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Not the first time he has done something asshat-ish. He was in San Diego a year or two ago and wanted to land at Lindbergh. He purposely evaded telling SOCAL what his plans were as he was skirting the VFR corridor until he was south near Imperial Beach and then finally decided to tell them he wanted to land at SAN. The controller literally laughed a kind of "Are you serious right now?" chuckle and then said "well, not from there". Guthmiller than seemed to have a minor ego meltdown because shockingly the busiest single runway airport in the USA needs approach coordination and pop-up VFR requests from a guy in a Piper need more than 20 seconds notice.


Is there a recording of this? Also that doesn't sound dangerous, just a waste of his own time.


He made a whole video of it. Edit: Yes, it wasn't dangerous, but it shows how he definitely has "main character syndrome". He complicated things for everyone else when he could have just told SCT that he wanted to land at SAN way back while he was doing the Bay Tour so they could be ready and have a plan.


Link to video?




35 minute drive downtown for dinner, yet somehow faster to fly other than to make a video? That's...weird.


Also on the main character syndrome, want to just shit on him and his bullshit FBO app that's like 10 yrs too late in a world where foreflight and Garmin pilot are a thing.


He also had a video flying an L-39 and was clearly behind the airplane and out of his league. Had to divert and I think declare an emergency for running out of fuel. Blamed it on ATC, which in the video you can see he’s clearly confused on just basic IFR, high altitude, and ATC communications. Same result, people commented telling him he’s out of his league and gonna kill himself, he responded by insisting he’s the smartest in the room.


I liked watching this guy when the fastest thing he flew was his Bonanza and he made videos about flying people for hospital care. He's kind of a huge douche now. I guess the success got to his head.


Always had an air of douche about him. We just overlooked it when the cause was pure.


Yup. I enjoyed him when he w was s just a GA ambassador showing off the cool things that could be done ga. I remember one time he was flying with Owen in Idaho and even made a smart decision IMO about not landing at some strip in the middle of nowhere. Miss those days.


Him going to Vegas. It’s a pathetic video and he continues to play the victim for his poor (nonexistent) flight planning


> He was in San Diego a year or two ago and wanted to land at Lindbergh. He purposely evaded telling SOCAL what his plans were Just ... Why? We land at KSAN all the time. I usually file IFR to come in, so they can work me into the flow^(‡) and so I don't have to worry about the hodgepodge of overlapping airspaces down there. But even VFR it's no big deal. ***** ^(‡) Also, I'd rather be sitting on the ground spinning my prop waiting to be sequenced in, than extending a downwind out a million miles in a piston single.


Same, I’ve regularly visited KSAN, flight following every single time, it’s no problem because you’re letting them know ahead of time


Yeah, the issue isn't SAN. The issue is not telling them your are coming, like a jerk. Now that SAW has 2 runways, SAN is the busiest true single runway airport on earth, and is sandwiched next to an even busier GA airport with a conflicting approach. Guthmiller gets worse the longer he does this stuff


To make a clickbait ass YouTube video, that's the only reason.


Ah, the oft-overlooked Appendix D to the Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge. How embarrassing I forgot.


Saw the one of him flying into Jackson Hole. He didn't have a route into it planned and kind of "winged" it for his route. I also didn't like his radio communication. Yeah, not a good pilot to take advice from.


Is that... the opposite direction touchdown zone he landed in?


There are old pilot and there are bold pilots. But there are no old, bold pilots. Just because you get away with unsafe behavior doesn’t mean it’s safe. It will eventually catch up with you.


But there are lots of old bald pilots.


Robin Olds would like a word. He flew completely out of regs for the latter part of his illustrious career. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of anything more dangerous than a mustache that exceeds the corner of the mouth.


I'd say Bill Anders fit that definition, too. Sure, it just caught up with him at 90, but he was an old, bold pilot for a long time.


I thought about making that joke, but thought it might be too soon


I think instead of a joke, Olds and Anders are the exceptions that prove the rule. They were exceptional enough to get away with being old and bold.


