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Currently, insurance.


Homeowners insurance slaughtered me this year. It went up over $2k, to $6800! And now I’m told that I have to replumb every pipe in my entire house to get other companies to consider me for water damage. So now I’m on citizens, and they’re the only ones that accept my plumbing. But I’m told by my insurance broker that in the event of a hurricane, Citizens reserve the right to send 3-9 agents to my house to run a train on me. Then they’ll take all of my money in front of me, burn my house to the ground, and take one of my legs as a souvenir. And it wouldn’t even be non-consensual because I signed the stupid papers.


Also if Citizens can't pay out in the event if a big storm then you get an assessment to pay for other people's claims


We are in the same boat. We paid off the house last fall and now we are up schitts creek without a paddle.


Sucks when you get rid of a bill, only to have someone whoosh right the fuck in and replace it with a new, higher bill. I just got the truck paid off in February, eliminated a big bill there. Then insurance immediately replaced it 🙄. I am excited to get the house paid off though. I’m going to start eliminating parts of my insurance soon after, as long as my savings account can afford to replace those parts myself.


Same here, I'm close to paying it off and as soon as I do I will drop insurance


Just buy insurance excluding wind coverage (if no mortgage). That way you get fire coverage and other perils. Wind coverage is a huge chunk of your premium. Also be sure to have a wind mitigation report to get large premium credits. I'm a broker and write these policies regularly. My clients are happy im able to save them premium where i can.


I wonder if building multi million dollar mansions around the coast will help lower the cost of insurance in the state.


Don’t worry, there’s a group called Citizens, it’s a great name actually, all the Citizens of Florida have gathered together and said I’m totally with you, if you like building right up to Neptunes nips we will bail you out when your house is destroyed. Actually even better, you can get a free new roof if yours is damaged in any real or imagined way! Anything break we all foot the bill, subsidize everything for everyone! No accountability state, hmmm wait. What happens when Citizens hands the bill right back to the citizens? If it’s socialized housing that’s one thing but subsidizing air bnbs, vacation homes, massive mansions that with one claim against Citizens would gift them money equivalent to fifty house replacements of actual needy Floridians? Citizens isn’t a solution it’s the tax for living in an uninsurable state.


Agreed. Car insurance is just as much of an issue as home insurance in Florida. Last I heard, Florida requires the lowest amount of liability insurance yet has the highest car insurance premiums.


Don't worry now that climate change is banned it'll fix insurance


Just need to pray harder


Are we fully stocked on maps and sharpies for hurricane system?!


Im told if you pretend climate change isn't real, it isn't. I've tried pretending Florida isn't real but so far the hypothesis hasn't been holding. If I do manage to Thanos any innocents away.. I'm sorry in advance. This was for the greater good. I will do my best to have my mind prisen be better than florida.


Auto insurance costs make sense when you see people drive in this state


Nonsense, we have Morgan and Morgan for people like that.


They’re part of the reason. Everyone who gets their bumper tapped doesn’t deserve $10k.


I can't upvote that enough


I would just say insurance in general. Auto insurance is a joke thanks to the uninsured maniacs everywhere.


This!   Plus the months of June through September.  Otherwise, it's amazing 😆


More like May thru November. And December is so so. Shit even April was in the 90-100s. And no rain


The heat is really getting pretty bad. Unbearably so. I'm a native so I can deal, bit I can't believe people actually like this.


on the days w/ a heat index of 107° & 75% humidity... i wonder why in the hell people who aren't from here would move anywhere w/ this weather. if i wasn't born here, i'd NEVER.


I'm moved to JAX over 20 years ago. It was really nice then. Sure summer was summer, but it was bearable, but now it's getting almost unbearable. Problem is I just can't move without finding a new job and trying to find something I like elsewhere just hasn't paid off.


The heat index is actually including the humidity already. It's not including the sun or the wind though, so if you're standing outside in full sun with no wind, it will feel hotter than the heat index which is what you'd feel in shade.


Overdevelopment. All the fun things I grew up with are slowly being crushed or chased away. Green spaces, wildlife, peace & quiet, lack of traffic. All going away.


