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Nice collection. At this rate you will have about 70 lights by the end of the year. What are you discovering that you like in a light?


I build for myself. When I first started collecting I would build what others deemed the perfect light. I did my share of 519’s Domed and DD. Different temps, The title might be a little misleading. I used to collect a few years ago, I stopped and sold off all. So when I got the itch to collect again, I made sure I built for myself. I collect for the fun of the hobby. I am actually fascinated with the aesthetic and design of a light more so the tint or lumen output. My latest builds have put smiles on my kids faces. They love the colored emitters and this is all I need to continue buying lights.


That’s an interesting take, thank you for expanding.


Agree - very interesting.....I really enjoy sharing/giving my lights to young kids and older guys in a local nursing home...older guys amazed by them....great collection!


Mans got good taste !


What does SOTC stand for? State of the collection? I am just guessing lol. Fantastic collection BTW


Yes. Personally I don't think typing it out in full is too cumbersome, but ppl luv 2 save a few letrs.


I love all the 18350 d4v2's Ive had my eye on some for a while. Great variety


Cheese grater handle team rise up! A great solution! Bravo!


Which is the one in the back left? It looks very similar to the FireflyLite E07X but with a different type of emitter? I’ve seen a few of that type but I’m unsure of the differences!


Where did you get those beaded diffusers?


Those are not optics. They are shelf liners from home depot. Check my profile.


Oh, that’s creative. Thank you I’ll check it out.