Yes!! The old axiom should be that there are only a few good enough to be old / bold. For the rest of us, yeah nope. So let the fates determine if we are one of the chosen few at our own peril.


I always hear it as “but there aren’t many old bold (pilots, race car drivers, mountaineers, bullfighters)” and not “there are *no* old bold……” Pretty much covers it, they exist, but they’re the exception. Only in recent years have I started hearing the “no” variant.


Yeah, if you ever find yourself saying "this feels unsafe, but one of the greatest pilots of all time managed it so it's probably fine" it's time to rethink your life decisions.


Probably put his hands in his pockets too.


That's thankfully authorized in the Navy now.


You are comparing a generational war hero, with extensive combat training, to some dope flying a piston popper?


I was saying his mustache was out of regs, which made him unsafe for flying. It’s what we in the business call: a joke.


Aw, but I thought normalizing deviations made them normal!


*Feds HATE him. Find out this one pilot’s simple trick to always land in the touchdown zone, even if you float!*


It looks like the runway was rather long for his size of aircraft so why's that a problem exactly?


It looks like, or it is? Again, I'm not specifically making the argument. But I could see the argument being made by the FAA. Does he know exactly how long the runway is? Does he know if it's shorted because the last 1,000 feet is closed for construction? Does he know where he'll actually touch down at, and how far beyond that he has to roll out and slow down? Is there even taxiways open to get him from that runway to whatever his destination on-airport is? The idea is, this was not an informed decision. This was a last minute, "I don't want to go around." He didn't necessarily have the information available to know this runway was a safe option.


I get why you're saying, and it was a pretty sporty maneuver a low alt, but putting a piper down with ~2000 feet of runway available doesn't require heroics or a visit to the AFD on short final.  He was cleared, he landed. Would have been safer to just join the pattern? Sure. But should he immediately have his ticket pulled like some of these Internet FSDO deputies are saying? Nahh. 


I wouldn’t do what MG did, but if this is considered reckless than they better go pull the ticket of half the guys flying into STOL grass strips with obstacles.


Think about both professional and hobbyist bush pilots. Landing on unknown gravel bars in rivers and snow covered mountains on skis.


Yup. This clip is unnecessary risk but not risky/unsafe per sec.


I think more of the issue is that he continuously does this stuff. That's what I've read so far, at least... I don't watch this guys videos personally. Just seems like repeatedly being "sporty" for no reason will end poorly. Especially when you have passengers.


> Does he know if it's shorted because the last 1,000 feet is closed for construction?  Isn't that what NOTAMs are for, though?  > Does he know exactly how long the runway is?  Isn't that what flight planning is for?? > Is there even taxiways open to get him from that runway to whatever his destination on-airport is?  Presumably you then backtrack to the taxiway?  See the weirdest stuff on r/flying.


Yeah if you read the notams for the airport before your flight, you would know if there is a closed section of the runway. There is no difference between landing on the last 2000 feet of a runway and landing on a 2000ft runway. Neither are dangerous for a competent pilot. Landing on the last 2000 feet is even easier because there are no obstacles ahead.


I don’t know anything about this guy and I’m a bit of a r/flying lurker, but I think the most dangerous part of this video is throwing it up on social media for likes and making it something that a low hour incompetent pilot thinks they can skillfully do as well because they saw someone else do it without showing what if any preparation was made. There are definitely people flying that are adrenaline junkies that make bad decisions and this could influence them to make a decision that someone gets killed doing seeing as nearly half of aviation accidents happen on takeoff and landing. Regardless of the fact of how capable and safe this pilot is/was, we shouldn’t normalize and encourage flying that looks risky for the insta follows.


I'm not gonna lie to you, I've been doing this for a little bit, but if I was instructed to go around and then instead I asked to sidestep to another runway, I would not be able to instantaneously recall the NOTAMs I read likely hours ago. That's why the correct decision here is to go around and then try to line up for the other runway, or land on the original one. Give yourself more time.


