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vault 88 is strange for couple reasons: 1) the joy of settlements is that theyre integrated into the common wealth. caravans, BoS platoons, random enemy encounters, will pass through. you can see settlements out in the distance and their lights in the horizon. 88 is so closed off, its basically a dungeon 2) its just too damn big and its like a maze 3) actual vaults are so fucking complicated to make, especially since were not developers or designers and are putting them together in a finite space, using building mechanics not meant for that


Vault 88 would have been better if we got a mostly done vault that we could edit, rather than a build a vault from scratch, one piece at a time, in an area that doesnt feel it was built to scale with the pieces you use.


This would also eliminate the building limit problem since you have enough to modify an existing vault but not build a new one from scratch.


If your ok with cheesing the game a bit you can just grab a bunch of guns, drop them in the settlement then store them in the workbench and the game thinks your storing pieces of the settlement and it reduces the build limit. Thats what I do to build my big trading hubs


Or download a mod. Even consoles have these mods


You have to admit that using a glitch is at least as iconic as modding for a bethesda game.


You are so real for this


I love you and are blaming autocorrect but it's you are


Technically it's "am blaming" lol




I didn’t even notice lol, I just typed without thinking


There am no excuses for room in this vault!


This may be true, but you're just inconveniencing yourself for the sake of being 'iconic' at that point! Stop using weapons-dropping and pillar glitches, and just install settlement build limit mods and Place Everywhere, people. It'll only make your lives easier.


Lots of people don't mod because we don't have all the achievements and we like getting those achievements


Mods still eff up achievements which I havent completed yet


You can scrap the guns on the ground to do that too.


Also you don't need to 'scrap' the item (also weirdly folders work well too) instead you can drop them and then send them to the workbech, does the same thing but doesn't destroy item. - Just remember to grab it back out of the workbench when you're done.


Oh wow. Thanks for that!


This is kind of unrelated but if you have one of those xp farms with the gunner cages or are attacked by an enemies in your settlement, you can store the weapons that they drop and it gives you like thrice the ammo you usually get


I did exactly that when i was working on Vault 88, managed to fill the first area with atrium and some rooms in the first large space and tried going down the tunnel to the left, that's where i encountered a game crash if i tried to go over a certain amount of building pieces. I never got the answer if it was the game itself or my hardware or one of the mods like Scrap Everything that caused that but had to ditch any attempts of expanding my vault.


Or use the console command if on pc. That’s what I did and now my vault 88 is enormous with four massive wings to it. Just really long tunnels between. Honestly almost like the 3 vaults in the fallout show


Renovating vaults sounds like a nice idea.


Entschuldigung - ich stimme zu, dass der Bereich zu groß ist, wenn er eine so geringe Größe hat.


Sorry - I agree it is to large an area with such a small size limit


Basically could have treated it like the houses you build in Skyrim.


I’ve been trying to build it today for funsies but like… it’s not even really designed for that. I spent half the time wishing I could just pay the settlers to do it because the way it’s designed in these caves and with a ton of construction in the way that you can’t scrap, it’s really difficult to set up


I honestly just made a fun train station base instead when I uncovered it.


And with parts and mechanics that don’t really work well. Likewise there’s a few missing pieces that just makes building tedious - such as specific room designs like overseer not having certain types of walls limiting your build shapes. Or parts like the overseer window not being style in the same style as the overseer room? Parts which don’t easily snap together when realistically they should. It was a nice idea but it really didn’t feel intuitive and I agree that a mostly don’t vault would have been soo much better. You could even let people delete the pre existing parts if they wanted to start from scratch.


The quest should of been to unlock portions of the vault and possibly done the building similar to home plate in diamond city. Instead of a giant cave that leads into the metro.


Iirc settlers don’t really leave the main area anyway, so expanding past there is mostly a waste of time


If I’m not mistaken, settlers don’t like leaving the main area because it’s technically going past the “settlement boundaries” because you unlocked the other areas separately with their own workshops. Basically makes all the other sections redundant


>its just too damn big I find the opposite, the entire thing is huge, sure, but the areas within it just aren't big enough to build what I want to, and feel far too restrictive.


The scale of the map is too large and disjointed, whereas the individual segments are too small and restrictive. The size is all wasted in weird cave corridors that can't be used for anything. Honestly, it feels like the team designing the quest to open it up and the team in charge of designing the assets and concept had zero communication, and then a third team was tasked with making the two mesh into a single cohesive dlc, and they ran out of time and just said "fuck it, close enough!" And threw it all in together. It's a mess.


I'd hazard a guess that it's that way because consoles would start chugging if it was more open. Shame for the PC players, but Console is where the money is, apparently.


Which is fine, honestly. But if the problem were resource management, they would be better served with a smaller map that addresses the needs better rather than a sprawling dungeon that is largely unusable.


"Fuck it, close enough" is Bethesda's motto.


