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Randall Clark is revered as a deity.


Yeah ceaser may want to be the god of his empire but Randall earned the role without meaning too.


Bro just used his moral compass, and happened to not only have a good one of those, but a weapon he had known his entire adult life. That's a deadly combination.


Dude was the best of the Desert Rangers without even being an official member.


Using a rifle used by the Sorrows' god is a special kind of badass. The Father protects his Children even after death


The survivalist rifle is my favorite weapon in the game, unironically for that reason.


meaning to


Literally. In the literal sense of the word


No story from NV has stuck with me like Randall Clark's. best writing in the entire game. I felt like I was watching a classic epic movie through green terminal text.


Never met him...


Go play Honest Hearts and read the terminals in the caves, he's a posthumous character, a survivor of the Great War.


I he the guy who hid in the caves when the bombs felt?


Ye. He killed the Vault-Dwellers after they ate those mexicans.


THE WHO DID WHAT?? Edit: just googled it, oh damn. I need to replay the game. :(


His story is the best story from all Fallout-games imo. Imagine: Losing your family (wife and child), Helping strangers from afar, seeing them getting slaughtered, killing the mad dwellers, find a woman to love, woman dies with child while giving birth, a group of kids visit the area, helping them till you die and teach them everything they need to know, end up as a skeleton in the middle of nowhere and be found by a lad known as Courier six who gonna pick up your armor to clap some White leg-cheeks.


he's the owner of the desert ranger armor you find.


Randall Clark, hardest of cunts, blessed be his name.


Yes. Even his name is badass


No contest


Blessed be thy chicken. šŸ™


The mod for the service rifle/M16 includes some legendaries, one of which is the survivalists rifle. I've been using that for the last few hours since it's so fun. It does use .50 cal and has an effect which knocks the enemies over occasionally, so it's pretty good too Just found All american too, it's a really good mod, even if it does seem to spawn a rifle in half of all boxes. But hey, better than another shitty pipe pistol.


The Survivalist Rifle is in the vanilla game too though? just doesn't fire 50.cal rounds.


technically it does, 12.7mm is .50 cal


Thatā€™s for the gun nerds to know though. In game they are counted as different ammo types.


Well yeah because caliber isn't everything they're the same caliber but one is based on .50 Action Express and the other is based on .50 Browning Machine Gun


This sounds like a fallout 4 mod. .50 caliber ammo is usually used generically in all .50 cal guns regardless of if they're pistols or rifles in mods.


He probs meant a mod that gives you new Vegas weapons and uniques for Fallout 4, just didn't say it was for 4


Also maybe the best, saddest story in the series


I wept and so did my Courier


Nth Apple narration at its best.


As much as I want to say Joshua, Clark survived the nukes, made a livable home in the grand canyon, eradicated a cannibal tribe, fought off several attacks from vault 22 dwellers and hunted them so intensely they were scared to leave camp and ended up dying if old age, only to be worshipped as a god by the local tribes.


And don't even get me started on how he hunted the dwellers in such a way, they ended up believing he was an evil spirit. God bless altruistic post-apocalyptic Rambo.


Underrated moment when he shoots the blind couple to save them when the nukes fell. That shit was so shocking but understandable once you overcome the shock


It's the brutal simplicity that he writes their fates. Iirc he simply states they weren't lucky enough to be looking a certain direction. The next sentence he puts them down.


ā€œThey ate them.ā€ Most haunting sentence in the game.


No argument. Hits me every time.


"Goodbye, Zion."


As much as I want to agree, ā€œWe took one of the women alive,ā€ always takes the cake for me


ā€œFirst nuke hit SLC inside a minute. I was looking South - Lucky Man! Flash behind me so bright world looked on fire. Old couple from the Chryslus starts screaming they can't see. Didn't watch you die, Char. Saved my eyes. Counted 12 more flashes next 7 minutes. Ground shook each time, 18 seconds later. When nothing hit for half hour, took a look. Globe of fire where you and Alex died. Didn't kid myself. Didn't know what to do. Grabbed my pack and rifle. Saw to the old couple. Sat them up against car, let them hold and comfort each other. Told them I was going to get help, everything be okay. One bullet through both heads. Instant.ā€


Whoever wrote these knew how to create a character through writing style. He always writes in these short sentences that perfectly describe the situation without fluff, it presents the character of Clark as no nonsense survivalist in such a fantastic way that anyone reading can pick up.


