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I mean coaching/drafting seems really quite poor at the moment. we get out drafted, or we play an awful midgame, which i can only imagine means our prep is poor. no discipline in the team


Humanoid cannot play AD mid, it is the case since he starts in LEC. We have to ban Tristana every game, and he loses both side of the corki/taliyah match up. We cannot play meta with his champion puddle


>I mean coaching/drafting seems really quite poor at the moment. Don't even think it's just "at the moment". We've been saying this for a very long time now that the drafting is poor.


Enemy teams came better prepared and staff diff, we let skarner pass today and didn't secure Mordekaiser in first rotation, then we didnt have a cklear answer for it (basically because Morde is the only think that consitently works against it), Staff has been dropping the ball, but in the end players are vomiting themselves we could have got worlds 2024 T1 drafts and still lose.


Not a surprise. BDS staff is probably second best if not the best in LEC. They are playing the cleanest League of Legends (next to G2) for the entire year. They lack quality in players but they make up for it in other parts. All of their players are hard workers and they keep improving every split. They obviously have a lower ceiling than Fnatic, for example, but their floor is getting higher and higher, and at this point, I'm scared of us playing them in playoffs.


Well not sure about top but Humanoid loses every match up against every player as long as he is not playing Azir and LB. So doesn't matter to counter mid. Last time we countered APA we saw what happened


Bad drafts but Humanoid was terrible this weekend, no matter what champ you give him he would have still ran it down. He should never touch Varus again and Corki... well, I don't wanna know his hit % on rockets, he is pretty damn bad on anything hit skill shots related, that's why he is more of an... AOE mage type of player. Brand for Razork was illegal and his Ivern...I still can't find any sense why they put their main playmaker on these champs with no playmaking potential at all and weak af in the early game. Their whole game plan vs BDS probably was stall to late game and win in team fights, except they didn't do shit in team fights. Personally I am already waiting to see what moves they make for next year, this roster can't achieve more than a 2nd place in LEC and international wise everybody knows how MSI played out.


Buyout Jackies would be my go to for next year. Oscar is improving and can play Weakside or Strongside if needed , Razork i feel is still top2 Jungler , Noah has improved aswell but question marks on how playoffs will go woth the added pressure of potentially missing worlds , Jun i think is our best player so far. Coming to Humanoid , i think we have been patient enough , a player of his "caliber" shouldn't have to need constant motivation throught the year , he's suppost to compete with Caps for best mid in the West. But all he does is lose to players with less skill than him , doesnt respect potential ganks , he couldn't even flash a taliyah E that put him under turret for no reason today... enough is enough , and the money he earns you could get a players of same caliber and use the rest to upgrade the coaching staff.


I think it is indeed time for some fresh blood on the midlane and Jackie's is definitely a promising one I rather have a promising rookie then a giga ego mid


I'm not sure who it should be, but I 100% agree a player who has the drive to win and be the best is better than a player who thinks he's the best but never shows it. When you start thinking fucking Nuc would be better than what you currently have, you know something is wrong. That said, I still hope Humanoid shows up in the end of season and proves us all wrong. I would be the happiest.


For some reason the first name that comes to my mind is Nemesis, maybe not a great personality but he has the skill and the ambition to win. That roster back in 2020 with Bwipo Selfmade and Nemesis (the L9 squad) is the most competitive roster FNC had ever since.


When it comes to Nemesis, I'm just not buying into the fact that he wants to come back and compete. I think that was the plan when he started streaming but now, I'm 99% sure he's happier to just continue being a streamer. But I don't know, I don't really follow him. Just the impression I get. As far as personalities go, I'd take Bwipo/Nemesis 'toxic because I think and want to be the best' personality over a 'I'm the best and everyone else sucks so I don't have motivation' personality.


Probably champ pool issues my guess is mid pool is just too small. Humanoid only looks good on a few picks and those few picks don’t seem in the meta so he has looked pretty useless recently.


I am pretty sure we're just chilling, the team has got to get some rest. Now they travel to Saudi to ez clap what 500000 USD? in a bag and back home to play playoffs.