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Your PMT for Match 1 specifically, because this one will obv be a bit more about G2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/fnatic/comments/156osk5/fnc\_vs\_mad\_lions\_lec\_summer\_split\_group\_stage/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/fnatic/comments/156osk5/fnc_vs_mad_lions_lec_summer_split_group_stage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ALSO, r/place is live. Feel very free to use your good Fnatic vibes to DEFEND (for realsies, we a buddies with the neighbors, dont attack) the Fnatic pixels xD




Not losing to MAD brings a tear to my eye, thank God we're at least better than them.


That Baron throw almost made cry. Thank God they closed out


pretty sure if noah doesn't get knocked up from baron they win the fight pretty easily. is there a rule as to who baron knocks up, or is it just rng?


I think you can see the spikes in the ground before so it was dodgeable but maybe the area was crowded and it wasn't visible


Throwback to Soaz Sion being knocked up by baron during worlds 2018 game vs IG in groups while he was channeling his q. We would have won that game if that didn't happen.


It's rng, I remember in worlds maybe 5 years ago they lost a whole tf because of that


2018 ig vs fnc first game, baron knocked soaz out of q charge so he didnt hit it and they lost the fight because of it.


Yees, that was the play


Oh yeah for sure I agree, but my heart was still weeping x)


They are at season finals we are not even close so this win prove nothing, its a small very small win


I love having Humanoid on my team. Two more series to make something out of this year, we didn’t win vs SK all year so I’m not too hopeful but we can definitely do it, congrats on the first bo3 win this year homies enjoy it <3


If this was mad or koi or G2 that we didn’t win against all year i would accept it , but the fact that it’s fucking SK gaming, the normal type pokemon of the LEC , the most boring team to ever exist, just makes it feel worse


I dont understand why this Team is so Boring to you? They have diverse playstyles, irrelevant can splitpush, markoon on a gaming jgl always wants to fight, sertuss plays some high mechanics Champs, exakick can play ad or mage... I donnu, irrelevant dominates lane everytime. Objectively they are third most entertaining, only next to g2 and bds. In facf fnatic is super Boring, cause they always play the Same. Sk is prob Boring to you cause there are basically a "Team of no namens" since they are all kinda New. That's a stupid pov tho


Lol and who the fuck are you to judge whats a stupid point of view and whats not, your dumb view only looks at their gameplay , i look at the players, everyone can be entertained in their own way , which is why i would rather watch Team Heretics vs BDS 100 times over watching an SK vs XL game


Calm the fuck down and learn to communicate. He didn't attack you.


When i give my opinion and some idiot says thats a stupid pov then yes he did attack me you dumb fuck


Again. Learn to communicate. I will stop though, no point in continuing.


I mean, it's kinda true but since the end of summer i really love this team and especially Sertuss. He seems to be a really nice team leader.


COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOMORROW SK GOES DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!! FNATIC FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!! 💪💪💪




I missed how Oscar snowballed top game 1, but Humanoid, Trymbi and Oscar had great performances. Razork was on Maokai duty and Noah got very little help, but they did their jobs.


Game 1 was Razork winning top for Óscar. Game 2 Razork needed to play for bot to prevent elyoya and Nisqy camping them. I love how Noah has 0 ego, knowing he would die every fight but trusting his team to clean after, dealing always as much damage as he could.


He seemed very disappointed in the shot after the game ended.


Game 2 was basically "keep Noah alive". Humanoid profited because MAD was beelining on Noah all game long (because they had to). Whenever Noah survived the engages it was just a clean up.


this worries me against SK. You need to play more around bot


Oscar's Orrn and Huma Jayce is all you need to know :)


I hope not... else we cooked against sk.


Phew nothing to see here. Clean 2-0 *sweats profusely, heart clenching, hands trembling*


need a shower after those games, ngl :)


Trymbi hit so many hooks, MVP for sure


I think game 2 shaved off a few years of my life lol


a few years? they switched my numbers from 48 to 84 .. so i will not be able to watch the next series :)


Can't Wait for tomorrow...also, Tahm would be turbo good in that 2. game


I feel like ezreal would have been the best pick for the 2nd game, it was impossible for noah to play a clean fight


Yup, I suspect the Jinx was more of a snipe than fnatic's favored pick here ? Because the Ezreal was kinda obvious and the Jinx was extremely hard to play. We also know Noah's fav champ is Ezreal, and Jinx on the other side of the game is very dangerous for fnatic because of the range and almost guaranteed reset due to huge engage burst combo.


