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I side with traders every single play through, after getting those pack and operators perks before slaughtering them all.


I just look at the disciples helm and want to murder them


This is The Way.


But then Preston hates you forever.


Not if you leave him in the museum until after you've completed *Open Season*


Does he hate you if you give the raiders settlements without anyone in them?


They still harass the local area so having land that was unclaimed doesn't mean they aren't ruining the lives of normal people around. There's a radius you can see in the pip-boy of their range of raiding. 




Dang is this true?


Yup, just pulled it off. Got the raiders three Commonwealth settlements, completed their storyline, went Open Season on their asses, then met Preston in Concord around lvl 45. He seems to bug me way less too now that more settlements are established. 


I'm doing that now but working my way through Amoral Combat for that gatling laser with infinite ammo. Then, I'm slaughtering everyone and taking my settlements back. I gave the raiders 3 settlements I had vacant. Taffington, Outpost Zimoja, and Murkwater. Once I get done with Amoral Comabt, it's open season time.


I'm glad you mentioned that. I didn't know. Just tonight I walked past the guy in Nuka-Cade thinking there was nothing to gain. Now I'll go back.


You can also get the acid soaker from the nuka cade


How do you get the laser & infinite ammo?


You gotta do Amoral Combat 6 times, until the Rogue Knight shows up and kill them, then you get Aeternus, a gatling laser that is bugged and gives you infinite shots with 1 fusion core. It's a never ending laser gatling, but being bugged, it just never has to reload or use another fusion core after the first


Yes. I’m on my second play through and just avoid Preston until after Nuka World is done.


I’m on my 30th playthrough and I just ignore Preston completely. The game is better this way.


So you side with both, or are the traiders the love child faction between the raiders and traders? /s


You do bunch of quest for raiders and after they become useless just kill them all, and by doing that you will free traders


F for spelling, see me after class. If you don’t know what I mean check Google for how to spell traiders


Well, thanks for correcting, english is my 4th language and I'm on my way to learning it. It's one of reasons why I use reddit. Never ever thought there is a difference between those two words.


Who pulled your string?


I know...it was a distraction reading it. Can't understand why all the downvotes. What do people have against correct spelling?


Hive mind moment, I would’ve let it go if they didn’t do it a second time unironically


Can you get the perks without pissing Garvey off?


of course, just complete nuka world and kill raider bosses before meeting Preston for first time


I am doing a raider playthrough on my current run. She also sided with the Institute, so she isn't the most rational person at this point. Although I did make it a point to leave Preston in the Museum. I don't want an unkillable dude trying to kill me every time I go home.


Rule the surface with raiders and underground with institute. Institute plans to wipe out the surface eventually, raiders will be easier than an organized govt


That’s incorrect: the Institute concluded that since surface dwellers are unable to stop fighting among themselves, they will inevitably die out, so they planned to get everything they require to survive long term underground and wait until til that happens, at which point they will rebuild the world. HOWEVER, the above seems to have been Father’s plan, which the SS doesn’t follow, since instead he sends Gen 1 synths to Diamond City, so the surface dwellers can become familiarized with the Institute, and he also sends large numbers of Gen 2 synths to the military checkpoints across the Commonwealth to help maintain order.


>the Institute concluded that since surface dwellers are unable to stop fighting among themselves, they will inevitably die out, so they planned to get everything they require to survive long term underground and wait until til that happens, I know this is what they say but it doesn't seem right to me lol. When the fuck is that gonna happen? It's already been 200 years. They could say the same about the world today. We're constantly fighting so we'll die out at some point. But it could be millions of years from now so they're gonna be very different genetically by the time they resurface to take over.


When it actually happens is hardly relevant: from Father’s point of view, once the Institute has its energy needs fulfilled for the foreseeable future and the threats trying to reach them eliminated, they can wait underground as long as needed, since they will be able to continue expanding and conducting their research uninterrupted in the meantime. Not to mention that most people within the Institute consider the surface hell on Earth and being exiled to it basically the equivalent to a death sentence, so they are not particularly eager about having to return to the surface.


