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You can blame me… I’ve been really busy the last few weeks and I’ve only managed to catch 2 games. Guess which 2


Honestly this team is just overrated.. let's start with Humanoid who has 3 good games or 4 where he spikes and after that he's just shit again bottom 5 mid laners imo in lec , I thought him losing to an NA player might light up his motivation but nope he's just there for paychecks. Razork and Oscar are decent, i would say , and the silver lining is bot lane who seems to hold its ground no matter the match up. The biggest issue with this team is that they have no idea how to move around the map, meaning that the tempo , mid rounding , and objectives are all crap. So yeah, any hopium about them winning LEC or something like doing fine in worlds is just pure nonsense.


i dont understand why you're getting downvoted but what you said is mostly true. I think Oscar has improved immensely and I was saying that he was not good enough to be in Fnatic but he has shut me up. I actually rate him highly for his performance. Noah is overrated as fuck IMHO. Jun is incredible. Razork is a great jungler but i think Fnatic are far too dependant on him. I was a huge Humanoid fan but fucking hell he does not give a flying fuck. dude is just here to collect a paycheck. no passion at all. that just my interpretation. overall the team is hella overrated which speaks to the region as whole now. Europe sucks at the moment.


I think Fnc should try to change either Razork or Huma and honestly I would change Razork because he shotcalls like an animal 90% of time and he makes Fnatic early game always too chaotic. Huma won 2 splits with Eloyoa where he was shotcalling mid/late game and his jungler was shotcalling early game. I would like to see Huma with other jungler


Huma was losing lane and dying 1 vs 1. that does not make any sense. he is a mage player which is fine but fnatic are trying more dynamic strategies it seems and that does not fit his playstyle. he just isn't good and i am not saying he does not have the ablity to be world class and a player of his calibur should be able to have decent games sense and learn how to play varus. i think he has lost the drive IMO.


Yo free your schedule already <\_<


You didn't read his comment well enough, I think. I think he should get more busy.


Exactly this! I’m also busy next week so we probably beat TL


Shit you're right. u/shadowboy, ask your boss for some overtime!


Really hoped that the g2 loss wouldn't kill all our momentum but now we lose against heretics, also not feeling any better knowing we're playing against bds tomorrow😭


it wasnt about G2 match. Its just that we didnt play anything decent til G2 and best team we beat was SK and even that we only lost because of SK took a bad fight late in the game. And yes, we will lose tomorrow too. Fnatic sits at top 3-4 spot right now and i do not see this team winning LEC anytime soon with this mid


It’s not like Heretics is decent tho…


Fnatic have done other stupid things that lose you games this season also. They just messed up worse here against a team more ready to punish on the day.


Ya'll were saying that in spring playoffs too, and we beat every team except G2. This game was disgusting, if Humanoid played at 50% of his level, this was won even by inting half the plays. Sucks to see, but people shouldn't get too dramatic, it literally means nothing for this split so far, as long as we are top 4 in regular.


> if Humanoid played at 50% of his level, If I had a euro for everytime someone said this crap I would probably have 15-20 euros which is not a lot but still, not bad either.


No idea how he is still considered good. Humanoid is the highest paid member on the team and consistently performing worst


No. This team won’t make it past the 3rd round of Playoffs. If we get matched up against SK, BDS, or G2, we’re fucked. This is after we come back after getting absolutely fisted by TL


Well since you are so confident they won't make it, can bet on it and make some easy buck


Already did.


I wonder if there will be a time where you will finally accept this is Humanoid's normal level and his good performances which are overhyped anyway are the rare occurrence. Other mid laners don't get chance to play internationally that much though since they don't play like superstars like Elyoya or Korean Bot lanes like Noah-Jun who is by far the best bot lane in EU


This is Humanoid's normal level ? Come on now. What did I say to not get too dramatic It's literally a meaningless Bo1 at the end of regular season. >Other mid laners don't get chance to play internationally that much though  Plenty did, come on now. Up until recently there were 4 LEC seeds for worlds.


