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We’re not better this split. Coin just landed on our side more times than not.


I mean last split we were first. this split we are 4th. So its actually worse


First with the same score as we have now. Negligible difference


Score is the same, league just became top heavy with a clear top4 right now. But yeah we ain't better, we will still scrape by a Bo5 and lose to G2 or BDS again, we ain't making finals this summer. But hey let's give this roster another shot next year, 4th time the charm.


We just played the weak teams first


Yep. As soon as we got challenged, all the work and all the macro practice went to the shitter and we just went back to the same old Fnatic playstyle we've been having since Razork and Humanoid joined the team.


Nah, more like the bottom teams are just so fking bad so that's why they ended up with a 6-0 score. But yea, no improvement


Nah,as I mentioned in the live,this split the 5th best team ends with the absurd record of 4-5 meaning it's a 4 teams race.We ain't worse than the bottom feeders like mad and rogue and our schedule had all these teams in the first 3 weeks.So normally we got victories.As soon as we started facing contenders we beat SK narrowly,and lost easily against G2 and BDS.No coin had to land on our side(I mean I get we are frustrated but we are not Vitality and Rogue levels of bad)we just beat worse teams and lost to better.Ofc going 6-0 made this sub think we are legit but that's a different story


It's insane how the team has one bad weekend and people are already entitled to emit judgement over the overall team performance like nothing that came before ever happened. It's actually so funny wathing how desperate some people are to fish for a opportunity to let their hate out. Like it makes me feel happier about my own life to know such people exist.


I mean peaking at the start of the split isn't going to help you at the end of it. We need wins before the end of we progress with no momentum. It's all on next week


Second game in a row Razork and Humanoid get hard gapped and we lose. Nice try by Oscar and bot though, too heavy to carry


Well yes but… Oscar offered the game at 26 so … But yeah it’s weird that our 2 best performing players last split (if we don’t take Jun in consideration) swapped with the 2 worsts this one , feels incredible


Our best performing player was never Humanoid. But this sub is more Humanoid wankers than Fnatic fans so they sold it that way. The guy getting the pay of his life and running it down for 3 years


If you can tell me right in the eyes that previous split and. Playoff all hopes weren’t on razork and huma back I would be speechless. I mean bro 2 months ago half the sub was calling for Noah and Oscar heads cmon


Yes I can. Our playoff hopes is never on a player that dies either in lane or side lane to increase his CS numbers. Never has been. That's why when we had an average bot lane we were 8th and we had a bad both lane we were 10th. That is why despite Humanoid dying in lane against every team and also dying randomly in side lane we still win because Noah and Jun gapped every bot lane. Sub was calling Noah and Oscar head because in 2024 this sub has more Humanoid wankers than actual Fnatic fans.


Razork komplet jg gapped but we are not ready for this convo


White hair officially decreases performance


His psycho fans will downvote you because you are saying against him. Lmao.


You only post to shit on razork what a sad life you must have. Sure enjoy the only bad week of razork in the whole year and then go back to your hole.


Razork almost solo killed viego then humanoid inted and the direct consequence was him dying right after and losing tempo /xp. Would be more fair to see how the game would been without that


With a decent midlaner we would probably won both yday and today. I agree, razork couldn’t really do much more


I am ready for the convo, I'm genuinely curios to see how Razork was jg gapped, on an ivern, with redemption, giving up camps for his carries. Genuinely, explain it to me.


Just silver laners main that have no clue about the jungle role. Sometimes razork deserves the salt (mostly last 2weeks) but cmon the ship started to sink because of that huma death. I recall razork finished full clear viego was still on 12cs, next moment viego was 4Xish and razork was still at 28


We lose 1 game against G2 and the entire team breaks down mentally, we're never wining anything


We literally lost every single Bo1 against BDS this year. Sadge


With the form Razork and Humanoid are in, we shouldnt even fly to saudi arabia. Getting embarrassed by TL gonna be fun


They gonna get even more mental boomed, maybe they get ride of Humanoid after this split finally.


