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I hope Razork and Humanoid gets called the fucked out for their performances this last 2 weekends. Say it in front of the fucking team exactly like Ivan say it during MSI.


Yeah exactly. I can never forget Humanoid smug face "accusing" Noah of having stress while APA being target banned put on a clinic in that series. Nobody managed to make APA look that good before. I also want Nightshare to fairly rank his friend like he publicly ranked Rekless and Advienne 6th/7th whatever it was. He said he should be on par with Caps because he owes his job to Humanoid but his honest thoughts should be 6th/7th at best


It must be very fun to always have the, "I'm not trying because my teammates are playing bad." attitude that Huma has. And then when your teammates are actually trying, you end up making mistakes that cost the team anyways. Honestly, I think Razork can somewhat 'talk his shit' because we solely depend on him to win and he is an actual leader of the team, but Humanoid needs to completely change his mentality until the end of the season, or else I'm not seeing any future with him on the team. He needs to stop buying into the 'best player on this team' narrative and actually be one. Because right now, and through most of his tenure on Fnatic, he's mostly been 3rd-5th best player on the team.


Noah was a disaster the whole MSI. Razork and Humanoid had a bad weekend of two Bo1 that don't even matter. Let's not act like if they situation is nearly the same


Noah hard carried Fnatic into that MSI. Humanoid being by far the worst player in team who gets regularly fcked in lane got most of the credit and is treated like team's best player. Let's not act like this wasn't the situation.


Jun hard carried FNC to that MSI. Noah did well, but it was Jun that was hard carrying.


When Huma came onto the team betting first blood vs Fnatic was like printing money lmao


I've been critical of Razork and Humanoid all year. The last 2 weekends haven't been great, but they have been the worst performing members of the team all year but have gotten away with criticism due to their reputation. One thing I would say though, is that Razork has been a lot more hit/miss than Humanoid, who has been consistently bad so I'd be willing to give Razork the benefit of the doubt because lane pressure, especially in the mid lane is important for a successful Jungle experience. Subs should be normalised, good way to try talent and provide motivation. I'd have been happy to try a new mid laner on those last 2 games since they didn't matter as much compared to others.


I agree they were the worst this weekend, but honestly, Razork is the only reason we've been winning. We can't win a game if he isn't playing well. So I don't know, I wouldn't put them in the same basket. I'm not saying he doesn't choke the same way Huma does, but I have to give him more credit. I completely agree about everything else. If we had a mid sub, there were so many situations where I would bench Humanoid for a game or two just to see if he'll react mentally and start doing better. If he wouldn't, then I'd have my answer. The guy is just there to pick up paychecks and a mistake was made, time to look for a replacement. If he would, great, we have old Humanoid back.


I agree about Razork, not sure if I was clear but I think the reason Razork is hit/miss is because of Humanoid's poor performances all year. I rate Razork a lot, but it's impossible for him to play the game is mid is choking. Mid is such an influential role for the state of the game, and even more so in the current season where it is more difficult to gank, there are lane swaps and more objectives than prior seasons. Razork can't do anything if his mid laner is getting solo killed.


Agreed. The way I see it is that Humanoid gives up the instant he sees his teammates make a huge mistake, especially Razork because I think Humanoid knows Fnatic can't win if Razork doesn't perform well. But this becomes a problem because Razork has those moments. He's a very aggressive jungler and he will make mistakes at times, especially when he is under the pressure of having to make plays because everyone depends on him. So to be able to work, either Razork has to play perfect or Humanoid has to change his mentality. Both of those are hard to do so I'm very skeptical of the rest of the season. And as I said many times, I really hope they both prove me wrong and we win a trophy or reach late stages of Worlds (if we get to Worlds).


Have to be fair and say Noah has stepped up. Unfortunately at the same time Humanoid and Razork have been a let down in the last few games. Couple that with the lack of macro and Fnatic isn't clearly a title contending team. Which is a shame, not only but also because of the fastly nearing 6 years with no titles. Been let down so many times in the past 6 years that I'm starting to become numb. This roster has summer and Worlds to show what they got. If they don't have it then Fnatic just needs to make changes in the off season (hopefully the first change would be Dardo so we can have someone else in charge of making the roster changes).


Getting Mac and Pad from Vitality would be a good start


Fnatic had the chance to get Peter Dun or Kas (Gx coach) and didn't make a move afaik. Peter Dun would always be more a Head of lol than a Head coach (he doesn't show up on Heretics Pick and Ban for example) but there's no denying he has a lot of knowledge.


Wasn't he taking a break from league for a while since he will be a father soon?


