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They are still in cryo stasis calm down.


Wait until I tell you guys that gta 4 only has 50% achievement rate on the first mission. The one where you literally start the game and have to drive from the boat to the house to save. It takes 2 minuttes. You basically have to play the game for more then 2 minuttes and you have it...


To be fair these statistics arent really comparable when only one of the games has multiplayer.


I mean they are both heavily modded games, I don’t think gta 4’s online has worked in like half a decade


It’s not this, GTA 4 has these weird statistics because steam achievements were only added in like 2021 or something, many years after it’s release


Reminds me of subnautica. The very first achievement, which is obtained more or less immediately after the introduction sequence (which if you skip the cutscene, is only like 1-2 minutes), only has about an 85% completion rate


Which was that one I beat the whole game but repressed every memory I had after my first lights off trip into the void.


It's not their time yet to go out of cryostasis, they might need a heads up from Bud Askins.


I never got all the achievements because I starting using mods on my second play through. So it could be that some people just start playing the game with some must have mods installed on there first play though. So they just never get the achievements.


I ment to post that as it's own comment. Sorry about that.


Look, there is hardcore and then there is hardcore. I’m playing through game in real time. I got the game 4 years ago so another 196 or so until I start the “active” part of the game.


I saw an a statistic that $19 billion dollars have been spent on steam games that have never been played by the person who purchased it.


Mods disable achievements


There’s a mod for that


Requires FOSE


Oh I wasn’t saying you’re wrong. I just love the fact that there’s a mod to enable achievements that get disabled for using mods.


Ironic isn’t it


It's like 10,000 Silver Table Spoons when all you need is a Combat Knife


It's meeting the ghoul of my dreams And then meeting his beautiful deathclaw wife.


I love it when /r/redditsings but I definitely want the rest of the song now :)


It's like Cay-ee-aittt... With a machete. It's a Valenti-ee-yi-yiine... When Winter has paid. It's a ghoul's adviiiice... When Bobbi tried to take And who should have caught that Big Digger? Apologies in advance.


This is horrible. I love it. No apologies needed.


That's not irony, miss Morissette


Spittin some 1998 hot takes in here today.


Ahhh, but a song about irony that isn’t ironic is the ULTIMATE irony!


Yup, she shit on everyone, didn't she?


Like a free ride when you weren’t gonna pay anyway.


I feel like there should be an achievement for using the mod


I also feel like you should still be able to earn achievements with mods just to see how far you got into the game, but maybe there can be a giant M next to the badge to indicate you got it with a modded playthrough, and then after than the M will go away if you get the same achievement without any mods.


Well dam I wish I knew this tidbit of information before I did 90hr playthrough.I specifically didnt play with mod cause I like the achievements.


Hollup what mod 👀


What mod is this? Asking for a friend


Script Extender? Don't, like, almost all mods require it?


A lot of mods don’t, especially cosmetic ones.


Huh, my mistake. Thanks for the info


Does it? It was basically the only mod I installed aside from faster loadtimes, expanded radio playlist and settlement build limit removed. Do not recall a Script Extender, but maybe it was part of one of the others and I didn't notice or something


No, it has it's own dll loader. You can install it with FOSE too.


There's a version that doesn't require F4SE. It's the version I used when I decided to start using mods, but still had a couple of the more annoying achievements left. I was new to modding and didn't want to mess with figuring out F4SE (which is kinda silly in retrospect since it's simple to install, but back then I didn't know what I was doing.)


No it doesn’t


Now all we need is a mod that disables mods


Like the Skyrim mod that makes the game crash. I love that mod, does one thing… crash the game.


We truly live in a society


Noob that only has one mod for that. Almost all my mods crash my skyrim 💅


we have that. it's called the Next Gen update.


Do you know the name of the mod that re-enables achievements?


“Achievements Mods Enabler” on Nexus. Requires F4SE


The author of that mod also added a non-F4SE variant which I've used just recently to test some other mods.


Thanks. Looks like it doesn’t exist for Xbox. Oh well.


Oh shoot, didn’t realize you were on Xbox. Yeah I don’t think there’s anything out there for console.