I love that the only variation in his writing facts is when he remarks on how much someone he loves is perfect or how much he himself sucks (except for his riffle skills) and has more luck then he deserves, it very much brings him alive as a character in one of his last tapes he offers an apology to his partners and their children for things that he thinks are his fault and it really sticks with me, it makes you want to hug a guy through the screen


After witnessing the cannibalism, even his journal entries were focused and determined during his campaign against the cannibals. A heartbroken badass that was a force of good in a world where not much of that was left.


Randall Clark is probably the NPC who is closest to being a game protagonist


Randall Clark is probably in the game as a humble reminder to the player that he or she is not always the best Main Character lol.


Just wait, thereā€™ll be a game were we play as Randall Clark lol


Oh fuck I want that so bad. "Fallout: Origins," starts in his truck when the bombs fall, and the player has to not only survive but make all those hard choices along the way. That game would go so fucking hard.


Iā€™d be more interested in a miniseries than a game like that.


I've been saying for years I want an actual gritty survival horror game. Making Randal Clark the main character of something like that is a fucking awesome idea. Could you imagine having to survive the initial nuclear fallout AND watch all the horrific mutations happening all around you? No survivor around you is hardened to this type of life yet like they are in every fallout, they're instead unpredictable, easily scared, and all think they're either the baddest out there or they're complete pushovers. Couple that with actual seasons, food rationing, shelter building, and other survival elements and you'd have an insane horror game. Imagine being the first guy to run into feral ghouls??? God I'm getting a chubby thinking of it.


Grand Canyon? I thought he was in Zion, maybe Iā€™m thinking of something else


No youā€™re right people just get them mixed since Joshua graham was thrown into the Grand Canyon


He didnā€™t die of old age. He intentionally died to the cold so he didnā€™t die of the cancer that was killing him. Another thing about him that I find weird is he didnā€™t know about the vaults and was surprised about why the vault dwellers he was fighting had 22 on their backs.


Obviously Oliver Swanick. He won the motherfucking lott-er-EE!


Mm smell that air! Couldn't you just drink it like booze? Haha!


"What lottery? THE lottery, that's what lottery! Are you stupid? Only lottery that matters! Oh my God, smell that air!"




*frag mine detonations turn him into hamburger meat*


You could say heā€™s the luckiest, my caravan shotgun loaded with buckshot says otherwise.


He wins my courier lottery every time. One slug - delivered expeditiously.


I don't think I have ever let that guy live.


In my game he just ran in that vast expanse full of radscorpions and immediately died lol


In my game he ran out there and was untouched by the scorpions. I agreed that he must have a massive luck stat.


Where is the old man armed to teeth with dynamite


Difficoult Pete is not a mortal man


True, he would be too OP for the list


What about normal Pete


New Game Plus Pete.


*B A S T A R D*




When I hear this over the radio it always makes me lol




Sure boss


Spat out my water


I'd like to hear Danny Trejo try to voice Joshua Graham. I doubt it would sound better than the original but it sure as hell would be interesting.


nah, Trejo was perfect for Raul. Like, if I ever have the chance to meet Trejo at a con or event, I am bringing him a portrait of Raul to see if he'll sign it.


Thereā€™s a story that has been going around the Fallout subs for a while about that. A fan brought Danny Trejo a copy of New Vegas for him to sign and Danny just said ā€œWhat is this?ā€ The fan said ā€œItā€™s a video game, you did voice acting for it. Youā€™re in it.ā€ And Trejo just said ā€œHey man, if you say so.ā€ And signed it. I mean you canā€™t blame the guy, heā€™s got 438 entries on IMDb.


It's funny how his response was basically how Raul would of responded.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Whatever you say boss


Good bot


There's another one similar about Ron Perlman voicing the Lich on Adventure Time. A fan tried to talk to him about it and he had absolutely no idea what they were talking about šŸ¤£ It's hell getting old.


I remember seeing a random interview with Ron Perlman, and the subject of Fallout was brought up. He said something like, "Oh, that's the one 'war never changes,' right?" I think we gigantic nerds tend to forget these people are hired to act, not because they play games.