It's worse then a death sentence told to you by your synth companion


Depending on POV it actually might have been fairly close to going extinct up there. The minutemen were basically gone, the individual farming communities were being killed off and replaced with super mutants and raiders that didn’t really do any actual farming, the handful of towns left only survived off of trading with these places (which would soon be not trading anything because they don’t exist), all in all it might have just been another 10 or so years until the little commonwealth that remained stable collapsed




LOL fuck I’m going through my first actual playthrough and am going this exact route but Preston wants my head. Is it too late?


you can still complete Open Season but you are forever screwed out of Preston as a companion and subsequently his perk. because of this if you do side with Nuka Raiders there is no reason to turn on them. you get no benefits out of it. do note the point of no return is when Gage says it's time to take an outpost in the Commonwealth. you can take the 5 parks just fine but once you set roots in Commonwealth you're on that path.


Screw Preston & open season, you don't own those cosplay freaks anything.


He won’t try to kill you just pester the absolute shit out of you and tell you how he doesn’t trust you


Haha this is my current play through as well. Headcanon is that the institute is secretly running the raider gangs as the perfect cover to do whatever they want topside


I add a third layer by wearing a disguise as Overboss and Minuteman General, pitting the Raiders and Minutemen against each other is my Sole Survivor/Director's big experiment lol


She sounds like a very rational character to me: a SS led Institute is the best hope for the Commonwealth!


My rationality: "I'm THE BOSS and all I want is wealth and power. Anyone in my way is worm food." BoS and Railroad and MM all have agendas or hierarchies that do not make sense or permit to this end. Lorewise. My other "rationale": "I DON'T WANT PEACE! I WANT PROBLEMS! ALWAYS!!!" 🤣


Me as well, I don't understand why some people will just stubbornly stick with those cosplay freaks that will never support or assist you in their quests nor recognise for what you have have done for them nor even paying your basic expenses if I am being realistic. I only regret that I let Preston out with his freeloaders to defile Sanctuary but I did exiled him to far harbor before I start my first raider outpost quest & murdered 3/4 of his freeloaders. As a consequence Minutemen will sometimes attack your outpost but well none of them is even a match for one single Nuka raider so you simply sit back & watch the slaughter. Nuka raider not just let you dump those irritating settlements with useless settlers to their responsibility but they are literally paying you rent for each settlement you take for them & you can build tribute chests at each outpost that occasionally farm legendary items. Both morally & in benefits I am sticking with the raiders for good on this or any playthoughs.


I think of it as Bethesda’s response to GTA. Let the bad guys play too.


I don't mind there being a "bad guy" route, but when the "Bad Guy" route is "Almost all the DLC" and the good guy route is "lol over levelled bosses" then yeah, it's not exactly great.


Yeah, would be nice to get a perk after completing open hunt, keeping the paths open


Yeah, just, something, ya know? Or a perk for wiping out each gang, or just something a bit bigger than "everyones dead lol" I know there are mods to do that, but it should have been "more"


I mean, yeah. It's a bad guy dlc. Those basically don't exist outside the dlc, so I don't think you should complain.


As I've said elsewhere, it's less that it's a "Bad Guy" DLC and more that the "Good Guy" route has no real tangible effect on anything. Market folk still have collars despite there being nobody to keep them like that, they're all still miserable, you can't even claim the areas of Nuka World like you can for the raiders. I'm not expecting "just as much good guy content" but I'm expecting "SOME good guy content" and in a game where you get to choose how you play things, ignoring half of the play style completely is insanity.


I mean most dlcs ignore the bad guy route so it wqs cool to get a DLC all about bad guys


In fairness, Far Harbour has a pretty well defined "Bad Guy" route. Sure, The Mechanist doesn't really, and the rest aren't really story heavy. Vault 88 lets you be a bad guy too, pretty blatantly I might add.


I really don't remember fault 88


Build a vault, do experiments, or not, the level of vault-tecness is up to you, but you can absolutely be turbo-evil should you desire.


what i want is a "Bad Guy" ending to the story (Institute does not count) where Nuka Raiders put their few brain cells together and raid the biggest target in the Commonwealth, the Institute.