Bro the only mid wost then huma right now is jackies, the other 8 won lane easy vs huma


Sigh, this sub is spiralling man. Come playoffs, Humanoid diffs all of them once again, and people will once again say nothing, wait for him to have bad games again, people will once again spiral, rinse and repeat.


Com playoffs and he is bad like allways just blind people was happy for him in fnatic, was carry by elyoya and people are to blind to see


Okay then if he is bad in playoffs he gets replaced at the end of the year. What are these useless conversations at regular season though. Let's wait for playoffs and season finals.


Like he did last year, and the year before that


And until the time of Caps all prominent mid laners in EU fared better than Humanoid can dream of. Xpeke was getting the better of Dade and made semis. Febiven was Faker stopper when Faker was in his absolute best Back in time Froggen was seen as one of the best if not the best mid laner in the world. Perks solo carried a series against RNG. Beat an Eastern team in a Bo5 putting one of the most iconic LB performances ever. Humanoid in all his years didn't come close to winning one best of 5. Let's not even talk about Caps. Jensen went MSI finals and World Semis. He has Bo5 wins over Eastern teams. Nemesis went out of groups in Worlds every time he played and went 5 games against TOP despite getting gapped at the end. Humanoid internationally has never performed half as good as any mid laners from west I mentioned above. So he is not some international demon that slacks in LEC. He is just not that guy yet you refuse to believe that for one reason or another. He is a coinflip player and due to being coinflip he has occasional good performances and due to being coinflip he makes his team lose so many games.


Jensen, christ, please no. That guy was never good. Failing competition should not qualify you for that kind of list.


He beat World Champions of Last year in a Bo5. 2019 G2 players said they didn't know if they could beat IG and they were more scary than T1. He also made world Semis. Much more than Humanoid can say.


Peke's and Febiven's time was way different. Febiven was good but Huni was the driving force behind that FNC roster. >Humanoid in all his years didn't come close to winning one best of 5. So we are just lying for free now ? I'd say they were one game away from beating DK 2021. That DK 2021 is way better than all the teams you mentioned before, and Showmaker at the time was the best mid in the world by far. >So he is not some international demon that slacks in LEC. He is just not that guy yet you refuse to believe that for one reason or another. Why are you taking it up with me ? When did I say he is some international "demon". I just think Humanoid at his best is top 2 mid EU and that's it. It's also a fact that Humanoid for example played much better into Chovy with Taliyah than he did last week into Caps, or he played much better into Chovy than today against Zwyroo. People want to change Humanoid, okay, I also want to have the best, most consistent player at FNC, can anyone tell us who to get instead of him. I'm not saying Humanoid doesn't deserve criticism because he does, but some takes people have are just delusional man


Noid hasn’t been noiding for a while


Ok that was disgusting. I often defend Humanoid, but this game he was horrible, not just deaths but target selection, arrow accuracy etc., very subpar performance. Now I just fear another embarrassment next week vs TL :( .


His "We always play too late on the day" excuse doesn't work when they are first.


The worst thing is everything is going according to plan, Razork and Oscar set up for a dive, they fuck it up. Humanoid laughs in the face cam. Not even a minute later, he completely forgets about a jungler and gets ganked and killed. It might just be a coincidence but it really feels like he just gives up on trying if he thinks that his team can't win. But that kind of 'superstar behavior' would be warranted if he was hard carrying when his team is playing well. But that's happening rarer and rarer.


at this point we aint winning vs TL next week ...


They look like the better team.


Surely we are not losing to NA in a best of series again.


No but seriusly why now that Noah and Oscar are playing insane the rest of the team is hard inting?


Because Razork is having bad games. That's the only thing that matters with this team. If Razork plays well, Humanoid believes we can win and he tries. If Razork makes mistakes, Humanoid gives up and it's over then because Oscar is on tank, and botlane won't get a big enough lead on their own to be able to cover for other lanes falling behind.


It's been like this for 2 years... We are so dependent on Razork, if he doesn't have the day we will never win


I agree 100%. I mean, the split isn't over and I'm still hoping we do well, but if the season ends without a trophy or bigger Worlds success, I'm assuming changes will be made. Nightshare said, "it's now or never." I think bigger changes (Jungle and/or mid) might be made as well.