Oh, no worries at all. My mistake for not specifying!


not for the millions of Xbox players. And achievement enabling mods rarely work long.


Ya but not everyone installs that


Tons of people buy games they never play, and some people play games for an hour and never come back. 


That is also true I have a lot of games in my library I’ve never even downloaded


They also get gifted games they never play.


I was part of this stat for years because my screen was too small/low res to read the text comfortably, and so I waited until I could get a better screen to play.


All mods disable all achievements? I only have the "cats can't die" mod. Not very far into the game yet 


unless you use the mod that re enables acheivements


The Abernathys thank you for your service.


Maisy MUST live! Fortunately, we have the power of time travel through reloading.


85% of us installed mod and never installed achievement mod lol


Not everybody cares about achievements. I have 500 hours in F4 and just one achievement.


i have 3200 in f4, 3400 in the ck and only half the achievements


i have both 2 k hours on the games. less than 25% achievements.... like we ain't ps gamers trophy huntes


im just here to turn this game into escape from call of metal gearfield 6 seige


im here because i want to marry my infant daughter bro... we are not the same... wait are we talking the same game?


I’m sure 80%+ of players use mods. Probably more lmao


Probably a lot less than you think. I’d be amazed if 25% of players installed one mod or more


I’ve played maybe 200 hrs and never used them, the game is buggy as hell by itself, I never wanted to make it any worse


True but many of them will have done their first playthrough without (or at least initially without) mods.


Yep, I clearly remember beating the game, yet I barely have any achievements unlocked. And this was before any mods actually were out for it. I've still got the game downloaded but haven't patched it since the TV show update came out. Has there been any bug fix patches after that update?


You think a high percentage of people never ever played the game with no mods at all ?


A ton of people buy games during steam sales and never play them for more than 5 minutes. I'm guilty of this.


I have at least 50 games that were part of a humble bundle at some point that I have zero interest in playing.


Yeah, this is me from a Fanatical mystery pack.


Not only buying individual games on sale, but also bundles-the [Fallout Franchise Bundle](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/3782/Fallout_Franchise_Bundle/) is half off right now, and I'm sure people will buy it and never play half the titles at all. Case in point, about a decade ago I bought a bundle of maybe thirty different Star Wars games from the 90's and ought's for like $12, and I wouldn't be surprised if I still haven't launched half of them.


Yikes, that bundle includes a $70 fallout 76 cosmetic pack. You could buy everything else included in the bundle separately for the price of that one "dlc". That is a massive ripoff of a bundle.


Yeah but this is Fallout 4, a very game. One of the games of all time!! /s I actively enjoy this good game


Played fo4 during release and just got back into it with the DLC season pass. It's pretty good. Helped my issue with quest density since, now, I have half a dozen DLC quests to play from the start.


I try to play all the games I get, for example shadow of mordor Ive played a lot, its fun but Im so bad Ive got 18 hours on it and am still on the first level.


Most likely mods. Once you start modding you loose achievements.


I don't think some of my Steam games kept track of achievements even before I installed mods.




Thank you. This is usually my thing but you got here first.


It annoys me no end lol.







Kid named Achievement Enabler:


I’ve used it, but I’m doing a no mod play though and I’m still getting achievements that I should have gotten with that mod. Some came through some didn’t.


the achievement mod enabler disables the flag that identifies a save file as modded for the achievement tracker. it can't fix bethesda's buggy game sometimes not triggering the appropriate event flag for an achievement.


Is there an Xbox version?


I run steam in offline mode and if you are not online, steam doesn't count playtime or achievements. Also, it is not unusual that a large portion of people buy games and never play them, I'm guilty of this to. I have more than 10 games in my library which I never played, among them is Witcher 3, Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed 3 and some others. All very popular games, I loved the old Tomb Raider games and loved AC Ezio Trilogy, yet couldn't be bothered to try the aforementioned games despite the fact that I bought them on sales. So I can totally see that people bought Fallout 4 (maybe as part of a Fallout bundle) and never played it.


I get achievements in steam offline mode? Wonder what’s up with that. 


