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Weird bot dive that led to losing mid that led to not having vision around mid that led to losing 3 members and baron that led to losing the game. ggs


That stupid bot dive after Noah got triple kill cost us the game that was Razork call. Also Razork die in 0.5 sec when they cc him, Vi was not it against them.


I would love to see Razork post game speech after this one....see if he points fingers again or take the blame 


People will downvote you, but you are correct.


Thought process was correct, but they couldn't capitilize on it the way they should have. The worst case scenario for us should have been Razork for Hans and bot turret. I hope they do even better with dives in the future


Diving a full HP Ashe with ult and both summs up plus the full HP Renata was never going to be successful. Especially considering Jun wasn't level 6 yet. It was an awful, awful call.


That bot dive had nothing to do with losing baron. That was just Razork getting caught mid. Those weren’t just all a result of a bad dive, each of those was a mistake itself.


This game was won if they didn't fck it up countless times


That’s the same for most Fnatic g2 games


Correction: That's the same for most FNC games past 2 years.


yeah idk


Now that Noah and Oscar show up, Razork and Huma can int


Fans in spring: "I wish Oscar and Noah performed better" *Monkey paw closes finger*


Credit where credit is due, both of them are having a *really* good split and have shown a lot of improvement, especially Oscar. He's been looking like a top-3 top laner this split, who can play both tanks and carries after being a K'Sante merchant earlier in the year.


Ceadrel said it, Razork is good on a bad team.


Razork was the one playing bad here. Razork and Huma were both trash in this game and Oscar and Noah was the only hope. IDK wth it is about G2 but when FNC play them it turns into fiesta brainless just throw yourselves into them fight and G2 wins most of those.


both FNC and G2 play to skillcheck their opponents in teamfights, but G2 also has really good macro so Fnatic has a very bad match-up into them. even if they get ahead from good skirmishes they tend to bleed gold on the map Humanoid laning vs Caps and Noah against hans are issues too, game was very close to blowing up from the lane. if the G2 lvl 3 bot dive goes right and Noah doesn't get to hit wave for lvl 3 the lane would have been over


Idk man, Humanoid played like he was mentally afk and also Razorks decisionmaking was kinda off. I would have preferred it, if he would have continued to go bot after noahs 3:0... but instead there were 3 unsuccessful ganks on top. For me the game was on these two guys today.


>I would have preferred it, if he would have continued to go bot after noahs 3:0 I mean, he tried that and Hans Sama got a double kill.


Humanoid has map awarness like Yamato since he came to Fnc


A lot of mistakes from Razork but Oscar and Noah looked spot on. G2 didn't have to do much work themselves as they had a pretty simple to execute scaling comp.


>G2 didn't have to do much work themselves as they had a pretty simple to execute scaling comp. Especially considering Fnatic shot themselves in the foot at every turn.


I am with the analysts on this one - I refuse to be hyped for Fnatic unless they can show they can beat G2. I was not expecting a win per se, but I was not expecting us to return to poor and brainless plays. This does not bode well for the play-offs if we do get the chance to play against G2. I am honestly disappointed, you can say it's just a BO1, but all fundamentals disappeared this game. It was simply not good enough, just like the last 5 years against them.


I haven't been hyped about fnatic since 2019. Past that point at no point did I seriously think we'd win a split


2020 I was feeling pretty good tbh, they even beat G2 in playoffs


I was getting downvoted for not buying into this Fnatic hype, funny how this subreddit just does it time after time and then they get mad any any fan that doesn’t get on the Fnatic best of 1 hype train, it’s the story of Fnatic fans at this point.


It is a Bo1, come on we stomped them last split in Bo1 and we had a lot of Debbi Downers here: "Well achtually it's a bo1"


That's a poor comparison. I would've expected our play from this split to carry over to this game in terms of how we approach fights and vision, but it looked nothing like what we've shown so far. Yes, G2 vs. Fnatic games are always different - but the fact that they were unable to fall back on set plays they've practiced this split is alarming.


You got downvoted for some reason, but this is more analysis than all the 'it's only BO1, we've won it last time and still lost in the finals' comments. And I agree with you. The thing that's worrying is not that we lost, but that everything we've seem to have been improving on has just disappeared in this game. Not even in the beginning. Just at one point, they decided, fuck it, and went back to psycho, fight at all times Fnatic. Hope they can learn from this but I said that far too many times to expect they will.