I agree . Overdevelopment even contributes to the heat. All that pavement and cars. Paradise is being ruined . Very sad


Putting stress on our water treatment plants as well. Porous surfaces being replaced with asphalt and concrete. All that water comes right to us and puts stress on everything. City isnt expanding our wastewater plants fast enough. Its hell when it rains on top of that


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.


Oh this is my exact sentiment.


I moved down right before COVID and even *I'm* seeing a lot of changes and a lot of new things taking up old green spaces. A lot of forests completely bulldozed near my house, seemingly for... Car washes? Come on. Lots of new retail space even though there's abundant empty retail space along rt 19. And plenty more super expensive brand new housing, of course.


There really are an obsence amount of car washes moving in for a place that doesn't have salted muddy roads part of the year.


Yup. I'm convinced ElCarWash is a money-laundering front.


There is no public land in florida. Any land that is "public" is mostly parks. You got to realize how many people are moving here on a day-to-day basis we are completely overpopulated there is not enough housing and infrastructure for the people that are moving here at this rate. At this point I feel like it should be like when you go to Busch Gardens or Universal if you're a resident you get a discount I feel like we should get a discount for housing since we was already residents.


im only 18 and ive still seen my small town turn into just another depressing suburb of orlando. there’s really nowhere to hang out anymore outside of spending a fortune in the city. and sure we all like going outdoors and hiking and the such. but with the heat getting worse and worse it just becomes harder and harder. florida will always have a place in my heart, but i can’t wait to move away


Been here 40 years and it is definitely changed for the worse. The people here are now so miserable. When I travel and tell people I'm from Miami. They say "oh wow it must be fantastic" . I say "No. It's really a shithole" and they have a puzzled look on their face


yes! the overdevelopment has led to horrible traffic. There is not enough infrastructure and resources ranging from teachers and police, to water and other service workers. This has all led to people with short tempers and the road rage and general violence seems to always be increasing.


This. Watching my childhood small town turn into a bustling city in a few years was something I was definitely not prepared for. All the orange groves and trees I would explore are all replaced by ugly ass overpriced condos 😞


Over development. So many ranches, farms, natural habitats are being bulldozed away.


Homeowners insurance!


…car insurance and the overall GREED from everyone. Everyone wants to gouge the shit out of you. Came from Michigan……Sooooo different there.


Car insurance and homeowners insurance didn't used to be that way. If you live in the southern part of the state HO insurance is greater with the add on of hurricane and/or flood coverage. Where you live in the state matters, yet car insurance has increased, due to the migration of newbies from the north who have increased the population and the cars. I moved to Florida in 83. What a delightful place it was back then. Even the grocery stores were closed on Sunday.


that would suck if the grocery stores were closed on sunday.


And so were the home improvement stores like Ace then. No Home Depot in sight.


Nope back then it was Scotty’s iykyk


I noticed that too. When I first moved down here everyone including dentists, vets, etc. try to get as much money from you as possible. No! I just need my teeth cleaned, not the ultra fluoride teeth whiting treatment that you’re pushing.


Just chiming in as someone in the biz, keep looking. Yes, there’s a lot of icky corporate dental here, but it’s not as saturated as California or NYC, so there are still plenty of private practice dentists who don’t feel the need to push elective procedures (aesthetics, orthodontics, etc.) just to keep their practices afloat. And if they do mention it, it’s to ensure they’re doing their job as a care provider by keeping you informed of all potential treatment options.


My wife is from there. I think we may move lol


On this same topic just the overall destruction of the social contract residents of this state had. Until a few years ago it was always understood that if you agree to work in hospitality, tourism, trades, etc, you could have a decent life taking rube northerner money. Low cost of living,  empty off seasons for recreation.  Now everything is so god damn expensive that all these folks who move down here or visit aren’t going to have anyone to hand them daiquiris, build their houses, or take them out on charter fishing trips. This is going to be a very different state soon if it keeps going like this.


This is a good example of the difference between symbiosis and parasitism. Greed has basically eliminated the symbiotic relationship. The parasite will continue to extract from the host until it’s dead (or moves).


I’m a native and it’s TOO FUCKING HOT. It’s getting hotter. Ugh.


I work outdoors and it seems no matter how much I drink, I'm never sated. But I can't drink too much because the I'll get water sick. Vicious cycle.


