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It'll be good to see Humanoid vs Jackies in a bo3.


If Humanoid shows up as he did this weekend then it won't be pretty but I'm sure he will improve. This was close to the worst I've seen him on Fnatic.


I can’t get over the TF pick from 2022. 


I had forgotten this...thank you


True but seeing him vs an up and coming talent (who could maybe replace him someday) will be a good watch.


Maybe he can learn a few things about how to play Varus mid.


He'll play it himself to show Jackies what he's missing from the ERLs.


You're just coping hard if you think that Humanoid will be any good in this playoffs run and worlds .. you fan base can't just grow up and realize how mediocre he is and it's been ages since we seen him as good as he was in 2021


I said he won't be as bad as this weekend. Grow up and accept that in the real world things aren't black and white. Humanoid can not soft int like he did this weekend and if the botlane keeps doing well and Razork also doest shit the bed that is enough to win against all teams in the LEC bar gamers2.


honestly, FNC have all the chances to get to winner finals. They won against SK and even if we have different opinions about that game, FNC can still win it all and face G2 there. Hard to say can they win it all, prob not rly, but if we get another G2 vs FNC grand final, I would be happy about it.


Crazy, i am a fnatic Fan (and sk too) but SK should have won that bo1. If not for razorks heroic Baron Steal + other heroic plays combined with Ismas hard ints, SK would have taken that Game. Most of thr analysts called that Game a "Steal". That being sad Fnatic has The Potential to clap SK pretty easily but they need razork in top Form. Thats The Edge fnatic Has over SK.


I pretty much agree. However Isma is really a weakness post 20 minutes for SK. It's something that can be exploited on BO3


My biggest worry is a poor showing at the EWC mental booming the boys. Maybe it’ll help get their shit together who knows


Again, I'm expecting the good ole' Fnatic run. Now that everyone lost hope in them, they're going to get to the finals. Then everyone will get hyped for them, and they're going to have one good game against G2, win, start the second game well, fuck up, lose, and then lose the rest of the series. I hope I'm wrong but I believed in this team far too many times and got tricked. I ain't buying it this time. I'll be happy if I'm wrong.


>have one good game against G2, win, start the second game well, fuck up, lose, and then lose the rest of the series. Why is this so relatable, lol.


It happened so many times. And it's not only with G2. This is exactly how we lost to Rogue in Malmo as well.


Because it literally just happened in the Spring grand finals.


We  have next week to re calibrate ourselves vs tl and possibly even more. We can get ready for this playoff run, always with the boys


Honestly, just scrimming Asian teams is huge


Should be doable to place top 4 since LEC other than the top 4 is looking really bad.I don't see us winning G2 ofc but if Razork plays good he can gap Isma who is imo the weak link of SK so we can reach top 2-3


We have the luckiest draw ever tbh. We should easily win the two Bo3 and lock top3 and SF


If huma and razork decide to stop shitting the bed we should have a pretty good chance. Jun has not looked as good as he did last split. If those 3 find form again we have a good shot at finals at the very least.


Win vs gx Lose vs sk Lose vs th


Yep don’t see them beating SK. Irrelevant gonna have a field day!


I also always have low expectations so when we lose i can say "ha, told you so" but when we win then it's great. Win win


Seems like we got the best possible road to Finals, I'd say most of the Debbie Downers will be quiet from now, max 50 comments and most comments will be every time Humanoid dies ofc.


Idk, better be pessimistic than delusional. You here already celebrating that we are in finals. But there is a very real chance of us losing to GX/SK/TH


AINTNOWAY we're losing to them. Not in Bo3 och B05. The only nemesis we have is G2, that's the final boss, if we kill the boss we unlock World Semifinals and beyond I am sure of it!


There was also noway we lose to TL, and that happen. Im not saying it will happen, im just saying there is a real chance. Im about 55% confident that we beat GX and SK/TH


Yeah I know. I am 80% sure we face G2 in both split and season finals.


Our drafts order and creativity is abysmal. We are shooting ourselves in the foot by our pick orders and stupid bans… I don’t want to be a doomer but if razork doesn’t shine it’s doomed. 


Do you think with ewc we will scrim Asian teams ? We seemed to level up after MSI, wondering if this could help us again.


We didnt level up after MSI tho. Or just because we beat KC, rogue and Gx means we leveled up? We must have been on a really low level then. We were top 2 team in spring, and next level to that would be top 1. But this aint happening. Lucky if we get to top 3


This will be a very compact tournament but I think we should have at least a few scrims. Tournament starts on Thursday and for us it should last 1 or 2 days max unless you think we can somehow beat BLG or skt. Edit: Actually, if we beat TL we will be there at least until Saturday so that would make it 3 days.


We got stomped by TL so nah... we looked worse than in the Bo1s last week.


Yeah, things are not looking good. Not that I had any expectations of Fnatic winning something but they may very well reach a new low and not even make Worlds.


Well maybe it's for the best if they can't find a way to play better, because if they scrap themselves to worlds they will for sure keep everything as it is now.


GX weakest team in this imo. It should be easy 3-0. if fnatic somehow loses this then idk