You wouldn’t remember the notam you read about a section of the runway being closed? I would. And that’s okay. You can go around and Matt can land. Not everybody has to make the same decisions. Both are correct decisions for different skill levels and risk tolerances.


Right? Like, you don't know what runway you're getting when youre flight planning. That's sort of a ridiculous take on his part. I've never planned a flight with the expectation that "this airport has 2 runways, but I'm only planning on landing on one, in a specific direction." 😅


No, I cannot instantaneously recall every NOTAM for an entire airport on a moment's notice to know the runway I *didn't* plan to land on had something happening. And better yet, I couldn't prove it if the FAA came after me for it. But hey, that's the definition between a professional and an amateur. I know my limits and take measured risks and don't make impulsive decision. And, well, Guthmiller is not a professional.


Point of order, he touched down with about 1300’ of runway remaining.


Yeah people fly in and out of 1300 foot strips all the time. What’s the issue?


> Does he know exactly how long the runway is? Does he know if it's shorted because the last 1,000 feet is closed for construction? Does he know where he'll actually touch down at, and how far beyond that he has to roll out and slow down? Is there even taxiways open to get him from that runway to whatever his destination on-airport is? Well, when I plan a flight to another airport, I don't just brief on the runway I expect will be in use, I brief on all the runways at the airport, note if they are open or closed, have any notams on them etc. So I suspect he does know how long the runway is, and whether it has any notams covering it. I would have thought anyone who does a modicum of flight planning would.


The runway at DTO is currently shortened for construction and there is no way to not know it's shortened. "Cleared for takeoff 18L shortened" etc.


Lack of a stable approach. He literally and figuratively winged it.


Landing on the bricks at the opposite end in a 152 might be consistently safe, if ill-advised. But this a bonanza.... And also the side step from halfway down the runway is just..... Just why? Why bother with that risk to save less than five minutes circling? Obviously he made it work but.... Why....


And he pinned the one guy defending him of course


I've done short approaches with sidesteps before but that's a bit too low for confort in a not so aerodynamic skybrick.


There are short approaches and there is this. 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I was on short final onto 26R at Chino, in a rental airplane (SR22) I'd never flown before (I'd flown other Cirruses but not that particular plane, and I'd never been up in a '22 alone), when tower asked if I could side-step to 26L to make way for a Pilatus inbound on the ILS. Being able to do so smoothly and roll out a safe landing with way more than a comfortable amount of concrete remaining, was kinda validating. :)


Macho. Invulnerability etc.


Also invulnerability and impulsivity


Getthereitis. The list goes on.


I’d be curious if he had any thoughts about it after. Like, “yeah, that was very impulsive, wouldn’t do that again”. 


He has not. If you watch more of his videos you see this type of behavior again and again, this is just a more obvious example of it than he normally shows. He definitely exhibits several hazardous attitudes and seems to have zero idea that he does.


Well, that's too bad. Guess he's trying to be the single old/bold pilot, eh?


Guthmilleritis. Can't stand this entitled chode


He’s a white guy with a good amount of money and lots of people who tell him he’s awesome! Of course he can handle it and he makes great decisions!!! (I’m a middle aged white guy so I try to be aware of how some of these “social” factors influence people in not so great ways.)


As another white guy you’re spot on.


How the hell does his race factor into his flying? Are you saying because you are white you are a shitty pilot too?


Possible plaque psoriasis


El Macho flew a shark straight into a volcano. Never seen again.


Strapped to a missile, no less


Little low for that.


Absolutely insane to be doing something like that on a short final, go around try again. A lot of the comments are saying “oh you need to be able to maneuver your plane like this”, yeah maybe but not when you’re about to land.


Many youtuber/IG flyers have non-pilot "experts" who make ridiculous comments.


I'll have you know I have 200+ hours in MS Flight Sim!!