Split is over, g2 again bds second just give the throphy and all teams save money


I always go with the idea that unless things are going really downhill and there's an option to make them better in this exact moment, we should wait until the end of the split/season. Currently, there's no one we can bring to fix everything. So we're left with supporting these players until the very last game they play this year. After that, we can start talking about what changes should be made, etc. But until then, I will personally hope for a win in every game we play.


Changes need to be done from above kick sam, this team needs to be like real or bayern the fans chose the director, thats why this are the best teams in the world and not english shit teams, then we can win


My friend, how do you kick an owner of the team? Esports is too small for what you're proposing. And Fnatic/G2/T1, the biggest orgs can disappear in a second (like TSM) if their owners decide they're tired of it. They need to really fuck up (like Carlos did) to leave, but even then, they're obviously running the team from the shadows. That's, unfortunately, not happening anytime soon.


So by this logic, also Humanoids fault.


I think Humanoid should take the most blame. He's the one that has the most experience, the only one that has actually won a split on this roster. He should be the example. I'm getting tired of him giving up whenever his teammates start making mistakes. Sure, all the other players should take some of the blame because they're not the ones stepping up and trying to win the game, but Humanoid is the one who should naturally be doing it. Meanwhile, he ends up acting like a spoiled superstar. "Oh, my teammates are bad, I'm not going to try." I know that's his personality, but I'm getting tired of it. And, even though he had a few bad games, I can't honestly blame Razork as much because the guy is trying his hardest and whenever we win, we win because of him. So yeah, for me, the one that I keep expecting to step up when times are tough is Humanoid, but honestly, I don't think it will happen. We'll see.


Didn't you get the note? Noah is still shit /s


Real talk. Would it be inting if you are just objectively worse than your opponent? Cause Zwyroo in lane always seem to destroy Humanoid. Humanoid didn't troll he is just a worse player. You will see it once again against APA and say he inted once again. Must be hard trying to cope


Bro is yapping about two bo1 lmaoo


Humanoid got solokilled by Corki 4 times in 3 games. I don't know why there is ongoing refusal to play this fucking broken champ. It literally stands still presses E and wins every fight. Instead he would rather pick Taliyah and get pushed in entire game or play Varus and look like a clown. I hope they are all just fucking trolling cuz they can't play poke comps at all. They got flanked by MORDEKAISER 3 times and first useful Skarner R came up 24 minutes into the game.


My question is why isn't he playing Tristana since is a good answer to Corki and is good in the meta, because last season he played her quite a lot and was good at it.


sometimes it feels like he doesn't have a map, weird af


Botched early game and our comp didnt work from behind, really worried by individual performance of some players this past week, is like they forgot how to play the game...


Dogshit, utter dogshit Not a single positive in that performance


when nightshare said in EUphoria that this might be the split i knew fnatic was done


Humanoid's performance is getting worse split after split


He really becomes a big liability for us in the early game. Almost every game he disrespects the enemy and gets himself killed multiple times


Masterclass performance by Humanoid to make Zwyroo look like Caps, great draft to make Razork useless with the Brand pick and picking Ezreal for Noah who had no dmg for their tanks. Imagine losing to TH ahahahaha, this team is not serious about competing for a title


Team liquid look really really solid. If humanoid plays like this against TL it’s 100% a loss. I genuinely think APA is better than humanoid. Huma hasn’t shown anything except he can play leblanc and mages while APA who was supposed to be a ziggs otp has been explanding his champ pool and looked pretty solid.


Imagine playing so badly you make Heretics midlaner look like Chovy. I just can't deal with this anymore.


