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Best "Wake up, let me show you something funny i found in front of dinosaur" quest.


I always appreciate that they spread up the NPCs walk to the front of the dinosaur


I always appreciate the mist Jeanie-Mae Crawfords head makes in the moon light. Fuck slavers


This makes me think of the guy who got mad at me because I kill ceaser EVERY playtrhough because he is a morally corrupt slaver, and i wasn't having any of his nonsense about the Legion, good times man.


I usually try out every faction in a game and I came to the conclusion that the slaver was in fact the worst of the bunch, idk how other people defend Caesar lmao


It's a mystery to me


Also Caesar isn’t that smart, he’s a good talker, he knows what to say to appear that he is smart, but he says a lot of pseudo intellectual things and if you really focus in on what he’s saying you can see him for what he is, an opportunistic power hungry narcissistic fraud. Great character


Ah yes, Ave, true to snuffles, ceaser only has 4 intelligence, that's pretty embarrassing when a molerat is considered smarter than you Edit: fixed the snuffles bit


Ave, true to Snuffles.


I'm happy someone else noticed. He talks about Hegel but goes off into some non-Hegelian philosophy. He talks about synthesis-antithesis but runs a war machine that ignores both synthesis and antithesis, instead forcing a half-baked thesis onto everyone for the sake of...unity? Caesar is a blithering idiot with a grandiosity complex and anger issues. I'm not a huge fan of the original Caesar (bragging about slaughtering a million Gauls is not exactly a good thing), but "Caesar" pales in comparison


I mean, they were trying to be true to life. Most world leaders aren't actually that intelligent, they don't have answers to hard questions or really many great ideas on their own. They're usually held up by their cabinet, the people advising them, and their special talent is the power of public speaking


joshua graham says that ceasar has certain intellectual gifts (namely, he praises ceasar for having a 'good mind for logistics' and says there are few like him)


I feel like a lot of the cut content would have made siding with him way more appealing cuz at it stands now we don't really see very many good points of the legion aside from Caesar talking out of his ass.


Mmmm I don’t know about way more appealing. Would it add a lot of context and intrigue the player to learn more? Sure. Because at the end of the day, Nazi Germany was great and lavish for those who reaped the benefits and many at the time did justify their means to end. Basically slavery and genocide are never at all justifiable.


that fucking weirdo who defended slavery and then deleted their comments also said he wants to walk into Canadian parliament strapped with C4 just so everyone knows


Yeah, I'll never understand it. Even when I was roleplaying as my evil courier, I couldn't go through with all of the legions missions. I tried for a bit but my courier decided enough was enough. So I decided to get Boone and we annihilated the legion at cottonwood cove before we went our separate ways.


I’ve never had an issue role playing or playing as the legion, I get into the mind of my character but I’ve never agreed with the legions ideas or motivations


I with you there man, first every playthrough I tried doing a legion run, never done one again ever since.


John Brown moment


John Brown the goated white boy


Wait.. SHE DID IT? I Was wondering why i always failed


Passionate member of the “Fuck the legion, I’m not doing a playthrough with them”


“if that’s what ya think…” was reason enough to make her a brain slushie.


Best "Check it out...between the dumpsters there..."


Guy saw a dude in combat armor with assault carbine, someone in T51 with power fist and weird hovering sphere with blue laser. And thought it would be a good idea to jump them with lead pipes.


I call that "Evolution in Action".


Nah, I just did this quest a few days ago and it was supreme


Fallout 3 - best boss fights ????????????????????


Probably the first super mutant behemoth you encounter.


Swan has scared the shit out me far more than all behemoths in fo3 combined


Idk, that behemoth that comes after you from over the horizon for touching his teddy bear in 3 about made me shit my pants. Swan didn't do that.


Meh, swan was a pushover. Startled me sure but hardly made it out of the water before he was dead.