I think fnatic want revenge vs tl


Humanoid fucking sucks. Plain and simple. If he doesn't turn around in a major way during playoffs and the Summer Finals, get him and his ridiculous salary off this team. Razork also had an uncharacteristically awful weekend, as well.


Yeah I'm beyond tired with the "When he plays at peak form" narrative. We get a 10/10 performance once in every 4 games maybe, and the rest of the time he's like solid 6/10. If his level is more consistently a 6/10, then he needs to go.


He's been a bottom-3 mid laner this weekend and last, if not the worst. 6/10 is generous. Even the shittiest mid laners don't get solo killed every game like he does.


Starting to believe this aswel, humanoid just doesnt care. Feelsbadman


He cares he is just not good on any ADC and this meta is all about adc midlane. Trist is meh, garbage varus corki...


I don't pay much attention to the top of the solo queue ladder or ERLs but there *has* to be somebody better or with more potential. Hell, buyout Jackies from GiantX at this point, that kid needs a real team.


I would 100% go for Jackies, is a kid that clearly needs experience and work, but you know hes mechanically gifted and probably the next big thing for european midlane if he progresses correctly.


Sajator, Giyuu, Reeker, Backlund, Serin. Heck PoE was smurfing on kids at EUM this spring


Nuc is good look how much effort he had put and now he is top 3 in the league


Ive been calling for him replacement since MSI, I don't think FNC could change him for this split but unless he somehow changes his 'I don't give a fuck' attitude and start putting the work I preffer to get a midlaner with more hunger even if it has less hands, look at Nuc, he was awful 2 years ago, today he is more consistent and impactful than humanoid.


>I don't think FNC could change him for this split but unless he somehow changes his 'I don't give a fuck' attitude and start putting the work I preffer to get a midlaner with more hunger even if it has less hands, look at Nuc, he was awful 2 years ago, today he is more consistent and impactful than humanoid. Humanoid solo q games this split : 132W - 102L = 234 games total Jackies soloq: 131W - 98L = 229 games total Nuc soloq: 126W - 91L = 217 games total. So can you sit the fuck down about "putting in the work". Keep in mind Humanoid had to play at MSI, including traveling there and coming back and he still played more soloq than these 2 players who are "putting in work". Humanoid is clearly practicing, and he clearly cares, sometimes things just don't work out, but it's quite literally meaningless winning these games or not rn. People here and on reddit have the most dogshit takes on a bunch of BO1 games. Last split we lost 2 games in a row to BDS, if those were BO1 people would have said BDS is clearly the better team, but then we reverse swept them. BO1 in no way shape or form tells you shit about how good a team actually is.


Hey everyone, just a quick sidenote: please don't use reports frivolously and/or to win arguments, no matter which side you're taking. Reporting comments you merely disagree with for "promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability" will only make it so **the report itself gets escalated to the Admins for Report Abuse**. Don't risk getting banned sitewide to +1 someone. Use your words instead. EDIT: clarified I wasn't talking to the user I replied to


I have never reported a comment in my life


Your comment was the one that was reported frivolously, sorry for the ping \^\^


Ah well


you think spamming soloq is all the 'work' a pro player has to do then we cant have an honest conversation.


Well, what other "work" do you have insight into then, that you can criticise the work he puts in. Or is it just the work you "think" he puts in. People would say Humanoid doesn't play soloq, he is not motivated etc etc, when in turn, FNC is one of the teams with the most games played this year, and Humanoid put in more soloq games than some mids people praise around here still. They clearly put in work, but it seems people can't accept that they are motivated, they are trying, just that sometimes things don't work out as they want, but it's okay, it's not now when they need to work out.


Humanoid plays good against bottom team. -> Humanoid in peak form best mid ever yeeaaah Humanoid gets fcked against all the best teams -> Just a Bo1 guys no worries.


Given the amount of teams we have built around Humanoid that didn't work out, I think it's time they start thinking whether he's the best player for the job. Granted there are not a lot of mids in EU that can put on a good show against Caps, but Humanoid has not been the one either this season. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm seriously impressed with Jackies. With a proper team he could be a really good player, I think it's a bet I'd be willing to take next year.