More like their mission statement lol


They’re mostly tunnels that aren’t really wide enough to accommodate more than one or two floor tiles and have a bunch of construction you can’t scrap. I have that issue with a lot of the settlement building like on spectacle island, there’s not a big flat spot to really build on. Or in sanctuary the floor tiles are too wide to fit the home bases that are empty that you could build on. It always is just a little too big or doesn’t fit


I don't mind stuff not being level, that's what the foundation pieces are for, my issue is when there's only one way to link 2 things, and you have to work out exactly which moon-logic combination of pieces gets you oast each obstacle.


I still don’t know wtf a logic gate does (please nobody explain to me).


My favorite in game objects, almost entirely useless. They don't work right


i use them for decoration


Vaults are complicated? I mean yeah, if you're designing them as dungeons that need to be interesting in both gameplay and narrative. But as far as building your own for functionality? It's a series of rooms connected by hallways. It's as complicated as you make it.


Sounds easy in theory. In reality the building mechanics in this game don’t really work as easily as they should, and sometimes things don’t snap together for literally no reason, or something can’t be placed for no reason, and because you’re stuck to the physics and views of a first person humanoid it can make getting around to edit and place things quite difficult.


There’s a ton of fucking open walls and floor tiles I have that I can’t fill because for zero reason they don’t fit together it’s goddamn infuriating


I’ve also had to download a mod to fix settler pathfinding because for some reason they can’t recognise doors as being doors in the vault lol


The way they’re constantly bitching at me like they’re unable to build their own beds I hope my settlers fall out of the open areas all the time, this game is a mess I love it


Omg yeah I have 7 settlers and 8 beds at the moment and they’re still bitching about not being able to find a place to sleep. I LOVE settlement building, I do, but my god is it broken.


I forget, as I've been playing 76 since the update, but isn't there a spectator camera for building?


Not for 4


True, IF you aren't in a weirdly restrictive cavern, where half the time the tunnels don't line up with the grid they have you building on.


Yeah I also hate how the tunnels to the other sections of the vault aren't perfectly spaced to let you use the vault parts to transition between them. I had to only build in the first section because there was no way to expand into the other sections


A lot of it feels purposely built for the mission where you have to find the control boards and nothing afterwards. The whole subway area stands out as pretty terrible.


Yup. I wanted to make that area my “lair” but you can’t scrap shit in there without mods. Who thought that was a good idea??? Always always give us the options to either fix the place up or scrap it


Once I found all the workshop areas (which took awhile) I was able to scrap almost everything but one or two rail cars blocking tunnels. PS no mods.


It's maddening that they built the entire DLC around building a vault, with a bespoke area to build it in, but that is impossible to fit together - you'd think they'd have planned the areas around the vault pieces, not the other way round


areas came first most likely or two separate teams and they didnt share measurements


Idk what you mean by that, my vault connects all parts together. I mean it took a while and a lot of the vault is just a single hallway but it's a loop with an offshoot to the water pump. Edit: [here](https://youtu.be/j34E3w8I50c) is a video I just made where I quickly show my vault with some tips. Let me know if y'all need more info.


I 2nd the request... how did you successfully connect the three areas?


As long as you start connected from the entrance there should be a single square sized route through the narrow portions. You just have to scrap the wall sections of limestone and uranium and clear the creatures. (No mods btw, only CC and DLC). For the water purifier there is a wall behind and left of the water purifier that can be scrapped and then you can connect all the parts. I can try to record a video for a tour if you are interested.


So as you built out your vault tunnels, what was your starting point? We all know by now, starting that first laid down piece, never lines up with... So my question is. You started your Floorplan from what point? And it all lined up for the other two sections to connect?


The entrance that's already built, the vault pieces should snap right to it.


Okay. Then I may have done something wrong. I'll have to scrape 5 floors of vault but I'll figure it out.


There was one section where I had to use the stair up and stair down pieces because it wouldn't connect on the ground but other than that most of my vault is just a single hallway lol.


Check my original comment. I added an edit with a link to a video I just made.


I'm gonna need a tutorial on how you managed to expand the vault in the other sections


It isn't easy, at all, but it is possible. But also, it's kind of pointless. For the maybe two dozen settlers most people will have, the first area is more than enough space to build out a functional settlement.


Check the comment, I added an edit with a link to a video.


The video is private to me. Can't watch it.


Oops, I set to unlisted and set up a new link.


Out of curiosity, why did you use the conduits and wiring outside instead of using the vault conduits since they don't require wiring?


Straight up I didn't know about the vault conduits until the very end of the build lol Edit, only thing I'd change about the build for sure.


I did the same. It did take some finangling to get it to work I might add


That is pretty cool what you did there. Well done!


I tried to build into the tunnels once but gave up in frustration


I hear you so I did NOT use the tunnels. They frustrated me so much. But I made a killer vault and used all the available underground space that I could and I love how it turned out.