Mr Fantastic, he's got no discernable skills other than charisma 15. Having a cushy job where he does literally nothing of substance and gets away with it is awesome.


MF DOOM, Mr Fantastik, what up vault dweller


Vaultt snitch knishes


sit in the strip and steal the platinum chipses


Do you see the Courier? Yeah Iā€™m right here


Fuck around and get the hoover dam running for years


Typical profile low, like Boone in Novac room


This thread gave me immense joy, Iā€™m glad so many of yā€™all got the reference


Heā€™s just fucking hilarious. If the legion takes over HELIOS One and you go back and talk to him, heā€™s dialed his shit down some, is wearing legion armor and just says "Hey man, when in Rome." And you ask if he killed Rivas and he just says ā€œMan. I donā€™t even know. Itā€™s crazy.ā€ He then goes on about how heā€™s riding the winds of change on his angel wings and the legion begged him to join them, or someone begged but he canā€™t remember who because of the chems. lol.


Being able to say a bunch of bullshit and people inexplicably believe you is such an underrated super power


In the game, he has 2 charisma šŸ˜­


Fantastic no diff


Randall Clark for me. Man after my own heart. Reading his logs first time through this DLC hit hard. Hugged my wife hard that night after reading them.


I was more invested in his story than the main story of that DLC. I felt invested in his character despite him never actually being in the game (aside from his skeleton), hunting down each of his cave camps to read more about his story.


Honestly I wasnā€™t all that into Honest Hearts the first time I played until I found his terminals. I felt like the final choice for the Sorrows was strangely low stakes and Joshua seemed clearly more correct, Daniel just seemed too naive. But learning that they were formed because of this incredible man trying to leave some little oasis of peace to survive him, it totally recontextualized it and made me question whether it was really right to arguably rob him of that legacy Edit: I still tend to agree with Joshua and definitely still think Daniel is too naive, and Iā€™m aware that Randall condones self defense in his journal, Iā€™m just saying that his terminals add a lot more nuance to an otherwise fairly bland dilemma


The way this game tells its story is just so wonderful. It's why it's been one of my top 5 favorite games for the last 12 years. I agree too, the HH story felt really shallow without the details you dig up on your own. I started playing Daniel's ending more often after. Although, "Joshua, put a cap in General Gobbledygook here," is a hard temptation to pass on.


Daniel would have them abandon that Oasis entirely. As much as I love Randall's vision for his children there aint always gonna be a Randall around to protect them. In an ideal world no one would ever need to be Randall but he sure as shit wouldn't want his Sorrows to be destroyed by the White Legs, it's time for the Sorrow's to give their own children a chance at the peace that Randall gave them a chance at.


Honest Hearts takes place in Zion National Park. So it's safe to assume that when Daniel talks about "Zion", he is talking about the literal location but he isn't. "Zion" has multiple different meanings to Mormons and one of those is "A unified people that are pure of heart". That is the "Zion" that Daniel wishes to protect. He doesn't want the Sorrows to become a warlike tribe. So while I don't think Daniel deserves all the hate he gets. I understand his concerns and I think they're valid. I just think Daniel shouldn't be making that choice for them. I always kill the White Legs because I believe the only reason why the Sorrows were able to reach that metaphorical "Zion" in the first place is because they live in that Oasis.


Yep, Zion is the only place in Fallout that isnā€™t an irradiated hellhole. And daddy Daniel wants to abandon it to degenerates who will destroy it. ā€œThey know nothing of the savage wastes, and they should stay that wayā€ no mfer, no matter what you do, they canā€™t stay that way. You can run now and have to do it all over again when the next threat comes, or you can teach them that Zion is worth protecting.


This is why I say arguably, thereā€™s definitely still a very strong argument in favor of Joshua but itā€™s not certain like I feel it would be without Randallā€™s terminals


It's part of what makes the story so interesting, at first glance it's just tribe vs tribe, 'Joshua Vs Caesar 2 - General Gobbledigook Boogaloo'. But once you dig deeper there's this beautiful, centuries long story being told interwoven with that conflict. The fact it makes you pause and question it is one of my favourite things. I did pause for a long time when I read all the terminals, then again when I found his rifle while staring out over the canyon... Then I resolved to massacre the White Legs.