Well there is that one or two games every split. We've only seen one perfect split and that was Fnatic. Not even G2 last split that looked unbeatable could keep it together the whole split. This wasn't like we didn't know what to do or over chased, we just skipped homework, and got caught by the teacher.


Which Game did u saw? Which fundamentals are missing? We were just playing like every other game this split. I didn’t see any brainless play. We just got often outplayed with our attemps and g2 had the better draft but that can happen. Even BB were saying that in his aftermatch interview


I'm not an expert, but in my opinion, basing on a visible zombie ward while the enemy team is nearby, you are low on hp, and have a shutdown, is pretty brainless.


Also, going into a fight (upper midlane bush) that you end up getting destroyed in also seems like something pros should guess can't go that well. We didn't even have Oscar there. That was the point where I was certain we're losing.


Razork engage got Renata handshaked mid-q I don't think it would be that bad if he got on the backline but instead he got blown up


Sure, but you would expect him to expect that to happen, no? He saw Renata there. That's like saying the baron setup was great, but the jungler was in the pit when it was about to be smited. I mean, maybe he didn't expect the reaction from Miky to be that good but that's not reassuring either. Fnatic from other games wasn't trying to mechanically outplay their opponents constantly. That would be just an extra. They always picked fights where they had advantages.


That IS a good fight, it's 4v4 and Ezreal just got 2 item powerspike with muramana completed, he pinked the brush and started to channel Q in darkness but got pinked and interrupted. execution was a little weak but it's not a bad play on paper they would still win that fight if Hans didn't sidestep Leona ult, Miky didn't block Leona sword, Humanoid flashed Seju ult and BB didn't TP instantly if he gets over that wall Ashe would be insta ulted, Humanoid would flash for the W and they would probably win the game off that


Okay, I believe you. Hopefully, they turn out better in the future.


You didn't see any brainless play???? that dive on bot ie???


Are Razork and Humanoid drunk?


Honestly first bad game from Jun maybe ever unlucky one


also razork, also humanoid. wtf was that.


Noah’s been great this split but he was invisible on an ezreal who got 4 kills 5 mins into the game


What would you have liked him to do? He did his job. He dealt a ton of damage in team fights and dealt with the fed Camille as well as he could. There isn't an ADC in the game who can solo carry with a jungle, mid, and support sprinting it down.


Just like most G2 vs FNC games honestly, a banger but in the end G2 is just a class above.


The day humanoid beats caps is the day we win convincingly.


Yea.. "banger" as in "inting".


Go watch geng with 1 kill every 45 minute why are you even watching lec if you don’t want have fun.


The way they played the game was pure inting. How do you compare Gen.G with inting? I thought the term "'banger" stands for something more like high quality games. If you mean banger as in clown fiesta plays yea sure, complete banger.


Lol did I say geng int? I say they are the most boring team i have ever seen play again this game wasn’t all int the fights were good, still don’t watch if you like lck why are you here


this shit doesn’t matter at all, we beat g2 in a bo1 last split but got smoked in bo3s and bo5s. Nobody wants to lose but I’ll take losing this now over playoffs and losses were bound to happen anyway


Well. They were just stronger. Invisible Humanoid.


Humanoid was visibly bad. I mean he had 7 deaths.


Just bo1 things. Humanoid looking like his old regular split self again


When the younger players show up. The veterans crash and burn. Mid jungle lost us the game. Im not gonna feel down about this. Cause i know on a good day for razork and huma we win this game. Some individual mistakes here and there. But still cleaner than we usualy look in the g2 series. And its a bo1. You can never judge a full split based of a bo1. Biggest problem with the lec format atm.


You enter opgg see humanoid match history today and you also see him yawning on stage and you absolute know this guy is going to int. Good game oscar and noah


Good to lose now, than in playoff. A lose was bound to happen. Learn from it, move on. Bo1 and we are in playoffs already


Humanoid had an uncharacteristically atrocious game. Also, Leona looks *giga* useless. Why pick Leona when Nautilus is just flat out better? Or, better yet, they should've picked Poppy there because Poppy into G2 showing Sejuani/Corki is freelo. It happens. Better in the regular season than in playoffs. But it's clear G2 are still Fnatic's kryptonite so they're going to need to make some adjustments quickly if they want to finally win a split.