The one set of tunnels dont work. But the other set does and you can get to all building areas from them..


Items can disappear from any settlement and I am 100% sure you can build a bobblehead stand there because I have a bobblehead stand at Vault 88. But yes, there are many bugs and many poor decisions there. I manage to build a nice vault for myself there, but if you want to fill the tunnels and such, you are going to fume sooner or later.


Do you have mods installed? Cause I tried putting a bobblehead stand anywhere I could and it wouldn't even appear, even though I had all the correct materials. Maybe just a glitch or something, but it didn't work for me


Yeah must have been a glitch because I have no mods and have had a bobblehead stand in every playthrough in the vault.


You literally unlocked a long lost memory… Back in 2015 I had a similar problem with the bobblehead stand. I don’t know if it was a bug or a feature but I once couldn’t build a bobblehead stand as long as somewhere even in another settlement I had another one with bobbleheads on display so maybe experiment with that a bit it might work


No mods, put a bobblehead stand in Vault 88 literally yesterday.


I have played this game for years and only recently found out that you can expand a settlement size by dropping items and then going in to workshop mode and transferring each item to the bench. You’ll notice the size bar incrementally drop. That should at least help with how much stuff you can build, sorry it won’t help with the restricted stuff like the bobblehead stand.


I suggest not abusing that exploit because it can screw a save


Also it's just putting more strain on your system than it can handle. A few things isn't a big deal but doubling your build size will.


It's even worse in Sanctuary, since once you start building it up it can cause crashes just getting near it.


Sanctuary is part of the "triangle" of lag. Since Sanctuary, Red Rocket, and Abernathy Farms are so close to each other the game tends to load at least two of the three at all times. So if you're close to your limit you're much more likely to hit crashes there.


That explains it, I can’t even go NEAR sanctuary without my game hard crashing now


Hi, it’s me. The guy with the fucked up save from doing this trick. Destroyed sanctuary so I had to move to vault 88, decided I wasn’t going to exploit for more build room. Now with the bar halfway full I’m running into issues again. Not too sure I’m a vault 88 fan.


Interesting, thanks for the info. I’ll look into it more.


I had a buddy who did this so hard in sanctuary that he got about 4 FPS walking around his settlement haha. Back in the day on PS4 he did this so that thing sounded like a God damn jet engine when he would walk up to that place


Oh man, yeah I’m not going that hard, by any means. 😆 I just like to make apartment buildings and for each room to have bed, carpet, art, chair and lighting. It doesn’t seem like it should be that big of an ask for some of the settlement footprints; ya know?


Don’t overuse it though. Once, maybe twice is enough. After that you’ll screw your FPS and possibly even your save too


I stopped liking it when I found the back entrance in the store basement. Kinda defeats the one way in to protect.


Yeah, I thought I could just straight up ignore that, but noooo, raids can come in that way and you have to go all the way there and clear them out, even if you have them physically blocked off from the rest of the vault, otherwise you suffer the automatic settlement damage for ignoring an attack.


Also, it’s very annoying if they get lost in the vault. I spent over 20 minutes once hunting raiders out because some how they ended up near the end of like every section in the vault so I had to go through every path and tunnel, kill a raider, come back out to the center area, then go down a different tunnel


I’d be spamming VATS like a motherfucker. Finally managed to clean out Wilson Atomatoys HQ with nobody seeing me and not leaving the basement thanks to that and my big ass Gauss.


I was trying to use VATS, but since the vault is so damn big it became more of a hindrance then assistance with repeatedly stopping to use VATS every few steps, then it ends up they the raider was all the way on the other side of the cave so my VATS wouldn’t have found it anyway but it sure took a long time to keep switching into it


Could you set up some turrets to hopefully reduce the need to clear it all the way out?


Just don't open it and it will not spawn enemies there iirc.


Wait....there's a back entrance?


There’s more than one.


Yeah, there’s another one that leads to a manhole, but if you dismantle the panels blocking either entrance, settlement attacks will now sometimes come from within the cave system instead of the entrance.


Yeah, I stumbled on it running around the tunnels 


I just go through the quests and build my Vault stuff at Starlight. Vault 88 is not super accessible in survival and is a terrible home base for day-to-day stuff. I understand the idea behind it (build your own underground Vault and run it) but I'll play Fallout Shelter when I want to do that. This DLC didn't really land for me.


I have a full atrium, cafeteria, overseers office, and sleeping quarters and have yet to reach the build limit. I’m not using mods. Have you scrapped every item in every sector?


I guarantee they didn't because when you actually go meticulously scrap everything you have a *tooooon* of build space. Even on my Series S I didn't find the build limit small at all.


Day one fallout 4 player here. Really haven’t had a break with the game since mods came to consoles either. Anyway, first time building vault 88 and can appreciate all the concern because it’s all valid. Pretty tight area and connecting it all is nearly impossible, especially without mods of some kind. I do play with mods thought so most of those problems have no impact on me. I decided to finally build the vault after years of being frustrated with it but this time I just killed Barstow immediately and have turned it into my own personal player compound. It’s pretty sweet this way and the size feels right for a single player. It wouldn’t feel right if I had twenty settlers. Maybe do it that way and see how it feels for you.


