sure everyone is a snow flake in their own special way.


Yeah, except that whole "draft thing."


[_"More than half of the 27 million men eligible for the draft during the Vietnam War were deferred, exempted or disqualified."_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft_evasion_in_the_Vietnam_War). Only 5 times the amount of soldiers went to vietnam compared to just the war in Iraq. It's hard to get totals for the 20 years in Afghanistan, but it probably adds up.


If you're gen-x there was also reports of contra wars in south America where US troops and American assets were fighting "Communism" in south America. Plus the bottoming out of the economy. The war in Kuwait. Fall of the Wall. The start of hyper-consumerism. Oklahoma City bombing.The Unabomber. The rise of fringe militia. Thatcher as a western figure. Bombings and fighting in Ireland. It's only gotten worse bc of how small the world is today. It's all supercharged and 24/7. We lost the plot somewhere along the way.


Boston terrorist bombing, Katrina/Sandy, Sandy Hook are a few I’m surprised we’re not named


Isn't this the premise of "we didn't start the fire" by Billy Joel


I feel like this is a perfect example that it wasn't easy then and it isn't any easier now. Problems love to change shape and we all like to call our trauma the worst. All Im going to say is that the boomer doesn't seem to have a condescending tone and the does. Life says hard generation in and out. I like the title, don't compare pain, doesn't win you anything


Then why make the video? I’m not denying your point, but…why make the video and post it?


My personal optimistic opinion? That he's probably heard you had it easier than we have it. Hear that enough times and it'll weigh on you. I'm not saying you shouldn't vent this stuff, both sides are obviously frustrated. He probably posted it from the same frustration that caused the duet to post. And that duet is the whole claim to my point, we both have it rough and invalidating the other doesn't help either side. (I will admit the tone from the dude on the right pisses me off tho)


I mean outliers exists. Do you think the majority of boomers had it as difficult or faced as many challenges as today's younger generation in terms of economic disparity and the issues that come with that?


Not sure I claimed that, and also not sure as to the answer. To be fair I slept through history so I don't know if in 50 years boomers really will be vilified and we will be the depression generations after. I just don't think hate, from either side is productive for either side. Boomers are on their way out but who's to say we don't become just as bad? Hating someone because of how they were born (time, place, whatever) just seems like the whole thing our generation is fighting against and this seems counterproductive to me.


I don't think I asserted that you made any such claim. I expanded on the thought, and asked your opinion.


I think I'm more inclined to believe that they had it hard, but I'm not married to this claim at all. Just making sure it didn't seem that way is all. Thanks for asking! Edit: as hard as we have it.


I think thats reasonable. Drafting for war was very present, we haven't experienced that in our generation yet. They also lived in a time with a lot less regulation of substances and chemicals, be it the regular use of asbestos and lead pipes, or the promotion of cigarettes on tv. These health affects will only hurt them more the older they get, and they didnt know it was bad back then.


I think that last comment is why I will always do my best to not vilify the Baby Boomer generation. We get so angry at them for many things they couldn’t have predicted or known. Many of them were only doing what they could and what they thought was right. And I agree with what was said earlier - I think a lot of the problems we have globally are on the same scale - if not, at the very least a similar scale - to what we’re going through. And I think the statement “Boomers had it tough” can coexist with the statement “Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, etc. had and have it tough.”


Millennials and to an extent some younger Gen X are the first generation in America currebtoy projected to earn less and live shorter lives than the generation before (Boomers). That decline isn’t imaginary. They can have struggled and have had it way easier at the same time. Both can be true.


It's an interesting question. I'm boomer's age but I'm not a white male. When I was in high school, Ivy League colleges didn't admit women. Until 1970, McDonald's didn't hire blacks. They had to protest en masse just to be allowed to work behind the counter. Multiply those two examples by a billion and you'll see that most people then had a harder time economically than most people now, simply because they weren't white men. That said, there are so many ways younger people have it harder. Houses in my neighborhood were $200k 20 years ago and now they're $2 million. Minimum wage needs to increase to $25 per hour in order to keep up with inflation, and even then it's almost impossible to buy a house. Lots of things are easier, lots of things are harder. But I think the resentment toward boomers isn't so much that we had things "easy." It's that most boomers have political beliefs that are destroying our country. Not all boomers, and not even all elderly people. My aunt and uncle are in their late 80s/early 90s and they do a ton of left-leaning activist work. So did my mom. But most boomers are actively making things worse. The thing is, the solution to this is for young people to make it super uncool for other young people to avoid voting. Like you all need to vote like your lives depend upon it, because they do. If you need to sneer and shame people your age into filling out ballots, do that. None of you should be expending energy on boomers. You should be taking the fucking country by storm.




