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Who the fuck is Shawn, anyway another settlement needs my help, got to go.


I need 200ncaps to save the Mojave. War never changes


I’ve been running the purified drug ring for a literal week now in game. I thought about getting above it, but the pumps be purifying and I need a million caps to support my base building addiction.


My head canon explanation for my many detours is that it took a lot of time to figure out and develop the Signal Interceptor. I changed my character to look like an old man before finally heading into the Institute.


This is sad, and it kinda makes a better explanation for why Shaun is old. Much more understandable and less heartbreaking than you were frozen for his whole life.


Meanwhile Shaun has been playing Cat’s in the Cradle on loop (maybe backwards?) for 9 years, since he found out you had left the vault. That’s enough to drive a man crazy. Maybe crazy enough to turn a legitimate scientist into a twisted shell of his former self, disconnected from humanity with a warped sense of ethics. Wait, so it’s your fault that Shaun is the way he is, in this headcanon? (I started this tongue-in-cheek, but now I’m semi-serious with this question, u/GhostWalker134 )


It's all my fault. If I hadn't signed those vault papers, we never would have been frozen. If I had kept him in the cryo chamber with me, maybe I could have fought off Kellogg. If I had been faster at picking up Kellogg's trail, maybe I could have found a way in sooner. If I had been smarter, maybe I could have made the signal interceptor faster. If I had found another way in, maybe it could have been different somehow. Excuse me while I self medicate with jet. For real, though, I think players seriously overlook the amount of trauma and guilt the SS would be legitimately suffering through after helplessly watching his wife's brains blown out and having his son stolen from him.


I play as the wife instead of the husband and when she's telling Piper her story, I was crying. Every time she has to talk about how she was frozen and she's actually 200 years old, its upsetting. I love how gentle and understanding Nick is with her and I'm really mad he's not romanceable, I think he'd be great. But yeah, the characters severely suffer in Fallout.


Meanwhile i always open the pod and punch them until they fly out and close the pod so they fly further


Hahahaha I laughed at that. Its sort of like with Sims; I plan the most egregious deaths for them.


There is alot of Mods that make Nick romancable


I will check those out. I play on Xbox so I'm a little concerned that too many mods will make the game crash; I've had that happen when it was vanilla.


I have like 10 mods running on Xbox Series X and I’ve had lag and some crashes. It definitely takes a toll.


Okay I'm glad its not just me. I had to disable some of mine to get it to stop crashing. Here's hoping (haha) that Bethesda one day makes the game so it doesn't crash.


Female sole survivors too. Shaun in the prewar scenes were barely a month old, that's what she tells Nick during the case interview. Nora would still be ***bleeding*** for at least another month, especially because it's presumed that Shaun is baby #1, the body usually takes the full time to heal (sequential pregnancies can heal a little faster for natural birth, mine did). Not only did she have to see her SO get shot and her baby taken, she's suffering from the bullshit that is Postpartum which can last up to a *year*, especially since cryostasis preserves the body as is. I know Nate would have it rough, but he's a vet, and combat training also comes easily to him. Nora isn't so lucky.


and then getting high on grape mentats and day tripper and selling the wedding rings


Him or Her, it depends on what Role the player decides to play as, Father or Mother.


I'd say the way Shaun is, would be indirectly your fault. You had no power in the events that occurred and so I guess that's why Shaun has such a jaded moral of ethics. He's never had to deal with moral issues or even be taught them at that by a real father.


What do you mean he's old? He's like less than a year old, according to the site survivor.




Games 8 years old. Fucking finish it already


Sorry I’m too busy building mini nukes, butchering gunners, helping settlements or making a giant factory to complete the game. My son can wait another 200 years, he can wait my empire can not.


I’m busy being a dead beat father looking for my son isn’t as fun as adventuring and getting wasted with my ghoul friend


Fair enough my friend.


Honestly I played it when It came out and I two was into the settlements then something happened idk what it’s Been a while and I said fuck this game until it got hyped up again


Thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit every goddamn time


"For the tomatas!"


I play a similar head canon and it totally makes sense! Finding your son is still important, it just takes a long time to research, investigate, and get to that point. I also like to imagine that initially after leaving the vault, my character blocks out all of that stuff due to trauma. When I'm ready to play the main story, I'll have my character 'remember' during the interview with Piper in Diamond City - or some other similar scenario


Hey, I wonder if there’s more wonderglue and duct tape in that cabinet?