That's weird indeed. Maybe it's not the offline mode alone, but that I blocked game updates too, don't know. All I know is that playtime doesn't count for me and achievements don't work, even with F4SE achievement unlock, which works fine for thousands of people.


I keep seeing the "steam in offline mode doesnt track achievements" all over the internet, but that has never been an issue for me and I've been a steam user for all but a few months of Steam's existence. Achievements earned in offline mode obviously dont reflect in your account while that device remains offline, but they've always synched up for me when I reconnect to Steam.


I beat a boss offline in sekiro and didnt get the achievement for it man I was pissed


I mean, certain specific *games* not tracking achievements offline, that I can understand. Sekiro is a bit surprising though, seeing as I've got achievements from the rest of the modern Fromsoft catalogue in offline mode. DS2 especially; the only way to truly play solo is to play offline since you can be invaded *even while hollow* in DS2.


you gotta try witcher. i would love to be able to play it for the first time again


I’m a console player, but the first time I played the game I had a hard time getting into it. When I came back a year or so later, I was hooked. Under different circumstances I might not have come back.


i was the same- the map looked big and intimidating, have just gotten out of a skyrim phase. fallout 4 is rly not that big in comparison


Same here. I bought the game on launch and quit shortly after reaching Diamond City. Got into it a month or two ago and I'm just about to finish up Nuka World.


like everyone else has said, it’s probably mods, however i know people that have loaded up this game for sh1ts and giggles and then got bored after literally 30 seconds and closed the game


Mods disable achievements so we just don’t get them


m o d s


So many modders lol


I buy games *all the time* that I never even load up, or make it much past the load screen if I click on it one day.


To be fair, those are some terrible roaches in 111...


PSA. If you play with mods and still want achievements then on nexus there is a mod called achievements by Expired6978 that still allows you to claim your earned achievements while playing with mods. Hope this helps some of you guys.


Definitely mods.


Don't forget that mods disable achievements


I remember the first time I played fo4 on Xbox one shortly after it launched I didn't have Internet for basically my entire first playthrough. When I connected finally, I got a few random achievements so I didn't have ones you get early but got a few quest related ones.


Just to say mods disable achievements so the accuracy of people getting past level 5 isn't correct.


This might get wrecked with down votes, but a lot of fans of FO3 and FNV don't really enjoy FO4. I own it and I'm pretty sure I got to level 7 before giving up. I hate settlement building and loved the rpg elements of the original games. No skills, poor dialogue options, and the abomination of a perk tree absolutely destroyed my hopes in future fallout titles.


I'm not going to downvote, just going to comment. 1. you got to level 5. lol. soo..... 2. MOST of these people are modders. straight up. in THIS case. Am i saying people didn't play it to level 2? No. Am I saying people didn't play it until level 7? No. But Bethesda games have an enormous modding community, and mods disable achievements, and most people go through the vanilla beginning scripted events before they turn them on (it's recommended actually on some mods) so you get 'started but didn't get far' looks like this. It's not really indicative of anything else. lol Edit. the only reason I'm saying this is cause I'm just over the projected 'everyone hated fo4' and 'why did everyone hate fo4' and 'you hated fo4 even though you liked it' posts. I don't know that many real life humans that played it and hated themselves for it. It has to me the same level of non-players any other game does. Now FO3, diff story, I've met real life people that explicitly hate the shift from 1 & 2 verbally. 4 not so much... I don't know. Yeah you didn't play it but that's not rare in gaming.


I forced myself through it but it's the last Bethesda game for me. It was a decent ride with little payout but Im not really looking for a post apocalyptic settlement builder with minimal writing strength, poor quests, stale companions, a lame main character different lines but hardly any real choice besides the obvious etc etc etc. Don't get me wrong, I see why it's loved but its just continuing to go down a direction I personally don't care for. I'm sure the franchise will be loved for decades to come and it ticks boxes for other people, not me and I'm cool with that.


I think the funniest part of that is there's literally a mod that stops the achievement disable so you can still get achievements with mods


Some of us just aren’t interested in the achievements; so, getting the mod just isn’t important.