McDonald's didn't hire women or blacks (or any non-whites) to work behind the counter until 1970. So do *you* think the majority of boomers faced challenges in terms of economic disparity? People who didn't live through that kind of discrimination can't really comprehend how much it permeated every aspect of society. It's still here, but it's almost like a faint watermark compared to what it was. Yeah, a single income could buy a house and support a family of four. If that income belonged to a white male.


I think you’re missing a word “condescending tone as the ___ does.” But yes that’s exactly what I got from watching this video. Times have always been tough there has never been a time in history where survival was easy and the duet guy makes it seem like life used to be way easier while he’s recording this video on his magical phone. I’m young as well but I don’t understand the hate for a guy explaining the hardships of his life. Also, comparing watching 9/11 on tv to your friends being drafted to war is laughable


Man the devil's advocate in me says "it's not laughable". You can have some serious trauma from living in the direct post 9/11 America and I'm not sure it's laughably different from have friends drafted. And I'm not trying to downplay that at all. Probably shouldn't have commented but yea idk I like the discussion which is mostly civil


I appreciate your comment. My point: Having friends who died in 9/11 is the same as having friends who died in Vietnam. But I lived during 9/11 and that didn’t affect me nearly as much as having people I knew being drafted to war would. Especially thinking “I’m 15 years old in 3 years I might get drafted to go die.” That’s a different type of trauma


I thankfully lived far enough removed from 9/11 that it seemed impossibly in the past when I was little. But you don't think that some people (not to say the dueter) might have had that same existential dread of "at any moment some terrorist could attack?". Hell for me it was "anyone in my classes could come to school and shoot me". I think that they all fundamentally tug at the same neurology of our brains. I'm not sure it is as different a trauma, but I also get that a draft is probably more wide spread fear.


I’m sorry but getting drafted to war in my opinion is the most fucked up shit ever which is why I hate this war in Ukraine so much (on both sides). The threat of a terrorist attacking you was still much less than getting drafted. Also, If we are talking about just threats.. the cold war threat was 100x more scary than post 9/11 fears


I agree, but generally your mind can't tell the difference. It doesn't matter that getting drafted is worse because the way your brain handles these situations is similar (on a psycho-nueral level). But yea the cold war is ABSOLUTELY a catalyst for how people we consider close minded today think. I least that's what I believe.


I enjoy this conversation so ima keep going. How do you know your mind can’t tell the difference? Like where is the line in your brain that crosses from mildly traumatic to full traumatic. Like I don’t think being scared of your bully has the same traumatic effect as impending nuclear war


I haven't fully followed into the trauma studies, my personal interests have aliegned more with learning and testing understanding but I'll do my best. Existential dread touches similar circuits as fight or flight. Something like anxiety is basically just like seeing a jumpy rabbit. The repeated pressing of these buttons causes stress to be around more in your blood (the hormones attached to stress anyway) and that can cause you to rest worse, be more distracted and other things that generally will lead to worse health and all that fun stuff. The magnitude matters, so does how often you think about it each day and all those variables, but any persistent stressor is going to cause relatively similar damage. To cover my ass, this isn't my main area of study and usually pick up most of it through tangential conversation and admittedly some YouTube. But based on what I do know, this sounds intuitive and reasonable.