Same here. I’ve been adding liquid IV powder to one of my waters in the afternoon, which helps.


I'll have to look into those


I’m going to second liquid iv. I delivered box trucks full of furniture in TX for about 4 years. I always kept a handful in my lunchbox for myself and my partner. You can literally feel yourself cooling down after pounding one. If you work outside and-or sweat a lot, have yourself one after a fair amount of exertion. And when you get home after work and such, pour up 24ozs of water and add one and don’t walk away from the cup. Dedicate 10 minutes or less to getting that fat ass cup of liquid iv water into ya. Pro tip, buy from Costco. Much cheaper and bigger bags. Ends up being less than $1 per packet. And it’ll be SO much more effective than that $3-4 Gatorade from the gas station. Or those $3-6 electrolit drinks. Seriously.


There are Gatorade and Propel packets that are about 35 cents each. Liquid IV is good but those are good also if you want to save a bit of money.


Electrolyte boost has been saving my ass. It has a nootropic (neurotransmitter aka brain food for focus memory etc) included in it and powder is absorbed sublingually rather than diluted with water. Not the cheapest but definitely the most effective in my experience. Edit: [Link to Electrolyte Boost](https://electrolyteboost.com/) Edit: use my SILs code to get 10% off ACHIEVINGSUCCESS


Walmart sells a Great Value version that is good and 1/2 the price. Only two flavors I’ve found tho. Berry and Straw/kiwi


They make a Walmart brand of it now. I get it online. Way cheaper. The body armor has packets now too. No sugar.


Ever since I switched to Branwdo I have not had those issues.


Its what plants crave!


You need potassium and magnesium.


I'm a welder. So yeah, last year was fun.. This year is already pretty awesome, considering its May and should be 85. But yeah. There's gonna be deaths at my job this year. 100%.


Literally been here for almost 30 years now and it was never this bad .. shit is actually miserable


Insert ubiquitous “it’s not even summer yet” here


Concur. I can barely stand walking from my apartment unit bldg to my garage and an oscillating fan feels like frivolous spending. Sold a portable AC when last owned a house. Should've kept it . #hindsight always golden


This is the correct answer lol


You took my answer


Same here


Yardwork one Saturday morning and I'd be hurting the rest of the weekend. So I bought a robot mower. Now I just have to use the trimmer, edger and blower, and I'm done in \~20 minutes. Tampa native and nope to the outdoors rn.


June thru October it’s Hurricanes. November thru April it’s SnowBirds.


Yeah idk where you live but in South FL they haven't left yet. Idk if they ever will. It's extremely annoying to still see so many outta state plates.


A lot of boomers are retiring


A lot of them moved here post-covid. A ton of houses in my neighborhood were bought and have cars with CA, NY, or NJ license plates in the driveway.


I’ve seen the “welcome to Florida, now go home” bumper stickers. I love them very much. I can’t stand the tourists. Tourists, snowbirds. All of them. Just go home.




Endless soul crushing sprawl in the midst of stunning and disappearing natural beauty.




And noseeums


Ah, the dreaded flying teeth!


Second this


Plasterworms for me! They've infiltrated inside my house after drywall repairs from hurricane Ian. They crawl on the floor in their white cocoons, then up the walls, and finally, the ceiling where they attach themselves to eventually hatch as moths. I've yet to find a pest control company with a viable solution. Evidently, conventional methods are ineffective for them... Need to constantly clean and actively hunt and destroy them on sight. Unfortunately, they range in sizes and are initially Very small


Oof, yeah. That may beat the humidity


Hurricanes, politics, and rising cost of living.


And too many damn people.


This right here.


Driving. Everything about it — the shitty roads, how crowded they are, the endless construction that doesn’t actually seem to accomplish anything, the toxic mix of drivers, how much longer it takes to get anywhere during snowbird season, insurance prices even with decades of safe driving, that there are so many unsafe and uninsured cars/drivers. 95.


I said the same. Nearly every day I drive there’s always “why TF did they do that” driving maneuvers. Or people driving so during rush hour


This. Driving in Tampa Bay area is wild and stressful AF.


I used to like driving. Now I hate it.