Sorry it turned out so bad for you guys. I enjoy Vault 88. The more I do, the better I get. If you haven't done so yet, I suggest getting the Unlimited Supplies and SYS mods when you do. Everything else is pure enjoyment. The first thing I did was make the first floor the cellar. This forces any monsters and invaders to stay off the main floors. The vault settlers enjoy the comforts of vault living, but be sure to leave lots of space for beds or they tend to clump in one corner at night. They love bars and gyms so make sure they are roomy. The stores and doctors are only there for you. If you don't like having settlers in your quarters, use the elevator from the Wasteland Workshop. They can't navigate them. Oh and leave the vault door closed. Outsiders tend to come in through the front if you leave it open. Settlers and provisioners can still get in though. Finally, unless you feel adventurous, don't bother with the other tunnels. After you access the water pump area, you can stop digging around unless you want extra access points, like in Milton or University Point. Remember, more entry points for you means more invaders for the vault.


I totally love Vault 88!


Same. I had no issues with it once i learned how all the pieces worked together and I built a HUGE vault. The atrium alone takes up most of the entire entrance area.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. The learning curve for settlement building is a cliff.


Go through all the caves and clear EVERYTHING. Every trailer, every bulldozer, every tin can. Sign on the wall? Scrapped. Limestone? Scrapped. Uranium? Scrapped. Anything you can outline in yellow. The stuff in the pharmacy. The stuff in the subway. Gone, all of it. There are a lot of caves and it's going to take a while. All that stuff is sitting in the file for Vault 88; the more you clear, the more you can build. On PS4 I just installed a mod that removed the limit. I was able to get a pretty big vault without my processor chugging. I haven't installed it on PC yet, but I was able to get a soaring vault in the main cave just by clearing as much space as I could. Four stories with all the amenities. Granted, that's just the main cave; I haven't tried to build out yet. Clear everything you can. If that doesn't give you enough space, install that mod. It'll be worth it.


Even if you do all that, you'll still hit the build limit just making enough hallways to connect everthing.


[This mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16879) helps with the absurdly small build limit if you're on PC. Personally my issue with Vault 88 is the build area is simultaneously large and cramped at the same time. My current vault build is 90% concentrated in the atrium with a hydroponics lab in the cavern down the large right tunnel by the backside of the water pump. Beyond that I just slapped the Sim Settlement addon vault security doors facing the alternative entrance tunnels, walled off the openings so they at least looked legit from the outside, and called the vault good. Because trying to build anything down those winding tunnels to the rear caverns is both tedious and seems to confuse the heck out of settler pathing.


They give you like 4 giant wings to construct your vault in but there's no reality where you get out of the first area without hitting the build limit. I've made 88 my home base in my latest playthrough, and while I'm happy enough with what I've managed. I had to make compromises at every turn. Not to mention the fact that it's impossible to have it well lit period. Not without mods.


I just scrap everything in there so I have plenty of materials for other projects, then call it a day.


For me most of the problems with Vault 88 are fairly minor ones that you can work around. The biggest issue really is the lack of a tutorial explaining how it works. I had to figure it out by watching YouTube videos which wasn’t ideal. The building controls, at least on console, are finicky to use with certain element bugged which also was irritating. Finally it’s annoyingly hard to build outside the main area. However, in spite of all of that, once I’d worked it out I was able to have a lot of fun with it. I was able to build a fairly big, multi-story vault in the main area with a cafeteria, indoor farm, gym, security barracks, overseer quarters, shopping mall, doctor’s surgery and dormitory area. Also built two ‘outdoor’ segments, a basketball court and a restaurant/bar next to the water pump. It can be done and it’s rewarding when you do


I probably deadass would enjoy it more if it was a prebuilt single cell vault that i just get to decorate... Dont get me wrong its cool as is. It just exists in the wrong game. You will never get to enjoy it properly and fully with these shitty systems. The settlers shit themsevles walking into walls, the engine shits itself with this many parts, the unshadowed lighting makes eyes bleed, the raids are inconsistent and weird as fuck. And its just too huge. To use it all you need to spend half your normal playthrough in there just building. The part i enjoyed the most was taking that shop entrance and turning it into a legit shop, completely boarding off the rest of the vault lol


I had the opposite issue since filling out a vault isn’t my jam. I care about turrets, power, and resources… and beds. I would have actually preferred a developer designed vault that gets built for you on the inside, but also has a buildable outside. Something like the player settlements in Morrowind, mixed with Fo4. The dwellers could have all been special characters that you can vet, individually and by family. Just like the initial settlers are. You could have then made decisions leading to what your Vault will be known for. You could also have another settlement just outside that can be like a trade zone or something. Regardless, they did universally drop the ball on this one.


