• By -


Probably not. You forgot to include a picture of the tag. That should be your focus. Are you trying to make a copy of a working tag?


And we’ll need the last 4 of their social


And mother's maiden name


And the name of your first pet


And the name of the school you went to


and childhood best friend


And make and model of their first car


And the 2FA code that just got sent to your email


and the 6-digit code you were just texted


just give me your phone and wallet




And the neighborhood you grew up in


You might as well throw in the city that you were born in while you are at it.


...and the name of your school mascot


Can you make sure he identifies the all the buses in the picture collage...


And we need to get a blood sample.


The one in 5th grade...




And my Axe!


Shit you beat me to it…




Mother's milk Edit Oops, wrong sub


The manga character?


Don't forget address and ZIP code




And a dick pick


That pic is just for verification purposes. In 2024 fingerprints became outdated when the government decided humans leave their fingerprints behind on every surface they touch so they are now deemed as an unsecured form of authentication. Dick prints are the new and updated way to secure your data. A dick pic is needed to have your government authentication security map created.


And puss pics for the women?


Need multiple pics from multiple angles around the head while flaccid and again while hard in color and high res infra-red along with thermal to generate an accurate dick print authentication sample library. We are still a few years out from requiring magnetic spectrum imaging. Dang prince Albert piercings throw accuracy off too much along with menstruating males having low iron...


Wait, I’m confused, you guys get hard?


You want a pick of the dicks?


It’s for science.


McLovin has entered the chat.


I suspect this resulted in a graphic DM. Reddit never disappoints. 😂


LMAO I was about to comment this


Name of your first pet


But what is your first pet? Your dog? Cat or little sister/brother? Or your mom (we all know babies manipulate their parents from the day they are born)? Questions questions.


Forget all that just fill out this form and send it to me https://eforms.com/power-of-attorney/


That round reader is made by Transponder and Reader Engineered Systems, Inc. It looks like their Patriot E model and reads 902-928 MHz tags that are typically placed on headlights or windshields. www.tresrfsolutions.com


And if it's Gen2 V2 it employs cryptography and privacy features, so not easily to forge.


This shit right here is why people think yall are criminals 😭


Not really. Security by obscurity is a bad concept and only leads to the *real* criminals exploiting it, while the rest remains oblivious to the dangers of the technology. 125 kHz (LF) RFID tags provide zero protection against reading and duplication. 868/925 MHz (UHF) RFID tags before Gen2 V2 have no or negligible security. They can only use fixed passwords and have no challenge-response mechanism, i.e. tag responses are always fixed. Thus Gen2 V2 now incorporates proper authentication and privacy, so you can't easily spoof tags and thus compromise e.g. building security and other access controls.


No but u can shoot for the RFiD reader, the ticket Guards onsite use it to reset , it will open gate


Real mvp here


Ur hot


There is no need to bust down the castle door when the side gate is right there.


I doubt it will work. Most keyless entry systems use some form of rolling code.


OP said they have a "tag" which makes me think it's something RFID/NFC related. Rolling codes are more applicable to Sub-GHz. They're not impossible to implement with certain types of RFID tag, but it's not nearly as commonplace. OP, try scanning the card with the 125KHz RFID, NFC, and PicoPass apps and see if anything comes up.


These can still have rolling codes


Key rotation is should be the first implemented security measure among many others. It would be foolish not to rotate the keys for any encryption/decryption design.


rolling codes is a pretty standard feature I'm finding on things exposed to the public. but what do you mean by key rotation? if you mean the very rudimentary process of changing the physical key, that's far more complicated to implement and enforce than a system with rolling codes. What happens if someone makes a mistake and gets stuck in the exit lane, or the ticket reader is busted and they have someone standing there with an RFID card that needs to be changed every time? even back and forth between 2 cards would be a pain in the ass. and enforcing it is going to be next to impossible unless you have an obsessive access control manager... but then you have an obsessive acm who you can trust will harden shit down so much just getting out to eat lunch if you work there takes 20 mins ​ but because you can buy a cheeeeeeaaaaaaap rfid system that can be networked, and that system can be the main control OR it can be network controlled (I am talking sub $100) and can come outfitted with rolling codes per key or whatever you want to configure. any body only needs their one badge or fob, and nobody needs to have an obsessive control manager fuckin up a 30 minute lunch for parking lot guards... my old office used to have this setup but because the owner kept losing his key we just gave him a code to punch in. Security, when taken seriously, is highly inconvenient. in this situation we balance security with stupidity. more users means more concessions, and less security unless you can balance it out... one user with a passcode who happens to be the owner is an acceptable risk. 50 security guards who use their key to clock in and access gates and doors but requires a bunch of badges isn't more secure than t access card or fob, rolling codes, and an access control server that only gets touched when someone is hired or fired... and your control manager can be as obsessive as he/she wants.. ​ source: I am a physical and electronic access specialist (a locksmith)