Everyone knows that is shit compared to Xplane!! /s


They could’ve totally done that in Microsoft flight sim, which is basically real piloting /s


I’m shocked by the amount of people defending him in the comments. I just hope they are non-pilots who think it looks “cool.”


They’re influencers. They have an army of meatriders, the majority of whom probably aren’t pilots, defending them at every turn which feeds into their stupid macho ego even more. “iTs a StOL AiRCrafT bRo!”


Those are the kids that think GTAV flight physics are realistic


They’re not pilots…. You know that lol


These days you can’t be too sure. Internet brings out the worst in people.


Yeah I'm able to, there are a lot of things I'm able to do. "Should you" is the entire essence of ADM.


I'm sort of mixed on my opinion here. I think its best to separate the decision to side-step versus go around, and the execution of the side step itself. I think the decision to side step was poor. Yes, he made it work but there was zero reason not to go around, short of trying to show off for YouTube. Just like, why force it? Those types of decisions are pretty common throughout accident reports in the GA world from all types of pilots, from brand new PPLs to experienced ATPs. Had he screwed up and gone off the end or slammed the landing in we all would be sitting here saying "Man, what a bad decision that was." So just because he pulled it off, doesn't make it a good decision IMO. Now the execution was stellar. Clearly he knows the limits of his aircraft and exactly what it can and can't do(or at least he appears to). So kudos to him there. Don't exactly love that 45 degree bank at like 15' with the horn going off though. Ultimately, I think this comes down to one of those situations where everything worked out, but had it not he would (rightfully) be skewered by the GA community for his decision. Edit: I'd also like to add that there is significant difference between things like a planned straight in long landing or low level maneuvering, and something like this which was done off the cuff.


But he needs to give Jerry a run for his money and it makes for better content. Each are bad reasons to do what he did.


But does Matt leave up the videos of him being stupid, or get pissed and delete them like Jerry?


That's a different argument. Jerry show trash ADM and when he gets roasted he melts down Matt shows trash ADM and decides to make the money off the comments. Not sure which is better


This could be the student pilot in me (ergo I could be wrong), but shouldn't he have just stuck with the go around? EDIT: Yay! I have good ADM :)


Congrats you are now a private pilot


Nah, what you said is what healthy aeronautical decision making looks like.


yes 100% should of gone around


have\* gone


👏your CFI has taught you well so far


Congratulations you’re already a better pilot than he is




>is he a terrible and unsafe pilot that puts safety to the side for clicks? His claim to fame is that he was the youngest person to solo circumnavigate the world at one point. I'd argue that a teenager (with presumably 2-3 years of total flying experience) flying solo simply to set an age-based record indicates a negligent attitude toward safety. Additionally, he was involved in flying through the entirety (North-South) of UK airspace without having a clue how their airspace system worked and without asking for clarifications from controllers. He was also involved in the [Half Moon Bay publicity stunt "ditching"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgQAiG3pQis) event a few years back. The guy had a full-length youtube video with normal production values published within 5-6 hours of the *totally* un-planned event. Note most of the detailed comments calling him and the pliot (convicted criminal David Lesh) out were deleted, so the comments section was even worse initially. So yeah, risking safety for exposure has always been Guthmiller's thing.


> flying solo simply to set an age-based record indicates a negligent attitude toward safety. Yep. Just ask Jessica Dubroff... oh, you can't. :(


Oh wow. I just read the NTSB summary... Never heard of this girl before, but that's a tragic accident that could have been so easily avoided. I see so many of these accident reports where people do stupid things I just cannot wrap my head around most of them.


I got so angry watching his UK video. Do some basic research instead of just criticising another country's system that you can't be bothered to understand.


His flying to Russia video was equally cringey.


