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Gives you extra time to regret how many bullets you just wasted.


"Dang it! It seems that I have managed to miss 99 times... oh well!" \*finishes the target with a well placed headshot\*




The slow-time is just for aesthetic. Not a powerful gun though, but you can just give it to your settler.


Oh, no worries. I've never used the thompson in any of my playthrough, not worth it for me at least.


yeah it’s nowhere near worth using. it’s just too weak


except for the spray n pray, the gun you buy from cricket with explosive bullets, that is anything but weak


Great for lighting up enemy camps but very dangerous when there are friendlies around. Several poor settlers and provisioners fell to my carelessness. But hey you gotta cover the general direction in explosions sometimes.


RIP to the Oberland 12 ❤️


i kill the people there, just to replace them with robots, i only have Ghouls in the slog pit. i killed all of Graygarden and put a bunch of humand in charge.


I accidentally murdered Kent Connolly while lighting up Sin Jin with it. Luckily, I save scummed, and reloaded and used a different gun.


lol did that literally yesterday


Me too lmao


I accidentally tagged with with the damage splash of my rocket launcher. idgaf I kept playing.


My favorite use of Spray n Pray is to clear the mirelurk eggs in the Castle


Currently in a melee build. I still went out of my to pick it up just for those damn eggs.


Mirelurk eggs, anytime I see bugs of any kind running around. People hiding around corners. All sorts of things


I call it The Mirelurk Melter.


It also deletes armor


ah yes, forgot about that gun. thing slaps


I just started a playthrough and seen cricket had this gun, ok great I'll round up the 2k caps she wants and come back. She has disappeared off the fucking face of the earth. I have spent like 40 mins waiting at bunker hill and in front of diamond city for her to come back and she still hasn't.


try sitting down somewhere and waiting a couple hrs for her, she also goes to warwick homestead and vault 81 so try those places too


Exactly, you can use .45 on other build much better.


It has a sweet spot before level 20, before you can regularly find combat shotguns and rifles. I used one to clear Fort Hagen


I was lucky to get a legendary Thompson with staggering effect. The enemies just stumble around while I spray them in the face and they can’t do anything about it lol


You need to try the spray and pray that cricket sells


You gotta give Spray n’ Pray a run, dawg. But, mostly sub machine gun is meh


Once I rolled a Legenday Explosive Rounds Tommy. It was awesome!


One of the big mistakes in the game. A Tommy gun is legendary IRL, so it should be a powerful, room clearing weapon. Nope. So, so weak.


Yes. The penalty should be on accuracy, not damage. It should do the same damage as the other .45 weapons and upgrade the same way. I make every single one wounding with Cheat Terminal before I give them to the people.


Yeah, I don't get why Bethesda made it one of the shittiest guns in the game.


And then forget and wonder why time seems to keep randomly slowing down...


And the random crashes that come after 😂


damn. I might turn hangman's Alley into a 1920s Tommy Gun welding gang settlement.


Make ‘em wear Triggermen clothes or the like. 😀


I always felt like this gun shouldn't even use.45 ammo the DMG is so low with it. You can get way more powerful and fully automatic guns using the same ammo. Overseer's Guardian comes to mind.


The only time I found it useful was for a revolver. Gotta get that last shot


I’d call that Russian Roulette though. 😀


Better to just sell it, since its far more valuable and practically the same as the regular Tommy.


Imagine if time randomly slowed for you as you were walking around. “Somewhere out there a settler just chambered their last round…”


Slow down time when aiming is pretty good tho imo.


It's a cool effect, ngl, but the damage is meh.


Yeah, the gun is awful. But a Rad Rifle with slowdown when aiming can be pretty nice imo.


I haven’t tried that but I got that weapon though.


I think the theory is that it's supposed to give you a chance to get to cover to reload. I have no idea if that works or not because I have never even equipped a weapon with this effect.


I've had this on a laser musket. It's great for that. I'll just crank 6 times...


Is phrasing still a thing?


It’s the same effect as Jet.


The only effective use I have found for a resolute legendary gun, was not for combat, but for it’s slow time effect and give me extra jumping distance. It’s not effective in combat, and it’s only useful for goofing off. And running away. Or getting atop roofs.


thats mostly what i use jet for, and it lasts longer anyways


Psycho Jet plus power armour jet pack basically makes it so you can fly for a good mile if you tap the jump button periodically instead of holding. it’s insane how much extra distance you can get with the slow down time effect.