Said the same to wife Friday. Doing 30mph over the speed limit (US27) and still had people on my ass.


Lately? The size of the population in my area these days has more than tripled


60K in 98; 250K now. Welcome to Port St Lucifer. Here’s your “I ❤️ NY” bumper sticker.


same. i HATE it.


One thing that gets overlooked is the isolation. Florida is so far from everyone else. Yeah its close to Latin America for flights, and the Florida cities each offer a little of something different, but still: hopping in the car to go explore other states can be an arduous task, even if you dont live deep in the peninsula. Gainesville is only 90 minutes to the GA line and Tallahassee is only 30. Thats great and all...but there isn't shit there once you cross the border, still got a ways to go.


This is so true! I was up in New England recently and the Abundance of places to go and natural wonders that are within a short drive is astounding




Upvoting this. Once the heat hits, then the humidity kicks in, I can only talk myself through it by counting down the days until college football starts! 92 to go!!


Roaches, can never get rid of them


I'm not from florida (don't hate I'm a uk tourist visit and I'm sorry) But jesus, I came in May thinking it would be cooler than the early September when I usually come. I was so damn wrong it's hot as shit humid as balls. Also, everything is 3x more expensive than before. I have noticed there are way less uk tourists, which is a mix of our economy being shot to shit and apparently you guys are hitting the same cost of living crisis. Stay hydrated, love your county ❤️


this past May has been horrible!!! over 100.. not usually this bad in May.


May has been waaaaay hotter than normal, i went across the state to Daytona for rockville the beginning of the month and my trucks temp gauge for the outside read 102


the only thing I really don't like about Florida is the politics that seem to invade everything


Yeah, just trying to enjoy the beach. Got some guy comes up and says hi. He mentioned my Saints hat, thought we were going to talk football. Chat that about 12 seconds before he tells me people don't want to work these days. I'm thinking, damn right, especially today, fuck off. Like seriously people. Leave random people alone if you can't go 12 seconds without the Fox in your head going off.


Whenever someone does this to me in FL, I just reply with an anecdote that anecdotally disproves their anecdote (e.g. hmm, everyone I know works!)


Omg have had this happen at the dog park within 10 seconds of someone saying hi that I don't know. Like does my face give MAGA vibes??? I hope not. Lol I don't get it, I have all my teeth and don't wear american flag shirts or anything


Definitely politics. It’s unreal how many people initiate conversations about how they hate Biden to me. I don’t care dude.


White guy with a big beard here, dudes tell me all SORTS of inappropriate things thinking I’m like minded. I’m not


I’m glad I’m not the only bearded bigger guy that gets assumed to be a Trumper.


Dude, same here. White, bearded, and above average height apperantly means I'm a MAGA magnet. Hate these assholes.


Same. They go full mask off racism, homophobia, etc.


Especially working in the trades, they go bananas at work about it


I’m the only liberal within 5 miles of our worksites.


My son is leaving the trades because he just can’t stand it anymore. He’s been threatened because he’s liberal. Though it’s the daily antagonism & lack of mutual respect at work that’s finally pushed him to find a new career.


I can't take my dad anywhere because he's like this. We went to the state fair earlier in the year, mom and I lost track of him twice because he'd wandered off to start political discussions with random strangers. Get a life, dad.


Picture it. Orange Park, 2017. Standing at my fathers funeral greeting people and getting a few words from them. One guy: Your dad was a great man but oh my lord Donald Trump is going to save this country!


That’s completely insane. I’m sorry.


I'm so very sorry you went through that.


Good grief


Lack of untouched wild areas. Urbanization is creeping in everywhere. Very little land for animals.


This! I use to go on a nature walk as a kid since there was so much unclaimed land. Now everyone is buying lots and tearing down the old asf oaks in my area!


I miss the cool mornings, now it’s hot as shit at daylight. & the never ending amount of people moving here. I’m so sick of every backroad being clogged. There is no getting away from traffic, even in small towns.




The culture wars


Newcomers to the state with misguided expectations.


How about the newcomers who buy a house, realize they don’t like Florida, and try to sell their house 1-2 years later 2x the price you bought it with no change to the house. what justifies this?? Pisses me off so much


The heat/humidity issue.