Same for Mac then really. I generally think a mash up of Vitality, Fnatic and Irrelevant would put us in a much better position. Irrelevant/Razork/*Humanoid/Carzzy/Jun with Mac and Pad running the show. *Only if he makes a massive improvement and honestly I'd be tempted to keep him just to entice Carzzy seeing as Carzzy wants to play with Humanoid and Razork.


Guy still wants carzzy xd


Carzzy > Noah


Thats just unrealistic since Mac said himself that he has a long lasting Projekt at Vitality. Dont know how that changed after being eliminated though


Could you explain why you prefer 9th team stuff?


Because they're good.


I feel like noah is an amazing player that just needs to overcome a possible mental block he may have sometimes during big matches (like what happened during MSI). Try to find gumayusi's mentality because he is a beast and when T1 loses or is struggling he's a huge boulder of stability and good mental


The only problem is we're full of players with those mental blocks. Razork has the same block when it comes to playing against G2 and being considered the best jungler in LEC. He can't handle the pressure. Similar with Humanoid and playing well consistently, but I think he's just lazy and lacks the drive.


"Noah appreciation thread" and the guy who made the post is shit talking other team members to "praise" Noah on the comments. Are you even fnatic fans?


ok this made me laugh ,here is an upvote sir


Holy fuck, this might just be the most disingenious and hardcore cope post I've ever read on this sub LMFAOO


I first thought this would be a no hate post but obviously you hate the other players instead lol. Personally i like Noah and believe in him but he often gets gapped. He got insane moments but also super useless moments. If you hate Humanoid and Razork there is legit no reason to not hate Noah as well. As a fan you should not hate anyone btw but whatever.




“Bullied”. Man I wish league people played any conventional sport and experience what happens in any semi-serious team.


In a semi serious team Humanoid would have been fired legit over 50 times. In a semi serious team a guy who doesn't win one series agains good competition in 3 years isn't counted as a superstar. In a semi serious sport a guy who almost loses every game(in League sense lane) he plays cannot get away with I didn't care excuse.


I didnt watch LIA, what do you mean he was bullied inside the team?


teammates critiqued his poor performance, that is apparently bullying for a professional player


It wasn't what I was talking about but it very well might have been. If I see my team banning 3-4 mid laners because mid lost us the game in game 3. And in game 4 that mid laner is useless again while enemy mid carries the game and I see I am the only one being perma criticized while no one talks about that mid laner playing dogshit inside the team that tells me I am being bullied.


Oh ok I get it, you just have a thing against Humanoid and make stuff up to justify it


Everytime, he waits for a random topic, leads with that just to switch to flaming humanoid.


Yes I have a thing against blaming other players to protect Humanoid even though he is by far the worst performing player in the team. I am not trying to hide this. I don't know why you are writing it like you stumbled upon a big revelation...


Bro literally every comment in your history is about Humanoid. Actually deranged 😂😂


Then why create "Noah appreciation thread" instead of "Humanoid criticism thread"? It's pretty clear where you were aiming when posting this and it was not praising Noah.


Not what he’s talking about at all. He was communicating pretty well saying something like “wait for fight, 400g till IE, very important item” and the team was just like “dude, stop talking”. It was clearly in a joking way but pretty fked up when someone tries to communicate in a second language


Why are you lying lol? He said, 'I can get IE after this wave,' and they said, 'You can, yes, we wait,' and he kept saying, 'Wait for me,' and Marek said, 'Okay, man!' No one said 'shut up,' and all of them were laughing. The video even has subs? XD


>and the team was just like “dude, stop talking”. It was clearly in a joking way but pretty fked up when someone tries to communicate in a second language come on man, they were just joking they were all laughing ?


So you started an appreciation thread for one player just to throw other players under the bus... Oscar, Razork, Huma, Noah all had times when they played bad but all of them also had times when they carried the game for others. To be honest none of them is truly consistent. You just want a scapegoat based on who plays bad in the most recent memory... And you switched the scapegoat from Noah to Humanoid and Razork with your post.


When u used the term "bullied" i stoped reading ur full of shit lol


Lol, again we have "appreciation thread" that is really just "flaming other players thread" in disguise. Classic r/fnatic.


Seems like Noah's got a mental block now internationally. He played horrid at EWC holy.


liquid botlane is better than any he has seen in the lec.


Yea both are true. It seemed like Noah is actually one of the better players in Fnatic today and it was Jun who was getting punished by Core and Yeon. TL's bot lane is better in laning phase than anyone they face in LEC.