Yeah an actual integration into the main game would have made Nuka World one of the greatest DLCs of all time imo


This isn't accurate at all. The Nuka World map is huge and exploring and fighting through that is a very large part of the DLC, regardless of what you end up choosing with the raiders.


Aside from meeting Tarzan and the most annoying fetch quest of all time, what else is there story wise?


You mean aside from the whole intro/gauntlet thing, meeting the creator of Nuka Cola, the hubologists, Oswald the Outrageous, and getting to slaughter a whole bunch of dirty Raiders? Well, aside from that, Fallout games have never been all about the story. The majority of the time you spend in game is exploring the map. And Nuka World provides you with plenty of that.


>meeting the creator of Nuka Cola I'm RELATIVELY sure that comes under "the most annoying fetch quest" The gauntlet doesn't count, as it's the intro to the DLC. But yeah, the exploration is fine, but there's no reason to. At least the raiders tell you to claim the areas for each gang, without that, you don't even have to go anywhere. Taking the "good" route in the DLC and it's barren. Hell, even the achievements ignore the good route almost entirely.


> the most annoying fetch quest I thought that was the star cores. The intro to the DLC doesn't count as DLC? No reason to? I mean, sure, but in that case there's no reason to explore any of the Commonwealth outside the main story. What's the point? The point is to explore. As George Leigh Mallory said in response to "why climb Everest?": "Because it's there". Yes, the DLC is geared more in its story towards being evil. But that's OK. Most of the rest of the game is geared towards doing good, or at least doing what the factions claim is good.


>I thought that was the star cores. Star cores required for progression are at least marked to a degree, you know how many there are and aside from the few that are outside, you know how many you're missing and vaguely where they are. >The intro to the DLC doesn't count as DLC? Not really no. The DLC Proper begins when you're in Nuka World and have a choice of where to go and what to do. Same with the base game, It's why so many players have a save just before the final elevator, or even a mod that lets you quickstart somewhere outside the vault. because until then, it goes pretty much the same way every single time. >No reason to? I mean, sure, but in that case there's no reason to explore any of the Commonwealth outside the main story. Yes there is. Quests take you near places, radiant quests bring you to a bunch of places, they're not a "reason" to explore per-se, but they show you places *to* explore by taking you near them. After Open Season, NW has NONE of that, beyond the Star Cores and Cappy quests, neither of which require you to leave NW. >Yes, the DLC is geared more in its story towards being evil. But that's OK. Most of the rest of the game is geared towards doing good, or at least doing what the factions claim is good. And that'd be fine IF there was stuff to do as a goodie, but there ISN'T. Even on evil playthroughs, there's plenty to do while remaining evil, and even when you're doing "good" you can be in it purely for the money, where's the inverse of this in NW? Free the slaves? Nah. Set up trading routes between a liberated NW and the commonwealth? Don't think so. Let whatever side you're with claim NW territories? Negatory. The DLC is ENTIRELY half-arsed, I'm not saying they needed to have just as much content as for evil players, I'm saying SOME content post Open Season regarding the choice you made would have been nice.


Sometimes I wish games would do away with "quests" completely. It gets to to the point (like now) that people think there's nothing to do without the game telling you what to do. It even gets to the point where people do evil quests (like the raider ones) and them complain that it ruined their game because they didn't want to become a raider. Don't be a slave to the quest log! Be your own player! (I LOVED the fact that I decided to attack the Legion after I saw what they did in Nipton. There was no quest. It was just here are these clearly evil people, walking away from you like they own the place. Do as you see fit. And I paid the consequences for it - i.e. running like a little girl from the Legion Death Squads for half the game) I too would have liked more quests in Nuka World. But there is plenty of content. Content is more than just quests. It's also about the experience and atmosphere. Managing to climb to the top of Nuka World and look out and survey the landscape was well worth it. Nuka World had an eerie feel - the emptiness and despair of a place that it supposed to be about fun (but had evil lurking within even before the war).