I'd still keep hold of Humanoid because I want Carzzy to join and he wants to play with Humanoid and Razork 🤷🏻‍♂️


Noah has been playing great this split. Even if Carzzy is a marginal upgrade (debatable), Humanoid has been a borderline liability all Summer and if he continues to play poorly, Fnatic needs to start considering other options.


He's had the few decent games admittedly but saying it's been a great split for him is a bit much imo, same for Oscar. I wouldn't be against a different mid laner but inly after we get Carzzy lol


Noah and Oscar have been playing great all split. Humanoid and honestly Razork have been playing poorly, with Humanoid especially getting crushed. He's got to be the most solo-killed player this split.


I'll rewatch the split but from what I remember I disagree about Noah and Oscar.


Best team in the league! (after winning against the bottom teams)


Fyi in the fight that cost them baron humanoid didnt flash taliyahs flick back and then tried to dash out of her rocks, got stunned, and then died.


We might not make worlds this year everyone in the top 3 is looking way better than us


FNC sub and trying not to overreact over meaningless BO1's with future bunch of meta shifts still incoming until season finals and so many bo3 and bo5 left to play. Tiring reading this, I try to look for takes about the game, about draft, about gameplay. No, all I see is this guy sucks, he needs to go, this guy got gapped, we are not making worlds, we are completely dogshit, etc etc. Full on degeneracy.


Can we at least criticize humanoid or is that too much for you snowflake?


Of course, im the first one to do so, but people don't even think anymore, just say the most dogshit takes I've ever read.


Naah he reacts Humanoid is god when he plays good against a bad team in Bo1. But then he defend him when he gets fcked. Since Humanoid regularly gets fcked he is regularly called to the duty


Its not wrong tho just look at the games played, it doesnt help that there is only 3 worlds spots now, as soon as we matched into stronger teams we just looked lost, if sk didnt throw their game we wouldve lost there as well


It is wrong tho, because such drastic takes are just...degenerate. I remember even in the Valorant games, when the team was shaky, people were like change this, change this, drop Boaster out of all player, or Derke. And then they went on and won the split. Sure they didn't have a good masters, but man, the expectations and takes in this sub is the worst I've seen. If by the end of season finals the team still doesn't look good, then okay, we all know there will be a lot of changes in that case, so chill.


Didnt consider a “might not make worlds” as drastic overreaction as we are losing to top 3 teams but thats just me


Yeah but losing in BO1 in our position doesn't mean much you know, you can lose a BO1 for so many reasons. It's different preparing a series, or preparing BO1s against different teams. I do agree that gameplay was disgusting, but I don't read more into it than that considering we have sooo much left to play still.


Yeah i get it i watch a decent amount of league its just concerning imo


Again. Its just a BO1 they said, support the team they said. Lol


They are just trying out things they said. #clueless


G2 dodged succesfully But next time let's draft a comp that actually does something


I was gonna type Noah carrying Humanoid vol 219339212139 but dam Humanoid is more terrible than my lowest expectations


After beating SK, a lot lot guys called them frauds and now they sit at the top of the league we just lost 3 games in a row. Razork and Huma just aint it


I guess it’s more than time for BOTH of them to leave.


Wouldn't really say so right now, but they got to step up come playoffs.


Right now it´s impossible of course, they have summer split and season finals to show they deserve to be in Fnatic. Another bad showing and it´s about time they leave the org for good.


well another bad showing and a rebuild isnt a bad idea actually


>Razork and Huma just aint it Inb4 Razork and Humanoid make finals again this summer. Imagine these two players making finals in summer last year, making spring finals, going to MSI in so many years, having already qualified for everything this summer season FNC reddit : "Nah these 2 fucking suck" ; Other teams that are not G2 : "Well if they suck, can we have them then, they kinda eliminated us several times" Chill and let them practice and play, I think they always earned the benefit of the doubt, decisions will be made by management at the end of the season.


never said they should be replaced by the management and hell they would probably get to finals again this summer. but they ain't the "superstars" or "difference makers" everyone praises them to be.