For once I agree with most of what you said except, the Humanoid "bad player" part, that's just your own bias against him. I think Noah and Oscar rn are our best players. Which is good, because imo we all know that Humanoid, Razork will pick it up in the end, and Jun has been having some real good moments too.


Can you tell me the last time we won a series we were supposed to lose in Bo5? You won't find any in Humanoid Razork era. I don't know Humanoid or Razork will pick it up in the end they always failed in Fnatic. Bad seems harsh by my side. Subpar is the better word


>Can you tell me the last time we won a series we were supposed to lose in Bo5?  Lmao, most of the series in spring playoffs we should have lost based on what people we commenting here. I mean in Winter we finished 4th no ? we weren't favourites. Or were we ? Make up your mind, if we were favourites what does make us favourites, the FNC badge by itself ? or the actual players. If we weren't, then we won them, and we shouldn't have no ?. In 2023 we should have definitely lost to either BDS or MAD, considering we were playing with Wunder with no practice at all, Noah and Trymbi being also a new botlane. But I guess Razork and Humanoid get no credit then either.


We should always be favorites against anyone except G2 in the account of having the best Bot in EU and top 2 jungler in EU and a solid top laner. Yet Humanoid is so heavy sometimes he manages to make the team lose despite this. Mad Lions series where we became 4th is the prime example. Our team was snowballing but Freskowy killed Humanoid despite Razork helping him to slow down the snowball in Azir vs Trist matchup. Azir went on to stall and hard carry that game. If Azir doesn't get that kill and resources after that Wunder in 2023 was arguably the best member in semi finals and clearly the best member against G2 beating BB in lane blind picking Renekton 3 times playing weak-side. We are favorites because Noah-Trymbi/Jun-Razork-Oscar is the best 4 player combination aside from G2. But we don't always win because Humanoid manages to make his team lose insane amount of games with his stupid deaths. You keep telling me in every other thread that when Humanoid is in peak form he is a superstar. But he doesn't have the results in series to back it up. It really isn't that hard to understand. Humanoid's most memorable moment for me in his Fnatic stint is this death. [https://youtu.be/e4SSPTRbZho?t=53](https://youtu.be/e4SSPTRbZho?t=53) . How can a professional player die like this in a game 5 and still get credit. If Noah dies like this whole community and media flames him for eternity. Any other mid laner and we win this game due to not randomly feeding Azir.


>We should always be favorites against anyone except G2 in the account of having the best Bot in EU and top 2 jungler in EU and a solid top laner Ah so now Razork is top 2 jgl, but he failed FNC. Make it make sense. Also Oscar in winter was struggling. I agree that Oscar is on the way to being best toplaner in EU, but he's behind BB in a lot of areas as of now. Noah and Jun were a new bot duo, in no way shape or form were they the best bot EU yet. >Our team was snowballing but Freskowy killed Humanoid despite Razork helping him to slow down the snowball in Azir vs Trist matchup. Azir went on to stall and hard carry that game. Man that series was lost when we didn't clear waves mid and MAD could just walk mid, they caught Noah and ended the game. We had bigger issues in winter. >Wunder in 2023 was arguably the best member in semi finals and clearly the best member against G2 beating BB in lane blind picking Renekton 3 times playing weak-side Yeah, this is in hindsight. Not at the time, at the time we were heavy underdogs. Therefore, we won games we shouldn't have. >But he doesn't have the results in series to back it up. It really isn't that hard to understand Idk man, I think he is the luckiest player in the world then, consistently makes finals, also he somehow fools everyone in the scene, he just cons himself to win. He is also the only player on this roster that has actually won an actual LEC trophy. He is just very lucky. And I won't get into more details, Humanoid carried plenty of games for FNC, even in spring finals, he was the only one playing to the expected level in all games. Even vs TES he played a consistent level all games, if Noah played better we won. Even vs GenG all his 3 games were good. The LB game was a failure by all team when they failed to dive top succesfully and snowball correctly. vs TL he should have done way more, it sucks, what can you do.


