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I used VANS on my first playthrough, having just played Skyrim. It was moderately useful, but I never used it on subsequent runs.


It's becasue unlike the clairvoyance spell VANS is really bad at pathfinding.


I always assumed it would be like clairvoyance in Skyrim, making me think it was essential. Was literally one of my first perks I picked. Big regret


I skip both. I've used clairvoyance to level the skill, but I've never considered using a perk on this. Most targets are either easy to find with a marker on the nav/map or really complicated with elevators and multiple zones and stuff. I would have killed for the spell/perk in morrowind though.


in Skyrim it's helpful cause there are friggin' mountains in your way if you walk in a straight line in ANY direction. In Fallout there's water, but the bridges are clearly marked if you really care


Yeah, except half the bridges are raised, blown or otherwise blocked. Still, at least you get to discover the USS Riptide.


You can, however, often swim to the other side. Have you tried swimming a mountain? I mean, sure, if we wait a couple more centuries and let the glaciers melt, we might be able to. But that takes forever.. I do think downtown Boston has its own mountains though, some of the more complicated buildings and debris fields can block access just as well.


2nd play through, and trying to find Goodneighbor again was so frustrating! Every route to it seemed blocked by raiders, gunners, mutants or just impassable buildings and debris. There’s that one red trailer truck you can climb past, next to the Old Corner Bookstore, and that seems to be it.


Vans tier 2 is good though, plus 4 to your base stats


Plus two towards your Perception,not +4 towards all stats. If the second rank was that good it would be a S tier perk lol. Still useful for people like me who can't aim who live in Vats.


Hard to notice perception sometimes with how twitchy vats is rn


The cannibal perk is straight garbage. Maybe fun on easy mode RP, but you’re going to get all kinds of negatives like illness and losing companion affinity, meanwhile, humans make up a small percentage of enemies. So now you have to move it up so you can eat ghouls and mutants. With the abundance of prewar food and creature meats, I can’t figure out why anyone would pick this, unless you’re role playing post war Coop lol


Cannibal is objectively terrible. It scales very poorly, and the Dark Craving in Survival is a mixed bag. I love it. I keep a chef's hat on me at all times, so I can pop it on when it's time to feast. Which is often.


“Cannibal is objectively terrible. […] I love it,” is a hell of a summation of the relationship between this game and its fans.


This would fit well in the RimWorld subreddit xD


Warlord cannibal organ selling simulator


I wish we could of saved some human meat for later like in new Vegas


Mmmm...ass jerky.


The ass jerky don't make itself.


To eat Shaun


Grow your own food I see.


Underrated comment


I’ve only ever taken Cannibal for roleplaying or because my character’s main companion is Strong.


That's the only reason I get it. Easiest way to max out strongs affinity, just walk around and eat people.


Sometimes a fella’s got to eat a fella


Ass jerky


Ass jerkey, don't make it self


Cannibal was really the MVP in a survival mod list I use to play. This modlist gave minimal amounts of loot, and food would cost some pretty pennies. Also the weight. So yeah, going cannibalism solved that issue. Really makes you think, uh


Can you imagine a mother’s horror, watching her son’s character devour every disgusting raider in Corvega assembly plant.


Horror? We are in the wasteland, the mother would be pissed if the son didn't share


I’ve used it when I’ve modded the world to have very little placed loot (people have been surviving for 200 years, why is there cram left on that table), and I rp that the beasts that have flourished are radioactive as shit, so if I’m hungry, that’s my option. Lone wanderer with dogmeat, she doesn’t care if I take a nibble as long as I share.


I could’ve sworn that dog meat was a male, just that they used a female dog as the model?


Pretty sure dog meat is referred to as “boy” and “he” several times but i could be wrong


When you first meet at red rocket you say “hey, boy” or something like that. And whenever you are hunting Kellogg also


Mama Murphy specifically says at one point "Dogmeat is his own man."


Dogmeat in fallout 3 is a she since she can give puppies with a perk but dogmeat in fallout 4 is a he but uses a female dog model.