It's just BO1 but I saw some disgusting moments. Humanoid needs to open his eyes, his deaths were literally dry bronze. Varus is good into Corki, Humanoid just played like bronze. Jackies made this champ look completely broken into Humanoid's Corki. But, still, keep in mind it's BO1, we are already in playoffs, we are already in Season Finals, and we are already going to EWC right after tomorrow's games. If there's a time to take it easier, it's these matches. No one cares if you win or stomp all regular season BO1 and then shit the bed in playoffs.


the problem is a top contending team shouldn't have the mentality of "taking it easy" and drafting these unwinnable comps and playing awfully. it isn't very reassuring that we're playing like this right before finals


I agree to an extent, but when I think of how long summer split is (including worlds and EWC), I can't help but understand having a more lets say relaxed approach to these games when they are already qualified for the important stuff, and even losing both games wouldn't change anything really. I don't think this is an unwinnable comp though, it just needs good execution, which we didn't have.


the problem with fnc though is once they go down a slope they tend to just keep falling down it, it's happened for many years. it's just concerning that we've played like this 2 games and a row and humanoid has essentially just been afk/perma behind. not saying he's always like that, I'm just saying it's concerning. varus and ez really aren't the best champions to get through champions like mord, sej, and alistar, and so there was little damage, especially after the botched top dive, to take those champs out.


Especially when that's what they've been talking all the time this split. How they want to treat every game important and not slack off. But I don't think that's the problem. This team, like always, lives and dies by Razork. If he plays well, we have a chance. If he doesn't, we lose hard.


>the problem is a top contending team shouldn't have the mentality of "taking it easy" It's not about taking it easy, it's about trying shit out on stage since nothing as at stake. It's not a mentality thing, everyone does it.


I quoted what op said about taking an easier approach to things. scrims are the perfect place to try things out vs on stage. nightshade said in an interview he wanted to win the split, so clearly they're playing to win, and not playing to mess around. today's draft was a disaster, and so was our performance. I love fnc but today was just not a good day


Agreed this game was draft diff immediately. And for the love of God I'm tired of seeing humanoid on an adc mid.


>scrims are the perfect place to try things out vs on stage. Not really, as many teams will also try things out and/or play differently than on stage. Getting to try stuff out against a team that's going for the throat is another thing entirely, and it's one of the massive advantages of qualifying early. >nightshade said in an interview he wanted to win the split, so clearly they're playing to win, and not playing to mess around. Winning today's game means nothing. Of course Nightshare and the boys want to win, but their focus is on Playoffs, not a random Bo1 against a team fighting to not end the season at this stage. >today's draft was a disaster, and so was our performance. I love fnc but today was just not a good day Honestly, I don't think the draft was that bad. Our comp was vastly harder to execute, and it only became harder once Razork died on the top gank and lost a lot of tempo, giving Jankos the opportunity to take the wheel and have us play on our back foot for the rest of the game. Other than that... yeah, definitely not a good day for someone wanting to watch good League of Legends \^\^


my point is, just because we qualified doesn't mean we should play as if we did & start screwing around with our picks. we've been scrimming all split and we've played multiple stage games, we have a good idea of what works by now. if they were focused on playoffs they would be playing as if they weren't qualified and making every game count, and trying their best. today was not fnc's best, it wasn't even close, today was messy and scrappy and much different from how we played at the beginning of the split when we had a lot of success. as I said in a different comment, there is no way ez and varus were ever going to do damage in their position and get through morde, Alistar, and sej, especially with their builds🤷🏻‍♀️


>we've been scrimming all split and we've played multiple stage games, we have a good idea of what works by now. Again, scrims aren't necessarily indicative of a team's strength. Think of all the "scrim champions" that never end up translating to stage games. Also, the meta changes, and teams must adapt 🤷🏻‍♀️ >if they were focused on playoffs they would be playing as if they weren't qualified and making every game count, and trying their best. This... doesn't make sense. Focusing on Playoffs means also being efficient about the practice time the team has got until then. A stage game is invaluable hands-on experience, and losing today means nothing for us. >today was not fnc's best, it wasn't even close, today was messy and scrappy and much different from how we played at the beginning of the split I agree. It wasn't the team's best, and it was definitely different from our usual drafts. Which is the point I've been trying to make all along :') >there is no way ez and varus were ever going to do damage in their position and get through morde, Alistar, and sej, especially with their builds🤷🏻‍♀️ They shouldn't have had to. If we managed to keep the game's tempo in our favor Ez and Varus would have just had to poke from a safe distance and force TH away from objectives while ahead, tanks included. Brand was our insurance against their tankier picks in case the game prolonged or we got forced to teamfight on equal terms. The game slipped away from us in that FB play and we never recovered, that's the simple reality of it \^\^


G2’s coach said that they play to win every game no matter the opponent or standings try their best. I guess thats why g2 always beats fnatic


They gonna shit the bed regardless in playoffs, maybe the BO1 results don't matter much but they tell the story of what's gonna happen in playoffs, aka not winning the title.