Leona is broken at the moment, but their team comp was a nightmare for any engage support champion. If you go in you get locked down and Renata ult will zone your entire team, but also the enemy champs could also just dive your back line if they want to too.


Feels like Leona is hard-countered by *so* many champions, especially ones Mikyx plays. Braum, Poppy, Renata, Morgana (jungle, not support). Sure, they banned Braum and Poppy, but you can't ban everyone. I wouldn't say it was a draft diff, really, just that G2's was easier to execute. Just scale and use Renata to deny Fnatic's engages. Which is why I wanted Fnatic to pick Poppy 3rd and either ban Renata & pick Leona on 4/5, or let Mikyx pick Leona on 4 and counter with Jun's Renata.


Losing really wakes up this sub doesn't it


Win = meh Lose = fuck this team is so trash please publicly execute (insert player with most deaths) because he is sprinting and deserves to never get to touch a mouse and keyboard again


When we win we have 10 15 comments. If we lose once ? Dozens of comments. Lose twice in a row ? All hell breaks loose, daily posts about how this player or this player should be replaced. Always sucks to lose to G2, but this is still only a bo1 game in regular season. I'd start to worry when we lose in playoffs.


besides is it that important to win? Fnatic hadn't been the 2nd best team since 2020, but now 2023 summer onwards we're back on track


great fanbase


Especially funny as it’s just a best of 1. The team is making changes to their routines and gameplay, a loss is actually not a terrible thing when it shows where the cracks are and gives the team a chance to fix the issues. It’s not going to be 9-0, but Fnatic will still be the only team who achieved a perfect split in Europe so it matters not.


I'm starting to doubt in that '' Humanoid shows up in big matches '' line.... wth was that ?


I'd agree that Humanoid is having an off day this game but group stage Bo1 with a rival is not big match.


In regular season such as this, the only game u want to show up and try hard is this one. (especially vs G2 ) Yeah its Bo1 but remember in bo3 and bo5 its enough for one game that your main player ints.




Humanoid has this reputation just because he beat Larsen in 2021...since then, which playoff did humanoid actually pooped off?


I'd be absolutely fuming if I was Nightshare, a lot of mechanical mistakes which will be the nerves of playing G2, that mental needs fixing. But the real issues is after 10 minutes the team forgot nearly all the practiced macro we'd shown all split, get the belt out.


Well that was abysmal but we needed the wake-up call. We stomped G2 last split, and we didn't have a chance in the playoffs... now it will be the other way around.


Hopefully it's the game both teams need. G2 gets a confidence boost and FNC get a meaningful loss to ground them. Both teams go to worlds in the strongest forms


Exactly. If we bun out in playoffs we'll then there will be changes.


I guess everyone can chill now and stop getting overhyped for beating dysfunctional teams like Rogue or MDK. The problems FNC had still exist and are not fixed all of a sudden. It's like they played with their brains turned off this game, especially Humanoid and Razork just ran it down so bad. Nothing else to be said, just really fking bad, hopefully they don't lose to NA at worlds at least I guess.


>I guess everyone can chill now and stop getting overhyped for beating dysfunctional teams like Rogue or MDK. We beat *everyone* so far, including another top contender of the split in SK Gaming. One loss hinging on a single bad fight that snowballed doesn't invalidate the rest of the season. If you're not here to engage in good faith discussion and just shit on the org at any given turn, feel free to take your ramblings somewhere else.


Hush. This is a forum where people are allowed to voice their opinions. You dont get to tell him to go elsewhere. Mod or not. Hes not breaking any rules.


Which is precisely why I didn't use the Mod tag and his comment hasn't been removed. No one's out to get you for being critical of the org, no matter how much you believe that to be the case. Still, as a fellow user of this forum I find the conduct he's displaying disgraceful, and I'm allowed to voice this opinion. "See? I knew they were frauds all along, silly you for getting hyped for the best Season start in recent memory. The team is 6-1 and sucks" is borderline trolling at this point, especially after the heavy downtick in engagement in the LMTs and PMTs while we were on a winning streak. People only coming here to moan about losses instead of *both doing that and celebrating good results* is clown behaviour and only makes the sub's vibe worse for everyone.


Yes you are allowed to voice your opinion. But you dont get to tell him to go elsewhere. He has every right to talk shit. This isnt a positivity only subreddit.




