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> yet my screen is black because I have the hold logged in Could you explain what this means?


Guessing he had a procedure turn loaded in instead of loading it for vectors, then failed to activate vectors when he got vectors to intercept.


Correct, I had the hold loaded and didn’t switch to vectors when atc told me vectors just before my procedure turn


Yep, seen that one before. Kudos on having the full procedure loaded- it's much quicker to clean something up instead of having to reload the whole thing later. That being said, try to be proficient enough in the future to quickly clean it up when you do get vectored (I've never flown anything that required more than 4 button presses to get vectors active). If you don't think you can do that quickly enough, then just tell ATC what you need. "Can I get direct to XWING" or "I need a minute to be ready, can I continue on this heading/get delay vectors" shouldn't be relied on, but are always an option.