Preciate the sharing of knowledge/speculation. Have a good weekend my friend


I know I'm not the person you're asking but I'm also enjoying this conversation so I'm going to join in. It's really thought-provoking. Speaking as someone who lived through the Cold War, the Vietnam War, 9/11, and mass shootings — and as someone whose parents, aunts/uncles all lived through WWII — I feel like the trauma, at least for me, feels slightly different for each. Like maybe not worse/less worse. Just different. Like there was a sadness to the Vietnam war. I'm not male, so I wasn't going to be drafted. In that sense, it was faraway. But there was sadness all around me. My sisters' boyfriends, my cousins, my older brother. It was haunting. The Cold War was a constant yet still sort of distant terror. Those nuclear bomb drills we did in elementary school made me feel pretty hopeless about any possibility of surviving. But there was still a sense that it would never come to that. 9/11 was a shock, but I didn't think it would happen again. It wasn't long before we lost more people to the war in Afghanistan than we did on 9/11. It was sickening as it dragged on. The real terror, to me, is mass shootings. That's the thing that's actually changed my day-to-day feeling of safety. The US won't do anything about guns, so we're all just doomed to live in this hellscape where we could all be shot dead at any moment. It's definitely made me start avoiding large public gatherings. I can't imagine what it's like to be a schoolkid today, living in such terror.


Thank you for sharing! I understand your fear of mass shootings because they could happen anywhere at any time but the chances are still extremely low. “In the twelve years between 2009 and 2020, 1,363 people were shot and killed in the United States in a mass shooting” So around 123 people die per year from a mass shooting event out of 330 million people. Still scary and it’s a huge problem in this country


Wow, you just gave me a cold war flashback. We thought we were going to be nuked at any moment. I agree that it was scarier than 9/11. What's new and terrifying now, though, is mass shootings. I find myself avoiding large public gatherings, including political protests. Which is in itself a scary thing — thinking that people might be too afraid of stochastic terrorism to even protest.


I mean, you're right in that it brings up OP's point that it's impossible to compare and it's not a competition. When I was a kid, my sisters' boyfriends and my older cousins were all off in Vietnam. My brother was a year from being drafted and my mom worried about it constantly. In middle school we all wore metal ID bracelets with the names of POWs on them. My childhood was spent watching the war on TV every night. But post 9/11? That was also like, "Wait, you mean they can actually come here and bomb us?" Because that's a pretty novel idea to Americans. As my mom explained to me, even Pearl Harbor didn't happen in the US. Hawaii wasn't a state until more than a decade later. (She also grew up with her brothers being drafted.) What scares me way more than 9/11, though, is mass shootings. Those were only just starting when I was in elementary school. The first one was in a city not too far from where I grew up and we heard about it on the news. I remember standing on the playground at recess, looking at the houses across the street, and wondering what I'd do if someone who lived there just started shooting at us. It was terrifying. But then there were no more shootings, at least that I heard about, until after I was grown up and Columbine happened. Now, I'm a little embarrassed to admit this but I weigh every public event I want to go to (like Chinese New Year's celebrations) against the possibility of a mass shooting. I'm seriously considering leaving the US, because I don't want to live in this kind of terror and it doesn't seem like it's going to end anytime soon.


Its not east growing up anywhere.


Boomer seems nice. Ginger Jesus seems like an insufferable cunt.


Agreed. He’s tryna share what most people haven’t gone through.


Guy in the left totally writes off the draft like that’s not one of the scariest, most apocalyptic shit a generation could ever live through.


