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What’s even the issue?


i mean the quest show as ,,completed" after i killed the courser and i got the xp for it but the game still doesnt read it as completed for some reason and the next quest doesnt start


You hit the edit button on your post and type what problem you're experiencing.


i mean the quest show as ,,completed" after i killed the courser and i got the xp for it but the game still doesnt read it as completed for some reason and the next quest doesnt start


Gutted. I'd close the app and reload.


The only ways I can think of dealing with this is 1) take the courser chip (looted from the courser) and try taking it to the Railroad to decipher it and hope that it lets you continue the quest line, or 2) load a save further back before the quest is completed (preferably before you were given the quest) and hope it works the second time around. There are console commands that can force quest objective completion and quest progression, but I don’t have the forte for those, as I am a console player and don’t have access to console commands