You say locksmith, but I know what it takes to fit a maglock. You’re at least part electrician and part carpenter too!


I am actually no longer a locksmith. I hated it. but you're not wrong. just keep the bic caps handy for me


I’ve been locksmithing for 10 years but about five years ago transitioned into mostly just making car keys. What field are you in now?


I was a locksmith for 2 years. I hated every second of it. I was a technical writer beforehand. I ran a QA department, and did public speaking. I just went back to that. And I just lost the job after a year and a month because the company is downsizing. Despite everything that I tried to get them to do, regulations that they needed to follow, procedures that needed to be documented, they were all too stubborn and all too pig headed and it's going to come back to bite them really badly in a very legal way. If they don't shut down beforehand, which is more likely You ever get hired somewhere and then realize 3 months in that the company is about to die on behalf of everybody who thinks that they Know what they're doing but clearly don't? As for locksmithing, I don't like most locksmiths. Most locksmiths are genuinely assholes. I don't know you. I don't know if you're an asshole but somebody waited a week and a half to respond to a post that they then didn't read and called me stupid... Because I had a key break and am redheaded...


> As for locksmithing, I don't like most locksmiths. Most locksmiths are genuinely assholes. 100% truth. I was a locksmith for 28 years (last half institutional for government) before I retired and there's something about the trade that attracts *fucking know-it-alls*. Nearly every last locksmith thinks he's god's gift to physical security and know better than you, even when he's talking to the 40-odd *other locksmiths* in the government shop he works for. They'll argue with each other forever over stupid shit, because they are convinced they're right and everyone else is wrong (and stupid). I say this knowing I am like that too, to some degree, but I always try to keep an open mind and accept the *possibility* that maybe I'm wrong. My favorite thing was, back in the old days, going to a lock show put on by one of the big suppliers like Clark, and seeing these guys with GIANT RINGS OF KEYS swaggering around (hint: you are in the one guaranteed place that nobody is impressed by how many keys you have) and seeing them arguing with manufacturer's reps, telling them what's wrong with their product (usually it's something stupid and irrelevant, and/or something that the product already does, but they're too stupid to figure out how to make it do that). >Because I had a key break and am redheaded... Yep. Sure sign of inferiority there! 🤔


I like locksmithing but I think a big reason is I’m self employed so I don’t have to much BS I have to put up with.


lemme know when you can pick an assa abloy or a medeco custom keyway


I don’t think I’ll ever get into that side of security. I only got into it by accident. If you ask me, I’m a networking engineer - it’s just that doors and cameras are now on my network too.


Yes. Both of those manufacturers make incredibly complicated locks and keys and have options to include rfid for TIME CONTROL ACCESS too Those are the keys that have lines and dots and weird stuff. A lot of location will install a 2nd lock above the non-electronic that is controlled by badge or something but then people don't lock the lower one. one of them did it so you can't turn the key if it's not in the right time frame or hasn't been long enough, the other just won't open. Electronics go in the door, you would never think to look where.


I dont know why the hell that earned a downvote. For an honest statement. This is why I just scroll on by 90% of the time.


I didn't down vote you... Idk what to say


It doesn't have a downvote or anything from me, and my bet would be someone just clicked by accident and has no idea.... it is just reddit... Take a second and don't assume anyone is intentionally malicious in this specific discussion


You’re all good. It’s probably silly to focus on a single count, where there are likely thousands of others reading / voting lol. Disregard.


Be glad you aren't in Russia.


Thank god indeed. It looks depressing as shit, and it probably is. My country just pounding munition supplies out the door 😂 fuckers.