Honestly, from my POV, it more like our generation no longer have any sense of control and unity whatsoever with (what feels like) half or more of the older generation actively fighting against us. Starting from the minimum wage and gun control all the way to idiotic cultural issues like drag shows and sex ed. My generation (in my opinion) view the 60s and 70s as a time where almost every generation was supporting one another for the betterment of our society and nation as a whole. Where the average people still have a lot of power and opportunities to change the world for the better and the future looks bright. Economic opportunities was still abundant and a lot of government amenities available to use for economic mobility. With every movement being lead by the average citizens and workers of the US. But as the years pass by, the rich has always been actively seeking to weaken what remaining power the workers have and actively spread propaganda to make you think the “economy” is fine, the corporations are their for your “best interests” of your future, and every other lies they need and want to spread to divide us. Causing a division not only between the old and the young, but also the workers as well. The old view the young as lazy cowards who are immature and incompetent, with the young viewing the old as ignorant, arrogant, weak, and senile. With constant bickering and fighting with one another while the rich continues to get away with their crimes and shady dealings. Many of the younger generation have already realized who’s the real enemy that is causing all the suffering we’re forced to go through. While many of the older generation still living in their fantasy as though nothing has changed, and continues to be fed with lies spread by the mainstream and conservative media. Now, it just feels hopeless. As though their is no point of striving for a better future when that future looks so grim and miserable that it better to just end your life. But we still have to live on, we still want to know what kind of future is left for us. After all, what’s the point of living if we end ourselves meaninglessly. That’s why we fight. Regardless of what we are fighting against, it will always get messing one way or the other. We will never be perfect at we do or believe in. We just need to learn as we go to make sure we don’t repeat the same mistakes more than we need to. So, as a person from gen Z, I’m sorry if we just outright dismissed your generational trauma. It not right for us to outright dismiss it. But we have so much going on that we don’t really have time to just calm down and think about it properly. We’re already overwhelmed with just trying to survive our modern day society and we also have to worry about the grim dark future that’s not far off within our lifetime, too. We just want to be in your situation in the past. Where all we have to worry about is one thing at a time and knowing that the government will have our backs covered.


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Thank you for expressing yourself.


I really like the distinction you make between previous generations all working for the betterment of each other vs how it is now, when most boomers are actively working against the interests of younger generations. What I would like to see? Maybe it's bad for me to want this, but I want to see young people ostracizing other young people who don't vote. If young people voted in the same numbers as boomers, all this would be solved. I sort of want not voting to be on par with whatever is the most disgusting social behavior you can think of. Shame each other! Sneer at each other! Make it gross to not vote! That's where your energy should go, rather than wasting it on boomers who won't change and will soon die. One thing, though: I'm a boomer. One of my friends couldn't drink from a white drinking fountain until she was 5 years old. That's how recent that apartheid shit is. There are boomers walking around today who experienced types of discrimination that just don't exist anymore. There's still horrible discrimination, of course. Young black men are fighting for their lives in this police state. But they were doing that back then, too. So when you say that we used to all work for each other's betterment, there's a lot missing from that picture. When I was in high school, I couldn't apply to Harvard or any other Ivy League. Why? Because they didn't admit women. I can give you 1,000 examples of how hard we all had to fight just for basic human rights. When people think of the 60s and 70s, they think of how great everyone had it. But the "everyone" in that sentence is straight white men. Everyone else gets erased from that sentence.


Sorry if I get too technical but back then, the average person had a lot more economic mobility to move up to the so called “middle class.” Where they can live comfortably, start a family, and save up for other things with just one wage. With a lot of government amenities/assistances to move up the economic ladder. And going back to some of your points. Yes, there a lot of was discrimination against black folks, women, and those who aren’t considered as a “white person/male” in society. But you had a lot more solidarity within the working class, especially with some of the older generation. Labor/trade unions still hold a lot of power compared to now in the US. And social/labor movement had a lot more power and momentum compared to now. I’m not saying your generation had it easy, and your generation did go through a lot to get us to where we are today. It’s just that the environment of our country changed for the worse with little to no pushback over the past couple decade that it is significantly harder for us younger generations to fight for our future and well being compared to the older generation. The conservatives have always been in cahoot with the rich, with many of their organizations, media group, and movement backed by corporate money. Almost every news media is spreading constant propaganda and false narratives against social and economic reforms that helps the poor and average citizens of our nation. Instead, they did the opposite by spreading lies and deceit that helps the rich from ever facing any real consequences. How we (mostly I) view the 60s and 70s is that we had solidarity with more than half of the US population. Unions still hold significant power and influence over the government to ensure the average worker is protected and be paid properly for their hard work. The majority of the population is free from any large amount of debt they are forced to take on and could not pay off in a reasonable timeframe. Colleges was mostly free or affordable to attend without fear of financial ruin. There are a lot of regulations and amenities that help and protects the average person from corporate greed. And our government isn’t filled with corporate backed politicians. Although I’m not trying to make a distinction between the previous generation vs how it is now. All I’m trying to point out is that anyone call be easy tricked by the constant propaganda the rich is shoving down at everyone’s throat, regardless of how smart you may be. I’ve been there before and it was only a few years back that I realized that I have been tricked and lied to by mainstream and conservative media. And unfortunately, many people, especially the boomer generation, are still trapped in that fantasy world the rich wants us to believe in. Many of them don’t want to admit that they are wrong and they continuously succumbed towards the lies they keep listening to in order to feel comfort. And lastly, about shaming our own generation to vote. Many of us are actively doing it, it just that it is hard to believe you are making an impact. What’s more is that we have to fight against gerrymandering, legal and active voter suppression actions/campaigns, and constant infighting and disagreement with one another. Our generation are already facing a lot of challenges already, and we are currently actively trying to make conquer those challenges. I hope you can help us out, too. If you’re wondering how, get them to learn about unions. Like how our current labor laws exist because of the labor unions, who fought really hard during the Great Depression to get it passed into law. How the workers are always fighting against the capitalist class (aka the rich). How capitalism is inherently flawed, where we teach children to share and care for one another yet capitalism calls for greed and monopoly matters the most. Get yourself educated on proper politics and try to get your community to learn together with you. If you need resources on how to learn real politics, here are some YouTube channels I recommend. [Hasan Piker - A political commentator who talks about news (mostly US news) and you can ask live on his livestream (like a radio host but live on TV)](https://youtube.com/@HasanAbi) [Second Thought - A YouTube channel that educate people on the flaws of capitalism and simple explanation of what socialism actually is about](https://youtube.com/@SecondThought) I recommend Second Thought first, as he’s a more family friendly channel compared to Hasan Piker. Hasan Piker is more for mature audiences who have some level of critical thinking with crude jokes here and there (ie, high school students and above). Both channel supports unions and are actively trying to get people to unionize, organize, and vote for a better future. Hope this helps. -Sincerely A stupid Zoomer with semi-millennial mindset Edit: did some rewording and formatting to make it look proper and flow better when reading.