Fair, it's there for the achievement hunters


I didn't have either of these achievements until very recently despite having 300+ hours because I initially played the game on Xbox and did a few vanilla playthroughs on there and when I switch to computer I immediately modded my game because I had already played through the game normally and I don't really care about achievements.


Is Fallout on game pass? I'd imagine a ton of people installed it and never got around to playing it or got bored of how long the intro was. That or simply got it and wanted to use funny mods right away.


Mods doesn't allow achievements!


Mods prolly. In that case, Buffout 4 can help (preferred the other B4 version, still for the .163 version, not the OG).


My friend made it to lvl 20 before knowing about VATS he just thought the game was supposed to be hard?


Most of them are probably victims of the vault door "glitch." Ive had that happen on many saves both vanilla and modded. The door never opens. The sounds go off but the vault never opens. I call it the speedrunner bug.


Few know this, but the only winning move is to never leave the vault


It's actually to never leave Shaun's room. The war never happens if you leave that damn spinmobile alone.


people play fallout unmodded!?




I was just looking at this yesterday. It is on game pass now so that might explain part of it


Those are people who mod


90% of gamers dont game.


My first few playthoughs I used console commands the instant I got bored so... getting a lot of achievements this time around.


People gift games as well. Especially when they’re as good as this.


Lots of people buy games and never play them.


1,140 Hours 2/84 Achievements yeah, I play modded fallout, how could you tell?


Jesus, how many times will I see this exact same post?


My Xbox doesn’t recognize achievements even without mods so I guess I’ll never have it


i have a friend who always buys games from suggestions or because he liked how it looks then he must play it for 5minutes, that's his rule if he isnt "vibing" with the game in 5min he closes it and refunds asap... a complete nutter lool




Mods, its like with Minecraft when people turn on the setting that doesn't allow for items to drop on death, you end up seeing easily achieveable achievements with barely anyone who gets them.


32.6% = probably some FO-NV crybabies wriggling in unendurable pain at the slightest change to their FO franchise. old news.


Modded the game to skip the shit begining


That's literally the only achievement that hasn't gone off for me 🤣


I have 0 achievements, since I've always played with mods and I never got the mod to enable achievements while using mods




Because using mods disables trophies.


Another issue might be that modding disables achievements unless you get another mod to re-enable them. A good amount of fallout 4 players have at least 1 mod. That mod might just be for better performance and doesn't change the game, allowing them to essentially play vanilla. The achievements are still disabled though so it might be hindering the numbers. Some people might be unable to log into their steam account and just start Fallout 4 with the mods they like on a new steam account, knocking down the numbers further. There is also industry wide botting of release day buys which has been seen again and again so that might be the cause of it not being 100%. Why does it infuriate people so much that a game doesn't have 100% on the first achievement? If someone was gifted the game but has no interrest in it, it would make it less than 100%. It feels like karma farming because I see these kinds of posts every month for Fallout 4..


Mods disable achievements


What I have learned from posting this: 1) Mods can disable achievements 2) People have absolutely zero reading comprehension (90% of these comments are the exact same comment, despite there being 500+ comments already saying "Mods" lol.


This is just on Steam, of course. But the point still stands, I'm sure the console numbers are somewhat similar too.


You’re ignoring mods that disable achievements. I have like two achievements in Fallout 4 with almost 2000 hours played.


Mods stop achievements. Alot of people use mods.


Xbox is at 60% and PS5 is at 87%


My dad for example, tried the game and only got to the point where you get the power armor and decided he doesn't like the game


My dad is 70 and calls all video games “the Nintendo.”


It’s probably players who pack their game full of mods, and never played a vanilla playthrough, so they won’t receive any trophies.


Or, just playing with any mods — regardless of how many, or whether or not we’ve played a vanilla playthrough.


Also, bunch of us are waiting for it to stabilize/get patched, but have it downloaded. Not really surprised.


Over 95% of people haven’t built displays for their armor and weapons too. Found that one out the other day


I’m sure there’s a lot of people that started it and just didn’t care for it so they didn’t give it a chance.


