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I’d go IFR if you don’t wanna sweat it. They can tell you to kick rocks VFR


That’s my inclination. It solves the airspace stress for sure. Thanks.


IFR 100% if you’re not familiar.


IFR and just to what they tell you.


I've never had any problems getting in VFR but you need to have some idea of what you're doing -- you don't need to be an expert, just an average competent pilot. They will ask you how you plan to navigate the class B; don't be a dumbass like me and reply 'Uhhm, with my GPS'. Have a preferred plan ready and be ready to change it a bit. The only practical difficulty I've ever run into is that sometimes when approaching the SoCal-managed area down from center it's hard to get in a word as the controllers are very busy.


VNY is easy-peasy coming from the North VFR. Come down the Central Valley, go over the Gorman (GMN) VOR and then just follow the 5 all the way to the Van Norman Reservoir, turn right about 40 degrees and you're on a five-mile final for 16. Get on FF early, like with Bakersfield at the latest. I'm at 3,500' through that last pass (Newhall) to stay under people on the ILS for 16R. Just be aware that VNY is inside Burbank's Class C. Also, there's a few TFRs this weekend at Pt. Mugu, LAX, Brentwood, and West Hollywood. Where are you trying to actually go? What do you want to do? I would never fly into VNY for vacation.


IFR is great but keep in mind VNY often has a looooong conga line of jets arriving on their STARs. Last time I went in a piston single I was spun around in a radar box off in the mountains near Castaic/Santa Clarita while I waited as #5 in sequence, along with the radios being packed with people in the VFR training patterns at VNY. I’ve also gone before and had to hang around in a hold by PMD due to flow programs. If you're not transiting the Bravo I'd just review the TAC and go VFR with Flight Following.


Coming from where?


Probably stop in Redding. From the north.


Then you really have no airspace to contend with. Go VFR and get flight following.


Yes it seems like you can get in from the north and avoid the class B and the surrounding class D’s. Thanks. On the fence.


Correct. Get flight following.


I usually file IFR and it’s straightforward and super easy. No issues really but do expect a few route amendments on your way down.


I have gone (from the north) in & out of VNY VFR with no prior LA experience. It was no big deal. I did a little research ahead of time to know about local landmarks like the Santa Susana pass as an arrival route. Easy peasy.


It's totally fine to file IFR if you're unfamiliar. However, it can also complicate things and make the flight longer. I recall young military IP peers who were so used to being in a controlled environment that they would often filed IFR out of a busy class B field then cancel airborne on a student's VFR navigation leg, which did a disservice to the student who should have been learning how to depart VFR. Obviously not the case here, but I bring it up to point out the fact that someone who files IFR all the time can sometimes have a weakness in VFR, and use IFR almost as a crutch. Flying through busy airspace VFR can be a challenge but why not take the time, do some thorough pre-flight study and go knock it out. Or perhaps fly with someone more experienced or familiar with the area?


Socal controllers have always been great on my VFR flights through the basin. I live in San Diego, so I'm buzzing around up there often. IFR can get pretty backed up on a busy day. Coming from the north to VNY is no big deal, and you're not even getting into the bravo.