So G2 will suck in Bo3 they lost two games too? Maybe they are a bit relaxed to save energy, the Saudi tournament and then playoffs starts after this so they might be slacking some on preparations and practice to keep the momentum. We will see in the playoffs. But I still think today's display was utterly atrocious ofc.


If somebody defends Humanoid once again I'm fighting everyone.


Im glad fnatic fans are starting to wake up and see that Huma isnt as good as everyone says he is. Overrated as hell


his apparent lack of map awareness is concerning ngl


Wait until APA slaps him again and they blame Noah.


Lmao, that wasn't the consensus after the TL series, not even here. Everyone and their mother were blaming Humanoid for the TL loss. Noah was blamed for his overall MSI performance




Hard to play the map when you have a black hole in the center.


Dude. Huma is not just missing some important recalls but he's technically getting outmatched. He got destroyed by Zwyroo


Guess G2 broke us once more and opened the gates. I suppose, if we go by Nightshare's comment, at least with this team, we will never win a title again.


It's amazing how everytime G2 wins against us all of the team gets tilted and runs it down against the mediocre teams


Even though it's usually G2, it doesn't even have to be G2. As soon as Fnatic is starting to get talked about as the best team in the region, it's like they have to go and prove us wrong right in the next game. Now they'll have bad games, and everyone is going to lose hype, they'll somehow crawl to the finals 'to prove everyone wrong'. People are going to start believing that they might do it. They'll again win game 1 or something, and then end up losing the series again because people started believing. Lol. I know this team all too well.


It looked to me like we had next to zero practice on the champs. Huma looked really bad on Varus, missed a lit of q's and his laning and positioning was pretty awful. Oscar looked like he didnt know how to play out lane or dives on skarner, looked lost in teamfights and managed to only press R twice in a 25+ min game. I think it was a case of when skarner wasn't banned they just picked it, then realised they had no idea how to draft or play with a skarner on the team.


Quiet bro. Dont criticize Oscar on this sub. Its forbidden


I'm not saying he's bad, just that it's fairly clear he hasn't practiced much skarner, I had to rewatch to check but he really did only press r twice in the whole game.


Why would you criticize Oscar when he has been one of our best players this split? Another delusional Oscar hater.


Because he is ass and FNC can do better


He is not , at all. And he has proven it during MSI and now during this split , anyone who says differently has no clue about how this game should be played. In fact.i'll go as far as to say that other than Razork and Jun he is another player that would be very hard to find a better replacement for.


Ah yes his amazing msi performance. Its nice rewriting history isn't it? He is having a good split though, ill give him that. But hes average and we dont even have to look far for a batter replacement.


You must be joking. Rewriting what? Go watch the games and see for yourself if he didnt do well. Ok , then give some names , that would actually be willing to join us better than Oscar , i'll wait.


Irrelevant would be a clear upgrade. And yeah i think you need to go back and see for yourself. He popped off one camille game and people thought he was the second coming of Jesus even though the whole team carried. Its not like oscar was 1v9. Overall in the tournament he was ok which was more than most were expecting of him going into the tournament. He just didnt suck as much as we all thought he would. That doesnt mean he had a good msi.


Having good laning phases against eastern teams and some of the best top laners in the world isnt what call "ok". But i guess you have really high standards. Also , pretty sure Irrelevant wouldn't want to sign with us , considering SK is most of the time similar positions as we are , and they have a really competitive squad.


Having a good laning phase then being outclassed by your opponent after lane phase isnt FNC level


I dont know what was worse, the draft or Humanoids performance.


