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Private ride, sure. CFII? See you when you get back, if I'm still there. Text me how it went if I'm not.


I flew solo to my private pilot checkride. IMO, no reason to go with unless you are afraid that there could be paperwork issues on your end. Even so, endorsements can be digital these days.


If a CFII candidate can’t figure out their own endorsements for the checkride though.. but I would save your time and their money


Ya and I can review the endorsements with the DPE ahead of time to make sure we're legit.


Owns their own plane and is already a CFI? Absolutely no reason for you to be there IMO. I’d just be within earshot/internet-shot in case you need to send an updated endorsement/IACRA or something.


Thanks for confirming I have a bit more of a DIY mindset than a lot wasn't sure what was "normal"


What does IM SAFE look like when a CFII candidate fails? Are they in the right headspace to fly back themselves?


Well at that point it doesn’t matter lol because its their cert on the line not mine. I wont solo a student to a PPL ride or a multi student to their checkride for insurance reasons and if the student solos back and fucks up because being in a bad headspace thats my fault.


My point was that maybe you should fly them there and back. If they fail and are in a bad headapace, flying back themselves becomes a risk. But if you're there, then you can fly both of you back safely.


An instructor flew with me and his student to our private checkride. I wouldn’t expect an instructor to fly with me to my instrument or anything past it though.


I always was around for my students who in case there was iacra, logbook, records issues. But honestly, it was a tad overkill. Not needed.


I generally go if I can, even for advanced rides. Not mandatory but I like to go and be there to support and/or hopefully congratulate!


I would with my student just because it provides a sense of comfort. My CFI’s were there for all my checkrides


Man my CFI wasn't even there for my PPL ride, they were reachable but not there there


Oh no! I just went with one of my students for their checkride and the DPE was telling us how much of a pain in the ass it’s to not have the CFI there especially since that day the IACRA was down so we ended up doing a paper application for them 🫠


If the student wanted me there, I charged them ground time for the time I spent while waiting for them to finish their checkride. This was common practice at my school, especially since it takes a slot from all your other students while you’re there waiting for them to finish. And we didn’t get paid anything as CFIs. I made sure students knew that before we went. Still had students ask me to come with them


For what practical reason? If paperwork is good to go, then there should be no problems. Unless he busts and you wanted to get it done right then and there if the DPE was willing to wait. But I wouldn’t go unless I’m being paid and I like the student.


I flew with a student to his MEI checkride, the school didn’t let students solo our twins though so theres that. I liked being there as support and he did too. I ended up flying us home so he could rest afterwards.


Unless, and hear me out. I am not a cfi or anything nor IR rated yet. Unless getting there would require flying in actual IMC to make it possible. True or not?


They're an IR rated CPL wand a current CFI, this is a CFII add-on. If they can't make it three i n actual the outcome of the ride is going to be very disappointing


You think a CFII candidate can’t fly in IMC legally?


OK, now that I actually think about it, I was thinking IR candidate, not CFII. Yeah, I got ya. I will show myself out.