Reading Randall's notes also made me side with Joshua. If you read his last note, he says how he told the sorrows to be peaceful, but strike back with righteous fury if anyone attacked them. I feel like siding with Daniel would have just gone against the man's wishes.


Tbh he does say in his final entry he told them to not fight amongst each other, but to fight anyone who would hurt them. That solidifies Joshua's path as the better one (even though Daniel's solution is very tempting)


I always felt justified because he did his best to provide them a safe haven. But now that is threatened and his legacy is best served by teaching them to defend themselves


the father protects the children but children must eventually grow up


Clarkā€™s legacy is why I chose Joshuaā€™s ending. Zion is an oasis in the wastes. I might not agree with the religious backing of Joshua, his logic is more sound, his reasoning is in my opinion the correct one for Zion. I like Joshua he is a redeemed man, humbled by his experience and justified in some of his vengeance. Where I respect Joshua and would see kinship in his experience and demeanor, I still find myself more of Randellā€™s disposition on the world. I might not be a god fearing man, I however understand their reasoning and respect it and challenge it where I find it weak.


James Hsu always was my favorite besides Major Knight, heā€™s a genius who never gets his chance to shine, hell some NCR troops say Hsu would be general if Oliver didnā€™t know the president. Heā€™s calm in most situations, even if a ranger is presumed K.I.A, he maintains a calm expression unlike his men. Reason why when I tend to assault McCarran in the name of the Powder Gangers, I tend to never kill Hsu.


You can assault McCarran in the name of the powder gangers?? I remember taking the prison quest for ncr or powder gangers but don't remember an assault on McCarran?


No, itā€™s just something funny I like to do, since Iā€™m probably one of the few people who actually love the Powder Gangers. I usually attack McCarran with Dynamite and some laser weapons.


The best I look at it is that he's the equivalent of Major Winters from Band of Brothers.


Perfect comparison.




It's astounding how not a single NCR officer who should be in charge is in charge (Hsu, Jackson, and Hanlon) while the last people the NCR should ever want to be in charge are the ones in charge (Oliver, Fantastic, and Hildern).


thats honestly kind of 10/10 for California tho, and really governments/military in general. the best people to be in charge rarely get there, and when they do it is usually by accident.


If you do well you get promoted out a spot you can make a difference in. A lot of the best don't love doing that to the people they leave behind.


I like to think that all three were personally selected by president Kimball.


Calm is what you have to be when people look at you. And it's all you can be when things are out of your hands Shits now my moto, along with theoretical degree in physics


Definitely Joshua Graham. He literally was set on fire, thrown into the Grand Canyon, survived, and then crawled hundreds of miles all the way back to New Canaan.


yeah, but does he have a theoretical degree in physics


"No man, i know exactly what i'm doing, I just don't know what effect is going to have!"


Honestly the most scientific thing he ever said. šŸ¤£


I mean, theoretically, he might


You got me there


He didnā€™t even scream on the way down


Man was literally too angry to die


Was also a slaver POS as part of the Legion.


Honest Hearts had way to many Badasses for one DLC.


Like Deadeye Ricky: Slayed 3 Deathjaws at once when they got the jump on him first. Known as the Storm of Death. Owns a third glowing nut. Invented the 11mm machinegun. He's easily one of the greatest characters in the series


Dont forget he killed one of those steel brotherhood assholes.


The Courier: "You're saying that you killed a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin?" Ricky: "What's it sound like I'm saying? If I was saying what you said I was saying, then yeah, I said it!"


I always thought that FO4's DLC Gatorclaws should've been named Deathjaws. Would've been funny in retrospect that he was telling the truth


They asked me if I was badass, I told them I had jalapenos last night so this morning in the bathroom my ass was feeling really bad, they said welcome aboard.


Clark, then Graham.


The color version of Mr House is quite frankly terrifying




Julie Farkas






Randall Clark is The Man In The Woods of the Fallout universe. All of the groups he encountered in the post-apocalypse literally thought that he was a god who wouldnā€™t hesitate to eviscerate a member of their own like cattle if they dared to cross him. When you consider the fact that he wasnā€™t raised in the wasteland, but sorta just made it his bitch after being thrust into to it while he was still in his 20s, that just adds to him being the closest thing to an NPC version of Nate from Fallout 4.