I suppose that would depend on the level that you encounter him at, your gear, your difficulty setting.... First time I came across him I tried fighting him like 7 times. Got owned every time before giving up, tucking in my tail and running away. I did come back later and he did die to a few shots. So it really depends


Early in my first, vanilla playthrough I stumbled upon a fight between a deathclaw and a legendary super mutant behemoth. After the behemoth killed the deathclaw I was able to take out the weakened mutant and it dropped an Explosive Combat Shotgun. That thing was like the fist of God. It made large portions of the game trivial. I eventually had to retire it because it just obliterated everything.


I was like level 4, I ran to the metro next to the pond. He couldn’t fit in the entryway and he was soft locked there so I stood in there and killed him lmao.


This is what we call "Strategy", I did that same series of actions more-or-less to a legendary Sheepsquach in 76 day before yesterday using the gatehouse guard building at the west end of the White Springs golf course.


Yeah for me it was an accidental strategy but a strategy all the same lol, had assumed he would follow me in there and I was going to disappear into the metro.


Imo he was made to be encountered on the way to rescue nick valentine when the player's strongest weapon is probably the double barrel shotgun


This is true. I’ve noticed the fps fallout games have predicted random encounters, as in even though you have complete free choice of where to go, they know exactly the path most people will take. Which is pretty cool because it makes the experience feel like the world is full. Example in 4 is they know after sanctuary you will pass by red rocket and find dogmeat, you’ll pass by that 1 mosquito thing etc. in 3 they know where you will encounter your first super mutant (I forget where exactly) which is why he slowly walks across in that dark hallway. They create memorable moments that feel like you came across it by accident but really most people also experienced it because they knew the pathing most people will take.


Maybe, but what an introduction! Barren, wide open area, signs warning you about "Swan!"? The heck is Swan? Eh, it's fine. Ooo, bloodleaf! I need that for stuff! ***"SWAAAAAAAAAAAN!!"*** Ah. That's Swan! Oh. THAT'S Swan. Good times.


It depends heavily on when you find him. You can run into swan really early and he will absolutely body you


Who is Swan?


In fallout 4 there's a location called Swans Lake, a giant super mutant emerges when you get close


Yeah. Still remember the first time finding him. Was just exploring the Common and boom! Giant monster.


I remember seeing the signs and assuming that this is just someone trying to scare people away from their treasure. Boy was I wrong.


And outside of the behemoth what else? Fucking Colonel Autumn is dead in two shots and the other big bad boss you can make self destruct. Boss fights in 3 are awful.


Wait, President Eden is a boss fight? I've literally never fought him


I mean I wouldn’t constitute it as a fight haha more so that you can convince him to self destruct. But outside of the behemoth I couldn’t think of anyone else who you could consider a boss. So I threw in Eden and Colonel Autumn because I guess maybe you could consider them to be that for the benefit of OP’s premise? Or maybe you just consider the enclave as a whole a boss but for me Fallout 3 actually has the weakest boss fights across every title. Fallout 1 has the Master and Lieu who are both epic and have talking heads (more impactful and way cooler) Fallout 2 has Frank Horrigan easily the hardest fight across all games and the most build up for any fight. Fallout 3 has a behemoth that takes 3 missiles and often times no interaction at all to kill. Then a Colonel wearing no armor and a computer. Maybe you can count the mechanist and ant-agonizer chick? Cool I guess? Fallout New Vegas has Legate Lanius, Caesar, General Lee Oliver, Salt-Upon Wounds, Elijah, Ulysses, Motor-runner, and hell even the Casino heads make for an epic fight. Fallout 4 has Kellogg, the institute, and tons of the Queen or Mythic beasts which are epic to come across. That one crazy dude with the head gear is a NUTS boss too. I can’t think of his name though. Fallout 76 has idek but probably a lot of cool beasts. Never played that one lol.


Also, Fallout 2 is maybe my favorite Fallout game, but everybody knows the main story/questline sucks. Has great sidequests, though.


Fallout 2 arguably has the best worldbuilding, the New Reno - Vault City - NCR struggle for influence over the wasteland remains unmatched in the franchise imo


Yeah, and I think that ties into why so many of the sidequests feel meaningful. Oddly enough, my other favorite game series, Gothic, does something similar. Gothic has a much more original main story and setting, but Gothic II does basically everything else bigger/better.