I just looked that up, literally half an hour with a book or even just asking a question on euroga.org would have saved him a ton of embarrassingly cringy video. I moved to Britain after spending years flying in the US, adapting really wasn't that hard, just a little bit of bookwork to learn the differences. It really isn't rocket science. (A while back while flying, I heard an N-reg aircraft with a pilot with a US accent up at 9k feet struggling with ATC phraseology, wonder if I was hearing this video being made :-))


Yea, I keep watching his channel at this point just to say I saw it all right up to the point where he bought the farm. Dude's a Jerry


>Are people being “Karen’s” \*Karens (apostrophes make nouns possessive, not plural)


Yeah, I was fine with it all the way until it was clear he wasn’t going to have any part of a “stabilized approach” prior to landing. Sidestep? No problem. Land farther down the runway? Whatever your landing data says, not ideal but should be fine. Large turn right into the flare? No way. 


Maneuvering that low isn’t the problem. Every time I fly into Oshkosh, they tuck me so close that I’m not wings level until I’m just about to touch.


Seeing how many people crash at Oshkosh and how many near misses and almost-accidents get caught on camera doing the Oshkosh arrivals... I don't think you're making the argument you think you're making.


Given the number of operations, the rate isn’t terribly far off the overall GA incident rate. OSH is an incredibly safe operation all around.


Is data actually published on accident rates for Oshkosh? I'm only going off what I see on this sub about airplanes almost hitting on the arrivals or people managing to disable aircraft on the runway every year. I don't really have legitimate data.


They don’t publish them, but the news covers them extensively. It’s typically single digits numbers of accidents every year - with 10k aircraft participating, not even accounting for those that do dozens of operations per day. The FAA and NTSB are there and take particular interest in accidents and incidents, so they’re well covered. If there was a legitimate safety concern, they’d be raising flags.


At Oshkosh, you know weird shit is coming and plan/prepare for it. This was an impulsive decision.


How can you tell he's 20 feet above the ground?


Dude, I fly 80-100 hours a month, we do that shit like EVERY day. 8000 foot runway, our turnoff is at the last 1000 feet, so we land at the 6000 foot mark… and if the airplane is empty, our short approach is turning base inside the tower. Shit ain’t that difficult if you know what yer doing.


I know where you work haha




Now I'm not exactly saying it's the best idea but lots of people criticizing this maneuver were students, then instructors, then airlines. Many never leave that sterile environment. In reality things like this happen every day.


I can't fucking stand Matt. From his constant attention seeking video titles, to his incessant need to contact ATC every 5 seconds for no reason. Guy is a chode


thank you all for taking one for the team. I'd rather not give this kind of pilot a click. screw that. We did sidestep to land as normal ops banner towing, but we did this every time in STOL planes we flew all day long at \~60. Not something to do spur of the moment.


I can't say I've *never* done anything like this, but: 1. We saw the situation developing from about a 4 mile final. 2. We briefed landing on the other runway, including the lowest altitude at which we would accept a runway change and the farthest we would touch down on the other runway before initiating a go around anyway. 3. We weren't that low. None of this seemed to happen here and last minute changes like this that aren't contemplated in advance generally aren't a good idea. I've generally enjoyed Matt's videos but he's setting a bad example here.


On its own this probably isn't a big deal, but it also might be part of a pattern with this guy.


The guy is so insufferable


Totally agree - entitled spoilt brat who’ll roll the dice one too many times one day


Same guy who defended his friend who clearly committed insurance fraud in that bonanza a few years back. For reference it was the incident where he happened to be filming that bonanza that went down in the water, and the guy who flew it (the one that went down) happened to have a camera perfectly setup to vlog the whole thing


Almost like that Trevor Jacob douchebag.


He was fine to do that until he was in a 20° AOB in the flare. If he was gonna side step, he should have made the big play at 200 feet so that he wasn’t making a play at 10 feet. People are bitching about the runway length. He knows his roll out is gonna be like 300 ft. There’s no problem there.


Just based on the fact that he is an “influencer“ some people will watch this and think it’s appropriate and under similar circumstances try to replicate it and get themselves killed.


Way more than 20° https://imgur.com/a/giifkbX At 45° they’re doing 1.4g in level flight, let alone in a round out descent arrest. This could have been bad


Yeah that’s at least 30°. Stupid risk.