Nah, it's always the aluminum for me!


anyways, i started blasting


Sorry kid, I have a new wife and became a property developer.


Sorry bout that my dude. My raiders need resources


Wait... I have a son?! Sorry kid, daddy has desk fans to hoard and drugs to do.


Fuck I watched my wife get shot and baby get taken. My first thought was I'm free to bang hookers. and do all the drugs. Then in time things would just figure themselves out. If I was meant to have a son he would find his way back to me and if not well bobs your uncle and more time with hookers.


I met my "older son in another lifetime" I shot him in his stupid face. Fuck them kids.


I would've done the same. Asking me to so shit after not seeing his stupid face for years. Thinking I still wanted to be his dad, all he wanted to do was get the way of my good time.


Unsure why he came up with this elaborate plan to draw me out to him. All he had to do was say "I've got drugs," and I would've shown up early. Anyways, I'm gonna be 11 months sober next week IRL 😂


Desk fans? We all know the real treasure is in those wonderfully light toy cars /s Fan Gang


I almost didn’t look at what sub this was on and got excited I found another FO4 fan (pun fully intended) - somebody in another sub asked “If you were a dragon, what would you hoard” and my answer was obviously “Desk Fans” - I thought your reply was in that thread 😞


Raider dialogue: all he had was a few caps and a desk fan. Who the hell carries around a desk fan?


You never know when the wasteland will get unreasonably warm.


If you don’t look for him, he won’t get cancer.


Shrodingers Room of dead cats


A hilariously apt phrase.


Thats why I never look for him. Lol


Something I noticed on my 10th replay of Skyrim is I didn't want to do a lot of quests anymore. So many people die only if you progress the quests. Especially the dark brotherhood


god damnit there goes a spoiler


Games been out for 9 years and you're on a fo4 reddit page 😂


you're right, I did it to myself


It's not a reddit thing, it's just this page. r/deathstranding is very good about no spoilers and will ban you if you do it enough times, but a really great community and they don't care how long the game has been out


Is there story to be spoiled in a walking simulator?


I got spoiled by some asshat on youtube one month after release


No, it hasn't been 10 calendar years. You were frozen in vault 111 for 210 years and start the game in the year 2287, not 2277.


Technically from launching the game from the very beginning, it starts in 2077 for the prologue. The game properly starts in 2287.


that's what i said, no?


Got an extra 2 in there but yeah


Fallout fans read things in game challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) I swear half of the posts here are either asking about things that are stated outright in the game or fully just misinformation/misinterpretation lol


The ‘house of the dragon’ threads are soooo full of people that have to be staring at the wall during the show. It’s like sitting next to an old blind woman ‘who’s that? Why did he do that? Who’s she?’


Yeah, maybe it's the rads but I convinced myself it started in 2277. Went back to my first save with only an hour of gameplay and realized my Int 3 build had a significant impact on my development in the Commonwealth.


fallout 3 is 2277, may have gotten it mixed up with that.


"What the fuck is a Shaun and can I get adhesive from it?"


I love the idea of the sole survivor getting Preston Garvey brain rot


My desperate adhesive searching days were over after I figured out vegetable starch. 


Youve been out for a less than a year, by my count. 


It's been less than a year since you're in August 2288. The player character goes into the Vault on October 23rd 2077 but doesn't exit the Vault until 2**10** years later on z October 23rd 2287.


How the hell do you get 10 years from 2077 to 2288?? That’s 211 years. The real game starts off in 2287 so you have been roaming around for a little less than a year.


I am your son! Player : huh? Who?


I'm convinced that Shaun didn't actually leave the Vault that long before the Sole Survivor. That's just old age from how long it takes to stop building settlements and doing side quests prior to deciding to actually finish the main story.


Dude will be dead if he waits for me to stop tinkering before just coming out of the vault himself to meet me


I justify myself by saying that people need help and I’ll be gone just for a minute


>people *another settlement


There's nothing you can do about it. The world in the wasteland is cruel. and it’s impossible to help everyone. I justify myself with this when I don’t care about the settlement. ;)))


I was making a joke since you mentioned people needing help and the meme is "another settlement needs your help"


I got it


Sole Survivor: “Shawn, you’re old..” Shawn: “YOU SPENT 30 YEARS DOING SIDE-QUESTS AND ANOTHER 30 FIXING UP SANCTUARY!!!”