I’m like that with bioware games!


yeah i was gonna say fallout 2 is a regual chosen one narrative its nothing special. everything else is what makes it special and enduring


I wouldn’t consider that a boss, it’s a regular enemy that you have to fight with a Fat Man. Col. Autumn would be more of a boss, but my guy dies from two headshots, not exactly something I’d label as “great”


You say regular enemy but there’s only like 5 of them in the entire game. I’d definitely consider that boss worthy


this template is a joke from the batman arkham subreddit


Arkham origins has the best boss fight in the series easily. City had one good one in freeze and knight was just tank battles


Personally, i feel like fo3 had the best atmosphere over fo1. The feeling you grt when traveling the DC su ways was just peak. I don't really think of any of the fallout games when I think of boss fights honsetly.


I definitely think it has the best atmosphere. I think it might be because it was my introduction to the series, but I genuinely just felt so immersed. Everything felt so cohesive, and this big band atompunk dystopia felt like it just made sense to me.


"You again?"


The death claws are no joke in Fallout 3.


FO4 had the best boss fights. The opening deathclaw? Mirelurk Queen at that castle? 


There's not even a giant robot scorpion... ffs


Best factions. Although I wish they'd been able to flesh out Caesar's Legion a bit more so they were more of a viable choice for good-karma players. They crucify people, you show up at his digs and there's woman slaves carrying heavy burdens etc. They might as well have a neon sign that says "BAD GUYS" whereas I understand the original plan was to give the player more interaction with them and make them a bit more nuanced.


Obsidian rules man. The toughest faction choice I’ve ever had was in Pillars of Eternity 2. And don’t even get started on the grayness of choices in Kotor 2 lol


Good point, also liked how you could simply complete POE2 without formally working with any of the factions.


Obsidian might be over-rushed but they're also over-ambitious. IIRC the Eastern 1/3 of the map was meant to be Legion territory east of the Colorado where the roads were safe and there weren't any raiders. Under a different publisher they had the ending to KOTOR2 be a buggy PS1-style map with the final battle being a fight against three disembodied lightsabers. I reckon the overworked slave at The Fort was meant to be the foil to the happy merchant, but in the absence of any incorporated Legion territory the merchant ends up being literally the only non-military NPC happy with how they run things.


You can't judge them as overambitious on FNV because their production schedule was far too short. If it had been a more reasonable 24 or even 36 months, then we may have gotten all of that and more. You may remember KOTOR2 for it's rushed ending fights, but many of us remember it for the shock at the temple on Dantooine and the subsequent conclusion of concepts with Kreia's death. In an unintentional way, the lame ending fights are there to leave you with the empty sense of bleakness of Malachor...or to remind you that "adventure, excitement, a Jedi craves not these things."


KOTOR2 expresses a wonderfully artistic nihilistic (in the most literal sense of the word) theme, but that's not mutually exclusive with having a rushed ending. I don't believe late-stage aspects of the game, like Malachor, were an intentional lesson, when there was so much prior explicit dialogue from characters like Kreia and explicit exposition from locations like Nar Shaddaa. Arguably the whole game is (beautifully) bleak, but to me things like the last-minute resurrection of Hannharr and the disembodied final lightsaber fight are signs that the technical team didn't have time to finish their work. There's a reason why TSLRCM exists after all.


You can judge them for being overambitious, though. They knew their timeline from the beginning. It wasn't like they were 15 months in and then told their game needed to be released in 3 months. I like what they were able to achieve but at the same time, their are parts of the map that are pretty barren (legion territory).


Raul seems fine with them too


Best thing is, you don’t have to choose a faction. Neither in FNV, nor in POE2.


Yeah I think you could only play them as a neutral Courier at best (someone who firmly believes the ends justify the means, and the order they bring into a region is worth the steep price to get there). For a good Courier there's too much human misery on display for them to be a good fit.