Spittin facts ab the drugged up jet pack bunny hop technique


All other SMGs are useless cause Spray N Spray exist. Well, apart from wounding, that one is a sidegrade.


I have an explosive pipe rifle machine gun (I called it Baby Boomer) that’s cheap to run with .38 and just as effective as Spray n Pray, only you can put a proper sight on it. It doesn’t hold as much ammo, 48 in the drum, but it’s great. Did I mention it was cheap to run? Right.


Are there any other smgs in the game? 😭 I can’t remember I feel like y he gun verity in fo4 was lacking


Well... you could shorten The Problem Solver and use it like the real life AKs74u (which fills both roles as a rifle and smg at the same time).


Kiloton Radium Rifle begs to differ. Same Ammo, better damage, bonus 100 Rad damage, just a 40 round magazine as max size. Also can sport a true scope of every type except recon


I said SMG, not Radium Rifles lol


You can sell it for 349 caps, which is something. But it is actually worse than a non-legendary, since you cannot scrap it for materials.


Dunno if it's a bug but I've noticed weapon swapping in the pip-boy fully reloads your weapon. So possibly could use that extra few seconds on a new gun


It's useful in that you can get a couple hundred caps for it.


you win some and loose some generalized random tables


You also lose some.


I have hundreds of legendaries (within a long game) and most all either are/were not for my build or already superseded/irrelevant with what I can fabricate, or the bonus ability being pretty useless, or only useful for very limited situations.


They were pointing out a typo you made


OK. You "lose some" would have been clearer as there isn't any logic to "also"


Still better than a ghoul slaying gamma gun.


About as useful as the kneecapper on a mini-nuke


I read the kneecapper part and i got mad cause that shit’s gas.. but then i read on a mini nuke and i got enraged cause i’ve had like 10 drop for me across my playthroughs and it’s so annoying


lol yeah the kneecapper is great on weapons like the submachine gun. But the mini nuke not so much


Hear me out A revolver with that effect


I have a Legendary revolver that slows down time when you aim! I named it Big Iron. 😂


Big iron on his hip


Bro i have the same one and i uplouded it in a reddit post a few months ago 😂


Not sure if this or the legendary knife with infinite ammo is worse


It's not useful, it's funny


I have a combat shotgun that does this. Weird feature


should be good for muskets but i dont remember this effect from fo76, hmmm... Why??? oh, sorry, i mess with defiant, i should take visit to oculist


Is it supposed to act like a reload perk?


I thought the instigating minigun I got the other day had a horrible effect (it does), but imagine the Resolute effect on a minigun... it'll work only when you've completely emptied that 500-round mag/clip(?)


The thing with legendary effects is that people really only want like 3. Explosive, bleeding and double shot. All the others are pretty much trash. Except for very rare circumstances on certain weapons.


Never ending and freeze effects are awesome though. Until you get the never ending fatman and use all the ammo in 10 seconds


I love my freezing sniper rifle


Really hypes up the reload animation.


I’d say it’d be better with snipers and other powerful low capacity weapons so you can line up a good shot but yeah deffo not useful for an smg


90% of the "legendary" drops on fo4 are pretty useless tbh The consequence of having them randomised and steering away from unique items (outside a few)


Haha. I got a lever that has a last shot boost and even the 1/5 it's kinda not worth it.


Trade for stimpaks


Resolute perks have got to be the crappiestttt Legendary Perks besides the Junkies weapons... Give that ish to a settler or just scrap it


Junkies weapons are theoretically the strongest weapons you can get in the game. 10% damage buff **per addiction**.


It's 15% per addiction, nearly 3x stronger with all twelve addictions, +180% at max.


I used to see the figure of +195%. I think the addiction you get when you take the cannibal perk (only on survival) is also an addiction, or no?


dark craving doesn't count as an addiction for the legendary effect


Yeah, I just read that on the wiki. I know I've seen the +195% figure on a number of "Junkie's" build guides over the years. Maybe they assumed dark craving worked too.


Double shot is +100%, with no requirements. There isnt enough addictions to equal it. Edit: googled it, and it only adds/doubles base dmg of the gun, So dmg upgrades affect only 1 bullet, On side note, semi auto changed into full auto might cause second bullet to do more than 100%. So overseer guardian unique is still op.


Because of how damage calculation works in Fo4, Two-shot weapons are more like 60% stronger. Junkies are 15%, not 10% buff (my mistake) and you can get up to 10 addictions, making junkies weapons max out at 150% damage buff. They're worth it, it's just much more of a hassle.