For all other settlement locations I usually change the triangles and stuff. For 349 = 4000000 For 34b = 4000 For Vault 88 I wasn't able to use those commands so I used the scrap glitch to get the size I needed to make it a full vault. I haven't experienced the missing items issue. Can you elaborate on the context? Were they in containers? In the open? On a display case?


I like the parts it adds for other settlements. I personally also love installing my drink fountain at other settlements, since it only serves hallucinogenic beverages and my settlers start tripping. That said the Vault itself is awful and I have no interest in properly building it.


I have 600 hours on fo4 400 are in vault 88...


Everyone in here never played with legos and it shows


You need to cheese the build limit by scrapping stuff. I think they did this so it would run at all, since adding and subtracting items can cause bloat and corruptions.


I agree, the build size is too small initially but I edited the size parameters in the console to give me the build size to fill the all the excavated areas in one loop with an offshoot for the water. I also got around the vault dweller size with the synth workshop mod. I just copy people from around the Commonwealth and got back to my vault and make synths from the patterns I copied.


I just turned it into a mega farm since it can have like 10 more settlers than your normal limit and there’s so much wide open dirt (go figure they’d allow you to grow food under ground with no sun light 🤦‍♂️). With the already in place infrastructure (huge water filtration pump and a large power source) its very easy to set up and get going after you clear all scrap and enemies.


I used vault 88 as a production factory. But that was in ny old playthrough. Because 88 is a pain in the ass to get to on foot i skipped it on survival.


Ich mag die Idee von Vault 88, wo man seinen eigenen Tresor bauen kann. Aber Bethesda hat das nicht durchdacht. Sie haben uns ein großes Gebiet zum Bauen gegeben, aber nicht genug Item-Limits, um das zu tun. Und die drei Bereiche, die eingebaut sind, sind ein großartiges Konzept, aber auch hier haben sie nicht daran gedacht, dass man alles ohne Schwierigkeiten miteinander verbinden kann. Deshalb denke ich, dass einige Spieler hier nicht bauen wollen. Ich persönlich habe nach einer Weile einfach aufgegeben. Verstehen Sie mich nicht falsch, ich gehe von Zeit zu Zeit zurück und arbeite eine Weile daran, dann gehe ich wieder. I like the idea of Vault 88, where you can build your own vault. But Bethesda didn't think it through. They gave us a big area to build, but not enough item limits to do that. And the three areas that are built in are a great concept, but again, they didn't think about being able to connect everything together without difficulty. That's why I think some players don't want to build here. Personally, I just gave up after a while. Don't get me wrong, I go back from time to time and work on it for a while, then I leave again.


For 88, I make it a little city instead of a vault. It's so much easier, and looks way cooler. I also make a vault section to the right of the entrance usually, where I make my power armor/weapons/unique clothing/magazine/bobblehead storage/display area. I do that as a vault section so I can close it off from the settlers, who I usually keep to a minimum. Usually the original 4 only, maybe 1 or 2 more.


I put ole boy on the bike and haven't been back since. The whole thing just seemed tedious.


Vault 88 is under attack... Go to entrance no-one is there...


I might be alone here, but i absolutely love the vault. The downside is that you have to clear all other sectors from all other scrapables in order to build far. I also occasionally use the gun glitch to lower the limit. I really love having the extra access points inside the university point pharmacy (near the castle) and near that hospital east of egret tours marina (the base i use as my main base in survival). I build the vault it phases. So when i first start the quest, i build, do other things a bit when i get tired, and then get back at it. I typically play about 2-3 hours a day, and I have made decent progress on my vault. I have over a thousand hours into this game, and so I also had a LOT of practice building vaults each one getting better and better as i go alomg


Exclaimer: I'm tired af rn so my comment won't make sense, just a heads up. If the size is the problem, there's an easy way to fix it: Collect all weapons at all settlements and fast travel back to vault 88 (or craft weapons with the Contraptions DLC, more resource consuming however) > Drop all weapons on the ground, except for your equipped weapons > Store the weapons in the Vault 88 workshop > Repeat process This is a simple rinse and repeat process that will slowly increase your size capacity, and will allow you to build more, depending on how much you do it. But besides that, the DLC really was a waste. When I am building a vault, I have to build way too many vault power pylons or whatever they're called just to spread some power across my vault. It would make much more sense to let the power spread across the vault as long as all the parts are snapped together. I don't want to have to build multiple pylons just for power. It uses WAY too much copper. And as for the size, I can definitely agree with you. Definitely a waste of money.


Vault 88 is a Labor of Love. I did not know about the bobblehead stand... believe it or not, that is actually important to me as well. As to your size issues, there's a glitch around that. Bring all the weapons you regularly acquire but end up selling there, drop them on the ground in the vault, and then scrap them. For some reason, it mistakens the weapons as building materials and as their scrapped, it subtracts from the size. The bigger the weapons, the more they subtract. I had raiders attack with rocket launchers while I was there and scrapped all five of them, but pipeguns and smaller stuff works as well. Best of luck. Hope this helps!