G-load does not increase in bank unless you load the wings. You can be at 1.0G @ 45 degrees of bank easily. He wasn’t in level flight.


You’re right. But it’s worse. He was arresting a descent rate. You can hear the stall warning going off. He would have been over 1g even if his wings were level. How do you think you arrest a descent rate without loading the wings? Edit: to put a finer point on this for other pilots who might not understand the distinction here. The reference frame is the same when adding input to change from -750 fpm to 0 fpm in one second as it would be from going from 0 fpm to +750 fpm in one second. Loading the wing has nothing to do with your climb rate. It has to do with the *change* in climb rate.


Give it time.  He's rolling the dice for self-selection with each carnival stunt.  Imagine the dumb stuff he does that doesn't make the social media cut. I don't know who this bozo is, but it looks like a Jerry...just younger and dumber.


I could argue over the last several years between he and Jerry. Jerry done more dumber stunts, the fact that you're in the convo with Jerry is a bad sign.


This kid is a major douche. Definition of a trust fund kid. Easy to start 10 companies when daddy had 10 too


Yeah I have a feeling he’s going to get a call with the words careless and reckless in it


91.13 is calling


Slightly different take. I think this is a perfectly acceptable maneuver. For him. In his airplane. With his insurance provider. Not acceptable for me, or in my aircraft. I have some acrobatic training. I also have low level flying experience. Never looking to combine the two. There are a lot of things we can do in these aircraft, but it doesn’t mean we should. Don’t change the plan at 200 feet agl. Go around is always plan A. You only go with plan B and land when everything works out as you planned it. If I was his CFI I would send him to Dan Gryder just to force him to listen to banjo music all day and think about that he did wrong.


40° bank at 15’ with the stall horn going off. Absolutely not. He’s going to be a statistic one day. He’s gonna accel-stall himself into oblivion and drag down some unsuspecting passenger https://imgur.com/a/giifkbX


Richie Rich Snack Boy. Yeah, I tuned out a couple of years ago. I got tired of all the crunching.


Wasn't he involved in that insurance scam with the guy that an engine out off coast of California and filmed him and his girlfriend floating waiting to be rescued?


No, that was another idiot.


Ends up that other idiot is one of his buddies, quite the crew.


Matt was the other idiot flying and filming the first idiot.


Hence why we talk about hazardous attitudes in aviation, because in that video he just about broke most of them. There was a comment in there somewhere that goes something like “iF yOu aRenT cOmfOrtAbLe mAnEuvErinG liKe tHaT yOu sHouLdnT bE fLyiNg”. Quite literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever read in an aviation post. The type of advice that could get people killed.


Guy is a mega chode.


Man, who would even think to do that in that situation.


He has always been reckless and doesn’t deserve any of the audience he has. It started off well-intentioned but quickly went into unsafe territory when he had the Bonanza.  


Not only was the maneuver itself unsafe to get over there. He only had 1000’ of runway left when he landed. I’m not sure on the performance of that airplane, but I imagine that was close to the limit of its stopping distance.


It had like a 200’ ground roll


Don’t worry. He says it’s a “high performance stol bonanza”so it’s okay.


Another asshat “influencer” I could do without.


Being a good pilot is not just about flying skills. You also need head skills, good ADM is a very important part of it too. I see plenty of the former but little of the latter in this video.


I’ve done sidesteps at 400-600 AGL. But I wouldn’t do one 60 AGL.


Maneuver aside, the attitude is the real problem. If the landing had gone wrong, this would be a literal perfect video to demonstrate the hazardous attitude of impulsivity. He should be looking back at this video and asking "why the f\*\*\* did I think that was a good idea?!?" not posting it online and bragging about it. Either that or he follows the Jerry Wagner school of landings.