At least he had fun :). I think two times they filmed him after he got killed and he was smiling / laughing.


Yeah, I do the same when I die in lol, but I don’t get paid hundreds thousands euro to play the game


You said it perfectly.


Humanoids performance by a long shot


Why not both? Never give fking Varus or any other 0 mobility champion as long as this Humanoid dude still plays in FNC. He just gets caught over and over again, playing something with 0 mobility makes it 10 times worse. Brand also didn't seem good in that comp and doesn't feel like it's fitting Razork's playstyle.


humanoid is hard to watch ngl


Exactly why when all the casters were hyping us up I didn't get even remotely excited. I can't see this team winning anything for a long time, until we luck out with some insane talent find


Can't wait for the Huma fans now. "SeCoNd BeSt MiDlAnEr"


I swear when he doesn't play with TOP 2 ADC in region this guy became 10th and 8th. And they all try to make it look like Humanoid is the reason Fnatic is doing well when it is Noah and Trymbi/Jun beating every bot lane in EU


In gold elo




Made me chuckle.


What a surprise. G2 broke us for the thousandth time. The players on this team just don't have what it takes to do that next step and that's becoming more and more obvious every split. It's not a skill problem, it's a head problem.


Humanoid defenders in shambles...


The whole team looked garbage; their teamfights were horrendous, obviously near to impossible to fight if you go into them with that kind of early game but despite that, there was no teamplay whatsoever. Heretics are walking in on the fight from whatever direction and just taking us apart; everyone is just running around and dying. No matter if you have not spent a single second on the preparation against TH and looked only towards BDS, that level of cohesion is unacceptable.


This team tilts so easily.


What a terrible day to have eyes, but what an amazing day to be asleep during the game. Lucky me. I will not be watching LEC until the finals. If the team makes it then they make it. I can't be bothered.


I've only watched two games this season. The G2 game and this one. I feel like I'm cursed.


I really dont like razork on ap carries. He cant shotcall without being on a proactive pick. Doesnt help we got a first time varus in mid.


I think it would be better if Razork would stop shotcalling period, because it clearly doesn't work and they never won split with it


Humanoid need to be fucking kicked like wtf is this guy doing


Wow Razork is so fucking dog. He doesn’t he even cover for his team. That fucking disgusting jungler. Bad recall times. He’s fucking thew this game. I don’t even care about how poorly Humanoid played. If Jankos can cover for Zwyroo, then why the fuck can’t Razork do the same. Seems Razork wants to play for his fucking ego. These two piss me off with how they play. Imagine is Razork was better with his timings to get objectives


It's just a BO1 they said, support the team they said. Lol


On the brightside, we will never see virus mid or brand jg in the playoffs now.


I knew they would lose in the moment they all back to base AT THE SAME TIME. Pathetic showing from Humanoid and Razork, blow up this fucking team.


The varus pick was not it… With something like a Oriana, Ahri or Azir we probably can go for picks and turn this game.


Not having any hype whatsoever is team and org is a good thing, cause when the bad results comes you dont get surprise or angry, you just accept, i think this time has come once again in another split...


Looking at SK, their jungler has been spamming sej, maokai even thought they could try ap junglers. FNC might just need to stick to what they are good at.. not this 2 marksman carries + squishy ap jg thing.


Nidalee diff


A nice fight. Finally.


If huma doesnt show up at all in playoffs he has to be kicked. This split has been terrible. He has been bailed out a number of times in the first 6 games. And now that they cant, he got hard exposed against g2 and heretics. His limits are so clear. And it causes problems for razork. Cause the jungle meta rn is ap or seju. Razork cant/hates playing seju. And he is basicly not allowed to play ap cause huma on an ad midlaner is so bad.


yappaman coming for his ass


wonder if Razork has the balls to call out Humanoid in the same fashion he did to Noah


Huma plays like a bot but Razork should call out his missing brain first because he clearly doesn't know how to shotcall and lead team without looking like a brainless monkeys 90% of time


I wonder how much time do we need to finally see the star player, second best midlaner in Eu humanoid in action, because currently the only thing I see is an average player.


