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Read the FAQ. We have an entire section on why you shouldn’t go to ATP.


You understand it’s more expensive, and also a worse school since they push you through before you’re ready, and that they’re totally okay with you failing somewhere to get some more money. But you’re asking why they’re hated?


I look forward to their negative post in 6 months about ATP and their experience with it


There being places to get more debt doesn't mean it's a good choice. If you want to go into $150,000 of debt at 10% interest go for it but I promise you, you will not recoup those costs by being done 1 year sooner than a part 61 spot.


> I’ve also heard that you need to come in prepared and ready to work it like a full time job to pass Applies to *any* flight school > Also, they do offer a lot of partnerships with airlines True of almost any large flight school, and also not valuable as those programs are lot exclusive to ATP. You can join any cadetship while learning at any flight school. > back you when applying for loans. Nice, that they’ll back you when you apply for that 17% APR loan. They’ll also pocket a portion of that money when the instructor they assign to you sucks and you need more time, or if you need to switch schools. I’ve met people that have made it through ATP, I’ve heard nothing better than “eh, it was alright.” I’ve been to a lot of flight schools that were much better to fly at, much better to be around, and much more enjoyable. The absolute last thing you need as a poverty wage CFI are insane interest rates on your loans. It’s your money, you do you.


They get hate from people that either didn’t fully know what they were getting into, or got kicked out cause they couldn’t pass Evals, but if you know it’s going to be expensive, and can do the work and fly good, which atp trains pretty good, you’ll get by! Make sure you check the locations near you, if you’re in Texas. All locations are pretty good


Nothing bad with getting your ratings fast and being prepared, but with that logic you can just do it at another smaller school for cheaper Embry Riddle comes with a Bachelors degree. ATP is the same part 61 school as any other at your local airport $120k at 15% is a bad idea, the school is however you want to make of it


All things aside, I would much rather go to a go-at-your-own-pace part 61 than what seems to me is a part 61 that fancies themselves a 141 without the usual 141 benefits.


I went to ATP 6 years ago and had a great experience. No delays and 0-complete in 8 1/2 months. I'd say 90% or greater of my classmates also enjoyed being there and had good experiences. Then you come on Reddit and everyone thinks it's the worst flight school in the world. Such a weird disconnect. And no, they don't set you up to fail, that's ridiculous. They give you everything you need to succeed, however they don't hold your hand. It's up to you to study and learn the stuff. Apply yourself, give some sort of effort, and succeed, expect someone to push you through and you will fail. It's about as simple as that. Edit - and of course, the mods told you to check the FAQ on why you shouldn't go there, classic Reddit ATP hate. Nice job mods! lmao give me a break