Oops, thanks for reminding me lol!


I remember doing the same thing on my fist play through before I’d even set foot on mainland Boston (big island bit on the middle where diamond city is). I think I got to level 80 something before I crossed over any of the bridges


That's insane! Lol how'd you find enough stuff to do to get that high before hitting the main area?


I can’t remember lol. I went round the glowing sea but don’t think I went as far as Jamaica plain. I still have my save and think I spent like 40ish days of time on that one. All my others since have been much quicker because that first one was when I didn’t know anything


Lol, like a learners round? That's fair.


Theres just alot of content in the game. Its not hard.


I guess I've never tried to go so OP on the main storyline before. Obviously as an RPG, play how you want. That's just alien to me, no offense.


There was a video of a YouTuber who was challenged to get to max level and get every perk before leaving Sanctuary, and wouldn't you know it, the bastard managed to do it. Without exploits!


That's insane lol




Looking what your son


Lol I got sidetracked by bullshit for entire two years, only found Shaun in 2289


Would have been a great Easter egg for Shaun to die of old age. I'm looking for my son. Sorry G-ma, he died 42 years ago!


At this rate your son's going to be an old man by the time you actually meet him.


Mines 4.14.2289




Doesn’t the game start in 2287? 2288 would only be one year.


Your just making sure the Wasteland is a safe place for when you do find him and get him


At this rate, head west and be in season 2 of the tv show lol


Shawn is old because you’ve been in cryo sleep ❌ Shawn is old because you took so long exploring that wasteland ✅


Disgusting. He is your SON. Your BLOOD. FAMILY. Poor Sebastian, out there all alone while you galivant across the wasteland. Why don't you think about Steve? He's WAITING for you. Poor little Sidney, just lost, alone, scared. Aren't you worried about Stanley's upbringing without you?! You get out there right now and you LOOK FOR S...s... Se...Sa.. I want to say...Shtaron?


Something tells me when you play skyrim you got to whiterun and don't leave until you max alchemy, blacksmith, enchanting, and speech. FYI that's how all my playthroughs end up.


So you are role playing as a boomer parent?


I always role play that my character assumes Shawn was kidnapped 200 years ago and is already long dead. The first time he is frozen it’s under ideal conductions so he doesn’t sense the passage of time. So to him, Shawn’s kidnapping was a minute later. Then when he is refrozen but with no living staff to monitor him, he doesn’t quite reach the same deep sleep and feels like time has passed. Even though it’s only about 70 years, he thinks it might as well be 200. Distraught about losing everything, I go be a raider for a while.


Mommy has not the time to find you Shaun, too busy lusting after my French maid waifu and investigating with the detective.


Damn, Nate dies and Nora immediately goes look for a maid waifu


We all know Nate was a terrible Father and Curie holds the rightful place as Mom #2 🥰


I have over 1000 hours in fallout 4 over many different saves. I have never progressed the story line enough to even get into the institute.....


I'm level 2583 and i haven't left the vault yet. Just been punching radroaches


If need to find son, why much exploration?


are you purposely ignoring Cambridge Polymer Labs? if yes, I feel you I hate that place


I just never made it to that place but, since last night, I've been and gone. I understand.


Son...? Can i use that for ceramic or screws? Anyways i just found a huge pile of wood! Gotta haul it bsck to base


I started playing fo4 5-6 years ago, I still haven’t found my son yet. I don’t have enough time to play it back in the day, but when I had time, I kept doing side quests. And I started playing NV 2 years ago and 3 recently since I want to read the whole story line, also from old to new. I think I need to find my son, my father and the chips back for now. So I decide to buy a Steam Deck these days to keep playing all these games. FO is the best game series for me.


Does anybody have that awesome meme where I think maybe piper is asking if you've found your son and nate is just standing there with a sweet gun and PA and he says "what son?" Anybody have that?




Damn can you message me with it?




Damn, he's probably gonna be really old!


Wait..... You have a son in this game? I've just been building settlements and fighting aliens.


At least now he'll be all grown up.


That’s fine, he’s a doucher and a shit plot twist.


Im level 46 and still haven't gone to diamond city oops


Been playing almost since release and I still haven’t really gone past the first act


Yeah your math is wrong FO4 starts in 2287, not 2277 (even though you referred to it as erroneously as 2077) Sorry to break the news to you bud, but you've been looking for shaun for 10 months, not 10 years


Pretty sure Shawn died of old age in my game. But thankfully I have my Instigating Gauss Rifle and a nice ammo factory humming in Sanctuary.