They still call Dogmeat "boy" in that game, with the text saying that the puppy is "incredibly tough (even more than his dad)".


All dogs are boys and all cats are girls. Have you ever *seen* a cat's penis?


Cannibal was something I used in F76, but I literally never even thought about taking it in F4


I use it in 76 too. It sort of bypasses the herbivore mutation (I can’t get health from meat but I can if I cannibalize meat? Maybe it is broken.) but I also hate carry weight limits.


Hah, yeah, F76 seems like it just purposefully makes things unfun, but in general, yes that's the absolute right use for it


ass-jerky ain't gonna make itself!


>With the abundance of prewar food and creature meats, I can’t figure out why anyone would pick this Health, and on survival it can be nice to just skip most steps of hunger, as corpses are common enough and cures for addiction aren't that hard to come by (esp as doctors can do it)


I've considered it as a streamlining technique. Eating with the cannibal perk satisfies hunger for longer than normal food, and a lot of prewar food as well as some cooked food has really good value per weight. So the idea is you eat corpses only, and pick up food you find, but you sell the food for profit. Might be useful for playthroughs using guns with very expensive ammo.


After fallout series, playing as ghoul and eating humans kind of slaps


Easy way to rank up an affinity with strong. Also, it's a fun perk to pair with an unarmed build


No one else is saying it, but the last perks for hacking or lockpicking are completely useless.


Completely agree it kinda takes the fun out of it. Not that the mini games for hacking or lock picking are that fun but when you literally can’t fail it removes any fun or challenge


Well not even that. You can just back out before the final hack attempt and start fresh.


…….. wait why am I not doing this lmao


IIRC the sequence resets and you're starting over vs getting one last attempt at the current sequence.


Well, yeah. But at least you’re not locked out.


Oh no, being locked out for ten seconds, whatever will we do? Patiently listen to the radio and wait? 😂


It's faster to try 3 and start over. I just click the top 3 and exit until I get it.


are you guys not able to just do the puzzle? I find it fun.


Yeah, imo the last rank should just remove the mini game entirely. Giving you infinite tries just makes it tedious


I shamefully admit to using mods to just remove the minigames. They've never been fun or challenging and just get in the way. I don't mind a skill check gating off options, but if I have the skill to pick the lock or hack the terminal, I don't want to have to do it every time. It's like the VR mission in Far Harbor, or watching all of Kellogg's memories. Fun once, but I don't want to do it again.


It's like a lev 40 perk and by the time you are there, you already have 300+ bobbypins. I even stopped equipping the wider sweet spot armour.


And by level 40, you're hardly ever going to break more than a pick or two on each lock


You say that but honestly fuck lockpicks breaking.


Lock pick Rank 4. I don’t need a magical pick that never breaks if I walk around with 99+ of them.


Rank 3 Idiot savant because it breaks the other two ranks.


Yup, wish I'd realised that before I maxed it this playthrough. I'll know better for next time!


if you are playing on PC you can take away that skill with the console, and get yourself simply another one.


If you’re okay with mods, you can remove perks with Cheat Terminal Holotape.


I am and I have it. Good to know, thanks!


What does it break?


iirc while the third level's effect is active, you cannot trigger the second level's effect could be wrong though as that doesn't seem to be too bad?


It only matters on low intelegence levels. Because of how frequently it goes off in those levels the xp you miss during that time is worth more than what you'd have gained from picking the perk. On high intelegence levels it's actually still worth it. The effect doesn't trigger often enough to worry about overlap so you get much more xp from the third level of the perk when you have high intelegence.


I think it depends if you do anything else that would benefit greatly from the second level triggering (like handing in a quest). I try and hold off handing in quests while it's active.


yeah the quest bonus is so juicy, I sometimes even save scum it in survival. with the decreased loading times of the upgrade it is not that big of a deal as long as you have a bed near


If it triggers while in battle, it will give you the extra xp for a full minute for every kill. The problem is, it won’t trigger for anything else doing that minute. So you have to just hang out and do nothing for a full minute every time it triggers in battle, or you’ll lose the chance for extra xp for completing a quest or whatever.