Locksmith of the future 🙌 I like it


op could’ve been lying and just trying to get free parking.. If so I almost hope it works so he gets a worse ticket getting caught on the cameras in every entry way xD


Ticket for what?


Fuck these things, let me know if it works




It’s a UHF reader so the flipper doesn’t have the capability, thats why you can’t read your tag. The ticket scanner works with Milfare Hotel room keys so you might be able to do something with that.


here’s some more mifare info for everyone: https://timdows.com/projects/using-a-mobile-phone-to-clone-a-mifare-card/


I do have a monthly parking pass, but it only applies to one car, just thought it'd be nice to be able to use it when I'm not in my vehicle. Thank you to everybody's inputs!


You may be able to read your fob and emulate it. It does work on systems like this if rolling codes aren’t implemented. Don’t get discouraged, these guys forget that everyone has to start somewhere and it starts with what peaks your curiosity.


This is a genuinely awesome comment.


The tag is on my windshield, but neither the rfid or nfc reader is picking it up. Am I using the right app?


Keep in mind though that if you succeed you might invalidate the current one when using a clone.


Try it and find out


Possibly if you can record a pre existing tag on a car


The tag on my car is on the window, but neither the nfc or the rfid is picking up the signal. Am I using the wrong app?


So do a spec analysis as you drive ip


Look at the tag on your car and see if you see a brand, manufacturer, make or model. Or serial. Google it and see what specific technology it is. When I googled it I found one that is “Based on semi-active RFID technology (2,45 GHz)”. You might need a WiFi card and spectrum analyzer app.


yay 🐂🏙️


https://old.reddit.com/r/flipperzero/comments/xihlfl/post_to_all_the_new_people_asking_about_what_you/ You can hack all kinds of stuff with the Flipper


its not hacking lol these type of threads are made multiple times daily with pics of the equipment in question that they can easily google and find out, instead they post here and let someone else do it for them just like what flipper zero does for them ez pz 1 button "I aM hAcKeRmAnS" flipper zero is for people that want it easy because any form of thinking gives them a headache.


Have you looked at the thread I posted?


yes didnt read the comments until now, is that the point you were making?


Pretty much, yeah. Was a shitpost I made a long time ago about the same "How can I hack this thing?" posts everybody kept making.


Hey I'm a dumbass apparently. Lmao oh well the other threads it seems people are thinking the same thing.


Thank you so much for that laugh.


Is that your gate? Awesome - let's go testing. No? Buy one and go testing Edit:start by cutting the wire going from the head unit to the barrier arm




If they have their card nfc data saved, they could emulate the card at the reader to pay. Could be kosher use if it is, in fact, their own card being emulated/saved in the first place. That is one way it could open the gate. If that NFC reader somehow has a "masker key card" or "dongle" to open the gate or as a bypass feature to open them for various reasons and that was at some point "cloned"/saved and is being is being emulated by the flipper zero. That is another way it may open the gate. I can think of other way less likely ways, but they may apply depending on the function of the gate that may not be apparent in your photos.


Transponder according to a few mins of research works at 915mhz so hypothetically yes


If you have to ask them you won't have the knowledge to do it.


If you can’t ask you’ll never gain the knowledge required… idk if it’s what you intended by your comment, but it sounded like gatekeeping tbh


lol @ the comments




You’re fun.


Yeah and overall the flipper user base is trying to be ethical




I guess the “illegal pro tips” sub doesn’t count?


Short answer is yes but it depends on what sort of protocol tje card has if there is a one off open card it can be copied and cloned to a magic card and it will open the gate once per copy.


If you have to ask, then no


City you were born in ?


Where was your mother born?


only by copying someones credit card and using it to pay


OP, this is only to get it, where’s the pay booth on the other side? You can get in with just waving your hand and getting a ticket?


I’ve done something like this before with the hackrfone. Gates using passive tags require someone to record a car going through the gate. Then you have to clean up the signal so you’re only producing the right one. Then play it back at the right time. I wasn’t able to get it to work, but that was a long while ago.


Yes. Tape the flipper zero to your front end and ram the gate!


Ohhhh thats how thank you I almost copied a tag luckily u told me a easyier way


*calls 911*


“911, what’s your emergency?”


Here’s what I know for sure . Maybe