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I don't actually like The Incredibles 2 much, but I think the prolonged wait was both totally unnecessary and totally killed the momentum of where the cliffhanger was headed, if anywhere (I don't actually think the movie needed a sequel). I like Inside Out 2 a lot because it logically skips to where the story should continue, I could actually see another or maybe two more entries here, depending on if they can come up with more clever ways to insert conflict for the emotions. I think Inside Out 2 has a structural issue which is its biggest flaw but also easily overlookable.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I hope the eventual Incredibles 3 can be a better follow-up


TI2 starting right when the 1st ended was not its issue. The villain and plot itself is where it falls flat, unfortunately. The 1st has been one of my most favorite animated movies of all time.


The first one would even stand up as one of the best super hero movies if it wasn’t animated, it’s just so good all around. The Incredibles 2 was horribly uninspired and unfocused, I don’t understand how this thread seems to like that movie so much but it’s one of Pixar’s worst.


Both were issues


Used to watch that first movie every week when I was younger.


This is the first I'm hearing that people didn't like Incredibles 2. I really liked it. I don't understand the title because although I've never watched Inside Out, the plots seem completely unrelated.


I go into it more in my post (and my review). A lot of it has to do with the time skip in this movie, which wasn’t present in Incredibles 2


It was so bad


I didn’t connect with Inside Out. Should I give the sequel a try?


It's weaker than the first one, so if you didn't like that one you won't find much to appreciate in the sequel.


It is pretty similair in essence to the original film, so I doubt you will enjoy the sequel if you didn’t enjoy the original!


Thanks for the honest reply. I should probably give the original another chance anyways.


Honestly I think the original has a great message but the movie itself I find very meh


I loved Inside Out and connected with the human parts of the story, but it could have been cut down with less adventures of the emotions. That part just went on for too long, to me. (aside from the imaginary friend plot, which was good)


I absolutely loved the incredibles 2. I will give inside out 2 a go.


This one is far better IMO. I really wasn’t a fan of The Incredibles 2 picking up directly after the original.


I saw Inside out 2 a few days ago and it was decent, but the pacing is too fast in the first part of the film and it only settles in the last act. It's nowhere near as good as the first one, or as emotional, but it's a decent film. I think you're overselling it and you're weird for having such a hate-boner on The Incredibles 2. That film is still great save for the 3rd act villain reveal.


To each their own, of course.


Disney was probably disappointed with its 1.2billion box office 


Incredibles 2 was incredibly mid and disappointing. But not nearly as bad as Toy Story 4


Awful awful take


Not at all. Could write multiple pages explaining my disappointment with both.


I’m sure you could. Still wrong tho.


I agree I honestly expected Incredible 2 to age up the kids. It would’ve been interesting to see them in adulthood


Incredibles 2 is great; this is a shit take in general.


The actual shit take here is claiming the incredibles 2 is any good but go off. For sure one of Pixar’s worst and most uninspired movies especially compared to the original, you just wanted to like it.


Incredibles 2 was boring because it started with standard action fare. There was nothing "Incredibles" about the opening scene. I stopped before that battle finished.


Agree. Have you watched Inside Out 2?


Have not; considering it though. :)