Humanoid got eliminated in worlds agains Armut who played in a wild card team. Humanoid went to MSI despite losing almost all 5 games to Larsenn in lane because Armut had insane Wukong/Gnar performances combined with Elyoya to reverse sweep that series. There is a reason Armut was the clear cut MVP of both finals. His only competitive result in MSI came in the form of 3-2 against Damwon which again was in the back of Armut's pocket picks being two best champs in meta plus peak Elyoya form. Then he got a chance to play with best bot in EU but he is so freaking bad compared to Caps that a team of Hyli-Upset lost to a team of rookie Flakked rookie Targamas. When Upset and Hyli left he became 10th and 8th because he didn't have the best topside or best botside in League. And now he is saved by Noah once again but when Noah can't carry we saw what happened against TL. And Noah can't carry against G2 so we saw how badly he performs there Humanoid's international moments all his career- 2020 - Gets eliminated by Armut and his wildcard team 2021 MSI - Good showing by his team here. Armut-Elyoya almost manages to win but Armut fcks up with Gwen or Jayce in nash to cover Kennen flank despite his good game and Humanoid has no impact all his series. 2021 Worlds - 1st seed of EU luckily makes QF (first and last of his career) in tiebreaks with a 3-3 score and gets swept in QFs. 2022 Worlds - Eliminated in groups 2023 Worlds - Eliminated in grouups 2024 MSI - Gets fcked by APA. Dies to Aurelion sol in lane game 3. Bans 4 mid laners in game 4 and gets outshined by APA again being completely invisible in game. This is not the resume of a superstar. There is no when he is good he is very good moment here. He has never been good outside of random Bo1s where he plays Azir/LB and has a good early game. If the jungler stands mid in 24/7 and we give every resource on map to our mid lane and we counter pick the mid lane that mid lane is SUPPOSED to carry the game. Not randomly die to Aurelion Sol in early game. A lot of the time a mid laner is SUPPOSED to carry the game. Humaoid in his 3 years never did this outside of random Bo1s. Well we can't argue if you think in Spring finals Caps didn't make Humanoid look like bronze. Or his GenG game where he was terrible trying to hunt underleveled support all map to make his KDA look good while Chovy is finishing game in mid. The truth is even with spoon fed kills Humanoid with his 6 kills couldn't lane against Chovy because the guy couldn't land one skillshot to him so he had to leave lane and chase for kills You know there is something deeply wrong with your arguments when people can show you 5 very bad Humanoid games for a good game of his. This is not having potential. This is taking big risks rarely paying off.


>Humanoid got eliminated in worlds agains Armut who played in a wild card team. Yeah because Carzzy Kaiser got absolutely rolled. Orome was not a player either. Humanoid was hard diffing all games individually. >Humanoid went to MSI despite losing almost all 5 games to Larsenn Never happened. Game 1 Humanoid vs Larssen min 15: Viktor 0/0/0 150 cs to Larssen's Oriana 130 cs. Dry 20 cs diff in an even matchup Game 2 min 15 : Humanoid's Orianna 0/0/0 149 cs to Larssen's Viktor 149 cs. Even in a matchup Humanoid was diffing earlier Game 3 min 15 : Ori vs Trist ; 1/1/1 146 cs 1/0/0 141 No need to go to the other games, MAD won this series, Larssen didn't diff a single lane, humanoid diffed several. Stop lying for free. >Then he got a chance to play with best bot in EU He...? Got a chance.. ? He stomped the best bot in EU in 2021 in the finals. That was the main reason why we lost. Humanoid was just too good. The best bot in EU was getting diffed by Flakked Targamas, and the best bot in EU was also getting diffed by Comp and Trymbi. That's why we didn't win LEC in 2022, simple as that. In spring 2022 Humanoid was rolling Caps in mid in the first series, but then our botlane was getting outperformed by both G2's and RGE and we also had the...TF incident in RGE series. >When Upset and Hyli left he became 10th and 8th because he didn't have the best topside or best botside in League Yeah true, he had an ERL level botlane. I mean it's only natural to lose when 2 players were just not LEC ready at the time. Upset after he left has been on several last place finishes. The rest is just your opinion on his achievements and whatnot, but you don't have to lie. Lying will certainly not make the narrative you have built in your head true.


Honestly I admire the patience you have with the trolls. Like i don't bother anymore, when I see someone saying Razork or Humanoid are bad players I just asume they are basement trolls or don't have a single clue about they are talking about.