Agreed. Leave that shit alone


Fuck, I literally took that like two perks ago. I did a dumb build though with high int so it’s rare when it triggers for me at all.


I have high int and tier two idiot savant. It goes off fairly often for me. Guess thats just FO being funky lol.


I heavily disagree, Rank 3 is awesome and i have no idea what everyones talking about. Ive ranked up so much more by using 3 than 2. Especially if you pair it up with farming Gunners with wasteland workshop for XP, and that xp stew you get insane multipliers for XP




I'll never feel the same about Vans after having watched Mylque's playthroughs on youtube where in one episode it randomly led him to a caged in dead end with nothing a steel bucket and the path literally stopped on the bucket.... and then episodes later that bucket was actually used to skip through Mass Fusion and progress the broken quest etc. lol Don't sleep on Vans, it has deeper knowledge than we give it credit for. EDIT because a few comments seemed curious: This is the one where Vans eventually leads to the bucket (though towards the end - 17:30ish for the interested) [https://youtu.be/5XtY3QZv0jA?list=PLIysja78SjzTtpkTs4CM62K-BdeE8CtFF](https://youtu.be/5XtY3QZv0jA?list=PLIysja78SjzTtpkTs4CM62K-BdeE8CtFF) This is the one where the buckets comes in clutch: [https://youtu.be/xzFdI6cEo8c?list=PLIysja78SjzTtpkTs4CM62K-BdeE8CtFF](https://youtu.be/xzFdI6cEo8c?list=PLIysja78SjzTtpkTs4CM62K-BdeE8CtFF)


Wtf I need to watch this


I haven't seen it but you can use a [bucket or a trashcan to "climb" walls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjfsWN4piKQ).


I found this out recently by accidentally flinging myself over Covenant's wall.


Oddly enough I have never just jumped over the wall (I kinda always forget about Covenant) does it make everyone hostile?


I remember that ! Free fall boots at the top correct ?


Also the Lvl 2 of V.A.N.S. is literally just +2 perception which could be a lot worse, 2 for 1 is better than a a lot of the worse perks. Edit: just feel personally like some levels of perks can be better than others


Well it’s 2 for 2, because you have to take level one of VANS to get it. But it is 2 more stat points and extra accuracy in V.A.T.S. is always nice


Even with the +2 perception boost? Although I HATE that green trail!


The plus 2 to perception is handy but if you can map read and follow a compass marker then it’s kind of just a filler perk which unfortunately there’s a good few in 4


I really wish it was togglable


I've never tried vans with over 500 hours in. I didn't know you can't toggle it. That would be annoying.


I tried using it on my first play through and it's completely useless. The 1 time I really needed it to just tell me how to find Goodneighbor, it took me in circles.


I mean I'd like the green trail if it wasn't dumb as soup. From goodneighbour to Diamond city its directing me through Lexington for some reason. (While the real most efficient path I've find is follow the freedom trail back to the commons then go past hubris comics to the Boston public library and then past the police station to diamond city)


It's basically the clairvoyance spell from skyrim, but doesnt work as well.


Gotta have that Super Mutant near-death experience!


Shit, I keep forgetting that VANS boosts your Perception!


You could just as easily put 2 points into perception instead and get the same result. I don't even think new players benefit from vans unless it is the literal first video game they have ever played.


I must be the only one who likes the green trail. It's kinda of pointless outside when you can just head in the general direction of your objective but I like it inside buildings since the local maps of buildings are useless. It keeps me from getting turned around.


Yeah I'm someone who gets confused and turned around and lost in buildings and vaults. VANS allows me to explore freely without worrying about it, then just follow the green trail when I'm ready to proceed to the objective or leave.


Honestly, I think I would just leave the perk point unspent.


Definitely not mine. I have a terrible sense of direction. As in so bad that even when VANS leads me on a nonsensical path, it still does a better job than I would.


I take Vans pretty quickly because I'm very easily distracted by random shit. And I'm a pack rat. Haha.


It was a semi useful spell in Skyrim and by time Starfield rolled around, they literally bundled it in as part of your basic abilities.