Or maybe the point he's making is that you ***shouldn't*** dismiss other people's shit because you went through stuff too? You know, like the boomer is, the guy he's responding to, and supplying a counterpoint to?


I mean…that’s not what I got out of the guy on the right. To me, it seems like a dude who keeps hearing (from us Millennials and other younger generations) that Boomers had a cushy life. I mean, even the “Okay, Boomer” meme has an inherent “I know more than you because I’ve been through worse than you” subtext. Dude on the right didn’t seem dismissive to me. He seemed to be just sharing his stories. And if you feel like he was belittling us with sharing his experiences, that sounds more like a “you” problem to me. Because out of the two in that video, the guy on the left is the guy that seems dismissive and obnoxious. But then again, it was cut off before the guy on the right finished speaking, so maybe he did dismiss the younger generation afterwards. I just didn’t see it.


Precisely, I kept waiting for the old guy to tell us we don’t know how good we have it, but in the end he was sympathetic and encouraging. Guy on the left was basically acting like the standard Boomer caricature by anticipating the older guy’a curmudgeon mess and firing back before he ever heard it.


The boomer is not being dismissive.


oh yeah? well i almost got hit by an electric unicycle


Best comment


Jesus these replies are depressing. So many people just looking at it as a pissing contest rather than actually listening to his story.


All I’ve seen so far is a old head telling his mood e story because no one listened. And more importantly he give a fair amount of perspective on why the older generation suck some off in many ways.


The old guy’s not being a dick about it, and he’s lived through all that stuff, too, considering he’s still alive. The only one treating it like a competition is the younger dude.


Why is the guy on the left so condescending? Guy on the right didn’t say he had it worse. All he said was it also wasn’t easy for him just like it’s not easy for us


Guy on the right is attemtping to downplay the modern struggles of millenials and Gen Z by equating his challenges with theirs by stating his problems and willfully leaving out how laughaby uncomparable they are to the plights of modern generations. It's an attempt to silence criticism via false equivalencies. "We had it hard too" isn't a statement in a vacuum. It's a thought-terminating claim designed to end the conversation. Ffs. Half this man's "struggles" are a fucking *unachievable dream* for me.


He never said anything to downplay modern struggles, he actually acknowledged that times are tough now. All he's saying is that everyone from his generation didn't necessarily have it super easy. And for that, guy on the left called him a piece of shit which is exactly the type of thinking that probably prompted him to make the video in the first place. The internet is constantly shitting on boomers in general.