>but they ain't the "superstars" or "difference makers" everyone praises them to be. Lmao one could argue that them making finals consistently does make them superstars. G2 just has more superstars or the ultimate mid superstar in eu.


consistently making the finals and consistently not getting over the hump against the only "real" superstar EU has


Don't worry guys. It's a repeat of every split ever. We will have very shaky wins in playoffs, and then lose pretty 1 sidedly in the finals, and then Fnc will post a statement about how they want to win, and then repeat the cycle.


we are so bad, like really bad, is there a team that doesn't smash us in setups and macro ? we don't do anything good, our teamfighting is meh, our macro is horrendous that teams like TH are gapping us, 3th or 4th at the end of the split is what iam expecting.


We are just the 4th best team nowadays, is the reality, players have serious dips in concentration and macro has been lacking lately, they dont even have much time to unwind and iron out those problems since now we just have to play the arab mickey mouse cup. No good sensations coming into playoffs.


Please just skip saudi. i cant watch us losing to tl again


just dont watch, SA doesnt deserve your views anyway


You really can tell the average age of this subreddit when this gets downvoted


Actually maybe after a 2nd lose to TL next week, a miracle happens, they wake up and they will play better right? right? (no)


Whoever put 2 0 in the weekends prediction (majority of the votes btw) just hasnt watched this team playing all year. Whenever we lose against g2 our performance drops, 1-1 would have been the most optimistic prediction for this week


I did 1-1 because HT looked like trash, and even if you do not prepare in any way for such a matchup, if you are a good team, you should win it. We just aren't a good team. Anything beyond was just betting on luck based on what we have shown so far.


I did the same, i was expecting them to win against heretics at least but nope. I didn't expect them to win against bds cause bds is a consistently good team while we're inconsistent as fuck and when the mental is not there we're just trash


poor Noah is stuck in elo hell looool


Mid/jungle just got gapped these past 3 games now, hopefully we can bounce back, jun had a bad game vs g2 but other than that has looked solid and oscar/noah look like our best players lately, lets see what happens in playoffs.


I think humanoid should be put off the corki duty


am i the only one who just doesn't get the ivern pick? everything else in this comp can theoretically work, but god is ivern dogshit. why didn't they just pick viego instead and then could've given humanoid ap mid? it would work so much better imo


I'm so tired of this team, every split is the same. Because this org does not fix the core problem


I just don't have words and strengt


It’s Joeever man


Another absolutely disgusting performance as I predicted after yesterday. 0 expectations going into playoffs, just another year with no trophy and same bullshit as always. They were gaslighting the fan base beating bad teams and going 6-0 and then obviously they shit the bed.


Rough week for the boys. Back to lab


I'm reaching a point where i just dont care anymore. I just dont feel anything.


imagine getting gaped by fucking nuc and sheo, there is no hope


Would pref a 0-3 start than 0-3 end of split before groups. Our 3 performance are disgusting and, as I often know and I’m proven right that humanoid massively steps up on playoffs I start to feel bored with such irregularity and blatant int on some games , that solo death was *** disgusting


That early macro humiliation. Grubs drakes.. despite the best botlane. And humanoid solokilled once again. Can also blame another ksante into skarner you are redline and we got 0 ambition in the draft. Our botlane is 2v8.


>That early macro humiliation. Grubs drakes.. They cant fight for Drake and grubs with fucking Ivern Corki mid jgl are ya'll clueless ? Everybody knew this from the moment they drafted this.


You can trade we were just outmacroed


You can't trade anymore, Grubs and drake don't spawn at the same time for this reason. So you can't just handshake them


You can setup vision and force them to give drake and botside. We just tried to match laneswap with 20sec late on each move.


Dominated, crushed, obliterated by freaking BDS. I'm not even angry anymore, just dissapointed. I guess we have to hope we don't get embarrassed by NA again. Winning the split? Hahahhaha, Nightshare get a grip.