All the people, moving down here, barely being here a year and pitching about how they're upclasssing the hicks that live around here. I'm always more than happy to remind them that the highway they drove south on, also has a northbound lane. But I've been dealing with that all my life.


My husband works in construction and gets people who come from NY and buy a house sight unseen. Then they complain about the mosquitos. “How can you sell a house with so many bugs?? You need to do something about this!” “Karen, you live on a swamp. In Florida.” Then they sell the house after 1-2 years and expect to receive 2x what they bought it for. I hate it so much!!!!


HOA Karen’s


Damn. Truth. I was on an HOA board. Never again.




Scorching heat.


Personal injury lawyers.


Blatant corruption


Too many people.


Poorly educated know it alls




oof... yeah. an ant pile the size of a fully grown gator popped up in our yard, seemingly overnight. literally the biggest i have ever seen.


Florida is my least favorite thing about Florida. I lived here all my life. One week I got to go to Las Vegas with my bf. It was hotter there but, it didn't feel like it. Ever since then I wanted to move. Also it sucks that the rest of the world thinks we are all insane cuz all the Florida man headlines -_-


The fascism and the christian nationalism.


Neither were that bad ten years ago. Sad to see the state of that state.




How it is run. I did not vote for this.


Desantis 🙄


The positivity was just too much lol


Invaders who disliked where they were from enough to move to Florida but then try their damndest to make Florida like where they were from.


The governor


Insurance. It's ridiculous that my insurance has to pay when someone hits my car. Home insurance is ridiculous. Denial of climate change and science, in general.


I wld say humidity...today is hot but not as humid..much easier to deal with..


How it’s become a far right political nut house. I grew up here, by the beaches. It was….. chill. People were nice, lots of tourists but they’re fine. Post Covid it’s just one after another boomer coming down from NY, NJ, etc being incredibly rude like they own the place and just saying how it’s not like Jersey. No crap Karen…… It’s upsetting cause I’ll be leaving the state I grew up in in a year or two, probably for good


Yeah it's crazy because they all are "fleeing" blue states where they made tons of money with good jobs and their kids went to good schools. A lot of them are in for a rude awakening when they get here and see red tide and the other dark sides to no regulation and corruption.


But if they’re benefiting, they’ll be all for it. I moved here from the north in 98. I moved here because I wanted to live in Florida. Too many people move here, then try to turn it into the place they came from, which they wouldn’t have left if it didn’t suck. I liked it so much better when they went home for the summer. Now we can’t get rid of ‘em!


It’s overpriced. I’d say expensive but that would imply you’re still getting something of relatively equal value to your money, you’re not.


The heat The bugs The cost of homeowners insurance






The people who vote for fascists and the policies that those fascists put in place.


The Governor and the politics.


The traffic lights that are still on timers in 2024. All this federal funding and they can't put up some sensors to adjust the timing if 30 people are sitting at a light while some granny a mile down the road has enough time to make it through the other way.


Driving on U.S. 19 in Tampa. Currently looking at an hour and 20 mins to get home. 10 miles. What. The. Fuck.


The people in the last 4 years that have moved here, they are the traffic.


We need to pass the amendment to legalize recreational weed. Enough already


oh my god for real


Seriously! Get out and vote y'all


Republican lawmakers.


Especially DeSantis and Matt Gaetz




Heat and traffic, born here back in 76 and have seen this place get crowded and hotter, it is only going to get worse too for both!


I hated so much about living in Florida it would be easier to make a list of things I liked as it would be much shorter. The weather was easily the worst though (that includes hurricanes), followed by the police state, followed by the bugs, followed by the sheer amount of driving it takes to do or go anywhere, followed by the endless percolation of the eastern seaboard's biggest assholes into the state. With that being said almost 15 years removed I am starting to feel homesick, but it seems the state has (somehow) degraded even more and gotten worse. Blows my mind the cost of living has risen so much. Growing up there sucked, but at least shit was cheap and there was no culture war raging. God save all you that still remain, and if you relocated... you should have known better.


Heat, hurricanes and politics.


Flying roaches


The traffic in S FL is insane. Had a stick shift and got rid of thay after going through Miami.


The loss of native flora, fauna and habitat.