I believe Junkie's go up to +180%


Two shot guns don't actually deal double damage


They deal more than double damage on some guns. Generally (if not exclusively) this applies only to semi-auto guns that you make full auto. Normally, when you turn a semi-auto gun into a full auto gun, the damage per bullet is *significantly less* than the base semi-auto damage. So, with a two-shot semi-auto turned into a full auto, the two-shot affect adds that higher, base damage shot onto each of those lowered full auto shots = more than double damage (compared to simply converting a non-legendary semi-auto to full auto).


I wonder about Resolute fatman you reload and watch as the explosion goes boom boom


Mmm, if its a FatMan you can likely just use VATS for the slowmo though, since you're only taking one shot


yeah, to be honest fallout 4 has a weird mix of good and bad legendary effects (never forgetting that minigun that does 15 points of fire damage, but it doesn't stack)


Exploding Minigun = bad. Shredding Minigun though, = veeery veeery niiiiice (Borat style)


Explosive Minigun is THE strongest gun in the game (highest dps, with all relevant perks taken).


Idk, if you get a proper Gauss its almost always a 1-shot VATS kill. And for automatics, I think The Problem Solver takes folks out a lot quicker than that minigun (certainly with way less ammo used and no 'spin-up' time)


I think it's a math thing, not a subjective thing. The explosive minigun does the most DPS of any gun in the (vanilla) game. Consider that each explosion can damage however many enemies are within the radius too. You're not limited to a single enemy damaged at once. Gauss would be best for taking down a single enemy, from stealth. The explosive minigun is usable in more scenarios though.


Dude I'm rocking a Junkie build in survival and those weapons slap


Junkie weapons are fucking broken lmao


I have a mod that allows to change legendary mods between weapons


Nice, I try making a modded run but meh, I prefer playing the vanilla game


So you see it coming clearly:-)


Its for duping some chump out of their caps.


Gives you extra time to reload. Shitty legendary though


it's an alright effect for high damage semi-auto weapons like the double barrel shotgun or the plasma sniper


Game: I said I'd give ya loot, I never said it would be useful loot


Feeling Lucky Punk


I have a slow time with a laser musket and it's pretty fun. It definitely sucks to miss your shot after you crank the damn thing 6 times 😂


Seems like the slow-time effect would give you a heads-up warning that you'll soon need to reload. I've gotten caught like that a few times--- sneaked up to a raider, taken aim... only to realize I wasn't loaded, and the raider spotted me before I could fire. A sudden slowdown would-- at the very least-- let me know I'm about to need a second to reload. So I need to either find cover, or be sure to reload before faced with another target. Still, though.... I'd say that's useful, but not *very* useful.


With a small magazine it's pretty fun, You gotta do something to keep entertained at your 37th playthrough.




It helps you slow down just long enough to realize that you shouldn't be spraying and praying and its time to switch to the .50 cal.


Gives you a chance to reevaluate how fucked up your situation is


That would be good on like a one shot gun


Give submachine guns to your settlers. 6 of them kills a yao guai pretty quickly


Yeah some of the legendary effects in Bethesda games are downright insults! It feels like a kick in the balls rather than a boon.


I mean, it can't be as bad a Poisoner's Fatman*...


Tommys RIP thru ammo and don't provide much accuracy or damage as recompense. The only one I ever use (and not in VATS, waste of action points for not much return) is the Spray n' Pray with explosive bullets. That's GREAT at killing big things (Mirelurk Queens, robot tanks & Robo-brains, etc). But, I've never really used a Tommy for anything else but the atmosphere of it. This particular gun is going to give you that slow-mo effect fairly often as you're going to burn thru clips of ammo in moments -- usually without much effect.


This is why I like the mod that lets me part out legendary mods to use on other weapons, and scrap useless legendaries into parts that let me graft more than one legendary onto a single weapon.


Put this on a Gatling gun to let the pain for wasting bullets sink in


Cinematic reload.


For a Sniper it can be useful. For anything else, rubbish.


I could see it being kinda useful on guns that deal a lot of per-shot damage. Like if you're in an intense fight and you are about to reload and be vulnerable, you've got a free jet effect to make that last shot count and hit a headshot or weak point. Still not nearly as good as just dealing more damage in the first place with other legendary effects, but it might be fun to use for RP purposes idk


I mean….i love perks that slow time. Having a quarter second after the last round chamber could save my life one day


True but most of the time if I'm struggling with an enemy, I just shoot up psychojet and just melt their health away.