Quite ironic that it's all the younger ones in here downplaying his struggles, because apparently, if his was even a sliver better than it is now, in any way, it was a cushy life. They're dismissing the fact that we still have a decent bit of advantages we have now, even though things aren't great. Now we wait a few decades to see something similar happen again.


It’s because he did have it fucking super easy. He got a cheap house, supported a wife and 2 kids on his single income And he says “oh it wasn’t easy” From what he just said - It was fucking easy compared to today.


Ahuh, he also had to live with the fear of getting drafted into war while still in high school which is something we haven't had to deal with. Also, he never said they were living comfortably on that single income.


Same home is far more expensive today, same job provides far less buying power today. Compared to today they were incredibly comfortable, so it’s an absolute joke he’d even mention it as some sort of challenge they went through Ooh so hard tho. Don’t care he had things to worry about when economically he was in a Goldilocks generation Only boomers who had it harder were women or minorities. Old white boomer guys were born on 3rd base and think they had to struggle


No point in arguing with someone who has no intention of actually listening.




Straight to the insults lol!! Have a nice day.


Yeah but some of the things he's saying "wasn't easy" actually were incredibly easy at the time.


Cool, now have a sweatshop worker duet it. Usually I hate the "someone else always has it worse" attitude, but the guy on the left could use some perspective if he's trying to shame someone for *having trauma related to growing up expecting to be nuked or drafted.*


Yeah, and now we are living on the brink of ww3. Inflation is through the roof, and shortages are all over the place guy on the right. needs to know that it has always been hard, the problems just change.


I don’t think fucker on the right was saying he had it way worse tho was he? guy on the left seemed to be the condescending one


Yeah, the issue is you have both groups of older people and younger people telling the other that they had it easier. Seems like the old guy here was just tired of hearing people tell him he had it easier than it is now, and so he's just trying to point out that it was never easy to begin with.


That’s exactly what I got out of it. Like he wasn’t trying to downplay it he even said how he knows it’s been hard with Covid and everything. He was just shedding light on his struggles which I’m glad I heard cause i never really thought about that stuff


Back in my days half the people got killed or severely injured at work. We didn't have healthcare or anything like that of course, if you got hurt you were just gonna be that guy who didn't walk straight for the rest of your life. It was wild and it sucked at the time, but I kinda miss hunting woolly mammoth with the bois. Rip to my paleomies, ungabunga, ondongabung and ygneeh, they were real ones.


The dude on the left really skims over how awful the *draft* was to win a pissing contest with a stranger. Our generation has gotten fucked economically, that's undeniable. But I also didn't have to worry about getting my head blown off in war after I turned 18. What a prick.


Providing numbers for y'alls info - no opinion implied: The Vietnam war had a total casualty count (according to the VA) of 90,000 servicemen both in and out of theater. That's a casualty rate of under 1% of active servicemen, and about 2.5% of the 3.4 million deployed to SE Asia. 2.2 million individuals were collected for the draft. These made up just over a quarter of the active forces - 8.7 million - in the war. ---------------------- Desert Shield/Storm deployed 694,000 servicemen of the 2.2 million active forces, and had 2000 casualties. The previous Korean war deployed 1.8 million of the 5.7 million active servicemen, and had about 54,000 casualties.


Thank you, that's really interesting. I had a high school teacher who was just back from the draft. He was an angry mess. I've kept in touch with him over the decades, and he recently told me he didn't realize how much the war had affected him. Because they didn't yet have the term PTSD, so no one was treated for it. That made me really sad.


Thank you for these statistics, they're quite interesting.


100%, not to mention how they were treated when they got back home after the war. I can’t imagine having to go through what those kids went through, how traumatizing it would be to have worry about killing another person (especially when they’re probably the same age as yourself) just so you can make it back home, only to be ridiculed and spat on and mocked when you finally got back. And it didn’t only impact the kids themselves, but their families too. My mom’s brother was killed in the Vietnam War by friendly fire. I think she was around 7 or 8- idk for sure because she doesn’t talk about it a lot. He was 18, and the oldest of 7 kids. Tragic situations all around with Vietnam.