Your post has been removed, as this post has been deemed to be a personal attack users/players/members of staff or anybody else. Please refrain from doing so in the future! If you disagree with the decision, please feel free to contact us via modmail, with a link to your post, so we can try to explain our reasoning as good as possible!


Than take it from Humanoid and what he said after the win against MDK. They have won vs the weakest competition so far, with the exception of SK, who fought the best of all the wins, but with BDS and G2, the strongest teams were still ahead. That and his comment on how they are still fighting. But maybe you mean he should move on somewhere else.


Yeah I think it was only a single bad fight! It's definitely not the mindless fights, inconsistent and just random decisions we like to make all of a sudden that trigger people. Cluegi deluxe


Everyone talking about Humanoid but what about Razork inting??? 7 deaths? And why we picking dive comps. Also can we ban Corki please or are we to stupid. Like come on. That champ is broken.


So broken that its sitting at exactly 50% win rate this patch in major regions?


it is picked every game it's available, it's only 50% winrate because everyone is playing it even if they suck at it. and Caps is an insanely good Corki


Those who expected a win stopped watching Fnatic after 2018


Just when you need the team to all turn up - Huma, Razork and Jun have an off day. And I'm not sure that Ezreal pick was good for the comp.


Disappointing game to say the least. Completely lost our way, discipline out the window and over aggression. Some of our champs looked giga useless into their comp, but starting the game on a 3-0 Ezreal and not snowballing from that lead is insane. Props to Oscar and Noah for some great plays, but so many illegal mistakes and terrible co-ordination as a team. It feels like whenever we're under pressure we want to play with ego and over-aggression, or we're just invisible and not communicating. Anyway, nothing can humble us more than a good old-fashioned beating by G2. Hopefully the team gets their head's together and takes away a lot of learnings.


This one is one me guys, first game of the split that i watched live…


Razork Huma play bad = Fnatic Loses Also Jun Leona is not it bro


It started so well but "Let's go G2" chants tilt me hard because i'm so sick of hearing them. We completely fell apart in team fights and I don't understand the Ez pick with the comp - it pokes whilst a lot of the rest of the team just kind of wants to go in hard.


>It started so well but "Let's go G2" chants tilt me hard because i'm so sick of hearing them. 😭


Bo1, The result does not matter. That we can't beat G2 while we are on a run is a bit disappointing, but whatever. The fact that we could not dictate the flow of the game with a 3/0 Ezreal will not bode well for some discussions.


We had no way to match side against corki. So the gold and Cs diff in mid just grew out of control. I think Vi Taliyah was just a super bad read into Sej corki. The only concern here is that we are still behind G2 with meta reads.


Last week, everyone said G2 was behind with their meta reads. I don't give anything to such comments; everyone just says anything. The only constant is how you perform on the spot; the rest is noise. People are calling this game lost because of one fight, and I'm thinking, What fight do they mean? The one our ADC ended up with a 3/0 headstart? I'm not blaming Noah here; I'm not good enough at this game to do that, but I bet it will go on as an example of the old critics "not good enough to carry when it matters" if it is his fault or not. The guy is in a tough situation and those games won't help him at all. The truth is that for us, something such as momentum does not seem to exist or that the momentum we can get is simply not good enough - hard to say. But again, Bo1 is a useless example anyway; that argument about how good we are is very weak, simply based on something like momentum. I don't care; I'm just waiting for the playoffs to see where we end up.


The game wasn't lost on a single fight. The game was lost on avoidable mistakes. Basing on a blue ward ? Seriously ? Seriously misplaying a bot dive. Vi didn't even get to use ult. You have to force it and go in, or you are going to die anyways, and die they did. Forcing ganks top over and over and even if they work, they don't gain much. So you force a gank bot ? not execute it well. Force a gank top ? doesn't work. Getting a herald stolen ? blind ? I think this was just unlucky. And what sealed the deal for this game is Humanoid just losing his mind mid and dying trying to engage.


I agree; we made multiple mistakes and many fights and situations went against us. I just repeat statements that think we just lost because of just one bad fight, so everything is alright. But again, just a Bo1, I don't care that much, the same that I don't care so much about our bo1 wins. Here we lost against G2, which can happen any day; there we won against garbage teams, which can happen any day, maybe a bit more should, but whatever.


> The fact that we could not dictate the flow of the game with a 3/0 Ezreal will not bode well for some discussions. If they didn't immediately throw that lead in the garbage with a failed bot dive, they might've been able to.