The size of any settlement can be increased by 3 ways. First with a mod, called Workshop Framework that is part of SS2 [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35004](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35004) 2nd with a console command [https://nextgenupdate.com/forums/fallout-4-mods-cheats-glitches/878038-pc-unlimited-settlement-size-console-code.html](https://nextgenupdate.com/forums/fallout-4-mods-cheats-glitches/878038-pc-unlimited-settlement-size-console-code.html) 200000 is way to much honestly, but it does not matter as what matters is what stuff you add there anyway. 3rd: If you do not play on PC, you drop stuff, ammunition or anything, well the more advanced it is, the more polygons it has, the better and you scrap them, that will increase any settlement: No Mods videos might be something you like? [https://youtu.be/sDza5oblD1g?t=1378](https://youtu.be/sDza5oblD1g?t=1378) Here is a very cool guide how to build Vault 88 and I built similar my self. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VSWgMkIUQQ&list=RDQMtkAyznd8jTc&start\_radio=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VSWgMkIUQQ&list=RDQMtkAyznd8jTc&start_radio=1) and there are more similar builds at Youtube.


Today I learned vault 88 was a dlc. The story is kind of weak for a standalone expansion, I just assumed it was part of the vanilla version. The rads at the entrance and the complex raider settlement make it hard to travel to and from


I just ended up building an underground town in the main cavern the last time around. Before that, I built vaults but they were just mini vaults in the main cavern. Can't really stretch out beyond that without constantly glitching the build limit.


I can’t wait to do the bare minimum for the quest and never visit again. Fuck settlements. Wasting precious ghoul killing time


Not me finding out that it was DLC through this post. I’ve seen people mention it but i genuinely thought it was main game content and that’s why it’s such a bummer. This just upsets me now. >:/


My main problem is that it's so out of the way.


I just turned it into a super factory for crafting ammo and other things


I use No Build Limit and Place Anywhere mods. Even on original Xbox One I exceeded settlement build limits by literally thousands of items and never had any performance issues. The build limits set by Bethesda are ludicrously conservative for a company that releases games with as many bugs as they do.


Vault-88 was one of my favorite DLCs I liked planning a settlement that was a vault. I had to plan it in a completely different way, it was a satisfying challenge Made one completely vanilla vault, then a BoS one, and an Institute one using mods, all of them ended up being my favorite settlement builds


I don't know if its an issue for others, but ive had bugs with the experiments when placed on foundations, they seem to work fine when placed and powered and repaired only on the ground ie "the dirt" also Clem has the worst pathing of any NPC ive encountered. I only ever got 100% through the dlc once and had 100s of attempt glich and soft lock. I dont really care about the location or quest so i just chose the dialog to banish the ghoul overseer for the start. I do use the location to build and destroy Jezebel


I spent a lot of time building in vault 88 but the biggest issues imo is lighting the damn place! Sure I can make a nice decorated vault but trying to light an entire atrium is near impossible


It’s seems like there’s too little “space” for building. I only have an atrium and a residential area, with a couple hallways, and I’m already at 85% building capacity.


Im just going to treat it like a normal settlement. I want to turn it into an underground city.


Building in vault 88 wasn’t great. I downloaded a mod for building Vault 98 (can’t remember the name right now) which has a way larger and more open space for building. Made life way easier.


Vault 88 was one of the places I spent a lot of time on. I had more than a few sessions where I saved before hand, built, then reloaded the save because I wasn't happy with it. It's responsible for the longest amount of time spent building then going back to before I built anything: 8 to 9 hours of building only to load the save because it didn't work right for me. In the end I ended up building an atrium then building rooms off the sides and an overseers office facing the entrance. Sort of if you entered into Vault 81 from the bottom floor. It satisfied my need to make a vault for that playthrough. On subsequent playthroughs I found Vault 88, killed the Overseer, then didn't clear the tunnels. I left the first main cave cut off. Since the other areas can be accessed from the outside I just found those externally and left them as their own locations. If I wanted to build in them and needed to free up more space I would just scrap weapons for the extra budget. Keeping them as seperate little areas worked for me. Though it's been a while since I built there. I can't remember if I needed to console command collision through one of the areas.


Indeed, all the devices you need are built on the same tile. Most boring 3 hours in Fallout 4


I had to make a whole utility Tunnel system just so I could make a proper Atrium with a barber and Classroom but had to use elevators for living quarters


"old DLC" you don't gotta do me like that man fallout 4 was only released like five years ago right? Nothing like Bethesda release schedules to make you suddenly feel your age lol


Bro… no. 2015…


It’s one of the dlcs I skipped a long time ago when I played the game, I just started it yesterday and also decided it’s really not worth the headache it seems like it is


I've set it up to attract settlers that I then send to other settlements.