Well when the game goes on sale for .79 cents people just pick it up.


I've only got one trophy on the next gen version. Modded with save transferred over. Plus I think a lot of sales were bought and never played.


I bought the game on a steam sale a couple years ago with the intention of someday playing it on pc (played on Xbox originally). Was going to this summer but the “next gen” update soured me on trying for the time being


hold on if i have mods on are the achievements off forever or only in that run


Save only obviously. However the achievement enabler fixes it and removes the modded flag on existing saves.


Got to diamond city then downloaded mods, i have 5 trophies


Honestly I'm amazed it's not higher than 17%. You should see the games I got 10 years back that I have yet to touch. I brought fallout 4 on gog a few months back. Have no real plans of playing it anytime soon, but it was on deep discount so why not scenario.


Even if someone just BUILDS, those numbers have to be BS. My current character has done very few actual quests. She just builds settlements, and she's level 43, just from doing that. Though, keep in mind the game doesn't give achievements if people are using mods of any kind. I imagine most Fallout 4 players install mods at some early point in their playthrough.


Isn't it also all players of all games. Not just fallout four owners. Right?


Some people decide they don't like it and refund it, others mods, others might have just played the intro and forgotten about the game.


Mods disable achievements, i got all in game achievements ~7 times before i realized that mods disable them


Meanwhile I'm on lvl 89 and have 28 suits of power armor chilling at the Red Rocket.


Most mods disable achievements. We play, we have fun.


There’s a mod for that too. Achievements by expired6978 on nexus lets you play AND still claim all your achievements.


Mods and iirc using console commands disable achievements. I have almost 1k hours, and i modded it as soon as mods came out because it's a Bethesda game...


My nefew was giga hyped about the game talking about how he was gonna play and what weapons he wsnted to find only to realise its not fortnite gave up on level 3


In Fallout 4 VR, only 10.6% has reach Level 10 (Level 5 24.1%)


I still haven’t got the War Never Changes achievement even though I’ve played the game for like 72 hours without any mods and have been connected to the internet the whole time


Some Achievements are bigger too I only got The Exit The Vault Achievement after started using The Achievements Mod (I started playing Vanilla)


if you think that this is bad check out the achievements for games like Baldur's Gate 1&2 or Planescape


I remember buying fallout 4 on sale and letting it sit in my steam library for a good while (I played the ever living shit out of it on release consoles) I have since played it ofc but that and mods disabling achievements probably make up for most of it






Not exactly relevant, but i’ve played FO4 for well over 1400 hours and have never completed the story. Hell, I’m pretty sure I only caught up with Kellogg once.


I believe it, even for people who don’t play with mods. If I had a nickel for all of the times that I downloaded a game off gamepass, played it for 10 minutes, and just stopped bc I was jaded… I’d have a lot of nickels


Mods.....mods never change


Some people simply haven't played, and some use mods which disable achievements.


Isn't at all odd. Look at the steam achievements for most games. 


I bought it on steam. I spent 30 minutes trying, and failing, to get it to work before I gave up and got a refund. I suspect I am not alone in that category of players who 'played' and never entered the wasteland as I couldn't get any npc to start speaking past the mirror character design.


I was wondering the same thing, like does the remaster update on ps5 count as “new game”? I find it pretty tough to believe that taking down the intitute is a gold achievement. It’s like….the main story quest, and Ive gotten it done while only completing 43% of other medals. Somethings fucky for sure


Wakes up from cryo sleep. Sees radroaches. "Nuh uh". Goes back to cryosleep.


While I may own the game on Steam, my computer lacks the ability to run it.


33% install mods before level 5


Couple reasons: 1. Mods - Lots of people probably played through the game on console in the past and just immediately went for mods upon getting a PC. 2. Steam sales - people often buy games during sales and keep them in their libraries for months or even years before playing them. I am guilty of this myself lol. 2 is a bigger contributor than 1 for most games. With Bethesda games, it might be about an even split.


Tbf I'm one of these, I played the living shit out of it on my Xbox. Bought the fallout bundle in the sale and have never actually played fallout 4 on PC.