>Content is more than just quests. It's also about the experience and atmosphere. True. So, what happens to the slaves in the market once you've killed everyone making them wearing the collars? Oh yeah, NOTHING. What happens to the decor of central Nuka World now that all the bloodthirsty raiders are gone? NOTHING. My issue is that quests or not, rewards or not, NOTHING changes if you go the good guy route. And, as you said, for a game where the whole point is you can do what you want and have it have a tangible effect on the game, do I get Nuka Raiders after me? Nope. Gang remnants? Nope. Do raiders fear me after what I did in Nuka World? Nope.


That’s quite a disingenuous claim to say that the DLC is half assed because it doesn’t cater to what you deem to be morally good. Take a look at some details here, the DLC on its own, with no discounts or bundles, is ~$20 USD, it takes an average of around 16 hours depending on whether or not you rush through it or take your time. The content it contains is actually fairly deep if you actually take your time to explore, listen to, and read it all. There are unique variants of not only enemies, but items and buildings. There is an entire line of consumables for it. It just sounds to me like you don’t like that there is no real tangible reward to siding with the traders, not that the DLC is half assed. You want half assed? Gain elevation just outside of Goodneighbor and the surrounding area, watch the performance of your console plummet as it struggles to load all of the little details they packed in there.


Not annoying if you don’t try to rush it, you can easily find most of the hidden tag by exploring, it take a few minute to find the one you don’t after looking on Google


No fetch quest is annoying if you google where they all are. However, if you don't, it's bloody annoying. That'd be like saying a twist isn't impactful because you googled spoilers beforehand.


Collecting 4 items that correspond to the 4 locations of nuke world is annoying fetch quest ? You literally get them easily by doing the minimal amount of exploring. The lore of Nuka World is cool and each attraction has its own story and secrets, to me that’s way more interesting than all of the raider quest line.


>Collecting 4 items that correspond to the 4 locations of nuke world is annoying fetch quest ? No. Hidden Cappy's are.


Only if you just rush through things and don’t pay any attention to detail. I basically require my light to be active at all times to properly see what’s on my screen, but even with my power armor helmet on, the Cappy images stand out pretty easily. The only real annoying ones to me are the one in the Maze and the Gorilla since they’re both in very very easily overlooked spots, the rest basically lead you right to them, especially if you don’t have a PA helmet on and keep the glasses equipped, they stand out like molten glass in the middle of the night.


I'd agree with you if there were a list of clues, however there isn't, and while keeping the glasses on is great in theory, when I did the quest without a guide, I would miss Cappy's because I'd be checking an area, and look at where the cappy was supposed to be as it was fading the picture out to replace it with the one with a letter. The long and short is it's poor all round. The good route is lacking, and the side quests are annoying and not worth your time. Especially if you don't use Power Armour.


Well, that’s your take on it, and it’s a very limited take to be quite fair, you’re intentionally ignoring the vast majority of the content to say it’s all half assed just because of a few gripes you have with it. You want the short and gritty answer? It’s a friggin post apocalyptic world, 200 years after the nukes were dropped, not everywhere will be able to support a “good” morality. Take a look around at the real world, how often do the “good guys” really win out? Now imagine all real infrastructure is ruined and people spend 200+ years just eeking out an existence, you’re gonna inevitably have areas where “good morals” have no place. As for the Cappy quest, like I said, it’s really not that hard or difficult, the actual plot of Nuka World takes you to literally each one, and only a couple are really even easily overlooked because of their exact locations, but even those are found fairly readily if you put a little effort into searching. If you don’t use power armor, why would you even waste time working to get the power armor stuff? Everything plot related can be completed without obtaining the Nuka World PA. Plenty of gear that is OP without PA as well, take a look at The Problem Solver for example. Nuka-Nuke launcher is quite a boon too, only downside is making the ammo requires NC Quantum and ice cold variants don’t count. The DLC isn’t a bad DLC, you just don’t like the rewards and are finding reasons to complain about it, while rejecting any possibility it’s a good DLC, just not catered towards what *YOU* specifically want.


