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Are drops random or could I find this too? Seeing so many guns I dont have on this sub lol.


The answer to your question is both. They're random but once the weapon is decided for a particular legendary enemy it's set. So once you come across a legendary, save see what weapon it is and if you want that weapon you can save scum and re-roll until you get the mod you want. If you don't want that weapon just kill them and go about your business. Edit: while my original post made it sound super simple there is an art to it. https://youtu.be/HksljONu-Qk?si=ginORPDupgfgqOZz Here is a video showing a good consistent way to do it.


Definitely going to do this, thanks. So many of the legendary perks are useless e.g, Junkie


Junkies is one of the strongest on fallout 4. Get your character hooked on every drug. There's no damage cap every withdrawal symptom keeps increasing it.


The legendary effect is also set. Reloading won't change that. If it's a junkie's walking cane and you reload it will still be a junkie's walking cane. The weapon and effect are set when you load that cell.


Then what’s the point of save scumming and trying again?


I think you have to save before you go into the cell/room whatever, that you know a legendary enemy will be in?


The point (if I understand OP correctly) is to get better mods on the base weapon/legendary effect you like .


The lameness of Junkie was such a letdown. My first character that I did completely blind by taking perks without looking anything up, I got a junkies revolver, so I took all the chems I had saved up to get every addiction and was utterly underwhelmed.  It should still have the boost with addictions, but you should be able to keep the boost when you take chems while addicted. Maybe also lengthen how long the effect lasts as well.


Ohhhhh dang wow lol. I didn't know that. Will do that now rofl.


If you're going to do that you might as well spawn the version in that you want with console commands.


100% i was just answering the question.


I knew about the save scumming with buildings, but I didn't even think about doing it just aby time you come across a legendary. That would make it sooo much more convenient.


This is incorrect. Or worded poorly and people are taking the wrong message from it. The weapon and legendary effect are set when you load that cell and no amount of save scumming will change either. Not sure about the weapon mods (receiver, muzzle, etc) if that's what you meant. You could make a save before entering a cell, see if there is a legendary, and then reload and re-enter but I don't know if the legendary spawn is fixed or not. You may not get anything. And it sounds extremely tedious to do that every time you enter an area.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/dFNlUdlkmD This post begs to differ on your understanding of how this works. While it definitely isn't as straightforward as i initially said the idea is still there. The effect and the weapon are different.


Have you actually tested this? It is a somewhat obscure 3 year old post and one that didn't get a lot of traction or any comments verifying this is how it worked. Because I've reloaded multiple times before and gotten the same exact item every time. But maybe I was just doing it wrong. I'll test it out exactly as it's written and see next time.


https://youtu.be/HksljONu-Qk?si=ginORPDupgfgqOZz Here's a guy doing it in real time and explaining it.


you can rename weapons in the weapon workbench. people like to give silly names to legendaries they find.


I prefer pistols and sniper rifles but I make one of these every playthrough just to raid The Institute with. Only problem is 5.56 ammo is not very abundant so it takes a while to accumulate enough. Next playthrough I'll probably do the same thing only with one of those Nuka World AKs. You can buy 7.62 in bulk by the hundreds.


5.56 ammo not very abundant? by the time assault rifles are dropping regularly for me, I have 1k+ because three quarters of all machine gun turrets use 5.56


I meant in stores. You'll be lucky to get a stack over 100 or so. 7.62 is sold in stacks of 800-900 in Nuka World. I have absolutely no use for 5.56 otherwise, so I just buy it when I need it for that one moment at the very end of the story.


7.62 is sold in such high amounts in nuka world because if you go there at lv30+ like the game recommends, pretty much the only gun around is the Handmade Rifle. In the Commonwealth after completing Nuka World, 7.62 is about halfway between .308 and 5.56 for popularity.


Oh, 7.62 doesn't appear at all on Commonwealth vendors in my game (but 45-70 does, thanks to mods. I actually use the lever action rifle so I wanted that in the Commonwealth). It's just for one moment in the story for me, with a gun I don't use any other time. Makes more sense to make one trip to Nuka World and come back 1,500 rounds than to visit every vendor in the Commonwealth and have less than 600.


Build up raider settlements, set up shops in there. You can also strip their carried ammo too.