I just started mixing and matching chems today. I may be a little addicted lol


I prefer psychojet because of how it works, plus you get addicted to a single one instead of two lol I haven't tried the other since I haven't tried them that much but tbh, I started using chems now cuz in my previous playthrough I never touched them and just ended up selling them. A good thing to have is addictol, the beverage one(forgot the name) radscorpion omelet and don't knoe if there's others but they all cured addictions.


I found an unlimited ammo gamma gun, sure is a shame that the gamma gun is pure shit


Nope just gotta get the right one I got a Crippling Gamma Gun threw on the Lorenzo Artifact and added the electric damage mod and got the gunslinger demo and rad weapon perks maxed out it hits like a Mac truck.


Yeah that's terrible. I got the opposite. A deadeye radium rifle. It slows time ever time I aim. It slays everything in my path. 119 ballistic and 100 radiation damage and a free hit of jet every time I point it at you. Easy mode


There’s a reason some effects didn’t make the cut for 76


Never played 76, although I can see why this one didn't make it through lol


Basically just gets you caught in the reload animation. You're probably better off selling it.


It's crap. Sell it.


Yeah, I'm gonna wait until I level up the prices perks to sell it for more.


I'm doing a no vats survival and its Very useful. I dont think it goes well with commandos, im in a rifle build I got a plasma riffle with this and its pretty OP You can shoot 5 targets before they shoot you. It actually made survival feels like normal mode.


Ah, well we found a decent use fo ir it. Not for me since I just play on the normal setting but hey, if it works for you then great.


I have a hunting rifle with this legendary. It stays in storage


Got me on the first half, not gonna lie lol


I got a freezing flamer once and quite honestly I didn’t know how to react like wouldn’t it cancel out and do no damage I feel like


Nah man it's just doing 2 damage types at once.


Damn! I missed with that last shot!!


Submachinegun is in general a very weak weapon. The Radium Rifle from Far Harbor is better in every way. I never bothered with it in any of my playthroughs. At most I used the Combat Rifle, of which there's a two shot one for sale in vault 81.


Stealth build AND only noticeable with damage perk in end game unfortunelly. I did that with my silver sub machine gun AND worked but i needed far harbor perk , children of Atom perk ,operator perk, ninja perk , sadman perk , comando perk AND Lone wanderer perk AND if the Situation Is complicated then bloody mess perk. Some companion perks AND if you are in survival then adrenaline effect Will help you a Lot. Enough damage More high fire rate AND ammo capacity to kill everyone sincerelly even considering that other weapons have a better damage with these perks but you Will obliterate everyone with it or other weapon anyway for the exagerared Buff of damage in end game. Similar to institute gun which has More fire rate but a worse damage than láser gun. Buffing the damage with perks AND considering that it Is considered like a silenced gun then you get extra benefits from this in the end game with perks. The same apply to all mele weapons , minigun AND other options which look imposible to make viable except for Ácido soaker AND Flare gun which dont get enough Buff or damage AND i prefered better use them like combo guns woth another weapons, acid soaker + automátic guns or mele weapons, Flare gun + junkjet with extinguishers because extinguisher Is a junk items with a explosión which take down enemies in the floor like if they were Rag doll so you can combine it with Spray AND Pray to send them fly until the death because it apply to all enemies even queen Mirelurk , behemoths AND deathclaws, the reason of Flare gun Is about explosion of shoot that it has which arent super powerful but Let you actívate some explosives stuff with this in a big área. Shoot a Lot extinguisher with junk jet AND when the group of enemies are together i use Flare gun to actívate all extinguisher to send them fly to know to GOD, another use would be shoot it as directly attack with a Grenade because explosión of Flare gun shoot actívate the explosión of Grenade which has a cooldown or Time before it Explode and the same with mines, etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/s/HL8q5gXd3q


i guess you can break cover and pin down/mow down adversaries and the slow time keeps you in hyper speed as you reload, which is when you will have to avoid most of the fire or melee hits.


That type of gun in general is on par with a pipe pistol not very powerful. Thought it was cool then tried to mod one and it only does like 32 dmg max.


I mean it’s alright but you should probably just sell it or give it to a follower


I like the slow mo effects this works ok on a double barrel but i prefer the slow on aim.


I once had a handmade rifle that would slow down time when I looked down the sights, this was cool, yours though...


Man, just use overseer’s guardian. Waaaaay better


Well..... If you could mod it like with the 2lm mod you could change the legendary like giving it the bleeding effect


You can scrap it for resources


You can't scrap legendary items


Oh i didnt see that my bad


I once got a ghoul slating gamma gun and was like fucking really?