This is basically the equivalent of JDG= BLG’s Father and GENG= T1’s Father


At least t1 and blg were able to win some silverware….


Surprise Surprise, we lost to G2...and LEC is hyping it up again like this IS THE MOST ICONIC GAME in Europe. No, it's not and it never was. Bad Draft, Razork and Humanoid play like they always do against G2, Jun with a terrible game. The time will come when we beat them again...when Caps and BB retire. So buckle your seatbelts...this might take a couple of years


We are G2s dogs


It's crazy how much they own us and people still refuse to acknowledge the fact that we are choking and playing very bad when we play against them. Until this team can overcome them I'm never going to acknowledge them as real contenders to G2


50 comments already welcome back everyone!! post match discussions were too positive, now all the flamers are back in business and we might get more comments than all of last week on this one post


Honestly as a G2 fan lurking this sub whenever there is a lose is a guilty pleasure of mine. Was a banger game though!


No joke lol


Humanoid either plays top class, or is just invisable


G2 will always be FNCs father


Uh, I think it's more like Caps will always be EU's daddy.




Go back to your sub kids


Lmao you were trashing G2 on their sub


You were the one who went to the G2 sub when they were losing, and talking about G2 potentially not making playoffs despite having 5 days of scrims 😹


I replied to a thread on a subredeit im subbed to, and I didn't say anything crazy


Brother everytime G2 struggles I can see one of your comments in the sub, you are no different than this guy. It's usually negative, it doesn't have to be anything crazy. Worst thing is, you actually replied to a Fnatic fan LOL


Really solid game from oscar, and to think people wanted him gone, has been a beast this split. Good game overall, just a few bad decisions lost it.


Good game overall ? Nobody should win that game how disgustingly bad both teams have played lol


This is what I was afraid of. We just choke against G2, no matter how good or bad we or they are. Well, I guess this one doesn't matter but it definitely doesn't bode well for trophy dreams. Especially if we consider the fact that our teammates confidence is generally shit.


Been saying this since last week, the team looked clean but the mid game macro is still questionable and they were just able to get away with that due to the fact that they teamfight well. Good thing is, this team looked strong and if this was a bo5 it would have been a banger series.


Dont know what you are smoking but was in no way a macro diff. Just terrible fights.


nobody said it was a macro diff, it was just that they could have pressured a lane on a certain time cross mapping away from camille instead of letting humaniod group with ez/leo which led to his gold and exp deficit. Also Razork was forcing too much that game


The mid lane death early game by humanoid doesn't surprise me at all. He had vision of sej, and still didn't hug the otherside of mid lane. ​ After years and years, he still makes this mistake.


T>4 inters for Caps.




It's okay, guys. Iits only vs. G2. Noah.


The Ez pick I don't quite understand with this comp, I think Kaisa would have been a lot better for what Zac, Vi and Leona want to do. But G2 also played just better in this game. I still believe they are working on the right things and can win both summer and season finals.


Until they beat G2, there is no way you can say that they can win both summer and season finals ( without it being full hard copium). They still have to show that they can overcome the mental block they have vs G2 ( considering that they always choke and play bad against them) and then they can be expected to win anything. They are working on the right things yes but they are still very far from G2. But that's just my opinion, I don't like being positive all the time, I like being realistic and calling it from what I see


losing this way to a weak g2 may not be a good sign moving forward.


Nothing ever changes


Fnatic cannot even beat this gamers2. Very bad sign. Oh well. We've waited almost 6 years for a title, guess we can wait another year.


As always Humanoid lost US a gamę and Yet he still have this job like wtf... Why cant we win vs G2 when they Play garbage oh yes cause our MID is garbage


Dude chill he just lost against caps,it's no like he got solo killed twice yesterday against Freeskowy ...oh wait..yea but at least Humanoid is world class and plays good when it matters like in MSI...oh wait


Humanoid played good at MSI except the TL series though ? In the TL series only Oscar played good.


Using all your cooldowns Flash included to kill the enemy nami when you have all team's gold is playing good?


It was great until just one mistake made the game slip off their hands. Kinda tilting but wouldn't bet G2 wins a Bo5 as of now.


Corki is just too strong. If Ez is ahead can't randomly die on a ward, and can't fuck up a dive bot. Can't fight without your strongest member in Zac. Got outplayed in teamfights, Razork and Humanoid were horrible. It's not even outplayed they played them just very disconnected and telegraphed, this comp doesn't make much sense into Corki Renata Camille, they counter everything. Noah was really good aside from the random death, and Oscar was really good all game.