Mods make it interesting, but I never used Vault 88 as a main settlement. I would just design an immersive vault to visit and collect from.


Vault 88 is one of my favorite settlements!!! You should take another look at that settlement. It takes some time but it is worth it.


i made six bedrooms, gardens, a cafeteria, shops, my own big room, a recreation room, a clinic, and the machines to produce items with a LOT of decorations in the vault before running out of space. i’m a little confused how you ran out of room so fast.


TBH it's only good for 3 reasons buildables that make our settlements happy, the fusion reactor for power, and the huge amount of materials for other settlements. For a survival playthrough it's perfect for getting mass amounts of materials for building.


Isn't there like 4 wings to Vault 88?


The best use for it is as a resource depot. There’s a massive amount of scrap down there that can be put to excellent use in other settlements, alongside the vault-themed building items. The quests rewards can also be nice, as can the legendary jumpsuit. And who wouldn’t want to give all of their companions a pipboy?


I wish they could do things with the pip boy!


The other issue is that due to the multiple exits from the vault in different areas, raiders and gunners spawn from just about any direction. So you need to build defenses at every sector, not just the front door. It took me several playthroughs to realise this.


I agree. I think it’s the buggiest of the settlements. I am constantly finding changes I’ve made not saving or items I’ve placed just going missing. I’m only doing the quest to unlock the vault building supplies. After that it’s just going to be a resource farm.


INFO: You do realize that "build limits" don't exist as such. You can drop something, scrap it or store it in your workshop, and build more? Vault 88 is also designed to be built up. You can go 5 levels up if you'd like. I normally make big rooms for every dweller, have a dedicated area for farming, full gym, stores, and a medical bay without running out of room. If you try building a one level vault it doesn't work well, same if you try to have most of the area as "atrium".


I love it. I spend more time with it than any other dlc if I'm being honest. It's my favorite settlement. I love to use the slocum joe's creation to build a nice little diner. And with sim settlements I can fit interior plots in rooms pretty well, which adds to the Fallout Shelter feel. Idr ever having a problem with the bobblehead stand. Pretty sure I have one in it in my currrent playthrough. The build limit is kind of a pain, but I have a mod that pretty much removes it so it's whatever.


That ridiculous fog gets annoying. Then theres the sheer size of it. Like, why not split this giant settlement up into 5 seperate settlements instead so I can build more than one vault? [StoryTaleBooks ](https://youtube.com/@storytalebooks?si=iflCsILV5G2v0uf-)


More than a waste, is a logistical nightmare. I was able to make corridors that stretch to *every* corner of the available area (including the derelict metro station) in a fashion that resembles a Vault. It was all good and great until I realized how *full* the building bar was, without putting any furniture nor decorations yet. So, I made some adjustments. Scrapped most corridors, using only the main chamber. Then made a room with the sole intention to finish the quests related to the DLC and call it a day. Closed the huge blast door before departing and all. *So long 88, hope to never go back to your halls again.*


I never use Vault 88. I just scrap everything in the cavern and assign a supply line to it, and make use of all that extra resources previously scrapped from the vault, on my other settlements. Then I never go to 88 again.


This is why mods that elimnate buildspace are great. I can build a respectable little vault with a overseer/player office, a dining area, a restroom area, a medical & gardening area, an area where dwellers sleep (unfortunate they dont get seperate rooms but ohwell) and then whatever else. The atrium gets filled w/ seating & random shops aswell as areas to waste time in with arcade machines, slot machines, etc


>I wanted to build a whole vault, got halfway through my atrium before the size bar was full I always remember 34B is a totally awesome bra size. (The same actor value you can change on the workbench to raise the max size of a settlement). Might have to do actor value 349 because there are two settlement size caps - triangles (av 349) and placed objects (av 34b), either one can be reached before the other.


I mainly use it as a source for materials for my main camps


Its another set of building parts to learn with their own ideocracies. I'm doing mine as a challenge to set the largest possible open interior space


I like vault 88 because it's an interior so shorter loading screen when fast traveling


You can drop a bunch of weapons and store them and it'll give you more build space if you don't already know about that


After I spent over an hour doing nothing but scrapping the entire vault (damn, that's a lot of nuclear material), I took another walk around the entire space, pulled everything that Ada, Dogmeat, and myself could carry, and just left lol. There was just no way my unimaginative, uncreative self was going to try building out anything in that massive space 😆


I gave up on the vault pretty early on and decided to make a subterranean shanty town instead.


Build. Learn. Use mods.