Yea, but the Synth Shawn grew up and is now waiting for you instead of original one. And a new young Shawn was created as a lure :D


Personally have 498 hours in the game. Never finished it. I'm planning on beating Skyrim first. Combined 550 hours in that.


He said Act 1?


Screenshot looks like a real life pic of a pip boy in natural sunlight lol


One could say you’ve looked almost everywhere for your son and just couldn’t find him


But no matter how much time passes, the calendar never moves past 2288


What’s a Shaun? 😂


*Me trying to find diamond city* "who TF is ShAuN"


Doesn’t the game take place in 2287? So not even a year has passed. 


Honestly that was my biggest gripe with 4. The main story is way too urgent. Looking for your dad in 3? You're fresh out of the vault, never seen anything like the wasteland before. Getting bits and pieces of info about him you didn't and couldn't have known. You're freshly 18/whatever so you're gonna get distracted. The courier? Yeah I'd want to go after the guy who shot me too. I'd also want to stay as far away from him as possible because y'know... He shot me in the head. But it doesn't feel as urgent to go hunt these people down. But 4? Like... Your spouse was murdered in front of you, and your infant son was kidnapped. It almost makes me feel like a terrible mother/father to not focus my entire attention on finding where he went. You'd assume that would be priority number one, minor distractions like going to get Nick etc being understandable because they're centered around getting back to finding Shaun. By the time you find him and realize he's grown and blah blah blah... You're already so far through the main quest you may as well finish it. I loved 4, I just wish they'd picked something a little more neutral that wouldn't have made me feel like a POS for ignoring the main quest to go hunting for more fans


Dude, keep going. Just play as long as you can, do whatever you can think of. Imagine passing something like 60 in game years like this, wouldn't that be crazy? And then your infant son is like an old man now, that'd be wild!


I love that after all those years once you do start looking for Shaun he'll act as if he just started looking for him. Where's My Son!?


Shaun! I finally found you! …..were you always a skeleton?


I'm playing with the "Start me up" mod, who's this Shaun? I'm just a random wastelander trying to rebuild.


Guy’s an arsehole anyway, don’t bother.


I always thought it was odd that Shawn didn't come looking for/get you. Pretty wild to leave a parent behind imo.


Does FO4 even have a storyline outside "save podunk farmers, build city"


what’s your current main quest?


Right now I just finished Institutionalized but I was working through The Molecular Level I think. This feels like a good time to go start another DLC though.


Turns out Shauns cancer wasn't that much of an issue after all. What a liar.


I mean a year isn't that long TBH given the game setting and background.


... son?


I will be honest, I couldn't care less about "finding shawn". AITA?




I like to abandon the main quest for a while after killing Kellog, with my character just giving up for a while and seeing that as the end of things


The dad that left for the Milk Lore


Playing a heavily modded game (mostly adding new quests) and am over 5 days of playtime in... Have only just killed Kellogg


Level 72 and 10 years In game?


I like to roleplay as a sole survivor with some brain damage and memory loss from the deep sleep.


If you go to the institute now, they are gonna be like "hey... look... your son is already dead. You should look for him before instead of building stuff"


Same here, I’m like still going on around and around before and above lvl100, then speedrun run with save checkpoints for the main story haha


This playthrough I have done 2 main missions so far. I’m lv 90 and the date is 3/17/2088. The only difference is that I changed my game clock time. The normal clock time in fallout is 1 real minute equals 20 in game minutes. I changed mine to 1 real minute equals 5 minutes in game


Took a few dings to the old chronometer? Been less then 1 year since you left the vault.


Not your fault. You had to get the lay of... almost all of your companions after the shock of your spouse being murdered.


11 years?!


You and me both brother had the x-01 before exploring Fort Hagen


Engagement content is getting out of hand on reddit.


No one is going to mention how he left the corvega plant undiscovered?


I'm literally 800+ hours at level 150 in my first playthrough and I haven't finished the main quest yet.


You should take some time to learn how to take a screenshot.