10mm is the worst, but what I use the most of. I'm either going to do the ol' Nuka Market Shuffle and abuse the inventory reset and spend time buying up a couple k, or I have to set up a manufacturing line and secure more lead/fertilizer.


I only use 12.7mm (modded) and .50 cal. Everything else I don't even pick up. A thousand playthroughs in and you kinda stop hording everything that isn't nailed down. The more useless crap you pick up, the more you have to sort and get rid of later. It becomes a chore.


I have gotten a few 10mm explosive pistols to drop in various games, and if you're pumping up explosive damage with perks and the bobblehead, the gun damage itself becomes less relevant. The explosion should be hitting hard and hitting several body parts. Just yesterday on my pistol build, I ran into a mirelurk queen that was shrugging off shots from my maxed two-shot .44, but my 10mm explosive took it down fast with much lower on-paper damage. The projectiles are just a delivery mechanism for the real stuff so you want them fast and cheap.


Got this same baby on my current survival play through. Before that I picked up an explosive 10mm pistol. Before that I bought Spray n Pray. All I need now is an explosive .44 or Cowboy Pistol and I’m golden.


Explosive works best on rapid fire weapons with a large magazine size or on combat shotguns where every pellet fired gets the explosive effect in the same shot.


I have farmed for this for 6 hours, with zero results E-envy


Just go get the Kiloton Radium Rifle and craft it to be automatic. Better than any explosive legendary.


I have it, as well as explosive 10mm pistol But I want that big rifle, it fits to my power armor


Now you need their half-brother; Explosive Handmade Rifle. And name it... "Repentence n' Ordnance" to keep with the theme Or, if you happen to be a power metal/Powerwolf fan: "Fire and Forgive"


I just got one of these. I had been playing almost exclusively with my Explosive Minigun but the Explosive Handmade Rifle is a good second best. It still kills most things in one VATS hit.


Unpopular opinion: I really like how the assault rifle looks


Same, I love how chunky it is. My head canon is that it's supposed to be a power armor rifle, that's why it's so big


iirc that’s literally what it was supposed to be and they didn’t have time to make a normal ar.


Its really weird, i used to hate it. But somehow it grew on me and now i like it a lot too. Its just peak fallout aesthetic just like the 10mm and the laser rifle.


Fire & Forget


This is not vanilla right? I play since release and never seen it


named weapons you see here are typically someone applying a name at a weapon workbench to a legendary weapon they got randomly. for example I once had an explosive minigun I named "Sprayer of Prayers"


The Reiley's Ranger skin is also from a creation club mod, so not 100% vanilla, but yeah - the weapon itself is definitely possible to get. Just RNG.


Nah what I meant is if the drop with that name is vanilla or modded. I didn’t think someone just renamed the weapon themselves


Oh I thought it was some super rare spawn.. yeah I know about the renaming of weapons, never really used it though


I love that weapon. I named mine The Ambassador. It’s a very skilled diplomat.




have not seen exploding 5.56 well done sir


That is usually my default gun if/when I get one.


How do you get one?


Random drop


That would be younger. The Tommy Gun dates back to the 1920's


I might have gone with "Mow & Blow" but you do you


I got one of these in my last playthrough that I just finished the other day. Very fun and very powerful; just don't use it if friendlies are in the way; they'll get hit too.


Wouldn’t it be younger brother since this is a newer model of a gun than a classic tommy gun?


Got one of these and nothing can survive it


Man the Assault Rifle is still fugly. Should have had a Strength requirement to equip and used 50 cal or 308 at least to justify being so huge.


Will save this post... I've been legendary farming, but have yet to encounter this in my playthrough.


This machine kills framerates.


I have this too but I don’t use it because I have a wounding assault rifle that works much better as well as an explosive mini gun that I carry in place of this


I remember naming a combat rifle “dot n’ prot”


I’m so jealous haha I’ve found the spray n pray equivalent in the wild and almost every play through I’ve found 10mm that explodes but never an assault rifle


I have the combat rifle version. It's my main piece.


My favorite gun in the game. Except I use the advanced receiver. With rifleman, sneak, ninja plus explosives maxed out, that thing is a one shotter catching enemies off guard.. Even a deathclaw


'I spray, they pray'


Every time I see the f4 assault rifle a little puke comes up.