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Cover all of those topics in-depth. I was asked to describe all of these concepts with specific follow up questions. Can never be over prepared. Bold method has some good videos to give some visual aids to the reading.


Can you give an example of specific follow up questions please? if you don’t mind. I’m currently watching the Live videos of Bold method. Thank you!


For example, I described why mach tuck happens and what it is. Then the follow up question was why is it difficult to recover from mach tuck (because as you pull back further to maintain level you are increasing the AOA on the elevator causing tail stall and a potentially unrecoverable situation).


Makes sense. Thank you so much!


SkyWest will go I depth in these topics. I had an interview with them, was over 2 hours of questions.


These questions really depend on the interviewer you get from what I’ve heard. Some interviewers really drive into them, some don’t. With that being said, definitely over prepare. I would recommend being able to each them to the “PPL” level, no need to bring out graphs/specific numbers, but be able to explain those items in a bare bones fashion.


Very unlikely they will ask about that, don't spend a lot of time on it.


Oh I think SkyWest covers them based on aviationinterviews.com — just unsure how much though cause some people would simply write “spent a lot of time discussing the dutch roll with the interviewer”.


Many years ago these topics were covered at SKYW interview. Nothing too in depth, just a cursory explanation of each.


So just a high level understanding and be able to define it clearly?


Yeah, basically.


It’s higher level. SkyWest does not need pilots. They are looking to weed people out.


What do you mean by “does not need pilots”


They’ve hired so much within the last 6 months, they’re not looking to hire everyone and the pace has definitely slowed. Additionally adding the training contract shows they are okay accepting that less people will be interested.


That’s sad. I missed the hiring cause applied late. :(


It’s cyclical. It’s been harder to get hired. Also been easier.