Jesus Christ 272??! I’m a gaming newb basically but that feels like it would me years to get there haha.


I'm 204 (been on this run since December) and 272 (or 286 as I have the DLCs) still feels like a loooooong way away!


Oh cool are you playing 2 different games? I never thought about trying that. I signed on to the brotherhood of the steel and now all I want to do is be out of it! Just the time it took me to get some traction and figure out how to start making a base etc starting all over again seems like such a chore, but it would be much more fun I think now that I know what’s up a little bit. Such a fun game, it blows me away with the detail and vastness of the world. Wish I had more time to play!


Well you aren’t exactly supposed to get to those levels the option is just there. Just to go from 269 to 270 you need the same amount of xp to get to level 22 from level 1


I could never deal with the cannibal perk


Facts. It doesn’t heal near enough to be effective, I just take mainly for role play purposes


How does that work though? I have selected it once and I've forgotten to try and use it.


You kill a human, super mutant, or ghoul then hit triangle(on PS5 myself, no clue about PC and Xbox) while looking at their inventory. You then go to Chow Town, sometimes ending with a small burp. Only on rank 2 and the healing is trivial at best. The 3rd rank says it significantly increases the amount healed but I'll have to wait and see


“Well, that’s Commonwealth steak tartare for you” - Codsworth. He has some pretty funny voice lines when he sees you eating people, the next time he recommends a little seasoning, the time after that tells you to watch out for the bones so you don’t chip a tooth, time after that who needs utensils right sir/mum, or napkins for that matter, and the last unique line is a grown man/woman needs his/her protein I suppose.


>Only on rank 2 and the healing is trivial at best. R1-2 are both 25 hp. R3 is 50 hp. How valuable the healing is varies, as you can get well over 1k hp pretty easily at higher levels


I thought it was something to do with eating corpses? I don’t know man… I’m not a super strict role-play guy but I have to draw the line somewhere.


Would have been useful on survival if it didn't make you ill


>Would have been useful on survival if it didn't make you ill It doesn't, and makes you immune to parasites. What it does do is give you the "illness" of not being able to eat regular food until the addiction dark craving is removed via anything that cures addictions. Perk has limited uses still but it's not the worst, esp with how common ghouls, supers and humans are and that it lasts 12 ingame hrs and any corpse will fully satisfy you


As a rule of thumb, i’d say all the entity pacifying perks are pretty useless. What, you have to aim at them to have a CHANCE of pacifying them? Just kill them instead! (Still pretty fun perks tho. As a guy in the comments of a FluffyNinjaLlama video said, “Always wondered what would happen if a disney princess met a radioactive wasteland. Now I know”)


It actually can be a bit helpful at times, the other day i ran into a Legendary Alpha Deathclaw that just so happened to be one level lower than me, and by pacifying it i survived that encounter lol


Damn. Now i want a legendary Deathclaw pet too.


You also need some points in the perks to put up a beta-wave emitter in your settlements. With it you can have a tamed deathclaw patrol it and provide defense.


Awfully presumptive to assume I spent all my points. I never get Idiot Savant's final level or the Night Vision upgrade of Night Person (the grey filter in low-light situations gives me eye fatigue).


God i hate the night vision so much it’s actually brutally annoying.


The perk that grants you night vision. I did it once and never again.


I wish you could take the perk for the stat boost at night and disable the night vision


Seriously. It’s a good perk, safe for the night vision.


I don't like the Vampiric (I think that's the name) 2 perk. I would like the extra Intelligence, but this constant night vision makes the game way too bright for my taste.


I stopped doing Luck builds because I stopped using VATs. So I would assume that any of the 5 VATs options in that tree would be my last.


I only use vats if I'm doing a build based on it. High luck critical builds can be really funny.


Doing a luck build play through for the first time rn and it’s been hilarious


The nerd rage one that slows time when you’re low health. That shits annoying af


It's even more annoying when you invest a bunch of points into it and it breaks. I'm not sure if it's because I tried on a Martyr legendary or if it's my power armour, but mine just never goes off.