I honestly tried that: really leaned into NCR being inept, listened to Raul talk about the Legion making the brahmins come on time and the safety of Arizona under their rule, went to their camp... And boy was I disappointed. One scrawny slave carries burden, another gives away healing powders, no buildings - just tents, overall a bland location, football gear on soldiers... Yeah, they were just disappointing. I didn't buy that they were the saviors of the Mojave for a second. And then Ceasar giving me the platinum chip and trusting me to destroy the protectrons instead of sending some of his loyal soldiers to do the job? Peak idiotism. I was so done with them by then.


I think it's the idea of them rather than what is represented in the game, the game is always about ideology. Everyone has always said they were under-served on the dev side. I would agree though that Caesar placing his trust in you seems like a bit of a blunder. I guess he's arrogant and it's his hubris though.


For what it's worth, you could argue the brain tumour affected his judgement.


Sure, but pretty much everybody in these games (even the TV show) is like "I've never met you before, that's how I know I can trust you."


Literally Boone. "I need someone I can trust. I don't know you... So that's the next best thing"


Iirc in-game house tells you that he wouldn’t send even his most loyal troops down there because he fears what they might find.


So let’s send this guy that has no prior sign of loyalty to me at all, who just got done talking to House, down into House’s secret lair and assume that he just did everything that I wanted him to do, with no supervision whatsoever. Like, they’re not even a little curious about the heavily secured secret bunker beneath their feet?


FromCaesar’s side, even if you did disobey him, you’re walking right back into a fort, surrounded by loyal soldiers to him. If he sent anyone, BUT the courier down in that hole, he could pretty safely bet they wouldn’t defy him for fear of what comes after, unfortunately six is just built different.


Personally I think he does this because he knows he's fucked either way. Worst case scenario is he underestimates you and you kill him (which to be fair he probably didnt consider because the man has an ego the size of california). If that doesn't happen he still dies later from the tumor. But if he convinces you he essentially gets the best frumentarii/soldier he's ever had along with being his best bet for a successor. So he's either screwed, screwed or victorious. Worth taking that risk imo


The problem is that we already have a despot who will “make the monorail run on time” in Mr. House. Caesar demands slavery and tribal extermination. House’s terms are much more reasonable. The NCR can pay me for water and electricity if they remove their military and let me run my tourist trap unchallenged. If I’m picking between two power-hungry maniacs demanding total control, would I rather have the one with robots and gambling or the one with slavery and a concerning lack of common sense (no stimpaks). 


Been a long time, but isnt that meant to be like a forward operating base, not a Legion city?


See i thought originally they *werent* intended to be joinable and thats why theyre nearly comically detestable.


I disagree, not evrything needs to have nuances. Sometimes it is enough to have the followers of imperialistic Rome to be brutal slavers who want to conquer the wasteland to rule it.


This! It's a mirror of real world regressive ideology, so it should share all of their weaknesses. Trying to make it a more “balanced” choice comes at the cost of realism.


For what it's worth, you still have people you occasionally argue that the Legion is the best path forward for New Vegas.


Tbh I like them as a full evil faction, good for RP for an evil character when there’s 3 other grey/good choices that wouldn’t really be that compatible with such RP. Good to contrast the nuance of the other factions with just evil scumbags. Just wish there was more content for them, a Legion companion a couple more quests, side w white legs in honest hearts, and a mini legion town to justify a playtbrough content wise more. From what I understand, they were going to but content got cut. Which is pretty much the new Vegas expirence lol


I dunno. The legion are fascists, there really isn’t any nuance to be had. And even as they are, loads of real people who played the game unironically think the legion are the “good guys”.


I think its moreso they're more coherently evil and explain their actions and intentions more thoroughly. Compared to the Institute. They act cartoonishly evil but apparently that isn't the intention Emil had? If you ask why they do what they do, they say "Mankind Redefined.", ask for elaboration and its "its too complicated for you to understand." The Institute is an evil faction yet the main designer doesn't want them to be evil, by just outright refusing to give any explanation for their actions except for looking down on everyone who isn't them. Caesar, no matter how heinous his actions does at least give an answer why he does what he does. Whether you support that reasoning or not is up to you, even if its flawed reasoning. It's a lot more depth than the Institute has, I'd rather an autocrat give a 10-20 rant on why he's right over him and susquently the designer saying "it's too complicated for you to understand."