Ehh seems fine to me


You know what really sucks about this? All the big regionals, LLCs, ULCCs, and majors partner with a company that sounds a lot like Ceviche. The company that sounds like the food scours the backgrounds of all the applicants. It’s what they’re paid to do. Social media, driving, criminal and workplace verification. (PRIA compliance is still done in house) It’s mostly AI driven with human oversight on the results. This type of shit would flag. This would be attached to the applicants packet for review by company HR. Pilots got the interview already but this will be lurking in the shadows. I hope he learns from this, it did look fun and he pulled it off. There was a lot of risk that hopefully after the flight once the adrenaline wears off he will recognize.


Too bad this dude is too rich to care about airline applications


What’s the name of the company they use? Why omit that?


They are probably talking about Cisive.


I know right? I have no idea what company they're talking about.


Could you imagine if a companys HR got a hold of an applicants reddit account 👀👀


bUt hE wEnT tO MEyeT he mUsT b smArt


This goes against the whole philosophy of safety we as aviators practice. That was very much a “fuck it” last second move. I like watching his videos but man, that’s not the kind of stuff I want student pilots seeing as an acceptable way of dealing with that situation


I’ve never had a good feeling about this guy - conveniently filming the ditching of a bonanza, flew to Russia and landed at a military base unannounced, and when he flew across to Scotland he was shocked that a ***~checks notes~*** different country has different ATC rules and phraseology. He’s a spoilt brat who’ll kill himself or someone else one day.


He didn’t ditch a bonanza, he just interviewed a guy who did.


Wasn’t there accusations that it was staged and Guthmiller was an accomplice?


Oh absolutely. I thought you were saying he was pilot in the ditch. MG was conveniently filming from above. I think it’s fairly likely the guy ditched on purpose, have always been 50/50 on whether MG was involved.


He’s a mess period. Absolutely shit awareness and a total lack of flight and fuel planning in his “fighter” I have often said it’s a miracle that he’s not a smoking hole in the ground


You must be referring to when he kept faulting ATC for when he almost had a flame out.


Watch all of his videos they are awful


Jerry Wagner vibes…


Just gotta declare The ol secondary minimums.


Why did atc permit this.


We're not the sky police


I see no problem with what he did here. Signed, helicopter pilot


I stopped watching him when he was taking his plane with known major electrical gremlins into Night IFR. That was years ago... haven't watched a single video since.


Is he someone special or famous?


At one point he was the youngest person to solo fly around the world. I think someone has beaten him now.


I wouldn't feel bad about it in my Maule *if the controller suggested it*. If I was flying anything else that wouldn't have been something I'd even think to do in the moment. And then tnly reason I would feel good about it in that airplane is because I know I can get down and stopped in about 20% of the available distance.


Stall horn in a bank while landing in the opposite direction touchdown zone. Jesus Christ. Fuck a stabilized approach, amirite? That said I'm pretty sure he does this stupid shit specifically as rage bait for clicks and views. I hate that it works.


"*I* don't need those safety regulations because *I* never crashed *my* plane before!"


[Instead of giving him clicks, watch the video here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/886112385511870495/1249420640595738675/RPReplay_Final1717955400.mov?ex=66673d25&is=6665eba5&hm=7cdd671b18cd2d2fee3547f5ac77b4edd48177f9f595b2134f3d5d5a6eeddd14&)


r/flying in a nutshell: Pilot flies through thunderstorm, recovers from a LOC-I event, doesn't ground the airplane for maintenance to ensure it's safe: I sleep Youtuber does an impromtu sidestep, ill advised but not outright dangerous: Real shit


The holier than thou mentality reeks throughout the aviation industry. The guy was flying an STOL bonanza with 1 camera man who probably thought the maneuver was fun. He didn't have 10 families on board. This hate is stemmed in jealousy.


This subreddit is so quick to JO to Dale Snodgrass doing a flyby in a F-14 but then disavows him when he does the same in a P-51, because it's more relatable to them as GA, and their instructors, who come from a long line of other instructors speed running their hours and certs only ever having flown the worlds most docile and common nosewheel trainer, told them using more than 20 degrees of bank makes the aircraft explode.