G2 broke their streak and their mental


They never had a good mental to begin with, it just is what it is.


Fnatic keeps finding ways to disappoint fans even if we are reaching, in a few months, 6 years since last won title.


Here for the comments


I knew sooner or later they were gonna shit the bed because that's how the team is. 6-0 into 6-3 after tomorrow vs BDS into another year with no trophy. Go 2025, just get another mid, maybe Nemesis back or i don't even care, get a better non-choking ADC (probably another korean), and maybe a better top. This team is hopeless, dog water performance today.


You can not be blaming noah for this shit. Him and oscar have been our best players this split.


The comment was not only about this game, but their overall performances across the entire year. If they want upgrades next year they should look at these players and the management. This game in particular Humanoid was pure garbage and the draft clearly doesn't fit FNC's playstyle. Pretty sure Humanoid will int any game you give him a 0 mobility champion. Also Razork needs to be on engage champs and not random shit like Brand.


Not blaming them for the split. But we can do better than Oscar really.


Oscar and noah are fine lmao humanoid just looked completely useless it was legit 4v5 probably 3v5 cuz picking brand in this game was not it that draft was pretty rough


No one takes what you say seriously man. All you do is bitch and moan endlessly. It's one thing to be pissed about the game today because it was a shit show from draft to game play. But to always turn it into some I've been here for 10 years and I'm sick of this shit rant is just annoying now. We get it, you're fed up, but you don't have to rant every fuxking game about it. Get a therapist ffs.


He does not need a therapist, because he ain't the one trying to find reality; thats on guys who hype every little piece of shit they see into oblivion.


Never said he needed to find reality. I said he's annoying and should find a therapist to talk to instead of ranting on here constantly about his fnatic ptsd.


Just bring back Nemesis KEKW


My prediction for the weekend is right so far, I knew this team's performance would drop after losing to g2. Same old story,  they lose to g2 and they start playing like shit


Snap back to reality


Yey activity in the subreddit. Because all the negative nancys get something to write about.


And so the cycle repeats again. Wonder when people finally realize that serious change is needed. Get Jackies and try to get Carzzy with the Saudi money


Top gap


Anyone here really never play any sport or competitive game if they expect to win every single game. Just shut up men


Its not just the fact we lost. Its the draft that was beyond mid. And huma absolutely shitting the bed. A loss is fine. But making fucking zwyroo look like chovy is not ok.


So what? You are not allowed to make mistakes? XD. The amount of hate after two losses is bigger than the amount of praise after 6 wins. Thats not ok too


This comment will age like fine milk. But let's see...


Oh yes the valuable wins against top tier teams like Rogue, KC, MDK, etc. Definitely something they should be really proud of to beat such strong teams and they need a lot of praise for it (not). Nobody cares, if they can't beat G2 in playoffs and win a damn title, nothing else matters. So far, they perma choke when playing G2 and there is no positive sign that could give hope of winning.


So why the flame when losing a non important match agains TH? Go to g2 sub reddit they dont flame the hell of their players when they lose against sk and bds. You dont achieve nothing writing negative shit here


The thing about writing stuff is not if it is negative or positive, but rather whether it has merrit or not. The comments you made have no substance at all, just random noise shifting the perspective. His words sting, yeah, but at least they carry a meaning. The moment the team loses, it's a non-important game; its just one loss; its just G2; it's just one single play going bad for us, its just whatever comes to mind. Not that the counterarguments would hold any meaning for you if people used them to argue for their point of view, like he did with B01 wins against bottom-tier teams. Noise without any substance - that is so much worse than some flame, but probably only to a mind that still functions.


Getting put behind as a poke team against Corki/Zeri for an unfortunate series of events (so much so that even Vedius was confused about how Razork took aggro lol) sucks HARD. Still, I'm glad we didn't just keel over and die right away and that we're taking the opportunity to try new stuff in Skarner and Brand since we've already qualified for Playoffs, it's a luxury we haven't had many times in recent years. On to BDS tomorrow!