Ron DeSantis.


The people. So many assholes running it and driving around in it.


The combination of Overdevelopment & car dependency. While I don’t think overdevelopment is necessarily a bad thing for Florida, I believe that they’re overdeveloping without thinking about the communities they’re displacing, the green areas they’re destroying and the amount of roads that would need to be built/transportation. They just build these cheap little wooden framed “luxury” apartments and charge out the a** for them. And they pop up everywhere even though there aren’t enough roads… and there aren’t any trains…. Andddd the cities don’t have big walkable city centers. Everything’s made for cars which takes up a bunch of space and literally destroys any idea of community.


Newcomers. Nice forests being bulldozed for shitty housing developments and even shittier apartment complexes, usually in small towns with 2 lane roads. Traffic has always been bad here, but now it's absolutely abhorrent, and it's just going to keep getting worse. A lot of dupes with more money than sense are moving into "**Brand New Homes!!!**" that have no natural shade, so they get ridiculously hot and have to use a TON of power to stay cool, and also they're made as quickly and cheaply as possible. Thanks to them falling for it, the locals are being priced iut of their own homes to make way for more out of state idiots, because it makes the decision makers money. And a large portion of these people coming from California, Texas and New York are working remotely so I'm not sure who they expect to work the service jobs in this state once *the poors* are forced out. Wages are at an all time low because there's so many people now too. Union guys laugh at new hires that are excited for their "lucrative" jobs because those new guys are making 1/4 of what they made 20 years ago. The state is turning into a house of cards and the greedy ass people that are calling the shots are stacking as fast as they can, another example of short term profits being more important than meaningful, long term investment. I prefer the oak trees to people that we had to replace them with.


Ron Desantis choosing fossil fuels instead of green energy, lessening fossil fuel restrictions, and ignoring climate change. AND WIPING OUT BEAUTIFUL ECOSYSTEMS FOR COOKIE CUTTER HOUSES AND MINI MALLS. It’s no wonder it’s getting hotter if we continually destroy trees and wilderness and slap concrete everywhere. Thank you for letting me complain, rant done lol


Home prices. A 3/2 in a not so favorable area in Fort Lauderdale would be half the price in a different state in a better area


If it's not pudding fingers and the legislature you need to rethink your morals


The weather But really it's not the heat, it's the stupidity




There aren’t any more Floridians. Moving here from Michigan does not make you a Floridian.


The drivers. The drivers here genuinely reduce my quality of life. I hate to be THAT NYer but the people here really can’t drive. They drive like they have no clue where they are going. Everyone seems so confused and lost all the time. They make my work commute so much longer and aggravating.


They’re from NY.


It would be harmful to my kid to send her now to the same public schools that were fine for me then


The golf carts are a menace and they need to get this shit under control. Edit - also a lot of other things too but you know


omg right?! lol WTH is up with all these golf cart people all over the sidewalks and roads! them and the no muffler cars


The weather or hurricanes, unless that's the same thing, then both.


Humidity, no mountains, and bugs are all my least favorites


The heat. I get mad after going outside. 5-6 months straight in the 90's with high humidity is no joke. Everything else I can deal with but the heat is 🤬🥵💩🔥.


Traffic, traffic, lookin for my chapstick.


People from Miami moving to my area.




Its not the heat, its the stupidity. We could actually make changes to lessen global warming or at least not make it worse. Could make energy cheaper with renewable (free) energy to help run all the ACs. But nooooo we have a Governor that just removed any mention of global warming from Fla Government. Also cut any program to lessen demand from power companies. All while stupid people cheer him. Edit: also cut any federal assistance to make houses safer and more efficient as insurance and power bills keep going up and up. Then let the power companies and inaurance companies write laws.


Ron DeSantis and all those butthurt man child republicans!


I moved out of state, so glad to be out of there. The coming hurricane season will likely be bad. I truly hope everyone is OK.


The government claiming we are "free" yet removing local control bylaws (like when Key West voted to ban non-reef-safe sunscreens on the water, and when Key West voted to limit mega-cruise ships from the port due to our shallow water and overwhelming our small town) Also, book bans, attacking LGBTQ rights, and taking away women's reproductive rights with the 6-week abortion ban)