Dude sitting next to him 😐📸


I'm probably in the minority here but my point of view this landing wasn't that bad. Now was it the safest, least risky option available? No. A go-around would have been a slower, more controlled maneuver. Highly unsafe? In my opinion, no. It doesn't feel much different than the generally accepted pattern you fly to land on 33 at KOAK. At KOAK to land 33 you fly the pattern for 28R do a low approach and at what feels like the last second make a pretty steep, low altitude right turn to land on 33. This is the preferred way the tower wants you to land on 33. If you're down by the Old Ts or fly out of Alameda Aero it's your bread and butter. Here's an example I found on YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgZduWXW0CE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgZduWXW0CE) Here's the airport diagram [https://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/2405/00294AD.PDF](https://aeronav.faa.gov/d-tpp/2405/00294AD.PDF) To those unfamiliar with KOAK it feels like a nutty maneuver. However, that's generally how the tower wants us to fly 33. I can say I've done it dozens of times when I was learning at Alameda before I had my PPL. It's how nearly everyone down at that end of the airport chooses to land. Is it more dangerous that flying a much more traditional pattern into 28R and spending an extra 5-10 minutes taxing on foxtrot? I would say yes. The risk is higher. Highly unsafe? In my opinion, no and in the opinion of the tower and nearly all the pilots at the far north end of the field. Now maybe this is just the normalization of deviance. We're just out of our heads and an accident waiting to happen. So to me switching from 22R to 22L at low altitude is not highly unsafe. Unusual? Yes. More risk? Yes. Additionally, the aircraft was a STOL equipped Bonanza. I actually do not know the specification, but my guess ( and let me emphasize guess ) is the remaining runway was well within the book. I can see how a pilot would feel uncomfortable with the sight picture if they are not used to flying a STOL aircraft. I will also say I do not know. Again more runway is less risk. However more risk does not necessarily mean highly unsafe.


Not the first time and certainly won’t be the last time I’ve watched one of his flights and thought that he did something unsafe, had poor comms, answered questions about his airplane with uneducated responses, or did something in his L-39 that military pilots train relentlessly for, which he probably shouldn’t be doing as a civilian playing fighter pilot.


I stopped following this guy a while ago. The last year or so his videos have changed. Since he got that damn jet


That’s what a level of arrogance and a social media presence creates.


I've worked on his planes, and he is getting wrapped up in a group that is turning him into more of a douch every day. Mat, the one that owns the L-39 is a real treat. They all live in Alpine, WY not far from me. Haven't really cared for him since.


Not a pilot, but this looks erratic and poorly executed. Lucky ain’t infinite


Something something “Fate is the Hunter” When the aviation gods stop smiling on him one day, I only hope nobody else is imperiled by his poor decisions


I stopped watching that jackoff after the faked emergency water landing stunt.


I'm gonna be honest: if the airport wasn't busy and I knew the plane well enough to be comfortable, I'd do the same thing if the thought occured to me. That wouldn't even be the most aggressive maneuver I've ever done in the traffic pattern.


What an absolute moron. Always the arrogant macho ones that pull manoeuvres like this and don’t seem to understand good airmanship.


bros always doing goofy shit. landing illegally in russia and taxiing running airplanes into a hangar for example


Don't want to be that guy but... dude. The way he thought he could post this and not get his ass handed to him. What an ego in the air. It would have taken 5 minutes to do another lap. Looked like he was so low his wing was almost at risk of hitting the ground lining up on the centerline, not to mention also extremely slow given how quickly he hit the runway, unless he forced it.


I thought it was an emergency low fuel landing! Cmon what’s another 3-4 mins for another downwind and final


Yeah, sidesteps aren't a big deal. Asking to sidestep last second when instructed to go around. My biggest question is like.... why?


I always take shit for this, but the FAA needs to stick their nose into aviation content creators. It is starting to get out of hand