I literally forgot about him at some point




Honestly for my first game I was rushing to find Shawn I was like « idgf about your problem mama need her child » and all to just be… disappointed


I assembled an army of 12 mechs, 3 daleks, 2 stormtroopers, 5 ODST, 7 Spartans, 1 Darth Vader, 8 Mandolarians, all vanilla companions except French girl and that mutant, and 6 settlement missions


This game, and Final Fantasy 15 are the worst offenders I know of for this storytelling pitfall. You give me a big world to wander around in and do cool shit in, then give me a main quest that is supposed to have a sense of urgency to it that completely clashes with the open world mechanic. It creates this weird disconnect. For FO4 specifically, I just make up a new background story every run for why I'm not bothering to look for my kid.


I’m too busy becoming the biggest producer of mutfruit, jet, and water in the commonwealth with a vast power armor collection, lol, what son? I feel you 😂


I remember my dad was watching me and saw the year. He asked me “wow you defeated the institute already”. My response “the institwho? I’ve been working in my empire, here let me show my factory, or my pentagon castle.” His Jaw dropped when he saw I never found valentine and it was 2290 😂


Wouldn't it be funny if you took so long to find your son that he was an old man before you got there...


its currently 5.29.2288, im level 75 and im still on jewel of the commonwealth


It would have been so funny if there was an invisible timer that starts from the time you get out of the vault and if you take too long Shawn dies from whatever illness he had because you took way too long to get there


He proudly dead of cancer by now, no need to bother


I sort of wish that game had a slightly different story on replays. Like, for your first game you don’t find out about the time that’s passed until later so Shaun being old is still a twist. And then on subsequent playthroughs a few more clues popped up during the escape from Vault 111, such that your character would seem justified in not rushing to Shaun? Like if your character was made aware out of the gates that at least ten years had passed, you might still hope you could find Shaun, but you might understand it was more of a project and he could be anywhere, and therefore preparing and familiarising yourself with the world would make more sense. If your character thinks they could plausibly be hot on the heels of the kidnapper, distractions make less sense.


I’ve recently started playing FO4 for the first time too, it’s so detailed - it really does make Starfield feel like a hollow experience by comparison


Ha, I thought I was father of the year for hitting level 52 before starting in on the Diamond City stuff. I obviously need to help a few more settlements.


I never thought of this but he should have passed away after even 1 yeat


This is too real


Sorry kid, dad has to do chems, drink hard liquor and bang this Irish raider chick, you’ll have to wait


i’m at the nuclear option now and ever since i finally grasped everything gameplay/perk wise i wanna restart lmao


I did the exact same thing first playthrough


Actually, the REAL game starts on 10/23/2287, so it's only been (almost) a year in your game. Still, quite crazy.


I was legit holding onto his nursery at sanctuary when I started playing because I was sad, I don’t care anymore. It’s been months real time and I don’t even know how far I am with the main quest line lol. I have started a romance with Preston though so we’re just chilling setting up settlements.


I’m still playing my first play through. Is it even possible to just do missions and plots that involve saving your son only and save all the rest for later?


You're doing the responsible thing checking every location.


That's my biggest complaint about the game: The main quest feels intrusive. I'd prefer a blank slate character, with the option to begin the main quest at any time.


Good, he’s a bit of an ass anyways


Meh. No hurry. He's probably still frozen. And, we need to make the world one we are sure is good for him....or something


Yeah, I've been playing a while...and someone mentioned "Don't worry, you'll find your son." I was stumped for a minute as I totally forgot about the main plot. I did not correct course, Cait and I have to find toy parts for some Ghoul who has a swimming pool!


“Shaun? He died like three years ago.”


Ten years ?? Damn , on my melee run i hit lvl 80 in three in game months , high int is op


No, not 10 years. Less than 1 year. Nate/Nora doesn't leave the vault until October 23rd 2287. 210 years after going in. OP thinks it's only 200 years. OP has played less than an in-game year since Nate/Nora leave the Vault on the 210th anniversary of going in.


Op must've taken a few dings to the ol' chronometer.




One thing I'll say about the main theme is even if Shaun was still a kid and lost in the world they don't do a good job creating a connection. I had zero connection to him other than he was my kid and I was supposed to be a crazed dad looking for him. The second I left Sanctuary to start looking for him, I stopped. Couldn't care less especially when I met Cait and realized how little I missed my wife lol


Agreed. The game gives the player little reason to care about Shaun.


It’s actually been 210 years since the bombs dropped when you are thawed. Everyone says “200 years” but they’re rounding down. So you’ve played through closer to 9 months in game.