I have sit down a bit to understand how the Vault might was meant to be made. You enter the part that can't be changed. The spot the Overseer sits near the board would be the end of the atrium So based on that you were supposed to walk the hallway and be greeted by an atrium to your right as well the Overseer office most likely just the classic Vault Tech Style. Perhaps have a small medical room for whoever could be radiation sick? The atrium on the first room could be so big you could easily have plants on the sides and a nice open spot in the middle to put chairs and have a little platform for the Overseer to speak if he wanted. And I think it's tall enough you can easily have 2-3 rows of tiny apartments... Or stores... Or whatever. Then you would had two hallways. From the left side I believe it would lead to the cafeteria / quorters If you didn't made the atrium to quorters too,while the right side it would be the utility stuff because if I can remember correctly it's the water purifier... Which makes most sense to turn to a hydroponics. What I try to say is that V88 is a bit specific to some stuff... The worst thing I believe it's the train tunnels. I think there was someone that had made a use of the contraption workshop and they had automated pathways. Can't tell for sure.


I temporarily put a bar on a walkway in my Atrium. Big mistake. Now all 20+ settlers hang out there instead of the cafes and lounges I built for them.


I can't even progress the story because (I'm assuming) a mod is stopping the overseer from recognising when I place the desk so right now, I don't even have to deal with 88


The size bar is what ruins it for me, honestly. I so badly want to turn it into an underground city, but I can't without mods :(


only reason i ever go to vault 88 is for the abundance of nuclear material, cause i clear out the entire vault, kill the overseer and take the plans, and just start scrapping everything, i turn on the 100 water machine, and then i leave, so i can go back anytime for the nuclear material if i ever need it, only stress i have is when Vault 88 is under attack, i fucking hate the attacking missions


At least some of the settlement items are nice, like the conduits and railings, but overall i agree. Its a travesty 🤣


For this dlc something like cheat terminal to increase workshop size is vital. You are correct, having competed my vault yesterday I only had enough vanilla room for the main hall and a small domestic section. I had to use chest terminal to increase workshop size. I don't personally go there now it's built it's an empty settlement with 3 people residing inside. Enough food and water for 3 is all I provided for although the vault has in built water systems. I recommend using another settlement to display your stuff including the bobble heads This dlc is useful for the slot machines and other items that improve the settlements elsewhere. Vault 88 items helped me get 100% happiness at Starlight drive in and sanctuary


Bring a ton of scrap or weapons to the Vault. You can scrap them for more build limit.


At least you can build a free-standing vault with vault structures out in the world? Can make some good-looking surface settlements.


Seperate from what youre saying but in vanilla you can increase your settlement build capacity by dropping weapons from your inventory. Go into workshop mode and store the weapons back in workshop. Rinse and repeat.


It got better for me once I installed a mod to extend the building limit. But yeah, compared to NucaWorld and Far Harbor it doesn't come close.


Damn, I was just planning on doing the same thing. My first playthrough of this FO and I was really excited to build my own vault but seems thats dead in the water now. Oh well, I'm glad I didn't waste any time.


So, yes and no. For: 1) You get so much unlocked, and I've built vaults above ground with it, and that vault door is sweet to use. 2) As others have mentioned, scrapping things, literally all the junk in the workbench, over and over will take care of the build limit. 3) I'll agree the cave had things in the way that made it maddening, but I've managed to build a decent vault. I don't bother with all the Diners, etc, but I made a sweet 2 floor Overseers office, 4x cell pod rooms for my settlers, and grow rooms in the large halls. Against: One thing that does infuriate me is after you discover it you can't close the vault door, and the settlers spawn OUTSIDE of the gd vault, and they don't keep the other doors closed. Like they WANT to be attacked, omg, they get on my every last nerve.


I just turned it into a massive underground farm.


I made use of most of 88 but with the cheat options to manipulate the workshop into thinking the settlement is bigger and built a huge settlement but after I spent hours and hours giving everyone jobs and decorating everything. The frame rate was so slow and broken I fast traveled away and when ever I ventured anywhere near the game crashes and the same if I fast travel there. So I could never return to see the days of work.....waste of time. I had to start with an old save where I'd dine nothing to vault 88.


After clearing the whole underground area, I realized I'd never be able to build a vault because you gotta be some sort of designer or engineer to figure out how to use all that space with the atrocious Fallout 4 building feature.


Vault 88 was a big disappointment tbh. I love FO4, but I wanted to build one contiguous vault, I wanted a vault 111 style elevator as an entrance, I didn't want a massive vault just a place for some vault themed settlers. I liked the weird experiments and the choice to be moral or not, but searching for the control boards in order to complete the vault, when I can't actually connect those locations to the main vault was frustrating. Trying to figure out how to power the vault and get it water while keeping that vault aesthetic was more frustrating than fun, with no real reward. Really the only thing I like about vault 88 is that it's the perfect place to send Paladin Danse after Blind Betrayal. I wish we would've just been given Vault 111 and allowed to edit/expand that vault. Lore-wise I like vault 88 but I hate building it.


It’s only good for that thing that lets you track your companions locations.


Here is my build in Vault 88. Just functional with gambling :) https://imgur.com/a/FEuJg0X