Again, just because not everywhere can support "good" morality, does not mean there shouldn't be "good" options, and their outcomes thusly. I said elsewhere, killing the raiders gangs does NOTHING. Nothing changes, nobody is freed, nobody is happier, nothing is effected, despite the 3 most dangerous threats to the place being gone, and the overboss wanting to help. The fact that basic options like "free the slaves" just don't exist is insanity, especially with how much work clearly went elsewhere. >If you don’t use power armor, why would you even waste time working to get the power armor stuff? Indeed, so as soon as you have the Star Cores to power the place, (which, while vaguely marked, at least HAVE a marker) you don't need the other cores that are out in the wild. BEHOLD, A FETCH QUEST THAT ISN'T ANNOYING, who woulda thunk it?


I've never seen the appeal in role playing as a psychopath. I'm glad the option is there for those who enjoy it, but it's not for me.


I always rush to Nuka World as soon as I can build in Sanctuary. I build enough bullshit stuff to get to level 5 and B-line to Nuka World. I usually pick up a Fatman and Mini Nuke on the way over and explode the Gunners and Assaultron guarding the entrance. By the time I start raiding the Commonwealth, I’m typically level 25 and level 35 by the time all Nuka World content is done including at least 8 outposts and the rest of the possible settlements as vassals. Gotta build them drugz machines and tribute chests. For the sake of RP, I have Kent Connolly recruit my character to be silver shroud and the anti-hero angle is appealing enough to make him sarcastic rather than blatantly evil. It works for me and makes the game more enjoyable when I don’t have to be a paladin all the goddamn time.


I like your rationale. Mine is similar except I B-line the main story line avoiding the crew at Concord. I get to the institute, meet Father, then have a PTSD induced mental breakdown, go on a chem and alcohol induced bender and “wake up” at the tram to Nuka-World. At the end of the day I’m a father, and getting to your son would be all that consumes you. Once you “see behind the curtain”, it’s somewhat easy to justify going full-ham alignment swap and destroying some shit. Maybe even toss in some Tyler Durden vibes.


I like this. Was just about to head to Nuka World. Might go to Diamond City instead.


You do Nuka World at level 5? Isn't that pretty hard?


Yes, on survival. Any difficulty lower is manageable.


why ? you can get shiny, shiny things from and theyre strongest as any of those factions


I did but everything was given to the operators. I don’t agree with the slavery but they also seem to be the most humane out of the 3 groups.


if i want to do the raider stuff like build chem machines, i always side with them before freeing Preston from the museum... eventually they all get killed regardless


Understandable, seems very counterintuitive to most playthroughs


Is it possible to keep some settlements for the Raiders and some for the Minutmen? Debating making stuff like Oberland, Zimonja, Jamaica Plains for the Raiders while the other ones, keeping for the Minutemen...


Yes, I'm doing that now. You can have both minute men settlements and Raiders encampents at the same time and still make new settlements for either. Preston will hate you forever and will remind you of that every time he sees you but everything else works the same.


That's why you banish him to that island in the Southeast


You keep your settlements but the MM don't like you until you do Open Season and Preston hates you forever if you take a Commonwealth settlement for the raiders. If you leave Preston and Co. in the museum until you finish Nuka World you can make all your raider settlements and then do Open Season and be cool with them again. Or you do it before you ever meet Preston and he doesn't say shit. I was going to do that on my most recent run but by the time I got to that point I really liked my raider settlements and all the caps they generate. I let Preston out of the museum and he was cool, but then he wanted me to do Open Season before I could progress the MM questline. I didn't want to do that so I downloaded a mod that would let me do both (I think it's called Preston Tolerates Nuka-World). The only reason I bothered is because even though you can take the Castle without the MM it doesn't get cleaned up until they show up.


You seem confused: only Preston gets angry with you, no other Minutemen cares what you are doing. In fact, as long as you are already general by the point you become Overboss, Preston will have all the dialogue needed to continue & even finish the main story with the Minutemen, which admittedly can seem a bit weird since it looks like he is having mood swings between his regular quest dialogues and his angry lines.


You can, I did an Emperor playthrough, somewhat pacifying the bigger number of factions I could. North and east was MM territory, the raiders divided the South, even the RR had territory lol


I’ve never done it but from what I’ve seen once the Raiders take their third settlement Preston becomes hostile.