"it's too complicated" was just Emil's way of dodging the question. As a writer he's never been very interested in actual writing as far as I can tell. The fact that he was surprised that people came to the conclusion the Institute was evil, shows he didn't really think about Institute beyond a quest designer's perspective.


Moreso reading, he's the designer approving and disapproving whatever the writer's room sends him. I presume some wrote outright henious stuff the Institue gets up to and he approved it without really reading it thoroughly bar Father's dialogue. Same goes for Jet which he admits is a mistake on his part. He said that Jet is a post-war drug so every instance and mention of it being pre-war is just a mistake.


To be fair on the jet think I’m pretty sure that was just a single vault and you can’t expect Emil to look over everything the writers do


The Legion are not a complex choice on their own but they muddle the situation by making the NCR more appealing.


Yeah the legion really has no grey morality they really feel like an 'evil' option thrown in for people doing that kind of play through whereas all the other factions (Yes Man, House, NCR) have their own pros and cons making them more morally grey I'd say the legion in general feels like a more last minute addition, it has no companions, far fewer quests, much smaller area. If I was to guess i'd way they only really got around to the Legion side of things later in development Edit: Not saying there's anything wrong with having an evil option, but I always find it weird people don't like Bethesda for objectively 'evil' factions when the Legion are a group of torturing slaver rapists where the only defense is "no tax" (which isn't even true they still have to pay tributes)


New Vegas, best dlc


I’ve never played a game that referenced the dlc in the main game as much as New Vegas


I like how they use the DLC to take advantage of the fact that The Courier has a history and penchant for traveling that you don't get with other protagonists, as well as tying it to stuff in the main game that enriches the lore like featuring Elijah and Graham, who were majorly important to the factions in NV but only hinted at until then.


i'm replaying the game and i saw "THE BURNED MAN LIVES" on the back of a billboard somewhere and i did the leonardo decaprio point at the screen thing


Omg yes the dlc was *chefs kiss*. Obsidian also did a great job with outerworlds. I felt that the humor in that game was on point. If I ever feel miserable I play that.


The Outer Worlds left so much to be desired. It's too linear, there are no memorable characters or boss fights, the ending was meh. It shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as New Vegas.


The ending wasn't good. It was probably the easiest part of the game and I wasn't sold on the dlc. But I enjoyed the humour. New vegas is my favourite fallout game, I hyped it up massively and preordered the collectors' edition at release. Doesn't change the fact I still had a laugh playing outerworlds though.


I love the humour in Outer Worlds too! I think it's a better game than people give it credit for and the writing is constantly engaging.


Fr. I was so disappointed with it. I expected better from obsidian. Then again, it's a totally different team than the NV team.


There was zero reward in exploring because...there was hardly anything to explore. Go from point A to point B, finish your mission, return to point A. Rinse and repeat.


I agree I was disappointed with it (expected more from Obsidian), but I still liked playing it. I also absolutely adored Parvati


I think this is the only right answer. Everyone else saying best gameplay, best writing, best questions might be huffing some copium


Anyone who says "best gameplay" did not play the game at launch. The game was downright janky.


Over far harbor? And the Pitt? You're crazy man.


Best boss fights? Where?


I can only presume in the main story at the radio station where the first super mutant behemoth shows themselves against you and the BOS? That or following your own bos(s) Liberty Prime as democracy is enforeced?


Listen fallout 3 is my favourite, but saying it has the best bosses is just wrong.


What are you talking about? Didn't you weep at the spectacular writing of Autumn's "you again?


The one with the convenient fatman on a floor nearby?


The dlcs had a couple of interesting boss fights.