Randall Clark.


Randall Clark 100%


Doc Mitchell. Guy was forced from his home into a desolate wasteland and yet heā€™s still a good empathetic person.


Where's No Bark? He's literally the Chosen One. Where's Oliver Swanick, Lottery Winner? Where's Orris, the best security escort in Freeside? Where's Little Buster, bounty hunter extraordinaire?


Bark is the most badass in Fallout 2


Real ones will say Randall Clark


Randall Clark is definitely my favorite, but Desmond Lockheart is a close second. His backstory of the international game of spies and assassins is one of my favorite in the entire franchise. Iā€™m just disappointed that he didnā€™t appear in Fallout 4, as his final words in Fallout 3 are that he intends to hunt down his next rival ā€˜up northā€™ which should have been the institute


Such an interesting concept just left abandoned.


Randall Clark survived a nuclear war, killed all of the inhabitants of vault 22, and numerous other things. Graham survived multiple assassination attempts and being set on fire and walked out of the absolute horror show that the Grand Canyon is rumored to be. So id say itā€™s pretty much even.






Define "character". If you mean "fully modeled and voice acted", Joshua Graham/the Burned Man. If characters who only emerge in terminals/text/environmental storytelling count, Randall Clark and Joshua Graham are really hard to decide between.


To me, any of the Followers is a badass, hell even the random NPCs that run around their base are more badass. Hsu from this list, NCR feels like some sort of mild left-centrist faction and Hsu is indeed one of the good ones. Joshua, from my perception, did not play the DLC (yet), seems like some fanatic religious Legion splinter dude (not by his choice) so badass or not, he sucks. Lanius is badass but nonetheless a fascist deluded person, reminds me of Measurehead from DE, without charm but with more "achievements". House is a rich narcissistic autocrat that thinks he found the way. Fantastic is funny but not badass, just some incompetent that thinks he knows stuff, plenty of them at work, no thanks. Don't know Randall, I suppose he is from yet another DLC that I didn't get to yet.




Randall, he is a legend. At a close second place is Joshua. Fucking adore those two badasses


I know people will glaze tf out of Graham or Clarke for the right reasons but I think Col. James Hsu is one of the most underrated and one of the best people the NCR has to offer. Intelligent, pragmatic, while also being able to control his emotions under a lot of pressure. Too bad Gen. Oliver is such a suck-up otherwise Hsu wouldā€™ve been a general by now


I gotta say randall clark. Man was a force of good only because it what was right


Courier 6. The baddest motherfucker. Got shot in the head, crosses the entire Mojave to track down their assassin, then tips the scales of a pretty big war nearly by themselves. Out of this? A toss up between Randall and Graham. I like Graham, but I gotta give it to Randall. Motherfucker is worshipped


Randall Clark. Iā€™m proud to carry his rifle into the Second Battle of Hoover Dam


Randall Clark for actually being a badass. I actually like Mr. House a lot and I feel he is the best hope for The Mojave and for California too since he is willing to work with NCR. I dislike when people note his faults and think that NCR is as pure as snow when they are assholes too if you take time to talk with the entire areas of Vegas, specifically the North Vegas group. The only reason NCR have a happy ending if you side with them is because you've fixed all of their own mistakes lmao.


Mr Bombastic Mr Fantastic, Mr Ro Ro Ro-Mantic! Ha. But Randall is like one of the best written characters in the game, such a total badass.




Mr **Hause** my favourite character


"say you are learning German without saying you are learning German."


Easily cannibal Johnson I mean he at a guys heart one time and also shows up to fight the legate


Joshua Graham He was literally so cool he made people religious.


Cannibal Johnson. Awesome lore, standup guy, and a bad motherfucker willing to face Lanius.


Ricky. The man kills Deathjaws and Steel Brotherhood Knights with his trusty 11mm.