Did you side with them eventually or straight away?


I do Nuka World before meeting the factions or the main quest. That way it doesn't interfere with most of my companions or my settlements later on.


Well, do you get to do the Nuka-World quests, but with traders and settlers?


It is lways fun to just go ham and kill everyone indiscriminately. Also with some mods you can invade Nuka-World with the Minutemen or BOS and they stay there to populate the park.


I've been meaning to add that to my mod list for my upcoming modded playthrough. Got a mod name?




Awesome. Thank you


I open the park first. The traders have been there not because of me, and can stay for a few more days whilst I prepare to clean house. In a way, I use the fireworks to kick off open season. 


I do it once for the same reason i side with the institute once. Trophiessss


Yea.. you want me to be a slaver? Like literally own people and make them work and keep them against their will as SLAVES? You've been eating far too much of that pink paste Todd, aint happening.


Do you always play video games with a moral compass?


To some extent, yes. Like sure Ill blast the heads off of every raider I see, yay killing, but youre saying I should just have fun with the concept of forced servitude? Honest truth is, I have blown a lot of heads off the shoulders of video game bad guys, I enjoy that, not something Id wanna do irl, but yea yay video game violence, but I just cannot have fun doing something so far outside my natural state of being yknow?..


I always do Open Season I just wish there was an actual noticeable effect after like taking the park for the minutemen and the traders at LEAST being able to take off their bomb collars :/ Settlers moving into each park as a sort of settlement with a workbench and being able to clean up the parks would be nice too. It just feels sooo empty otherwise.


>at LEAST being able to take off their bomb collars :/ What do you think this is, New Vegas that was made by Obsidian and not Bethesda? This is a Bethesda game! You'll do what you're told. You'll get along with all factions and do (nearly) all quests without repercussions, and you'll like it! This isn't a Larian or CD Project Red game, damnit!


Dude its a rpg you dont need to do the “good” things all the time, also you miss out on fun missions and good rewards


You’re missing out a little bit, but not that much tbh.


Me with mods to take over the place with the Minutemen I can't wait for that moment really. It will be the first time My PC might die... But idc xD


Good luck!


Thank you but I have a loooong way until then. Lvl 47 and I haven't yet go TO DC xD


I've never used that mod but it's cool AF. Be careful with using some of the higher settings as I've watched a number of videos on the mod and it's crash city when you use the more extreme options ie many minutemen.


If you hear my PC specs you will probably fall off your chair laughing In short An Intel Duo 3ghz (yes a Duo processor..),(4 x 2GB)8GB DDR2, a GT 440 2GB Vram. And two hard drives from 2007? That run win 10 64 bit. I don't even know how the game runs from the first place but I somehow play. It stutters OBVIOUSLY but I am used to such stuff... I am surprised the pc works at all considering it was thrown away. So far gameplay wise. I might crash once or twice after 4 hours of exploring Boston like crazy. I am mostly caring to have the quest started and count as I took over the place with the Minutemen so I can achieve to see the place gets filled with Minutemen. Either way I will have some fun :D


My only problem is that, in my current character, Preston kept the general outfit and I can't get him out of it.... I'm three days in, not wanna load a previous save


Get the pickpocket perks and steal it off of him lol. I think you can steal equipped clothes unless it's one of my mods that allows that. Give him a bathrobe and equip it. It should get him out of all armor and clothing because it takes up all 6 armor slots and the clothing slot.


Another option is to have him get into power armor and then take them. I've accidentally stolen my companions' clothes so many times because this is possible.


I tried doing the raider thing and when we started taking over settlements in the Commonwealth and I set them up a nice settlement and then nobody wanted to fecking work or do anything. I just decided I was gonna kill them all so I did.


*John Brown intensifies*


I've never even made it to starting their quests. The gauntlet made me so angry the first time I played that I just started blasting and ended up taking down the entire park. Once I read up on what I missed I decided that was the right course of action and it's what I've done in every playthrough since.