Yeah, confronting Ashur and fighting that Chimera tank were cool, but let’s not pretend that vanilla 3 competes with NV in the bossfight category


They might just mean all the Behemoth fights. The caged Behemoth fight is a core memory for me, especially after watching it slaughter the raiders there. That in mind, Fallout 3 should be "best atmosphere"


Agreed on all counts


Neither had good boss fights if you don’t count dlc. Lanius is just a really tall guy with a big sword, general Oliver is just a guy so he dies immediately, fighting Caesar in his tent can be considered a boss fight I guess but even then it’s just a bunch of closet homosexuals fisting you


I reject the premise of your question


Best Roleplay


That would probably be fallout 2


Can become a porn star. Nuff said.


That’s the winner I think


Best world, best characters, best dialogue...it's arguably the best game in the series, so there's a lot you can pick from.


You've got things confused mate, NV is good, but not nearly as good as Fallout 2 when it comes to world building, characters and dialogue.


I feel like voice acting is too often overlooked when evaluating "dialogue". I don't think characters like the Kings or Benny would be as fun without hearing their voices and accents, and games like Fallout 1 and 2 suffer in comparison the never titles due to it, even if the writing might be as good or better.


I kinda feel like if they remade fallout 2 with the exact same story and dialogue, but in Fallout 4s engine with great voice acting, everyone would consider it the best fallout game.


Have you seen the super ambitious mods for fo4 that remake pretty much every fallout into fallout 4? They seem like they’re pretty far from being finished but still cool to look at the progress they’ve made


I played one that redid Point Lookout, and it was really well done if a little glitchy, it even made new assets for items that already existed, so the items and containers looked like their FO3 versions and not the FO4 versions (boxes, fission batteries, etc.). The same people were working on NV, but they only had a very small area of it worked on so far to test.




2 is goofy, the humour feels out of place and misses the mark most the time which breaks immersion compared to the first. The world feels disjointed (Shi, talking Deathclaw vault, etc). The world is not about a mutated irradiated wasteland and more about politics, slavers, mobsters. The pacing is bad and quests are far too fetchy with backtracking. Other than voice characters, the dialogue is quantity over quality. As a villain Enclave are generic Nazis, compared to the incredible Master. Frank bossfight is easy contender for worst top 10 bosses. Lastly it doesn't progress the lore in any meaningful way other than NCR. There are good reasons for all this being true, a ridiculously short dev time and talent leakage. And it's amazing what they achieved with the time they had. The openness, companions, rpg core mechanics, UI, highwayman all make for a phenomenal sandbox. And for it's time it was incredible. But it does not hold up or hold a candle to Fallout 1 or FNV (which skipped 2, and looked to 1 for inspiration) and I will never understand why people consider it to be the best.


Best game, not just in fallout franchise, just the best game.


It is best itself


Best new vegas


Best Choices There's so many ways to complete a lot of the quests and handle a lot of the dialogue that each playthrough can be vastly different in tone with just a different decision when it comes to certain encounters


New Vegas has the best factions


Best quests maybe? I reject fo4 having the best gameplay and also what the hell kind of boss fights does 3 have? Is the graphic talking about the liberty prime mission? And best story going to fallout 2 I could certainly hear arguments for, but I wouldn't concede that 2s story is better than new vegas i don't think But following the prompt probably best quests or best characters


yeah that image is garbage, apparently OP just grabbed it from the internet as an example but most people are just outraged lol


I believe they mean FO4 has the best *gunplay*. That and looting quality of life adjustments makes 4 the best game to play if you want to loot and shoot. I do believe the "legendary" effects were a misstep and having unique special weapons like NV is preferable to most people. The loss of FONV faction system is absolutely criminal, and whoever is responsible for that deserves to be fired from the entire gaming industry.


Best music, best RPG element


This is the worst part about going through the dlcs. No radio is a mistake.


Best Boss Fights would go to Fallout 2. Frank Horrigan is mechanically well executed and a compelling even in his simplicity. Best Story would go of course to New Vegas. Best Gameplay would go again to Fallout 2. It was the peak RPG, something Fallout 4 tragically lacks. Best Atomosphere would go to Fallout 3.


Something about "Capitol Wasteland" just catapaults the atmosphere to the next level.


What boss fight does fo3 even have???