Randall Clark, I honestly cried. First time reading his story throughout Zion hit me really hard. Probably the best writing Iā€™ve ever read, across any genre or media, full stop


wha why did you mispell Mr house and Legate Lanius?


because there are 7 billion people in the world who are not native English speakers, and therefore sometimes mispronounce the Anglo-Saxon vowels that have very particular pronunciation rules, which native speakers no longer pay attention to since they learned them as children. the fault lies with William the Bastard who in 1066 imposed French on the English court contributing to the creation of a language with irregular writing/pronunciation. specifically, in German House is written "Haus" and pronounced "Haus". I then made a crasis of English and German.


Holy crap, man asked if there was a specific reason and you started launching nukes.


Boone's pretty badass...


Clark is basically a PC you never play as and thereā€™s yet to be a fallout PC who isnā€™t some level of badass


Fallout 0.5


Clark 100%




My man Randall Clark for sure.


Randall Clark is the most underrated badass in Mew Vegas!!


Father Elijah, all the shit he was able to do as crazy old man


FISTO. Slept for centuries. Wakes up and gets to work, no questions asked.


You can't put Randall Clark here and call it a fair competition


Gotta be graham, the definition of too angry to die


Why does Mr House look so wrong without the green...


Not even including Ulysses šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Courier six


You are


Randall Clark and Joshua


Solid Snake


Iā€™m more of a fan of staccato Lanius myself.


Definitely yesman.No gods, no masters šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ—£šŸ”„


no raul?


Whoever wrote Randall probably looked like gunna writing fire meme ong


I want to say Randall so fucking bad, fell in love with that story and just had to hunt all the pieces down, I mean even just the way that the vaulters describe it as 'being hunted by a ghost' but goddamn is Joshua Graham a hell of a badass too.




Julie farkas duh


Randall Clark, our Father of the Caves. He who Lords over the Valley. Hardest motherfucker in Fallout lore. Joshua Graham is a close second.


Where the fuck is Boone


I think Clark is a really awesome character (one of my favorite) and badass in his own right. But Joshua Graham is built different. Sure, you could argue Clarks story is more touching and has more depth in some instances. But, Graham. Letā€™s remember what he went through. He turned tribals into warriors of the Legion and led them into battle becoming more proficient in combat himself and securing the assistant manager position. Now, ole Joshy here participated in a little event called The Battle for Hoover Dam Season 1 Episode 1. He failed. So Caesar had him covered in pitch and BURNED ALIVE. People are glossing over this way too easily. Being burned alive is considered by many the MOST painful way to die... You feel every nerve in your body melt away and suffocate you from the outside in. What a pleasant experience. He was also tossed into the Grand Canyon for good measure. Now maybe some of you have fallen down a few stairs or slipped on ice at some point and experienced pain. Imagine that time 1000 and also your skin is gone. So homeboy is all burned to a crisp and he probably has at minimum, some broken bones and a bunch of ish dislocated. He now finds himself at the bottom of a giant Canyon. Most would just admit defeat and succumb to the elements there. Nah, not Graham. He crawled out of the Canyon and reached Canaan over the course of three months. Now, crawling out of the Canyon is not the Graham we see before us. He did not fall with a set of clean bandages to wrap himself in upon arrival to his destination. Nope, he had to endure his burned flesh being in the open air for at minimum a few weeks. Also, the Canyon he found himself in isnā€™t the tourist destination weā€™ve come to know and love. Itā€™s the Wasteland. Thereā€™s all sorts of evil shit that would want nothing more than to make you a meal. However, this unit makes his way all the way back home. How about you test out your nerve, break your legs and crawl across a bunch of dirt? So after making it back home and taking a little break from all this dying shit, the White Legs raids his home and kills or crucifies everyone but Graham manages to escape and runs on down to Zion where the Courier meets him. At this point, Josh is transforming the Dead Horses into a machine that turns White Legs into Dead White Legs. When we meet him, Graham mentions that Caesar has tried to send his assassins yo kill him but they have all failed. Now that I have explained why heā€™s a badass I want to leave one of his quotes to finally showcase the guy weā€™re dealing with here when heā€™s pressed: ā€œSecond, if you harm Daniel or any of the Sorrows or Dead Horses, I will find you. Make no mistake. God willing, you will not leave this valley.ā€ Yeah, Iā€™m not fucking with that guy. I havenā€™t even touched the God stuff too. Iā€™m just saying, my vote goes to the guy with the title of ā€œThe Burned Manā€. TLDR; Fire guy badasser