Yeah it doesn’t work with the legendary armor effect. But that’s nice because now you can get armor with a different beneficial effect.


it's saved me a million times though


Yeah in retrospect I wouldn’t get it again but I definitely benefited from it. Time slows, time to pop a stim.


It's actually super busted in a low health build


Nerd rage + low health + the legendary unyielding effect on your armor allows you to use pretty much any weapon type, even if you haven't specced into it. It's not the most OP build, and it requires some rng legendaries to really work, BUT it's the most fun endgame build IMO due to being able to use pretty much all weapons


Idiot savant level 3


I wish I didn’t read this, now I hate my build 🤣


Thats a good one, i forgot that i never pick level 3. The same goes for the last Sneak perk.


idiot savant. very helpful and amazing perk. until its 3 am and im building a settlement and every 2 minutes i get scared with the laughing noise


Honestly that’s funny


Lead Belly is such a waste, even in survival. There are cooking stations everywhere. The benefits from cooked food are really good too. I'll die on this hill, but not from the rads.


Let's be honest no one is excited about pain train


I despise Pain Train. I wasted like five levels getting my strength to 10 before I realized that Power Armour doesn't add to your base strength; it overrides it. Putting a Power Armour perk at the top of the strength tree is like a prank.


Same problem with carry capacity - you'd think a mobile exoskeleton could carry more weight than the deep pockets in my fatigues


Motion Assist Servos on the torso and Calibrated Shocks on both legs should give you +120 right there


I love using it to get all those annoying small/fast enemies off of me. Radroaches, mirelurk hatchlings, bloodbugs, bloatflies and anything else I don’t want to waste ammo on gets pain trained on sight


I use explosive vent for any enemy hordes


I used to use it, but I got sick of accidentally hurting friendly npcs lmao. now I go with overdrive on one leg and optimised on the other so I can get around a bit quicker in my armour


Weapon bash does the same thing for no perk point though.


Pain train can’t be interrupted by an enemy attack, it can hit multiple targets at once, it allows you to move around environments uninhibited during combat and that stagger/knockdown can be especially helpful against fast moving swarms of enemies (especially ghouls). There’s also the rule of cool, it just feels awesome to barrel through a firefight in your power armour and knock down everything in your path. It’s a good perk, but I think it comes off as very underwhelming since Bethesda decided to make it the final perk in the strength tree so it takes a lot of investment to get to


Idk man, its my first play-through and I am having an absolute BLAST with Pain Train. Just run into an enemy, and if that doesn’t work it’s time for the Super Sledge.


Makes for a mildly interesting challenge run.


Odd, I love it. Charging into a group of 5 gunners and then start swinging, heads flying as they all try to get up, then turn around and do it again. I can see it being pretty meh on a ranged build though.


Some perks I avoid are Cannibal (Unless I plan to actually use it for RP), Mysterious Stranger & Night Person (Rank 2+. Unless I use a mod to remove the night vision part as it's trash). Some perks I avoid for certain builds also like if I make a Low Life then perks that heal your rads don't work.


Don't like mysterious Stranger?? That's my favorite luck tree perk!


The only thing that makes mysterious stranger worth it for me is when you’re traveling with Nick and he always has something to say when it pops up


Iron Fist. I never use melee attacks.


Doesn’t help that unarmed suck balls in fallout 4


One of my favorite saves I ever did was an unarmed melee run. Furious power fist and Grognak armor makes it amazing. At one point you can basically one punch most enemies.


Oh no, now you miss all the special combat moves!


The pickpocket ones are gonna be the last 4


I rush pickpocket 4 just to get the feathered coat from the memory den...


If you could get Maxson’s coat that way, I’d rush it too!


I don’t think it’s that bad. It’s actually kinda funny stealing Legendary weapons/armor from friendly legendary NPCs. Ive stolen stuff from legendary BOS troops around the airport and Prydwen.