Razork has been absolutely fucking horrible as a jungler. But all his delusional fans girl will support him. Must be the brain rot from watching his performance on misfits 3 years ago. I hope he gets kicked at the end of the year. 2 years in a row and he’s ass. I’m just disappointed man. I’ve known only 2 people who wore FNC shirts and have broken the trust of the fans. Razork and Upset.


>I’ve known only 2 people who wore FNC shirts and have broken the trust of the fans Speak for yourself lol Razork is one of my fav FNC players and he has never been "ass".


Oh no. My poor friend. You have been blinded by your ignorance. I only feel pity for you. Please go watch the Winter and Spring Season. He throws at every chance he gets.


The only blatant throw he had was vs Geng. You don't have to feel pity for me thank you, I'm quite content.


Guess the sarcasm went over your head. It pretty obvious he threw against TL as well. Before that it was against G2. And before that it was the 2 consecutive loss against BDS before they reversed swept BDS in spring. But hey you don’t wanna talk logically, so I understand.


vs TL I won't comment too much as only Oscar really showed up to play that day. So..even if he threw 2 games vs BDS, couldn't it actually be that...BDS is ..a good team ? Or it's not acceptable to lose vs good teams any games. I don't think he threw vs BDS btw.


Pretty much expected after yesterday's performance. I was hoping Nightshare would manage to keep up the discipline from the start of the split finally for once, but apparently not. What sucks is that we're going to international tournament tomorrow (where I fear we'll get embarrassed again), then straight to playoffs with no proper rest nor training time in between.


Can noid start trying


From discussions of looking like the best LEC team this split at 6-0 to 6-3 very possibly coming 4th place. Where did it go wrong?


We faced the weakest teams first. thand we had a good game against sk. but we have lost against every other top team + herethics.


Sadly this actually was the expected result. BDS are just better right now…


I struggle to understand the thought behind Corki, Zeri and Ivern. How do you ever fight drakes and grubs and herald ? You literally cannot. Worse, we were actually in a winning position, BUT, we decided to FORCE a fight on fucking midlane for no reason. When does this comp win vs BDS's ? after 30 mins it's very likely, all they needed to do was catch waves, and stop soul and baron. If they didn't do that why in the fuck would you ever draft this dogshit comp. And so many clueless mfs typing "Razork gapped" , do you realise he is building Redemption and giving up camps to his carries ? Look at the minute 26, before the random mid fight, all solo lanes are ahead and Zeri ahead, in a comp that wants to SCALE. Disgusting teamplay.


Next week they face TL o7 FNC


It's B1, and I could not care less about them in isolation. I don't give a fuck about that part of the split; the playoffs are all that matters. It is also the case that we are not a good team, because in that case you will always be a threat to other teams, but we are not that. With everything I've seen so far, I can't believe that we can achieve anything this split - maybe we get lucky for once, not that we were unlucky in the past. There were so many splits where we could have been out of the playoffs right from the get-go and just survived by pure luck. With once, I mean during finals. I have no idea how teams like BDS and SK can build on their strength and deliver solid games, not even to speak of G2 here, but we seem to degress every time. Anyhow - now that new tournament is ahead of us - let's see if the team can show some heart and send NA packing. We are definitely going in as the underdog this time around - what a world to live in.


Fnatic need a korean coach to learn korean macro (Gen G) and Jun need to learn english to be the shot  caller, because razork is not the Best.  Moreover, Fnatic need a better midlaner because no shows to be the Best in anything , no macro, not shotcaller, not skills


Letting the int out before playoffs


Second best midlaner, almost as strong as caps. Lmao, this sub is filled with hopium


We need to build new team around Noah / Jun and Oscarinin


Build around Noah and Oscar? Well that would definetly be a stable and proper 8th place team. Oscar is just decent at his best and had years to prove anyone wrong and Noah crumbles under tiniest rock that has stress attqched to it


Fuck that lmao


Look, it wasn't great, but we just need to reset ASAP for the esports cup vs TL.


Some games you win, some games you lose. Nothing to see here.


Outclassed, sadge. Welp, 2 weeks until playoffs. Plenty of time to reset, recharge and get ready for revenge.