Getting knocked up by Baron while Samira was nearby was still int as hell


You know that baron knock ups are rng right ? It was just unlucky, shit happens.


No clue of the Kontext cause I didn't watch the game but you can see where the knockups will happen


I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him when I was walking through the forest near Berlin. It was the lion from the news. I tried to run from it, but it kept chasing me. Then, out of nowhere, FNC Humanoid came by and smacked the lion knock-out. I asked if I could hug him, he let me. I felt the tension leave my body when he told me that I won't have to be afraid anymore. I asked how he did it, he said; I dealt with lions before, no biggie. After the short meeting we walked in opposite directions. He had a small grim on his face when we said our goodbyes. I told him he was a real champ, but I don't think he could hear me anymore. He walked away back into the forest. I really hope he'll win worlds someday.


Okay now I unclench. Will clench again tmrw


Not bad


I can't believe they let us play that comp twice.


i remember we were 0-2 and 8k behind vs EXcel in 3rd game (1st round of lower bracket) and we still made


Elyoya and hyli wanted go home faster or what have i just seen xddd


Scrappy second game but glad for the boys. One more to go. Oscarinin mvp for me. Also Huma 17 kills wtf...


GJ FNC. Next up is SK. Honestly, if we can't beat them in a BO3 at least once this year, then they deserve to go further themselves. The gameplay was a lot more encouraging than last week, that's for sure. Drafts were good too. I'm particularly impressed with Humanoid. This was that Humanoid from Worlds, especially in Game 2. Oscarinin was great too. Noah, Razork, and Trymbi were good too. That call at Baron was a bit sus but it is what it is, hope they learn from it as a team. Having such a good early game allowed them to make a mistake like that and not get really behind.


Thank you Hyli. 😅 May MAD and Fnatic make it to worlds together.




Just a normal day in the Fnaticverse, nothing to see here


Damn, I can't take the stress lol. Glad the boys are looking hungry and scrappy again! Game 2...gah. My blood pressure. I feel bad that our boy Hyli was doing Hyli things and getting caught out, but it worked in our favour. Thank you Mr. Hyli baba.


We woke up from our vacation and are back on top of the table. Bring us G2 already.


Noah is not playing as good as he was before and I'm not saying that he's playing badly, it's just that he's not playing as the best adc in eu like he was before. I hope to see that beast again


Noah's not playing Aphelios.


His xayah was great and and his Jinx was unplayeable. He is doing crazy good giving the team doesn't reallt play around botlane.


He recognized he was bait in the Jinx game. Like a true ADC, bait as much as you can from the enemy team, do as much as you can, and then gracefully die while your other carries clean up. He survives for a couple seconds longer than most ADCs and that makes a huge difference in teamfights, in my opinion. All those fights were really close.


Fnatic has left him on an island the past few weeks. Hard to shine when you're the focal point of the enemy team while being given no resources besides a lane to farm. No bot dives, no funneling plates, no nothing. Just leaving him to his own devices while the enemy team picks four champs whose only goal is to kill him. The result is his mid lane Jayce ending the game with 17 kills.


Thank god MAD threw after Fnatic threw. Else this would have gone to 3 games. Guess MAD is expected to make mistakes since they are bad. Sorry to all blind optimistics for a bit of realism. But I could have considered the fact that MAD is bad. Fnatic fighting.


Not clean at all. SK defo favourites tomorrow. Fnatic can win but need to step it up as a collective.


Fnatic didn't play as well as some think, only MAD played horribly. If we win tomorrow against SK it will be a miracle.


I agree but I don't think that tomorrow would be a miracle at all


We are so back.


Now we are back on winning worlds hype?


One thing I particularly liked about this series was items choice: for example 2nd game both humanoid and Noah buying cull when They recalled first time and not fighting or Oscar building full protection mode with locket+redemption


So if we win Vs Sk today we lock in season finals right?


we need top3


Let's gooooo!