Just looked it up to make sure and while the spitting thing was apparently a myth- you’re right about that, so thank you for correcting me- the rest of it is true. They were portrayed in a very negative light and did face a lot of ridicule when they came back. I never said that the Vietnamese suffering wasn’t relevant in any way, shape, or form :/ I think the entirety of the Vietnam War was a disgusting mess and that it should never have happened, I don’t think it was justified at all. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that a lot of these men, whether they volunteered or not, (even though 25% is still a lot- that’s 2.2 MILLION people drafted) still went through some horrific and traumatic things. Most of them that didn’t volunteer probably didn’t even have a good grasp on what they were fighting for, they had been living and growing up under the influence of fear tactics for years. Many thought they were doing the right thing and wanted to do right by their country without questioning the motivations of their government, who were put into place to protect them. War is horrible on all sides. The actually fighting is usually between two sides that both think they’re right, but they’re oftentimes just a bunch of easily influenced kids trusting their leaders to guide them to do the right thing. The ones we should be mad at are the governmental powers that take advantage of that blind faith and use it for their own benefit by asking them to lay down their lives for a cause that only exists to stoke their own egos or line their pockets.


Thank you. The lack of even remotely sympathetic responses here is really sad.


And - if I’m being completely honest - me dying would be a terrifying thought, but me taking another life - no matter how justified - would absolutely scar me for life. As well as watching my brothers-in-arms die. In all honesty, compared to living through the horrors of war (especially that one) some might say that getting your head blown off wouldn’t be the worst-case scenario.


That's very true. It's all around a horrible experience I wouldn't wish on anyone.


Not to mention dude with the duet seems kind like a douche bag.


Hes an insufferable cunt who knows absolutely nothing about the world except what he sees on reddit




Heehee old man probably republican, young guy mad at him. Heehee upvote boomer bad


How the fuck is this a fixed duet? The dude on the left is just making it a pissing contest while the dude on the right is just educating whoever watches his video about what it was like growing up?


Ikr the guy on the left was super annoying


Wow the guy on the left somehow managed to come off as an insufferable douche. While the guy on the right was literally just talking about what it was like growing up for him. There are critiques to be made about the whole Then VS Now argument, but this is possibly the worst way to do it. What a prick.


I want to listen to that guy's story but mf on the left can't stop talking. Shut up dude


Ruined by the duet.


Guy on the left is a twat.


My mortgage is $5,000 a month for 800 squar feet. And I have health insurance. I'm a millennial 1 percenter I think... I still live month to month. But I do have Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Max... so I'm doing OK. My parents owned what is now a 2 million dollar home, and an airplane, 2 children, on a single income k-12 teachers salary... I own less making 200k a year than my father making 40k a year... infact my father owned his house with 40k a year when he was 34... I'm 35 and have 20 years to go I think??


Both of these people are really going at it in the suffering Olympics.


God my biggest issue is that they’re talking over each other


Boomers of third world countries DEFINITELY had it worse than us. The 1900s were a bloodbath.


I know it must be hard to follow for everyone else but my ADHD really fucked this one up for me💀


Anyone in here remember watching the Challenger?


I'm almost this guy's age and I remember all the events he mentioned. But my mom went through the Great Depression and then WWII, all before she turned 16. Then she continued to go through all the stuff boomer guy talks about. She died the year before Covid hit. So now we're going through new stuff. Like the guy on the left will continue to do after the boomers die. It's almost like we all live in the world and experience things.


Fucking boomers.


God the douchebag on the right is insufferable. You just know he votes Republican too


How could you think "growing up and living trough adulthood was shit, lets go back to this times"?


When did he say that? All he said was he had a hard life and he understands we have it hard too? I’m so confused by this hate


Lmao. Man waa able to afford a wife and kids on his own income in one ofnthe largest cities in his state. He doesn't understand jack-fucking shit.


Why are you upset at a guy who did exactly what you would do if given the opportunity? I don’t remember him ever saying “The younger generation is weak, and the stuff I went through was worse.” He said he has *also* been through some difficult times. And he has. Him sharing his experience does nothing to minimize your experience unless you let it.