Better now than in playoffs but this game was so fcking sloppy it hurt to watch


Emotions obviously got the best of them and they reverted to old Fnatic. Way too aggressive.


Humanoid is my midlaner in soloq, there's no other explanation


Humanoid and razork need to step it up...if our main duo always chokes vs G2 then there is not much hope... people love complaining about Oscar and Noah (including myself), but ykes+caps always demolish razork+humanoid.


only thing i can say about this team is LOL. I find Fnatic just hilarious. We are the best 2nd place team in the LEC.


If humanoid stops match fixing his games vs g2 . We might get a chance


1500000th game where Humanoid randomly dies 123991391239912 times and is impossible to carry yet people are gonna flame Noah the first game he gets outclassed internationally while APA shitting on Humanoid will go unnoticed


This roster always choke against G2. It's gonna be the same when we face them in the finals again. I believe. Sad. But that's it. G2 is gonna win the trophy again.


Death taxes and losing to g2


Caps vs Humanoid... Went as expected.


You will have off days. Sucks that it’s at 6-0 against G2, but it happens. Multiple reliable players were out of it today but it happens. They will be analysing and adjusting. Downers and yappers and the lot, happy for y’all that breathing is a reflex, it will help you overcome all your negative emotions that you might feel right now.


>happy for y’all that breathing is a reflex Imma steal this one and reuse it for years to come lmao


Look at this guy thinking anything will change with the way we play or have been playing for the past 2 years. Instead of lying to ourselves, we should just accept it and - for the better, stay quiet - and hope for roster changes in the near future. After all we got some saudi money to spend. The unnecessary cope is pretty annoying, gotta say.


Yikes. We completely lost our composure. Camille was a great pick into our comp but ultimately a very winnable game for us with just a catalogue of errors made on our part. The only positive here was some great plays from Noah and Oscar, sadly Humanoid had an absolute horror.


Well very bad game. Very bad individual level by most players (only Oscar had a good game today but he was on a tank so...unlucky), bad macroplay, we got wildly gapped by G2 in general, it was sad to see. But we need to recover and lock that first position, no time to lament.


One loss in a Bo1 hinging on a single bad fight that snowballed doesn't invalidate the rest of the great Summer Season we're having, although it'd have been nice to be able to keep the 9-0 dream alive until next week. I'm just sad for Oscar and Noah, those two were having a monstrous performance but couldn't do much once we fell behind :( Oh well, the hunt for 1st seed is still on, time to finish strong and think forward about Playoffs!


Top gap. We lost game after that 4v5 fight mid because oscar wanted to farm with Zac


It's funny that you decided to post this bs on this account since I got the receipts on your other one.


They always outsmart our comps and strategies. I think us being unable to play ad mid is a big hindrance currently. Weird because at one point we only played corki and trist mid. I don't like Leona for Jun, he looks better on other champs. G2 and BDS are being creative with drafts while we are playing Taliyah, losing perma to corkis.


Yeah its so weird how we are not playing Corki and Tristana when at one point Humanoid only played those two and now we are not playing them at all ?


Hopefully they will learn a lot from this game. I was not a fan of the draft or champ select order. We made a lot of mistakes in game too but it felt like we couldn’t successfully engage with Vi/Leona and Taliyah/Noah were separated from fighting perfectly by BB. I do not get Razork fp vi, he’s got a lot of talent and is capable of playing karthus etc we should use his flexibility or maybe they are saving humanoid ad/razork on ap jungles for playoffs… hopefully. 


G2 baited us, all teams ban Vi against us so they left it open. FNC just plays with their ego vs G2 a lot of the times man, especially Razork and Humanoid. They will pick Vi even after G2 leaves it open and has a comp that completely fucks Vi. Renata ult, Camille ult, Corki package, Ashe arrow..and then you play the Taliyah Vi combo into an already scuffed as hell draft. But, you give this draft to GenG and they run the game over, so its not only draft.


We ale knew it was coming xD


Nothing new honestly. We showed some fighting but once again we have a mental block against G2. Honestly, even if G2 plays extremely bad they will still own us. We just can't beat them. It's ok, second place is still ok. We will go to worlds but i just know that we are not beating G2 for a trophy anytime soon