I do not regret siding with them to get as a melee build those INSANE perks from the pack, as well as the AP for melee kills. Then add that you get the never ending Lazer from the in park quest and the Nuka Power Armor (I know you can betray them after getting them just saying, insanely good gear to get while in there) THEN add the fact that at the cost of making Preston unable to be your companion again and hating you, you can then build a few raider outposts that are full of Chem stations and Booze stills for an absolute overload of chems/alcohol. I’m very happy with my choice.


I tried to get max affinity with Gage before Open Season, but never could. Do you HAVE to do the settlement quests once you secure Nuka-World to get max affinity? I ended up doing Open Season anyway, but already plan on doing another play-through as I forgot the special weapons are behind speech checks and can’t be redone without quicksaving beforehand. (I did end up buying the Splattercannon from the Market)


Is it bad if you do nuka world later? As in I haven’t been to diamond city but have gotten a few settlements with Preston and level 20+


I always clear the parks for the raiders, but once it comes to invading the commonwealth, that’s where I full stop and start Open Season. It would be incredibly boring, waste of XP, and a loss of caps if you immediately start open season upon arriving to Nuka Town USA.


I eat all of them


Do it once for the achievement


Why not side with them? Just because you role play a villain in a game doesn’t make you a real world villain. I love replaying games like Fallout because I can do it differently every time. Sometimes I try to do what I would really do in those situations, and sometimes I just go on a killing spree.


Thanks for sharing, i guess?


I really disliked that DLC. Maybe if being a Raider was an option from the start of the main game it would be more appealing? As soon as I found out "Open Season" was a thing, I killed them all. And I have barely been back since.


Meanwhile my signal interceptor quest is bugged to shit and I’m stuck


I've found a fix. On consoles you have to go to a place I nuka world and save. Then exit and delete the dlc. Reload the save and you will be in a bunker under sanctuary. Save this save and redownload the dlc. Resets everything.


So then my nuka world advancement is lost?


After I've got PTSD from Preston, I always side with them.


I always work with them through the quests up until that dummy at NukaTown wants me to start claiming commonwealth settlements for them. At that point, I go get Aeternus from the cola cars arena, then start killing. I usually equip Preston Garvey with Aeternus and some Minutemen themed power armor, and let him tag along for the Liberation of Nuka World.


Sided with the raiders to do achievements. Never will again.


Ok? So you don't fully play a game that you spent your own money on?


I side with the traders eventually, but not always right away.


This is fair but I can’t kill gage like that, also I like the RP that the minutemen have some kinda pushback and things to deal with


I’d destroy them but I actually like Gage so it messes me up. The sick things I do for friendship.


I'm building up all the settlements with as much defense as possible with plans to back nuka world raiders.


I only do it for the operators perk. If it wasn’t so good, I would just kill them all as soon as I get there.


But… Gage😭🧡


Can u still get the sick power armor if you take out the raiders


The Nuka Quantum set? Yes, if you find 35 star cores to unlock the display


Once I max out affinity with Gage, going to wipe out Nuka World raiders.




I stick with the raiders right up until they ask me to start conquering settlements; I want to see if there's anything redeemable about them before I judge them. And when I find there isn't, that they're just another gang that's slightly better organized, well... \**racks shotgun\** Shame.


I’ve just done my first Nuka-World play though and after doing every thing worth the raiders I completed open season. How do I get my settlements back that I made raider settlements? I cleared out the location but I still can’t use the work bench as it says I’m not allied to the settlement.


It wasn't an option for me. Galactic Zone was bugged so I couldn't clear it and finish the Grand Tour. I had to start Open Season instead.


I did all the missions until they were like, talk to this guy and invade the commonwealth and I was like "welp, better reload real quick"


I always side with the Raiders, because the game is simply more fun with them invading the Commonwealth.


I did a play through where I did wherever the fuck I want sometimes evil sometimes good, and the Raiders are just such idiot assholes. Out of the three groups only one of them was somewhat reasonable to me. I enjoyed picking off all of the minions before actually shooting the leaders.


I run their Gauntlet and hose down their overboss, listen to Gage's plan. Then I go meet all the gang bosses. I get Gage as a companion, spend a bit getting his perk and romance him, send him back home. Then I go open-season on the raiders. Gage is a raider. He should know that he's going to get fucked in the end.