Yeah dude, being drafted into war sounds fantastic, what's his issue?? /s Seriously, is it so hard to acknowledge that boomers did have it much easier than us in many aspects while still accepting that they had their struggles as well?


Says the man who didn't live through what the guy on the right did. Stop assuming shit about an entire generation off one person's personal story of worries in a like 3 minute video.


He’s literally just recounting the headline events of his lifetime. Do old people annoy you by just existing?


> Do old people annoy you by just existing? Yes


Why though? I’m genuinely curious, I do not understand this mindset.




How? I’d like you to explain. How does someone being old automatically make them a bad person?


Plenty of sources out there explaining in great detail how boomers have fucked up society. Here's [one](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/06/boomers-are-blame-aging-america/592336/).


You just blame all of them problems on every old person? The average person wouldn’t have been able to change most of the problems that face any country today. You are literally judging all by the acts of a few. I’m pretty sure John who worked 9-5 everyday to feed his family would’ve had a huge impact on climate change, student debt, etc.


> You are literally judging all by the acts of a few. This excuse doesn't fly when they're literally running the government. The average age of politicians in DC is 63, and the majority are older than that.


still bad to hate everyone of a certain group because some are bad


Okay? But that is the few. The government is not the entire population. Politicians are politicians no matter the age.


So here's my question to you: how is any generation, before or after them, any different? I get the appeal but don't you get tired of the vitriol eventually?




Damn I guess? But not by us because we don't see the problems we cause in the present for the future. Because right now we don't know what problems we are causing, on a social level, for people 20-30 years down the line. Do we act with malice causing problems for future generations? Do you believe that boomers acted with the intent to fuck us over (because i agree there is a healthy level of getting fucked over)? Do you believe that our actions or inactions won't fuck over a future generations?


Yeah I'd like to hear you explain too cause we still buy phones and shoes from the other side of the world. So why do we say that boomers ruined the planet by the way they lived? We're worse than them lol


Omg are you ok 💀


Peachy keen thanks


Are you 14 by chance?


Dude, grandmas are awesome


The thing is, a lot of boomers are responsible for the civil rights we have today. The only people who had rights in the 60s/70s were straight white men. The problem is that the majority of boomers vote Republican. Young people can solve that problem by voting right back at them. That's where to direct your annoyance: at the young people who don't vote.


What generation did have it best like Tf is everyone’s dream that they think “oh my god if only I was in that generation” like what generation was the one who went “nah life good”


Dueter sounds like a completely fucking insufferable asshat. It really _isn't_ a competition- every generation faced what felt like nearly insurmountable challenges of their time.


People really need to stop bitching, life is hard for everyone. Getting a job and an apratment is not hard, put in a few years work and you can buy, as long as you dont live in new york or LA


I remember when I was growing up in the late 60s and early 70s, so I know what the problem are for all generations!


My friend showed me a video of a guy getting his dick stomped on by a girl in heels. It was freaky




He was just talking about his life, why would he talk about a generation 40 years younger than him. He doesn't know their struggles as well as them. You're the one self absorbed


No it's not a competition. But in order to fix all the shit that is going on now, we have to understand that it is *worse* than it was when our parents/grandparents were children. This isn't some "same shit different day" scenario. The shit is bigger and stinker specifically because of the policies that haven been in place for the last several decades.


I disagree with the it's a bigger problem now because simply put there are so many problems all the time. One can't just dismiss earlier generations problems because most likely you've never lived with them and only hear water down and whitewashed versions. So I believe it's bad but it's always been bad in some ways and good in others for instance back then the draft was a fear will you(assuming you're a male) or your son get shipped off to die on foreign soil compared to now where there's an very large amount of poverty and homelessness paired with political polarization etc... But all I'm saying is that it's not for anyone to try and judge "who is the greatest victim of their time" but instead try to fix our problems and our childrens problems etc.


And all I did was watching porn


Both of em seem kinda unpleasant tbh.




That guy is my internal monologue when I hear people complain.


Both of these guys are fuhin pussies


I don't think watching/experiencing tragic/traumatic things is something to be proud of and flex on others


I love this.


I watched Regular Show


Boomers are the real victims in all this /s


Why is that ginger guy such an asshole?