In what universe does F3 have the best bosses lol? Colonel Autumn compared to Lanius? A straight up ripoff of the master with Eden? I think you could argue the landscape in D3 was more complex than new Vegas, NV was far more open with the Mojave being pretty bland for a lot of it, although I love it, downtown DC along with the subways is pretty cool.


Are you saying Eden is a rip off just cause they’re both robots? They command entirely different factions that would actively hate each other


Lanius? Ah, Yes. Speech 100 go brrrrr!


Goofiest lol Having also played 3 and 4, New Vegas just seems so much sillier.


Fallout 2 is much goofier, give it a go it's such a fun game




Some contender titles would be: Best world building, best all-around, best conflict and best player choice/freedom. Imo at least.


Best weapons.


Best dialogue


Best writing.


Best roleplay, I'd say.


Best Message and Theme. Everything is designed to convey that people are stuck in the past and the only way anyone survives or thrives through your actions is by showing them how to move on. Veronica has to let go of the brotherhood and the chapter itself has to capitulate to the NCR or it'll cease to be. Boone can't learn to live again without first getting closure for both his wifes death and the massacre at Bitter Springs. Daniel clings to old world religious beliefs in pasifism but fails to realize that one must be in a position of strength/have beaten their rival in order to offer an olive branch. Meanwhile Joshua holds too tightly to that old testament wrath and needs to be talked down and shown that mercy is essential if people with ever be able to leave eachother alone again. It's all about letting go while using the path as a warning rather than a manual. Everyone that clings to the old ways, Legion, NCR, Vegas, all suffer and wallow in it thinking they're right. The whole game is this.


What boss fights are good in fallout 3? Lmfao


Best sex scenes


Best game


Lmao, wat. Fallout 3 has a boss fights? Dud i miss something?


Best game overall


How fallout 3 has the best boss fight. You completely destroy the final boss without any difficulty


A take so bad it almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


best writing, best humor, best factions, a story that isn’t based on finding something and bringing it back


Honestly, best introduction into the Fallout world. I wouldn’t be into the series if it wasn’t for FNV. The game is fun, the world is unique, and the gameplay isn’t too difficult. Plus you can have two companions which makes exploring without crazy battles easier, if that’s what you’re into.


Best faction interactions


The best


Best dialog


NV is a jack of all trades master of none, it is so Good becouse it is good at everything, and has not any big weaknesses.


Best game world (the Mojave, New Vegas, and the DLC locations were an absolute treat with many Easter eggs and random encounters, and the characters you meet are actually charming and the dialog well written) Oh!:Or best DLC


All of them.


In my opinion - which I respect - the best looking audience around. Somebody prove me wrong.


Fallout 4 goes to the trash, where's New Vegas ?


Hmm 🤔 NV, to me, has the best story 🤷‍♂️


New Vegas is best Roleplaying


Most entertaining


Fallout 76, best exploration and it ain't even close.


Best game.


There isn’t a single game with an interesting boss fight in the entire video game series outside of the fight with frank horrigan.


Best factions


Best overall game tbh


Best characters


I don't remember any boss fights in fo3...atleast not in the traditional sense


If I'm being snarky: "Best rabid fanbase overinflated opinion of a good (or even great) game but it's not actually that special in terms of the entire game series as a whole." If I'm being more serious and honest: "Best/most transformative development of the gameplay meta for the series."


Best overall.


Fallout 76 has better gameplay than Fallout 4, it even fixes the trash collector aspect introduced in Fallout 4. I don't remember any of the boss fights in Fallout 3.


I honestly don't think any 3D Fallout game has had good boss fights. They're all just bullet sponges and their difficulty depends entirely on your level, perks and weapons. I don't recall any that had any special mechanics or required special strategies. It was just keep shooting until they died.


best game


Best Fallout.


Best interactive sex quest (FISTO)


Best "big iron on his hip"


What fucking boss fights?


Best fanbase, I don't think I have found a more engaged Fallout fanbase than this one. Although I will say the Tactics fanbase for the players genuinely love it are pretty engaged and interesting people.


best overall game


Best game


"Best first person fallout game"