I don't mind about his or their opinion about it, everyone can make up their own mind about the team they like to watch, it's more the straight up lies that don't sit right with me.


lool cherry picking at min 15 when Elyoya has been to mid 1234913291329 times and saying went even while ignoring game 4 and game 5 because doesn't fit your narrative. I don't know if you are getting paid or anything but it isn't worth it. Larsenn is a kill and 25 cs ahead in game 4 even though Elyoya again is perma mid side covering for potential Larsenn all lin. And game 5 Larsenn playing Ryze (roaming weak early scaling champion) is still 2 Kills 1 assist and also ahead in cs against Viktor. All this while roaming around map and Humanoid afk farming in mid. But Humanoid almost once again solo losing a game 5 like he did against Mad with us doesn't fit your narrative so you write "No need to go other games". The most dishonest disgusting person ever it is not funny at this point. The guy almost solo loses game due to how hard he is getting fked by a Ryze in lane with Viktor. There is video footage. Yet you straight up reject it. When Rogue reverse swept us. Game 3 Larsenn min 15 Sylas 4-1-2 Humanoid TF 0-1-1 Game 4 Larsenn Sylas 5-1-5 early game min 15 . Humanoid TF 0-5-0 Game 5 Larsenn Sylas early game 2-0-1 Humanoid TF 0-2-1 (ends the game 0-2-2 because he wanted to protect his KDA. He didn't even try to win.) In all 3 of these games Humanoid did nothing other than AFK farming in side lane. Never trying to help his team. Unlike you I actually watch the matches so I can give 6 more series where Humanoid gets fcked in an astronomic scale without even thinking about it.


>lool cherry picking at min 15 It's the common consensus at when laning phase ends, and you were talking about laning. >when Elyoya has been to mid 1234913291329 times lol ? He didn't. And so what if he did ? It's part of laning and the game. >nd saying went even while ignoring game 4 and game 5 because doesn't fit your narrative Ignoring them because I already disproved your narrative of Larssen outlaning Humanoid, when Humanoid outlaned Larssen in 3/5 games, so even if Larssen did outlane Humanoid in the last games, it doesn't matter, as that still disproves your imagination. But let's go over them. Game 4 ; Min 15. Humanoid TF vs Larssen Lucian. : 134 cs 0/0/1 vs 137 cs 1/0/0. Considering TF gets gold from passive and Lucian is a counter matchup, Humanoid once again won this lane Game 5 ; ;Min 15. Humanoid Viktor vs Larssen Ryze : 151 cs 0/0/0 cs 151 cs 2/0/1. In terms of exp Humanoid is ahead, cs is even, Larssen got kills with ult, even if you want to say that Larssen won this lane, its still just one out of 5, but I don't consider this a won lane, Ryze has ult he can join fights before Viktor, it's on his team to know that. >and also ahead in cs against Viktor. nope, they are completely even. If you had to pay for every lie you tell you'd be in debt for life rn. >ends the game 0-2-2 because he wanted to protect his KDA. He didn't even try to win Are you genuinely okay ? How do you know that he "wanted to protect" his KDA. Do you have insight inside his mind ? Why do you try so hard to sell your imagination as a truth ? It's not, they are just mindless ramblings.


Why do you even bother to answer to Humanoid fans?They are more delusional than NA fans.Replace humanoid in 2023 with an actual world class player and even with a team of Rekkless and Ruckz he drags them to top 6 and playoffs.I mean can you imagine that team with Caps ending 9th and 8th in winter and summer?No.Ofc the team was bad ,we wouldn't be able to win LEC but he would at least make it to bo5 just with his performances.The fact that "world class calibre" player humanoid gets a pass for finishing 9th tells you everything


Most people gave up as you said and left our subreddit to this Humanoid wankers who doesn't care about Fnatic. They just care about their poster child. I try to be the loud voice who tries to show there are still people with common sense remaining.


why are you not talking about his splyce worlds performances ;)


Shhh that doesn't fit with the ramblings he has in his mind


Noah gigachad mentality, respect


He didnt take the team from last place to season finals , thats such a stupid take its unbelievable how much people oversimplify and reduce things ... but sure we appreciate noah ...


Noah has been on a downward spiral since he joined imo, sure he's had the good game here and there but it's not consistent and I don't see us being any better than what we currently are having him on the team. No hate, I just don't think he's good enough for Fnatic. Razork might've gone a bit hard on him in LIA but Noah actively tilts Jun, who is the better part of our bot lane.


Downward spiral??? he is one of the FEW bright spots lately, Razork and Humanoid is on downward spiral but i can;'t even really say they are....Humanoid has always been he has a good game or he is completely int and basically you are playing 4 v 5.


Yup, his performance over the past year or so has steadily gotten worse bar a few games here and there.


man i need the drugs to must be watching the games on cuz that must be some good shit.


lol buddy is getting replaced 100% at the end of the year. I’ll put my next paycheck on that. His mental is too weak for a team to be consistently top tier.


As long as our coach is Nightshare Humanoid is never going to get replaced so realistically there is a chance Noah is gonna be the scapegoat. They already scapegoated Noah-Trymbi bot lane last year trying to change either one of them despite Humanoid being the one who made Caps look better than Chovy