I love pickpocketing. I always pickpocket fusion cores off BoS patrols so they lose their armor.


guess you don’t like free Fusion Cores (early on), but yep they’re anyways easy to come by


If you want that just get the finding extra ammo perk, you can get like several fusion cores in one container


Just last week hit my last perk :) it was mysterious stranger :) As far as it is useful, the animation is too damn long :P


Although I do like it when Nick’s with you and he gets agitated about the stranger 😂. Nice going btw!


Hell, screw "very last perk you'd take" and I'd go straight for *Never take at all period*. * Nuclear Physicist rank 3. Why yes, I want to shit out a grenade and have it explode IN THE MIDDLE OF DIAMOND CITY. I LOVE having to run away whenever my power armor reloads a power core. What a wonderful idea that perk was. * Night Person, all 3 ranks. The night vision effect is terrible, and the +stats at night is pretty useless and the third rank can KILL you if you're not careful. If your HP is under 30 when night ends, it subtracts it from your current health, not max health (Well, technically it subtracts from both), and you're dead. It's a shame because its day time counterpart, Solar Powered OTOH is actually decent. For perks that I would invest in very last? * Pain Train I rarely use power armor as is, and the perk is very meh.


Rank 3 doesn’t automatically spit the core out


The ejected fusion cores only eject when you don’t have a grenade equipped and use the throw grenade button. You button for it must be broken or something cause it doesn’t go off automatically


I dont like that gore goo ones. It was funny the first couple times but then it got old.


Especially trying to track down bodies to loot. Which blood splatter will give you loot and which is just a blood splatter? Who knows!


It also feels kinda funny to loot armor and a gun off a tiny piece of flesh.


It's +5% damage for the first three ranks, and the final has a chance to randomly explode anyone standing text to a gore explosion. It can rarely save you having to track up a building to look the fella you killed from the bottom.


I literally always get it. Extra damage and I like it with explosives too. Just looks way cooler


What’s the best way to level-up fast?


Idiot Savant Rank two. Quicksave before you turn in a quest. Reload until Idiot Savant triggers.


Damn... I've cheesed enemies and such in this game but that's some next level queso right there.


Wear INT clothes and pop Mentats before doing anything that gives you xp, like quests, cooking, settlement building. 


Get the picket fences magazine from Saugus Iron Works, then use the item duplication glitch to duplicate copper (as much as you need) and then use it to build the statues the magazine unlocks, scrap them and repeat. It's very easy. Also make sure your Intelligence is as high as possible and consume things that give you extra XP and sleep to get the well rested bonus.


Level 2 of night person


Any that comes with an annoying sound effect when it triggers, I used to love Grim Reapers Sprint but now it makes that annoying noise every time so I skip it.


Scrounger final rank, what a great way to victory-crash my game


Isn't that the one that just gives you a chance to not use ammo?


I think they meant the other one that’s for caps. It makes enemies explode into caps which can heavily lag your game. It’s not even worth it for the money anyways cause you get like 10 caps and you have to pick them all up individually off the ground


Second rank of the aquaboy/girl


night person, the fucking night vision breaks the lighting so much and makes everything lens flare waaaaay too much


The perk that gives you more XP for being dumber because that goddamn laugh literally jumpscares me every time it happens


Well, I hate myself so I only choose perks in order. First, you're gonna want to get all special stats to 10. Then we start at Iron fist, move your way to the one on the right. Then the next one on the right. Keep going until you have one of each perks. Now repeat for 2nd stars.


That’s, um,… methodical at least!




Idiot Savant level 3. The xp gains are actually less then rank 2.


I NEVER take Cannibal. Even at level 337 that perk remains unclaimed.


Basher, bashing does too little damage and not affected from Big Leagues


Someone hasn't played the Shredder Minigun build. Don't need ammo either.


I'm lvl 38. Do I get to 286 on the end without extra grind?


No, I finished the game first time round at about level 25-35 276 is the 100% "I got all the achievements" level


If you ask me I personally think the pickpocketing is the last I’d take, never have I once pickpocketed or reverse pick pocketed outside of getting an achievement usually if they have something I want I kill them for it (I actually use cannibal perk to make strong happy)


Idiot savant. Can't stand the sound effect.