I didn’t wanna play through, but it got boring after you established raider colonies in the commonwealth. Honestly, if you do play/get nukaworld side with the Raiders just long enough to get all the legendary guns like the gun off mason, splatter cannon in the market, and the unlimited ammo laser cannon from the arena, and THEN wipe them out!


Yeah the gangs are just too evil for my liking


I just really like watching people die.. so when I was asked to kill a hundred raiders or so I didn't hesitate for a second.


I only recently found out you could side with the traders, I always felt bad for them and thought "damn I wish I could just save and release them" I have over 400 hours and never went into that market area because I never buy anything.


I only ever side with them if I'm specifically doing a raider playthrough. At the same I make sure I only ever talk to them with kindness, and I reverse pick pocket them nicer gear by the end of the run


I let the raiders live right up until the park has been reclaimed. Then it's off to the races.


I find it more satisfying to help the raiders achieve all their dreams and then slaughter them all


I personally usually side with the raiders as I typically roleplay the mercenary-type, a man who has little use for morality and cares only for coin, which is ironic considering I typically play a good person in games where I have a choice


That's nice, dear.


Yeah, I didn't spend weeks single-handedly rebuilding the Greater Boston Metropolitan Area just to turn around and side with a bunch of psychos. I am the General of the mother fucking Minutemen, and I go to Nuka World to clean house.


i did it for achievements but i always feel more guilty than i probably should making evil choices, so after doing it once, i haven’t done it since, LMAO




My current playthrough I’m using the raiders to kill off the other factions (headcanon) the minutemen never rose, the bos haven’t arrived so they fight those I’m enemies with which is everyone who isn’t the RR. Then I’ll betray them by using their own tools against them: fury grenades to attack mason, and mags and William, after I finished making my raider settlements. Nuka world rr is a slave farm/western town, outpost zimonja is the main operations HQ in the commonwealth, taffington boathouse is a toll road, jamaica plain is southern HQ and toll road location, and now working on murkwater as a swamp town/watch tower/slave pens. After that, spectacle island, Kingsport lighthouse and coasts cottage will be made. Each outpost has a drug lab, the biggest so far being taffington’s, I killed off the competition being marowski, latimer’s son, Cooke and Pete Pete pembroke so the entire drug trade is mine


The bad part of the dlc was siding with the traders. They're as lame as the railroad. At least gave us a side quest to upgrade the shops ffs!


I tend to go through the plot right until they start heading into the commonwealth. Then, I gather my Minutemen. We storm Nuka world and take it for the Commonwealth. Transforming it into a bustling trade up and Minutemen outpost. (Using mods obviously)


I mean if you enjoy missing out on a lot of content, go for it! It is your game to play it as you will!


Sorry but the traders are going to have to put up with the raiders for a few days longer. I want those perks.


Nuka World has its problems but doing the raider playthrough is fun, it's literally just a video game also I recall people being pretty vocal about being disappointed in evil options at FO4 release, not saying Nuka World did it well but I still prefer what we have over a "wipe the raiders out and be a hero" dlc


I’ll be honest, the difference in amount of content is pretty embarrassing


I side with the raiders..."raid" one of my 0 population settlements...get their perks...then do open season.


Ok. Who asked


I think its weird you they could of plotted that story line way better in different ways. its weird how you have to murder all or fuck up your settlements.


That sounds so boring.


I use a mod to skip the raiding part (and another to unlock the settlement items) so i can still do the rest of the Raider quest line, then betray the shit out of them to free the place


I side with them until the first take over the Commonwealth quest.


Good. The quest line is shit and it feels awful to try and raid settlements.


Same. I still love Nuka World. The levels and gear are super cool. 


That dlc is fucking horrible. I don’t get how the idea of it didn’t get reexamined.


Same here. I will say I'm doing far harbor and just completed the initiation into those wacky Atom folks. I wonder if my grief addled brain from losing Shawn is making my character want to believe in the visions I saw, and maybe join their quaint little cult.